Health Tips


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Health Benefits and Uses


Garlic's health benefits and medicinal properties have long been known. Garlic has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the Plague! It has been used extensively in herbal medicine (phytotherapy, sometimes spelt phitotherapy). Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of acne and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. It can even be effective as a natural mosquito repellent.

Some people prefer to take garlic supplements. These pills and capsules have the advantage of avoiding garlic breath.

Garlic Health Facts

Some of the old stories of garlic's healing powers have doubtful validity, but many of its properties have been backed up by modern scientific facts and research.

Medicinal Ingredients of Garlic

Garlic is a sulphurous compound and in general a stronger tasting clove has more sulphur content and hence more potential medicinal value. Some people have suggested that organically grown garlic tends towards a higher sulphur level and hence greater benefit to health. In my experience it certainly has the best taste.

There are two main medical ingredients which produce the garlic health benefits: allicin and diallyl sulphides. I've given each of these a page of their own:

Health Effects of Allicin Health Effects of Diallyl Sulphides

Also a page on the chemistry of allicin.

dried ginger powder

Dry Ginger powder, Soonth powder, Sunth powder, Sukku


Dried ginger is nothing but fresh ginger which undergoes a drying process before being used. The fresh rhizomes are soaked in water overnight after which the outer peel is carefully removed using a knife or a peeler. They are washed again and then sun dried on mats or barbecues for around a week. During this period, they are turned periodically. The end result is a pale white dried ginger. Many a times, dried ginger is bleached with calcium carbonate to get a whitish covering on ginger. However, this is not required and can be avoided. This ginger is then powdered in a mixer to obtain dried ginger powder. It's a fine off whitish powder which has a strong aroma and slightly pungent flavour.

Dried ginger powder will be fine off whitish powder which has a strong aroma and slightly pungent flavour.

Culinary Uses

· Dried ginger powder is used in making spices and masalas which are used in gravies, curries, marinades, stews etc. · Dried ginger powder is combined along with cardamom, cinnamon, fennel and cloves to make masala tea powder which is used in brewed teas.· It is used in Indian, specifically Punjabi marinades for Tandoori starters, veg as well as non veg. · It is commonly used to flavour gingerbreads. · Dried Ginger powder is also used in certain food preparations particularly for expecting women and feeding mothers, the most popular one being Katlu which is a mixture of gum resin, ghee, dried ginger powder, nuts, and sugar.· Dried ginger powder is used in tea or coffee and also in siddha medicine.

How to store

Always store dried ginger powder in an air tight container in a cool dry place away from moisture and humidity.

Health Benefits

· Dried Ginger powder is an effective cure for indigestion, sore throat, cold and cough. · It is used to treat nausea.· Ginger's therapeutic properties help stimulate blood circulation, cleanse the bowels and kidneys, remove toxins from the body and nourish the skin.· It is used in the treatment of asthma and other respira

Health Benefits of Cardamom

Commonly known in India as "choti elaichi", cardamom's scientific name is Elletaria cardamomum. Though it is more popularly used as a herbal spice , which is added in dishes to provide a strong aroma and flavor but in Ayurveda it is considered to be a very useful and effective medicine. In Ayurvedic texts cardamom is referred to as "ela".

According to traditional wisdom of Ayurveda, cardamom is effective in improving digestion. It helps those suffering from stomach cramps. It is a good stimulant and beneficial for those suffering from flatulence and gas.

Cardamom also helps in cleansing the body as it has detoxifying properties. It is basically a warm spice and known to have originated from India. It improves blood circulation to the lungs and can be helpful in prevention of spasms or convulsions. Hence, cardamom in small quantities is beneficial for those suffering from asthma or bronchitis.

Cardamom enhances appetite and provides relief from acidity in the stomach. It is used in the cure of halitosis. It is beneficial for those suffering from various kinds of respiratory allergies. When you have sore throat, you can try out a little quantity of this medicinal spice.

Those suffering from nausea as well as excessive threat can also try out cardamom. Along with some other medicines, it can be used for treating mouth ulcers. It is known to be a good cure for weakness in general. Some practitioners of Ayurevda also advise its use for treating infection of the urinary tract.

Cardamom is known to be helpful in balancing all three 'doshas' in the human body. Hence it is termed as "tridoshic”. A little quantity of cardamom is especially beneficial in balancing "kapha”. It can be used for balancing "vata" and "pitta" also.

The quantity of cardamom which need to be consumed depends on the physiology of a person and the disease which is to be treated or cured from. .

Health Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon (dal-chini)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?A. Honey~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It is found that a mixture of Honey and Cinnamon cures most of the diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Ayurvedic as well as Yunani medicine have been using honey as a vital medicine for centuries. Scientists of today also accept honey as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases. Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients.

Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, on its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by Honey and Cinnamon as researched by western scientists.

    HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, chappati, or other bread, instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack.

Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as age the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalizes the arteries and veins.

INSECT BITES: Take one part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and massage it on the itching part of the body slowly. It is noticed that the pain recedes within a minute or two.

ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured.

In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week out of the 200 people so treated practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.

HAIR LOSS: Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath and keep it for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was found to be effective even if kept on for 5 minutes.

BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.

TOOTHACHE: Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be applied 3 times a day till the tooth stops aching.

CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powdermixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found toreduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken 3 times a day, any Chronic cholesterol is cured. As per information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.

COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

INFERTILITY: Yunani and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for thousands of years to strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of honey before going to sleep, their problem will be solved.

In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women, who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women whocannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honeyand apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.

A couple in Maryland, USA, had no children for 14 years and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When told about this process, husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon as stated above; the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at full term.

UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomachache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.

GAS: According to the studies done in India & Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens

the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.

INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food, relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.

INFLUENZA: A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient, which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly arrests the ravages of old age. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, 3 to 4 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age.

Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old.

PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of Honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.

SKIN INFECTIONS: Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.

CANCER: Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month 3 times a day.

FATIGUE: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon power in equal parts, are more alert and flexible.

Dr. Milton who has done research says that a half tablespoon honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3.00 p.m. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of the body within a week.

BAD BREATH: People of South America, first thing in the morning gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. So their breath stays fresh throughout the day.

HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder taken in equal parts restore hearing.

*NOTE:The honey used needs to be REAL RAW UNPASTEURIZED HONEY. If it says PURE honey it is most likely pasteurized. It is best to only buy honey that says RAW or UNPASTEURIZED on the label. The difference is that the enzymes are all heated out of the pasteurized honey.

Cinnamon and Honey formula for weight loss:

This should be prepared at night before going to bed.

1. Use 1 part cinnamon to 2 parts raw honey. 1/2 tsp cinnamon to 1 tsp honey is

recommended but can use more or less as long as in the ratio of 1 to 2. --- so 1 tsp cinnamon to 2 tsp raw honey is ok too as an example.

2. Boil 1 cup...that is 8 oz of water.

3. Pour water over cinnamon and cover and let it steep for 1/2 hour..(30 minutes)

4. Add honey now that it has cooled. Never add honey when it is hot as the heat will destroy the enzymes and other nutrients in the raw honey.

5. Drink 1/2 of this directly before going to bed. The other 1/2 should be covered and refrigerated.

6. In the morning drink the other half that you refirgerated...but do not re-heat it...drink it cold or at room temp only.

Do not add anything else to this recipe. No lemon, no lime, no vinegar. It is not necessary to drink it more time in a is only effective on an empty stomach and primarily at night.

This works for most people. Inches are lost before any measurement on the scales. This program will cause significant inches lost...but you will reach a plateau and may not lose anymore. This is because the cinnamon and honey cause a cleansing effect in the digestive tract and cleans out parasites and other fungus and bacteria that slow down the digestion...causing a toxic build up. (Lowers pH) Once this is all cleaned out then you will most likely have the weight loss slow down.

Other side effects from a cleansing can occur because of toxins being released...if this occurs, cut back on how much you use or take a break.

Additionally people report increased energy, more sex drive, and feeling happier/mood enhancer.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month ... which we know today as the honeymoon.



The healing power of honey: From burns to weak bones, raw honey can help

Honey Offers Many Benefits


Although in Europe and the U.S. cinnamon is most often associated with sweet dishes, it has broad culinary uses. For example, in India, cinnamon is never used with desserts, but is the main ingredient in curries. In North Africa, not only is cinnamon an ingredient in Raz-el-Hanout, the flavoring of couscous and tagines, but appears also in Berber spices. In Greece, it appears in lamb dishes.

And it is an essential spice in Chinese cuisine. Ground, it is one of the constituents of five-spice powder; whole, it is frequently added to flavor braised dishes.

In the Caribbean, it is in Jerk seasoning. In Mexico, it appears with chocolate and chili powder in Mole sauces. In the U.S., it is used in barbecue rubs and sauces.

Cinnamon is the bark of three bushy evergreen trees of the laurel (Lauraceae) family. The most fragrant and delicate cinnamon is obtained from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree native to Sri Lanka (which used to be called 'Ceylon'), the western coast of India (known as the Malabar coast), and Burma. Zeylanicum cinnamon is sometimes called 'true cinnamon' and 'old fashioned cinnamon.' But the 'true' part was just advertising copy for the Dutch East India Company's 17th century monopoly.

Cinnamon is also derived from the Cinnamomum loureirii tree native to Indonesia and the Cinnamomum cassia tree native to China, Vietnam, and Sumatra. The cinnamon from the loureirii and cassia trees is darker and more pungent and aromatic than cinnamon from the zeylanicum tree.

Cassia cinnamon is what most Americans are used to and is the preferred cinnamon in Southern Europe. So don't let the term 'true cinnamon' confuse you; cassia cinnamon is just as true as zeylancium.

Neither Grieve, King nor Felter distinguish the cinnamon varieties medicinally – Grieve simply asserting that they all act alike, and King's covers all varieties in one listing, as 'The barks of numerous species of Cinnamomum.' Medicinally, they all act the same, although there are subtle taste differences.

Cassia cinnamon has a more intense and less fragrant aroma than zeylanicum (Ceylon) cinnamon. It is sweet, warm, pungent, and slightly astringent. Zeylanicum (Ceylon) cinnamon is pale in color, and more delicate, more fragrant, not as pungent, and not as sweet. It has a slight citrus flavor. Zeylanicum (Ceylon) cinnamon is more expensive than cassia, and better to use in sweet dishes and cakes.

Cassia nips the tongue and is more suited to spiced meats, stews, rice dishes, curries, pancake and waffle batters, cinnamon rolls, and flavored drinks. Cassia cinnamon sticks are reddish brown, thick, and coarse in texture. They are the sticks Americans are accustomed to and use in mulled cider and wine. Zeylanicum cinnamon sticks are pale in color, thin, and look like a roll of dried paper; they are delicate and crumble easily.

Cassia cinnamon, depending on its origin or strain, is also known as Chinese, Vietnamese (Saigon), and Korintje (Sumatran) cinnamon. Each has its own distinctive taste.

The 1997 Commission E on Phytotherapy and Herbal Substances of the German Federal Institute for Drugs recommends Cinnamon 'For loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints such as mild, spastic condition of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, flatulence.'

'Side Effects: Frequently, allergic reactions of skin and mucosa.'

'Daily Dosage: 2 - 4 g of bark; 0.05 - 0.2 g of essential oil; equivalent preparations. Mode of Administration: Cut or ground bark for teas, essential oil, as well as other galenical preparations for internal use. Actions: Antibacterial; Fungistatic; Promotes motility.'

Cinnamon is also a powerful hemostat and can be of great use in some female complaints.

Grieve's classic 'A Modern Herbal': 'Stomachic, carminative, mildly astringent, said to be emmenagogue and capable of decreasing the secretion of milk.'

'The tincture is useful in uterine haemorrhage and menorrhagia, the doses of 1 drachm being given every 5, 10 or 20 minutes as required.'

'It is chiefly used to assist and flavour other drugs, being helpful in diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and to relieve flatulence.'

'The oil is a powerful germicide, but being very irritant is rarely used in medicine for this purpose. It is a strong local stimulant, sometimes prescribed in gastro-dynia, flatulent colic, and gastric debility.'

'Dosages: Of oil, 1 to 3 minims. Of powder, 10 to 20 grains.'

King's 1898 Dispensatory: 'Stimulant, tonic, stomachic, carminative, and astringent; also reputed emmenagogue, and capable of diminishing the secretion of milk.'

'The tincture of the bark is useful in uterine hemorrhage and menorrhagia, given in drachm doses in sweetened water, and repeated every 5, 10, or 20 minutes, or as may be required. A tincture of the oil (j) in 98 per cent alcohol (viii), is preferable, given in from 5 to 30-drop doses, repeated as often as necessary.'

'For post-partum and other uterine hemorrhages, it is one of the most prompt and efficient remedies in the Materia Medica. To a limited extent it controls hemorrhage from other parts of the body, yet its most direct action is upon the uterine muscular fibres, causing contraction and arresting bleeding.'

'Upon the nervous system cinnamon first stimulates and then depresses. Cinnamon is generally used to correct the effects or improve the flavor of other drugs, and is one of the best additions to cinchona bark for correcting the nausea or vomiting sometimes occasioned by that drug.'

'Internally, it is very useful in diarrhoea, colic, cramp of the stomach, flatulency, and to allay nausea and vomiting. Dose of the powder, from 5 to 20 grains; of the tincture, from 10 to 60 drops; tincture of oil, 6 to 60 drops. Specific cinnamomum, 10 to 60 drops (see Oil of Cinnamon).'

American Materia Medica, 1919 (Ellingwood): 'Cinnamon, in the experience of the writer, is a hemostatic of much power and is positively reliable in all passive hemorrhages. It is not advisable to combine it with the usual astringents, as ergot, geranium or epilobium, but it acts in perfect harmony with erigeron and to a certain extent with turpentine.'

'German authorities claim that as soon as the menses or any uterine hemorrhage becomes excessive and produces exhaustion or causes alarm the decoction should be administered freely. It works to a better advantage in hemorrhage due to atonic conditions of the non-gravid womb, or where there is muscular relaxation, or a general flaccid state of the womb after delivery.'

'It certainly restores tone to the uterine muscular structure and induces tonic contraction. It will also, Hale says, moderate hemorrhage not dependent on plethora, anemia or organic uterine disease. In some cases, during labor, it promotes the normal labor pains and materially increases uterine contraction, and prevents post-partum hemorrhage.'

*NOTE:The cinnamon powder that you get in the super markets could very well be sawdust that has been coloured and artificially flavored. I think it is better to get the bark and powder it yourself. Most spices are irradiated. This is supposedly done to eradicate bacteria, but spices are generally excellent bactericides so the irradiation is merely a way of destroying the precious properties of spices. Non-irradiated spices are available from most high-end health foods stores like the one below. Cinnamon can be confused for cassia and in fact many powdered forms use cassia ( It is also known as “bastard cinnamon”. True cinnamon is also known as "ceylon" cinnamon. There are other variants such as Indonesian and Vietnamese so avoid anything that is from these countries. Specifically ask for Ceylon Cinnamon. Cinnamomum zeylanicum is the botanical name for the purest and most potent form of cinnamon.

Fennel Oil – What are Health Benefits Of Fennel Essential Oil? | Medicinal Values Of Fennel Essential Oil | Health Benefits Of Fennel Essential Oil

The therapeutic properties of fennel essential oil in skincare include that of being antiseptic, diuretic, stimulant and tonic.It has a soothing, cleansing and toning effect on the skin, especially for mature complexions and helps keep wrinkles at bay. It is an active anti oxidant, while reducing water retention in the skin, which can give a puffy appearance.The lymphatic stimulant action of the oil is also very important when excess water in the tissue needs to be removed.It is helpful in getting rid of toxins, as well as working on the glandular system, to balance the production of certain hormones which are important to maintain muscle tone, elasticity of the skin and connective tissue. It is also used to stimulate healthy circulation.Fennel has a herby, slightly spicy smell, much like aniseed and it is clear in color.

Green fennel or tender green fennel leaves are sweet and can be consumed, since they are rich in phytonutrients.The fennel essential oil has a reputation in being a decongestant as well appetite suppressant. It can safely be used by dieters in promoting weight loss and reducing water retention due to its diuretic effect. Known to be one of the most powerful herbs fennel has a wide range of healing properties and can safely be consumed by people of all age groups. Fennel salad tossed with the addition of fennel leaves or green fennel with other salad ingredients is also a tasty alternative to consuming fennel seeds. The seeds of fennel however are extremely popular in the Indian subcontinent are usually chewed after a heavy meal to aid digestion and prevent the formation of gas.

According to studies, these ancient cultures believed that the fennel plant would provide individuals with strength, vitality, courage, and longevity.Many people also used fennel to boost their eyesight abilities, heal snakebites, treat and alleviate colic, and to rid a dog of fleas. Additionally, many cultures believed that fennel helped to ward off unfriendly spirits.Fennel oil is extracted by crushing seeds of the fennel plant. Both historically and in modern times, people have used the powers of the fennel herb oil in order to improve their health and alleviate common pains and discomforts.

The fennel oil is believed to be an excellent remedy for insect bites and as an external application even for snake bites.The fennel herb has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles in the body, including relaxing the uterus. One particular medical study revealed how anise or fennel simulated the effects of estrogen and thus has the ability of acting as a phytoestrogen in the body. More importantly, it can also be used to stimulate menstruation and help nursing mothers by enhancing milk production. There are active ingredients in fennel that is used in combinations with other herbal formulas to bring about a balanced hormonal system in women who are undergoing menopause or painful menstruation.

Health Benefits Of Fennel Essential Oil: SAUNF Sonf

1.Vermifuge:Fennel Oil is an effective worm destroyer. It kills the worms and their spores in the intestines and excretory tracts. Good for children suffering from worms.

2.Tonic:One which tones and boosts health is a tonic. Fennel Oil is a tonic too. It tones all the systems functioning in the body, such as respiratory, digestive, nervous and excretory systems and facilitates absorption of nutrients in the body, thereby giving strength and boosting immunity.

3.Splenic:Just as stomachic means good for stomach, splenic means good for spleen. Spleen plays a vital role in our body as it is involved in the production of lymphocytes and red blood cells. A good health of spleen simply means a good level of red blood cells and a more healthy and active life. Fennel Oil helps maintain spleen in a good shape and keeps it toned. It also protects it from infections.

4.Stomachic:Being a stomachic simply means a protector and up-keeper of stomach. Fennel oil helps keep the stomach healthy and functioning properly, with all the secretion of digestive acids

and bile going fine. Further, it protects stomach from infections and ulcers, thus ensuring an all-round health of stomach.

5.Stimulant:Properties of Fennel Oil like Emenagogue, Galactogogue and Diuretic. are due to a single property of this oil called Stimulant. Being a stimulant it stimulates all the activities going inside. It stimulates brain & neuron, nervous system, secretions from endocrine and exocrine glands, digestive system and excretory system. This stimulating effect also helps overcome fatigue, dizziness and depression.

6.Laxative:Fennel Oil is a good laxative and benefits in both chronic and acute constipations. But unlike synthetic laxatives, it has no side effects. It can be used regularly.

7.Galactogogue:This oil can play an important role in lactating mothers. It can increase the amount of milk in them by boosting production of a hormone called Estrogen. This benefits the baby as well as the mother. This milk too, inherits some of the carminative and digestive properties of Fennel Oil and protects the baby from flatulence, indigestion and gas, which are very common in babies.

8.Expectorant:Fennel Oil proves effective in giving relief from deposition of cough and phlegm and congestion of nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi and lungs due to cold and viral infection. It is particularly effective on frequent coughs.

9.Emenagogue:Ladies who have problems with irregular, obstructed or painful menstruations can benefit from the Emenagogue property of Fennel Oil. Not only it helps clear menses and makes them regular, to quite an extent it gives relief from the other symptoms associated with periods, such as headache, pain in the abdominal area, dizziness etc. It also helps prevent untimely menopause.

10.Diuretic:Fennel Oil increases frequency of urination and quantity of urine, thus helping not only removal of excess water, sodium, uric acid, bile salts and other toxic elements from the body, but also lower blood pressure, clean kidneys and reduce fat. Just one thing to remember. If you are not suffering of swelling of accumulation of water in the body, then you should drink more water if you are taking Fennel Oil, since very frequent urination can cause dehydration.

11.Depurative:Fennel Oil does the work of a detoxifier and purifies blood, hence called a depurative. Actually it helps blood get rid of blood urea, uric acid and certain unwanted hormones, which are the prime toxins. Apart from this, it also balances sodium level in the blood and helps in removal of other toxic substances which get into blood from external sources.

12.Aperitif:Aperitif means similar to purgative, but a little mild in sense. An aperitif acts more on the intestinal peristaltic motion rather than adding to the bulk of bowel. Fennel Oil helps clear bowels and cure constipation.

13.Anti Spasmodic:Spasm can even be fatal if not treated early. Spasm is unwanted and abnormal contraction, in respiratory tracts, or in intestines, or in muscles or in nerves, resulting in continuous coughs, hiccups, acute pain and pulling sensation in intestines, cramps or muscle pulls, convulsions and epileptic attacks. If not treated in time, a patient may have acute pain in intestines or may run out of breath in cases of coughs and hiccups and may even die. Dill

Essential oil has a relaxing effect on nerves, muscles, intestines and the respiratory system and pacifies spasmodic attacks, giving quick relief in above situations.

14.Anti Septic:Essential Oil of Fennel has certain compounds which contribute to its anti septic properties. By virtue of this property, Fennel Oil can protect wounds from being septic. It is found effective in preventing incisions from being septic or getting infected from tetanus, particularly after surgery, caesarian deliveries and other wounds.

Brief History of Cloves

The clove (Eugenia aromatica) is a pink flower bud of the clove tree that turns brown when dried.

Cloves have a warm, sweet, and aromatic flavor and an oily compound that is vital to their medicinal and nutritional properties.

Cloves are indigenous to the Moluccas volcanic islands of Indonesia previously known as the Spice Islands.

Today Zanzibar is the largest producer of clove and are also grown commercially in the West Indies, Brazil, Pemba, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and India.

Nutrients in Cloves

Cloves (Eugenia aromatica) are an excellent source of manganese. They are a very good source of vitamin C, K, and dietary fiber. They are a good source of calcium and magnesium.


Spices, cloves, groundNutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy 323 kcal (1350 kJ)* Carbohydrates 61.21 gDietary fiber 34.2 g* Fat 20.07 g* Protein 5.98 g* Vitamin C 80.8 mgVitamin K 141.8 mcg* Calcium 646 mg* Magnesium 264 mgPotassium 1102 mgManganese 30.033 mgA comprehensive breakdown of nutrients can be found in the Nutrition Database where this food

can also be added to a meal planner.

Cloves as an Anti Fungal

Eugenol is a chemical compound extracted from the essential oil of cloves and other spices. Eugenol has been shown to be an effective natural anti fungal against the T. mentagrophytes

and M. canis dermatophytes (tinia or ringworm), and although tea tree oil is a more effective anti fungal, a combination of tea tree oil and eugenol was found to be more effective. Tests have also demonstrated that essential oil of cloves to be effective against Candida albicans.

The fungicidal potency of clove oil compares very well with that of the commercial antifungal drug nystatin, while providing for a less toxic, safe, and inexpensive alternative to commercial drugs without the risk of ever-increasing resistance shown by the target pathogens, toxicity problems at the increasing required doses, and problematic side-effects.

Cloves as an Anasthetic

Eugenol is the principal chemical component of clove oil and is used in dentistry due to its analgesic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. It is used in the form of a paste or mixture as dental cement, filler, and restorative material.

Beta-caryophyllene, another component of clove oil, has also been shown to exhibit local anesthetic activity.

Cloves can be used in relieving a toothache by placing a single clove on the aching tooth. Clove oil can also be used by soaking in some cotton wool and then placing the cotton wool on the aching tooth.

Cloves for Diabetes

USDA’s Richard Anderson reports that bayleaf, cinnamon, cloves, and turmeric all can treble insulin activity, hinting that as little as 500 mg might be enough to have some effect. A tea of 500 mg each of these spices, with coriander and cumin, should be enough to treble insulin activity, possibly helping in late-onset diabetes.

Cloves as an Aphrodisiac

Extract of clove has been shown to enhance the sexual behavior of male mice. The results of the study resulted in a significant and sustained increase in the sexual activity of normal male rats, without any adverse effects. The results seem to support the claims for its traditional usage as an aphrodisiac.

Cloves as Mosquito Repellant

The natural oil of clove is a natural mosquito repellant and can give protection against mosquitoes for 4-5 hours.

Cloves for Cancer Prevention

Preliminary studies have suggested the chemopreventive potential of clove for lung cancer, and to delay and reduce the formation of skin cancer.

Cloves for Cardiovascular Health

The compound eugenol from cloves has been found to be a potent platelet inhibitor (prevents blood clots).

Adverse Reactions from Cloves

Allergic reactions to clove and eugenol have been reported.

Clove supplements should be avoided in children and pregnant or

EnglishHindiPictureAniseed / Fennel SaunfAsafoetida HingBay Leaf (Cassia Cinnamon Leaves) Tej Patta, Tej patBasil TulsiBlack Pepper Kali MirchBlack Salt Kala namak Carom SeedsA jwaiin, Ajvain, Ajvan, Caraway Seeds Shahi Jeera, Black Cumin SeedsChillies-Red Lal MirchChilli Powder- RedLal Mirch PowderChillies-Green Hari MirchCinnamon DalchiniCinnamon Powder Dalchini PowderCitric Acid Nimbu Ka SatCoriander Whole Dhania SaabutCoriander Powder Dhania PowderCumin JeeraCurry Leaves Kadipatta, Curry pattaCloves LaungCardamom ElaichiFenugreek Seeds Dana methiMace JavitriMango Powder Amchur Mustard seeds RaiNutmeg Jaiphal Oregano Ajwain, Sathra, MirzanjoshOnion Seeds, Poppy, Nigella Kalaunji Pandan Leaf, Screwpine KewraPaprika Deghi MirchParsley AjmodaPoppy seeds Khus Khus, PostSafflower Kardi, Kusumbha, KusumSaffron KesharTamarind ImliTurmeric Powder Haldi PowderAmaranthChauli, Chowlii, chavleri, lobia phaliApple SevApricot Fresh KhoobaniApricot Dried KhoobaniArrowrootPaniphal, TikoraAsah Gourd Petha

AsparagusShatwar, Sootmooli, MusliAvocado, butterfruit MakhanphalBananaBanana Shake KelaBael, Stone apple, Bengal quinceBel, siriphalBell Pepper, Capsicum ( green pepper, bell pepper)Stuffed capsicum, shimla mirch Shimla Mirch, Kashmiri MirchBitter GourdStuffed karela recipe KarelaBlack Eye Beans, GreenLobia recipe Lobia PhaliBeet Root ChukanderBlueberries Nilabadari, Falsa(?)Bottle GourdChinese MelonLong Melon Loki (Lauki)Lauki recipe BroccoliHari Phool GobhiBrussels Sprout Brussels Sprout Vegetable curry Chhoti GobhiCabbage Pattagobhi/BandhgobhiCantaloupe KharbujaCarrotCarrot gajar halwa GajarCauliflower PhoolgobhiCelery CeleryChakothra, PomeloChakotraChiliChilli pickles, Mirch Achaar MirchCluster Beans Gawar PhaliCoconut Khopra/NarialColocassiaArbi vegetable ArbiColocassia Leaf Arbi PattaCoriander/Cilantro DhaniaCorn/Maize Bhutta/MaccaCucumberCucumber salad KheeraCustard Apple Shitaphal, SaripaDillSuwaEnglishHindiPicture Eggplant (brinjal)Baingan BhartaBaiganEndiveGulsuchalFennelMoti SaunfFenugreek LeavesFenugreek, methi spice MethiFig AnjeerFrench BeansFlash (Frash) BeansGarlicGarlic benefits LahsunGingerGinger root benefits AdrakGinger DrySaunth GrapesAngoor

GuavaAmrudIndian Gooseberry AmlaJackfruit KathalJamoon, Jambu Fruit, BlackberryJamunKaronda, Carissa carandas Karonda, KarandaLettuceSalad Patta, KasmisaagLimeNimbuLemon Galgal/NimbuLotus Stem, Lotus root Kamal Kakdi, Bhien, Natal PlumLychees LichiMangoMangom icecream Mangom Fruit cream AamMint LeavesMint benefits PudinaMulberry ShehtootMushroomGuchi / KukurmuttaMustard leaves Sarson Ka SaagOkra (Lady Finger)Okra Bhindi vegetable BhindiOlive Jaitun

OnionStuffed onion recipe Pyaz

Bengal Gram FlourChana besan recipe Besan

ChickpeasChole recipe ChholeCorn/Maiz MackkaDal - PigeonpeaDal- ArharGreen Gram Dal (Mung Dal)Mung dal recipeDal- Mung Dhuli (Skinned)Dal- Green Gram (Mung Whole)Mung Dal SabutDal- TurTur DalDal- Bengal GramChana DalDal- Black Gram (Horsebean) WholeUrad SabutDal- Black Gram SplitUrad Dal ChhilkaDal- Black Gram (skinned) Urad Dal DhuliBlack Eye BeansLobia palak recipe LobiaKidney (Red) BeansRajma recipe RajmahOatOat-Carrot Kheer Jo, Jaee, Jai, JaviRicePlain rice recipeRice Pulao Biryani recipeSpicy Rice recipeRice Chane-ki-Dal PulavChavalBinach (Sweet Rice)Besi Bela Bath

Fara Rice Balls recipeRice PancakeKheerRice FlakedPoha, Chiwada


English Hindi Picture

Butter MilkMattha, Chhach

Milk Dudh

Clairified Butter Ghee

Cream Malai/Cream

Curd/yogurt Dahi

Cottage Cheese Paneer

WheyChhach, Dahi ka pani

Miscellaneous Items

English Hindi Picture

Alum Phitkari

Castor Sugar Pithi Shakkar

Citric Acid Nimbu ka sat

Flaked Rice Poha, Chiwda

Honey Shahad

Ice Baraf

Jaggery Gud

Pickle Achaar

Puffed Rice Murmure

Psyllium Husk Isbalgol

Refined flour Maida

English Hindi Picture

Rock salt Sandha namak

Saffron Keshar

Semolina Sooji

Sugar Chini

Sunflower Surajmukhi

Vegetable OilVanaspati, dalda, rath, etc

Vermicelli Sevaian, Seviyan

Vinegar Sirka

Yeast Khameer

Almond BadamCashews KaajuDates KhajurCudpahnut Chironji, piyala, CharoliPea Nuts in Shell MungphaliPea Nuts MungphaliPistachio Pista

Raisin, Currents KishmishWalnut Akhrot

What is A Negative Calorie Food?

Calorie is a unit of energy. The energy can be measured by many methods. The calories in foods depend on their composition and the calorie value of a food is not actually its measured values, but is the average energy of a large number of different samples of the food.

1 calorie = 4.184 joule 1 negative calorie = -4.184 joules Commonly Calories refer to kilocalories.1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.184 kilojoules (kJ)

Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories food actually contains! Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to use. In other words, the body has to work hard in order to extract calories from these foods. Even though a food may contain equal amount of calories, much less of these calories can possibly turn into fat in negative calorie foods as fewer calories are actually available to the body. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage.

Consider the facts:

1. A piece of dessert consisting of 400 Calories (actually 400 kilocalories) may only require 150 Calorie (actually 150 kilocalories) to digest by our body, resulting in a net gain of 250 calories which is added to our body fat !

2. On the other hand, a 5 calorie raw piece of celery will require much more calories to chew and digest, so resulting in a net loss of calories from our body fat !! It implies that the more you eat, the more you lose weight!!!

Therefore, negative calorie foods are said to be good for achieving weight loss naturally without starving.

How it works?

All foods have a nutrient (carbohydrate, fat, protein), caloric (calories) and vitamin & mineral content. Vitamins stimulate living tissues to produce enzymes that breakdown the caloric nutrients of that food.

The foods with negative calorie contain sufficient vitamins & minerals that produce enzymes in quantities sufficient to break down not only its own calories, but additional calories from body in digestion as well. This is called "negative calorie effect".

The Free List of Foods Possessing Negative Calorie Effect

The negative calorie food will have maximum benefits when eaten without any empty calorie foods (junk foods). There are several foods such as vegetables and fruits that have negative calorie effect. Some of the foods that can be eaten in generous quantities are: Asparagus, Beets, Carrot, Zucchini, Papaya, Strawberry, Raspberry, etc. Look at the list below.

Free List of Negative calorie Foods

Negative Calorie Vegetables

AsparagusBeet RootBroccoliCabbage CarrotCauliflowerCelery

ChicoryHot Chili CucumberGarden cressGarlicGreen Beans


Negative Calorie Fruits


Honeydew Lemon/LimeMangoOrangePapayaPeach

Pineapple RaspberryStrawberryTomatoTangerineTurnipWatermelon

Negative Calorie Diet

This diet is based on the fact that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. The diet recommends to eat the foods from the above list. The negative calorie diet (some says it zero calorie diet) is very helpful in fast weight loss. You should know the complete list of the foods requiring your body to "burn" more calories processing them through your digestive system than the actual calorie content of the food itself. This results in your body burning up the excessive stored fat!

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Learn how to eat healthy and lose weight regularly by choosing the right foods.

It is claimed that people have lost two pounds daily on an average.

Get Negative Calorie Diet eBook. A complete list of these foods with their pictures, over 150 recipes with food ingredients and 3 negative calorie diet plans.

What is Cholesterol?

Blood Cholesterol is an essential substance in our bodies for good health. It is a white, waxy compound called sterols, present in every cell of the body. It is produced by our body for several purposes.

Cholesterol HDL LDL RatioCholesterol TestCholesterol UnitsRaise HDL CholesterolLower LDL CholesterolHigh Cholesterol FoodsLow Cholesterol FoodsCholesterol Lowering NutrientsPsyllium husk and cholesterol lowering recipesCholesterol lowering foodsCholesterol Lowering JuicesLow Cholesterol DietLower CholesterolCholesterol FAQsCholesterol Terms and definitionsCholesterol Herbal RemedyOmega 3 FoodsCholesterol in ChildrenWarning Signs of Heart AttackYour Knowledge on CholesterolSuper Foods for Heart ProtectionFoods and Diet for Heart

Cholesterol is essential for the development of our hormones and brain function. The result of not having enough cholesterol is depression and irritability.

In some people cholesterol is produced more than is required by the body, especially when the diet contains saturated fats. Saturated fats in the diet force the body to make too much cholesterol. The dietary cholesterol is found only in animal products. Saturated fats are found both in animal and vegetable foods and dairy products.

Blood cholesterol is of two main categories: High density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Low density lipoproteins (LDL). People with a high HDL cholesterol levels have low incidence of heart disease. HDL is a sort of cleaner that clean the deposit of fats in the blood arteries. HDL is improved with regular exercise and eating low fat foods. The cholesterol to HDL ratio is also important than the individual values of HDL and LDL.

Oxycholesterol is Worse

High levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attacks. Now, scientists have discovered a little-known type of cholesterol, oxycholesterol which may prove to be the most serious and lethal cardiovascular health threat of all.

Scientists from China reported in the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in August 2009 that fried and processed food, particularly fast food, contains high amounts of


Oxycholesterol is as important as LDL and HDL cholesterols and should not be ignored. Their study demonstrated that oxycholesterol boosts total cholesterol levels and reduces elasticity of arteries and promotes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) more than other cholesterols. But a healthy diet rich in antioxidants can counter these effects.

Cholesterol Levels, Cholesterol Numbers

Healthy Cholesterol Levels, Numbers & Ranges

Total Cholesterol Level

Below you will notice the cholesterol level values in two different cholesterol units mmol/L and mg/dL

In adults, a blood cholesterol level below 200 mg/dl is considered to be desirable.

Desirable: Less than 200 mg/dL or 5.17 mmol/L

Borderline high risk: 200-239 mg/dL or 5.17-6.2 mmol/L

High risk: 240 mg/dL or 6.2 mmol/L and over

LDL Cholesterol Level

Less value of LDL cholesterol is better.

Desirable Levels of LDL cholesterol: Less than 130 mg/dL or 3.35 mmol/L

Borderline high risk of LDL cholesterol: 130-158 mg/dL or 3.35-4.0 mmol/L

High risk of LDL cholesterol: 160 mg/dL or 4.15 mmol/L and over

HDL Cholesterol Level

High value of HDL cholesterol is better.

Desirable Levels of HDL cholesterol: more than 40 mg/dL or 1.04 mmol/L.

Normal Cholesterol Level: Total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dL and HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) 40 mg/dL or greater.

Get Your Lipoprotein Profile: Total cholesterol 240 mg/dL and above, regardless of HDL-cholesterol level

Get Your Lipoprotein Profile: Total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dL and HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) less than 40 mg/dL.

See for other risk factors: Total cholesterol between 200 to 239 mg/dL and HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) 40 mg/dL or greater.

Recently, the recommendation is that the hdl ldl cholesterol ratio is as important as individual levels of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

Foods That Lower Cholesterol

The following food items are cholesterol lowering foods that can lower your risk of heart disease.

Cholesterol levelsCholesterol RatioCholesterol TestCholesterol UnitsRaise HDL CholesterolLower LDL CholesterolHigh Cholesterol FoodsLow Cholesterol FoodsCholesterol Lowering NutrientsCholesterol Lowering JuicesLow Cholesterol DietLower CholesterolCholesterol FAQsCholesterol Terms and definitionsCholesterol Herbal RemedyOmega 3 FoodsCholesterol in ChildrenWarning Signs of Heart AttackYour Knowledge on CholesterolSuper Foods for Heart ProtectionHeart Foods and DietMore >>

1. Apples (Can reduce risk up to 50%)Research in Netherlands has shown that the phytochemicals in apples could help cut the risk of death from heart disease or stroke in half. Drinking 12 ounces of apple juice or eating two whole apples a day is beneficial.

2. Berries Berries like strawberries and cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Onions (Can reduce risk up to 25%)Eat half a raw onion a day raises HDL (good) cholesterol an average of 25 percent in most people with cholesterol problems.

4. Legumes/Beans (Can reduce risk up to 30%)The fiber, protein and other compounds present in legumes, lentils and beans can reduce cholesterol, blood clotting and improve blood-vessel function. These are also a great source of folate, which keeps homocysteine levels (an indicator of heart trouble), in

check. One serving of dried beans/legumes a day can reduce cholesterol by up to 10%.For lentil/legumes/beans recipes, go to lentil/legumes/beans recipes.

5. Oats (Can reduce risk up to 29%)Oats contain beta-glucans, a soluble fiber. Eating about one-cup of cooked oatmeal a day significantly decreases blood cholesterol levels. For cholesterol reducing recipes containing oats, go to Cholesterol lowering recipes.

6. Nuts - Pistachios & WalnutsEating 67 grams of nuts, including in-shell pistachios, can significantly lower total and LDL cholesterol levels by upto 5 and 7% respectively and triglycerides by upto 10%, according to a study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine in May 2010."In-shell pistachios are good for lowering cholesterol & triglycerides, improve blood vessel function, blood sugar control, act as potent antioxidant and offer weight management benefits, all of which are important for improving heart health," according to Martin Yadrick, immediate past-president of the American Dietetic Association.Walnuts (Can reduce risk up to 45%)Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids, which lowers cholesterol and prevents blood clots. Eating walnuts can decrease your total cholesterol level by 12% and LDL cholesterol level by 16%.Peanuts (Ground nuts)Peanut contain vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that is shown to significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Peanut has high bioflavonoid resveratrol which helps improve blood flow in the brain by about 30%, thus reducing the risk of stroke. Adding even small amounts of peanut products to the diet can reduce LDL cholesterol by 14%.

7. Olive Oil, Canola Oil (Can reduce risk up to 40%)Of all cooking oils, olive oil contains the largest proportion (77%) of monounsaturated fat and has powerful antioxidants, which lowers LDL cholesterol without affecting HDL levels. .

8. Psyllium Husk for High Cholesterol3g to 12g soluble fiber from psyllium seed husk when included as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce total cholesterol and LDL levels.

9. Vegetables Green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek - methi and broccoli are foods rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and antioxidants that protect our heart against cholesterol.

10. Herbs for lowering cholesterolGreen tea, Terminalia, Arjuna, Rauwolfia serpentine, Sida Cordifolia and Digitalis Pupurea are heart friendly herbs. These herbs can be taken in the form of tea.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) our body burns to maintain itself. It is essentially the speed at which our body's motor is running.The speed at which our body burns calories is called the metabolic rate.

The metabolism is based on the number of calories we burn throughout the day. Our body constantly burns calories to keep us going whether we are eating, sleeping, cleaning etc.

Once the daily business of breathing, eating, moving and other activities are met, any unused or surplus calories get stored, mostly in the form of fat. This means that if you take in more calories than you use, you will gain weight.

People with a lower percentage of body fat (i.e. muscular) have a higher metabolism than others that are less muscular because muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat.

Some people have a slower metabolic rate and have a harder time staying slim. A slow metabolism actually causes to store fat. The slower the metabolic rate, the greater the weight gains.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is what your body needs at rest to maintain normal functions like beating of heart, respiration and the maintenance of body temperature at a thermostatic setting just under 100 deg. All these mechanical and thermometric functions require a base level of energy. About 60-75% of energy is expended by the body at rest in such activities.

You use another 10% of calories to digest and metabolize food.

Facts on Metabolism

1. The amount of calories you burn varies with the type of food you eat. You burn more calories to breakdown a steak than a banana. Very few calories are expanded in breaking down simple sugars.

2. The resting metabolism or the metabolic rate depends on age, gender, physical condition, the amount of fat and muscle in your body.

o Younger persons have higher (faster) metabolism because of the increased activity of cells.

o You had a very high metabolism at your birth. At mid thirties, metabolism slows by 3 to 5 % per decade. By age 55, you require 150 fewer calories per day than in your mid thirties. For that reason, you should cut back on calories or increase your activity level to burn more calories, otherwise you will store additional fat in your body resulting in increased weight.

o Men generally have a 10-15% faster BMR than women because male body has greater percentage of lean muscle tissues.

3. Exercise can increase your BMR.

Basal Metabolic Rate can be calculated by the following formula of the World Health Organization.

BMR for

Female = [ 655+(9.6 x Weight in kilogram) + (1.7 x Height in centimeter) - (4.7 x Age) ]

Male = [ 66+(13.7 x Weight in kilogram) + (5 x Height in centimeter) - (6.8 x Age) ]

Causes for Low Metabolism


A low calorie diet Snacking throughout the day on high sugar foods (candy, colas, cakes, gum). Eating or drinking too much sugar containing foods. Lack of physical activity. Under active thyroid .

How to Increase (speed up) Metabolism

To boost metabolism, do not skip any meals. Eat 5-6 small meals during the day. Starving will slow down your metabolism.

Exercise daily Build your muscles. Do you Know: 1 pound of fat burns only 2 calories a day while 1

pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day !!! The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will be, and the more calories you will burn while at rest. When muscle mass decreases, the metabolic rate also drops.

Avoid alcohol, sugar, and fastings Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Eat foods with high nutrition values Take apple cider vinegar+honey+garlic. It is good for increasing metabolism.

Metabolism Boosters: Metabolism Boosting Foods

Some of the tips for increasing or speeding boosters are given below:

Natural Metabolism Booster Foods:

Note that foods can increase your metabolism only marginally. Only the lifestyle changes can make a dramatic effect on metabolism.

Foods that increase or speed up metabolism are given below:

1. Wholegrains and oats 2. Yogurt, Yoghurt, Dahi, Curd3. Drinks: Green tea, milk, coffee, soy milk, water. 4. More metabolism boosting foods: 5. Dry Fruits: Almonds (raw) 6. Fruits and Vegetables: Apples, asparagus, beans, berries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,

celery, cucumber, crapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges, pinach, sprouts, tomatoes. 7. Herbs: Cayenne peppers (chilli), cinnamon, jalapenos, curry, garlic. 8. Meat and Fish: Beef, chicken, pork, salmon, sardines, tuna, turkey

Getting enough sleep can help to keep the hormones leptin and grehlin in balance, which regulates your metabolism and appetite.

Some over the counter pills for speeding up the metabolism are available that contain animal thyroid. You should not take these products as these may have side effects as diarrhea, increased heart rate, excessive sweating, nervousness, tremors, bulging eyes, etc

Be physically active. In an activity like walking, bowling, dancing or playing golf, the energy you expand is greater if you have more weight to move around. A 140 pound man who walks 3

miles in an hour burns 220 calories as compared to a person of 110 pound, who burns only 180 cal going the same pace.

Homeopathic medicine: Phytolacca mother tincture

Generally it is assumed that simple carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels rapidly, and complex carbohydrates have a slower effect. This may not be true for all foods. Recent work into the Glycemic Index (GI) has changed the understanding of the relationship between ingested carbohydrates and blood glucose levels.

Some carbohydrates are slow releasing, while the others are fast releasing. The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how fast a carbohydrate triggers to raise the blood sugar. The higher the number, the greater the blood sugar response.

All carbohydrates can be assigned a value, known as glycemic index (GI), compared to glucose (some like to compare to white bread). The glucose is the fastest releasing carbohydrate so it has been assigned a glycemic value of 100.

All complex carbohydrates are not the same. For example, a glucose polymer Maltodextri, is a complex carbohydrate, but it has a GI of ~100 . This means that it rapidly raises blood glucose levels. Similarly all simple carbohydrates are not bad. A good example is that of Fructose, a simple carbohydrate which has GI of ~20. This means that fructose is slow sugar releasing.

The glycemic index is a better method for classifying good and bad carbohydrates as it relies upon actual post-meal blood glucose response.

Note the following points related to Glycemic index of foods.

1. A low glycemic index value for a food indicates a slow rise in blood glucose and insulin levels. Conversely, a high GI value indicates that it results in a rapid rise in blood glucose levels and hence a spike in insulin response.

2. The glycemic index tells us about the quality of the carbohydrate in the food, not its quantity. The GI of food will remain the same, even if you double the amount of carbohydrate in your meal. This is because the glycemic index is a relative ranking of foods for the same amount of carbohydrate (50 gram). But this will raise your glucose levels to a higher level and take longer to return to baseline. You should therefore note that the GI value does not take the quantity of carbohydrate you eat.

3. The GI applies only to foods containing significant amounts of carbohydrate. Most whole grain cereal products, legumes and vegetables, except potatoes have low glycemic index as they contain only a small amounts of carbohydrate.

How is Glycemic Index determined?

Glycemic index of a food is determined by measuring the change in the blood sugar level of one or more people after eating 50 gram of digestible carbohydrate (i.e. total carbohydrate minus fiber) of the food and then consuming a reference food such as glucose or white bread. The experiment is repeated and an average is taken over a set period of time. This gives the food’s glycemic index.

Different Glycemic Index for the Same Food

There appears to be a confusion on values of glycemic index. You may have noticed different values of glycemic index for the same food item in the literature. This may be due to the following reason:

As mentioned above, food glycemic index is assessed by taking glucose as a reference. Some scientists take white bread as the reference. Hence the two values differ. Examine the following values:

FoodGlycemic IndexWhite Bread Reference

Glycemic IndexGlucose Reference

Bagel 103 72

Potato, white, boiled

80 56

Rice, white 83 58

Pizza, cheese

86 60

The actual value is not important. However, if you watch the above values, you will find that each food glycemic index based on white bread as reference to the glucose as reference has a ratio of 1.43 (approx.). So if you know the glycemic index based on one reference, you can find it based on the other reference.

For example,Rice GI = 58 (Glucose based) = 58 x 1.43 = 83 (Bread based)

Low, medium and high Glycemic Index

What is considered as a low glycemic index food or a high glycemic index food. The following table gives an idea.

Glycemic Index(GI) Value with reference to Glucose

High Glycemic Index 70 or more

Medium Glycemic Index

56 to 69

Low Glycemic Index 55 or less

The values of glycemic index and glycemic load for a number of food items for a serving size are given at Glycemic Index List of Foods.

Low Glycemic Foods

1. VegetablesMost of the vegetables (except potato) have negligible glycemic index as there is very little carbohydrate in a serving. Alfalfa, asparagus, broccoli, beans, cabbage, carrot, chickpeas, cucumber, garlic, kidney beans, leek, lentils, lettuce, mushroom, onion, peas, pepper, spinach, squash, soybean, tomatoes.

2. FruitsAlmost all the fruits have negligible glycemic index as there is very little carbohydrate in a serving. Apple, banana, blueberry, cherries, grapefruit, green grapes, kiwi fruit, orange, pear, plum, prunes, raspberry.

3. DrinksDrinks Apple juice, carrot juice, coffee, tea, tomato juice, water.

4. Other foodnutsdairy productsseedsbran based mueslibarleybuckwheatmeat

5. List Of Low Cholesterol Foods6. If a food label shows cholesterol-free but it contains lot of saturated fats, then it is bad for

your health. Low Cholesterol Food means 20 milligram or less cholesterol and 2 g or less saturated fat.

7. Cholesterol levels Cholesterol HDL LDL RatioCholesterol TestCholesterol UnitsRaise HDL CholesterolLower LDL CholesterolHigh Cholesterol FoodsCholesterol Lowering NutrientsPsyllium husk and cholesterol lowering recipesCholesterol lowering foodsCholesterol Lowering JuicesLow Cholesterol DietLower CholesterolCholesterol FAQsCholesterol Terms and definitionsCholesterol Herbal RemedyOmega 3 FoodsCholesterol in ChildrenWarning Signs of Heart AttackYour Knowledge on CholesterolSuper Foods for Heart ProtectionFoods and Diet for Heart

8. Know the cholesterol free foods and low cholesterol foods from the list below. Even if a food is cholesterol-free, it may be loaded with fat so you should avoid such foods.

Food Cholesterol

All Fruits 0 mg

All Vegetables 0 mg

All Pulses 0 mg

All Grains 0 mg

All Nuts 0 mg

All Seeds 0 mg

All Vegetable oils 0mg

Honey, Sugar, Jam 0 mg

French fries 0 mg

Alcoholic Beverage 0 mg

Alcoholic Beverage 0 mg

1. Clean your teeth after eating by toothbrush and dental floss. Use a correct toothbrush, and brush and floss correctly.

2. Visit the dentist regularly. Periodontal disease of gums is common in adults and in older people. The dentist can remove plaque from teeth, reducing the number of bacteria - a key to helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Teeth CareMyths about teethFoods Good For TeethToothbrushDental FlossHomemade Toothpaste & Mouth washFluoride ToothpasteTeeth Whitening & BleechingBad Breath Causes & CuresToothache RemediesSensitive Teeth Bleeding Gum Disease Gingivitis Bleeding Gum Treatment

3. If you experience the following, then you have chances of a periodontal disease:Gums bleeding during brushing Red and/or swollen gums Gums that have pulled away from the teeth, Pus between the teeth and gums Bad breath Loose teeth.

4. Don't ignore gums that bleed when you brush or floss or changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.

5. Ask your dentist about cosmetic options for improving the appearance of teeth that are stained or chipped.

6. Don't use tobacco products; they can increase your risk of gum disease and cancer of the mouth and throat.

7. Don't chew on hard objects that could crack a tooth. 8. Wear a mouth guard when playing active sports.

9. Eat a balanced diet for good overall health, selecting a variety of foods from the five main food groups (bread, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives; milk, cheese, and yogurt), and limit snacks.

10. Eating sweetened cereals dry is bad for teeth, always add milk. 11. Drinking frequent cups of tea or coffee with sugar added will increase the risk of teeth

decay. 12. When less saliva is available on very hot days, one should not consume foods containing

sugars that stick in the teeth. 13. Chewable vitamin C tablets with or without sugar are acidic and are a hazard for not only

children's teeth but also to adult's teeth. Do not use lemon juice for whitening because vitamin C will cause the teeth to lose calcium damaging teeth quicker than anything else.

14. Tips for Babies teetho Don't give babies a bottle containing milk, juice or a formula in bed, this is a not

good for their teeth. The sugars from milk or juice around the mouth for long periods can lead to decay in a baby's little teeth.

o Prolonged breast feeding with small feeds every few minutes can also lead to tooth decay.

o When babies get teeth, it is important to give them foods to chew. Young children need help to clean their teeth properly.

Simple tips for healthy teeth as recommended by American Dental Association are given below.

1. Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner. This takes just a few minutes a day. Use a correct toothbrush, and brush and floss correctly.

2. Eat a balanced diet for good overall health, selecting a variety of foods from the five main food groups (bread, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives; milk, cheese, and yogurt), and limit snacks.

3. See your dentist regularly for a dental examination and professional cleaning - a key to helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

4. If you experience the following, then you have chances of a periodontal disease:Gums bleeding during brushing Red and/or swollen gums Gums that have pulled away from the teeth, Pus between the teeth and gums Bad breath Loose teeth

5. Ask your dentist about cosmetic options for improving the appearance of teeth that are stained or chipped.

6. Don't use tobacco products; they can increase your risk of gum disease and cancer of the mouth and throat.

7. Don't chew on hard objects that could crack a tooth. 8. Don't ignore gums that bleed when you brush or floss or changes in the way your teeth fit

together when you bite. 9. Wear a mouth guard when playing active sports. 10. High protein foods in diet are generally recommended for weight gain diet, athletes and

body builders. They are recommended to include food sources of high protein in their diet such as meat, poultry and fish, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts, beans and lentils, grains like wheat, rice, barley and corn, and soy products.



13. 14. Protein Requirement & Function

Protein in Milk, Yogurt, CheeseMore >>

15. Are you looking for foods high in protein or protein rich foods? The table below gives the protein content of foods. Make your list of foods that are high in protein to make a high protein diet.

16. High protein diet includes foods like eggs, milk, spinach, soybean, quinoa, meat, fish, whole grains, rice, beans, legumes, corn, oats, peas and peanut butter which are good sources of high protein.

 Description Weight

(g) Measure

Content per


Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, raw 33 1 cup 1.32

Artichokes, (globe or French), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

120 1 medium 4.18

Asparagus, canned, drained solids 72 4 spears 1.54

Asparagus, cooked, boiled, drained 60 4 spears 1.55

Asparagus, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

180 1 cup 5.31

Avocados, raw, California 28.35 1 oz 0.60

Avocados, raw, Florida 28.35 1 oz 0.45

Beans, baked, canned, plain or vegetarian 254 1 cup 12.17

Beans, baked, canned, with pork and tomato sauce

253 1 cup 13.05

Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

172 1 cup 15.24

Beans, Cowpeas (Blackeyed), immature seeds,  boiled, without salt

165 1 cup 5.23

Beans, Cowpeas (blackeyed), immature seeds, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

170  1 cup  14.43 

Beans, Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds,

172 1 cup 13.30

Beans, Kidney beans, red, mature seeds, canned

256 1 cup 13.44

Beans, Kidney beans, red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

177 1 cup 15.35

Beans, Lima beans, large, mature seeds, canned

241 1 cup 11.88

Beans, Lima beans, large, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

188 1 cup 14.66

Beans, Mung beans, mature seeds, sprouted, cooked, boiled,  without salt

124 1 cup 2.52

Beans, Mung beans, mature seeds, sprouted, raw

104 1 cup 3.16

Beans, Navy beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

182 1 cup 15.83

Beans, Pinto beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

171 1 cup 14.04

Soybeans, mature cooked, boiled, without salt 180 1 cup 22.23

Beans, Snap beans, green, canned, regular pack, drained solids

135 1 cup 1.55

Beans, Snap beans, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

125 1 cup 2.36

Beans, White beans, mature seeds, canned 262 1 cup 19.02

Beet greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

144 1 cup 3.70

Beets, canned, drained solids 170 1 cup 1.55

Broccoli, raw 88 1 cup 2.62

Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 4.65

Beets, cooked, boiled, drained 170 1 cup 2.86

Beets, cooked, boiled, drained 50 1 beet 0.84

Cabbage, Chinese (pak-choi), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

170 1 cup 2.65

Cabbage, Chinese (pe-tsai), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

119 1 cup 1.79

Cabbage, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 150 1 cup 1.53

Cabbage, raw 70 1 cup 1.01

Cabbage, red, raw 70 1 cup 0.97

Carrots, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 1.70

Carrots, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

146 1 cup 1.74

Carrots, raw 110 1 cup 1.13

Cauliflower, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

124 1 cup 2.28

Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

180 1 cup 2.90

Cauliflower, raw 100 1 cup 1.98

Celery, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 150 1 cup 1.25

Celery, raw 120 1 cup 0.90

Corn, sweet, white, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

77 1 ear 2.56

Corn, sweet, yellow, canned, vacuum pack, 210 1 cup 5.06

regular pack

Corn, sweet, yellow, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

77 1 ear 2.56

Corn, sweet, yellow, frozen, kernels cut off cob, boiled, drained, without salt

164 1 cup 4.51

Corn, sweet, yellow, frozen, kernels on cob, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

63  1 ear  1.96 

Cucumber, peeled, raw 119 1 cup 0.68

Cucumber, with peel, raw 104 1 cup 0.72

Dandelion greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

105 1 cup 2.10

Endive, raw 50 1 cup 0.63

Garlic, raw 3 1 clove 0.19

Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

198 1 cup 17.86

Lettuce, cos or romaine, raw 56 1 cup 0.91

Lettuce, iceberg (includes crisphead types), raw

55 1 cup 0.56

Lettuce, looseleaf, raw 56 1 cup 0.73

Mushrooms, canned, drained solids 156 1 cup 2.92

Mushrooms, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

156 1 cup 3.39

Mushrooms, raw 70 1 cup 2.03

Mustard greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

140 1 cup 3.16

Okra, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 160 1 cup 2.99

Okra, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

184 1 cup 3.83

Olives, ripe, canned (small-extra large) 22 5 large 0.18

Onions, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 210 1 cup 2.86

Onions, dehydrated flakes 5 1 tbsp 0.45

Onions, raw 110 1 whole 1.28

Onions, spring or scallions (includes tops and bulb), raw

100 1 cup 1.83

Parsley, raw 10 10 sprigs 0.30

Parsnips, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 2.06

Peas, edible-podded, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

160 1 cup 5.23

Peas, edible-podded, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

160 1 cup 5.60

Peas, green, canned, regular pack, drained solids

170 1 cup 7.51

Peppers, hot chili, green, raw 45 1 pepper 0.90

Peppers, hot chili, red, raw 45 1 pepper 0.90

Peppers, sweet, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

136 1 cup 1.25

Peppers, sweet, green, raw 119 1 pepper 1.06

Peppers, sweet, red, raw 119 1 pepper 1.06

Potato, baked, flesh and skin, without salt 202 1 potato 5.05

Potatoes, baked, flesh, without salt 156 1 potato 3.06

Potatoes, boiled, cooked in skin, flesh, without salt

136 1 potato 2.54

Potatoes, boiled, cooked without skin, flesh, without salt

135 1 potato 2.31

Potatoes, hashed brown, home-prepared 156 1 cup 3.78

Pumpkin, canned, without salt 245 1 cup 2.70

Pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 245 1 cup 1.76

Radishes, raw 4.5 1 radish 0.03

Spinach, canned, drained solids 214 1 cup 6.01

Spinach, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 180 1 cup 5.35

Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

190 1 cup 5.97

Spinach, raw 30 1 cup 0.86

Squash, summer, all varieties, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

180 1 cup 1.64

Squash, summer, all varieties, raw 113 1 cup 1.33

Squash, winter, all varieties, cooked, baked, without salt

205 1 cup 1.82

Squash, winter, butternut, frozen, cooked, boiled, without salt

240 1 cup 2.95

Sweet potato, canned, vacuum pack 255 1 cup 4.21

Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt

146 1 potato 2.51

Sweet potato, cooked, boiled, without skin, without salt

156 1 potato 2.57

Tomatoes, red, ripe, canned, stewed 255 1 cup 2.42

Tomatoes, red, ripe, canned, whole, regular pack

240 1 cup 2.21

Tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, year round average 180 1 cup 1.53

Tomatoes, sun-dried 2 1 piece 0.28

Tomatoes, sun-dried, packed in oil, drained 3 1 piece 0.15

Watermelon, raw 286 1 wedge 1.77

17.[13.] 18. Protein content of other High Protein Vegetarian Foods


 Description Weight

(g) Measure

Content per


Buckwheat flour, whole-groat 120 1 cup 15.14

Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked 168 1 cup 5.68

Bulgur, cooked 182 1 cup 5.61

Bulgur, dry 138 1 cup 11.70

Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, yellow 140 1 cup 17.21

Cornmeal, whole-grain, yellow 122 1 cup 9.91

Noodles, chinese, chow mein 45 1 cup 3.77

Oat bran, cooked 219 1 cup 7.03

Oat bran, raw 94 1 cup 16.26

Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt 16 1 tbsp 4.03

Quinoa, cooked - 1 cup 11

Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked 125 195 5.03

Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked 158 195 4.25

Spaghetti, cooked, enriched, without added salt

140 1 cup 6.68

Spaghetti, whole-wheat, cooked 140 1 cup 7.46

Tempeh 225 1 cup 31

Tofu, firm, prepared with calcium sulfate and magnesium chloride

81 1/4 block 6.51

Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, bleached

125 1 cup 12.91

Wheat flour, whole-grain 125 1 cup 16.44

Wheat flour, white, bread, enriched 125 137 16.41

Whole wheat bread 2 slices 2 slices 5

Veggie burger 1 patty 1 patty 5-24

Nutrition Facts & Tips

We all should eat foods with nutrients. You should know why nutrition is important for your health. It is a good idea to know all the nutrition facts of the foods you buy. Make a habit of reading the nutrition food labels on the product to know the nutrition facts of the product.

You should buy the things which are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and foods high in dietary fiber, vitamins and mineral. Keep in mind that you should be eating a balanced diet according to food pyramid. Have a variety. No single food can supply all nutrients you need. For example, oranges do not have vitamin B12 but have vitamin C, whereas cheese has no vitamin C but contains vitamin B12.

If we are deficient in any nutrient, then we will soon fall sick. Even our nails can reveal the deficiency of nutrition.

Some foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains have good nutrition and are relatively low in calories. These are good foods to eat. Foods high in both sugars and fat provide calories and may be low in vitamins, minerals and fibers. So you should avoid such foods.

Women of childbearing age, young children and teenage or adolescent girls should eat enough iron rich foods. They also need to eat more foods rich in calcium. Know your daily nutrition needs using nutrition chart.

Myths About Nutrition

Many people have misconceptions on certain food nutrition as given below:

1. You should not eat fat as all fats are bad: Wrong. Fat is an essential requirement for our body. However, fat consumption in excess is not good. Note that all fats are not bad. Saturated fats and trans fats are bad, whereas monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good. Eating 45 gram (1.5 ounces) nuts per day along with a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease, according the FDA.

2. Nuts are fattening: Wrong.Nuts are high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and plant sterols which lower LDL cholesterol.

3. Brown sugar is harmless: Wrong. The brown sugar and white sugar contain almost the same nutrition. The brown sugar is nothing but white sugar with added molasses. Some make of dark brown sugar having properties similar to jaggery (gud is good.

4. Don't eat sugar, it will cause diabetes: Wrong. Type 2 diabetes is caused due to an inactive lifestyle, excessive body weight and a high fat diet. If you don't have diabetes, eating sugar will not make you diabetic. However, if you have diabetes, then you should control your suage intake.

Nutrition Values

Nutrient Dense Foods

The foods that provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals with few calories are known as nutrient dense foods. Foods that are low in nutrient density supply calories but only small amounts of nutrients, or none at all.

Sugars, alcohol and saturated and trans fats provide provide little, if any, of the essential nutrients but gives unnecessary calories.

The following pages give detailed nutrition values of a variety of food items including fast foods, Indian home made foods, Indian ready to eat (ready made) foods and other foods.

Nutrition Health Articles

Nutrition Chart, Nutrition Guide Vitamins B, Folic Acid soluble in water Vitamins Facts soluble in fat Minerals, sources & benefits Vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency and symptoms Foods with Vitamin D Vitamin D levels and overdoses Essential Nutrients & Their Sources Food Pyramid Antioxidants and free radicals Antioxidants vitamins and supplement Foods high in Antioxidants Foods high in iron list Iron Deficiency Anemia Calcium rich foods Low or high potassium foods Foods High in Fiber High Fiber Diet List of Soluble Fiber Foods Protein Foods high in Protein Foods high in Trans fats Low Sodium Foods & Diet Foods High in Sodium and Salt Sodium content of foods in meat, fast foods, Poultry Sodium in legumes, lentils, nuts, breads & pasta Sodium in snacks, soups, sauces, butter & cheese Sodium in vegetables, fruits and juices Salt in meat, fast foods, poultry, fish Nutrition facts chart of vegetables Calories in fruits, vegetables, breads. Nutrition chart of Nuts Fruit Nurition Nutrition values of Lentils, Legumes, Pulses. Saturated, Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats Nutrition facts of milk Protein in milk products Percentage of calories as fat in meat & fish Carbohydrates & Complex Carbohydrates Low Carbohydrate Foods Carb Counter in Fruits & Fruit Juices Carb Counter in Vegetables Wheatgrass & its Nutrition values & Benefits Mangosteen Fruit, mangosteen research and mangosteen juice benefits Super Foods for Brain Power

Nutrition Facts on Fast Foods (includidng calories in Fast Foods)

Cholesterol, fats and calories in fast Foods McDonald's Breakfast Nutrition McDonalds Nutrition: Desserts Nutrition : McDonald's Sandwiches Nutrition : McDonald's French Fries Nutrition : McDonald's Salads Nutrition : McDonald's Chicken McDonald's Healthy Breakfast Burger King's Nutrition: Sandwiches Nutrition : Burger King's Salads, Desserts, Sandwiches Nutrition : Burger King's Burgers SubWay Nutrition Nutrition : KFC's Low Fat Food Options Wendy's foods Nutrition

Nutrition Facts on Indian Foods (including calories in Indian Foods)

Nutrition in Indian Home Made Foods Nutrition in Indian Roti/Chapatti/bread/Naan/Paratha Nutrition in Indian Vegetable Curries Nutrition of Indian Curry Sauces Nutrition in Indian Meat Curries Nutrition in Indian Snacks, Pickles, Pappadums, Rice Nutrition of Haldiram food Nutrition of chickpeas or chole Nutrition of Kidney beans or rajmah Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the most abundant water-soluble antioxidant in the body that protects against the pollution and cigarette smoke.

Natural Food Sources of Antioxidant Vitamin CCitrus fruits and their juices, berries (all types), dark green vegetables (spinach, asparagus, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, watercress, other greens), peppers (capsicum), tomatoes, pineapple, cantaloupe, guava, mango and papaya.

Vitamin EVitamin E is the most efficient fat-soluble antioxidant abundant in the body. It is the primary protector against oxidation.

Natural Food Sources of Antioxidant Vitamin EVegetable oils such as olive, soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflowernuts, seeds, whole grains, wheat, wheat germ, brown rice, oatmeal, soybeans, legumes/beans/lentils, sweet potatoes and dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, asparagus, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, watercress, other greens).

SeleniumNatural Food Sources of Antioxidant SeleniumBrazil nuts, brewer's yeast, oatmeal, brown rice, chicken, eggs, dairy products, garlic, molasses, onions, salmon, seafood, tuna, wheat germ, whole grains, and most vegetables.

Beta Carotene (a form of vitamin A)Natural Food Sources of Antioxidant Beta Carotene

Vegetables of dark orange, red, yellow and green colors such as broccoli, carrots, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, red and yellow pepper (capsicum); and fruits such as apricots, cantaloupe and mango.

Should you take antioxidant vitamins and supplements?

Many people want to take antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Before taking large doses of these vitamins and supplements you should know that scientific studies does not indicate that by consuming antioxidant vitamins and supplement you will not need to reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol or reduce your weight.

The long-term effect of large doses of these nutrients is not known. In some cases, large doses of antioxidant dietary supplement can harm you. (Read the effects of overdoses of vitamin supplemnts A and E and effects of overdoses of vitamin supplemnts C and B.) For example, beta carotene supplements may increase the risk of lung cancer for smokers. The American Heart Association does not recommend taking antioxidant vitamin supplements until detailed results are available.

The best way to give your body the needed antioxidants is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. In certain medical conditions, however, your doctor may recommend to supplement your diet with antioxidants.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with natural antioxidants. The list of high antioxidant foods contain mostly fruits and vegetables.

Diet and Diseases Therapies Diseases and Treatments Yoga and Exercise Food General Health Healing Medicinal Herbs

Health benefits of Amla (Indian gooseberry)

February 17, 2009 in Diseases and Treatments, Food

Amla (Emblic Myrobalans) Therapy

Botanically called Phyllanthus emblica, syn. Emblica officinalis , (Indian gooseberry) it is a rich source of vitamin C, amino acid, tannin, polyphenolic compounds, fixed oil, lipids and other essential oils. It may be compared with ‘Amrita’ (nectar) of the heavens owing to the medicinal qualities of this divine fruit. Its regular consumption is an anti-dote for many ailments/disorders like acidity, septic fever, biliary colic, vomiting, insomnia, defective vision etc.

Amla tree is found in all parts of India. It is generally 20-30 ft. high. Its bark is rough and brownish in colour. It has regular branches, bluish yellow flowers, small leaves like that of the Imli (tamarind) tree. Its fruit is round and greenish yellow in colour with six segments and a hard seed inside. Among all the varieties that are available, the best is Kalami for its fruit has lot of

pulp, very small seed and is comparatively less sour and bitter in taste than others. It is especially good for making jams, pickles, chutneys etc. Chyavanprash is also made from Amla only.

Perhaps owing to its medicinal qualities the Hindus treat it as a very sacred tree and worship on ‘Akshaya Navami’. In the Kartik month (mid Oct. to mid Nov.) if one takes its dose regularly it provides complete protection against all the disorders due to cold. Amla is unique as it doesn’t leave its chemical ingredient even if it is heated. It is a tree whose no part is useless. It also has the atmosphere purifying qualities. Chemically, besides being the best source to get Vitamin C from, it also has gallic acid, tannic acid, sugar, albumen, calcium, protein, phosphorus, carbohydrates, irons etc.

Amla as general tonic

Taking Amla and Black Til (black seseme seeds) in equal quantity with honey or ghee cures mental and physical weaknesses.

To revitalise brain take a cupful of sugarless milk with the murabba of Amla.

Taking even one raw Amla every morning even with water makes one’s body enough resistance to fight with various ailments.

Taking milk in the morning after licking one teaspoon of ground Amla powder mixed with honey imparts freshness and strength to the body. Intellect get sharpened if one takes the pulp of fresh Amla or Amla juice with honey or ghee every morning and evening.

As an eye tonic and cure of eye ailments

Washing eyes with cool water having Amla powder soaked and strained is good for the eyes and it also improves eye-sight.

Washing the eyes with ground Amla and til powder water (soak Amla and Til powder in water overnight and strain it) in the morning cures burning sensation in the eyes.

Applying pulp of Amla on the head and washing the hair after massage helps in curing burning sensation in the eyes and heaviness of the head. (See also : Remedies for premature greying of hair)

Have Amla powder washed down with milk to improve your eyesight.

Eating 10 gms. of Triphala (the powder made by mixing even quantity of Hirda, Bahera (Behda) , Amla powders) with 1 tsp of honey keeps eyes very healthy strong and sparkling.

Having Triphala powder with honey not only keeps eyes bright and shining but it is also very good for the digestive system.

For curing head and heart ailments

Taking Amla Murabba every day in the morning cures physical and mental debility. Taking Amla juice is ideal for keeping your head and eyes strong.

Massaging the scalp with Amla oil before going to bed removes mental weakness.

Taking Amla powder with cow’s milk or Misri (even amount) with water gives relief in heart ailments.

Applying paste made up of dried Amla powder with Kumkum, Neelkamal and rose-water cures headache. Applying paste of Juice of 2 to 3 Amla or its pulp mixed with little rose water and 3 to 4 pieces of kesar (saffron) in it-on the affected part for 15 mts. relieves the pain of migraine.

Curing involuntary nocturnal emission

Taking 10 gms of fresh Amla juice with 1 gm. of powdered haldi (turmeric) and honey every morning and evening cuers this problem. ( See also : health benefits of turmeric )

Taking Amla water (soak dried Amla powder in 1:3 proportion in water for 12 hours, strain the water and mix 1 gm. haldi powder) regularly helps in curing night discharge problem. (See also : Remedies for Sexual Impotence)

Problems connected with uro generative system

Taking 1 gm Amla powder, kala jeera and 2 gms. ground misri with cold water cures the problem of bed wetting.

Taking milk after eating fresh Amla juice or dried Amla powder with gur (jaggery) cures stranguary.

Applying paste of Amla near the naval portion helps in curing urinary problem. Boil 20 gm. pulp of dried Amla in 160 gms. water till 40 gms. is left. Then mix 20 gms. of Gur (Jaggary) in it. Drinking this potion helps in urinary problem.

Taking crushed Amla pulp (after straining it) mixed with misri cures blood in urine.

Taking 20 gms fresh Amla Juice with 10 gms. of honey and water twice a day cures problem connected with urination.

Acidity and digestive problems

Licking one tea spoon of dried Amla powder with honey or ghee after dinner checks acidity. (See also : Remedies for acid peptic ulcers)

Female ailments

Taking 3 gms. powdered Amla with 6 gms. honey every day for one mouth cures the problem of leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea is also cured by taking powder of Amla seed with honey or mjsri regularly. Taking 20 gms. fresh Amla juice mixed with honey regularly for a month cures weakness of the generative system.

Blood impurities

Taking Amla juice or powder with honey purifies blood.

Taking 5 gms. of powder (made from 20 gms triphala, 20 gms. black pepper, 10 gms. pure sulphur, 5 gms. of neem leaves and mehandi leaves-ground in fine powder form) with a glass of water twice a day cures all impurities of blood.


Taking fresh Amla juice with honey checks diabetes.


Soak 15 gms. Amla and 15 gms. of mehandi (myrtle) leaves overnight in 400 gms. water strain the liquid in the morning. Drinking this water checks piles. Taking 5 gms. of triphala churna with a glass of whey helps in curing piles. Also, taking fresh Amla juice with half tsp of ghee and 1 tsp. of honey and 100 gms. of milk-after lunch-cures even chronic piles problem.


Taking Amla powder with radish helps in checking stone in bladder by breaking the stones and throwing it out with urine. The best time to have them is morning or evening.


Have 1 tsp dried Amla powder with milk or water before retiring for the day. It helps in imparting movements to the bowels and keeping the system clean. Also taking strained water of mashed fresh Amlas soaked overnight in lukewarm water helps in evacuating the bowels. Taking 4 tsp fresh Amla juice and 3 tsp honey mixed in a glass of water relieves constipation. If constipation is caused by worms, take about 20 gms. fresh juice of Amla every day to kill the worms.

Cold and cough

Taking two tsp of fresh Amla juice with honey twice a day helps in taking out the phlegm and controls cold. Also, taking milk in which a little Amla powder and ghee boiled in the evening

helps in dry cough. Licking Amla powder with honey regularly twice or thrice a day also cures chronic dry cough.

Skin troubles

If there is the problem of extreme dryness of the skin, taking tea boiled with pieces of Amla in it mixed with sugar and milk helps greatly. Itching problem is cured by applying Amla churna in chameli oil (dry Amlas in shade, powder them and mix them in chameli-Jasmine oil. The bottle should be kept in shade) on the part of the body where itching is gives reting. (See also : Remedies for Acne)

Baldness and other allied problems

Washing the head with Amla-juice mixed with water after rubbing the scalp for 10-15 mts. with fresh Amla juice helps in restoring the vitality of hair. Soak dried Amla, Harar, Bahera and Shikakai in an iron utensil overnight and mesh them nicely, washing your hair regularly with this strengthens the hair and checks hair loss.

Applying the paste of Amla powder mixed in lemon juice on the hair 10 to 15 mts. before washing them with Amla water keeps the hair strong and shining.

Dying the hair with the following herbal paste makes them turn automatically black and strong. Make the paste of Amla and Mehandi leaves and apply it on the hair. Keep it applied for about 15 to 20 mts. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. This will make your hair black and shining.

Washing the hair with dicoction of Amla removes dryness of the scalp, checks dandruff and stops excessive fall and the greying of hair.

Massaging the head with Amla oil imparts natural glow to hair, relieves mental tension and induces sleep.


Soak 4 Munnakkas (big raisins) in juice of 4 fresh Amla. After one hour grind the soaked munakkas and mix it with Amlajuice. Taking this potion twice a day gives relief in Jaundice.

Mix a churna in the following way. Grind each of Amla, dry ginger (Read more on health benefits of ginger), black pepper, 3 gms. of iron bhasm and little turmeric. Lick this churna mixed with a teaspoonful honey helps cure Jaundice.


Taking fresh Amlajuice with old ghee-heated a little-regularly for a few says relieves stiffness of joints and helps in curing gout.

Removing the spots left by measels, chicken pox, small-pox etc.

Take bath with the water having Amla juice mixed in it. Also, apply the paste made of Amla and til in equal quantity ground in cold milk added with 3 or 4 drops of rose water on spots and let it stay for sometime and then wash it off with Amla soaked water.

Boils in mouth

Doing gargles with water having fresh Amla juice twice or thrice a day gives great relief and helps curing the boils. After gargles apply fresh Amla juice on the boils and let saliva ooze out.

Lices in hair

Applying the paste of ground seeds of Amla mixed with lemon- especially on the roots of the hair and washing after half an hour will clear the lices from the hair. Even when washing it off use the water having little of Amla juice.

Amla as the beautifying agent

Application of the Amla paste mixed with turmeric and-oil on- body makes the skin clear, soft and improves the complexion.

Drinking Amla juice mixed with honey in the morning makes the complexion glowing and blemishless.

Application of the Amla paste on the face and washing it off after 10 to 15 mts class pimples and heals up the spots so created.

Checking menstrual disorder

Take boiled pulp of Amla with honey two times a day relieves the pain in the bleeding.

Taking Amla juice mixed with ripe banana 3 to 4 times a day during periods-checks profuse bleeding.


Applying the paste made of Triphala powder mixed with cow’s urine-on the affected part-relieves the poisonous effects of insects. Drinking Amla juice will also help in such cases.

General maintenance of health

Munching raw Amla or one piece of Amla Murabba washed down with milk is an ideal breakfast for staying healthy and living till ripe old age.

Also, taking Chyavanprash (having enough of Amla) in the morning is also very good tonic for maintaining good health.

Taking sharbat of Amla in summers keeps the body cool even in the height of summers

Ashwagandha Health Benefits

Ashawgandha is hailed as the Indian Ginseng and is an integral constituent in many Ayurvedic preparations. It provides relief against insomnia, diabetes, nervine disorders, joint pain, general debility and male impotence.

Ashwagandha Origin

Ashwagandha is a greyish, erect shrub that flourishes in India and North America. The leaves are ovate and glabrous while the flowers are inconspicuous, greenish or yellow in colour. The berries are small, globose with yellow seeds.

Ashwagandha Medicinal Properties

The ashwagandha roots are astringent, somniferous, stimulant, aphrodisiac, diuretic, thermogenic and tonic. The roots, leaf and the whole plant are used in medicine. According to Ayurvedic principles, Ashwagandha is the best herb for balancing Vata in the body. Vata governs all movement in the body, including the movement of nerve impulses through the nervous system. Numerous clinical studies have shown that Ashwagandha is very effective in reducing inflammation, treating tumors, decreasing stress, increasing mental activity, invigorating the body, and as an antioxidant.

Ashwagandha Home Remedies

It is used to treat the following conditions:

Ashwagandha For Arthritis

Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties and is a wonderful supplement for rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical studies have shown that naturally occurring steroid like compounds in Ashwaganda are as effective in the management of inflammation as the synthetically manufactured hydrocortisone. The pain relieving ability is comparable to aspirin and phenybutazone without the unsavory side-effects. Read other Arthritis Home Remedies.

Herbal Remedy For Diabetic Neuropathy

Ashwagandha, renowned for its adaptogenic and anti-inflammatory properties, is very effective in cases of diabetic neuropathy. It improves the weakness, fatigue and weight loss associated with diabetic neuropathy. Read other Diabetes Home Remedies.

Ashwagandha For Insomnia

Without simply acting as a sedative, Ashwagandha calms the body and mind into producing better sleep. Its rejuvenative and nervine property helps with insomnia and stress. Read other Insomnia Home Remedies.

Natural Cure For Male Impotence

A teaspoon of Ashwagandha root powder is advised for increased sexual vitality and sperm count. The herb acts as a aphrodisiac by being a herbal rejuvenative and a nervine compound. It increases the activity of the steroidal hormones like testosterone and progesterone. Ashwagandha's active principle, alkaloids and withanoloids, are renowned for their stimulating properties. It is not only effective in men but with women as well.

Ashwagandha Makes You Stronger

A teaspoon of Ashwagandha lehyam prepared with the root powder, ghee and honey is advised for tissue building and enhanced general strength. It is used in muscle weakness and provides nutrition for all the seven tissue layers of the body - the lymph, blood, muscles, fat, bones, marrow and nervous tissue and semen.

Natural Remedy For Stress

Ashwagandha calms the mind, promote restful sleep and increases mental clarity. It is an adaptogen that calms the nerves and improves the body's ability to deal with physical and emotional stress.

Herbal Remedy For Nervine Disorders

A teaspoon of Ashwagandha lehyam prepared with the root powder, ghee and honey is advised for nervine disorders like hysteria, epilepsy and even Parkinson disease.

Ashwagandha Fades Leucoderma

Leucoderma or Vitiligo is a embarrassing skin condition that causes a gradual loss of the melanin pigment resulting in white patches on the skin. Ashwagandha aids in the reduction of these patches.

Natural Poison Antidote

Powdered Ashwagandha roots are given as an antidote for aconite poisoning. It can also eliminate toxins accumulated in the system due to syphilis and other chronic ailments.

Ashwagandha Side Effects

Ashwagandha is generally safe; however, it should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, young children, or those with severe kidney or liver disease. In some clinical studies, it has shown to increase thyroid levels and should not be used by hyperthyroid patients. Ashwagandha is traditionally used for its sedative properties and should not be combined with other sedating drugs

Arthritis Home Remedies

Arthritis pain can be treated naturally with turmeric, ashwagandha, garlic, ginger, camphor, guggulu, capsaicin and other holistic ingredients. The term Arthritis means an "inflammation of the joints". It is characterized by joint inflammation, stiffness, swelling and pain. The two most common types are osteoarthritis, a painful condition in which the joint cartilage gradually breaks down, and rheumatoid arthritis, a systemic disease that can cause severe pain and crippling. Both of these disorders have similar symptoms and respond to the same treatments.

Types of Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis could be an autoimmune malfunction like the presence of rheumatoid factor (RH) in the blood, which may attack on the body's joint tissue. It could also be a mycoplasmic or bacterial or viral infection, overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, food allergies, toxic metal accumulation or emotional stress.

Osteoarthritis can be caused by food allergies, obesity (it places extra stress on joints), emotional stress, poor digestive health, hormone imbalance or earlier vulnerabilities like a prior fracture, poor posture or other injuries.

Arthritis Symptoms

The symptoms of osteoarthritis could include morning stiffness, painful and swollen joints, restricted range of motion and deformity of joints. The symptoms for rheumatoid arthritis could be morning stiffness, lumps under the skin at the site of damaged joints, deformity of joints in long-term cases, fatigue, weight loss, weakness and occasional fever and inflammation, pain or tenderness and discoloration in the joints, especially the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, ankles or toes.

Arthritis Lifestyle Choices

Smoking increases the incidence and symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis. Don't baby your achy joints, instead give them a good workout. Muscle strengthening exercises,

walking, yoga and swimming improves circulation to the joints, slows down cartilage loss, and improves range of motion. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and be sure to include stretching and aerobic activity.

Arthritis Diet

Garlic, ginger and turmeric help reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis. They are anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature, include them frequently in cooking.

Saturated animal fats, polyunsaturated, hydrogenated, and partially hydrogenated oils increase inflammation. Oils like extra-virgin olive oil, omega-3 fatty acids found in cold-water fish like salmon, sardines and herrings, walnuts and flaxseeds reduce inflammation. Consume these instead.

Fruits that are high in citrus flavonoids like grapefruits help reduce inflammation. Zinc is a mineral essential for proper immune system function. Peas, legumes, oysters, wheat

germ, whole wheat products and milk are rich in zinc. Have at least one a day.

Arthritis Herbal Remedies

Turmeric Eases Joint Pain

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial against rheumatoid arthritis. In a labaratory studies of rats, turmeric extracts blocked a protein linked to swelling and pain of inflammation. Additionally, curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and is able to neutralize free radicals that cause havoc on the joints. Regular usage of turmeric can shorten the duration of morning stiffness, longer walking time and reduced joint swelling. Turmeric is also effective with Osteoarthritis in its ability to reduce pain and disability. Read other Turmeric Home Remedies.

Ginger Remedy For Arthritis

Ginger contains a chemical called Zingibain which is analgesic in nature and reduces pain caused by muscle aches, arthritis, headache, migraine, etc. Ginger oil or ginger paste can be added to the massaging oil to soothe the aching muscles. A decoction of dry ginger and castor roots can be taken every morning for lubrication of the joints and relief from pain. Regular use of ginger leads to the reduction of prostoglandis which are the compounds associated with pain. Thus ginger has a multi-faceted application in Arthritis. Read other Ginger Home Remedies.

Ashwagandha Acts Against Joint Pain

Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties and is a wonderful supplement for rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical studies have shown that naturally occurring steroid like compounds in Ashwaganda are as effective in the management of inflammation as the synthetically manufactured hydrocortisone. The pain relieving ability is comparable to aspirin and phenybutazone without the unsavory side-effects. Read other Ashwagandha Home Remedies.

Garlic Reduces Joint Pain

Consume a crushed garlic decoction daily to soothe those aching joints. In clinical studies, garlic has shown to reduce pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It also inhibits the formation of free radicals that accelerate joint damage. Read other Garlic Home Remedies.

Guggulu Arthritis Remedy

Guggulu is an anti-inflammatory and a pain reducing herb. You could consume 250 mg capsules twice daily with warm milk

Capsaicin Application For Arthritis

To ease the pain of arthritis, apply a cream containing capsaicin, an active ingredient in cayenne pepper to the painful areas.

Devil's Claw Treats Arthritis

Devil's claw is a popular treatment for osteoarthritis as it can improve pain, range of motion and the time needed to recover from stiffness.

Camphor Stimulation For Arthritis

Camphor is a detoxifier and a stimulant on the circulatory system and as such it excites the blood circulation and gives relief in rheumatism, arthritis, gout, etc. It is also anti phlogistic - it reduces swelling of body parts. Pieces of camphor can be added to sesame or mustard oil and used for this application. Read other Camphor Home Remedies.

Natural Remedy From Tinospora

Tinospora is a popular Ayurvedic medicine for rheumatism. A decoction made from tinospora powder and dry ginger is very effective with rheumatic pain, gout and inflammation. Drink an ounce before meals, twice a day. Read other Tinospora Home Remedies.

Arthritis, Healing With Supplements

Vitamin C Eases Joint Pain

Both Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis will benefit from Vitamin C as it reduces inflammation. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents the free radicals from damaging the immune cells. More on Vitamin C

Vitamin E Supplementation For Arthritis

Vitamin E is another element that helps both kinds of arthritis. It is another anti-oxidant that help fight inflammation. More on Vitamin E.

Beta Carotene Remedy For Arthritis

Beta Carotene is yet another anti-oxidant that is a good antidote for arthritis. Beta-carotene is present in the yellow pigment found in carrots, winter squash, cantaloupe and other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. More on Beta Carotene.

Selenium Reduces Inflammation

Selenium, a mineral, is used in the body for the production of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that works inside joints to fight the free radicals. Sea foods, meat and whole grains are rich in selenium and it helps with both types of arthritis. More on Selenium.

Zinc and Copper For Arthritis

Zinc along with copper make an inflammation fighting enzyme called super oxide dismutase. This enzyme neutralizes free radicals holed inside inflamed joints. More on Zinc

Turmeric Health Benefits

Also known as the Indian Saffron, Turmeric is an effective home remedy for common colds, inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, high cholesterol and skin conditions.

Turmeric Origin

It is a perennial herb cultivated in India, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Java, Peru, Australia and the West Indies. It is used extensively in Indian, Middle Eastern, Moroccoan and Asian cuisine. It plays an important role in Indian rituals and is considered to be a sacred herb.

Turmeric Medicinal Properties

Turmeric is a thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anthelmintic, appetite inducing, diuretic, laxative, expectorant and carminative herb. Turmeric is a good source of Vitamin C and potassium. It also contains a chemical called Curcumin which has good antiseptic and antibacterial properties. In clinical studies, turmeric has established its anit-cancer and anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory behavior.

Turmeric Home Remedies

It is used to treat the following conditions:

Diabetic Home Remedy

One tsp of turmeric is added to some gooseberry(amla) juice and this mixture is consumed everyday. Alternatively, turmeric extracts or capsules can be taken. This is very effective in normalizing the blood glucose levels and reducing insulin resistance. Read other Diabetes Home Remedies.

Lose Weight With Turmeric

Turmeric is a cholagogue, it stimulates the production of bile in the liver and the excretion of bile via the gall bladder. This increases the flow of bile in the system thus aiding in the breakdown of dietary fat. It also reverses many of the inflammatory and metabolic problems associated with obesity. Add turmeric powder in your daily cooking to help with weight reduction. Read other Obesity Home Remedies.

Natural Cure For Joint Pain

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory property is beneficial against rheumatoid arthritis. In a labaratory studies of rats, turmeric extracts blocked a protein linked to swelling and pain of inflammation. Additionally, curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and is able to neutralize free radicals that cause havoc on the joints. Regular usage of turmeric can shorten the duration of morning stiffness, longer walking time and reduced joint swelling. Turmeric is also effective with Osteoarthritis in its ability to reduce pain and disability. Read other Arthritis Home Remedies.

Cholesterol Herbal Remedy

Curcumin, the active constituent of Turmeric has the ability to communicate with the liver cells and stimulate the LDL receptors. The increased presence of these receptors helps in clearing the LDL or bad cholesterol from the system. Curcumin, is a rich source of Vitamin B6 and prevents the oxidation of cholesterol thus protecting the heart from plaques that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Read other Cholesterol Home Remedies.

Natural Acne Cure

Turmeric prevents the excessive production of sebum, the chemical that causes oily skin. Taken internally and externally, its anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties are beneficial for acne. Mix a pinch of turmeric with coconut oil or milk and apply on the acne and black heads. Turmeric not only works on drying out the acne, but also erases any marks left behind. Indians routinely use a

turmeric mask to lighten their skin and remove unwanted facial hair. Read other Acne Home Remedies.

Natural Remedy For Cold

Turmeric anti-inflammatory property alleviates inflammation and congestion from lethargic mucous membranes. Add turmeric powder with some pepper and jaggery to a glass of hot milk and take it thrice a day. Alternatively, add a tsp of turmeric, a quarter tsp of ajowan and some honey to cup of boiling water. Drinking this, will relieve congestion and cure colds. In cases of dry cough, add some ghee to the mixture. Read other Colds Home Remedies.

Home Remedy For Indigestion

Traditionally, Indians add a pinch of turmeric to lentil and bean dishes. Turmeric is considered as a digestive bitter and a carminative. By adding it to starchy and heavy food items, it improves digestion, reduces flatulence and bloating. Turmeric is very beneficial for people who feel tired after eating, as it helps process the food better. Read other Indigestion Home Remedies.

Turmeric Retards Cancer

Numerous studies have demonstrated the usage of Turmeric with lower rates of breast, prostrate, lung and colon cancer; it prevents tumors from forming; it can help slow the metastase of the cancer, it destroys mutated cancer cells so that they cannot spread and cause more damage to the body. Overall, it can be used as a broad-spectrum anti-cancer agent.

Colitis Home Remedy

Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis can benefit from a frequent usage of this spice. In labaratory studies, colitis induced mice reacted very well to the administration of curcumin. Curcumin is believed to inhibit cellular inflammatory agents and to provide anti-oxidant capability.

Curcumin Improves Memory

In labaratory studies, Curcumin, the active constituent of Turmeric has slowed the progression of Alzhimer's disease in mice. Scientists theorize that Curcumin inhibit the production of IL-2, a protein that attacks Myelin, the sheath that protects the nerves in the body. Studies show that in elderly Indian populations that routinely use turmeric as a spice, incidences of neuro-degenarative diseases are low.

Herbal Remedy For Leucoderma

Turmeric mixed with mustard oil has also proved useful in leucoderma. About 500 gm of dried or fresh turmeric roots should be grounded and soaked in 8 litres of water overnight. Boil this water till it reduces to one-eigth of its initial quantity, and then mix the strained decoction with 500 ml of mustard oil. Warm this mixture till the water is well absorbed and only the oil is left It

should then be strained and preserved in a bottle. The mixture should be applied on the white patches every morning and evening for a few months.

Natural Therapy For Wounds

This is a very popular Indian remedy. You can arrest bleeding in fresh wounds by plugging the site with some turmeric powder. Quick lime can also be added to the turmeric to hasten the effect.

Natural Treatment For Fungal Infection/Scabies

A paste of turmeric is applied especially in infections affecting the crevices of the fingers and toes. The known antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral properties of turmeric make it the first and best choice in such conditions. If you are suffering from urticaria, taking a fresh piece of turmeric rhizome on an empty stomach goes a long way in curing those eruptions.

Home Remedy For Menstrual Disorders

Turmeric is a good antispasmodic and helps smooth the mucles that cause menstrual cramping. It also reduces the severity of pain. Menstruating women would benefit by using turmeric extracts two weeks prior to expected menstruation.

Natural Cure For Worm Infections/Scabies

Turmeric is a powerful anti-bacterial agent. You can get rid of intestinal worms by consuming a ground paste of Turmeric and curry leaves.

High Cholesterol Home Remedies

High Cholesterol can be mitigated with herbs like turmeric, garlic, coriander, guggulu, alfalfa and fenugreek. Cholesterol is a kind of fat in our blood and it plays a critical role in the functioning of the bile, vitamin D, cell membranes, sex hormones and nerve sheaths. The liver manufactures about a gram each day and that is adequate for all our needs.

Cholesterol Types: The Good, the Bad and Triglycerides

Not all the cholesterol is bad for us. There are three kinds of blood cholesterol - The good cholesterol or the high-density cholesterol(HDL), the bad cholesterol or the low-density cholesterol(LDL) and triglycerides. HDL helps to keep the arteries from clogging up and protects against heart disease. LDL can block our arteries and increases our risks for heart disease. Triglycerides are another form of fat that can also increase our chances of heart disease.

High cholesterol, clinically termed as hyperlipidemia, is characterized by above-normal blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol) and below-normal blood levels of high-density lipoprotein(HDL or good cholesterol).

High Cholesterol Symptoms

Unfortunately, there are no obvious symptoms of high cholesterol, so it's important to have your doctor perform a blood analysis regularly. One sign of high cholesterol can be a buildup of cholesterol rings under the eyes. But, do watch out for signs of circulatory problems, dizziness, mental confusion or dullness and difficulty breathing after minor exertion. In some individuals, excess cholesterol maybe stored in the skin and tendons, creating bumps known as xanthomas.

High Cholesterol Lifestyle Choices

Get regular medical checkups and record your cholesterol and cardiovascular risk marker levels. Smoking is a huge risk for heart disease. If you smoke or are exposed to second hand smoke,

and have high cholesterol, do quit immediately. Exercise lowers LDL levels, while raising those of HDL. Find an activity that interests you, and

pursue it regularly.

High Cholesterol Diet

Oats, brown rice, beans and fruits are good sources of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has a dramatic ability to reduce cholesterol levels.

Nuts, especially walnuts, have been shown to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Eat a handful daily.

Garlic and onions help lower LDL cholesterol while raising HDL, add them to your dishes frequently.

Olive oil has been found to increase HDL levels (the "good" cholesterol). Whenever possible, substitute this for your cooking oil.

Sugar and alcohol stimulate the liver to produce more cholesterol. Avoid alcoholic beverages and all sources of refined sugar, especially sodas, candy and baked goods.

Substitute coffee and black tea with green tea, it has much lesser caffeine levels. High caffeine intake has been linked to high cholesterol. Moreover, green tea is rich in antioxidants which may prevent cholesterol oxidation.

Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid which can help lower cholesterol.

High Cholesterol Herbal Remedies

Garlic Treatment For Cholesterol

The Sankrit word, "Lahsunah", for garlic, means "that which devours diseases of the heart", it is indeed a good home remedy for heart ailments. Compounds in garlic causes blood clots to dissolve more quickly and improve blood fluidity. Studies show that garlic contains hydrogen sulfide, which interacts with the red blood cells and helps the vessels and capillaries to relax. This in turns lowers the blood pressure. It also contains peptides which prevents blood pressure from raising and lowers cholesterol levels. Garlic decoction or a few cloves of garlic in food is an excellent cardiac supplement. Read other Garlic Home Remedies.

Turmeric Lowers Cholesterol

Curcumin, the active constituent of Turmeric has the ability to communicate with the liver cells and stimulate the LDL receptors. The increased presence of these receptors helps in clearing the

LDL or bad cholesterol from the system. Curcumin, is a rich source of Vitamin B6 and prevents the oxidation of cholesterol thus protecting the heart from plaques that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Read other Turmeric Home Remedies.

Amla Cholesterol Remedy

In labaratory studies, amla has been proven to effective for high cholesterol and prevention of atherosclerosis. It strengthens the heart muscles and causes asignificant decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides. A 500 mg capsule of dried Amla powder can be added to your daily routine after consulting with your doctor. Read other Amla Home Remedies.

Arjuna - The Heart Tonic

Arjuna is a celebrated Ayurvedic remedy for heart ailments. It has shown to inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein and revive high density lipoprotein ratio. A decoction from the bark can be consumed twice daily to insure against angina, high cholesterol and hyper tension. Read other Arjuna Home Remedies.

Coriander Seeds For Cholesterol

Prepare a coriander seed decoction or a coriander leaf juice and drink this every day. It keeps the blood cholesterol in check by decreasing LDL or bad cholesterol and raising the level of HDL or good cholesterol in the body. Read other Coriander Home Remedies.

Fenugreek For Cholesterol

Fenugreek is rich in steroidal(furostanol) saponins - notably trigoneosides and diosgenin. These are responsible for its efficacy on blood fat and cholesterol levels. Two ounces of fenugreek seed can be added as part of the diet to develop a healthier heart. Read other Fenugreek Home Remedies.

Tulsi Heals the Heart

Tulsi is a good source of magnesium and it helps the heart muscles and blood vessels to relax. It promotes cardiovascular health and help lower cholesterol. Read other Tulsi Home Remedies.

Lower Cholesterol With Guggulu

The Ayurvedic herb, Guggul is a good medication for obesity and high cholesterol. It works on the liver by increasing the metabolism or the breaking down of the bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides. It also prevents the arteries from hardening. Guggul can be consumed as capsules.

Alfalfa Sprouts And Cholesterol

Researchers have found that both alfalfa plant and alfalfa sprout saponin preparations bind to and absorb significant quantities of cholesterol. Alfalfa is also a rich source of potassium. The seeds are generally consumed as sprouts.

High Cholesterol, Healing With Supplements

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is the first line of defence against the heart. It reduces the oxidation of LDL and prevent heart disease. More on Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is yet another powerful anti-oxidant that will prevent the cholesterol from oxidizing. More on Vitamin E.


Niacin, a B-Vitamin has been found to lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising the HDL levels in the body. More on Niacin

Selenium, Zinc and Copper

Minerals Selenium, Zinc and Copper are also effective in controlling cholesterol. It boosts the levels of glutathione and lowers LDL. More on Selenium, Zinc and Copper

Aloe Vera Benefits ~ Ελληνική Έκδοση

Aloe Barbadensis Miller Plant

The aloe vera benefits for our health are top numerous and astonishing.

Adopting aloe products into our daily nutrition habits is a great way to improve by a natural way, our health, our body's regeneration and our beautiful appearance.

At the same time we acquire balance of mind and body and overal wellness. When we feel good, healthy, beautiful and overal regenerated --a healthy mind in healthy body--, we:

avoid frequent visits to the doctor acquire positive energy and

our external appearance and image is improved. And all this is apparent in all looks.

The unique and beneficial for our health components of aloe, prove that this natural dietary supplement is essential in our nutrition.

It is noteworthy, that so many different products in various categories, in the recent years contain a percentage of aloe. And there is no wonder why food, health and wellness industries, consider products from aloe as the key to their growth in the decade 2010 to 2020.

Nutrition and Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Daily nutrition routine that includes aloe vera juice, bee products and other natural nutritional supplements contributes greatly in how healthy we look, feel and think.

There is a strong connection between healthy nutritional habits, youthful - younger looking appearance and living better forever.

Aloe Barbadensis Miller Flower

Proper nutrients absorption and toxins elimination from our body is paramount to maintaining a healthy body, a youthful appearance and high energy levels.

This is achieved with the proper functioning of the digestive system. The adaptogenic properties of aloe are beneficial for digestive function.

A healthy digestive system, supported by aloe, absorbs better the nutrients and eliminates all harmful elements, thereby promoting our body's health.

Whether our body is healthy, it positively affects our thoughts and our actions. And so we enjoy effects of positive thoughts and actions and a better quality of life.

Aloe and Immune Systems

Aloe vera drink has natural detoxifying properties that work to cleanse the digestive system and the circulatory system. Improved absorption of nutrients has been connected with better blood circulation and better body's nutrition at cellular level.

Healthy, oxygen-rich blood provides nutrients to the cells more efficiently. Healthy cells make us appear younger. Healthy cells are also strong enough to fight infections. Aloe naturally neutralizes only harmful bacteria in our body and its regenerating - rejuvenating properties work from the inside out.

Aloe Vera Anti-aging Properties

The potency of anti-aging products is enhanced, when they have the added support of aloe working from inside.

Aloe Barbadensis MillerLeaf's Inner Gel

The anti-aging properties of aloe are these with the most significant contribution to our appearance and they have a big impact on our health and looks.

Aloe in the form of anti-aging aloe skin cream or aloe lotion has the ability to quickly penetrate the various layers of our skin and to reach the muscles of our body; and this penetrating ability can reach even deeper, up to the bones.

Thus, aloe can act at the cellular level to nourish and regenerate the cells, yielding excellent results in the holistic approach to skin care.

Topical use of Aloe Vera

Let’s not forget that aloe is most appropriate for topical use. The pure aloe leaf inner gel is ideal for the care of burns, small wounds, abrasions and to alleviate symptoms of skin conditions.

Topical skin care products and personal care products that include aloe are very effective.

Tip: On shopping aloe products, we have to trust only companies producing and offering products from stabilized aloe barbadensis Miller.

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Other aloe benefit

We can enjoy the health benefits of aloe vera and the natural results will be readily recognized in our appearance, our positive energy and our standard of living.

However, there are also benefits from the use of aloe that help us restore our economic independence.

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AloeveraChangeslives.comTable of Content

Aloe Vera UsesThere are many aloe vera uses and people use this plant extract for centuries. Following are the most common uses of this miracle plant.

Aloe Vera JuiceAloe vera juice is one of the most powerful components in today’s healthy lifestyles. The benefits of drinking aloe vera juice are abundant in digestive system and detoxification.

Pure Aloe Vera GelPure Aloe Vera Gel has many qualities that are appealing to health-conscious people. You can experience the maximum benefits of Aloe Vera using it in its purest form.

Aloe Vera Skin CareAloe Vera Skin Care products have much to offer. The unique anti aging qualities of

this natural plant extract yield excellent results.

Face Skin CareFace skin care is typically associated with women, but many men are adopting healthy anti aging regimens into their routines as well. Natural herbal products are ideal for both populations.

Antiaging Personal Care CosmeticSelecting antiaging personal care cosmetic products can be confusing. Aloe vera based natural beauty products are very effective skincare products that address your overall health.

Face Skin Anti AgingAmong the biggest concerns for face skin anti aging approaches are wrinkles. However, these are just a part of the aging process that needs to be addressed in proper skincare maintenance.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera GelThe health benefits of aloe vera for topical use or for nutritional supplement in conjunction with the health benefits of bee products are amazing.

Bee FactsOnce you gather some bee facts, you begin to see what amazing creatures they are. People benefit from healthy bee products as honey, royal jelly, bee propolis and pollen.

Best Nutritional SupplementInformation about the best nutritional supplement,free radicals and antioxidants.The right combination of vitamin,healthy diet and exercise regimens can have stunning anti aging effects.

Kids Nutritional Supplements Kids Nutritional Supplements with phytonutrients,vitamins and minerals are important for our kids growth and for the proper functions of their body.

Nutritional Supplements for Weight LossNutritional supplements for weight loss with aloe vera offer maximum results. Healthy digestive system, incentive and weight loss exercises warrant success.

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Living Better ForeverThe art of living better forever begins with a healthy diet and exercise plan that includes nutritional supplements. You can maximize your efforts by incorporating natural products.

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Aloe Vera Blog Changes LivesAloe Vera Blog Changes Lives is about the health benefits of aloe vera and bee products,reputable mlm home business opportunity and profitable site building.

About Us - Who is Strato?Who is Strato?..a small talk about us,Strato,prosperity via healthy mind healthy body,aloe vera and nutritional supplements.

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Read more:

What is Ajwain?Ajwain(Carom Seeds) belongs to the same family such as caraway, dil as well as cumin. Here in India it is called bishop’s weed, ova or carom and is popularly used in the delicacies of the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in India. It adds flavor to the delicacies.

The ajwain seeds are mostly found in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India, now popularly known as Chhattisgarh. The herb is also grown in the home garden. It is also known for its medicinal value in countries East Asia.

Ajwain seeds are very tiny, ridged and oval in shape. These grayish-green colored seeds appear as cumin seeds. These seeds are chewed as they are considered to be of medicinal value. They are of bitter and hot taste.

One can add these seeds into the dough of the rotis, parathas, matris, khakras. One can use them in dal, salad dressings, vegetables, as well as many savory preparations. In India ajwain is used to flavor deeply fried foods.

Health Benefits of AjwainThe primary health benefits of ajwain are:

Medicinal value. Prevents bad breath. Reduces toothache. Beneficial for a sore throat. Provides relief from bronchitis as well as asthma. Helps get rid of indigestion. Prevents flatulence. Enhances appetite. One can massage one’s legs as well as knees with ajwain oil. Manage vomiting. Useful as a laxative. Beneficial in heart diseases. Effective in treating paralysis. Useful for abdominal pain. Effective in the case of liver diseases. Beneficial for weakness in limbs. Kidney malfunctioning. Manages mouth pile. Useful in removing stones in urine. Useful in controlling hiccups.

Ajwain has many medicinal benefits. It is often used in culinary dishes in India.

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Healing Foods According to Symptoms

Essential Nutrients and their sources | Healing Juices

Some of the healing foods that are beneficial in certain diseases like acidity, acne, arthritis, asthma,cancer, cholera, cold and cough, constipation, diabetes, dysentry, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, impotency, intestinal worms, jaundice, kidney stones, ulcers, piles, pimples, teeth & gum problems and whooping cough.

Acidity : Grapefruit, Coconut, Groundnut, Honey, Jaggery, Yogurt (Curd) Arthritis: Apple, Banana, Mango, Cucumber, Garlic Asthma: Garlic

Healing foods for Cancer: Carrot, Garlic, Lime, Lemon Cholera: Bitter Gourd (Karela), Coconut water, Cucumber, Onions Cold and Cough : Garlic, Ginger, Lime, Lemon Constipation : Almonds, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lime, Lettuce, Banana, Beet Root

(Chukandar), Corn, Cucumber, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Soyabeans, Spinach, Whole wheet (bread, pudding)

Healing foods for Diabetes: Bengal Gram, Bitter Gourd (Karela), Fenugreek (Methi seeds), Grapefruit, Indian goosberry (Amla), Groundnuts, Jambu Fruit (Jamun), Kidneybeans (Rajmah), Lime, Lettuce, Mango leaves, Soyabeans

Dysentry: Banana, Carrot, Garlic, Groundnuts, Indian goosberry (Amla), Jambul Fruit (Rose apple, Jamun), Mango seeds, Pomegranate (Anar)

Heart Disease: Cabbage, Carrot, Honey, Apple, Asparagus (Soot Mooli) Garlic, Onions, Oranges, Grapes, Grapefruit, Indian goosberry (Amla), Lime, Lemon, Raisins

High Blood Pressure : Apple, Banana, Garlic, Lime, lemon, oats, Onions, psyllium husk (Isabgole) Foods good for High Cholesterol: Apple, Curry patta, Garlic, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, Oats,

Psyllium husk, Raisins, Soya Beans, Sunflower seeds High Blood Sugar : Bitter melon (Karela), Fenugreek (Methi seeds) Immune system : Watermelon is packed with glutathione, which helps boost immune system. It

is also a source of vitamin C, potassium and lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. Inflammation : Cherries, garlic, Turmeric spice. Impotency: Almonds, Black gram (Urad Dal) Intestinal Worms: Carrot, Freshly ground Coconut Papya, Tomatoes, Pomegranate(Anar) Jaundice: Radish, Sugarcane Healing of Kidney Stones: Apple, Tomato(?) Peptic Ulcer: Lime Piles or hemorrhoids : The healing foods for piles or hemorrhoids are :Beet Root (Chukandar),

Bitter Gourd (Karela), Figs, Jambul Fruit (Rose apple, Jamun), Onions, Radish, Lime,Pigeon Pea (Red Gram, Arhar Dal)

The healing foods for Acne or Pimples: Cucumber Juice (apply on face), Lime, Lemon Teeth & Gum remedies : Lime, Fresh Groundnut, Apple, Onions, Pomegranate (Anar) rind

powder, Spinach Whooping Cough: Garlic, Onion

The antiaging foods should supply all the basic nutrients needed for a healthy body. These anti-aging foods include carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, nuts, whole grains, spices and herbs. Anti-aging foods are rich in antioxidants.

Incorporating foods high in antioxidants (which protect against free radicals) into your diet could ward off the effects of aging. Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), developed by USDA is a measure of antioxidant content of foods. The following foods are super foods as they contain up to 20 times the antioxidant content of other foods. So these foods, if included in daily diet (up to 3000 ORAC) can be good for your antiaging effort. ORAC of some of the super foods are given below:

Secrets of LongevityLong Life, Living longerAging ProcessEffects of AgingAnti Aging DietAnti Aging DietAnti Aging VitaminsAnti Aging Vitamins & Supplements Weak Memory RemedyBrain Tumor

FOOD 1/2 cup: ORAC ScorePrunes: 5770Raisins: 2830Blueberries: 2400Blackberries: 2036Kale: 1770Strawberries: 1540Spinach: 1260Raspberries: 1220

Besides the following foods, you should also eat super foods of cholesterol and heart, super foods for brain power

1. Dark green leafy cruciferous vegetablesThe family of cruciferous vegetables includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip, Brussels sprouts, radish and watercress. These vegetables are rich in vitamin C, carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) and anti-cancer substances such as sulphoraphane and genistein. These vegetables also help to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration in eyes.

2. TomatoesTomatoes are a rich source of lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that protects against coronary heart disease and cancer, especially cancer of the lung, stomach, mouth, colon, rectum and prostate gland.

3. Garlic & GingerGarlic herb has antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties and can reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce blood stickiness and dilate blood vessels. It is also helpful in treating intestinal, respiratory and skin infections. It is believed that eating a clove of garlic a day helps to protect the body against cancer and heart disease.

4. SoybeansSoybeans contain isoflavones that help to prevent ageing due to hormone imbalances. Soy may protect against breast and prostate cancers, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and heart disease. Soy helps to maintain estrogen levels in menopausal women.

5. BerriesAll black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrant and black grapes contain phytochemicals, powerful antioxidants.

6. Nuts and seedsNuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium

and essential fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids. Eat a handful, about 30 g daily. Note the details of nutrition of nuts and seeds.

7. YogurtYogurt (curd, yoghurt) helps to boost immunity and improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients from the gut.

8. HoneyThe research carried out in 2007 on rats at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand revealed that honey could be used to combat the effects of ageing, including memory decline and anxiety. Researcher Nicola Starkey said, "Diets sweetened with honey may be beneficial in decreasing anxiety and improving memory during ageing."

9. SunshineOlder people are at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes due to a vitamin D deficiency as a result of natural aging process. They can reduce their risk by sitting more time in the sunshine to boost vitamin D in the skin, as revealed by the study done by Dr Oscar Franco at Warwick Medical School and published in Diabetes Care Journal 2009.

Cancer fighting foods like vegetables - papaya, sweet potato, avocado, grapefruit, mushrooms, etc. are good for cancer prevention. Know how these healing foods that fight cancer.

Types of Cancer|Warning Signs & Prevention of Cancer |Mesothelioma Cancer (Asbestos Cancer)) Help |Mesothelioma Diagnosis, Types | Mesothelioma Symptoms, Treatment, Cure Warning Signs of Other Diseases | Skin Cancer Symptoms, Prevention

There are several cancer fighting foods that prevent cancer. These cancer foods can prevent breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, etc.

A growing body of research shows that fruits and vegetables, especially richly coloured varieties, can reduce the risk of cancer. The raw vegetables are more beneficial. However, note that all vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussel sprouts, etc. cannot be taken raw as they contain oxalates, excess of which can lead to gall stones. Never overcook vegetables, it will help retain their benefits. There are several cancer fighting vegetables and fruits.

1. AppleThe apples have anti-cancer properties. Apple can either inhibit or kill cancer cells, according to a Cornell University research carried out in october 2007. The research team identified about 10 comounds, triteroenoides in apple peel that have potent anti-proliferative activities against human liver, colon and breast cancer cells.

2. AvocadoIt is a powerful antioxidant and a strong source of phytochemicals - betacarotene, vitamin C, folate, vitamin E and unsaturated fats. Recent studies (2007) at the Ohio State University, says that extracts from Hass avocados could kill oral cancer cells as well as arrest their growth. The phytochemicals present in avocado either kill the pre-cancerous cells or stop the growth of pre-cancerous cells in the body without affecting normal cells.

3. Broccoli & CabbageThe cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain a isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol which are known to lower cancer risk. The indole-3-carbinol converts cancer promoting estrogen into a protective element, sulforaphane. The sulforaphane raises the levels of certain enzymes that defend the body from cigarette smoke, pesticides, fumes, etc.

Researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York reported at the meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research in Dec 2007 that just 3 servings a month of raw

broccoli or cabbage can reduce the risk of bladder cancer by as much as 40%. The effects were most striking in non-smokers.

It has recently been discovered that the compounds isothiocyanates in broccoli can actually kill breast cancer cells in a similar way to chemotherapy drug taxol and vincristine, reports the Daily Express in 2009. This research was done at the University of California by Professors Leslie Wilson and Mary Ann Jordan at the University’s Santa Barbara laboratories.

4. Garlic and OnionIt contains alluvium compounds that improves immune power, block carcinogens from entering cells and slow tumor development. Studies have linked garlic and onions to lower risk of stomach and colon cancer. Fresh raw garlic is more beneficial.According to a research carried out in 2007 by Carlotta Galeone of the Istituto di Ricerche Farmocologiche in Milan, people whose diets are rich in onions, garlic, and other alliums have a lower risk of several types of cancer than those who avoid them.

5. Grapefruit, orange and citrus fruitsThe citrus fruits contain contains vitamin c, betacarotene and folic acid that help to prevent cancer and reduce cholesterol.

6. KaleIt contains certain nitrogen compounds, isothiocyanates, phytochemicals that may stop the conversion of certain lesions to cancerous cells in estrogen-sensitive tissues, and also may suppress tumor growth.

7. MushroomsEating 1/3rd of an ounce of fresh mushrooms daily could slash the risk of breast cancer by 64 per cent in both pre- and post-menopausal women, says a new research published in the International Journal of Cancer in March 2009. Dried mushrooms had a slightly less protective effect, reducing the risk by around half. There is evidence that mushrooms act in a similar way to breast cancer drugs called aromatase inhibitors which block the body’s production of the cancer-feeding hormone oestrogen.

8. PapayaIt has vitamin C, an antioxidant and folic acid. It may reduce absorption of cancer-causing nitrosamines from the soil or processed foods. Antioxidants and folic acid have been shown to reduce certain cancers.

9. PineappleAccording to researchers at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, pineapple fights cancer growth as extract of crushed pineapple stems, bromelain promise in fighting cancer growth.

10. Sweet PotatoIt contains lot of betacarotene, vitamin C and folic acid which may protect DNA in the cell nucleus from cancer causing chemicals outside the nuclear membrane.

11. TofuTofu contains estrogens that could help prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer by blocking and suppressing cancerous changes.

12. Tomato & BroccoliThe results of a recent research conducted at the Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois, indicates that eating tomatoes and broccoli together may offer better protection against cancer than eating either vegetable alone. "Separately, these two foods appear to have enormous cancer-fighting potential. Together, they bring out the best in each other and maximise the cancer-fighting effect," Erdman said.

Natural Foods that Fight Cancer

Tea (green and black), ginger, garlic, broccoli, onions, carrots, mushrooms, soyabeans, tomatoes, papaya, avocado, apple, pineapple, citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, sweet lime and lime, etc., green vegetables like spinach, lettuce, broccoli, french beans, radish leaves, green fenugreek (methi), okra (bhindi), sarson saag (mustard leaves), etc. have cancer preventing chemicals. The darker the green vegetable, the more is its anticancer effect. For prevention of cancer, you should eat dark green vegetables which contain betacarotene, lutein and folic acid - helpful in cancer prevention and healing.

High protein foods in diet are generally recommended for weight gain diet, athletes and body builders. They are recommended to include food sources of high protein in their diet such as meat, poultry and fish, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts, beans and lentils, grains like wheat, rice, barley and corn, and soy products.

Protein Requirement & FunctionProtein in Milk, Yogurt, CheeseMore >>

Are you looking for foods high in protein or protein rich foods? The table below gives the protein content of foods. Make your list of foods that are high in protein to make a high protein diet.

High protein diet includes foods like eggs, milk, spinach, soybean, quinoa, meat, fish, whole grains, rice, beans, legumes, corn, oats, peas and peanut butter which are good sources of high protein.

Description Weight

(g) Measure

Content per


Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, raw 33 1 cup 1.32

Artichokes, (globe or French), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

120 1 medium 4.18

Asparagus, canned, drained solids 72 4 spears 1.54

Asparagus, cooked, boiled, drained 60 4 spears 1.55

Asparagus, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

180 1 cup 5.31

Avocados, raw, California 28.35 1 oz 0.60

Avocados, raw, Florida 28.35 1 oz 0.45

Beans, baked, canned, plain or vegetarian 254 1 cup 12.17

Beans, baked, canned, with pork and tomato sauce 253 1 cup 13.05

Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

172 1 cup 15.24

Beans, Cowpeas (Blackeyed), immature seeds, boiled, without salt

165 1 cup 5.23

Beans, Cowpeas (blackeyed), immature seeds, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

170 1 cup 14.43

Beans, Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds,

172 1 cup 13.30

Beans, Kidney beans, red, mature seeds, canned 256 1 cup 13.44

Beans, Kidney beans, red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

177 1 cup 15.35

Beans, Lima beans, large, mature seeds, canned 241 1 cup 11.88

Beans, Lima beans, large, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

188 1 cup 14.66

Beans, Mung beans, mature seeds, sprouted, cooked, boiled, without salt

124 1 cup 2.52

Beans, Mung beans, mature seeds, sprouted, raw 104 1 cup 3.16

Beans, Navy beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

182 1 cup 15.83

Beans, Pinto beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt

171 1 cup 14.04

Soybeans, mature cooked, boiled, without salt 180 1 cup 22.23

Beans, Snap beans, green, canned, regular pack, drained solids

135 1 cup 1.55

Beans, Snap beans, green, cooked, boiled, drained, 125 1 cup 2.36

without salt

Beans, White beans, mature seeds, canned 262 1 cup 19.02

Beet greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 144 1 cup 3.70

Beets, canned, drained solids 170 1 cup 1.55

Broccoli, raw 88 1 cup 2.62

Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 4.65

Beets, cooked, boiled, drained 170 1 cup 2.86

Beets, cooked, boiled, drained 50 1 beet 0.84

Cabbage, Chinese (pak-choi), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

170 1 cup 2.65

Cabbage, Chinese (pe-tsai), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

119 1 cup 1.79

Cabbage, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 150 1 cup 1.53

Cabbage, raw 70 1 cup 1.01

Cabbage, red, raw 70 1 cup 0.97

Carrots, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 1.70

Carrots, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 146 1 cup 1.74

Carrots, raw 110 1 cup 1.13

Cauliflower, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 124 1 cup 2.28

Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

180 1 cup 2.90

Cauliflower, raw 100 1 cup 1.98

Celery, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 150 1 cup 1.25

Celery, raw 120 1 cup 0.90

Corn, sweet, white, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

77 1 ear 2.56

Corn, sweet, yellow, canned, vacuum pack, regular pack

210 1 cup 5.06

Corn, sweet, yellow, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

77 1 ear 2.56

Corn, sweet, yellow, frozen, kernels cut off cob, boiled, drained, without salt

164 1 cup 4.51

Corn, sweet, yellow, frozen, kernels on cob, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

63 1 ear 1.96

Cucumber, peeled, raw 119 1 cup 0.68

Cucumber, with peel, raw 104 1 cup 0.72

Dandelion greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

105 1 cup 2.10

Endive, raw 50 1 cup 0.63

Garlic, raw 3 1 clove 0.19

Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 198 1 cup 17.86

Lettuce, cos or romaine, raw 56 1 cup 0.91

Lettuce, iceberg (includes crisphead types), raw 55 1 cup 0.56

Lettuce, looseleaf, raw 56 1 cup 0.73

Mushrooms, canned, drained solids 156 1 cup 2.92

Mushrooms, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 3.39

Mushrooms, raw 70 1 cup 2.03

Mustard greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

140 1 cup 3.16

Okra, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 160 1 cup 2.99

Okra, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 184 1 cup 3.83

Olives, ripe, canned (small-extra large) 22 5 large 0.18

Onions, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 210 1 cup 2.86

Onions, dehydrated flakes 5 1 tbsp 0.45

Onions, raw 110 1 whole 1.28

Onions, spring or scallions (includes tops and bulb), raw

100 1 cup 1.83

Parsley, raw 10 10 sprigs 0.30

Parsnips, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 156 1 cup 2.06

Peas, edible-podded, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

160 1 cup 5.23

Peas, edible-podded, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

160 1 cup 5.60

Peas, green, canned, regular pack, drained solids 170 1 cup 7.51

Peppers, hot chili, green, raw 45 1 pepper 0.90

Peppers, hot chili, red, raw 45 1 pepper 0.90

Peppers, sweet, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

136 1 cup 1.25

Peppers, sweet, green, raw 119 1 pepper 1.06

Peppers, sweet, red, raw 119 1 pepper 1.06

Potato, baked, flesh and skin, without salt 202 1 potato 5.05

Potatoes, baked, flesh, without salt 156 1 potato 3.06

Potatoes, boiled, cooked in skin, flesh, without salt 136 1 potato 2.54

Potatoes, boiled, cooked without skin, flesh, without salt

135 1 potato 2.31

Potatoes, hashed brown, home-prepared 156 1 cup 3.78

Pumpkin, canned, without salt 245 1 cup 2.70

Pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 245 1 cup 1.76

Radishes, raw 4.5 1 radish 0.03

Spinach, canned, drained solids 214 1 cup 6.01

Spinach, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 180 1 cup 5.35

Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

190 1 cup 5.97

Spinach, raw 30 1 cup 0.86

Squash, summer, all varieties, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

180 1 cup 1.64

Squash, summer, all varieties, raw 113 1 cup 1.33

Squash, winter, all varieties, cooked, baked, without salt

205 1 cup 1.82

Squash, winter, butternut, frozen, cooked, boiled, without salt

240 1 cup 2.95

Sweet potato, canned, vacuum pack 255 1 cup 4.21

Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt 146 1 potato 2.51

Sweet potato, cooked, boiled, without skin, without salt

156 1 potato 2.57

Tomatoes, red, ripe, canned, stewed 255 1 cup 2.42

Tomatoes, red, ripe, canned, whole, regular pack 240 1 cup 2.21

Tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, year round average 180 1 cup 1.53

Tomatoes, sun-dried 2 1 piece 0.28

Tomatoes, sun-dried, packed in oil, drained 3 1 piece 0.15

Watermelon, raw 286 1 wedge 1.77

Protein content of other High Protein Vegetarian Foods

Description Weight

(g) Measure

Content per


Buckwheat flour, whole-groat 120 1 cup 15.14

Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked 168 1 cup 5.68

Bulgur, cooked 182 1 cup 5.61

Bulgur, dry 138 1 cup 11.70

Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, yellow 140 1 cup 17.21

Cornmeal, whole-grain, yellow 122 1 cup 9.91

Noodles, chinese, chow mein 45 1 cup 3.77

Oat bran, cooked 219 1 cup 7.03

Oat bran, raw 94 1 cup 16.26

Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt 16 1 tbsp 4.03

Quinoa, cooked - 1 cup 11

Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked 125 195 5.03

Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked 158 195 4.25

Spaghetti, cooked, enriched, without added salt 140 1 cup 6.68

Spaghetti, whole-wheat, cooked 140 1 cup 7.46

Tempeh 225 1 cup 31

Tofu, firm, prepared with calcium sulfate and magnesium chloride

81 1/4 block 6.51

Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, bleached 125 1 cup 12.91

Wheat flour, whole-grain 125 1 cup 16.44

Wheat flour, white, bread, enriched 125 137 16.41

Whole wheat bread 2 slices 2 slices 5

Veggie burger 1 patty 1 patty 5-24

Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 15

From the above table you can chose foods high in protein. Notice that there are many food choices that are high in protein such as beans, soybean, wheat flour and oat bran.


Calcium is an essential mineral for our body. Most people think that calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, but it is also important for many other functions of the body.

Daily calcium requirementCalcium rich foodsCalcium deficiency symptomsVitamin DVitamin D deficiency symptoms Vitamin D Foods

Calcium Use

for strong bones and teeth minimise bone loss prevent osteoporosis for muscles for nerves blood clot manage weight manage high blood pressure colon cancer kidney stones cardiovascular disease

Vitamin D helps to absorb and properly consume calcium.

Daily Calcium Requirement

Who need calcium? When you need calcium?

The optimal intake of calcium is crucial for children, men and women of all ages. The calcium is needed throughout the lifetime and its daily intake value increases with age. The growing children needs good amount of calcium for their growing bones. After adulthood, the calcium is needed to keep the bones strong.

Pregnant and Lactating women require more calcium. Women after menopause also need more calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

For babies, breastfeeding is the best way as a source of calcium. Formula milk also provides adequate calcium for babies.

The recommended daily calcium intake for men and women is as under.

Age Daily Calcium Intake (mg)

0-6 month 210

7-12 month 270

1-3 year 500

4-8 year 800

9-18 year 1300

19-50 year 1000

Over 50 year 1200

Calcium Absorption

Eating calcium rich foods is not enough because calcium absorption in the the digestive tract can be affected by the various factors. It depends on your age, pregnancy, and the amount of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K2, magnesium and trace mineral in your body.

The calcium absorption declines with age.

Vitamin D and vitamin K2 help in improving calcium absorption, while magnesium deficiency affects calcium metabolism.

Calcium Rich Foods

Dairy foods are very high in calcium, see the values given in the following table.



Calcium in Dairy Products

Skim Milk 1 cup 301

Whole Milk 1 cup 290

Plain Low fat Yogurt 1 cup 415

Cow Milk Cottage Cheese (Paneer) 1 cup


Baffalo Milk Cottage Cheese (Paneer) 1 cup


Feta cheese 40 g 144

Whipped Cream, 15 g 13

Calcium in Beans & Grains

White beans 3/4 cup 120

Navy beans 3/4 cup 94

Black Turtle beans 3/4 cup 75

Chickpeas (Chhole) 3/4 cup 58

Tofu 150g 350

Soy bean curd slab 150g 310

Cooked Soy bean 1 cup 130

Instant oats, 1 pkt 165

Calcium in Nuts

Almonds roasted 1/4 cup 93

Brazil Nuts 20 g 34

Hazlenuts 20 g 28

Walnuts 20 g 19

Almonds butter 2 Tbsp 88

Sesame seeds 12 g 80

Rice, plain, boiled 180 g 32

Calcium in Vegetables & Fruits

Cabbage/bok choy 1/2 cup 190

Turnip greens 1/2 cup 104

Broccoli 1/2 cup 33

Okra 1/2 cup 65

Orange 1/2 cup 52

Orange juice fortified with calcium 1/2 cup


Calcium in Fish

Sardines in oil, tinned, 100 g 500

Salmon, tinned, 100 g 91

Fish paste, 35 g 98

Calcium in Breads, Pizza

White bread, 1 slice 30 g 53

Wholemeal bread, 1 slice 30 g 32

Muesli, Swiss style, 50 g 55

Lasagne, 400 g 400

Pizza, cheese & tomato, 410 g 873

Pasta, plain, cooked, 230 g 85

From the above list you can chose foods high in Calcium.

Following is a list of foods that give you more than 300 mg of calcium per 100 gm of that food.

1. Milk and milk products2. Cereals and Grains3. Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of calcium. Beetroot greens,

Drumstick leaves, Fenugreek leaves, Turnip greens, Lotus stems, Curry leaves4. Spices: Cumin, Coriander, Cloves, Asafoetida (Hing), Oregano (Ajwain), Mustard seeds5. Fish

Iron rich foods or foods high in iron are listed to overcome iron deficiency and anemia.

A list of iron rich foods is given on this page. Chose the foods high in iron content if you are anemic (low haemoglobin). Iron deficiency causes iron deficiency anemia.

Daily iron requirementHealth risk of too much ironIron deficiency anemiaIron deficiency anemia causesCauses of Iron deficiency in childrenIron deficiency symptomsIron in Beef, Chicken, Oyster, Clam, Turkey, PorkIron rich foods for pregnant womenIron rich recipesMore >>

Following is a list of foods that are high in iron which provide 8 mg or more of iron per 100 g of the food. Some people think that

1. Cereals & Grains: barley (Bajra), Rice flakes2. Pulses & Beans: Cow pea, Lobia (black-eye beans), Lentils, Soybean3. Vegetables: Beetroot greens, Mint, Parsley, Turnip greens.

Vegetables like broccoli and bok choy are rich in iron. These vegetables are high iron and also high in vitamin C, which increases absorption of their iron content. The presence of vitamin C in these vegetables help absorb iron.

4. Sea vegetables are very high in iron. Refer the high iron food list given below.5. Spices: Turmeric (Haldi)>6. Fruits: Dried dates, Watermelon, Raisins7. Fish and Red meats8. Iron in Animal Sources Heme Iron

The daily requirement of iron is very easily met with vegetarian diets. For example, 1 cup of cooked spinach contains 3 mg, 1 cup of tofu contains 13.2 mg and 1 cup cooked lentils give 6.4 mg of iron.

Iron Absorption By Body

Note that eating foods high in iron alone will not ensure adequate iron supply to body because the iron absorption by body depends on the form of the iron. The iron from animal sources, known as heme iron, is absorbed easily by the body. The iron found in vegetable sources, known as non-heme iron, is less available to the body. The amount of iron absorbed from vegetarian foods is around 1 - 10% , while it is 10 - 20% from animal foods.

Good Enhancer Foods for Iron Absorption:

Iron from the raw foods is absorbed better. Foods that are rich in vitamin C such as tomato and citrus help to increase iron absorption.

Combinations of foods such as beans and tomato or tofu and broccoli result in good iron absorption. In general vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, capsicum, potato, tomato, etc. and fruits such as cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, orange, etc. enhance the iron absorption.

Foods Not Good (Inhibitors) For Iron Absorption:

Avoid the following foods in combination with high iron foods as they inhibit the iron absorption: Tea, coffee, chard, etc.

List Of Foods With Iron

Iron in Breads, cereals and grains

Bran flakes, oatmeal and semolina are high in iron.

FoodIron (mg)

Bran flakes, 1 cup 11.0

Oatmeal, 1 packet 6.3

Pasta, 1 cup, cooked 1.7

Semolina, Cream of wheat, 1/2 cup cooked 5.5

Wheat germ, 2 tablespoon 1.2

Whole wheat bread, 1 slice 0.9

White bread, 1 slice 0.7

Iron in Vegetables

Sea vegetables are very high in iron.

Vegetables (1/2 cup cooked)Iron (mg)

Sea vegetables18.1-42.0

Swiss chard 2

Turnip greens 1.6

Sweet potatoes, canned 1.7

Turnip greens 1.6

Pumpkin, cooked 1.7

Potato, baked with skin 1.7

Turnip greens 1.6

Prune juice, 4 oz 1.5

Spinach cooked 1.5

Beet greens cooked 1.4

Potato, 1 large 1.4

Bok choy cooked 0.7

Peas, cooked 0.65

Green beans, cooked 0.60

Tomato juice 0.6

Broccoli, cooked 0.55

Watermelon, 1/8 medium 0.5

Iron in Legumes, Lentils

Chickpeas, soybeans and tofu contain high iron.

Legumes (1/2 cup cooked)Iron (mg)

Lentils 3.2

Black eye beans 2.6

Navy beans 2.5

Pinto beans 2.2

Lima beans 2.2

Kidney beans Rajmah 1.5

Chick peas (200 g) 6.2

Iron in Soy foods (1/2 cup cooked)Iron (mg)

Tofu 6.6

Soybeans 4.4

Tempeh 1.8

Soy milk 0.9

Iron in Nuts & Seeds

Nuts/Seeds (2 Tablespoon)Iron (mg)

Pumpkin seeds 2.5

Figs, dried, 5 2.0

Dried apricot, 5 1.6

Almond, 1/4 cup 1.3

Tahini 1.2

Sesame 1.2

Sunflower seeds 1.2

Cashew nuts 1.0

Sources:USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Release 12, 1998.US Dept of Agriculture: 1988: Publication No. HNIS/PT-103.Pennington J. Bowe's and Church's Food Values of Portions Commonly Used. 16th ed. Lippincott-Raven; 1994.

From the above table you can chose foods high in iron.

Iron Rich Foods For Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman needs now more iron because of her baby's rapid development. So she should include foods containing iron in her daily diet. Her doctor may advise her to add a daily supplement of 30 to 50 mg of iron when you enter 20th week, to avoid iron deficiency related anemia. The iron supplement should be taken with a vitamin C source such as orange or tomato juice to increase its absorption by the body.

List of Foods High in Iron For A Pregnant Woman

You can chose the foods from the above list. Your diet may include cooked dried beans, oat bran, soybean, barley, pumpkin seeds, dry fruits such as apricots, peaches, prunes, raisin; vegetables such as artichokes and spinach, seaweed, blackstrap molasses and heme iron from animal foods such as beef, lean buffalo meat, duck, sardines, cooked clams, shrimp and oyster .

Iron Rich Recipes

The dish you prepare with the recipes which contain ingredients that are high in iron content offer high iron. Some of the high iron repices are given below:

1. Oat bran oatmeal recipe 2. Chole recipe 3. Lobia Palak recipe 4. Sooji ka Halwa recipe 5. Sooji Dhokla recipe 6. Sooji idli recipe 7. Mung dal recipe 8. Maa ki dal recipe 9. Palak paneer recipe

10. Potassium (chemical symbol K) is a mineral having 19 protons and 19 electrons. What does potassium do for the body? It is essential for normal body functioning of all cells and nervous, muscle function, the transmission of nerve impulses, prevention of excess fluid retention and for the metabolism of carbohydrate and protein. But too much potassium or less potassium i.e. deficiency is harmful to the body.



13. Select low or high potassium foods from the list of foods with potassium content given here. Know the symptoms or signs of potassium deficiency or high potassium in body.

14. We get potassium from our diet. It is present in allmost all the foods, however, some foods are high in potassium while the others contain only medium or low amount of potassium.

15. List of foods high in potassium

16. Risky Potassium High Level

17. Our kidneys maintain the right amount of potassium in our body. But if the kidneys are not functioning properly, then you need to reduce foods that can increase the potassium in your blood to high levels (see the list below), because excessive potassium can cause irregular heartbeats and even heart failure (cardiac arrest). Potassium supplements should therefore not be taken without the advise of your doctor. If you feel weakness and numbness, it may be due to high level of potassium and you should consult your doctor.

18. The symptoms of high level of potassium are irregular and/or rapid heart beat, low blood pressure, kidney disease, infrequent menstrual cycles, muscle spasms or cramps, joint / back pains, higher risk of cancer, bladder infections, poor immune system, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, impotence.

19. Effects of Low Potassium : Potassium Deficiency

20. You may have a potassium deficiency (low level) if you have vomited very frequently or have diarrhea or extreme sweating. You can also have a deficiency of potassium if you are taking a diuretic medicine like Lasix for urination. Diuretic medicine is often prescribed to the people having high blood pressure. You can eat the foods that are high in potassium content (see the list below).

21. The symptoms and effects of low level of potassium are irregular and/or rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, asthma, muscle spasms or weakness, bladder weakness, water retention, high blood sugar, liver disease, weight gain, fatigue, impotence.

22. Recommended daily allowance for Potassium: Recommended daily dietary for an adult is 4700 milligrams (4.7 g or 118 millimoles) per day according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (U.S. DHHS). For children the potassium RDA is much less. In Australia, the RDA for adults is 50 -140 millimoles (2.0-5.5 g).

23. Foods High in Potassium : Potassium Rich Foods

24. Foods which are rich in potassium include apricot, banana, baked potato, sweet potato, beet greens, yogurt, tomato puree, prune juice, carrot juice, tomato juice, spinach, lentils, beans, milk, etc. The potassium content in some foods in a serving size are given in the following table/chart. The values above 500mg are considered high in potassium and lower than 500 mg as low potassium foods.

25.List of Potassium Content of Foods

Foods with Potassium

Serving SizePotassium (mg)

Almond 2 oz (57 g) 412

Apricots, dried 10 halves 407

Artichoke 1 cup 595 *

Avocados, raw 1 ounce 180

Bananas, raw 1 cup 594 *

Beans, baked 1 cup 752 *

Beans, Kidney 1 cup 713 *

Beans, Lima 1 cup 955 *

Beans, Pinto 1 cup 800 *

Beets, cooked 1 cup 519 *

Black-eyed peas(lobia) 1 cup 690 *

Brazil nuts 2 oz (57 g) 340

Brussel sprouts, cooked 1 cup 504 *

Cantaloupe 1 cup 494

Carrot Juice 1 cup 689 *

Chickpeas 1 cup 477

Dates, dry 5 dates 271

Figs, dry 2 figs 271

Kiwi fruit, raw 1 medium 252

Lentils 1 cup 731 *

Melons, honeydew 1 cup 461

Milk, fat free or skim 1 cup 407

Nectarine 1 nectarine 288

Orange juice 1 cup 496

Orange 1 orange 237

Pears(fresh) 1 pear 208

Peanuts dry roasted, unsalted 2 oz (57 g) 374

Potatoe, baked, 1 potato 1081 *

Prune juice 1 cup 707

Prune, dried 1 cup 828 *

Raisin 1 cup 1089 *

Spinach, cooked 1 cup 839 *

Tomato canned sauce 1 cup 909 *

Tomato Juice 1 cup 535 *

Winter squash 1 cup 896 *

Yogurt plain, skim milk 8 ounces 579 *

26.[3.] Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 1527. From the above table you can chose foods high in Potassium (values more than 500 mg,

marked as *). Choose foods low in potassium to make a low potassium diet.28. 29.


31. Also Read The Following Nutrition Topics32. Nutrition Information

Nutrition labelNutrition NeedsNutrition need for Preganant WomanVegetarian Food Pyramid

Iron rich foodsIron deficiencyNutrition daily needFacts about VitaminsVitamin B ComplexVitamin DVitamin D deficiency symptomsVitamin D levels & overdoseVitamin D FoodsVitamins & SupplementsEssential Nutrients & SourcesMinerals sourcesAntioxidants and free radicalsAntioxidants vitamins and supplementProtein Requirement & FunctionCalcium rich foodsSoluble Fiber Foods ListFoods high in Trans fatsCarbohydratesLow Carb FoodsFruit Carb Counter carbohydrate chartCarbohydrates in Vegetables CounterLow Sodium Diet & FoodFoods high in sodium, salt Where is Sodium Found?

The list of low carbohydrate foods include several foods like vodka, coffee, meat and eggs. These foods can be part of a low carbohydrate diet. The low carb foods may be high in fat and cholesterol.

Eating a low carb diet can raise risk of heart disease, says a study (the Journal Diabetes Apr 2010) by Dr Steven Hunter from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.

What are carbohydratesCarbohydrates functionSimple & Complex CarbohydratesHigh carbohydrate food listFruit Carb Counter carbohydrate chartCarbohydrates in Vegetables CounterCarbohydrates in vodka, beer, wine, alcoholsCarbs in a cup of coffeeMore >>

Low Carbohydrate Vegetables

Following is a list of low carb foods and foods without any carbohydrates.

Examples of low carb foods:

Low carbohydrate vegetables include asparagus, beet green, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collard, cucumber, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard green, olive, onios, parsley, pepper, pumpkin, radish, spinach, summer squash, turnip, watercress and zucchini. From the list if carbohydrates in vegetables and their other nutrients you can select low carb vegetables.

Low Carbohydrate Fruits

Low carbohydrate fruits include apple, avocados, banana, berries, coconut, fig, grapefruit, lime, lemon, kiwi fruit, melon, orange, pear, pineapple, plum, tangerine and tomato. Find the list of carbohydrates in fruits and their other nutrients and know the carbohydrates in apple, berries, blueberries & watermelon.

Foods Without Carbohydrates: No Carbohydrate Foods

1. There are certain foods that have zero carbohydrates. Meat, poultry, game, dairy products including butter, cream and cheese, and fish are foods without any carbohydrates and are known as non-carbohydrate foods or zero carbohydrate foods. These foods may be high in calories, fats, sodium and cholesterol so if you are looking for a low carbohydrate diet, then you should consider this.Pork, turkey, lamb, beef, chicken have no carbohydrate.The fishes like salmon, Alaskan halibut, sardines, anchovies, trout and mackerel are in the list of low carbohydrate foods.

2. Water is totally free of carbohydrates.3. Some spices, herbs, flavorings, salad dressings, pickles and condiments are low-carb foods.

Spices such as peppers, dill, oregano, turmeric, sage and thyme can all be included in low carbohydrate diet.

4. The oils including canola, corn oil, olive, sunflower, soybean oil, peanut oil, walnut oil and flaxseed, butter, margarine, most cheeses, vegetable shortening, etc. have zero carbohydrate.

5. Raw egg white and egg yellow have no carbohydrates. Cooked eggs like omelette or boiled egg have 1 g carbohydrate.

6. Does vodka contain carbohydrates? What is the vodka carb count?

People often ask how many carbs are in vodka?Drinks such as club soda, wine and vodka are zero carbohydrate foods, i.e. 0 gram carbohydrate. Wine, gin, rum, vodka and whisky of 80, 86 and 90- Proof have zero carbohydrates in them, but they contain about 100 calories in 1.5 fl oz. Vodka does not contain any carbohydrate in it but the alcohol provides you the calories.

Note that the carbs in beer, wine, vodka, etc. is not the reason for their high calories, it is the alcohol level that determine its total energy content. Generally the stronger the alcoholic beverages, the higher the calorie content. The alcohol provides you 7 calories per gram, so all alcoholic drinks are not considered good for weight loss.

Carbohydrates in Vodka, Beer, Wine, Tea

Alcoholic & other beveragesAmount(ml)



Beer average 500 12 167

Cider average 500 13 181

Gin, rum, vodka, whisky 86-Proof

45 0 105

Gin, rum, vodka, whisky 90-Proof

45 0 110

Gin, rum, vodka, whisky 80-Proof

45 0 95

Whisky 15 tr 33

Gin 15 tr 33

Brandy 15 tr 33

Rum 15 tr 33

Wine red 100 0.5 70

Wine white medium 100 3.5 70

Wine white sweet 100 6 90

Wine white sparkling 100 1.5 74

Champagne 100 3.7 126

Sherry medium 100 3.5 112

Martini 100 4 175

Club soda 360 0 0

Lemonade, Conc., Undiluted 180 112 425

Cola, diet 360 0 0

Tea, brewed 240 0 0

Tea, instant, unsweetened 240 0 0

Milk, whole 240 11 150

tr- tarce

7. Carbs in a cup of coffee and tea: Tea and coffee have no carbohydrates.

Colas do not have any carbohydrate. But a 6 fl oz can of lemonade, concentrate, undiluted has 112 g carbohydrates and 425 calories.

8. Some other foods that are low in carbohydrates are soy foods, nuts such as almond and cashes, brown rice and various seeds.

List of High Fiber Foods

1. Legumes & Lentils: Dried beans, peas and other legumes including baked beans, kidney beans, split peas, dried limas, garbanzos, lentils, pinto beans and black beans. Green beans, snap beans, pole beans, lima beans and broad beans.

Why Fibers?Soluble & Insoluble FibersSoluble Fiber Foods ListHigh Fiber Diet

2. Dried fruit such as figs, apricots and dates3. Fruits like raspberries, blackberries and strawberries, cherries, plums, pears, apples, kiwi fruit,

guava, banana. Pears contain more fiber than prunes.4. Vegetables like Fresh or frozen green peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Sweet corn, beet root,

baked potato with the skin, carrot5. Greens vegetables including spinach, beet greens, kale, collards, Swiss chard and turnip greens.6. Nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, pistachios, and walnuts (Nuts are also high in fat

content, read calories in nuts.). But pistachios are the lowest in calories and fat of all nuts, and a one-ounce serving has three grams of fiber.

7. Whole wheat and barley products8. Rye, oats, buckwheat and cornmeal9. Coconut (this is also high in saturated fat).

The following table gives the amount of dietary fibers in foods. You can select high fiber foods to make a high fiber diet.

Fiber Content of Foods

Food AmountFiber(gram)

Apple 1 medium 3

Apple juice 1 cup 0

Apricot 3 dried 4.5

Artichoke 1 6

Asparagus 2 spears 1

Avocado 1/2 medium 2

Banana 1 medium 2.4

Barley, raw 40 g 5

Barley, cooked 1 cup, 180 g 6.5

Beans, Black-eyed, cooked 100 g 6.5

Beans. Green, cooked 1 cup 2

Beans, Mung, cooked 100 g 6.5

Beans, Soya, cooked 100 g 7.5

Beet Root, canned 100 g 4

Bitter Melon 100 g 2

Black Berrids, fresh 100 g 5

Blue Berries, raw 100 g 5

Bread- Chapati 100 g 3

Bread- Naan 60 g 1.5

Bread- Loaf, Black Rye 1 slice 7

Broccoli, raw 100 g 4

Cabbage 40 g 2

Cantaloupe 1 cup 1

Carrot, raw 70 g 2

Cereal- All Bran 45 g 13

Cereal- Oat Bran 22 g 3.5

Chick Peas, dried, boiled 180 g 20.5

Cucumber, sliced 1/2 cup <1

Figs, dried 75 g 10.5

Flour- Barley 100 g 10

Flour- Besan (Chickpea) 100 g 11

Flour- Soya, low fat 100 g 15.5

Flour- Wholemeal 100 g 11

Flour- Wheat, plain (Maida) 100 g 4

Grapes 1/2 cup <1

Kiwi fruit 1 medium 5

Guava, 100 g 5.5

Lemon 1 2.5

Lettuce 1 cup 1

Mango, peeled 150 g 2.5

Nashi Pear, unpeeled 130 g 4.5

Nuts- Almonds, raw 4 numbers 1.5

Nuts- Cashew, raw 75 g 4.5

Orange 1 medium 3

Peach 1 medium 2

Onion 1 large 0.6

Pear with skin 1 medium 4

Peas (cooked) 1 cup 6

Pistachios 1 oz 3

Popcorn (air popped) 3.5 cup 4.5

Potato, baked with skin 1 medium 4

Raspberries 1 cup 8

Rice 1 cup 1.6

Strawberries 1 cup 4

Spinach (raw) 1 cup 1

Spinach (cooked) 1 cup 4

Sunflower Seeds 1 ounce 4

Tomato 1 medium 2

Whole wheat bread 1 slice 1.3

The fibers should be very important inclusion in your diet for controlling your cholesterol and preventing cancer. See warning signs of cancer.

High Cholesterol Foods & DietGet all the details on high cholesterol foods that you should avoid. Use the list of foods high in cholesterol and saturated fats and avoid them in your diet. You should avoid these foods in your diet if you have high cholesterol.

The high cholesterol foods contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Saturated fats, found mostly in animal products, raise LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) level Animal foods contain cholesterol. So if you eat these foods in excess to make your diet a high cholesterol diet, your cholesterol level rises.

Cholesterol levelsCholesterol HDL LDL RatioCholesterol TestCholesterol UnitsRaise HDL CholesterolLower LDL CholesterolLow Cholesterol Foods

Cholesterol Lowering NutrientsPsyllium husk and cholesterol lowering recipesLow Cholesterol DietLower CholesterolCholesterol FAQsCholesterol Terms and definitionsCholesterol Herbal RemedyOmega 3 FoodsCholesterol in ChildrenWarning Signs of Heart AttackYour Knowledge on CholesterolSuper Foods for Heart ProtectionFoods and Diet for HeartMore >>

You should be aware that it is not the cholesterol content of a food is harmful, its saturated fat content causes the liver to produce more harmful LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

"Cholesterol free" written on a food is not important if it contains lot of saturated fat. For example, coconut oil is cholesterol free, but is highly saturated and is therefore not good for your heart.

You should give less attention to "low cholesterol or cholesterol-free" than saturated fats on the food label. "High cholesterol foods" therefore means foods high in saturated fats or triglycerides.

Learn to read the food labels. Understand the food labels and food label reading correctly:

1. Cholesterol Free Food means less than 2 mg cholesterol and 2 g or less fat. "Free" does not mean zero cholesterol

2. Low Cholesterol Food means 20 mg or less cholesterol and 2 g or less saturated fat.3. Fat Free Foods means less than 1/2 g fat. "Free" does not mean zero fat.4. Low Fat Food means 3 g or less fat;5. Reduced Fat Food means at least 25 percent less fat than similar normal fat food.

List of High Cholesterol Foods

High cholesterol foods are mainly

1. All animal products such egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish and higher fat milk products.2. Processed and prepared foods such as cookies, pastries and muffins contain high amounts of

fat including trans-fats.3. Deep fried foods.

You should eat the following high cholesterol foods in limit. Don't make your diet a high cholesterol diet.

FoodServing Size

Cholesterol Level (mg)

Beef, liver, cooked, pan-fried

3 oz 410

Beef Kidney 3.5 oz 375

Beef steak 3.5 oz 70

Chicken, stewed, meat only

1 cup 300

Chicken 3.5 oz 60

Lamb 3.5 oz 70

MacDonald's Egg McMuffin

4.9 oz 235

MacDonald's Big Breakfast

9.4 oz 455

MacDonald's Scrambled Eggs (2)

3.6 oz 425

Foods to Improve Memory without Memory Supplement

Ageing TestEffects of AgingAnti Aging FoodsAnti Aging DietAnti Aging Vitamins & SupplementsImprove memoryWeak Memory RemedyBrain TumorMore >>

Following is a list of memory boosting and brain power superfoods packed with nutrients high in Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, as well as folate, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and betacarotene. These foods will improve your brain and memory.The % values are for a 2000 calorie diet.

1. Milk = Vitamin B6: 5%, Vitamin B12: 15%, Calcium: 28%, Magnesium: 6.5%, Potassium: 11%2. Spinach = Vitamin B6: 11%, Vitamin E: 5%, Folate: 33%, Calcium: 12%, Magnesium: 20%,

Potassium: 12% Others foods sthat are rich in anthocyanins, formidable antioxidants are blueberries, strawberries, jambu fruit (jamun)

3. Black-eyed beans (peas) = Vitamin B6: 3%, Folate: 26%, Calcium: 11%, Magnesium: 11%, Potassium: 10%

4. Acorn squash = Vitamin B6 : 12, Folate: 6%, Calcium: 6%, Magnesium: 13%, Potassium:16%,5. Pink salmon = Vitamin B6 : 13, Vitamin B12: 62%, Vitamin E: 6%, Calcium: 18%, Magnesium: 7%,

Potassium: 8%,6. Kidney beans = Vitamin B6 : 6%, Folate: 29%, Calcium: 3%, Magnesium: 10%, Potassium: 10%,7. Orange juice, calcium-fortified (3/4 cup) = Vitamin B6 :5%, Vitamin C: 103%, Folate: 8%,

Calcium: 23%, Magnesium : 5%, Potassium: 11%8. Papaya = Vitamin E : 17%, Folate: 29%, Calcium: 7%, Magnesium: 8%, Potassium: 22%,9. Bock Choy = 10. Potato, baked (1/2 cup) Vitamin B6: 9%, Vitamin C: 13%, Folate: 1%, Magnesium: 4%,

Potassium: 7%11. Broccoli = Vitamin B6: 6%, Vitamin E: 7%, Folate: 10%, Calcium: 4%, Magnesium: 5%, Potassium:

7%12. Wheat germ = Vitamin B6 : 7%, Vitamin: E 13%, Folate: 12%, Magnesium: 11%, Potassium: 4%13. Banana (1 medium size) = Vitamin B6: 34, Vitamin C: 18%, Magnesium: 9%, Potassium: 13%14. Vegetable juice, low sodium (6 oz.) = Vitamin B6: 9%, Vitamin C: 56%, Vitamin E: 2%, Folate: 7%,

Magnesium: 4%, Potassium: 7% 15. Mango : Mango is rich in glutamine acid, which is an important protein for concentration and

memory.16. Tofu = Folate : 6%, Calcium: 3%, Magnesium: 6%, Potassium: 5%17. Honey= The research carried out in 2007 on rats at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New

Zealand shows that diets sweetened with honey may be beneficial in decreasing anxiety and improving memory during ageing. Honey may boost memory due to its antioxidant properties, which help to prevent free radicals damaging cells in the body.

18. Water = Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. 85% of brain tissue is water. Dehydration can cause energy generation in the brain to decrease.

There is no special diet and recipes for a pregnancy. You should eat a healthy diet that gives all the nutrients to help your baby develop and grow.

Remember that the food you eat is the main source of energy for your baby growing inside. A pregnant women should know that she is not only responsible for herself, but also for the unborn child inside her. The child's physical and mental development after birth will have a influence of anything seen, thoughts and the food eaten by the pregnant woman.

1. There is no special diet for a pregnant women, but eating a healthy balanced diet that gives all the nutrients (see nutrition chart & guide) for your baby to develop and grow is recommended.

2. For the first 3 months, the diet of a pregnant woman should include food rich in iron, folic acid and foods high in calcium. You may take iron and folic acid tablets if you are pregnant or lactating.

3. Pregnancy Nutrition Foods to avoid during pregnanacyFoods for pregnant womenMorning sicknessUnborn child complexionConceive a boy or a girlDiet for new mothersPost pregnancy exerciseHow to prevent stretch marksMore >>

Folic Acid & Birth Defects

Women should get enough folic acid before and during the pregnancy to prevent major birth defects involving baby's brain or spine, according to Canadian researcher Louise Pilote of McGill University, Montreal as reported in the British Medical Journal, May 2009.A cup of Brussels sprouts supplies 93.6 mg of folic acid. Brussels sprouts recipe

4. Fortifying flour products with folic acid may cut the number of babies born with congenital heart disease, the most common of all birth defects.

5. In the next 3 month (i.e.3 to 6 month pregnancy), the woman needs extra protein and calcium. Look for foods with high protein.

6. Pregnancy & Weight Gain

Most women gain between 10-15 kgs, but too much weight gain should be avoided. However, the weight gain during pregnancy will vary according to your pre-pregnancy weight. According to the experts, an overweight woman is advised to gain only 7 kg (15 pounds) and an underweight woman to gain up to 18 kg (40 pounds).For this, limit on too much fat and sugar in your diet.The authors of this web site know a case of a pregnant woman to whom doctors told that the baby growth was a bit less during the 7th month of pregnancy. This woman started taking a lot of ghee (mainly saturated fat) on rotis, almond halwa and sooji halwa. This resulted in a rapid weight gain by the woman, while the baby inside grew at the normal rate. It is a misconception in India that a pregnant mother should eat fatty foods for the baby to grow.

The pregnant woman should eat a healthy balanced diet.

7. Do Not Eat For Two

Many pregnant women wrongly think that they should eat for two. Note that you need only 200-300 extra calories daily in pregnancy, i.e. a cup of reduced fat milk or yogurt and a medium orange. This is because your body actually absorbs more nutrients from food you eat during pregnancy.Researcher Alison Stuebeworking at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found that pregnant women should avoid eating for two since too much weight gain is linked with complications at birth. Pregnant women who eat fried foods and dairy products and food for two are more likely to gain as much as 35 pounds.Women with vegetarian diets and eating more monounsaturated fat found in olive oil and nuts in early pregnancy are half as likely to gain an unhealthy amount of weight.

Recipes for Pregnant Women

You can find healthy recipes for pregnant women in different sections of recipes page at low calorie recipes. The recipes have not been listed specifically for pregnant women, but you can select based on the above nutrient requirement.

The calorie counter or list chart given on this page makes calorie counting simple for foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals, breads and milk products. You can use this chart to make your own low calorie recipes or low calorie diet to check your calorie intake.

Food Calorie List, Calorie Chart

1 kilojoule (kJ) = 1000 joules1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories = 1 Calorie (1 Cal)1 cal = 1 kcal = 4.18 kJ

1 g of fat = 9 Cal = 38 kJ1 g of carbohydrate = 4 Cal= 17 kJ1 g of protein = 4 Cal = 17 kJ

Calorie Counting Chart: Calories in Fruits, Vegetables, Breads and MilkKnow the calorie content of various food items.

Calories in Fruits per 100 Grams

The values are in Calories. Multiply by 4.18 to get values in kJ.

Apple 56

Avocado Pear 190

Banana 95

Chickoo 94

Cherries 70

Dates 281

Grapes Black 45

Guava 66

Kiwi Fruit 45

Guava 49

Lychies 61

Mangoes 70

Orange 53

Orange juice 100ml 47

Papaya 32

Peach 50

Pears 51

Pineapple 46

Plums 56

Strawberries 77

Watermelon 26

Pomegranate 77

Watermelon 16

Calories in Vegetables per 100 Grams

Broccoli 25

Brinjal 24

Cabbage 45

Carrot 48

Cauliflower 30

Fenugreek (Methi) 49

French beans 26

Lettuce 21

Mushroom 18

Onion 50

Peas 93

Potato 97

Spinach 100gSpinach 1 leafSpinach 1 bunch


Tomato 21

Tomato juice 100ml 22

Calories in Cereals per 100 Grams

Bajra 360

Maize flour 355

Rice 325

Wheat flour 341

Calories in Breads per piece

1 medium chappati 119

1 slice white bread 60

1 paratha (no filling) 280

Calories in Milk & Milk Products per cup

Butter 100gms. 750

Buttermilk 19

Cheese 315

Cream 100gms. 210

Ghee 100gms 910

Milk Buffalo 115

Milk Cow 100

Milk Skimmed 45

Calories in Other Items

Sugar 1 tbsp 48

Honey 1 tbsp 90

Coconut water 100 ml 25

Coffee 40

Tea 30

Calories in Negative Calorie Foods

Some of the foods listed above are negative calorie foods. Read more why foods with negative calorie are good for weight loss and how they can improve your health.

Also Read The Following Weight Loss Topics

Exercise Right, Think Right, Eat Right

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