Healthy Lifestyle and Well-being Workshop


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Healthy Healthy Lifestyle and Lifestyle and WellWell--being being

Lifestyle and Lifestyle and WellWell--being being WorkshopWorkshop

WelcomeWelcome to Omega’s healthy lifestyle and well-being workshop. These have been designed to promote key areas of health and well-being in an enjoyable way.

We welcome your feedback so that we can continue to improve the workshop and seek to offer new activities and information which are of interest or use to you.

Today we are going to be looking at healthy eating.

Always consult your GP before

making any major making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.

What are the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle?

More energyImproved immune system

Elevated mood and Elevated mood and good psychological well-being

Weight loss and associated health benefits

Less risk of serious disease


Improved condition of skin, hair, nails, eyes

What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Health and Lifestyle Concerns

Any health concerns or conditions

The cost of eating healthily


The time it takes to prepare healthy meals

Knowing what changes to make

Healthy Eating

Increasing the number of fruits and vegetables we eat is a good way to stay healthy. The government

Fruit and vegetables

healthy. The government recommends we eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

What Makes up Your Five-a-day?

•A portion is around 80g which equals 2 or more small fruits (e.g. Satsumas), one medium sized fruit (an apple or banana), or half a grapefruit or one large slice of melon.

•A portion of vegetables equals 2 broccoli spears or 3 heaped tablespoons of cooked vegetables such as carrots, peas or sweet corn.

•Fresh, frozen, tinned and dried fruit and vegetables also count.

•Smoothies can count for up to 2 portions.


Aim to drink at least 1.5L of water a day.

Try to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

Fruit juice is healthier than fizzy drinks but can still contain a lot of sugar.

Vegetable juices are a good low-sugar alternative.

Beware hidden calories! Milky drinks contain a lot of calories and adding sugar can increase that number even more. There are 223 calories in a large latte from Starbucks.

Eating a balanced diet

Eating the right proportions of each food group is an important part of eating healthily.

SugarEating a diet too high in sugar can cause health problems including:

•Weight gain•Insulin resistance•Dental problems•Heart disease•Heart disease•High cholesterol

There are a lot of hidden sugars in prepared foods and drinks so it is important to check the labels carefully.

Some other names for sugar include:•Corn syrup•Dextrose•Fructose•Glucose•Maltodextrin•Sorbitol•Sucrose

Ways to incorporate healthy foods into our lifestyle

Healthy foods are not always the foods we like to eat so we need to find easy and convenient ways to eat more healthily.

Foods high in nutrition such as Foods high in nutrition such as home-made soup are quick and easy to prepare and can be easily adapted to suit personal tastes.See handouts for more healthy recipes.

Try to use seasonal ingredients where possible.See handouts for a list of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Try swapping sugary snacks such as chocolate for healthier options like fruit or natural yogurt

Shopping and healthy eatingWhen making changes to your diet shopping is the main area to plan for.

What’s on your

Pre-planning can help make eating a varied diet easier.

Buy products that suit your lifestyle

your shopping list?

Eating healthily can cost less

There are easy ways to increase your fruit and vegetable intake that can fit around every lifestyle

Shopping Habits

Where do you shop?

Do you shop online?

How do you find the

Do you take a shopping list with you?


How often do you shop?

Would you like to spend less on shopping?

find the labelling on food packaging?

Is there anything which would improve your shopping experience?

Cooking Habits

Are there any types of food you would like to be able to cook?

Do you cook at home?

Are there any limitations to what you can cook?

What environment do you cook in and what equipment do you have access to?

What types/styles of food do you enjoy eating? Do you have any

interest in gardening or growing your own food?

Healthy Meal Ideas

Jan’s Home-made vegetable soup

Citrus and herb roasted vegetable couscous

Oven roasted sausages with ratatouille

Red berry yogurt smoothie

Chicken pasta soup

See handouts for recipes

“Diets Don’t Work”•“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”- Leonardo da Vinci

•Lifestyle changes are not a ‘quick-fix’.

•Making any change to your lifestyle takes time

•When making changes it is important to get support from the people around you.people around you.

•Even small changes can make a big difference.

•Remember to set goals that are achievable for YOU!

•Don’t expect perfection.

•Everything in moderation.

•Reward yourself with things other than food e.g. A candlelit bath, a walk in the country, watch a DVD

Why do we Fail?

Will power:

•Self control can be trained over time.•The more you use it the stronger it gets.•Minimise temptation to maximise goal

Self talk:•Learn to let go of negative self-talk as this reinforces negative

to maximise goal attainment.•Have strategies in place to minimise your reliance on self-control alone. (See

handouts for a list of distraction ideas.)

reinforces negative thinking.•Replace negative with positive.•Making small changes to words we use can make a big difference e.g. ‘Don’t’ rather than ‘can’t’ is more empowering.

All or nothing:•Setting too many/unachievable goals can lead to failure.•Perfectionist view.•Set backs are not the same as failing! Trial and error is how you can learn what works for YOU.

Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of/attend to the present moment.

Mindful eating:•Enhances the eating experience.•Improves awareness of the •Improves awareness of the feeling of fullness.•Helps to limit portion control.

When eating mindfully you should be aware of:•Pace•Smell•Flavour•Sight•Texture•Fullness•Let go of negative thoughts and feelings

Goal Setting



When setting goals remember to be

Achievable (realistic)

Relevant (importance)

Time bound (short, medium, long)

Ideas for future sessions



•Cookery topics•Cookery topics

•Taking time out for you

Any suggestions welcome...