Hear it from the lobster’s mouth




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One of the most decadent food items of the world, lobsters, top the priority list of the gourmand. Despite knowing the fact that lobsters are generally high on cholesterol, do

you think that it is worth taking the risk and indulge into a succulent oceanic platter? Well!! The answer to this may vary from person to person. While the health conscious may drop the idea of consuming these overtly delicious sea-creatures; others may give it a try at least for the sake of their taste-buds.

Exciting Lobster Nutrition Profile

Following is a nutrition profile for lobster consumption, considering that the dish is prepared using 3oz of lobster meat and cooked with the help of moist heat:

calories, 85 fat (lesser than) 1gm protein, 17g carbohydrate, 1g saturated fat, zero

Lobsters help make a balanced meal. So whoever had commented that they are not really a good option for the

Image Courtesy: http://goo.gl/BAV7B

foodie should be enquired further. Additionally, it has been found out that a 3oz serving will add to only a meager 60mg of cholesterol. Quite insignificant it seems. As recommended by nutritionists, lobsters tend to make healthy meals.

Since lobsters are mainly paired with butter for condiments, try curtailing on the second if you can. Of course we all seem to know that butter adds to the taste; but it is better still if we control the damaging duo from attacking our health. While lobster may be low on cholesterol, butter is not. So, the best way is to add something that will replace butter and will taste even better.

Even if you make a buttery dip, avoid the double and triple dipping. However, these dark water creatures are also rich in Vitamin B12 content that are essential in keeping the nerves and blood cells healthy.

Image Courtesy: http://goo.gl/aMCH3

Before consuming seafood consider lobster tips to be on the safe side. As derived from facts, Maine lobsters are known to be high on Phosphorus content which ultimately contributes to healthy functioning of the kidneys, increased metabolic rates and formation of bones and teeth. If these facts are making you feel confused then stop and wait a while till you realize how delicious lobsters really are.

Image Courtesy: http://goo.gl/BAV7B
