Heating and cooling with biomass Summary report D6 · Heating and cooling with biomass – Summary...


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Solutions for biomass fuel market barriers and raw material availability - IEE/07/777/SI2.499477

Heating and cooling with

biomass – Summary report –


Lukas Sulzbacher & Josef Rathbauer

FJ-BLT Wieselburg

Wieselburg, August 2011


Content Preface ................................................................................................................. 2

1 Executive summary ......................................................................................... 3

2 Introduction and purpose ................................................................................. 7

2.1 Aim of EUBIONET III WP6 .............................................................................. 7

2.2 Biomass for heating and cooling ..................................................................... 7

2.3 District heating and cooling in Europe ............................................................. 9

2.4 EU renewable energy policy ..........................................................................12

3 Investigation of statistical data Task 6.1 ...........................................................14

3.1 Data availability ..........................................................................................14

3.1.1 Eurostat ............................................................................................14

3.1.2 International Energy Agency ................................................................15

3.2 Initiatives to improve statistical data ..............................................................16

3.2.1 Energy consumptions in households .....................................................17

3.2.2 International activities ........................................................................17

3.2.3 National action on energy consumption in households .............................18

3.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................20

4 Investigation of technical forms – Task 6.2 .......................................................21

4.1 Aim and methodology ..................................................................................21

4.2 Current state of biomass heating technology ...................................................21

4.2.1 Grate furnace combustion ...................................................................21

4.2.2 Fluidized bed combustion ....................................................................23

4.2.3 Pulverized fuel firing ...........................................................................24

4.2.4 Future developments ..........................................................................25

4.3 Current state of cooling with biomass .............................................................26

4.3.1 The absorption chillers ........................................................................27

4.3.2 Supply concepts for chilled water .........................................................28

4.4 Biomass boiler producer catalogue .................................................................30

4.5 Conclusions.................................................................................................35

5 Investigation of costs – Task 6.3 .....................................................................36

5.1 Aim and Methodology ...................................................................................36

5.2 List of Case studies ......................................................................................37

5.3 Results of the case studies ............................................................................41

6 List of references ...........................................................................................46

7 Appendix 1 – List of Case Studies ....................................................................47

8 Appendix 2 – List of Company fact sheets .........................................................49



This publication is part of the EUBIONET III Project (Solutions for biomass fuel market

barriers and raw material availability - IEE/07/777/SI2.499477, www.eubionet.net)

funded by the European Union‟s Intelligent Energy Program. EUBIONET III is coordinated

by VTT. Project partners are Danish Technological Institute, DTI(Denmark), Energy

Centre Bratislava, ECB (Slovakia), Ekodoma (Latvia), Fachagentur Nachwachsende

Rohstoffe e.V., FNR (Germany), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU

(Sweden), Brno University of Technology, UPEI VUT (Czech), Norwegian University of Life

Sciences, UMB (Norway), Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques, CRA-W (Belgium),

FJ-BLT Wieselburg (Austria), European Biomass Association, AEBIOM (Belgium), Centre

for Renewable Energy Sources, CRES (Greece), Utrecht University, UU (Netherlands),

University of Florence, UNIFI (Italy), Lithuanian Energy Institute, LEI (Lithuania),

Imperial College of Science, Imperial (UK), Centro da Biomassa para a Energia, CBE

(Portugal), Energy Restructuring Agency, ApE (Slovenia), Andalusian Energy Agency, AAE

(Spain). The EUBIONET III project runs from 2008 until 2011.

The main objective of the project is to increase the use of biomass based fuels in the EU

by finding ways to overcome the market barriers. The purpose is to promote international

trade of biomass fuels to help that demand and supply meet each other, while at the

same time the availability of industrial raw material is to be secured at reasonable prices.

The EUBIONET III project will in the long run boost sustainable, transparent international

biomass fuel trade, secure the most cost efficient and value-adding use of biomass for

energy and industry, boost the investments on best practice technologies and new

services on biomass heat sector and enhance sustainable and fair international trade of

biomass fuels.

This report is part of Work Package 6: Heating and cooling with biomass of the

EUBIONET III project. It includes a summary of the work of Task 6.1 Investigation of

sources of the fuels and comparison of heating and cooling systems, Task 6.2

Investigations of technical forms and Task 6.3 Investigation of costs. The summary of

the international workshop, which was organized within the frame of the Work Package 6

in Kaunas (Lithuania), could be found in the workshop summary report (D6.2) of WP6.

This summary report was written by Josef Rathbauer and Lukas Sulzbacher from the FJ-

BLT in Wieselburg. The results of Task 6.2 and Task 6.3 are also based on the work of

project partners. We would like to acknowledge the contributions by the WP 6

participating EUBIONET III project partners for their efforts to collect data for the case

studies and conduct interviews.

The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not

necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission

is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


1 Executive summary

Biomass is a very important energy source for heat production, especially for the

residential and service sector. One of the main reasons therefore is that it can easily be

transported, stored, traded and used with several applications at the time and place,

where heat is needed. The use of biomass fuels provides an incentive for the sustainable

management of local woodland, it adds to the local economy and the establishment of a

reliable supply chain.

To point out the role of heating and cooling with biomass in the European Union was a

major aim of EUBIONET III WP6. Therefore analyses of national and European statistical

data and the availability of data are described. To give an overview of the current market

and the technical possibilities, the state of the art of heating and cooling with biomass

was described and a catalogue of selected biomass boiler producers in the participating

countries was carried out.

A very important aim of WP 6 was to compare the costs of different heating systems.

Therefore case studies are provided, to show the costs, when a fossil heating system is

replaced by a biomass heating system. These case studies describe best practice

examples and give an overall picture of the different fossil- and biomass based heating

situations and cost-differences in European countries. The case studies include

calculations and comparisons of emissions in CO2 equivalents of the fossil and biomass

based heating system.

Currently approximately half of the final energy demand of EU 27 is used for heating and

in the year 2008 about 11.9 % of this energy demand was covered by renewable energy

sources. First surveys and estimations shows, that the EU 27 consumes about 55.1 Mtoe

of biomass for heating. Major consumers of this energy are the domestic and service


The actual developments in the biomass energy market are substantially influenced by

European regulations. The Energy and Climate change package and the so called 20-20-

20 targets, as well as the national implementation of the targets have effects on the

biomass heating and cooling sector. To monitor the ongoing developments and to meet

the targets of the EU directive in renewable energies and the National Action Plans,

detailed and reliable energy statistics are necessary.

Statistics on energy have so far been focused on energy supply and on fossil energies.

But in future, more focus is needed on increased knowledge and monitoring of final

energy consumption, renewable energy and nuclear energy.

The households´ energy consumption is a major indicator to monitor developments on

energy efficiency and green house gas emissions in the domestic sector. Investigations in

the line of this work package have shown that there are a few national activities on

biomass consumption of households, but detailed data on energy and biomass

consumption of households are rare. Comprehensive surveys on this topic on Member

States level are very obsolete. The national initiatives to collect data on energy

consumption of households are characterized through different definitions, indicators and

methodologies and make a comparison difficult. Especially the sectors households,

services and transport need improvements on data availability.

The current biomass furnace technology in Europe has already achieved a very high

state-of-the art. The most common biomass fuels for domestic heat production are wood

logs, wood chips and wood pellets. Especially for modern low-energy houses, wood

pellets in combination with grate furnace technology are used. Wood pellets and wood

logs boilers are available with capacities from 10 kW upwards, while wood chips boilers


are produced with capacities from 30 kW up to some MW. Therefore wood chips boilers

are used for buildings with higher heat demand and for district heating systems.

International political interests to limit emissions from small scale combustion sites are

increasing. Therefore in future further research and development activities to reduce

emissions from biomass boilers are needed. The development of small-scale

commercialized gasification systems is in its early stages, but the technology promises

higher efficiencies than it would have been possible by the direct combustion of the


Depending on the political framework requirements of the respective country, there are

differences in technology and quality of the biomass boilers, especially concerning

emissions and safety. The demand for high quality biomass boilers is increasing. The

producers´ survey has shown, that Austrian and German boiler manufacturers are

exporting their products world-wide with a quota of export partly more than 80 %. The

results of the survey are summarized in a producer catalogue. The catalogue includes a

list of 59 selected biomass boiler manufacturers of the participating countries with

information on contact details, form and size of the company, number of employees and

turnover, market share and sold units and a short description of their products.

Cooling with biomass is currently limited to centralized district solutions. The main

market for district cooling is the service sector, followed by the food and mining industry.

The residential sector is characterized by a low demand for biomass and district cooling

at present. Domestic decentralized cooling systems are based on air condition produced

by electrically operated compressor chillers or solar power. The cooling market is

currently dominated by air conditioning systems powered by electricity and the demand

of electricity used for cooling is estimated with more than 260 TWh in Europe.

Cost reduction is still the most relevant factor, by which consumer come to a decision for

a heating system. Based on actual market prices for boilers and fuels a comparison

between the use of fossil and biomass fuels were carried out in form of case studies. The

main focus of the case studies was the cost comparison of fossil and biomass fuels

including investments and fuel costs. In total 32 case studies with 59 different heating

systems were carried out. These heating systems are fired with 18 different fuel types,

10 biomass fuels, 6 different fossil fuels and fuel combinations.

Wood pellet boilers are the most frequent calculated biomass fuel systems in the case

studies. 18 case studies deal with wood pellets. The boiler capacity ranges from 8 kW up

to 1 MW, but mostly used in residential buildings with a capacity from 8 kW to 75 kW.

The second most commonly biomass fuel in the case studies was wood chips with 12

different heating system examples. The capacities of the boiler range from 120 kW up to

3.3 MW and was typically calculated in case studies of large buildings with a high heat

demand. Log wood heating systems were analyzed of 8 case studies. Their capacities

range from 15 kW up to 225 kW.

The investment costs are depending on the used technology and the fuels. The cheapest

systems for heating with biomass are log wood boilers. The lowest investment costs for

fossil fueled heating systems are reported for gas boilers, connected to the gas grid and

electric heaters.

Beside the economical aspects ecological effects of different heating systems have been

analyzed. Therefore the CO2 equivalent emissions were calculated and the savings were

pointed out when a fossil fuel based heating system is changed by a biomass heating

system. The emissions of the respective heating systems were calculated with the life-

cycle-analyzing software GEMIS. The following graph shows the specific reduction of CO2-

equivalent emissions in kilogram per MWh heat output. The partly large variations are

due to different boiler capacities, technologies and heat demands.


Figure 1: Specific reduction of CO2-equivalent emissions in kg per MWh heat output.

Source: FJ-BLT

The reduction potential of a biomass heating system depends on the type of fossil fueled

heating system which it is compared to. The average CO2-equivalents-reduction for all

described biomass fuels range from 330 kg/MWh to 410 kg/MWh. If all case studies are

realized and the fossil based heating systems are replaced by the described biomass

systems, total emissions of 19,016 tones CO2- equivalent emissions can be saved yearly.

Conclusion and recommendations:

The statistical data on biomass consumption for heating or cooling especially in

households are rare and old. For an effective energy policy and to check developments

and expected impacts of energy efficiency measures, a regular data collection is very

important. There are a lot of ongoing activities to improve the data availability on

European Member States level, but currently not available.

Cooling with biomass is currently competing with air conditioning systems powered by

electricity. Decentralized systems for cooling with biomass are at present not marketable

and competitive.

The fuels costs are the factor with the highest influences on the total costs. Even the

investment costs of fossil fueled boilers are cheaper than for biomass boilers, the specific

total costs of biomass fueled variants are in nearly all cases lower.

Regarding to emissions, biomass fuels and fossil fuels based heating systems show a

clear difference. Depending on the type of fuel and boiler, the potential of emission

reduction (CO2-equivalents) ranges from 90 % up to 98 %. Regarding emissions, it is

always worth to replace a fossil based heating system by biomass.

The use of biomass for heat production has a huge potential to reduce emissions

especially in the non ETS (EU Emissions Trading System) sectors, such as agriculture,

transport, residential and some industry. As the case studies have shown the economic

aspects are depending on the development of fuel prices. With an increasing price for


fossil fuels in future, biomass based heating and even cooling systems will become more


Currently government support schemes play a decisive role. Some countries offer grants

for activities to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and for investments on

biomass based heating systems. These financial support schemes help to close the gap of

investment costs between fossil and biomass based heating systems, so that an

economic benefit arise beside the ecological advantage of biomass heating.

The increasing use of biomass could also raise the problem of scarcity of raw materials.

Especially woody biomass is also in great demand for a number of material utilizations

such as the wood particle board and paper industry. A future challenge would be to

acquire unused woody biomass resources and agricultural residues for energy production

as well as for material utilization.


2 Introduction and purpose

Work package (WP) 6 of the EUBIONET III project is dealing with the potential and the

aspects of biomass use for heating and cooling. The following chapter of this summary

report is introducing the topic of the WP and gives an overview, which aims and

objectives are pursued in the line of WP6.


The overall aim of the work package is to describe the role of heating and cooling with

biomass in the European Union. Due to analyses of national and European statistical

data, the current status of heating and cooling with biomass and the availability of data is

pointed out. Based on these analyses and on results of other projects recommendations

are derived.

Another aim of the WP is to give an overview of the technical possibilities and the state of

the art of heating and cooling with biomass. A description of the major producers for

small scale heating technology should give a picture of the market. The most important

manufacturers of biomass boilers in the respective countries of the project partners are

presented with a short description of their company and products in a producer


A very important aim of the work package 6 is to compare the costs of different heating

systems. Therefore case studies are provided, to show the costs, when a fossil heating

system is replaced by a biomass heating system. These case studies describe best

practice examples and give an overall picture of the different heating situations and cost-

differences between fossil and biomass fuels in European countries.

A major topic of the case studies is the emissions of the different heating systems and

the reduction potential of biomass fuels. The case studies include calculations of

emissions in CO2 equivalents and the reduction, when the fossil based heating system is

replaced by a biomass heating system.

2.2 Biomass for heating and cooling

The use of biomass for heat production in Europe is getting more and more important

and the share of bioenergy made of biomass within the renewables is increasing. One of

the main reasons therefore is that it can easily be transported, stored, traded and used

with several applications at the time and place, where energy is needed.

Approximately half of the total final energy demand of EU 27 is used for heating. In the

year 2008 about 11.9 % of the energy demand for heating was covered by renewable

energy sources. Of the 564.7 Mtoe total energy consumption for heating, nearly 67.8

Mtoe was produced by renewable energy. The EU 27 consumes about 55.1 Mtoe of

biomass for heating, including wood, wood waste and renewable municipal wastes. These

data are based on the results of “SHARES”, an initiative of Eurostat and Member States

to improve statistical data.

The shares of biomass use for heat production in EU 27 countries are varying. Countries

like Sweden, Finland, Austria, Germany or Latvia have a high share of biomass use for

heat production, because of the traditional use of wood fuels in households and


industries. While in other countries like United Kingdom or Ireland, the share of biomass

for heat is slightly increasing the last years [Roubanis et al. 2010].

There is a multitude of applications to change biomass to energy. Heat appliances range

from small scale stoves for room heating, to boilers of a few kW and multi MW boilers for

industry and centralized district heating. Especially the use of woody biomass for

centralized heat production observed a considerable increase within the last 20 years, as

Figure 2 shows below.

Figure 2: Heat derived of biomass in EU-271


The development of direct use of wood for heat production was characterized by a light

increasing over the last 20 years. But in comparison with other renewable, like solar heat

and biogas with about 1100 ktoe or liquid biofuels with nearly 580 ktoe, woody biomass

is still the most important energy source for heat production in European countries.

Figure 3: energy consumption of wood for heat production in EU-272


The bioenergy balance sheet from Eurostat is showing that households and services as

well as industry are the major energy consumer of biomass. In 2008, the EU was

consuming nearly 98 Mtoe of biomass. As the graph below shows, nearly 1/3 is used for

electricity, combined heat and power plants (CHP) and DH. The rest is used in

households, commercial and industrial sector, mainly for heating purposes (Figure 4).

1 Roubanis et al.: Renewable energy statistics, Eurostat, statistics in focus 56/2010

2 Roubanis et al.: Renewable energy statictics, Eurostat, statistics in focus 56/2010


Figure 4: energy consumption of biomass for heat production in EU-27

Source: Renewable heating & cooling (RHC) European technology Platform, EUROSTAT

The biomass production is a decentralized market and includes a large potential for rural

development. Beside this fact, it could help to reduce energy demand from imported

fossil resources. The use of biomass for heating purpose replaces fossil fuels and

therefore reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The reduction potential could mainly

be realized in non ETS (Emission Trading Scheme) sectors, where mandatory targets are

not so easy to enforce. The non ETS are the households, service and transport sectors.

2.3 District heating and cooling in Europe

The actual developments in the district heating and cooling sector are major influenced

by European regulations. The Energy and Climate change package and the so called 20-

20-20 targets, as well as the national implementation of the targets have effects on the

district heating and cooling sector.

The following chapter gives an overview, how the district heating and cooling sector has

developed and which data are available.

Since 1999 Euroheat & Power is publishing every two years the “District Heating and

Cooling Country by Country Survey”. In this report, detailed data about district heating

and cooling of 29 participating countries are included.


New connections to district heating networks and an enlargement of the floor space

served by district heating could be observed in every participating country.


The following Figure 5 shows the shares of district heating used to satisfy heat demand in

the residential and services and other sectors.

Figure 5: Share of district heating of all sectors.3

Source: Euroheat&Power

The shares of district heating used to satisfy heat demand in the residential and services

and other sectors range from 93.9% in Iceland, where the main part of the district heat

is produced by geothermal energy sources, to 2.8% in Switzerland. In Switzerland, the

figure includes, as distinguished from other countries in this survey, only the share of the

residential sector.

Figure 6: Total installed district heating capacity in MWth.4

Source: Euroheat&Power

Figure 6 shows the total installed district heating capacity in MWth. The capacities range

from 621,000 MWth in Poland, where nearly 49% of the energy produced by coal and

1,400 MWth in Norway.

The main fuels used to generate district heat in the Euroheat&Power participating

countries are natural gas, coal and coal products and renewables (no further specification

is given). The graph (Figure7) below shows the variations in the fuels used for production

of district heat.

3 Euroheat&Power: District heating and cooling – Country By Country Survey 2009 4 Euroheat&Power: District heating and cooling – Country By Country Survey 2009


Figure 7: Fuel mix used to produce district heat.5

Source: Euroheat&Power


District cooling was not very important in the past years. The public interest therefore

grew with the demand for comfort cooling. The main market for district cooling is the

service sector, followed by the food and mining industry. The residential sector is

characterized by a low demand for district cooling at present. The main advantage is to

use fuel free cooling sources and it makes the use of free and natural cooling possible. A

district cooling system could reach 5 to 10 times higher efficiencies than common

electricity-driven chillers.

Figure8: European district cooling capacity in MWth.6

Source: Euroheat&Power

5 Euroheat&Power: District heating and cooling – Country By Country Survey 2009 6 Euroheat&Power: District heating and cooling – Country By Country Survey 2009


The installed district cooling capacity increased over the last years not only within

European countries. France has with 620 MW, the largest installed capacity for district

cooling in Europe. Approximately 3% of thereof is produced by Renewable energies.

Especially in Nordic countries like Finland and Sweden, the total installed capacity of

district cooling was multiplied within the last years.

The Figure 9 shows the district cooling production in TJ within Europe.

Figure 9: European district cooling production in TJ. 7

Source: Euroheat&Power

The demand for cooling is steadily increasing in Southern as well as in Northern

countries. The cooling market is currently dominated by air conditioning systems

powered by electricity. The demand of electricity used for cooling is estimated with more

than 260 TWh in Europe.

Euroheat&Power also uses the collective term “Renewables” without any further

specification for biomass or geothermal energy sources for their analyses. Further data

availability is limited to participating countries and so data are not available for all

European countries. Because of lack of information and the different setup of statistical

data throughout Europe, calculations are hard to establish according to Euroheat&Power.

2.4 EU renewable energy policy

European leaders signed up to a binding EU-wide target to source 20% of their energy

needs from renewables, including biomass, hydro, wind and solar power, by 2020. To

meet this objective, they also agreed on a directive to promote renewable energies,

which set individual targets for each member state.

Renewable energies such as wind power, solar energy, hydropower and biomass can play

a major role in the challenge of energy security and global warming because they do not

deplete and produce less greenhouse-gas emissions than fossil fuels.

Since the energy crises of the 1970s, several industrial nations have launched programs

to develop renewable energy solutions, but the return of low oil prices prevented

renewable energies from picking up on a large commercial scale.

7 Euroheat&Power: District heating and cooling – Country By Country Survey 2009


In 2007, renewable energies covered 13.1% of global primary energy supply and 17.9%

of global electricity production [IEA, 2007]. The IEA's 2006 World Energy Outlook

foresees in its Alternative Policy Scenario that the share of renewables in global energy

consumption will only slightly increase by 2030, at 14%. Renewables in electricity

generation are expected to grow to around 25%, according to the IEA.8

The European Commission published a White Paper in 1997 setting out a Community

strategy for achieving a 12% share of renewables in the EU's energy mix.

The decision was motivated by concerns about security of supply and environmental

protection. Directives were adopted in the electricity and transport sectors that set

national sectoral targets.

The 12% target was adopted in a 2001 directive on the promotion of electricity from

renewable energy sources, which also included a 22.1% target for electricity for the EU-

15. The legislation was an important part of the EU's measures to deliver on

commitments made under the Kyoto Protocol.

More recently, the Community has agreed targets for 2020. The 2005 share (measured

in terms of gross final energy consumption) was 8.5% (9.2% in 2006), and the EU 2020

target is 20%. This target was content of the “Climate and Energy package”, which was

agreed by the European Parliament and Council in 2008. The “Climate and Energy

package”–targets, also called 20-20 20-targets comprise the following contents:

A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels

20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources

A 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be

achieved by improving energy efficiency.

The EU directive on renewable energies, agreed in December 2008, requires each

member state to increase its share of renewable energies in the bloc's energy mix to

raise the overall share to 20% by 2020. A 10% share of 'green fuels' in transport is also

included within the overall EU target.

The directive legally obliges each EU Member State to ensure that its 2020 target is met

and to outline the appropriate measures it will take do so in a National Renewable Energy

Action Plan (NREAP) to be submitted by 30 June 2010 to the European Commission. The

European Commission will be able to initiate infringement proceedings if a Member State

fails to introduce appropriate measures to enable it to meet its interim trajectory.

The National Action Plans (NREAPs) will set out how each EU country will meet its overall

national target, including elements such as sectoral targets for shares of renewable

energy for transport, electricity and heating/cooling and how they will tackle

administrative and grid barriers.9

8 Renewables in global energy supply. An IEA fact sheet, 2007 9 EU renewable energy policy. http://www.euractiv.com/en/energy/eu-renewable-energy-policy-linksdossier-188269. 08.03.2011


3 Investigation of statistical data Task 6.1

To monitor the ongoing developments and to meet the targets of the EU directive in

renewable energies and the National Action Plans, detailed and reliable energy statistics

are necessary. Therefore the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament

and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics was published. The regulation

was created to meet the demand of precise and timely data on energy quantities, their

forms, sources, generation, supply, transformation and consumption.

Statistics on energy have so far been focused on energy supply and on fossil energies.

But in future, more focus is needed on increased knowledge and monitoring of final

energy consumption, renewable energy and nuclear energy.

The availability of accurate, up-to-date information on energy is essential for assessing

the impact of energy consumption on the environment and for monitoring of the

greenhouse gas emissions.

There are a few organizations, which provide energy statistics on European level. In the

following, the two major organizations and the data availability is presented.

3.1 Data availability

3.1.1 Eurostat

The statistical data for EU countries are provided by the Eurostat. It is the Statistical

Office of the European Communities and provides the European Union with statistical

information. Therefore, it gathers and analyses figures from the national statistical offices

across Europe and provides comparable and harmonized data for the European Union for

usage in the definition, implementation and analysis of Community policies.

Eurostat has set up with the members of the „European statistical system‟ (ESS) a

network of user support centers which exist in nearly all Member States as well as in

some EFTA countries. Their mission is to provide help and guidance to Internet users of

European statistical data.

Eurostat and Member States developed together a common statistical system for the

regular collection of the data. The energy statistics system is currently based essentially

on voluntary agreements with the Member States. Annual and monthly statistics are

collected via questionnaires sent to Eurostat by the competent National Statistical

Authorities (NSI, Ministries, Energy Agencies). Currently there are following data



Annual data Monthly data

Coal Coal

Electricity Electricity

Natural gas Natural gas

Oil Oil

Nuclear Power Nuclear Power


Liquid Biofuels


Gas and electricity prices according to the new methodology



Industrial and domestic consumers

Competition indicators

Policy relevant indicators:

Share of CHP (Directive 2004/8/EC)

Share of renewable electricity (Directive 2001/77/EC)

Share of renewable energy and biofuels

Export and imports:

Annual data Monthly data

Coal Coal

Electricity Electricity

Natural gas Natural gas

Oil Oil

Eurostat definition for the collective term Renewable Energy is as follows:

“Renewable energy sources include renewable non-fossil energy sources such as

wind, solar, geothermal, hydro-power and energy from biomass/wastes. The latter

refers to electricity generated from the combustion of wood and wood wastes,

other solid wastes of a renewable nature (for example, straw), biogas (including

landfill, sewage, and farm gas) and liquid biofuels, and from municipal solid waste


There are no data available for single renewable energy sources like biomass, solar or

hydro power in the current database. The final energy consumption is reported for the

sectors industry, transport und households, without any specification of the purpose like

heating, cooling and lightning.

3.1.2 International Energy Agency

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous body which was established in

November 1974 within the framework of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD) to implement an international energy program.

It carries out a comprehensive program of energy co-operation among twenty-six of the

OECD thirty member countries.

The basic aims of the IEA are:

To maintain and improve systems for coping with oil supply disruptions.

To promote rational energy policies in a global context through co-operative

relations with nonmember countries, industry and international organizations.

To operate a permanent information system on the international oil market.

To improve the world‟s energy supply and demand structure by developing

alternative energy sources and increasing the efficiency of energy use.

To promote international collaboration on energy technology.

To assist in the integration of environmental and energy policies.

IEA offers a broad database on energy statistics including data for OECD member

countries and countries beyond the OECD partly for free and in detail for sale. The

following sources of energy are included in the database:

Coal and Peat

Combustible Renewables and Waste

Crude Oil



Geothermal, Solar, etc.





Oil Products

Further the data are available for the following categories of final consumption:


Commercial and Public Services



Non-Energy Use



Petrochemical Feedstock


The category “Renewables and waste” includes single data for municipal waste, industrial

waste, primary solid biomass, biogas, liquid biofuels, geothermal, solar thermal, hydro,

solar photovoltaic, tide-wave-ocean and wind. The IEA database includes how much of

these energy sources are used for gross electricity generation and how much for gross

heat generation.

3.2 Initiatives to improve statistical data

With respond to statistical development requirements of the Energy Statistics Regulation,

in particular to review the methodology used to generate renewable energy statistics in

order to make available additional, pertinent, detailed statistics on each renewable

energy source a Working Party on “Renewable Energy Statistics” and a Working Group on

this topic was founded in 2007.

The objectives are to evaluate renewable energy data quality and define improvement

actions at Member State level. Further to improve and complement data collection and

reporting methodology to cover the full spectrum of renewable energy sources in a cost

effective way. It is also an aim to establish and implement a plan of actions for the next

years to improve the quality of the renewable energy statistics and modify accordingly

the Energy Statistics Regulation and the Joint Eurostat/IEA/UNECE questionnaire.10

Eurostat developed a tool called “SHARES”, where Member Sates provide the renewable

energy indicators. Based on the results of SHARES, Eurostat published for the first time

estimates of the RE indicators in a “Data in Focus” publication in July 2010. In November

2010, Eurostat published an extensive “Statistics in Focus” publication on renewable

energy including indicators and a short analysis based on SHARES results and other

renewable energy statistics. Some of these results are summarized in chapter 1.2 and

1.3 of this report.11

One of the main conclusions of the Working Party on “Renewable Energy Statistics” is to

improve the biomass trade data on pellets and liquid biofuels. Further there is a need for

biomass consumption surveys particularly in households and services. In addition it is

important to have more accurate estimates on heat produced by solar solar thermal and

there is a need to introduce the concept of thermal capacity in the collected data.

Ambient heat captured with heat pumps should be included in the statistics. It was


Roubanis, Nikolaos: The current statistical system for Renewable Energy.

http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/statistics_30112007&vm=detailed&sb=Title 11 Ibid.


agreed to pursue the launching of biomass surveys in households and therefore support

Member States in surveying biomass consumption in households.12

3.2.1 Energy consumptions in households

The residential sector is one of the largest users of energy especially energy for heat

production. Energy consumption has direct and indirect environmental effects, which

depends on the energy source used and the amount. The households´ energy

consumption is a major indicator to monitor developments on energy efficiency and

green house gas emissions in the domestic sector. The present international statistical

databases are characterized by rare availability on this topic. There are several national

initiatives to collect data on energy consumption of households with different definitions,

indicators and methodologies, which make a comparison difficult. Especially the sectors

households, services and transport need improvements on data availability.

The following part gives a short overview about past and ongoing activities to improve

the statistical data on energy consumption in households.

3.2.2 International activities

The first international survey on energy consumption of households was published in

1999. It was done by Eurostat and a number of Member States and is so far the only

published international survey in the area of energy consumption in households. The data

collection work was for the reference years 1988 and 1995. From 1988 to 1995 the data

collection comprehends all Member States except for Italy. The data for this work have

been published in report “Energy consumption in Households”. The Member States were

responsible for the methods of obtaining the national studies or surveys and therefore

the study includes variations. The publication contains indicators of the data collection

methods for each country.

In 1996 a similar survey with the title “Central and Eastern European Countries” was

done. The survey was carried out with a large sample in Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and

Slovenia. Also in this study the methodology varied from country to country.

Both survey covered topics on dwelling, space and water heating, cooking equipment,

electrical appliances, private cars and consumption and cost by type of fuel. 13

To improve the data availability a Task Force "Final Energy Consumption in Households"

and a Workgroup on this topic was initialized in 2008. The Task Force set up a review of

national approaches to establish the needs, user requirements and the scope of a survey

on Energy consumption in households. The results of the Task Force defined as “must

have” needs for a survey are:14

Consumption (electricity, gas, solid fuel, oil) per household

Consumption attributed to end-use, e.g. heating, lighting, large appliances, small


Data on penetration of EE technologies

Data on characteristics of the housing stock

Unit/specific consumption data

12 Roubanis, Nikolaos: Overview of the work of the Renewable Energy Statistics Working Party.

http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/statistics_30112007&vm=detailed&sb=Title 13 Review of past work on Energy consumption in households, http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/consumption_households&vm=detailed&sb=Title 14 Energy Consumption in Households – Progress Report. WG 2009. http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/consumption_households&vm=detailed&sb=Title


Corresponding activity data, e.g. household numbers

The Task Force reviewed the following needs, which would be nice to have in term of a

survey on energy consumption in households:

Appliances stock & usage information (not just sales)

Trends in energy service demand, e.g. internal temperatures

The needs for data collection on “Renewables” are according to the results of the Task


Solar energy (collectors, photo-voltaic panels)

Biomass, in particular non-commercialized firewood

Use of heat pumps

A new grant was planned with start 2009/2010 and the actions will run until 2011. It is

important to secure a high convergence of survey coverage between the identified needs

and the existing national initiatives considered by the Task Force. In year 2009 13

Member States participated. Eurostat has foreseen funding possibilities for participation.

In particular, Eurostat invest subventions in Member States where survey in the area of

energy consumption in households are in need of development, have not been done yet

or have not done recently. The data collection is organized through surveys, modeling,

combined several sources and direct measuring. 15

3.2.3 National action on energy consumption in households

On national level, there are several initiatives to collect data on the energy consumption

in households. Most of them are characterized through different methodologies,

indicators and reference years. The Task Force “Final Energy Consumption in

Households” has dedicated which surveys are carried out on this topic in the Member


Spain, Ireland, Slovenia, Netherlands and Belgium are doing annual surveys on

households. Austria and Germany organizes data collections every two years and France

as well as Latvia every three years.

Austria, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Netherland, Poland and Belgium are

also carrying out ad-hoc surveys or addressing specific issues (for example on

firewood,…). But also population census, household budget surveys or surveys of supplier

are used to collect data on the energy consumption in households. The following list is

showing the systematic use of modeling selective indicators for energy consumption in


15 Energy Consumption in Households – Progress Report. WG 2009. http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/consumption_households&vm=detailed&sb=Title


The national biomass statistics system in Member States16

Country Survey availability/planning Estimation methods

Bulgaria Use of the household budget for energy


Czech Republic Household surveys in 1997, 2004 and


Estimates for intermediates

years households‟

consumption with modeling

(degree days, fuels prices…)

Denmark Bi-annual surveys of final consumption,

firewood and pellets, straw, wood chips

(through knowledge centers)

Germany Surveys of households 2001, 2003,


Estonia Use of the household budget for energy


Ireland Expert estimations of non-

commercialized household


Cyprus Inclusion of biomass questions in

existing surveys

Supply data from forestry

and trade declarations.

Latvia Regular surveys of households


Use of extrapolations based

on 2001 households survey.

From 2004 onwards fixed

consumption level.

Lithuania Fuel questions in industry and

agriculture surveys, 1996 survey on

households. Planed households survey

for 2010 (sample size 10 000


Household and service wood

estimates based on forestry

and wood sales

Hungary Last household survey in 1996

Netherlands Household surveys in 2001,

2005/2006, household surveys on

wood stoves

Modeling based on stove

capacity, average load

factors and efficiencies

Austria Household surveys every 2 years

(public sector every 5 years)

Intermediary space heating

with temperature correction

Portugal Use of the old survey of households,

intention to make survey in households

in collaboration with EU project

Romania Use of the household budget survey for

energy consumption

Slovenia Survey in households 1996, 2002

Finland Use of an inquiry on wood for space


Modeling for space heating

consumption based on

building stock survey

Sweden Survey in households in 2001, survey

on firewood, wood chips, pellets and

briquettes in households sector

United Kingdom detailed household consumption

breakdown by fuel and use

16 Roubanis, Nikos: Final Energy Consumption in Households. Requirements on Renewables. http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/consumption_households&vm=detailed&sb=Title


3.3 Conclusion

The data availability for Renewable Heating and Cooling market is generally limited due

to factors like decentralized heat generation facilities and the associated problems of

measurement. Taking bioenergy as an example, due to the wide dispersion of large and

small scale burners and boilers, it is not easy to ascertain the total installed heat

capacity, even though the name-plates on the appliances usually provide such

information. Even more difficult is assessing for how long each boiler is actually

operational when providing useful heat and whether it is working at full capacity or not.

Whether a burner or boiler is operated for 10, 100, or 8 000 hours a year can only be

found from a detailed survey of users since, unlike electricity or transport fuels, metering

of the heat output rarely occurs. Except in the case of district heating, there is little

commercial trade in heat. For heat from solar and geothermal sources, the IEA Solar

Heating and Cooling (SHC) and Geothermal implementing agreements have collected

data based on an assessment of installed capacity for several IEA and non-IEA countries.

Available data for commercially distributed biomass heat are included in IEA statistics but

these are far from complete.17

The variety of biomass resources are widely distributed so many of the data on heat

applications are very uncertain. Biomass used in individual buildings for water heating

and space heating is difficult to obtain and typically not covered in national statistics. It is

therefore nearly impossible to estimate the total value of biomass used for heating.

The contribution of renewables can only be assessed within the methodological

framework of the overall energy balance. Definitions and accountancy methodology for

renewables must be coherent with the accountancy of other energy sources. Statistics

need to keep track of the fast-moving and rapidly evolving technologies of the RE


Further the dedicated surveys on energy and biomass consumption for heating or cooling

in households are rare and old. They were characterized through low response rates and

reporting inaccuracies. In previous surveys participating countries are responsible for the

methods of obtaining the national studies or surveys and therefore the study includes

variations. Therefore there is a need to implement actions improving national statistical

systems. Data availability by end-use need to be consolidated and enhanced so as to

better understand the trends observed and measured the energy savings on a yearly

basis as required by the Directive.

For an effective energy policy it is important to provide the Commission and other users

with high quality statistical services and products. To forecast or to check developments

and excepted impacts of energy efficiency measures, a regular data collection is very

important. There are a lot of activities in progress to improve the data material, but not

available at this time.

17 IEA – Renewables for heating and Cooling. Untapped Potential. Paris 2007 18 Roubanis, Nikolaos: The current statistical system for Renewable Energy. http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/chpwg/library?l=/statistics_30112007&vm=detailed&sb=Title


4 Investigation of technical forms – Task 6.2

Using biomass as fuels in modern efficient heating systems is a well-established

technique used for individual buildings and district heating. There are a number of

European standards that cover both the design of biomass systems and the specification

of the fuels, to secure a certain amount of quality and safety in operation and a minimum

of emissions.

4.1 Aim and methodology

The aim of Task 6.2 “Investigation of technical forms” was to give an overview of the

state of the art of biomass heating and cooling technology. Therefore the main

developments of the last years are described in the first part of this chapter. This

description includes technologies for heating and cooling with biomass as well as short

summaries of advantages and disadvantages of the technology.

To describe the actual biomass boiler market, the most important manufacturers of

biomass boilers in the respective countries of the project partners are presented. Each

project partner had to provide at least 3 company descriptions. The represented

manufacturers were selected by each project partner. Focus of the survey was on small-

scale boiler producers.

The company fact sheets includes information on contact details, form and size of the

company, number of employees and turnover, market share and sold units and a short

description of their products. This chapter includes a summary table of all 56 company

fact sheets. Detailed information can be found in the respective company fact sheet in

the annex. The catalogue should help consumers to find a boiler producer in their country

and should help to link to further information of the companies. In addition it gives the

boiler producer the possibility to present their company on an international platform.

4.2 Current state of biomass heating technology

There are three main combustion technologies, the grate furnace combustion, fluidized

bed combustion and the pulverized fuel firing system. The choice for the accurate

combustion technology depends on the type of used fuel and the size of the plant.

4.2.1 Grate furnace combustion

Grate furnace combustion is a widely used conversion method to produce heat and power

from biomass. It is typically used for applications with a nominal thermal capacity of

roughly 10 kW to 100 MW. Grate furnaces can be used with a wide range of biomass fuel

types and are flexible regarding fuel size and moisture content.

The combustion process in a grate furnace is divided into two steps. In the first step, the

solid fuel is gasified by an airflow supplied at the bottom of the fuel layer. The air flows

through the void space between the fuel particles constituting the fuel layer. The layer is

ignited by the hot gases above at the entrance of the furnace. In the second step,

burnout of the gases takes place. This is a purely homogeneous process that takes place

in the other parts of the furnace. When the combustion process is finished, the gases

release their heat to a heat exchanger.


Different types of grate furnaces exist, because the furnaces are optimized for various

fuels and operating conditions. In particular, different types of grates can be found. A

traveling grate consists of an endless band transporting the fuel through the furnace with

minimal disturbance of the fuel layer. A moving grate pushes the fuel over the grate by

bars moving relative to each other, which also causes local mixing of the fuel layer. Other

types of grates are fixed grates, inclined grates and vibrating grates.

Grate furnace combustion gives rise to emissions. One of these emissions consists of

considerable amounts of NOx. The NOx emissions are caused by oxidation of nitrogen

present in the solid fuel, because due to the relatively low temperatures in the furnace. A

technique implemented in grate furnaces to limit the emissions of NOx is staged

combustion. This involves the division of the combustion chamber in a secondary and a

primary combustion zone with own supply of air. The primary combustion zone is kept at

fuel rich conditions. This has the result that in the primary combustion zone, a

considerable part of the fuel-N, i.e. fuel nitrogen, is released as N2. Due to the low

temperatures in the furnace, further conversion into NOx is prevented. Therefore, this

limits the formation of NOx. In the secondary zone, burnout of the gases coming from the

primary zone takes place. The combustion process in the secondary zone is oxygen rich

to ensure complete burnout of the gases.19

Figure 10 is showing a schematic view of rate furnace boiler with a moving grate.

Figure 10: Grate furnace boiler.

Source: Binder GmbH

It can be concluded that grate furnace combustion is a mature combustion technique for

which already a range of techniques are available to optimize it for specific types of fuels,

good burnout of the exhaust gases and low NOx-emissions. It is mainly used for woody

biomass like wood chips and pellets, but also for straw and other biomass. Most of the

boilers used for domestic heating systems are based on the grate furnace technology.

Compared to fluidized bed combustion, the grate furnace combustion is not as prone to

ash agglomeration and slagging. It is characterized through a lower dust loading in the

flue gas. Because of a simple design of the plants, this technology is comparatively

19 Van Kuijk, Hans: Grate Furnace Combustion: A Model for the Solid Fuel Layer. Technical University Eindhoven, 2008


cheap. As a disadvantage a lower degree of efficiency because of an inhomogeneous

allocation on the grate could be mentioned here.20

4.2.2 Fluidized bed combustion

Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) is a combustion technology used in power plants.

Fluidized beds suspend solid fuels on upward-blowing jets of air during the combustion

process. The result is a turbulent mixing of gas and solids. The tumbling action, much

like a bubbling fluid, provides more effective chemical reactions and heat transfer.

Figure 11 shows the schematic view of a fluidized bed combustion plant.

Figure 11: Fluidized bed combustion (FBC).

Source: VTT

The 1st generation fluidized bed combustor uses a "bubbling-bed" technology. A relatively

stationary fluidized bed is established in the boiler using low air velocities to fluidize the

material, and a heat exchanger (boiler tube bundle) immersed in the bed to generate

steam. Cyclone separators are used to remove particulate matter from the flue gas prior

to entering a gas turbine, which is designed to accept a moderate amount of particulate

matter. Stationary FBC could be used with a nominal thermal capacity of roughly 3 – 20


A 2nd generation fluidized bed combustor uses "circulating fluidized-bed" technology and

a number of efficiency enhancement measures. Circulating fluidized-bed technology has

the potential to improve operational characteristics by using higher air flows to entrain

and move the bed material, and re-circulating nearly all the bed material with adjacent

high-volume, hot cyclone separators. The relatively clean flue gas goes on to the heat

exchanger. This approach theoretically simplifies feed design, extends the contact

between sorbent and flue gas, reduces likelihood of heat exchanger tube erosion, and

improves SO2 capture and combustion efficiency. The circulating fluidized-bed is often

used in plants with high nominal thermal capacity of more than 30 MWth.21 But this

technology is also be used in plants with an nominal thermal capacity of about 5 MW, for

example in Finland.

20 Obernberger, Ingwald: Thermische Nutzung fester biogener Brennstoffe, TU Graz BIOS 2000 21 http://fluidizedbedcombustion.com/


The difference between the bubbling fluidised bed combustor (BFB) and the circulating

fluidised bed combustor (CFB) turns on the velocity at which gas is blown at the bed. In a

BFB combustor air velocity is lower and the particles behave like a boiling fluid but stay

in the bed. In a CFB combustor air velocity is higher and a large proportion of the bed

material leaves the bed and is collected by cyclone separators before recirculation to the


FBC plants are more flexible than conventional plants. They can be fired on coal and

biomass, among other fuels. This technology is characterized by very low NOx- emissions

and a high degree of efficiency. Disadvantages are the high sensitivity on ash melting

and slagging, as well as high investment and operating costs. Although this technology

has very low NOx- emissions, compared to others the dust concentration in fuel gas is

very high. To operate a FBC plant in partial load, a specific technology or a second fluid

bed is needed.

4.2.3 Pulverized fuel firing

Pulverized fuel firing is a solid fuel burning technique in which the fuel is pulverized

before being ignited. It is the most common method of burning coal and oil shale for

power generation. The basic idea of a firing system using pulverized fuel is to use the

whole volume of the furnace for the combustion of solid fuels. Coal is ground to the size

of a fine grain, mixed with air and burned in the flue gas flow. Biomass and other

materials can also be added to the mixture. Coal contains mineral matter which is

converted to ash during combustion. The ash is removed as bottom ash and fly ash. The

bottom ash is removed at the furnace bottom.22

There are three different types of pulverized fuel firing systems:

injection of the fuel through jets on a grate

injection of the fuel into a cyclone furnace

pulverized fuels system in combination with a grate furnace or a underfeed stokers to cover a range of different fuels

22 Obernberger, Ingwald: Thermische Nutzung fester biogener Brennstoffe, TU Graz BIOS 2000


Figure 12: Pulverized fuel firing system.23

Source: Marutzky 1999

Due to the small fuel particles and the excellent mixture with the air supply, this

technology is characterized by a low percentage of burnable materials in residues, low

NOx-emissions and a high efficiency. Compared to the fluidized bed combustion the

pulverized fuel firing technology has a very good output adjustability and could be

operated with 25% of nominal load without any changes in combustion characteristics. A

disadvantage of this technology is the high erosion and thermal strain of the combustion

chamber. Further the fuels have to be grinded and are limited to a particle size of < 10-

20 mm.

4.2.4 Future developments

The most common and convenient forms of woody biomass for domestic heating are split

logs, wood chips, wood pellets and briquettes. The grate furnace combustion technology

is used for domestic appliances adapted for different fuels and capacity.

The current biomass furnace technology in Europe has already achieved a very high

state-of-technology. Depending on the political framework requirements of the respective

country, there are differences in technology and quality of the biomass boilers, especially

concerning emissions and safety.

General development efforts are aimed to ensure a trouble-free operation and a high

operational comfort for the consumer. In this context, an automatic operation and

appropriate and resistant materials for the combustion chamber are of great importance.

Materials with resistance regarding corrosion to enlarge the service life of the furnace will

play a major role. Further control sensors, like the proven lambda control sensors, for

measuring the oxygen concentration in the flue gas, will be used more in future for

combustion control. In modern boiler systems, the whole process control is

microprocessor based. Automatic boiler cleaning systems are still developed, which

increase the efficiency and reduce dust emissions.

23 Marutzky, Seeger: Energie aus Holz und anderer Biomasse. DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner (Ed.) 1999


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-aided furnace development and optimization is a

promising future application in the small and medium-scale sector.

More developments in the combination of small scale biomass boilers and solar systems

could be expected the next years.

Further objectives cover research and development projects to reduce emissions. The

quality of boilers especially concerning emissions is different from country to country.

The reasons for this are different political frameworks requirements on emission limits

and testing procedures for boilers. The EN 303-5 “Heating boilers for solid fuels, hand

and automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 300 kW” is the first European

wide standard which regulates the test procedure for small scale boilers and includes also

limit values for emissions. Before that there were only a few countries like Austria,

Germany, Finland, Denmark and Sweden which have national requirements for testing

standards and emission limits for small wood-fired boilers. In addition Austria has very

strict regulations for emissions including limit values for dust, CO and NOx. International

political interests to limit emissions from small scale combustion sites are increasing. In

the future further research and development activities to reduce emissions from biomass

boilers are needed.

The development of small-scale commercialized gasification systems is in its early

stages. However, gasification technology has been around a long time but all-in-one

(gasifier, filter, generator, etc.) unit is difficult to find as in the past most are designed

and built from new. The wood, be it chips or pellets are fed into the gasifier unit where

the charred wood reacts with carbon dioxide and air/oxygen/steam to produce carbon

monoxide and methane. The so-called producer gas is then filtered through the cleaning

system and can be burned at higher efficiencies than it would have been possible by the

direct combustion of the wood chips.

Figure 13 below shows the schematic view of the current used gasification technologies.

Figure 13: Current available gasification technologies

Source: VTT

4.3 Current state of cooling with biomass

International studies forecast a strong rise in energy consumption for cooling. At present

cooling mainly work with air condition produced by electrically operated compressor

chillers. This technology intensifies the existing power supply problems such as high peak


loads in summer. New developments afford cooling systems running with thermal energy

from district heating networks.

The following chapter gives a short overview of the technical principle of current biomass

cooling systems. At present biomass cooling is only used in centralized systems, for

example in combination with a district heating plant. Decentralized cooling systems are

currently driven by electricity or solar power. There are research and development

activities in the area of residential biomass cooling. The technology is currently not ready

for the market. The efficiency and the costs of such systems make the competitiveness

to compression heat pumps difficult.

In general thermal driven cooling technologies are based either on the absorption or

adsorption principle. In contrast to conventional chillers, this systems use heat instead of

mechanical energy to provide cooing. The following thermal driven sorption chillers are

currently available:

Water/lithium-bromide: absorption chillers

Ammonia/water: absorption chillers

Water/silica-gel: adsorption chillers

Desiccant-Evaporative Cooling (DEC) chillers: open adsorption process

The distinctions of these technologies are the available cooling capacity, required heat

capacity and hot water inlet temperature as well as in the coefficient of performance

(COP) which means the ratio of cooling output to thermal input.

4.3.1 The absorption chillers

In the absorption chiller technology, the refrigerant is compressed in a thermal way,

while in the conventional chiller, mechanical compression is used. If the chiller makes use

of the heat input just once, it is called a single effect or one-stage process. At the single-

stage absorption cycle process the refrigerant liquid boils in a deep vacuum and removes

heat from the chilled water circuit when flowing over the surface of the evaporator coil.

Subsequently the refrigerant vapor gets absorbed by the concentrated absorbent solution

in the absorber.

Figure 14 shows the basic of the single-effect absorption chiller.


Figure 14: operation cycle of one-stage absorption chiller system.

Source: Energy Solutions Center

The resulting dilute solution is pumped into the generator onto a higher pressure, where

the refrigerant is boiled off using a heat source. In the next step the refrigerant vapor

and the absorbent get separated. The refrigerant vapor flows to the condenser, where it

is condensed on the surface of the cooling coil. Afterwards the refrigerant liquid passes

through an orifice into the evaporator while the reconcentrated solution returns to the

absorber to complete the cycle. Electric energy is only needed for pumping the dilute

solution and for control units. At this technology electric energy is only needed for

pumping and for control units.

Higher efficiency can be reached with a two-stage or double-effect absorption process

which needs higher medium inlet temperatures. For this reason they are either directly

fired with natural gas or fuel oil or using hot exhaust gas from combustion engines or

they are driven by steam or hot water over 130 °C. The double-effect absorption cycle

differs from the single cycle insofar as it captures some internal heat which is normally

rejected to the recooling circuit. This thermal energy of the absorption process in the

absorber is used to boil out refrigerant vapor in a second generator additionally. Thus the

efficiency is raised, less heat is needed and less heat must be rejected. 24

4.3.2 Supply concepts for chilled water

There are two main supply concepts for chilled water produced by thermal driven chillers

in combination with biomass combustion.

One possibility is the central generation system, which can be realized with a number of

technologies and is in general used for district cooling. The chilled water is produced in

district heating plants in absorption chillers. A separate network distributes the chilled

water to the consumer. At the costumers the chilled water takes up the heat from the air

using fan-coils and cooling surfaces, like existing radiators.

24 Krawinkler, R., Simader, G.: Meeting cooling demands in SUMMER by applying HEAT from cogeneration. AEA 2007


Figure 15: Central absorption cooling – district cooling network.

Source: Austria Energy Agency

A second possibility is the individual absorption cooling unit, where an individual

absorption cooling unit is installed in or close to every building. Thereby the chilled water

is produced by a thermal driven chiller where it is needed. In this case the absorption

chillers take the heat from a district heating network. The secondary network to

distribute the chilled water is only needed in the buildings.

Figure 16: Individual absorption cooling unit.

Source: Austria Energy Agency

These innovative concepts of district cooling networks mostly serve limited urban areas

or groups of office and administration buildings, public and private service buildings and

commercial companies. Besides this, also factors like the available space for the bigger

chillers and matters of recooling for example, also technical conditions must be

considered regarding this supply approach. In comparison with compressor systems,

thermal driven chillers are much bigger. On the one hand the existing district heat

connection must be able to match the required cooling capacity of the absorption chiller.

On the other hand the flow temperature of the district heating network during summer

operation and the relation between hot water inlet temperature and feasible cooling

capacity has to be taken into account. The combination of cooling technologies with

district heating systems requires careful analysis on the customer side as well as on the

heat generating side.25

There are several projects, which offer detailed information on the technological matters

of different cooling systems. There is the EU summerheat project, which published

technical reports with realized case studies and country market reports on the project

web page. (www.eu-summerheat.net)

The BioAWP project is another example of a research project, which had the goal to

develop a small scale high-efficient biomass-driven absorption heat pump for residential

heating and cooling.

25 Krawinkler, R., Simader, G.: Meeting cooling demands in SUMMER by applying HEAT from cogeneration. AEA 2007


A detailed description of a district cooling plant in Spain, powered with olive residues,

could be found in the annex of this report. The case study is part of Task 6.3 of this work

package and includes beside a technical description also a cost and emission calculation

and is compared to a conventional cooling plant powered by fossil fuels.

4.4 Biomass boiler producer catalogue

The following list shows the summary of the 59 company fact sheets. The list contains

the most important biomass boiler manufacturers from all participating countries. The

presented producers have been selected by the respective project partners. Detailed

information can be found in the long version of the company fact sheets in the annex.


Country Company

Name Website Address Contact Telephone Turnover Employees

Wood chips

Wood logs



Austria Anton Eder GmbH www.eder-heizung.at

Weyerstraße 350

A- 5733 Bramberg



+43 (0) 6566 /

7366 - - X X X

Austria Hoval GmbH www.hoval.at Hovalstraße 11

A–4614 Marchtrenk

info@hoval.at +43 (0)50 365 –

0 ~ 41,5 Mio € 210 X X X X

Austria Ökofen GmbH www.pelletsheizung.at Gewerbepark 1

A-4133 Niederkappel



+43 / 7286 /

7450 - ~ 300 X X

Austria Fröhling GmbH www.froeling.com Industriestraße 12

A-4710 Grieskirchen



+43 (0)7248 /

606 - 0 - ~ 600 X X X X

Austria Hargassner GmbH www.hargassner.at Anton Hargassnerstr. 1

A-4952 Weng i. Innkreis



+43 / 7723 /

5274 - ~ 160 X X X X

Austria Herz Energie-

technik GmbH

www.herz-feuerung.com Herzstraße 1

7423 Pinkafeld



+43 / 3357 /

42840-0 - > 150 X X X X

Austria Guntamatic

Heiztechnik GmbH

www.guntamatic. com Bruck 7

A-4722 Peuerbach



+43 / 7276 /

2441-0 ~ 40,0 Mio € ~ 200 X X X X

Austria KWB GmbH www.kwb.at Industriestraße 235

A-8321 St.


office@kwb.at +43 / 3115 /

6116-0 ~ 50,0 Mio € ~ 205 X X X X

Austria SL-Technik GmbH www.lindner-sommerauer.at Trimmelkam 113

A-5120 St. Pantaleon



+43 / 6277 /

7804-0 15-20 Mio € ~ 50 X X X

Austria SHT GmbH www.sht.at Rechtes Salzachufer 40

A-5101 Salzburg/Bergheim

info@sht.at +43 / 662 / 450

444-0 - 41 X X X X

Austria Windhager GmbH www.windhager.com Anton-Windhager-Straße 20

A-5201 Seekirchen,



+43 6212 2341-

0 ~ 80,0 Mio € ~ 470 X X X

Austria ETA GmbH www.eta.co.at Gewerbepark 1

A-4716 Hofkirchen

info@eta.co.at +43 7734 / 2288

- 0 ~ 63,0 Mio € ~ 120 X X X X

Belgium BIOM www.biom.be Zoning Industriel des Hauts


3ème avenue, 15

BE 4040 Herstal

info@biom.be +32(0)4 256 90

08 - 5 X

Belgium BURNECO www.burneco.be Rue des vieux près, 103 BE

6860 Leglise

+32 63 43 39 61 ~ 1,0 Mio € 20 X X

Belgium VYNCKE N.V. www.vyncke.com Gentsesteenweg 224 BE

8530 Harelbeke



+ 32 56 730 630 30-40 Mio € 230

Belgium Saint-Roch www.saint-roch-couvin.com Rue de la gare, 36 BE 5660




+32(0)60 34 56

51 25 Mio € 120 X X X X

Czech Republic

TTS Energo www.tts.cz Průmyslová 163

CZ 674 01 Třebíč

horky@tts.cz +42 568 837

611 16.5 Mio € 75 X X X X


Country Company

Name Website Address Contact Telephone Turnover Employees

Wood chips

Wood logs





Step TRUTNOV www.steptrutnov.cz Horská 695 541 02 Trutnov




+42 499 407

407 3.85 Mio € 50 X X X

Czech Republic

EVECO Brno www.evecobrno.cz Brezinova 42

Brno - Czech Republic



+420 544 527

231 1.35 Mio € 20 X X

Denmark Passat energi A/S www.passat.dk Vestergade 36, Ørum

DK 8830 Tjele



+45 8665 2100 - - X X X X

Denmark BAXI www.baxi.dk Smedevej,

DK 6880 Tarm

baxi@baxi.dk +45 9737 1511 - - X X X X

Denmark TwinHeat www.twinheat.dk Nørrevangen 7,

DK 9631 Gedsted



+45 9864 5222 - 15 X X X X

Finland Veljekset Ala-

Talkkari Oy

www.ala-talkkari.fi Hellanmaantie 619,

DK 62130 Hellanmaa




+358 6 4336

333 15 Mio € 85 X X X X

Finland Ariterm Oy www.ariterm.fi PL 59, Uuraistentie 1

FI 43100 Saarijärvi



+358 14 426

300 12 Mio € 130 X X X X

Finland Laatukattila Oy www.laka.fi Vihiojantie 10,

FI 33800 Tampere



+358 3 214

1411 6 Mio € 45 X X X X

France HS FRANCE www.hsfrance.com Rue Andersen

FR 67870 Bischoffsheim



+33 (0)3 88 49

27 57 15 Mio € 28 X X X X





Rue des Epinettes - Z.I. Sud

FR 77200 Torcy



+33 (0)1 60 05

18 53 8 Mio € 32 X X X

France PERGE www.perge.fr CD7 BP7

FR 26800 Portes lès Valence

contact@perge.fr +33 (0)4 75 57

81 63 - - X X

Germany Paul Künzel GmbH www.kuenzel.de Ohlrattweg 5

D-25497 Prisdorf

info@kuenzel.de +49 4101 / 7000

0 - ~ 50 X X X

Germany HDG Bavaria GmbH www.hdg-bavaria.com Siemensstraße 22

D-84323 Massing



+49 8724/8970 30 Mio € 200 X X X

Germany Nolting GmbH www.nolting-online.de Aquafinstr. 15

D-32760 Detmold



+49 52 31 / 95

55 0 10 Mio € 55 X X X X

Germany Bosch




www.buderus.de Sophienstraße 30-32

D-35576 Wetzlar

info@buderus.de +49 6441 / 418

0 - - X X X X

Germany Biotherm


www.pelletheizung. de Friedrich-Winter Str. 6

D- 35630 Ehringshausen



+49 6440 /

929714 - 4 X

Germany Hans-Jürgen Helbig


www.helbig-gmbh.de Pappelbreite 3

D-37176 Nörten-Hardenberg



+49 55 03 / 99

74 - 21 4 Mio € 30 X X X


Country Company

Name Website Address Contact Telephone Turnover Employees

Wood chips

Wood logs



Greece Samaras Biomass


www.nsamaras.gr 32nd km Lavriou Av.

19003, Markopoulo, Attiki



+30 22990

63480 - - X X X X


SA –

Heating products


www.combi.gr 1st Km Ptolemaidas -

Ardassas P.C. 502 00,

Ptolemaida, P.O. BOX 1

info@combi.gr +30 24630

28013 - - X X X

Greece “Β.Ε.Η.-Μ.Ε.Π.” .

Helias K.


www.veimep.gr Chilia Dendra

43100, Karditsa



+30 24410

25359 - 17 X X

Latvia GRANDEG www.grandeg.lv Brivibas alley 439, Riga LV-

1024, Latvia



+371 6407 1177 ~ 1,0 Mio € < 50 X X X X

Latvia JSC Komforts www.komforts.eu Liela street 59, Tukums,

Latvia, LV-3101



+ 371 63125057 ~ 4 Mio € 115 X X X X

Latvia “ORIONS” Jurmalas

Karla Zarina Ltd

www.orions.lv Antenas street 3, Riga LV-

1004, Latvia

orions@orions.lv + 371 67892222

(67629139) - - X X X

Lithuania JSC "Atrama" www.atrama.lt Raudondvario pl. 162,

LT-47174 Kaunas, Lithuania

info@atrama.lt ( 370 37) 36 18

01 3.93 Mio € 124 X

Lithuania UAB "Kalvis" www.kalvis.lt Pramonės g. 15,

LT-78135, Šiauliai,

info@kalvis.lt 370 41 540-564 6 Mio € 220 X X X X

Lithuania AB „Umega“ www.umega.lt Metalo str. 5,

LT-20115 Utena,

info@umega.lt 370 389 53542 11 Mio € 500 X X X X

Portugal Chama –


Térmicos, S.A.

www.chama.com.pt Polo Industrial de Vale de



3450-032 Mortágua



+351 231 922

574 1.35 Mio € 52 X

Portugal A.D.F. www.adf.pt Zona Industrial da Relvinha

– Sarzedo – Arganil-


Ap. 55

adf@adf.pt 00351-

235710710 - - X X

Slovakia ATTACK, s.r.o. www.attack.sk Dielenská Kružná 5 ,

038 61 VRUTKY

export@attack.sk +421 43 / 4003

115 18.6 Mio € 75-130 X X

Slovakia Ecoprotect CDK


www.ecoprotectcdk.eu Zvolenska cesta 61/B

974 05 Banská Bystrica,




+421 / 48/416

18 26 150.000 € 5 X X

Slovakia MAGA s.r.o. www.magasro.sk Samuela Kollára 86, 9

79 01 Čerenčany, SLOVAKIA



+421 47 563

4798 600.000 € 10 X X X


Country Company

Name Website Address Contact Telephone Turnover Employees

Wood chips

Wood logs



Slovenia KIV d.d. www.kiv.si Vransko 66

3305 – Vransko


info@kiv.si + 386 (0) 3 70

34 100 18 Mio € 70 X X X X

Slovenia ETIKS d.o.o. www.etiks.si Ob Dragi 3

3220 Štore, Slovenia

info@etiks.si +386 (0)3 780

22 80 3.1 Mio € 13 X X X X

Slovenia WVterm d.o.o. www.wvterm.si Valvasorjeva 73

2000 Maribor, Slovenia



+ 386 2 42 96

941 - 80 X X X X

Spain BRONPI, S.L. www.bronpi.es Cordoba-Malaga Highway,

14900, Lucena, Cordoba,




+0034-957 502

750 11 Mio € 70 X X

Spain Inmecal www.inmecal.com La Catalana” Industrial Area,

Irlanda St., 15.

18360 Huétor Tájar,

Granada, España



+0034-958 333

789 1.5 Mio € 14 X X X

Spain Vulcano-Sadeca www.vulcanosadeca.es De Rivas St, Nº 27, C.P.

28052, Madrid, España




05-00 12 Mio € 60 X X X X

Sweden Värmebaronen AB www.varmebaronen.se Värmebaronen AB

Arkelstorpsvägen 88

291 94 Kristianstad




+46 (0)44-22 62

20 13.7 Mio € 90 X X X

Sweden Enertech AB www.enertech.se Enertech AB

Box 309

S-341 26 Ljungby


info@enertech.se +46 (0)372 880

00 188 Mio € 350 X X X X

Sweden Ariterm group AB www.ariterm.se Ariterm Sweden AB

Flottiljvägen 15

S-392 41 Kalmar


info@artiterm.se +46 (0)480 44

28 50 21 Mio € 147 X X




Broag Remeha www.uk.remeha.com Remeha House Molly Millars

Lane Wokingham Berkshire

RG41 2QP



07850 618658

~ 4.3 Mio € 17 X X X

United Kingdom



Technology Limited

www.bioenergy.org Farley Farm

Chiddingly, Nr Lewes

East Sussex BN8 6HW



01825 890140

~ 900.000 € 15 X X X X


4.5 Conclusions

The thermal use of woody biomass is mature technology and a wide range of products

with different combustion technologies and capacities are available. The most common

fuels are split wood logs, wood chips, wood pellets and briquettes.

In the residential sector, especially for single-family houses, wood logs and wood pellets

are the common biomass form for heat production. These types of heating systems could

be easily installed in houses and dwellings and are often used for a heat demand of <

25kW. The demand for heat in houses will decrease in future because of low energy

standards in houses and good insulations. Therefore heating systems which could be

operated in a low capacity range are needed. Modern wood pellets boilers are

characterized through high controllability and efficiency. These boiler types offer the

consumer a high level of comfort because of automatic operation.

Wood chips technologies are often used for systems with capacities of >30 kW. For

farms, office and administration buildings, public and private service buildings and

commercial companies as well as apartment buildings with a higher heat demand. In

particular wood chip boilers are used for biomass fueled district heating plants. The

boilers are available only for high capacity (> 30 kW), offer also high level of comfort

because of automatic operation, but regard a large storage for fuels.

In general the technology and quality varies from country to country. Reasons therefore

are different political framework requirements on emissions and safety. In some

European countries emissions limits have to be met to launch a boiler on the market,

while others don‟t have any requirements and limitations.

Future developments for biomass boilers will concentrate on operation comfort and

emission reduction, in particular to use also non woody biomass. Large scale plants are

equipped with secondary measures to reduce emissions. In small-scale plants,

developments to reduce emissions are often limited on primary measures, like

modification of the combustion chamber. There is still a potential to reduce emissions in

small-scale plants and further research and development activities are needed.

At present, cooling with biomass is limited to centralized systems often in combination

with a district plant. Heat is used as energy for a thermal driven chiller. The combination

of cooling technologies with district heating systems requires careful analysis on the

customer side as well as on the heat generating side. Small-scale biomass cooling

systems are currently not available on the market. There are some projects on this topic,

but currently decentralized cooling systems are based on air condition produced by

electrically operated compressor chillers.

In the line of EUBIONET III WP6 a catalogue of biomass boiler producer is published.

Company fact sheets of 59 European boiler manufacturers of the participating countries

are provided. Countries like Austria, Germany, Finland and Sweden do have a very broad

range of different producers for small-scale boilers. Boilers are traded within whole

Europe. Especially East-European countries are concentrated on home markets and

export their product limited to Europe and Russia. Producers in Austria, Germany, Finland

and Sweden export their boiler within Europe, Russia, but also to North and South

American Countries and also to Asian markets. The analysis of the company fact sheets

shows that Austrian producers have the biggest export quota from 60 % to 85 %.

The distribution of boilers is mainly organized via installers and distributions companies.

In rare cases boiler producers have their own sales department and products could be

ordered directly from the manufacturer. Only a few companies do have own branch

offices abroad, most of the companies process their exports via distribution organizations

in the respective countries.


5 Investigation of costs – Task 6.3

The major advantages of using biomass, along with being a carbon neutral fuel is the

potential of cost savings based on present-day prices. The use of biomass fuels provides

an incentive for the sustainable management of local woodland, it adds to the local

economy and the establishment of a reliable supply chain.

5.1 Aim and Methodology

A major aim of EUBIONET III work package 6 - Task 6.3 “Investigations of costs” was to

describe the different heating situations in the participating countries. Based on actual

market prices for boilers and fuels a comparison between the use of fossil and biomass

fuels were carried out in form of case studies. The main focus of the case studies was the

cost comparison of fossil and biomass fuels including investments for a new heating

system as well as costs for an existing heating system in different applications. Beside

the economical aspects, a further aim was to analyze the ecological effects of different

heating systems. Therefore the CO2 equivalent emissions were calculated and the savings

were pointed out in case when a fossil fuel based heating system is changed by a

biomass heating system.

Beside the collection of market prices for boilers, fuels and heating/cooling technology,

within the case studies a description of the heating practice and financial support

schemes of the respective countries was carried out. Further the case studies should

serve as best-practice-examples for interested people and should support the decision-

making procedure for people, who are interested in changing their heating system.

The case studies describe implemented examples or are based on model calculations with

realistic market prices. Each case description includes the calculation of costs and

emissions for a fossil fuel based heating system and at least one biomass based heating

system with similar capacity. The data for the case studies are collected by interviews

and contacts with building owners, plant operators or installers.

The first part of each case study is a description of the actual situation. It contains a

specification of the current heating system and facility, as well as the fuel types, the

amount of fuels and the prices. Beside the definition of the size of heating the heating

space, every case study also includes a new calculation of the heat demand and the

capacity of the boiler. There are two different ways to calculate the heating load. The first

one is via room heating load and the second one is due to the fuel demand. The room

heating load consists of the transmission heat loss (wall area, insulation, temperature

difference of indoor and outdoor) and heat loss through aeration. Because of no

structural alterations or insulation of the building envelope and in further consequence no

changes in the heat demand, the heating load is calculated due to the fuel demand in

most case studies. The dimension of the actual heating system is calculated due to the

annual use efficiency, an estimation of the full load hours and the heat demand. Some

data are estimated and especially the annual use efficiency could include an uncertainty

of 10 to 20%, depending on climate conditions.

The explanation of the actual situation is followed by a technical description of the

alternative heating system and the requirements of logistics and storage. Further the

investment costs and the annual fuel costs were listed for each new and existing heating


In the next step the costs of each heating system of the case study were compared in

the form of a table, calculated absolute and in €/MWh. The fixed costs consist of the

investment costs, which are calculated by a simplified annuity method with an actual rate


of interest for each respective country and a specific service life. The variable costs are

the annual fuel costs.

A major topic of the case studies was the calculation of the emission in CO2 equivalent.

The data for this calculation were taken from GEMIS 4.6. GEMIS is a life-cycle analysis

program and database for energy, material and transport systems. It includes the total

life-cycle in its calculation of impacts for example fuel delivery, materials used for

construction, waste treatment and transports/auxiliaries. The greenhouse gas emissions

of all heating alternatives include the whole upstream chain as well as the emissions at

the combustion site. The main CO2 emissions for fossil fuel powered heating systems are

caused by burning the fuels in the heating system. The emissions from the upstream

chain have relatively low proportion. While the green house gas emissions of the biogenic

heating systems like wood log and wood chips mostly consists of the emissions for the

processing and supplying of the combustibles, for example the fuel for forwarders,

processors, trucks, chips and so on. The figures for the CO2-equivalent emissions should

be seen as bench mark, there may be some deviations to measured values. The data for

the calculations are taken from GEMIS and refers to estimations and average values from

measurements of similar boilers with similar capacity.

To compare the ecological affects of each heating system, the emissions were calculated

in kg/MWh. Additionally the annual total emissions are analyzed to get the emission

reduction, when a fossil based system is replaced by a biomass heating system.

5.2 List of Case studies

In total 32 case studies with 59 different heating systems were carried out. These

heating systems are fired with 18 different fuel types, 9 biomass fuels like wood chips,

wood pellets, wood logs, olive residues, straw. Also 6 different fossil fuels, like heating

oil, natural gas, LPG, propane gas, electricity and 3 biomass fossil fuel combinations, for

example wood chips with heating oil and wood pellets with natural gas in different

proportions are covered.

Subject of the case studies are different objects with a wide range of capacity. The WP

includes case studies about single family houses with a boiler capacity of 8 kW up to 46

kW as well as a plants with about 1 MW for the Royal Palace in Sweden, or a 3.2 MW

plant in a district heating and cooling system in Spain.

The following list shows a summary of all WP6 Case Studies. The list includes information

on type of building, the heat demand, the respective fuels and the reduction of the total

yearly CO2-equivalent emissions of each case study. Detailed descriptions and

information are available in the long version of the case studies in the annex.


Country Object Yearly Heat

demand Capacity Biomass fuels Fossil fuels

Total Yearly

Emission reduction

in CO2-equivalents

Austria 1 cloister 482.58 MW 225 kW Log wood, wood chips

Heating oil 12 t

Austria 2 Single-family

house 21.5 MW 10 kW

Wood pellets District heating-


Heating oil 7.7 t

Bulgaria 1 Single-family

house 46.2 MW 25 kW

Log wood,

wood pellets Heating oil 11 t

Czech Republic



industry factory 850 MW 1 MW

Wood chips,

wood chips/straw Propane gas 239.3 t

Czech Republic 2

rape oil

treatment factory

15,295 MW 2.7 MW Rape-cake, Wood chips

Natural gas 4,500 t

Denmark 1 midsize Danish

Pig Farm 474.4 MW 165 kW

Wood chips, straw

Heating oil 138 t

Denmark 2 Single-family

house 33.2 MW 23 kW Wood pellets Heating oil 9.4 t

Finland 1 School building 285.8 MW 200 kW Wood pellets Heating oil 94.2 t

Finland 2 Finnish Manor 390 MW 250 kW Wood briquettes Heating oil 128.3 t

Germany 1 Factory building 3,400/2,380

MW 2.3 MW/900 kW Wood pellets

Heating oil, Natural gas

1,160 t

Germany 2 Single-family

house 30 MW 8 kW Wood pellets

Heating oil, Natural gas

4.2 t

Greece 1 Greenhouse unit 1,150 MW 1.2 MW Exhausted olive

cake Crude oil 380 t

Hungary 1 Club house 47.48 50 kW Wood logs,

Wood pellets Natural gas 13 t

Ireland 1 Single-family

house 18.5 MW 25 kW Wood pellets

Heating Oil, LPG

6 t

Ireland 2 Single-family

house 22.3 MW 25 kW Wood pellets

Heating Oil, LPG

7.3 t


Country Object Yearly Heat

demand Capacity Biomass fuels Fossil fuels

Total Yearly

Emission reduction

in CO2-equivalents

Ireland 3 Single-family

house 27.2 MW 35 kW

Wood logs, Wood pellets

Heating oil 9 t

Latvia 1 Paper-mill 32,725 MW 3.1 MW Wood logs, Wood chips

Heating oil 6,470 t

Latvia 2 District heating

system 4,524 MW 1 MW

Wood chips, Wood pellets

Natural gas 1,320 t

Lithuania 1 Hospital building 1,186 MW 395 kW Wood chips,

straw Heating oil 385.2 t

Lithuania 2 Single-family

house 41.6 MW 16 kW

Wood chips, wood pellets,

wood briquettes

Natural gas 10.1 t

Portugal 1 School building 48 MW 68-76 kW Wood pellets Natural Gas,

LPG 14.5 t

Portugal 2 School building 46.7 MW 75 kW Wood pellets +

solar LPG + solar 14 t

Slovakia 1 Single-family

house 33.35 20 kW

Log wood,

wood pellets Natural gas 9.6 t

Slovakia 2 School building 119 MW 60-75 kW Log wood,

Wood pellets Electricity 122 t

Slovenia 1 School building 1.420 MW 320 kW Wood chips Heating oil 540 t

Slovenia 2 School building 211 MW 120 kW Wood chips Heating oil 81 t

Spain 1 District heating

and cooling plant 7,674 MW 3.26 MW

olive trimmings

and kernels Heating oil 1,653 t

Spain 2 Hotel building 1,400 MW 700 kW Olive kernels Propane

boiler 483 t

Sweden 1 Palace building 6,600 MW 900 kW Wood chips,

Wood pellets Heating oil 940 t

Sweden 2 Single-family

house 30 MW 15 kW

Wood pellets,

Log wood Heating oil 10 t


Country Object Yearly Heat

demand Capacity Biomass fuels Fossil fuels

Total Yearly

Emission reduction

in CO2-equivalents


Kingdom 1 School building 144.7 MW 106 kW Wood pellets

Heating oil,

Natural gas 41 t


Kingdom 2 Rainforest centre 766 MW 255 kW Wood chips Heating oil 203 t


5.3 Results of the case studies

The following part shows the summarized results and interpretations of the WP 6 case


The cost reduction is still the most relevant factor, by which consumer come to a decision

for a heating system. The costs of heat production are composed of the investment costs

and the variable costs in form of fuel costs and operative costs. To simplify, operative

costs are not included in most of the case studies and therefore they are not considered

in the analyses of the results. As mentioned before the case studies contents a wide

range of different fuel types and boiler capacities. Wood pellets boiler are the most

frequent calculated biomass fuel systems in the case studies. 18 case studies deal with

wood pellets and the boiler capacity range from 8 kW up to 1 MW, but mostly used in

residential buildings with a capacity from 8 kW to 75 kW.

The second most commonly biomass fuel in the case studies was wood chips with 12

different heating system examples. The capacities of the boiler range from 120 kW up to

3.3 MW and was typically calculated in case studies of large buildings with a high heat

demand like school buildings, the cloister and the palace as well as district heating

systems and factories. Log wood heating systems were topic of 8 case studies and the

capacities range from 15 kW up to 225 kW. One case study includes a log wood boiler

system with a capacity of 3.1 MW, but because of enormous fuel demand and

expenditure of time for plant operation, this system could not be realized in practice.

The Figure 17 shows the correlation of the investment costs and boiler capacity in kW. It

shows that the investments cost increase with a higher boiler capacity for biomass as

well as for fossil fuel based heating systems. Investment costs are also depending on the

used technology and the fuels. The cheapest systems are log wood boiler. These boilers

do not have any facilities for automatic charging and expensive storage technologies.

Figure 17: Correlation of investment costs and boiler capacity.

Source: FJ BLT


The investment costs for biomass boilers are higher than for fossil fueled boilers by

trend. The lowest investment costs for fossil fueled heating systems are reported for gas

boilers, connected to the gas grid and electric heaters. These systems have no technical

equipment for storage or feeding. Also heating oil boiler systems have lower acquisition

costs compared to all reported biomass boilers.

The substantially factor regarding cost expenditure for heat production beside investment

costs are the current costs. The calculation of the total costs in the case studies includes

the fixed costs and the variable costs. The fixed costs consist of the investment costs,

which are calculated by a simplified annuity method with an actual rate of interest for

each respective country and a specific service life. The variable costs are (mainly) the

annual fuel costs.

The average total costs and the allocation of the fixed and the variable costs for the most

common fuels in the case studies are shown in the Figure 18. Because of high prices for

fossil fuels, the investment costs play a less significant role regarding the total costs for

the yearly heat production. Although low investment costs, the total costs for fossil fuel

based heating systems, except from natural gas, are more expensive than biomass

based fuels.

Figure 18: Allocation of fixed and variable costs.

Source: FJ BLT

The Figure 19 shows the correlation of the total cost in €/MWh and the boiler capacity. In

contrast to the investment costs, the total costs of biomass boiler systems are mostly

lower due to lower fuel prices than fossil based systems. The ratio of fixed and variable

fuels is strongly depending on the current fuel prizes. As the German case study 2 shows,

with high wood pellets prices of more than 220 €/t in the year 2009, it could be cheaper

to use heating oil or natural gas. But in more than 95% of the case studies, the fossil

fuelled boiler system has higher specific total costs as the biomass alternative.

The most expensive biomass heating systems are wood pellets by trend. Reasons

therefore are relatively high fuel prices and high investment costs because of high level

technology. On the other hand this technology secures a very reliable heating system,


which can also be operated on a low capacity level and offers comfort because of a high

degree of automation.

Figure 19: Correlation of total cost in €/MWh and the boiler capacity.

Source: FJ BLT

There are partly strong variations of total costs within one fuel category. The variations

are caused by different boiler capacities and different prices for boilers and fuels within

the participating countries. The following graph gives on overview of the ranges of total

costs in €/MWh for the most common fuels in the case studies. The colored bars show

the average value and the error bars show the variability in results from maximum to


The largest variation could be found for wood pellets heating systems. This fuel type is

used in boilers with a capacity from 8 kW to 1 MW, from a standalone boiler for room

heating as well as for a district heating plant. These systems include different levels of

technology and causes variations in investment costs. The annual fixed costs range from

2.6 €/MWh in the Latvian case study up to nearly 110 €/MWh for a wood pellets heating

system in Ireland.

The fuel prices for wood pellets range from 120 €/t in the Latvian case study up to more

than 200 €/ton in the German and Austrian example. Further there are strong variations

in fuel prices for natural gas and heating oil for within the case studies.


Figure 20: Dispersion of the total costs in €/MWh within the fuels categories.

Source: FJ BLT

The calculation of the emission and the comparison of different heating systems was a

central aim of the case studies. The emissions of the respective heating systems are

calculated with the life-cycle-analyzing software GEMIS. The figures for CO2-equivalent

emissions should be seen as bench mark, there may be some deviations to actual

measured values at the respective boiler.

The Figure 21 shows the specific reduction of CO2-equivalent emissions in kilogram per

MWh heat output. The partly large variations are due to different boiler capacities,

technologies and heat demands.

Figure 21: Specific reduction of CO2-equivalent emissions in kg per MWh heat output.

Source: FJ BLT


The numbers beside the fuels types in the graph shows how many data are comprised in

the analysis.

The case studies include boilers with a wide range of capacity and therefore different

technology is used to produce heat with the same fuel. Big plants have specific

equipment, so called secondary measures like separator and filters, while many small-

scale boilers do not have precaution for emission reduction.

The GEMIS database considers also the energy used for production of technology and

fuels for respective countries. Therefore there are differences from the whole upstream

process until the final consumption within one fuel type.

The reduction potential of a biomass heating system depends on the type of fossil fueled

heating system which it is compared to. The highest reduction was calculated in the

Slovakian case study 2. Replacing the electric heater by a log wood boiler, emissions of

more than 1020 kg per MWh are reduced. The large portion of fossil based plants for

electricity production leads to very high emissions. The average reduction for all

described biomass fuels range from 330 kg/MWh to 410 kg/MWh.

The total emission depends on the required heat demand. If all case studies are realized

and the fossil based heating systems are replaced by the described biomass systems,

total emissions of 19,016 tones CO2- equivalent emissions can be yearly reduced.

Regarding emissions, it is always worth to replace a fossil based heating system by

biomass. Even with a mixture of fossil and biomass fueled heating systems, all case

studies reached a reduction potential of more than 90%.

The use of biomass for heat production has a huge potential to reduce emissions

especially in the non ETS (EU Emissions Trading System) sectors, such as agriculture,

transport, residential and some industry. As the case studies have shown the economic

aspects are depending on the development of fuel prices. With an increasing price for

fossil fuels in the future, biomass based heating and even cooling systems will become

more competitive.

Currently government support schemes play a decisive role in some European Countries.

Some countries offer grants for activities to improve the energy efficiency of buildings

and for investments on biomass based heating systems. These financial support schemes

help to close the gap of investment costs between fossil and biomass based heating

systems, so that an economic benefit arise beside the ecological advantage of biomass


The increasing use of biomass will also raise the problem of scarcity of raw materials.

Especially woody biomass is also in great demand for a number of material utilizations

such as the wood particle board and paper industry. A future challenge would be to

acquire unused woody biomass resources and agricultural residues for energy production

as well as for material utilization.


6 List of references

Energy Consumption in Households – Progress Report WG 2009.



Froning et al.: District heating and cooling – Country By Country Survey 2009.


IEA – Renewables for heating and Cooling. Untapped Potential. Paris 2007

Krawinkler, R., Simader, G.: Meeting cooling demands in SUMMER by applying HEAT

from cogeneration. AEA 2007

Marutzky, Seeger: Energie aus Holz und anderer Biomasse. DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner

(Ed.) 1999

Obernberger, Ingwald: Thermische Nutzung fester biogener Brennstoffe, TU Graz BIOS


Renewables in global energy supply. An IEA fact sheet. International Energy Agency


Review of past work on Energy consumption in households,



Roubanis, Nikolaos: Overview of the work of the Renewable Energy Statistics Working



Roubanis et al.: Renewable energy statics. Eurostat statistics in focus 56/2010

Roubanis, Nikolaos: The current statistical system for Renewable Energy.



Van Kuijk, Hans: Grate Furnace Combustion: A Model for the Solid Fuel Layer. Technical

University Eindhoven, 2008


7 Appendix 1 – List of Case Studies

D6.1.1 Martikainen, A. Pellet boiler of the Montana Gmbh & Co.KG, Germany 1, 7 p.

D6.1.2 Martikainen, A. Single-family house, Germany 2. 8 p.

D6.1.3 Kropác, J. Change of the heating system in Promet factory, Czech Republic 1, 7 p.

D6.1.4 Kropác, J. Change of heating system in rape oil treatment factory, Czech Republic

2, 7 p.

D6.1.5 Sulzbacher, L. Change of the heating system in the cloister Maria Langegg,

Austria 1, 9 p.

D6.1.6 Sulzbacher, L. Change of the heating system in a detached house in Lower

Austria, Austria 2, 7 p.

D6.1.7 Faber, A. Change of the heating system in a single-family house, Slovakia 1, 8 p.

D6.1.8 Faber, A. Change of the heating system in a school building, Evangelic boarding

school for handicapped children, Slovakia 2, 9 p.

D6.1.9 Almeida, T. Changing the heating system in a schools in the Portuguese Region of

“Vale Douro Norte”, Portugal 1. 9 p.

D6.1.10 Perednis, E. Change of the heating system on a Kacergine Rehabilitation

Hospital, Lithuania 1, 7 p.

D6.1.11 Perednis, E. Selection of the heating system on a new building private house,

Lithuania 2, 8 p.

D6.1.12 Porsö, C. & Vinterbäck, J. Change of the heating system in the Drottningholm

Palace, Sweden 1, 10 p.

D6.1.13 Porsö, C. & Vinterbäck, J. Change of heating system in a detached house in

western Sweden, Sweden 2, 8 p.

D6.1.14 Vertin, K. Change of the heating system in Forest and timber high school

Postojna, Slovenia 1, 8 p.

D6.1.15 Vertin, K. Energy audit and change of the heating system in the high school for

timber Skofja Loka, Slovenia 2, 7 p.

D6.1.16 Ujhelyi, P. Village club house for elderly people, Hungary, 8 p.

D6.1.17 Stankov P. & Markov, D. Change of heating system in a single family house in

Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 p.

D6.1.18 Hinge, J. Change of the heating system on a Danish pig farm, Denmark, 7 p.

D6.1.19 Hinge, J. Change of the heating system in a Danish private dwelling, Denmark, 6



D6.1.20 Hillebrand, K. & Alakangas, E. Vehniä School – new heating system, Finland, 8


D6.1.21 Hillebrand, K. & Alakangas, E. Muikunlahti Manor – new biomass heating

container, Finland, 8 p.

D6.1.22 Eleftheriadis, I. Exhausted olive cake to replace crude oil for greenhouse

heating, Greece, 8 p.

D6.1.23 Wickham, J. Installation of wood pellet boiler in new build in Ireland –

Threecastles, Ireland, 8 p.

D6.1.24 Wickham, J. Installation of wood pellet boiler in new build in Ireland –

Mullinahone, Ireland, 8 p.

D6.1.25 Wickham, J. Retrofit: Wood log boiler in new build in Ireland – Killkenny,

Ireland, 8 p.

D6.1.26 Ozolina, L. Change of the paper mill “Ligatne” heating system, Latvia, 7 p.

D6.1.27 Ozolina, L. Installation of a new heating system in “Silava” village, Latvia, 9 p.

D6.1.28 Almeida, T. Changing the heating system in the Escola Tecnológica e Profissional

de Sicó (Hybrid system biomass and solar), Portugal, 7 p.

D6.1.29 Macías Benigno, F., Robles Fernández, S. & Bueno Márquez, P. Geolit - District

heating and cooling central system with biomass, Spain, 10 p.

D6.1.30 Robles Fernández, S. & Bueno Márquez, P. Change of the heating system in the

Hotel La Bobadilla, Granada, Spain, 9 p.

D6.1.31 Diaz Chavez, R. RJ Mitchell School, primary school, Havering, London, UK, 9 p.

D6.1.32 Diaz Chavez, R. Living Rainforest, Berkshire, UK, 9 p.


8 Appendix 2 – List of Company fact sheets

D6.2.1 Austria: Anton Eder GmbH

D6.2.2 Austria: Hoval Ges.m.b.H

D6.2.3 Austria: ÖkoFen - Forschungs- und Entwicklungs Ges.m.b.H

D6.2.4 Austria: Fröling Ges.m.b.H

D6.2.5 Austria: Hargassner GmbH

D6.2.6 Austria: Herz Energietechnik GmbH

D6.2.7 Austria: GUNTAMATIK Heiztechnik GmbH

D6.2.8 Austria: KWB - Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

D6.2.9 Austria: Lindner & Sommerauer-Biomasse-Heizanlagen SL-Technik GmbH

D6.2.10 Austria: SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH

D6.2.11 Austria: Windhager Zentralheizung

D6.2.12 Austria: ETA - Heiztechnik GmbH

D6.2.13 Belgium: BIOM

D6.2.14 Belgium: BURNECO

D6.2.15 Belgium: VYNCKE N.V.

D6.2.16 Belgium: Saint-Roch

D6.2.17 Czech Republic: TTS Energo

D6.2.18 Czech Republic: Step TRUTNOV

D6.2.19 Czech Republic: EVECO Brno

D6.2.20 Denmark: Passat energi A/S

D6.2.21 Denmark: BAXI

D6.2.22 Denmark: TwinHeat

D6.2.23 Finland: Veljekset Ala-Talkkari Oy

D6.2.24 Finland: Ariterm Oy

D6.2.25 Finland: Laatukattila Oy

D6.2.26 France: HS FRANCE

D6.2.27 France: SELF CLIMAT - MORVAN

D6.2.28 France: PERGE

D6.2.29 Germany: Paul Künzel GmbH & Co

D6.2.30 Germany: HDG Bavaria GmbH Heizsysteme für Holz

D6.2.31 Germany: Nolting Holzfeuerungstechnik GmbH

D6.2.32 Germany: Bosch Thermotechnik, Buderus Deutschland

D6.2.33 Germany: Biotherm Pelletheizungen

D6.2.34 Germany: Hans-Jürgen Helbig GmbH

D6.2.35 Greece: Samaras Biomass Heating

D6.2.36 Greece: THERMODYNAMIKI SA - Heating products industry

D6.2.37 Greece: Helias K. Voulgarakis

D6.2.38 Latvia: GRANDEG

D6.2.39 Latvia: JSC Komforts

D6.2.40 Latvia: "ORIONS" Jurmalas Karla Zarina Ltd

D6.2.41 Lithuania: JSC "Atrama"

D6.2.42 Lithuania: UAB "Kalvis"

D6.2.43 Lithuania: AB "Umega"

D6.2.44 Portugal: Chama - Equipamentos Térmicos, S.A.

D6.2.45 Portugal: A.D.F.

D6.2.46 Slovakia: ATTACK, s.r.o.

D6.2.47 Slovakia: Ecoprotect CDK s.r.o.

D6.2.48 Slovakia: MAGA s.r.o.

D6.2.49 Slovenia: KIV d.d.

D6.2.50 Slovenia: ETIKS d.o.o.

D6.2.51 Slovenia: WVterm d.o.o.

D6.2.52 Spain: BRONPI, S.L.
