Heybridge U3A September 2011 · December 2011. He will also book the 19 th January 2012 with the...


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Heybridge U3A

News Sheet No. 2011/9

September 2011

Contacts: Peter Thorpe Chairman 01621 850828

Brenda Dewar Secretary 01245 400492

From the Chairman

I was made aware a few minutes before the start of the

August meeting that some members were not happy with

having tables as part of our seating layout. This subject

had been discussed several times in committee where it

was considered that, as the tables filled-up quickly, they

were popular. In an attempt to solve the problem quickly, I

decided to take a straw poll of the members present.

Approximately half of those who showed hands did not

want tables with a similar number who did want tables! A

compromise was suggested from the floor that some

tables be provided on the window side of the hall. The

vast majority of the members present voted in favour of

this compromise solution.

I have asked Bernard, the caretaker, to put-out five tables

on the window side of the hall, with chairs in rows in the

remainder of the hall. I hope that all members will now

accept this compromise as the default seating layout for

our future monthly meetings.

After we had decided how we were going to sit at future

meetings we enjoyed an illustrated talk by Keith Lovell

entitled “History through old Essex Advertisements”.

Keith was the Vicar of Tollesbury for 25 years and is well

known to some of our members. He has lived in the

county for the whole of his life and this has probably

influenced his unique sense of humour. He discussed the

style and wording of old advertisements and reflected on

how the attitudes and aspirations of the people living in the

Maldon area had changed over the past 100 years.

There has been the first design meeting of the shared

learning project at Stow Maries Aerodrome. It was well

attended and many ideas were considered. Photographs

of the present buildings and artefacts from at least three

U3As were submitted to aid the design. The sourcing of

other images of historical interest was also discussed

together with how the overall design was going to be

divided into panels depicting the various eras in the history

of the site.

I look forward to seeing you on September 9th at the usual

time and usual place.

Email thorpe101@btinternet.com or phone 01621 850828.

Peter Thorpe.

Stow Maries WW1 Aerodrome Buildings.

(Author – Peter Thorpe)

From the Editor

This advance copy of the September News Sheet, by the

time that you read this column, will have been circulated to

all members who have provided their email addresses to

the Membership Secretary. If you have an email address

and have not received an emailed copy of this News Sheet

please let me or the Membership Secretary know,

preferably by email (Email address below). A limited

number of printed copies of the News Sheet will continue

to be available at each Heybridge U3A Monthly Meeting

for those who do not have access to email.

The Diary on the last page has been updated to the end of

October 2011. It is important that you, as COG’s,

members of Groups or just members of Heybridge U3A,

keep me up to date. If anyone has an interesting story,

relevant pictures and anything that relates to The

Heybridge U3A or the U3A movement as a whole, then

please contact me with the information so that it can be

included in the News Sheet. This is especially true when

activities or a visit is planned or confirmed and relates in

some way to their group.

I repeat that I must have the bulk of your copy by the last

Friday of the month to enable me to assemble the News

Sheet for delivery by email approximately five days before

the Monthly Meeting. If space becomes tight, as it did

earlier this year, late submissions may not be included in

that months News Sheet. Please continue to send details

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to me, preferably by email, at ian.newman@tiscali.co.uk

with ‘Heybridge U3A’ in the title. Alternatively talk to me at

the Monthly Meeting.

Back numbers of the Heybridge U3A News Sheet can be

read on our WEB SITE http://www.heybridgeu3a.org.uk

It is considered that communication via this News Sheet,

the only method that reaches all members, will ensure that

all Heybridge U3A Members, especially those who have

recently joined us, can also have the opportunity to

participate in any of our activities. The News Sheet can

also be used to sound out the views of other members on

any relevant subject.

Email ian.newman@tiscali.co.uk or phone 01621 891184

Ian Newman.

Heybridge U3A Monthly Meetings

The next Monthly Meeting is on Friday 9th September

starting at the normal time of 14.00, in the Plantation Hall,

Heybridge. At the forthcoming September meeting, Ceri

Loewen will give a talk about Hyland House. In October

we will hear about the Helen Rollason Heal Cancer Charity

A list of other potential subjects for the following Monthly

Meetings are as follows:

• November 2011: Paddy Lacy

• December 2011: Talk & Songs

• January 2012: The Secret Lives of Garden Birds

• February 2012: M.J. Scollan. Stories from a

former Police Officer.

From the COGCo (Group Co-ordinator)

With so many people on holiday and family commitments,

some of the groups are taking a break and others are low

in numbers but I expect this will all change in the next few

weeks. I hope you have all had a good summer (apart

from the weather) and will start enjoying attending your

groups again.

Email gillthorne2@hotmail.co.uk or phone 01621 852294.

Gill Thorne

Membership Secretary

Four new members joined in August taking our total

membership to 158. We look forward to welcoming them

to our monthly meetings. In addition, we welcomed three

visitors to the August meeting. If you are not yet a

member, attending a monthly meeting (held in the

Plantation Hall on the 2nd Friday of each month at 14.00) is

a good way to find out more about the Heybridge U3A.

You do not need to book, just turn up and sign in.

May I remind all existing members to to please let me

know of any change in your contact details (address,

phone number or email) so that I can update your

membership record. If you have not yet received your

2011/12 membership card, please collect it at the next

monthly meeting or ask someone to collect it for you.

Alternatively, if you send me a SAE, I will post it to you.

Group Names, Co-ordinator, Contact Telephone

Group Name





Art (Painting) Michael Kempen 01621




Joint with


Jo Robson *

* 01621


Bird Watching Maureen Lenoir 01621


Bridge Lisbeth Bazzard 01621


Coastal &

Marine Brenda Dewar



Coffee Morning Margaret Brown 01621


Computer Tina Abeysekera 01621


Family History Lesley










Gardening Pat Yates 01621


Local History Carol




Luncheon TBA

Petanque Barbara




Photography Peter Thorpe 01621


Reading &

Books Ann Lees



Scrabble Ruth Tyler 01621


Ten Pin

Bowling Janette Lett




Gill Bridle &

Janet Morley


892587 &


Threads &


Anne Thorpe &

Pat Newman


850828 &



Walking Elizabeth




Weekenders Marilyn Corbett 01621


Wine Group Jackie Jones 01621


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For any queries regarding membership, please

Email jennyparker14@hotmail.com or phone me on 01621


If I am not available, please

Email angela.pleasance@hotmail.co.uk or phone her on

01621 850310.

Jenny Parker.


Art (Painting) Group

The Friday painting group is becoming so popular that

nearly every session is overcrowded. We have a small

waiting list and hardly a week passes without new

enquiries from would-be painters. Rather than turn

anyone away outright, which we would hate to do, we are

considering starting a second weekly painting group, also

at 14.00 in the Claydon Room at the Plantation Hall,

possibly on Wednesday afternoons. Assuming this

scheme goes ahead, members would be welcome to

attend either group but, please, not both in a single week

as this would defeat the object! By providing a choice of

weekdays we can, hopefully, accommodate all our

members and would-be members plus a few more, as well

as offering an alternative for those, like myself, who can't

guarantee to make Fridays. I recently missed three

sessions in a row for various reasons. We won't do

anything until all painters, would-be painters and other

interested parties have had a chance to comment on this

proposal but we do need to act fairly quickly to secure the

weekly use of the Claydon Room. Please, ring Painting

COG Michael Kempen with your thoughts as soon as you

can (preferably before the end of September) on 01621

892974, or come and speak to him after 14.00 during any

Friday painting session (except 2nd Fridays, which is the

Monthly Meeting day in the main hall.)

Gill Carpenter

For further information, email m.kempen@sky.com or

phone 01621 892974.

Michael Kempen.

Bird Watching

The Bird Watching Group are starting again after the

summer break on 23rd September. We are going to

Fingringhoe Wick. No time has yet been agreed as I am

waiting for them to get back to me. I hope to have more

details by the September Monthly Meeting.

Email symockturtle@yahoo.co.uk or phone 01621 869871.


Bridge Group

Please contact Liz for details of the next bridge meeting.

Email lisbethbazzard@talktalk.net or phone 01621



Computer Group

Eleven members attended the meeting held on the 18th

August. Ruth Tyler was welcomed back into the group

with her new laptop computer after a long absence. There

was much lively chatter and a good many laughs while we

tackled the problems of using Excel and familiarising

ourselves with the use of the icons at the top of our

screens, changing colours and formatting cells. Our next

meeting will be on 15th September where we hope to

revisit opening and saving files along with basic system

restoration and safe-mode.

Ian has now booked the Claydon Room to include the 15th

December 2011. He will also book the 19th January 2012

with the hope that neither of these dates will be lost due to

bad weather.


Email tina@tina832.orangehome.co.uk or phone 01621


Tina Abeysekera

Coastal and Marine Group

Our September outing unfortunately has had to be


We also have had to cancel the trip on ‘Decima’, as we did

not have sufficient members interested. Perhaps we can

look at it again next year.

If I can book a speaker for the October meeting I will, but

we really need to get together and decide how we wish the

Coastal and Marine Group to progress. The October

meeting could, therefore, be a programme planning

meeting. More ideas please.

Email brendadewar@btinternet.com or phone 01245



Discussion Coffee Morning

Another interesting get together took place this month

while we were at Maureen Baldwin’s house. Our light-

hearted subjects this month included ‘Benefit Fraud’ and

‘cockroaches’! However, the latter did not in any way

discourage us from sampling the lovely biscuits.

Next month we meet at 11.00 on Friday 16th September at

Gill Thorne’s house. Details as usual will be available at

the next meeting or phone me.

Email mbandmeg@btinternet.com or phone 01621


Margaret Brown.

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Family History Group

Due to school holidays and the demands of my

grandchildren I had to cancel the August

meeting. I apologise to the Group for this.

The next meeting will be Thursday 22nd September 10.30

to 12.30, at my house, as usual. I look forward to seeing


Email lesleypommy@hotmail.com or phone 01621


Lesley Pomphrett.

French Conversation

Please contact Vicky for details of the next French

Conversation meeting.

Email anfilogoff@googlemail.com or phone 01621 840532.

Vicky Anfilogoff

Gardening Group

A lovely afternoon was had at Dragons with a beautiful and

interesting garden, warm sunshine and, of course

,delicious cake for tea. Our next visit is on Monday 12th

September at 14.30 to Snares Hill Cottage, Stebbing, CM6

3RY, which is between Dunmow and Bardfield. This

sounds a great garden with a lot packed into 1.5 acres

including a bog garden, beach garden, and many water

features including a natural swimming pool. The cost is £4

entry, £1 endless tea/coffee, and £1.50 cake. Everyone


Boyton Cross Garden.

(Author John Howchin)

Email pat.yates@tesco.net or phone 01621 892866.

Pat Yates.

Local History Group (LHG)

We enjoyed good weather for our guided visit to Mundon

Church and the nearby 'petrified forest'. Christine

McDonald gave us a good deal of background information

about the church and its rescue by the ‘Friends of the

Friendless Churches’. She also talked about some of the

people who have been connected with the church

and those who are buried in the churchyard. We were

able to have a good look around and then walk across the

field to see the petrified trees, which are said to

be mentioned in the Domesday Book, although this has

not been verified. Afterwards we enjoyed scrumptious

cakes at Springsteps Goat Farm where we were made

very welcome. Many went on to see the new born kid and

then watch the fascinating process of milking. A very full


Mundon Church

(Author Carol Greenhalgh)

Jane Pearson is coming to our next meeting at the

Plantation Hall on 20th September at 14.00. Jane's talk is

entitled 'For better for worse: Weddings in Essex before

1753'. The list for this will be at the next Monthly Meeting

so if you want to join us please add your name to the list.

The cost will be £3. Carol will be away so John and

Thelma Howchin have kindly agreed to look after this list


Email george.smeed@virgin.net or phone 01621 840339.

Carol Greenhalgh

Luncheon Group

We met on the 26th August, as arranged, and 18 of us

went to The Green Man in Little Totham arriving at 12.40

for the 13.00 meal. We could not get into the car park due

to ‘naff’ parking by others and the fact that the pub was

chock a block full of other customers.

The room in which we were seated was far too small (I

think) for 18 of us. In addition the room had a very low

ceiling, which meant that conversation was very difficult

due to the bad acoustics of the venue. There were no

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menus on the tables and the “specials” board was in

another part of the pub so that those who could get out

had to relay the “specials” to those sitting with their backs

to the wall. The waitress relayed the menu to us and took

our orders. However, we found that, yet again, there was

very little choice for vegetarians and we all had to make a

hasty choice. The food was quite tasty and reasonably

priced but all in all I don't think this was one of our better


Dave Mason


I am sorry to have to tell you that for personal reasons

Beth is unable to carry on as the COG of this group. I am

sure that all of you who have attended the many lunches

over the last two and a half years would like to thank her

for all her hard work.

This leaves me with an opening for a new COG and I

would be happy to have one, or even more than one,

volunteer(s). This leads to some thoughts I have about

this group and I would welcome your comments and/or

suggestions. Beth has already booked the next lunch for

23rd September at the New Times in Tiptree. I will bring a

sheet to the next Monthly Meeting. This will then only

leave the final numbers to be advised to the pub. Initially

Tina and Dave have offered to organise the October Lunch

and possibly the November venue as well.

One suggestion that has been made is to have two

lunches a month with smaller numbers as it has been

difficult to chat to more than two people either side of you

and you all know how we like to chat. The other

suggestion has been to have one COG in overall charge

with one member from each lunch to agree to arrange the

next one (this is how some of the other U3As work).

Email gillthorne2@hotmail.co.uk or phone 01621 852294.

Gill Thorne

Petanque Group

We had lovely weather for our trip to the Prom this week.

It was hot and seven of us had three good games each.

We have now ordered our new U3A purple polo shirts so

we should look smart when we play Blackwater in


The Prom was busy so we did get some spectators from

time to time. They stand and watch silently and we

wonder what they think of us. What does it matter, we are

enjoying ourselves and the competition gets quite fierce at

times. Then all is forgotten as we enjoy the coffee and

bread pudding afterwards. When you read this it will be

September so our proposed match will soon be here.

Email c.barbrook@sky.com or phone 01621 855605.

Barbara Barbrook.

Photography Group

Our photographic assignment for August was “Wrecks and

Ruins” and the response was amazing. Most of the

members present had three images for us to enjoy. There

were more ruins than wrecks and most of the wrecks were

inanimate and of a nautical nature. The standard was high

with the subjects chosen lending themselves to thoughtful

lighting. There were so many images to see that we

discussed alternative methods of accessing our image files

for projecting. We decided that we would look at forming a

Heybridge U3A photo group on Flickr for our members.


(Author – John Howchin)

The next assignment is “Flying Objects” and we have

allocated two months for this project. We will be looking at

the pictures at our October meeting. At the September

meeting we will be examining the “Flickr” website and

showing members how they can join (it is free!). Members

choosing to join Flickr will subsequently be able to become

a member of “Photogroup U3A” which Norman has set-up

exclusively for Heybridge U3A members.

If you are interested in digital photography come and join

us. Our aim is to enjoy and to improve our photography


Email thorpe101@btinternet.com or phone 01621 850828.

Peter Thorpe

Reading and Books Group

The book group struggled somewhat with Hilary

Mantel’s ‘Every Day is Mother’s Day’. That the book

was well written was not is doubt however, her

characterisations and plot lines left us unimpressed

and somewhat confused. The humour said to be

within the book passed us by.

The story hinges around an ageing agoraphobic and

reluctant medium plagued by vengeful poltergeists.

She and her daughter spend their days holed up in a

crumbling house visited from time to time by the

latest social worker assigned to break their self-

imposed siege. However she has problems of her

own to deal with; an oversexed father who scours the

launderettes for conquests and an enthusiastic, but

anxiety ridden lover escaping from a demanding wife.

These dazed lives collide whilst we are left

wondering if the daughter, a large sullen presence, is

quite the idiot she seems.

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This was Hilary Mantel’s first novel and it was

remarked, by members in the group who have read

her most acclaimed novel ‘Wolf Hall’, that it is

difficult to believe that she wrote both books as they

are so different every way.

Whilst not all our books are ones we would normally

choose to read, we persevere. Nothing seems lost in

doing so, as even the least liked books give rise to

interesting discussion within the group.

The next book group meeting is on Wednesday 21st

September at 14.30 at Plantation Hall, Heybridge.

Please contact Ann Lees if you wish to join us.

email: annlees@yahoo.com or phone 01245 225153.

Ann Lees.


Once again I was unable to be at Scrabble this afternoon,

but called in just in time to do the washing up!! Oh dear,

only four players, but I guess some are away on holiday

and the others looking after grandchildren. I do hope we

shall have a few more players for our next meeting on

Tuesday 27th September. I have just made the booking for

the room for the last quarter of the year, and as the fourth

Tuesday in December falls on the 27th, we shall not have a

meeting that month.

Members of all abilities are always welcome to come and

join us, why not come and give it a try.

Email r.tyler936@btinternet.com or phone 01621


Ruth Tyler

Ten Pin Bowling

This month’s meeting took place on the 9th August. There

were six players all of similar ability. We had one lane for

two hours and played two games. Strikes and spares

were plenty and scores were pleasantly acceptable. We

had a nice chat over a cup of tea at the end and agreed to

play again on Tuesday 13th September. If you would like

to join us we meet at Madison Heights at 13.45 every

second Tuesday of the month. We book the lanes for two

hours (with no limit of the number of games played) and

the price of £4.75 includes hire of shoes and a cup of tea

or coffee. Look forward to seeing you there.

More information can be obtained from me, Janette.

Email lettsnooks@talktalk.net or phone 01621 879697.



Bad news I'm afraid. Unfortunately, the production of Betty

Blue Eyes has been running at a loss and so it is to finish

at the end of September. Apparently, there have been

sell-outs for the matinee performances but not enough

take-up for the evening ones. (Perhaps they should run

more matinees) I will, therefore, be returning everyone’s

money when I obtain the refund. I will probably distribute

this at the October meeting. This is a big disappointment

and we will try and organise something for the new year.

Email dennis-morley@tiscali.co.uk or phone 01621


Janet Morley

Threads and Fabrics

For our August meeting we decided that we deserved a

treat after all our hard work in June and July. One of our

members had been to an exhibition by the Essex

Embroiderer’s Guild, which she had very much enjoyed. It

had been established that they were to have another

exhibition at Layer Marney in August so we decided to go.

The Guild’s exhibition had been given two small rooms in

the tower which they had filled with a feast of visual

delights. In the first room there were lifelike figures, which

we were told were of the member’s family, silk bowls and

many examples of appliqué and other unusual

embroideries. In the second room they had many

examples of both hand and machine embroidery on solid

and transparent fabric, some of which amazed me. The

one that I especially liked was a small picture of a field

path in satin stitch and french knots, which looked like a

watercolour painting. They have ten times as many

members as us so run many courses in little practiced

skills, which they show at their exhibitions. However, many

of them also belong to small groups like ours in which they

refine their skills. For me, and I hope the other members in

our group, it was a very enjoyable and inspiring afternoon.

(Author Ian Newman)

If anyone is interested in joining us, please contact Anne

Thorpe by phone on 01621 850828 or Pat Newman by

Email ian.newman@tiscali.co.uk or phone 01621 891184.


Our August walk around Wickham Bishops and Great

Totham was most enjoyable providing some splendid

views of the Blackwater and surrounding countryside until

the rain started about 2/3rds of the way around. It poured

down leaving a soaking wet group to make our way back

to the cars.

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Hopefully, Thursday 8th September will stay dry. We need

to plan a programme for the next few months, so I suggest

a local walk from Heybridge Basin around the seawall and

back along the canal to the cafe for a drink and planning

session. I have the maps so please bring your ideas. We

will meet at the steps up to the canal from the large, free

car park at 14:00. It is an easy walk and I do hope that

many will join us.

Email e.m.e@talktalk.net or phone 01621 850618.



Our August Saturday meeting was at a new venue run by

a local artist. We can only use it during holiday periods

because during term time it is used by children for art

lessons. It was an enjoyable occasion as we were also

able to view some of the artist's work. On Sunday 21st

August eleven Weekenders met at the Ship Inn in Tiptree

for a tasty roast dinner - always made more pleasant by

not having to cook and wash up!

Our next planned outings are as follows

• Friday 2nd September: Evening meal at Ruby's in

Tolleshunt D'Arcy booked for 19.00.

• Saturday 17th September: Coffee morning at

Oliver's Nursery at 10.00.

• Saturday 15th October: Coffee morning at

Peartree Pantry at 10.00.

• Saturday 29th October: To see Godspell at

Witham Public Hall at 19.30.

So far, only five Weekenders have responded to my email

of 16th August out of 17 so if you wish to join any of the

planned activities please contact me. Events such as

theatre visits and meals out need to be booked in


Please contact Marilyn Corbett for further information on:

Email mars42@btinternet.com or phone 01621 817518

Wine Appreciation Group

As mentioned in the July News Sheet there will be no

meeting in August but a group outing, to New Hall

Vineyard for the English Wine Festival and Open Day, is

being organised for Sunday 4th September 2011. Entrance

fee is £6 and car sharing can be arranged. All U3A

members are welcome to come along. This is a popular

event held each year at the Winery and, as well as the

opportunity to tour the estate and press house, there will

be craft stalls, an art show, music and refreshments. Do

put your name down on the list and I will telephone you to

make arrangements. Non drivers will be interested to

know that there will be free wine tasting.

Email jachjones@tiscali.co.uk or phone 01621 817117.

Jackie Jones.

On the Notice Board

If you are planning to put something on the notice board

that is not group related, and it is available prior to the first

Friday of the month, the Editor would be pleased to include

it in this section of the News Sheet.

The following items of News, including U3A Head Office

Information Notices that can be seen on the Notice Board

at the July Monthly Meeting or have been available at a

recent Monthly Meeting.

• National Conference and AGM to be held 17th – 19


September at the East Midland Conference Centre at

Nottingham University. The programme includes five

excellent speakers, air con facilities and conference

which is a celebration of the U3A movement! The

cost ranges from £360 residential or £120 non-


• Marriage of Figaro: Film at Odeon, Covent Garden

Cinema on Tuesday 15th November 12.45 - 16.45.

Tickets: £12.50 each.

• Shared Learning Projects: Horniman Museum, Forest

Hill, SE London. Documentation work for those

interested in Natural History and archives. Start date

22nd September at 11.00, and thereafter fortnightly;

total of 8 sessions. Closing date: 30th July. Contact

hazel.thompson57@ntlworld.com for more


• Museum of London. Project involves repacking of

artifacts, cataloguing etc. Start 28th September then

weekly until 7th December: 10 meetings. Contact

valerie.saunders523@btinternet.com for more


Every month we receive information from Head Office

keeping our Group informed of events happening

throughout the UK. So, if you are interested and would

like further information please contact me:

Email brendadewar@btinternet.com or phone 01245



From Ray Harman (Maldon U3A)

Talking Newspapers for the Blind and Partially sighted.

This is a service entirely free of charge for those visually-

disabled in any way and unable to read news print. Local

papers are edited for items of interest, recorded on to a

master tape and copies made for distribution to those in

need each week. Postage is free, all that you have to do

is post it back to us in the pre-prepared pouch, and you will

receive the next one. If anybody is interested or knows of

somebody who would like to benefit from this service,

please contact me. They need not belong to a U3A group.

Email ray27harman@btinternet.com or phone 01621

891736. Ray Harman

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Diary of Meetings and Visits.

For details see articles and co-ordinators above.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



5 Petanque 14.00

6 Threads 14.00


8 Walking 14.00

9 Monthly Meeting 14.00





12 Petanque 14.00

Gardening 14.30

13 Ten Pin Bowling 14.00


15 Computer 14.00

16 Coffee Morning 11.00

Painting 14.00

No Coastal and Marine

17 Weekender Coffee at Oliver’s Nursery 10.00




19 Petanque 14.00

20 Local History


21 Book Group


22 Family History 10.30

23 Luncheon

TBC Painting 14.00 Bird


24 25



26 Petanque


27 Scrabble 14.00

28 29

30 Copy to Editor Painting 14.00

1st October 2



3 Petanque 14.00

4 Threads 14.00


6 Photography


7 Committee Meeting 10.00

Painting 14.00





10 Petanque 14.00

Gardening 14.30

11 Ten Pin Bowling 14.00


13 Walking 14.00

14 Monthly Meeting 14.00

15 Weekender Coffee at Peatree pantry 10.00




17 Petanque 14.00

18 Local History


19 Book Group


20 Computer 14.00

21 Coffee Morning 11.00

Painting 14.00

Coastal and Marine 14.00

22 23



24 Petanque


25 Scrabble 14.00

26 27 Family History 10.30

28 Copy to Editor

Luncheon TBC

Painting 14.00 Bird


29 Weekender Godspell 19.30

