Hi, We’re so happy you printed the Earth School Coloring...


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We’re so happy you printed the Earth School Coloring Book!

This is the first coloring book that we’ve made and we really hope you like it and have fun!

All of the pictures in the coloring book are from the place where we live in the Española Valley in Northern New Mexico.

We used to live in a city but now we live out in the country!

We are learning more and more everyday about the plants that are growing around us, and our animal neighbors.

That’s why we call it Earth School!

Because every day we are learning new things from the Earth!

You can look at pictures of Earth School on the internet.

We post new pictures all the time on our instagram account:


Your Friends,

Georgia, Joseph, Rose (Big Sister Dog), Ursa (Little Sister Dog), & Aura (The Cat).
