HILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL MEMBERS: DATE: FROM · 6301 NW 5th Way, Suite 3000 • Ft. Lauderdale,...


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6301 NW 5th Way, Suite 3000 • Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 • Phone 954-377-1000 • Fax 954-377-1683 www.cscbroward.org


SERVICES COUNCIL MEMBERS: Commissioner Sue N. Gunzburger, Chair County Commissioner Ana M. Valladares, Vice Chair

Governor Appointee Jack L. Moss, Secretary Regional Director DCF Southeast Region Emilio Benitez Governor Appointee Mariza Cobb Governor Appointee Stephanie Arma Kraft, Esq. School Board Member James F. Notter School Superintendent Terry Santini Governor Appointee Christopher L. Smith Governor Appointee Dr. Paula Thaqi Director, Broward County Health Department Judge Howard M. Zeidwig Judicial Member STAFF Cindy J. Arenberg Seltzer President/CEO LEGAL COUNSEL John Milledge Garry Johnson

DATE: October 10, 2008 TO: Council Members FROM: Cindy Arenberg Seltzer, President/CEO SUBJECT: Information for October 16th Council Meeting Enclosed is the information packet for the October 16th Council meeting. Please be assured that your eyes are not deceiving you when you look at the agenda; the tabs really do start at “10.” This is just part of our cost-saving efforts to use the tabs we currently have in the office before we purchase new sets. I hope it’s not too confusing. I would also like to draw your attention to the first tab (Tab 10), which contains my self evaluation and the evaluation form for you to complete and bring to the meeting on October 16th. Once all of the completed forms have been submitted, the Executive Committee will meet to discuss my evaluation and make a recommendation for the full Council to consider at the November meeting. This recommendation will encompass a contract extension and potential bonus; however, no salary increase will be considered in accordance with the recently approved budget. Please feel free to email me (carenberg@cscbroward.org) or call me (954-377-1674 or 954-649-8420) if you have any questions concerning the enclosed information. Have a nice weekend!


Broward County Children’s Services Council Monthly Meeting

6301 NW 5th Way, #3000 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

October 16, 2008 9:00 a.m.


I. Call to Order Commissioner Gunzburger, Chair II. Roll Call Amy Jacques, Executive Assistant III. Chair’s Comments Commissioner Gunzburger a. Recognize Christopher L. Smith b. President/CEO’s Evaluation (Tab 10) IV. President’s Report Cindy Arenberg Seltzer, President/CEO Good of the Order V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Gunzburger a. Approve September 18, 2008, Minutes (Tab 11) b. Approve September 18, 2008, T.R.I.M. Minutes (Tab 12) c. Approve Contract for Hispanic Unity’s USDA Food Stamp Outreach Program (Tab 13) d. Approve AFDC Leveraged Funds Request (Tab 14) e. Approve Hollywood Beach CRA Interlocal Agreement Amendment (Tab 15) f. Approve Invoices, P.O.s & Contracts (Tab 16) VI. CPO Report Karen Swartzbaugh a. FYI – 21st Century Community Learning Centers Update b. FYI – Adolescent Programs Final Performance Report (Tab 17)

VII. RAP Report Sue Gallagher, Director FYI – CCB Quality of Life Survey Results (Tab 18)

VIII. Office Space Committee Report (Tab 19) Jack L. Moss, Committee Chair

Approve Fundraising Plan (Tab 20) IX. Agency Capacity Building Report (Tab 21) Sandra Bernard-Bastien, Director X. Public Comment Commissioner Gunzburger

XI. Council Members’ Roundtable Commissioner Gunzburger Open Discussion XII. For Your Information (Tab 22)

a. CSB Minutes b. CSC In The News c. Correspondence

d. Attendance Report






Employee Name: Cindy Arenberg Seltzer

Job Title: President/CEO

Part 1: Personal & Organizational Notable Accomplishments • Prepared a 2007/08 budget which exceeded the statutory rollback requirements, without

causing harm to vital programs for children and families or causing undue panic among the providers.

• Convened a community-wide Budget Summit, in partnership with major stakeholders, to collectively address the impact of the declining economy and resulting budget shortfalls for the upcoming year. 150 attendees used the Broward County Children’s Strategic Plan as a framework to prioritize service needs. The most consistent outcome from that gathering was the need for more staff training and development and greater collaboration across agencies. Both issues are being addressed through the Broward Training Collaborative and the Agency Capacity Building workgroup.

• Responded to concerns regarding the new building by issuing an RFP for land and/or building purchase. Following extensive negotiation and due diligence a contract was finalized and executed and the building design is underway. At a Commissioner’s request, the County Auditor reviewed the CSC’s process, giving high praise to the due diligence that was taken.

• Revised CSC’s RFP Rating tool, in consultation with Council Member Chris Smith, to promote demonstrated connections to neighborhoods and communities to be served.

• The CSC maintains very high visibility in the community and, in addition to ad hoc workgroups and topic-specific conversations and consultations, 32 staff actively participate in 122 formal Boards, Organizational Committees and Standing Workgroups! See Attachment A for a non-duplicated list of that involvement.

• Partnered with the A.D. Henderson Foundation to fund and lead an external community-wide needs assessment which will lay the foundation for improvements in the Early Care and Education System and literacy initiatives throughout Broward County. With equal investments by CSC and A.D. Henderson Foundation, the Council also hired a dedicated position to coordinate those identified systems and literacy initiatives.

• The Council received $250,000 from the Jim Moran Foundation to add to the annual allocation of $1 million, demonstrating private sector confidence in the Council’s program design, monitoring and performance measurement processes and practices.

• In partnership with the Health Foundation, the North Broward Hospital District (AKA Broward Health) and other stakeholders, successfully applied for and received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to improve medical services for Kinship caregivers and their children.

• In collaboration with other funding partners and as a result of recognizing the diversity of Broward County’s population, CSC has implemented agency wide cultural competence plans as a prerequisite for funding. Based upon these agency plans, CSC will provide technical assistance and training as needed to child serving providers to ensure that the service provision is delivered in a respectful and sensitive manner.


• In partnership with the School Board, successfully applied for DOE funding for 21st Century Learning Centers for remedial afterschool education.

• Increased the impact of the Million Meals Committee, collecting over 1,431,684 pounds of food in 2007. In addition to 500 CSC-funded family packs for hurricane preparedness, Cox radio stations also collected food for an additional 100 family packs. The CSC-funded hunger survey assessed level of need in Broward County and helped unite Palm Beach’s Hunger initiative with Broward’s initiative.

• Closed out the organization’s 2005-2008 Internal Strategic Plan, based on Sterling Principles, with achievement of 17 of 24 goals (71%) and on-track for goal achievement for 7 goals (29%). See page 6 for charted specifics.

• Negotiated and managed 180 contracts for direct services with 86 providers totaling $59,306,188, an increase of 3%. Additionally, 48 training contracts with 38 providers were negotiated and conducted.

• Introduced “Powerlunch w/the CEO” to provide an open forum for staff communication and brainstorming sessions.

• Implemented phase II of the document imaging system for CSC. All of the prior year’s executed contracts have been scanned and filed into the imaging system with the appropriate metadata. This will allow multiple search capabilities, automated records retention and eliminates the need for paper storage.

• Successfully completed the first year audit under new guidelines and was completed on time and under budget with no findings.

Part II: CSC and CEO Recognition and Awards FY 2007/08

• CEO was presented with the Jewish Federation Award for Outstanding Work on behalf of children in our community.

• CEO was presented with the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Déjà Vu 2007 “Lead Vocalist of the Year” Award “for creating more than a million moments of magic for our children and to recognize your dedication and commitment to the Children of Big Brother Big Sister.”

• CSC received the GFOA Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 6th year in a row. Broward County is the only CSC to produce a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which provides additional, valuable information and accountability to Broward taxpayers.

• CSC received the SAMSHA “Excellence in Community Communication and Outreach” (ECCO) Award to One Community Partnership for Superior Cultural Competence and Social Marketing initiatives.

• CSC received the League for the Hard of Hearing Agency of the Year Award for Advocacy and Programming for Children and Youth with Special Needs.

• CSC received the United Way Community Impact Partner Award.

• CSC received the Donor’s Forum Impact Award for outstanding support of services for youth transitioning from the foster care system.

• CSC received the Ft. Lauderdale Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) “Champions of the Workplace Learning” Award in recognition of the Broward Training Collaborative website.


Part III: Progress on Additional CEO Goals Set by Council for FY 06/07

“Settle the build / rent issue” – Negotiations are well underway for CSC’s new “build-to-suit” building

“Bring IV-E reimbursement billing “in-house” – Completed.

“Improve Communication with School District staff” – School District staff are active participants in the Children’s Strategic Plan, the Youth and Budget Summits, the SNAC, the CCB’s Quality of Life Workgroup and the Summer STEPS programs. The MOU for data-sharing between CSC and the School Board has been finalized and that collaboration has resulted in informative and useful data on CSC-funded programs. Working closely with School District staff, we were successful in applying for DOE funding for 21st Century Learning Centers at four low performing high schools and, so far, student participation has exceeded all expectations. CSC is a member of the School District’s Before and After School Child Care Committee. At the request of School District staff, we are also actively participating in two efforts: the Task Force to reduce drop-out rates and the Bridge Project to end bullying.

“Increase productivity without increasing staff” – The CSC workforce continues to be highly productive, as evidenced by the achievements detailed above. We have continued to keep administrative costs under 10%. Several contracts have been consolidated to reduce both programmatic and administrative monitoring. No new positions (other than grant-funded) will be added this year and one vacant contract manager position will not be filled.

“Continue to develop more appropriate outcomes as well as better ways of measuring / Focus on return on community investment to measure effectiveness of $$ spent in each goal” – Great strides were demonstrated in this area over the past year as seen in the comprehensive materials prepared for the May budget retreat. This area also presents a significant challenge nationwide and we continue to partner with our colleagues across the state and national community planning agencies to develop the best possible measures of effectiveness.

“Continue focus on the organization’s internal strategic plan” – Based on Sterling Principles, an internal strategic plan was developed in 2005 to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the organization’s operations. Using the Balanced Scorecard focus on Customers, Finances, Staff Learning and Growth and Process Improvement to track progress, the table below demonstrates goal progress and achievement from 2005 through September 2008.

The 2008-2011 Plan is currently under development.


Part IV: Notable Service Accomplishments by Goal FY 2007/08:

Impacted Service and System Goal Notable Accomplishments by Goal Area

Build provider agency organizational capacity and effectiveness. (Service Goal 1.1)

Major enhancements to the Broward Training Collaborative Website improved outreach opportunities and access to CSC trainings and other local trainings.

In FY 07/08, conducted 203 trainings (a 57% increase over Prior Year) with over 2,600 attendees (18% increase over Prior Year); satisfaction results averaged 96.5%. The 190 agency participants represented a19% increase over prior year.

Reduce the evidence of verified child abuse and neglect. (Service Goal 2.1)

15 Family Strengthening programs served over 2,600 families with multiple risk factors for child maltreatment. Using the Council’s stringent individualized pre/post test performance testing, 97% demonstrated improved family functioning; 95% of parents demonstrated less stress and 67% demonstrated less abusive tendencies.

A cutting edge program to support grandparents and others raising children without birth parents, served 90 of these Kinship families. 96% of Kinship children did not require foster or institutional care and 100% of caregivers reported a decrease in service needs.

Reduce risk factors associated with delinquency and other anti-social behaviors. (Service Goal 3.1)

23 successful prevention programs served 2,800 high risk teens. Significant achievements are that 80% improved school grades and other school success factors; 78% demonstrated improved interactions with peers and adults; 75% increased their knowledge about birth control and the benefits of delayed sexual activity and no one, male or female, was involved with a pregnancy during or 12 months after program completion.

Reduce recidivism rates for low risk juvenile offenders (Service Goal 3.2)

Highly successful “New D.A.Y.” diversion programs serve over 1,400 juvenile offenders. Based on DJJ arrest data, recidivism rates at 3 months, 6 months and 12 months were an exciting 98%, 90% and 88%, respectively, exceeding state and national norms.

Legal Aid’s Team Child project continues to coordinate services for youth with dual dependency and delinquency involvement with excellent outcome results. Over the past three years, 99% had no new law violations for nine months after program completion, as verified by DJJ arrest data.

Strengthen supports for youth transitioning to adulthood. (Service Goal 4.1)

Over 330 youth aging out of the child welfare system were served; 87% achieved academic and vocational certification or gainful employment. 92% increased their knowledge about birth control and were not involved in any pregnancies and 93% demonstrated pro-social and law abiding behavior.

New, community-based housing initiatives opened with Council support including the Pembroke Pines supported housing initiative and the County’s subsidized rental assistance program. A 3rd housing project is underway, Wilson Gardens in Hollywood, and is slated to open in October 2008.

Improve children’s educational success. (Service Goal 5.1)

Over 3,700 “working poor” children, historically an underserved population, received subsidized child care funded by CSC. The Council’s funding of $6.3 million leveraged an additional $7.9 million in State and Federal match.

In partnership with the A.D. Henderson Foundation, the Council hired a dedicated position to coordinate the Early Childhood Education system and literacy initiatives throughout Broward County. This position is funded equally by both partners.

Improve responsiveness of the dependency system. (Service Goal 6.1)

Forever Family segments led to 50 calls about adoption, and generated job offers for dependent teens, and received more than 100 viewer calls about becoming a GAL. The adoption campaign has found permanent homes for over 30 children, raised close to $200,000 in cash, goods and services and generated $50,000 for the Council in Federal Title IV-E Adoption Assistance reimbursement.


Impacted Service and System Goal Notable Accomplishments by Goal Area

Improve accessibility, availability and quality of after school programs, including services for children with needs. (Service Goals 7.1, 8.1, and 10.1)

In response to provider focus groups and analysis of monitoring findings and outcome performance, for the first time after school and summer programs for elementary children were consolidated into a seamless year-round service delivery system. In the first summer of this year-round initiative, over 6,800 children received high quality, summer camp programs that included daily literacy, math and science delivered by certified teachers, daily fitness activities, skills building, cultural arts and recreational experiences. While year-round data is not yet available, this comprehensive program model is expected to improve child and staff retention, which should positively impact program performance.

Ensure a continuum of maternal and child health services for at risk families. (Service Goal 9.1)

The Black Infant Mortality “Call to Action” Summit was convened by Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies, with CSC and other community support. This event highlighted the growing disparity in white and black fetal and infant deaths in Broward County and established a foundation for future strategic planning to minimize and hopefully eliminate the disparity. Healthy Start and Council-funded programs to address maternal depression and provide cribs for low income families are potential resources for this initiative.

Improve coordination of children’s services. (System Goal 1.1)

Facilitated by dialog in the Funder’s Forum, a planning and coordinating body comprised of primary funders of children’s services, the Council and ChildNet formalized the division of Family Strengthening programs. This collaboration differentiated service provision for dependent and non-dependent populations, with a significant cost savings for ChildNet, thus allowing ChildNet to dedicate $2 million for reunification services for the first time.

Research and Evaluate Systems of Care through provision of community strategic planning. (System Goal 1.2)

CSC leadership in support of the Children’s Strategic Plan has fostered rich and collaborative relationships with all major stakeholders. Energized subcommittees meet monthly to analyze and improve thirteen identified systems of care. Significant progress is evident in areas such as Transitional Independent Living, a single point of entry for severely emotional disturbed children and development of a community plan to address the impact of adult substance abuse and domestic violence to children.

Strengthen community awareness of available resources. (System Goal 2.1)

CSC’s continued leadership in promoting the Earned Income Tax Credit has received national recognition as a “best practice” model. Through dedicated provider partners and a comprehensive public awareness campaign, over 14,000 families were served at a record 26 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites. Although final figures are not yet available, the IRS estimates that Broward will have generated over $14 million in tax refunds for low income families from returns prepared at VITA sites in the 2008 tax season; with $7,000 million from the 12 CSC VITA sites. Spearheaded by the IRS, CSC’s EITC initiative is being replicated throughout the Country. Additionally, CSC staff were leaders in the convening of a new statewide coalition around EITC-related issues. Known as the Florida Prosperity Partnership, the coalition met in Orlando in July with over 15 statewide participating organizations to have dialog with staff from the Florida CFO Office.


Part V: CEO Community Involvement

Broward Days – Co-Chair of Children’s Issues Committee, Executive Advisory Committee Broward Roundtable Broward County Children’s Strategic Plan – Chair, Steering Committee Children & Families Leadership Association – Executive Committee Coordinating Council of Broward – Board Chair and Member Reinvention Task Force Donors Forum – Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Nominating Committee Florida Children’s Services Council Early Learning Coalition – Executive Committee, Chair of Nominating Committee, Finance

Committee, By-laws Committee, Procurement & Negotiation Committee, ELC Holiday Book fair Celebrity Reader. Healthy Start Board Member, Nominating Committee, Executive / Finance Committee March of Dimes –Walk America Team Community Foundation, Non Profit Resource Center Advisory Board Special Needs Advisory Committee (SNAC) Transitional Independent Living Advisory Council United Way Community Advisory Council United Way Walk-a-Mile Project W.K. Kellogg Foundation “Systems Drivers” Leadership Group Member Women in Philanthropy Women of Tomorrow Mentor – Stoneman Douglas High School

Part VI: CEO Public Affairs / Media Opportunities

2008 EITC Launch Event, Miami and Coral Springs. Comcast interview re: Sun-Sentinel Children’s Fund and general children’s issues. Host Future First: Focus on Broward’s Children (CSC’s TV show). Moderator, Children’s Campaign, Juvenile Justice Briefing focusing on girls. Senator Rich Hearing on Prep-Paid Therapy Program. Speaker at Black Infant Mortality Forum and the Post-Conference Press Conference. Speaker at OCP System of Care Summit. Speaker at Picture the Future week, an event hosted by the Jack & Jill Children’s Center.


2005 – 2008 Internal Strategic Plan








# of Goals Achieved # Near Goal/On Track



Staff Learning & Growth

Process Improvement

Focus Area # of Goals

# of Goals Achieved

# Near Goal/ On Track

Customers 7 5 2

Financial 8 6 2

Staff Learning & Growth 6 4 2

Process Improvement 3 2 1



Committee(s) Committee(s) Committee(s)

2‐1‐1 First Call for Help (3)  Donor's Forum Maternal‐Child Systems CommitteeAgency Capacity Building Committee  Education and Youth Advocacy Committee  Million Meals Committee (3)Before and Afterschool Child Care (2)  ELC (4) National Community Tax CoalitionBlack Infant Mortality Call to Action  Employment Coalition of Florida National GFOA Convention Host CommitteeBroward County Children's Strategic Plan Committees (11) ESE Advisory Board NCTC, Tax Advocacy CommitteeBroward County School Health Advisory Committee FAN‐Florida Afterschool Network (2) NOVA  Quality of Life CommitteeBroward County Family Care Council  FCSC RevMax Affinity Group Nutrition and Fitness Task ForceBroward County Health Care Access Committee  Field of Food  Marketing Committee One Community Partnership (7)Broward Days (3)  Fitness and Nutrition Taskforce Partners In Transition (PIT)Broward Immigrant Coalition  Florida Impact Committee Pompano Community OutreachBroward Information Network  Florida Prosperity Partnership Project Bridge Advisory GroupBroward League of Cities  Florida's Children First Project SEARCHBroward Roundtable  Funders Forum Prosperity Committee Urban LeagueBroward Training Collaborative  Government Finance Officers Association  Safe Communities InitiativeBroward Workshop Community Justice Committee  Graduation Rate Task Force Severely Emotionally Disturbed Network (SEDNET) Broward's Prosperity Campaign  Health Care Access Committee South Florida Federal Executive BoardChild Abuse Coordination Committee  Healthy Families Advisory Committee Special Needs Advisory CommitteeChildren & Families Leadership Association (CFLA) (2) Healthy Start Coalition  (2) Special Needs Advisory Committee WorkgroupsChildren's Budget Summit  Human Resource Association of Broward County Stop Hunger Organizational BoardChildren's Consortium  IDA Partners Subsidized Child Care Waiting List CommitteeCity of Coral Springs Customer ‐Involved Government Infant Mental Health Taskforce Supported Integrated Employment Training Team City of Coral Springs Youth & Family Committee  IRS/CIL Sponsored Economic Stimulus Package  Drive Taste of the Nation/Share Our StrengthCoalition for a Healthy South Broward  JAC Advisory Board TIL Advisory Committee (5)Community Foundation  Joint Monitoring Collaborative Tri‐County Digital Divide CoalitionCommunity Foundation NPRC  Juvenile Justice Board Trip of a LifetimeCoordinating Council of Broward Steering Committee KIDCARE  Taskforce United Way  Impact Teams (2)Cross Systems Workgroup  Kinship Advisory Board Women in PhilanthropyDCF's "Big Idea"  League for Hard of Hearing National/State (2)  Youth Advisory Board (TIL )Diversion Coalition  League of Cities Census Task Force Youth Summit



2007/08 CEO PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL To be completed by Each Council Member

Employee Name: Cindy Arenberg Seltzer

Job Title: President/CEO

Reviewer Name: ___________________________________ I. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE GOALS/OBJECTIVES Use the following Goals and Objectives as a reference for completing Section II of the

evaluation instrument. This reference section I is not rated.

Service Goals 1.1 Build provider agency organizational effectiveness.

2.1 Reduce the incidence of verified evidence of abuse and neglect.

3.1 Reduce risk factors associated with delinquency, violence, victimization, school failure, teen pregnancy and other risky behaviors by strengthening protective factors and increasing positive decision making skills.

3.2 Reduce the recidivism rate of low risk juvenile offenders and prevent the escalation of crime.

4.1 Strengthen supports for youth to successfully transition to adulthood.

4.2 Enhance services available for children impacted by the child welfare system.

5.1 Improve children’s educational success.

6.1 Improve the responsiveness of the dependency system through provision of innovative quality improvement initiatives.

7.1 Improve the accessibility, availability and quality of out-of-school time programs.

8.1 Safeguard the physical health of children.

8.2 Improve the functioning of children with behavioral health needs.

9.1 Ensure a continuum of maternal and child health services for at-risk families.

10.1 Strengthen the continuum of care for children with special physical and developmental needs.

11.1 Increase the safety of children and youth in the Community.

System Goals 1.1 Improve the coordination of children’s services.

1.2 Research and evaluate Systems of Care.

2.1 Strengthen the community’s awareness of available resources.

2.2 Community members advocate for children and families.

3.1 Increase resources available for providing services to children.

10/9/2008 2

II. PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES Rate performance as it relates to each of the areas described below. Consider each of the listed factors in deriving a final rating. Include the total number rating for the competency on the line to the right of the competency title.

RATING SCALE: Use the following 5-point scale to rate performance during the evaluation period. 1 2 3 4 5 < ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Needs Improvement Proficient High Achievement Exceeds Expectations

COMMUNICATIONS _________ Effectively expresses ideas and thoughts verbally and in writing Exhibits good listening and comprehension Keeps others adequately informed Selects and uses appropriate communication methods Deals effectively with conflict Comments: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY _________ Works within approved budget Conserves organizational resources Brings fiscal recommendations to the Board Comments: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

CONSENSUS AND TEAM BUILDING _________ Brings together diverse elements, allowing for input from all Effective in having all parties feel their value in participating Garners agreement and develops a common belief or position with varied components Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ DIVERSITY COMMITMENT _________ Shows respect and sensitivity for cultural differences Promotes a harassment-free environment Makes quality hiring decisions; Builds a diverse workforce Shows a commitment to equal opportunity toward vendors Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________

10/9/2008 3

JOB KNOWLEDGE _________ Demonstrates knowledge of the CSC and the children’s service system Competent in required job skills and knowledge Keeps abreast of current developments Uses resources effectively Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ LEADERSHIP _________ Guides and provides direction through influence and partnerships Provides appropriate administration and governance Inspires respect and trust and motivates others to perform well Shows courage to take action Exhibits confidence in self and others Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ JUDGMENT _________ Displays willingness to make decisions Exhibits sound and accurate judgment Supports and explains reasoning for decisions Includes appropriate people in decision making process Makes timely decisions Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ PLANNING & ORGANIZATION _________ Systematically plans, organizes and schedules time Prioritizes and plans work activities Plans for additional resources Integrates changes smoothly Sets goals and objectives Reviews and evaluates past work as basis for planning future activities Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________

10/9/2008 4

BUSINESS ETHICS _________ Treats people with respect Keeps commitments Inspires the trust of others Works ethically and with integrity Upholds organizational values Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ COMMUNITY RELATIONS _________ Effectively represents the CSC agency in the community Communicates CSC goals, operations and accomplishments to the public Is involved in and aware of outside community affairs Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ BOARD INTERACTION ________ Works effectively with individual board members Works effectively with the board as a whole Keeps appropriate parties informed regarding internal operations and systems changes Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ SUBTOTAL (Section II maximum score is 55) _________ The following competency will be rated on a pass (P) or fail (F) basis. The rating will not be factored into the total number of competencies for scoring purposes. MANAGING PEOPLE _________ Provides direction and gains compliance (Pass/Fail) Includes staff in planning Makes self available to staff Provides regular performance feedback Develops staff’s skills and encourages growth Delegates work assignments and gives authority to work independently Sets expectations and monitors delegated activities Provides recognition for results Fairly and effectively administers discipline and termination process Comments: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________

10/9/2008 5

Sections III through VII are included for additional comments on the CEO’s performance. III. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S STRENGTHS/SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS

Specify the areas where the Chief Executive Officer has exhibited particular strength and special accomplishment during the evaluation period. _______________________________________________________________


IV. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE GOALS/OBJECTIVES (Future Period): Include goals and objectives for the Chief Executive Officer to achieve during the next evaluation period. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

V. CAREER DEVELOPMENT GOALS/STRATEGY: Outline areas you feel the Chief Executive Officer may additionally increase or improve knowledge and/or skills and include goal strategies, where possible. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

VI. STRATEGY FOR PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT (If applicable): Include recommendations for areas the Chief Executive Officer can show improvement. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

VII. OTHER GENERAL COMMENTS: Detail comments about the Chief Executive Officer’s performance during the evaluation period. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ Reviewer Signature/Date



Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Minutes September 18, 2008, 4:00 p.m.

Members in Attendance: Governor Appointee Emilio Benitez; Governor Appointee Mariza Cobb; County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger; School Board Member Stephanie Arma Kraft; DCF Regional Director Jack L. Moss; Governor Appointee Terry Santini; Health Department Director Paula Thaqi; Governor Appointee Ana Valladares Members Absent: Judge Martin R. Dishowitz (Ex-Officio); School Superintendent James Notter; Governor Appointee Christopher L. Smith; Juvenile Court Judge Howard Zeidwig (Approved Absence) Counsel Present: Garry Johnson, Esq. Staff in Attendance: Cindy Arenberg Seltzer, President/CEO; Monti Larsen; Karen Swartzbaugh; Sandra Bernard-Bastien; Audrey Stang; Terry Brennan; Sue Gallagher; Amy Jacques; Mikel McGee; Piper Weber; Monica King; Silvia McShan; Shannon Rhodes; Maddie Jones; Janice Strugano; Nancy Cohn; Catherine Baez; Herm Fishbein; Maria Juarez; Melissa Stanley; Andrew Leone; Sharon Cohen; Calonie Gray; Sandra Williams; Deborah Forshaw; Johnsingh Jeyasingh; Arnold “JB” Jean-Baptiste; Colleen Stroetz; Debra Baptiste; Melissa Soza; Dion Smith Guests in Attendance: Attached Agenda: I. Call to Order: Chair Sue Gunzburger called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. II. Roll Call: The roll was called and a quorum was established (Benitez, Cobb,

Gunzburger, Arma Kraft, Moss, Santini, Thaqi and Valladares were present).

III. Chair’s Comments:

Commissioner Gunzburger presented Florida State Representative Ari Porth with the Florida Children’s Services Council’s (FCSC) “Stepping Up for Children” Award in recognition of his outstanding legislative leadership on behalf of Florida’s children and families. Representative Porth was the House sponsor of the Jack Davis Lending a Helping Hand Act, which encourages restaurants to donate leftover food to homeless shelters without legal liability, and the Window of Opportunity Act, which mandates insurance companies to provide coverage for children with Autism. He also helped secure funding to expand KidCare enrollment, and he passed the Keeping Children Safe Act, which requires restrictions on visitation or contact by any person involved in a Dependency Court proceeding when there are allegations or convictions of sexual abuse. And most importantly, he serves as a friend and mentor to our youth.

Representative Porth thanked the FCSC for the award and expressed delight in seeing friends around the table.

IV. President’s Report:

a) Good of the Order: Council members considered three options as a cover for the 2008 Annual Report, with the photo depicting children working together in a garden receiving the majority vote. Mrs. Arenberg Seltzer highlighted the vote in Miami-Dade to continue the Children’s Trust, stating that receiving 80 percent of the vote sends a strong message in support of children and families. Congratulations were offered to Mr. Smith, who won his State Senate primary election and faces no challenge in the general election. The County has started the process to send names of candidates to the Governor for his consideration in appointing a replacement for Mr. Smith. After the County completes its process and sends three names to Tallahassee, the Governor has 45 days to appoint a new Council member. Since Mr. Smith’s last meeting will be October 16th, Council members were encouraged to make every effort to attend the monthly meetings after October in order to ensure a quorum. Mrs. Arenberg Seltzer asked Council members to email her if they had an interest in visiting any of the CSC-funded programs. Hispanic Unity was awarded a grant from the USDA Food Stamp Outreach Program. The CSC served as leverage for the grant, which seeks to expand the penetration of the Food Stamp program in the eligible Hispanic community. This award brings the total of CSC-community grant awards to three out of five applications. Mr. Moss noted that Food Stamp applications in Broward County have increased by 24 percent over last year at this time. Mrs. Bernard-Bastien informed the Council of the upcoming “Field of Food” event, which is a community effort spearheaded by Volunteer Broward, the CCB/CSC Million Meals Committee, the School Board of Broward County, and other organizations to collect and distribute one million pounds of food in October to replenish struggling community food banks and pantries. Commissioner Gunzburger noted that the County is collecting food and she challenged the other Council members to have their agencies do likewise. She also directed staff to deliver informational flyers to County libraries and local synagogues to post. Mr. Moss noted that he is working to have Broward and Palm Beach Counties appointed as an official site for the Department of Agriculture for their surplus commodities. Mrs. Arenberg Seltzer sought direction and guidance from the Council on the possibility that the Council may be asked to assume leadership of the CCB/CSC Million Meals Committee, as the CCB is being restructured and is losing its staff. Commissioner Gunzburger stated that if the question arose, she would refer it to the Program Planning Committee (PPC) for consideration.

Mrs. Arenberg Seltzer highlighted the initiation of United Cerebral Palsy to work with private employers in the STEPS program this year, which generated over $10,000 in employer contributions and provided for 12 additional youth to participate in the program. b) County Inquiry of Building: Mrs. Arenberg Seltzer drew attention to the memo in the briefing material concerning Commissioner Lieberman’s inquiry into the details of CSC’s new building.

V. Consent Agenda:

ACTION: Mr. Benitez made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. The consent agenda consisted of the August minutes, first T.R.I.M. minutes, Community Foundation/Senior Volunteers contract renewal, Future Prep contracts renewal, SAMIS contract renewal, STEPS contracts renewal, Sun-Sentinel Children’s Fund contract renewal, Swim Central contract renewal, Workforce One contract renewal, OCP grant extension, interim financial statement and budget amendments for August 2008, and invoices, P.O.s and contracts. The motion was seconded by Ms. Santini and passed with no opposing votes.

VI. Chief Program Officer’s Report:

ACTION: Mr. Benitez made a motion to approve the proposed KIDS visitation extension and the respite objective, budget and related contract actions for FY 08/09. The motion was seconded by Dr. Thaqi and passed with no opposing votes.

VII. Office Space Committee Report:

Mr. Moss, Chair of the Office Space Committee, referred Members to the Committee minutes included in the briefing material and noted that the land had been cleared and the slab was ready to be poured. ACTION: Mr. Moss made a motion to approve excluding performance bonds for certain construction activities. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Valladares and passed with no opposing votes.

VIII. One Community Partnership (OCP) Update:

Mrs. Valladares gave her last report as an OCP Governance Board member, as the SAMHSA grant is nearing its end. The grant was extended one year as it transitions to an advisory board under the Children’s Services Board. Mrs. Valladares was presented a plaque from OCP recognizing her service on the Governance Board.

IX. Public Comment: Ella Schutt, Executive Director, United Cerebral Palsy of Broward County, thanked the

Council for renewing its funding for the STEPS Program. UCP served 28 youth at seven, for-profit businesses.

Mary Partin, Dan Marino Foundation, thanked the Council for its support of the STEPS

Program. The Foundation served 80 youth in 21 locations. She noted that the

Foundation was able to maximize the CSC funds and were planning on committing funds next year to provide wrap-a-round services for the entire year. They are also putting money into research to support developing the program as a national model. She presented the Council with a framed photo collage.

Kirk Brown, HANDY, thanked the Council for its support and presented the Council with

a framed photo montage created by the youth in the HANDY program. X. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m.

_____________________ Jack L. Moss, Secretary



*denotes speaker

Name Organization Andrea Hall Gulf Coast Community Care, Inc.

Stew Webster 2-1-1 Broward Julian Gazzano, Jr. After School Program, Inc. (ASP)

Amy Korpf UCP Broward Jodi Lee ChildNet

Mike Elwell Broward County Children’s Services Administrative Division

Ella Schutt* United Cerebral Palsy of Broward County Mary Partin* Dan Marino Foundation

Angela Glarneri Raske Dan Marino Foundation Theresa Bloom Sunshine Child Care Ben Solomon NICO

Representative Ari Porth Florida House of Representatives Elida Segren The Starting Place

Millicent Lando Community Hope Center Kirk Brown HANDY

Susan Morantes Dan Marino Foundation Kelly Rito-Higgins Sunshine Child Care



Truth In Millage (T.R.I.M.) First Public Hearing

6301 NW 5th Way, Suite 3000

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

Minutes September 18, 2008

Members in Attendance: Governor Appointee Emilio Benitez; Governor Appointee Mariza Cobb; County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger; School Board Member Stephanie Arma Kraft; DCF Regional Director Jack L. Moss; Governor Appointee Terry Santini; Governor Appointee Christopher L. Smith; Health Department Director Paula Thaqi; Governor Appointee Ana Valladares Members Absent: Judge Martin R. Dishowitz (Ex-Officio); School Superintendent James Notter; Juvenile Court Judge Howard Zeidwig (Approved Absence) Counsel Present: Garry Johnson, Esq. Staff in Attendance: Cindy Arenberg Seltzer (President/CEO), Monti Larsen, Karen Swartzbaugh, Sandra Bernard-Bastien, Terry Brennan, Amy Jacques, Audrey Stang, Sue Gallagher, Mikel McGee, Monica King, Janice Strugano, Melissa Soza, Maria Juarez, Catherine Baez, Silvia McShan, Melissa Stanley, Gloria Putiak, Andrew Leone, Shannon Rhodes, Madeline Jones, Shawanda Spencer, Nancy Cohn, Herm Fishbein, Michelle Hamilton, Bevlyn Sagon, Debra Baptiste, Nicolette Picardi, Nancy Fear, Pam Hardie, Jocelin Eubanks Guests: Mike Elwell (Broward County Children’s Services Administration Division), Susan Morantes (Dan Marino Foundation), Mary Partin (Dan Marino Foundation), Angela Raske (Dan Marino Foundation), Charles Raiken (Fire Chiefs Association), Courtney Palmer (BSO Fire Setter Program) Agenda:

I. Millage Hearing

County Commissioner Gunzburger, Chair, called to order at 5:01 p.m. the second public hearing on the proposed millage rate and tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The roll was called and a quorum was established with nine voting members present (Benitez, Cobb, Gunzburger, Kraft, Moss, Santini, Smith, Thaqi, Valladares). Commissioner Gunzburger opened the public hearing for adoption of the proposed millage rate and asked Attorney Garry Johnson to read the announcement of the proposed millage rate of 0.3754 and the resolution by title only, which he did.

There were no comments from the public regarding the proposed millage rate and the Chair closed the public hearing on the proposed millage rate for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 at 5:05 p.m. Commissioner Gunzburger opened the floor for Council Members’ comments. Mr. Benitez repeated his desire to raise the millage rate, which he equated to 20 cents extra on an average $200,000 home. He felt the taxpayers would have accepted the slight increase, just as those in Miami-Dade overwhelmingly supported the continuation of the Children’s Trust. He stated his intent to raise the issue again next year. ACTION: Mr. Moss made a motion to adopt the proposed millage rate of 0.3754 for the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year. The motion was seconded by Ms. Santini and passed with no opposing votes. Commissioner Gunzburger called for a roll call vote:

Emilio Benitez Yes Mariza Cobb Yes Sue Gunzburger Yes Stephanie Arma Kraft Yes Jack L. Moss Yes Terry Santini Yes Christopher Smith Yes Paula Thaqi Yes Ana Valladares Yes

II. Budget Hearing

Commissioner Gunzburger opened the public hearing for adoption of the tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 at 5:07 p.m. Attorney Garry Johnson read the Resolution, by title only, adopting the tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Commissioner Gunzburger opened the floor for comments from the public regarding the tentative budget. Charles Raiken, Fire Chiefs Association of Broward County, submitted a letter updating the Council on the current status of funding for the Juvenile Firesetters Prevention and Intervention Program and requested that the CSC reconsider their financial support of the program. Council members agreed that the CSC process needed to be followed. Mrs. Arenberg Seltzer informed Chief Raiken that the Council’s process for leveraged funding is on the CSC website. Commissioner Gunzburger instructed Chief Raiken to convene a meeting of all of the players and possible funders and report back to CSC at one of its next two meetings. It also was suggested that the Program Planning Committee (PPC) may be the appropriate place to receive the update and any future request. Commissioner Gunzburger closed the Public Hearing on the FY 2008-2009 budget at 5:16 p.m. Commissioner Gunzburger opened the floor for comments from the Council Members regarding the tentative budget for FY 2008-2009. There were none.

ACTION: Mr. Smith made a motion to adopt the Resolution and proposed budget for the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year. The motion was seconded by Ms. Cobb and passed with no opposing votes. Commissioner Gunzburger called for a roll call vote:

Emilio Benitez Yes Mariza Cobb Yes Suzanne Gunzburger Yes Stephanie Arma Kraft Yes Jack L. Moss Yes Terry Santini Yes Christopher Smith Yes Paula Thaqi Yes Ana Valladares Yes

The second T.R.I.M. Public Hearing adjourned at 5:17 p.m. Respectfully Submitted:

………………………….. Jack L. Moss Secretary


E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\HUF's Food Stamp Outreach Contract.doc

For Council Meeting

October 16, 2008

Service Goal 2.2:

Strengthen the Community’s Awareness of Available Resources.

Objective 1:

Collaborate with Community Partners to Coordinate EITC, Hunger and Financial Literacy Awareness Campaigns.


Leverage Funds for Federal USDA Grant to Promote Food Stamp Awareness in Broward County.


Approve Hispanic Unity Contract for Leveraged Funds for USDA Food Stamp Hispanic Outreach Program.

Budget Impact: $24,926 of $75,000 Available in Goal 2.2.1 for FY 08/09.

Background: A survey conducted for the Children’s Services Council and the Million Meals Committee by the Broward Regional Health Planning Council found that food insecurity was a significant problem for Broward County residents. Nearly 40% of Broward families with children and 30% of families without children reported being worried about their food supply. It is particularly prevalent in Hispanic households with incomes below 130% of the poverty line. Broward County’s Food Insecurity Survey also found that more than two thirds (69%) of families that are eligible for food stamps do not receive them. At the same time, Florida Impact, an advocacy agency for hunger prevention, reported that Florida has over $137 million in unused federal dollars related specifically to the food stamp program.

Current Status: At the January 2008 meeting, the Council approved a match request for a grant application by Hispanic Unity to the USDA for Food Stamp Outreach. In September 2008, Hispanic Unity was awarded the two-year USDA federal grant of $72,405 annually, to support a targeted Food Stamp outreach program. The Council’s match of $24,926 annually is for FY08/09 and FY09/10. The program budget totals $97,331 which represents a Council leverage opportunity of $3:$1. A draft Scope of Work and Budget are attached for reference for the first fiscal year of the grant cycle. Other community partners will help facilitate Food Stamp outreach activities; the Million Meals Committee will serve as an integral part of this initiative, operating a referral network for Hispanic families seeking emergency food at food banks and shelters. In addition, Hispanic Unity is working with Meals on Wheels to ensure Hispanic seniors receive the assistance they need. Action:

Approve Hispanic Unity Contract for Leveraged Funds for USDA Food Stamp Hispanic Outreach Program.

Budget Impact: $24,926 of $75,000 Available in Goal 2.2.1 for FY 08/09.

Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512



Agency Name: Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Program Name: Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512

I. Method of Service Delivery

The Food Stamp Outreach program has been specifically designed to successfully engage Hispanics in the community to educate and facilitate those eligible Hispanic’s in applying for and receiving federal food stamp benefits. The PROVIDER shall provide outreach, case management, application assistance, and nutritional educational sessions regarding the Federal food stamp program’s benefits, eligibility criteria and application process. The PROVIDER shall provide outreach activities regarding the federal food stamp program that will reach over 600 Broward County Hispanic residents; provide application screening and assistance to 350 Hispanic individuals; and provide 150 individuals and/or families short-term case management designed to ensure completion of applications. A. Program Type

The PROVIDER shall provide the following program:

Food Stamp Outreach Program will use a targeted strategy of engaging Broward County Hispanics who are likely to be eligible for food stamp benefits, engaging individuals to apply and utilize the federal food stamp program and offering in-depth case management when appropriate.

B. Program Intent

Food Stamp Outreach Program will 1) increase the awareness of Hispanic’s in Broward County of the Food Stamp Program, eligibility requirements and ways to apply; 2) increase the number of eligible Hispanic persons and families in Broward County applying for food stamp benefits; and 3) increase food stamp eligible Hispanic persons and families knowledge of shopping nutritiously and efficiently with food stamp benefits.

C. Service Delivery

Core Services:

Services shall be provided to address the specific needs of clients. They shall include:

Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512


Service Name and Description

# of

Participants/Locations to be served

&/or Deliverables

PROVIDER shall provide educational outreach sessions utilizing bilingual outreach staff that is familiar with the target population to be served. Activities shall be help at: churches predominantly attended by Hispanics; food pantries; community centers; neighborhood supermarkets; restaurants frequented by the population; and community events that attract Hispanic participation.

600 clients served

PROVIDER shall provide onsite, online application assistance to those determined to potentially be eligible for food stamp benefits but are not currently receiving them.

350 online

applications submitted

PROVIDER shall provide case management designed to ensure that the application for food stamp benefits is fully completed.

150 clients served

The PROVIDER shall incorporate best practices of other Food Stamp Outreach Programs throughout the United States in developing program components while promoting the goals of CSC. PROVIDER agrees to include Council recognition on the following:

1. Council recognition on all media releases pertaining to the program. 2. Council recognition on material regarding funding of Hispanic Unity of

Florida, Inc. 3. Use of the Council logo on all print collateral materials, including but not

be limited to: posters, flyers, and bookmarks. 4. Council recognition on Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. website with

hyperlink to the Council web site. Remainder of page left intentionally blank.

Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512


II. Staff Qualifications Staff positions, qualifications and duties shall be as follows:



Minimum Education,

Experience and Training


% of time devoted to

the program



Leader / Outreach Specialist

Bachelors Degree in social

work, social services or related fields, or a combination of

education and experience. A minimum of one year of related

experience and/or training is required. Person must be above

average English written and verbal communication skills.

Required Bi-lingual (Spanish/English).

Coordination of

events, keep records of clients served, prepare monthly,

billing, assist eligible clients in completing online applications

for food stamp benefits, and provide outreach services to

clients and organizations



Outreach Assistant

High school diploma or

equivalent One (1) year of experience working with underserved

communities. Person must be above average English written

and verbal communication skills. Required Bi-lingual (Spanish/English)

Assist eligible clients in completing online applications for food stamp benefits, and

provide outreach services to clients and




Program Manager

Have a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree at an accredited college or

university in the business or social sciences or a related field. A minimum of 3 – 5

years of related experience and/or training is required. Skilled in the management of multiple programs and

funding streams with written and verbal communication skills; bilingual individuals

may be preferred.

Oversight and supervision of

program and staff


Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512


III. General Operating Information A minimum of 600 individuals shall be served during the period of October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009.

Background Screening/Licensing

All staff working in the program must comply with Level 2 background screening and fingerprinting requirements in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 435 and Broward County background screening requirements, as applicable. The program must maintain staff personnel files which reflect that a screening result was received and reviewed to determine employment eligibility. See Florida Statutes Chapter 435 for additional Background Screening information.

The program must register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to receive an identifying OCA number, which will be used as an identifier when an employee’s fingerprints are sent to FDLE for processing. Background screening can then be completed either through FDLE or another private screening vendor.

The Program Manager shall be responsible for the implementation of the ongoing Food Stamp Outreach Project and all of its requirements. IV. Outcome Measures

The PROVIDER shall submit quarterly progress reports either electronically or hard copies of the outcomes referenced below. In addition, the PROVIDER shall submit hard copy monthly output reports along with invoice backup. Council will provide outcome and output measurement tools to be utilized by PROVIDER which will be in accordance with the additional funders reporting requirements. The PROVIDER will be accountable for the outcomes listed in the chart below:

Performance Measurement Chart

1 85% of persons provided educational sessions will report having a better understanding of the food stamp program

2 30% of persons attended educational sessions or outreach activities

will complete online applications with assistance provided by staff or volunteers

3 70% of persons receiving case management assistance in collecting necessary documentation for application submission will successfully complete application submission

4 75% of persons receiving information on shopping nutritiously and

efficiently using food stamp benefits will report having a better understanding of same

Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512


Performance Measurement Chart

5 85% of persons receiving services and surveyed will report satisfaction with services provided

In addition, PROVIDER shall report to the COUNCIL monthly progress reports regarding outputs by the tenth (10th) calendar day of each month during the contract period. Output reports shall be attached to the monthly invoice back-up documentation and shall include:

1. # of unduplicated outreach/ educational sessions held 2. # of unduplicated online applications submitted 3. # of unduplicated clients assisted through case management As applicable, PROVIDER shall also report in narrative form the reasons for non-acceptance into program, dropping-out, and failures to achieve the outcomes, as well as describing any factors that effected outcome achievement or measurement during the year.

V. Method of Payment 1. COUNCIL agrees to reimburse the PROVIDER for Program Operating Costs on

a cost reimbursement basis (unit type 8050). The COUNCIL will pay PROVIDER for allowable costs incurred in accordance with the approved operating budget and budget narrative, hereby incorporated by reference. Only costs incurred on or after the contract effective date and on or prior to the termination date of the contract are eligible for payment. The maximum amount of funds to be paid for under this contract shall not exceed $24,926.00.

2. Invoices and/or documentation returned to PROVIDER for corrections may be

cause for delay in receipt of payment. COUNCIL will pay PROVIDER within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of PROVIDER’s properly completed invoice. Invoices must be accompanied by a completed Performance Measurement Chart in accordance with Scope of Work, Section IV of this agreement.

3. The PROVIDER shall submit one original invoice in the format prescribed by

COUNCIL on or before the tenth (10th) day of the month following the month in which services were rendered.

4. The PROVIDER shall submit the final invoice for payment no more than fifteen

(15) days after the end date of the contract period or contract termination. 5. Leverage: The Provider agrees to leverage the dollar amount awarded by the

Council to the Provider in an amount totaling $72,405.00 from the USDA federal grant award. The Provider shall provide proof of leveraged dollars and utilization on behalf of the project as prescribed on the Council invoice format on or before the due date of the invoice(s).

Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. Food Stamp Outreach Contract #: 09-2512


EXHIBIT B Food Stamp Outreach Budget




Funding Total


1. Salaries $39,600. $18,400. $58,000. 2. Fringe Benefits $12,760. $12,760. Subtotal Personnel $52,360. $18,400. $70,760. B. NON PERSONNEL EXPENSES

3. Travel - Local $ 4,806. $ 4,428. 4. Space & Utilities $ 3,000.

$ 3,000.

5. Communications $ 240

$ 1,560. $ 1,800.

6. Printing & Supplies

$ 1,400. $ 1,400.

7. Shipping & Postage

$ 1,300. $ 1,300.

8. Other (specify) (2) Laptop Computers w/ wireless capability $ 3,200. $ 3,200. (2) Portable Printers $ 550. $ 550. Satellite Internet Access – 12 mos. X 2 $ 1,560. $ 1,560. Out of Town Travel – Required Meeting $ 0.00 $ 1,800. Subtotal Non Personnel $14,538. $ 4,260. $18,798. C. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $ 6,689. $ 2,266. $ 8,955. TOTAL EXPENSES $72,405.

$ 24,926. $97,331.


E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\AFDC request.docx

For Council Meeting

October 16 , 2008

As Approved by the Special Needs Advisory Birth – 5

Committee on September 24, 2008

Service Goal 10.1:

To Strengthen the Continuum of Care for Children with Special Physical and Developmental Needs.

Objective 1:

To Provide Year-Round Out of School Programs that Infuse Quality through Academic Enrichment, Cultural Arts Programs, and Fitness Activities for Children with Special Physical and Developmental Needs.


Alliance for Families with Deaf Children Request for Leveraged Funding.


Approve Reduced Leveraged Fund Request.

Budget Impact: $25,000 of $633,385 Available in Unallocated for FY 08/09.

Background: The Alliance for Families with Deaf Children (AFDC) was incorporated in 2001 and provides services to facilitate language and literacy development and fully accessible communication for this special needs population. In July, AFDC submitted a leveraged funds request of $50,000 to the Council as a 1:1 match to the Florida Family Literacy Foundation. This grant proposal also included leveraged funds from the United Way ($20,000) and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation ($20,000). The proposed Deaf Florida Family Literacy Academy program will provide supplemental literacy training and home visits for 35 deaf and hearing impaired children, ages Pre-K – Kindergarten, and their families. Excerpts from the grant application are attached for reference. The request meets all Council criteria for leveraged funds; however, its submission occurred during the Council’s sabbatical in July and during revision of the Council’s Leveraged Funds policy and procedure in August. Therefore, it was not brought to the Council for prior preliminary conceptual approval. In accordance with the Council’s newly revised leverage funds procedure, approved by the Council on August 21st, the proposal and funding request was evaluated by the Special Needs Advisory Committee (SNAC) Birth to 5 Workgroup in September. The workgroup, comprised of source experts in early childhood Special Needs education and listed below for reference, followed the Council’s RFP rating process which included an applicant interview and question and answer session.

SNAC Birth – 5 Workgroup Leveraged Funds Rating Committee

Name Title Organization Ellie Schrot (Co-Chair) Part C Administrator Children’s Diagnostic Treatment Center (CDTC) Lois Nagle Co-Chair) Pre-School Director Broward Children’s Center Shawn Preston Early Childhood Director Achievement & Rehabilitation Centers (ARC) Lori Mandke Associate Director Ann Storck Center Silvia Starin Director Behavior Analysis, Inc. Stacey Hoaglund Parent, Board Member Broward County Autism Society Billie Morgan Special Needs Manager 2-1-1 First Call For Help Cathy Susskind Program Coordinator Easter Seals

E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\AFDC request.docx

Current Status: The SNAC workgroup concurs that AFDC’s Deaf Florida Family Literacy Academy program would fill a need in Broward’s deaf education services continuum; however, the Committee did not support the overall cost of the program, the high cost per child, the lack of a sustainability plan and the need for specificity in three of four parent outcome measures (four child performance measures meet specificity requirements). With Council staff providing technical assistance to rectify the areas of concern, the Workgroup recommends approval of a reduced allocation of $25,000. It should be noted that, due to the aforementioned timing of submission, the proposed has already received funding approval by the two Foundations and United Way and is beginning operations at a reduced capacity, pending Council approval. Recommended Action: Approve Reduced Leveraged Fund Request. Budget Impact: $25,000 of $633,385 Available in Unallocated for FY 08/09.


The Deaf Florida Family Literacy AcademyAlliance for Families with Deaf Children, Inc.

FFLI Grant Funds CSC Request

United Way of Broward

Dollar General AFDC Match Total

Program Operating Costs

A. Salaries 40,711 45,000 18,000 15,720 40,369 159,800

B. Fringe Benefits 6,549 0 2,000 0 13,594 22,143

C. Travel Staff Travel 2,620 5,000 0 0 10,960 18,580

D. Equipment 0 0 0 1,200 0 1,200

E. Supplies 120 0 0 3,080 800 4,000

F. Contractual and Consultant Services 0 0 0 0 11,000 11,000

G. Training 0 0 0 0 4,400 4,400

H. Evaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0

I. Other Program Operating Costs 0 0 0 0 16,860 16,860

Total Budget 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 97,983 $237,983

Budget DetailA. Salaries

14 mentors x 2.5 families/mentor x 3 family hours/week x 38 weeks x $20/hour 79,800

1 FT Program Coordinator @ 40 hours a week x $25/hour x 40 weeks (FTE=100%) 40,000

($6,000 provided in-kind)

Budget for Broward County

( p )

1 FT Family Education Coordinator @ 40 hours a week x $25/hour x 40 weeks (FTE=100% 40,000

B. Fringe Benefits

13.857% x $159,800 in total salaries 22,143

C. Travel

Mentor travel: 30 miles x 35 home visits per week x 38 weeks x .40 per mile 15,960

Staff conference travel (paid from FFLI funds) 2,620

D. Equipment

Software for families 1,200

E. Supplies

Books and educational materials 2,000

Printing/Postage 2,000

F. Contractual and Consultant Services

Part of audit costs 3,000

Part of grantwriter's contract 4,500

Part of publicity/marketing contract 3,500

G. Training

Specialized training for direct service personnel 4,400

H. Evaluation

I. Other Program Operating Costs

Transportation assistance for families to attend workshops, classes and activities 1,000

Part of Executive Director’s time to coordinate program (FTE=33%) 10,560

Payroll and administration 2,000

Web development and hosting 2,500

Family Learning Activities (activity fees and space rental) 800

Total $237,983



E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\Hollywood CRA Expanded Interlocal.doc

For Council Meeting

October 16 , 2008

System Goal 3.1: Increase Resources Available for Providing Services to Children


1) Amend Hollywood Beach CRA Interlocal Agreement to Reflect Expanded Commitment by CRA to Children’s Services.

2) Hollywood Beach CRA Requires Approval from all Taxing Districts to Build a Public Safety Complex.


1) Approve Amendment to Hollywood Beach CRA Interlocal Agreement. 2) Approve Hollywood Beach CRA to Build a Public Safety Complex.

Budget Impact: Additional $408,537 (new total $637,202) of Hollywood Beach CRA TIF

Payment Reclassified from Administration to Direct Services

Background: As a Taxing Authority, the CSC is required to pay a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) payment to Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) that existenced prior to the creation of the Council. In 2003 a local bill was passed by the legislature to exempt CSC from such payments Governor Bush vetoed it with a directive for the CSC to negotiate with each CRA / City individually. Since that time, the CSC has successfully negotiated Interlocal Agreements with several municipalities for either 1) an exemption from payment; or 2) the CRA would dedicate the CSC’s TIF payment to provide programs for children. In April 2005, the CSC entered into an agreement regarding the Hollywood Beach CRA to allocate a fixed portion ($228,665) of the TIF payment for children’s programs. The Hollywood Downtown CRA is unable to enter into such an Agreement due to their debt covenants.

Current Status: Since April 2005, the City of Hollywood Parks and Recreation Department has run a summer and school break program supported by the CSC’s $228,665 Beach CRA payment. The Science, Education and Adventure (SEA) Camp has proven very successful. The CSC Chair and staff have been in discussion with the City regarding 1) the expansion of the financial commitment by the Beach CRA; and 2) a possible Interlocal Agreement with the Downtown CRA.

The Hollywood Beach CRA recently requested permission from the CSC to use TIF funds to build a public safety complex in accordance with their statute, which requires them to obtain permission from all the taxing authorities to use its dollars towards this type of investment. During those discussions, CSC staff negotiated with the Beach CRA staff to devote all of the CSC’s TIF payment towards children’s programs. That dollar figure is now estimated to be $637,202 for FY 09.

CSC, Hollywood CRA and Hollywood Parks & Recreation Department met to explore programs and strategies that would serve children and meet the requirements of both the CRA and CSC in terms of location, capacity and outcomes. Some of the strategies identified were expansion of the current SEA Camp program, expansion of the Junior Life Guard program, a new Summer Theatre Camp, targeted exposure to beach programming for children from Martin Luther King, Beverly Park and Washington Park Centers. The Interlocal Agreement provides for CSC and City staff to work together to develop programs that meet CSC’s goals.

Action: 1) Approve Amendment to Hollywood Beach CRA Interlocal Agreement. 2) Approve Hollywood Beach CRA to Build a Public Safety Complex.

Budget Impact: Additional $408,537 (new total $637,202) of Hollywood Beach CRA TIF payment Reclassified from Administration to Direct Services

E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\Hollywood CRA Expanded Interlocal.doc



E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\Adolescent Final Performance Report.Doc

For Council Meeting

October 16, 2008

Service Goal 3.1 :

Reduce Risk Factors Associated with Delinquency, Violence, Victimization, School Failure, Teen Pregnancy & other Risky Behaviors by Strengthening Protective Factors and Increasing Positive Decision Making Skills.

Objective 2:

Strengthen Protective Factors Through Increasing Participation of Adolescents in Safe, Productive Out-of-School Programs.

Objective 3: Contribute to Achieving the Children’s Strategic Plan Objective to Reduce the Teen Birth Rate for Girls Ages 15-19 to 31: 1,000 by 2010 By Providing Youth Development Activities and Reproductive Health Education.

Objective 4:

Address Risk Factors Known to Contribute to School Failure, Substance Abuse, Teen Pregnancy and Juvenile Crime, Provide Comprehensive Youth Development Programs that Foster Positive Decision Making and Strength Protective Factors.

Issue: Action: Budget Impact:

Final Program Performance for Adolescent Programs None, For Information Only. None

Background: The Council has been funding Youth Development programs designed to increase protective factors and decrease risk factors for at-risk teens, including those with behavioral health needs, since 2005. These prevention programs provide a range of important youth services including health education, social & decision-making skills building, academic assistance, community involvement and cultural arts and recreational activities. Under the umbrella of the Council’s Delinquency Prevention RFP (ROK’N), the Pregnancy Prevention RFP (Healthy Choices) and the Afterschool Programs for Teens RFP (MOST), over 6,600 at-risk youth have been served over the past three years. While program performance over the past three years has been very positive (as demonstrated in the chart below), the division of the programs across three different objectives created some confusion and inefficiency which staff addressed by combining the three objectives into one w/ one RFP for FY 08-09.

Program Performance Over 3 Years Achievement

Percentage of adolescents who improved their grades and/or other school success factors. 80%

Percentage of adolescents who improved basic reading skills. 77%

Percentage of adolescents who demonstrated improved interactions with peers & adults. 78%

Percentage of adolescents who increased their knowledge about birth control and the benefits of delayed sexual activity. 75%

Percentage of adolescents , female and male, who either did not become or cause a pregnancy during or 12 months following program completion. 100%

Percentage of adolescents who had no new law violations during program participation. 98%

E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\Adolescent Final Performance Report.Doc

Current Status: As mentioned in the Background section, using “lessons learned” in those three adolescent program areas and feedback from focus groups conducted with providers and youth, all adolescent programs were consolidated under a new RFP. As a result, the Council is funding eleven (11) programs that are designed to create a single service continuum for teens, known as “Youth FORCE”. Performance by these new Youth FORCE programs will be reported mid-year; however, all programs incorporate the following Best Practice approaches:

Holistic programming that includes pro-social, fun activities and positive relationship-building;

Consistency in the relationships between youth and caring adults though continuous, year round services.

Academic support as a strategy to promote youth engagement with school. Satisfaction surveys to ensure programs provide an environment where youth feel safe,

have positive relationships with staff, and participate in meaningful activities. In an effort to strengthen the youth development system of care, the Council has also provided ongoing training in important current topics such as bullying and teen engagement; clinical monitoring to ensure quality of service delivery; provider meetings to address challenges and share successes; and technical assistance in areas such as outcome measurement and data collection. As a result, teen programs funded by the Council are successfully addressing goals identified in the Broward County Children’s Strategic Plan and provide engaging opportunities for teens to achieve school success, social adjustment, a reduction in truancy and victimization, and increased self-sufficiency. It is anticipated that Broward’s youth development system of care will continue to strengthen through connectivity with other service delivery systems such as child welfare, juvenile justice, and workforce development. Recommended Action: None, For Information Only Budget Impact: None.


E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\10.08 CCB PRC survey results.doc

For Council Meeting

October 16, 2008

System Goal 1.2 :

Research and Evaluate Systems of Care.

Objective 1:

Provide leadership and Resources for Community Strategic Planning.


Coordinating Council of Broward 2008 Quality of Life Survey Results

Action: None, For Information Only.

Budget Impact: None.

Background: Since 1994 the community has been working with Professional Research Consultants, Inc. (www.prconline.com) of Omaha, Nebraska, to conduct a public opinion survey of Broward County residents by telephone. Memorial Healthcare System sponsored the first survey in 1994. The initial focus of the survey was on health issues only. In 1997 CCB began sponsoring the surveys and expanded them to encompass a broader range of quality of life issues including some specifically focusing on children and families. These surveys were conducted under the CCB umbrella in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 and the results were published online and through the CCB Benchmarks Report. In a CCB cost containment decision for 2006 and 2008, the sample size was reduced from 2,400 participants to 1,000 participants. In 2008, funding for the study was removed from the CCB dues and members were asked to pay separately which the Council did. The survey was administered in English, Spanish, and Creole and results of the surveys, each containing over 150 questions, are available through the CCB website at www.theccb.org. Current Status: At the Council’s request, two questions were added in 2008 about maternal depression and domestic violence to address risk factors associated with child maltreatment. The attached PowerPoint shows highlights for children’s issues. Significant findings are summarized below.

Service Category 2006 % 2008 % Increase in number of children learning to read prior to kindergarten 59% 65% A decrease in the number of uninsured children 12% 7% Slight decrease in accessing doctor visits for children due to costs 10% 8% Slight improvement in number of children who can swim 56% 62% An increase in child dental visits 72% 77% Slight decrease in cost preventing dental visits for children 14% 12% Slight decrease in presence of guns in household 23% 17% Steady rate of limited employment opportunities due to lack of child care 8% 8% % of new or expecting parents who were depressed all or some of the time (equally split by gender).

N/A 12%

% of new or expecting parents aware of in-home services for treatment of depression for parents who care for children.

N/A 24%

It is important to note that there were no children indicators that trended negatively from 2006 to 2008. Recommended Action: None, For Information Only Budget Impact: None



Prepared for The Coordinating Council of Broward & Memorial Healthcare System

by Professional Research Consultants, Inc.


The sample of 1,000 consumers is highly g yrepresentative of local residents and presents a maximum error rate of plus or minus 3.1% at the 95 percent le el of confidencethe 95 percent level of confidence.

E ll t g t i ig ifi t f Even small percentages are not insignificant; for questions asked of all respondents, each percentage point represents approximately percentage point represents approximately 13,615 adults in Broward County.

Paid Child Care*

Yes 48%

No 52%

*parents of child age 5*parents of child age 5or under

120 Families



100 Receiving Financial



60 Assistance for Child Care


No Yes


E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\Minutes 10-03-08.doc

Children’s Services Council of Broward County OFFICE SPACE COMMITTEE MEETING

October 3, 2008

Children’s Services Council Executive Conference Room 6301 NW 5th Way, Suite 3000

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Members in Attendance: District Administrator Jack Moss, Chair; Commissioner Sue Gunzburger, Broward County Commission

Legal Counsel: Garry Johnson, Esq. via phone

Staff Present: Cindy Arenberg Seltzer, Esq., President/CEO; Monti Larsen, COO; Mikel McGee, Executive Assistant.

Others Present: Ben Solomon, NICO Development; Linda Carter, CEO Community Foundation.

Items distributed: Agenda, Fundraising Plan Issue Paper and Back-up.

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.

1. Motion to approve the 09/03/08 minutes was made by Sue Gunzburger, seconded by Jack Moss and passed without opposition.

2. Review and Discuss Fundraising Plan

Cindy gave a brief overview of the Fundraising Plan that the overarching objective is to raise the necessary funds to cover the additional LEED costs. While the ultimate responsibility for raising funds lies with NICO, CSC will provide guidance and support where possible. Any additional funds that may be raised would help purchase “Green” items for the new building.

The Committee provided guidance on several key areas in the Plan. Included in these recommendations which is folded into the Plan, is the following:

• The initial Capital Plan will be for 1 year and hopefully will raise $1 million

• Naming Rights decision points included: time-line (in perpetuity), compatibility (does not harm children and families), and how to frame the name (such as “CSC – XXX Room”). It was further decided that if a donor wanted to give a large sum, the entire building could be named.

• Establish an Advisory Committee and train them prior to meeting with prospective donors. Additionally, the Advisory Committee members should be matched appropriately to the prospective donor depending on relationship.

• CSC will not directly hire a professional fundraiser; however, NICO may choose to hire a professional.

Linda Carter further explained various fundraising strategies for CSC and agreed with Cindy’s overview that CSC should be able to launch a successful Capital Campaign setting a target of $1 million over a one year period. Linda talked about the fact that while CSC is a taxing authority, it has a wonderful reputation in the community and should be able to reach this goal. She cautioned about not competing with other NPO’s and suggested NICO to find most of the dollars through its subcontractors.

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Discussion ensued concerning Board members contributing towards the Capital Campaign as many times this is the first question asked from prospective donors. Commissioner Gunzburger stated that our Board should not be asked to donate a specific amount. Cindy Arenberg Seltzer would individually poll the Board members to gauge their interest.

Garry Johnson raised the issue that there are certain State of Florida filing requirements that CSC will need to follow and this language should be stated on any fundraising materials. In addition, if NICO hired a professional fundraiser the CSC would have to disclose any funds paid for said services. Mr. Johnson clarified that CSC is starting a Capital Campaign and that once this is completed NICO will no longer be CSC’s fundraiser as their responsibility is only to raise funds for the building.

Action: Sue Gunzburger made a motion to approve the recommendations for the Capital Plan and recommend approval to the full Council. The motion was seconded by Jack Moss and approved without opposition.

The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.


Promoting a Clean Environment for Broward’s Children  

CSC Proposed Capital Campaign 

Goal: The Goal of the Children’s Services Council Capital Campaign is to raise $500,000 - $1,000,000 by September 30, 2009. The initial $500,000 will be used to achieve Silver LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification for the new offices. Additional dollars raised will be used in accordance with donor intent to further enhance environmental benefits resulting in operational savings.

Purpose: As a taxing authority devoted to improving the lives of children and families, CSC takes its responsibilities to Broward’s children and the taxpayers very seriously. This includes keeping administrative costs low (under 10%) and setting an example for a healthy environment for Broward’s children and community. CSC currently has $8 million in contract for an environmentally-friendly building. In order to achieve a more “sustainable, green building” through Silver LEED certification, additional funding is necessary. The additional money will fund improvements that will reduce annual operating costs which will in turn free up more dollars for children’s services. Since CSC is prohibited by statute from incurring any debt (including issuing bonds or taking out a mortgage), the $8 million is all that is available for this purpose.

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. The responsibility for raising funds rests with NICO Development with guidance by CSC.

2. NICO will target potential donors in Conservation, Construction and Development fields.

3. The Council will invite members of the community to participate on a Capital Campaign Committee to help identify and solicit other donors. The Council will request of this Committee to pledge an amount of their choosing to the Capital Campaign.

4. Anyone soliciting funds will be offered training and provided with appropriate materials and support.

5. Contributions will be accepted as a onetime contribution or on an ongoing pledge basis not to exceed two (2) years for $50,000 or less; or five (5) years for amounts greater than $50,000.

6. All contributions are tax-deductible and should be made payable to the Community Foundation of Broward (CFB) designated to the Children’s Services Council Fund. CFB will complete IRS reports and send to the donors acknowledgements that can be used for tax purposes.

Donor Levels

Title Amount Recognition Friend Donors Choice Thank You Letter w/Tax Statement Associate $1000 - $9,999 Thank You Letter/Newsletter/Donor Wall in Lobby Supporter $10,000 – 49,999 Name on an Office

Thank You Letter/Newsletter/Larger Acknowledgement in Lobby Advocate $50,000 - $249,999 Name on Training or Conference Room

Thank You Letter/Newsletter/Media/Donor Wall/Grand Opening Partner $250,000 - $499,000 Name on 2nd floor Lobby or Landscaping

Letter/Newsletter/Media/Donor Wall/Grand Opening Champion $500,000 + Name on Lobby or Board Room

Letter/Newsletter/Media/Donor Wall/Grand Opening Patron $6,000,000 -

$7,500,000 Name on Building for 10 years Letter/Newsletter/Media/Donor Wall/Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting

Benefactor $8,000,000 Name on Building for life of facility (30 years) Letter/Newsletter/Media/Donor Wall/Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting


1. Donor missions shall be compatible with children and families

2. All naming rights shall be subject to negotiation and Council approval

3. The Building will be called “The Children’s Services Council of Broward County” with the donor name below

Acknowledgement Events

• A ground breaking ceremony will be held and “Potential” Capital Campaign Committee Members will be invited. (DECEMBER)

• High contributing donors will be recognized at a media event. (APRIL)

• Grand Opening Ceremony (JULY)


E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\09-23-08 Minutes.Doc

BROWARD COUNTY CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL Agency Capacity Building Committee Minutes

September 23, 2008 Hispanic Unity of Florida

Participants: CSC Council Member Ana Valladares, Juli Zeno (Volunteer Broward), Marti Engel (Executive Service Corp), Kirk Brown (HANDY), Shahara Jaghoo (United Way), Arlene Ratner (HANDY), Abby Mosher (Tomorrow’s Rainbow), Craig Vanderlaan (AHF/Crisis Housing Solutions), D’Wayne Spence (Paradise Childcare), Patty Carlin (Family Voice for Family Choices), Mike Flatley (CIS), Jeffrey Zirulnick (SOS Children’s Village), Carlos Zepeda (MDEI), Veronica James (Our Children Our Future), Stew Webster (211 Broward), Barb Lesh (HF Broward), Carrie Turner (CFB), Michael Smith (Adopt A Hurricane Family) Staff in Attendance: Sandra Bernard-Bastien, Evan Goldman, Gwen Fuller, Melissa Soza, Agenda: I. Welcome and Introductions: Committee Chair Ana Valladares called the meeting to order at 2:12 pm. Members introduced themselves and their organizations. II. Future First Focus on Broward’s Children The Committee watched a segment of Future First, Focus on Broward’s Children regarding Agency Capacity Building. In the segment Cindy Arenberg Seltzer, Council member and Senator-elect Chris Smith, Veronica James, Myriam Campo-Goldman and Carrie Turner discussed different aspects of Capacity Building. III. Introduction of CSC’s FY 08/09 Capacity Building Plan The CSC training team met on August 14th to discuss planning for the upcoming fiscal year. As a result of that meeting and input from the community, the CSC will focus efforts under an over-arching capacity building umbrella utilizing a best practice model of reaching organizational effectiveness. They will provide training and technical assistance support in the six component areas of capacity building for high performance organizations:

1. Mission/Vision 2. Board Governance 3. Program Delivery and Impact 4. Strategic Relationships 5. Resource Development 6. Internal Operations and Management

The components provide a framework for a comprehensive and synergistic effort to assist agencies serving children and families. The CSC will not be able to address the components alone. The CSC will help coordinate the work of our community partners like Volunteer Broward, Senior Volunteer Services, Community Foundation of Broward, and 211/First Call for Help in a collaborative and results driven manner. Collective synergy between these partners is critical, and the CSC is poised to serve as the hub in a hub and spoke type model. During the past fiscal year, over 70 provider agencies responded to a county-wide capacity building survey designed to take stock of existing efforts and determine the desired direction for future activities. Significantly, the survey revealed that 60% of respondents had not performed a

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capacity building assessment. Providers with smaller budgets and shorter length organizational life spans were least likely to have assessed their organization. The survey results underscored the need for the child serving community to:

• Develop a coordinated system for identifying and completing capacity building assessments with organizations in need

• Provide training and technical assistance, including e-learning opportunities, to organizations that address assessment identified areas

• Expand capacity building grant opportunities in support of identified capacity building initiatives

• Expand CSC’s distribution and delivery of topic specific, targeted capacity building information and resources on a weekly and quarterly basis

• Provide opportunities for information sharing and an enhanced understanding of the roles and responsibilities of providers and funders in capacity building activities

Organizations should be on the alert for and respond to the organizational assessment tool about to be released by the CSC. This tool is designed to help organizations determine where their strengths lie and identify the areas that present themselves as opportunities for improvement. Assessments will be free to child serving agencies. Technical assistance will be available in support of results. Questions or concerns regarding the organizational assessment should be directed to Gwen Fuller at the CSC (954-377-1664, gfuller@cscbroward.org). Additionally, the CSC is currently investigating an e-learning platform to make available to child serving agencies. A pilot group of organizations will test the chosen system before full roll-out. Organizations are advised to be on the alert for upcoming e-learning progress. The Committee discussed the importance nurturing and developing community partners in the Agency Capacity Building effort. A Corporate Partners Subcommittee was comprised of the following members was created.

• Ana Valladares • Jeff Zirulnick • Juli Zeno • Kirk Brown • Veronica James

IV. Senior Volunteer Services – Update Marti Engel described the efforts of Senior Volunteer Services to help agencies become more efficient and effective through the use of retired seniors who are seeking to volunteer. SVS “Executives” can help create and implement mission/vision statements and support strategic planning efforts. V. Volunteer Broward – Update Juli Zeno spoke about the October 18th Field of Food event at Lockhart Stadium. The initiative has 27 sites, 15 schools, 897 cans of food, 10 agencies and 8 new partner agencies. BSO will be there with a static display. She also informed the committee about the SAFE program assists the elderly by building ramps for them. They are in the process of building 6 ramps in 6 days. Volunteer Broward is also working with youth transitioning out of the foster care system in finding housing for them.

E:\CSC Council Packets PDF Archive\FY 08-09\Council 10_16_08\09-23-08 Minutes.Doc

VI. Community Foundation of Broward – Update The Non-Profit Resource Center will be starting the Boards in Action! Leadership Training Program February 2009. Applications will be available as of October 1st. She advised the committee also participate in the Re-engage for Good training. They have rolled out the Philanthropy Network of Broward, which allows for on-line project submission and exposure to multiple philanthropic opportunities. VII. 211/First Call for Help – Update Stewart Webster described 24-hour Homeless Helpline which since January 2008 has received 20,066 calls from individuals and families seeking information and referral to the homeless services in Broward County. He also informed the Committee about the statics of the calls:

• They have responded to 72,938 callers from January 2008 – August 2008. • In August 2008 they responded to 12,136 callers, the highest volume of calls in their

history. • From January – April they responded to 32,699 calls • From May- August they responded to 40,239 calls.

This is a 23% increase in call volume within the last four months compared to the first four months of the year. He proceeded to break down the needs of 2-1-1’s callers: Basic Needs Food – 4,036 Clothing/furniture – 1,423 Shelter & Low Income Housing – 12,552 Rental & Mortgage financial assistance – 7,969 Utility financial assistance - 10,054 Children with Special Needs Autism - 856 Mental Retardation – 549 Cognitive Impairment - 240 Children’s and Adults’ Mental Counseling – 2,549 Suicidal thoughts - 125 Anger/Anxiety/Stress – 1,943 Government/Community Services Information – Government/Public – 7,447 Health Needs Health Clinics – 1,639 Medicare/Medicaid – 1,421

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In addition to callers to the 24-hour Helplines, during this eight month period 2-1-1 had over 50,000 web hits from those seeking information and referrals. VIII. Next Meeting – What should the focus be? Date: January 27, 2009 The topic of the next meeting will be: Marketing and Messaging to Diverse Populations.

The meeting adjourned at 3:51pm.





Meeting Date

8/15/2008 Time Called to Order: Time Adjourned: Location: Minutes By:

9:05 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

115 S. Andrews Avenue, A337


Members Present Members Absent Other Participants Joel Smith, Chair Audrey Millsaps, Vice Chair Linda Bird Maureen Dinnen Kim Gorsuch Vanessa Hargray Leah Kelly Donna Korn Larry Rein Beverly Stracher Barbara Stuart Mayor Lois Wexler

Senator Nan Rich Laurie Sallarulo Allegra Webb-Murphy

David Greenbaum, Ass’t County Att’y Michael Elwell, Director, CSAD Kevin O’Mara, CSAD Charna Atlas, CSAD Leona McAndrews, CSAD Guests: Nancy Merolla, Starting Place Several Starting Place members Pat Kramer, DCF Herm Fishbein, Karen Swartzbaugh, CSC Anita Godfrey, MHA Dennis Haas, ARC Cathy Branch, Covenant House Lisa Magrino, Henderson Ana Calderon, CDTC Pattie Carlin, FVFC Tim Curtin, Memorial Health Care Gilbert Rincon, Family Central

Item Action/Discussion/Recommendations Due Date Status/Staff Responsible

1. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Joel Smith, Chair.

2. Roll Call Mike Elwell called the roll and a quorum was established. Linda Bird arrived at 9:09 am; Maureen Dinnen arrived at 9:13 am; Vanessa Hargray arrived at 9:20 am; Donna Korn arrived at 9:31 am.

3. Approval of Minutes

MOTION by Audrey Millsaps to approve minutes of June 20 meeting, seconded by Vanessa Hargray. Minor change made by Leah Kelly and minutes approved unanimously.

4. Chair’s Report Joel Smith advised that he has initiated telephone contact with Cindy Arenberg-Seltzer of CSC to arrange a


meeting. 5. County Budget Update

Mike Elwell reported that the only issue on the table for the Children’s Services budget is supervised visitation at the OUR House program. Joel Smith asked if CSB should thank the Commission. Lois Wexler advised that an e-mail to all Commissioners would be very appropriate.

6. The Starting Place

Nancy Merolla, new CEO of The Starting Place (TSP) presented a status report on the agency. She reported that they are following the adopted long term strategic plan. Their board has all new board members except one previous member. They are evaluating what is being done in the community and reviewing new program possibilities. The agency also has a new logo. Details were provided in a handout. Pat Kramer, DCF, and Mike Elwell, CSAD, commended the Starting Place for its successes in moving the agency forward. MOTION by Beverly Stracher, seconded by Kim Gorsuch, to continue contract funding for The Starting Place. Motion passed with unanimous approval.

7. Committee Updates

SNAC – In the absence of Laurie Sallarulo, Herm Fishbein reported that the committee plans to rotate meeting sites and leadership. OCP – Larry Rein reported that the final OCP board meeting will be on Monday, August 18. Barbara Stuart will chair the new committee that will continue the OCP initiatives for sustainability of the system of care. Mike Elwell will ask this new committee to evaluate respite care and the integration of primary care with behavioral health. The OCP committee will bring issues to the CSB. TIL – Donna Korn reported that this program has been so successful that all 20 clients have been placed and there are 17 on the waiting list for assistance. Discussion followed re the possibility of underutilized funding being prioritized for this program, due to its 90% success rate. Current underutilized dollars are approximately $226,000. MOTION by Audrey Millsaps, seconded by Maureen Dinnen for underutilized dollars to be directed to this program. Motion passed unanimously.


Suggestion was also made to have clients attend a CSB meeting or a Commission meeting to show success. Mayor Wexler said not to bring this to a Commission meeting, but most certainly that would be an idea for a future CSB meeting. RFP Recommendations – Audrey Millsaps asked Mike Elwell to discuss the recommendations package presented to the entire board. Mr. Elwell acknowledged the fact that due to budget issues these recommendations are getting a later in the process than in previous years. The recommendations are scheduled to go to the BOCC on September 9th. Thirty two proposals were received, 5 had fatal flaws, 2 applications were withdrawn, 2 were not recommended, and 23 were recommended for funding. Mr. Elwell reviewed the circumstances for each agency on the list and motions followed for each category. MOTION to approve recommendations for Behavioral Health – Mental Health made by Maureen Dinnen, seconded by Leah Kelly and approved unanimously. MOTION to approve recommendations for Behavioral Health – Co-occurring made by Kim Gorsuch, seconded by Maureen Dinnen and approved unanimously. MOTION to approve recommendations for Behavioral Health – Substance Abuse made by Larry Rein, seconded by Maureen Dinnen. Catholic Charities was removed from this vote and it was approved unanimously. MOTION to approve recommendations for Catholic Charities made as above with one “no” vote for approval. Motion passed Vanessa Hargray, Linda Bird, Leah Kelly, and Maureen Dinnen left the meeting. MOTION to approve recommendations for Special Health – Support Services made by Lois Wexler, seconded by Donna Korn and approved unanimously. MOTION to approve Special Health – Medical Home Model made by Lois Wexler, seconded by Donna Korn.


Motion included possibility that if SBHD cannot provide services after approval, then funds would be given to CDTC. Motion approved with Audrey Millsaps abstaining. Discussion followed regarding Homelessness – Support Services. Some Board members expressed concerns about the effective use of these funds. MOTION made by Lois Wexler, seconded by Donna Korn to defer Homelessness – Support Services for 90 days for the Board of County Commissioners to further review. Individual board members will contact their County Commissioner to discuss. Motion was approved unanimously. MOTION to approve recommendations for Homelessness – Child Care Services made by Beverly Stracher, seconded by Donna Korn and approved with Audrey Millsaps abstaining. Mayor Wexler left at 11:20 am.

7. Director’s Report

Nothing further to report.

8. Public Comments

Herm Fishbein suggested that raters should visit programs and see operations. Pat Kramer asked that all Substance Abuse Licensed program need to be verified through DCF. Ana Calderon thanked CSB for continued funding support.

9. Good of the Order

Kim Gorsuch relayed message from Vanessa Hargray regarding pre-trial detention, with next meeting happening in September. Barbara Stuart requested that at next CSB meeting some discussion take place regarding visiting agencies. Mike will email a list of agencies to members to review. Donna Korn left at 11:25. Barbara Stuart left at 11:25. Joel Smith said he is proud to be a part of the CSB and commended the fabulous job that is being done.

10. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.


Next meeting will be held on September 19, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. in room A337 of the Governmental Center Annex.

These minutes were approved at the Board meeting dated _______________ as certified by _____________________________ Allegra Webb-Murphy Secretary Children’s Services Board

Council Members Attendance

Council Member Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.(T.R.I.M. I) Sep. Sep.(T.R.I.M. II)

Emilio Benitez X X N/A X X X X phone X N/A X X X XMariza Cobb X X N/A X X X X X X N/A X A X XMartin R. DishowitzEx-Officio Member N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A X X X X N/A X X A ASue Gunzburger X X N/A X X X X X X N/A X X X X

Stephanie Arma Kraft X X N/A A A X A X A N/A X A X X

Jack Moss A A N/A X X X X A X N/A X X X X

James Notter X A N/A X X X X phone A N/A A A A A

David Roach X X N/A X X X N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Terry Santini X A N/A X X A X X X N/A A X X X

Christopher L. Smith X X N/A X X X X X X N/A A X A X

Paula Thaqi, M.D. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A X X X N/A A X X X

Ana Valladares X X N/A X X X X X X N/A X X X X

Howard M. Zeidwig X A N/A AA AA AA AA AA AA N/A AA AA AA AA

2007A = Absent; AA = Approved Absence; X = Present

October 2007 - September 2008


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