Himanshu Joshi


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  • 8/7/2019 Himanshu Joshi


    Challenges faced by HR Manager in present scenario

    M.P.Birla Institute of Management Page1


    Challenges fac ed by H.R Manag er in present sc enario


    Believe in the Best





    Himanshu JoshiReg. No. 06XQCM6029

    Under the Guidanc e ofProf.Sumithra


    M.P Birla Instt. of Management

    Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

    #43 Race Course Road, Bangalore-560001


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    Challenges faced by HR Manager in present scenario

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    I hereby declare that the dissertation entitled Challenges faced by H.RManager in 21st century in BPL, Bangalore is the result of research workundertaken by me under the guidance and supervision of Prof.Sumithra,M.P.Birla Institute of Management, Bangalore.

    I also declare that this dissertation has not been submitted to anyother University/Institution for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

    Place: Bangalore Himanshu JoshiDate: (06XQCM6029)

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    Challenges faced by HR Manager in present scenario

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    I hereby certify that the research work embodied in this

    dissertation entitled Challenges faced by H.R Manager in

    21st c entury in BPL,Bangalore, has been undertaken andcompleted by Mr. Himanshu Joshi under the guidance and

    supervision of under my guidance and supervision

    Place: Bangalore


    Date: 15/ 06/ 2005

    (Internal Guide)

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    I would like to express my gratitude to BPL Limited, organization as a whole whichgave me the opportunity to undergo my organization study for the fulfillment of myacademic career and also inculcating the sense of job prospective development in thelong termgrowth for the being an able entrepreneur.

    My sincere regards and thanks to Mrs.Ranju, Senior H.R manager

    BPL tower (Corporate office), under whose esteemed protg and mentorship I carriedout the study. I also owe my tutelage, commitment & outcome of my internship toMs.Gunjan (HR), initiated, guided, assisted & provided me the necessary plethora ofknowledge for conducting the study.

    I am indebted to my project guide, Prof Sumithra for her timely support andvaluable suggestion and feedback. Without her wealth of knowledge, and thereassurance that she would be there for the guidance and support, I would not havebeen able to gather the courage to embark on this journey into the unfamiliar world ofHuman Resource

    I also extend my appreciation, thankfulness to employees of B.P.L during theorganization study, which helped in getting valuable information, ideas & inaction fromthe employees & executives working in their respective fields.

    I thank Dr. Nagesh Malavalli, Principal M.P.Birla Institute of Management forproviding a congenial atmosphere to facilitate the completion of this research work.

    Place: BangaloreDate: (Himanshu Joshi)

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    Challenges faced by HR Manager in present scenario

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    1 Background of the Study 2

    2 Review of Literature 4

    3 Problem Statement, Research objectives, Research Limitations. 30

    4 Research Methodology 31

    5 Finding & Data analysis 32

    6 Recommendations 50

    7 Conclusion 53

    8 Interview 54

    9 Bibliography 57


    Bibliography 55

    Interview 56

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    The main objective of the study is to provide an insight about the challenges faced by

    the Human Resource manager in 21st century to make the Human Resource student

    familiar about the various issues in the organization and what are the roadblocks which

    come in the way of smooth functioning of any industry.

    Human Resource play an important role in a phenomenal growth in all the

    industry had in the last decade and is expected to play a much bigger role in the coming

    years. This growth has been due to various measures adopted to bring together

    employer and employee at the same platform and motive the employee to enhance the

    skill and contribute more to the organization. This study sought to explore and examine

    the HR issues and challenges in any industry. During the Research it was found that the

    organizations are facing a number of HR issues such as difficulty in attracting the best

    talent, high attrition rate and Knowledge management, different work culture existing in

    any organization, Training and development, shortage of workforce, employees

    suffering from Stress and work life balance. If the organization wants to ensure robust

    growth and development it has to take initiatives such as more adequate rewards, flexi-

    timings, continues training for up gradation of employees, growth opportunities for

    employees and such other initiative to make employee closer and amalgamate ones

    individual goal with the organizational goal.

    The company chosen was BPL. The reason behind this was to understand its

    management process, the expertise it has developed and the skills it has owned.

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    Chapter 1

    Background scenario

    The role of the HR manager must parallel the needs of the changingorganization. Successful organizations are becoming more adaptable, resilient,quick to change directions, and customer-centered. Within this environment, theHR professional must learn how to manage effectively through planning,organizing, leading and controlling the human resource and be knowledgeable ofemerging trends in training and employee development.

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    The role of the Human Resource Manager is evolving with the change in competitive

    market environment and the realization that Human Resource Management must play a

    more strategic role in the success of an organization. Organizations that do not put their

    emphasis on attracting and retaining talents may find themselves in dire consequences,

    as their competitors may be outplaying them in the strategic employment of their human


    With the increase in competition, locally or globally, organizations must become more

    adaptable, resilient, agile, and customer-focused to succeed. And within this change in

    environment, the HR professional has to evolve to become a strategic partner, an

    employee sponsor or advocate, and a change mentor within the organization. In order

    to succeed, HR must be a business driven function with a thorough understanding of

    the organizations big picture and be able to influence key decisions and policies. In

    general, the focus of todays HR Manager is on strategic personnel retention and talents

    development. HR professionals will be coaches, counselors, mentors, and succession

    planners to help motivate organizations members and their loyalty. The HR manager

    will also promote and fight for values, ethics, beliefs, and spirituality within their

    organizations, especially in the management of workplace diversity.

    With the increase in competition, locally or globally, organizations must become more

    adaptable, resilient, agile, and customer-focused to succeed. And within this change in

    environment, the HR professional has to evolve to become a strategic partner, an

    employee sponsor or advocate, and a change mentor within the organization. In orderto succeed, HR must be a business driven function with a thorough understanding of

    the organizations big picture and be able to influence key decisions and policies. In

    general, the focus of todays HR Manager is on strategic personnel retention and talents

    development. HR professionals will be coaches, counselors, mentors, and succession

    planners to help motivate organizations members and their loyalty. The HR manager

    will also promote and fight for values, ethics, beliefs, and spirituality within their

    organizations, especially in the management of workplace diversity.

    This study will highlight on how a HR manager can meet the challenges of workplace

    diversity, how to motivate employees through gain-sharing and executive informationsystem through proper planning, organizing, leading and controlling their human


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    Chapter 2

    Review of Literature

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    PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW OF LITERATUREThe purpose of the literature review is to identify the problem statement,understand the secondary data that has been gathered in the field of studyand to make new finding on the problem statement.

    Title: Employees stress and performance

    Author: David lee

    Creating a high performance organization requires understanding what factorsinfluence performance. One of the most significance factors Initiatives like the

    Initiatives like the learning organization, process is workplace stress. Initiativeslike the learning organization, process reengineering, collaboration team work

    Title: Developing Human Capital for Sustaining the Growth of Industry

    Authors: Narendra M. Agarwal (IIM-Bangalore)


    The growth of any industry till date has been mainly due to the availabilityof highly competent and cost competitive professional in India. The presence

    of highly competent and cost competitive employee in various organizations,central and state government, corporate central and state government,corporate private training institutes etc and suggests further measure to betaken by different agencies.

    Articles by Forum Member

    Retention of Key employees is critical to the long term health and successof any organization. It is a known fact that retaining your best employees ensurescustomer satisfaction, increased product sales, satisfied colleagues and reportingstaff, effective succession planning and deeply imbedded organizational

    knowledge and learning. Employee retention matters as organizational issuessuch as training time and investment; lost knowledge; insecure employees and aHR to play a key role in the development and execution of the Business Strategyof an Organization. It should evolve from a transactional support role topartnering in the organization's business strategy.

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    work to family. Establish a ritual that helps to mark the end of the workday andthe beginning of family time. Use the commute home to listen to music or a bookon tape. When you get home, change clothes before cuddling with your baby, orengaging with your toddler. Be consistent in these routines.

    The ritual will automatically signal the end of one thing and the beginning of

    another.Investigate your options. More than ever, businesses recognize thevalue of being family-friendly. Your company may offer work options such asflextime, telecommuting, compressed work weeks, or job sharingarrangements. Check with your Human Resources department foravailability and details, or click to the article Family-Friendly Work.

    Schedules: A Work/Family Balance Solution listed below in the ReferenceSources. It offers an excellent overview of the most common full-time and part-time flexible work arrangements. Understanding the pros and cons of each willhelp you decide if any are suitable for you and if so, how to approach yourimmediate supervisor about them. Take care of your physical health. Healthy

    people have stamina. They are better able to withstand emotional and physicalstress. Dont neglect your health. Eat properly and get as much sleep as you can.Find time to do the things that nourish your whole being.

    Talk to other working mothers. Other working moms will gladly share with youhow they navigated the passage from working-before-baby to working-after-baby.They will tell you what worked for them, what didnt and how they foundalternative solutions. Learn about work and family. Read as much as possible onwork and family issues in magazines, newspapers and on the Internet, and lookfor tips you can use. When using Internet search engines, use keywords andphrases like family, work and family, parenting, work family balance, career.Youll gain valuable information and find guidance on developing a plan thatworks for you, your spouse and your child. Learn the impact that certainstressors and influences have on work life and home life. It can help you gain adifferent perspective on many of the issues and challenges youll face as aworking mother. Parenting at any stage requires a sense of humor and the abilityto juggle many tasks. Look at all the things going on in your family in a positivelight, have faith that there are ways to make a household run smoothly; and dontforget to ask for help when you really need it. Grandparents and extended familyare usually delighted to offer a helping hand. In all probability theyre tickled pinkto be able to spend time with your oh - so-cute baby or toddler.


    Reviews are acquired through websites as secondary data. Also with the help ofprofessors through interviews and lectures, data has been furnished. Variouspublications are also included.

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    With the help of reviews it has been possible to relate work life balance with Jobstress and the early retirement. Also reviews have given a deep insight of howemployer can influence the lives of employees.

    Managing Human Capital in recent scenario

    Managing Human Capital in the 21st Century comprise a diverse and increasinglyknowledge-based workforce, with a broad spectrum of technical and program skills andinstitutional memory. Agencies differ in size and mission, but they share a commonreliance on the energies and ingenuity of employees. These employees are thegovernments greatest assetits human capital.

    Reforms addressed most of the essentialand mutually dependentelements ofthe modern performance management model: financial management, informationtechnology management, and results-oriented goal-setting and performance


    The transformation that these reforms entail will not be an easy one and will requirea wide investment of time and resources that should not be underestimated. However,the return on this investment is potentially very great. These reforms, with their focus onaccountable, results-oriented management, will allow going beyond attempts merely toidentify or prevent incidents of waste, fraud, or abuse and, instead, create betterequipped to deliver efficiently, economically, and effectively on its promises. There willalways be zero-tolerance for waste, fraud, and abuse, but the cost of these occurrencesis small compared with the larger costsnot just in money. Once results-orientedperformance management systems are effectively implemented, agencies will have the

    means to demonstrate the real-world effects of their efforts,

    As the performance management framework has evolved over the last decade,human capital management has emerged as the missing link. For the performancemanagement principles embodied in the new reforms to produce a more businesslikeand results-oriented organization system.

    For performance management to succeed, three enablers will be needed:

    People, Process, and Technology. All three are important, but the people

    dimension is the most crucial.

    We need to ensure that they have the right people on board to manage the cost andensure the quality of the activities that have been outsourced. The short- and long-termimplications of downsizing for the human capital will require continuing attention.Reviews have found, for example, that a lack of adequate strategic and workforceplanning during the initial rounds of downsizing by some agencies may have affectedtheir ability to achieve organizational missions.2 some agencies reported that

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    downsizing in general led to such negative effects as a loss of institutional memory andan increase in work backlogs. Although we found that agencies planning for downsizingimproved as their downsizing efforts continued, it is by no means clear that the currentWorkforce is adequately balanced to properly execute missions of neither today, northat adequate plans are in place to ensure the appropriate balance in the future.

    It is intended to work on the implications of downsizing, but our view today isthat the widespread lack of attention to strategic human capital management may becreating a fundamental weakness in management, possibly even putting at risk theability to efficiently, economically, and effectively deliver products and services in thefuture.

    Three points should be taken:

    Employees should be viewed not as costs to be cut but as assets tobe appreciated.

    Strategic human capital management recognizes that employees are a criticalasset for success.

    An organizations human capital policies and practices must be designed,implemented and assessed by the standard of how well they support theorganizations mission and goals.

    Two principles those are critical in a performance management environment. First,people are assets whose value can be enhanced through investment. As the value ofpeople increases, so does the performance capacity of the organization, and thereforeits value to clients and other stakeholders. As with any investment, the goal is tomaximize value while managing risk. Second, an organizations human capital

    approaches must be aligned to support the mission, vision for the future, core values,goals, and strategies by which the organization has defined its direction and itsexpectations for itself and its people. An organizations human capital policies andpractices should be designed, implemented, and assessed by the standard of how wellthey help the organization pursue these intents and achieve related results.

    The term human capital originated in the field of economics. But both words,human and capital, are equally important to the concept as we apply it. Enhancingthe value of employees is a win-win goal for employers and employees alike. The morean organization recognizes the intrinsic value of each employee, the more it recognizesthat this value can be enhanced with nurturing and investment, the more it recognizesthat employees vary in their talents and motivations and that a variety of incentive

    strategies and working arrangements can be created to enhance each employeescontributions to organizational performance, the more likely the organization will be toappreciate the diversity of employee needs and circumstances and to act in ways thatmake sense in both business and human terms.

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    Human Capital Principles we identified

    (1) Employees must be recognized as crucial to organizational success and their roleconsidered through all stages of strategic planning and day-to-day businessmanagement

    (2) Organizations need to identify the skills and other characteristics needed amongleaders and all other employeesto help achieve success, and make the appropriateinvestments to hire, develop, and retain people to ensure that these competencies aresustained

    (3) Organizations need to nurture an organizational culture that stresses results,accountability, teamwork, and employee involvement and empowerment so thatemployees will work together to achieve high performance.

    BPL formulated ---

    Ten Underlying and Interrelated Principles of Human Capital Management

    1. Treat human capital management as being fundamental to strategicbusiness management. Integrate human capital .Consideration whenidentifying the mission, strategic goals, and core values of the organizationas well as when designing and implementing operational policies andpractices.

    2. Integrate human capital functional staff into management teams:

    Include human capital leaders as full members of the top management team ratherthan isolating them to provide after-the-fact support. Expand the strategic role of humancapital staff beyond that of providing traditional personnel administration services.

    3. Leverage the internal human capital function with external expertise.

    Supplement internal human capital staffs knowledge and skills by seeking outsideexpertise from consultants, professional associations, and other organizations, asneeded.

    4. Hire, develop, and sustain leaders according to leadership characteristics

    identified as essential to achieving specific mission

    Identify the leadership traits needed to achieve high performance of mission andgoals, and build and sustain the organizations pool of leaders through recruiting, hiring,development, retention, and succession policies and practices targeted at producingleaders with the identified characteristics.

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    5. Communicate a shared vision that all employees, working as one team, canstrive to accomplish. Promote a common understanding of the mission, strategicgoals, and core values that all employees are directed to work as a team to achieve.Create a line-of-sight between individual contributions and the organizationsperformance and results.

    6. Hire, develop, and retain employees according to competencies.

    Identify the competenciesknowledge, skills, abilities, and behavior needed to achievehigh performance of mission and goals, and build and sustain the organizations talentpool through recruiting, hiring, development, and retention policies and practicestargeted at building and sustaining those competencies.

    7. Use performance management systems, including pay and other meaningfulincentives, to link performance to results.

    Provide incentives and hold employees accountable for contributing to theachievement of mission and goals. Reward those employees who meet or exceedclearly defined and transparent standards of high performance.

    8. Support and reward teams to achieve high performance.

    Foster a culture in which individuals interact and support and learn from each other as ameans of contributing to the high performance of their peers, units and the organizationas a whole. Bring together the right people with the right competencies to achieve highperformance as a result, rather than in spite, of the organizational structure.

    9. Integrate employee input into the design and implementation of human capitalpolicies and practices.

    Incorporate the first-hand knowledge and insights of employees and employeegroups to develop responsive human capital policies and practices. Empoweremployees by making them stakeholders in the development of solutions and newmethods of promoting and achieving high performance of organizational missions andgoals.

    10. Measure the effectiveness of human capital policies and practices.

    Evaluate and make fact-based decisions on whether human capital policies andpractices support high performance of mission and goals. Identify the performancereturn on human capital investments.

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    Knowledge Management

    Employees are the main asset of an organization they possess a wealth of expertise,ideas and talent insight into the business operation. Most employees dont share thisknowledge with their colleagues and peers due to various other reasons.

    Why knowledge management?

    It is defined by Anderson consulting as the systematic process of acquiring, creating,capturing, sanitizing, learning and using information insight and experiences to enableperformance. It is the engine that transforms idea into business value.

    Return from knowledge management

    Reducing the cost and time spent on information collection, disseminating andreuse.

    Improving the customer/vendor services and support process.

    Identifying innovative business/revenue generating activity and opportunity. Shrinking cycle time for market/product development.

    Stemming intellectual losses linked to employee turnover.

    Capturing knowledge and creating knowledge culture.

    It involves encouraging the sharing of lesson learned from experience and focusingbusiness development effort on network sharing. Capturing the knowledge goes beyondthe basic hygiene of improving the current process. It involves supporting and creatingnew process. Usually success is attributed to those who have the most information.Now manager are encouraging the sharing of knowledge so that other can excel also.

    Managing knowledge and business process:

    The knowledge coordinator is responsible for creating and sustaining a knowledgeculture and organization. He is also responsible for the design and the choice of aknowledge repository. The knowledge repository will serve as a warehouse of corporateresource and integrate with organizational infrastructure

    Strategies for the knowledge management:

    The corporate learning center on the web.

    Knowledge strategy as business strategy focus.

    Intellectual asset management strategy focus. Personal knowledge asset responsibility focus.

    Knowledge creation and transfer strategy focus.

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    Challenges of Performance Appraisal:

    In order to make a performance appraisal system effective and successful, anorganization comes across various challenges and problems. The main challengesinvolved in the performance appraisal process are:

    Determining the evaluation criteriaIdentification of the appraisal criteria is one of the biggest problems faced by thetop management. The performance data to be considered for evaluation shouldbe carefully selected. For the purpose of evaluation, the criteria selected shouldbe in quantifiable or measurable terms

    Create a rating instrumentThe purpose of the performance appraisal process is to judge the performance ofthe employees rather than the employee. The focus of the system should be onthe development of the employees of the organization

    Errors in rating and evaluationMany errors based on the personal bias like stereotyping, halo effect (i.e. onetrait influencing the evaluators rating for all other traits) etc. may creep in theappraisal process. Therefore the rater should exercise objectivity and fairness inevaluating and rating the performance of the employees.

    ResistanceThe appraisal process may face resistance from the employees and the tradeunions for the fear of negative ratings. Therefore, the employees should becommunicated and clearly explained the purpose as well the process ofappraisal. The standards should be clearly communicated and every employeeshould be made aware that what exactly is expected from him/her.

    Essential of an effective Performance Appraisal System:

    Documentation means continuous noting and documenting the performance. Italso helps the evaluators to give a proof and the basis of their ratings.

    Standards / Goals the standards set should be clear, easy to understand,achievable, motivating, time bound and measurable.

    Practical and simple format - The appraisal format should be simple, clear, fair andobjective. Long and complicated formats are time consuming, difficult to understand,and do not elicit much useful information.

    Evaluation technique An appropriate evaluation technique should be selected; theappraisal system should be performance based and uniform. The criteria for evaluationshould be based on observable and measurable characteristics of the behavior of theemployee.

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    The emergence of following concepts and the following trends related toperformance appraisal can be seen in the global scenario:

    360 Degree Appraisal360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-rater feedback', is the most

    comprehensive appraisal where the feedback about the employees performancecomes from all the sources that come in contact with the employee on his job.Organisations are increasingly using feedback from various sources such aspeer input, customer feedback, and input from superiors. Different forms withdifferent formats are being used to obtain the information regarding the employeeperformance.

    Training and Development

    What is Training?

    Training is the act of increasing the knowledge of an employee for doing a particular

    job. -Edwin B Flippo

    Training is process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is the application

    of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their

    behaviors. It attempts to improve their performance on the current job and prepares

    them for an intended job.

    What is Development?

    Development is a related process. It covers not only those activities which improve jobperformance but also those which bring about growth of the personality. Training a

    person for a bigger and higher job is development, this process includes not only

    imparting skills but also certain mental and personality attributes.

    Why Training is needed?

    To increase Productivity

    To improve Quality

    To help the company to fulfill its Goals & Future Needs

    To improve Organizational Climate

    Obsolescence PreventionPersonal Growth

    The identification of training needs is primarily based on the skills that are required to

    perform the organization's set of standard processes. Certain skills may be effectively

    and efficiently imparted through vehicles other than in-class training experiences (e.g.,

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    informal mentoring). Other skills require more formalized training vehicles, such as in a

    classroom, by Web-based training, through guided self study or via a formalized on-the

    job training program. The formal or informal training vehicles employed for each

    situation should be based on an assessment of the need for training and the

    performance gap to be addressed. Success in training can be measured in terms of the

    availability of opportunities to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to perform new

    and ongoing enterprise activities. Skills and knowledge may be technical, organizational

    or contextual. Technical skills pertain to the ability to use the equipment, tools,

    materials, data and processes required by a project or process. Organizational skills

    pertain to behavior within and according to the employee's organization structure, role

    and responsibilities and general operating principles and methods. Contextual skills are

    the self-management, communication and interpersonal abilities needed to successfully

    perform in the organizational and social context of the project and support groups.

    Training and the WorkplaceMost training takes place in an organizational setting, typically in support of skill and

    knowledge requirements originating in the workplace. We can identify five basic points

    at which we might take measurements, conduct assessments or reach judgments.

    These five points are:

    1. before Training

    2. during Training

    3. after Training or Before Entry (Reentry)

    4. in the Workplace

    5. upon Exiting the Workplace

    Training Purpose

    As a management tool, training serves many masters and many purposes. The

    purposes for or uses of training are given in the list below. The evaluation of training

    might vary with the purpose or use of the training itself.

    1. Focusing energy on issues.

    2. Making work and issues visible.

    3. Supporting other interventions.

    4. Legitimizing issues.

    5. Promoting change.

    6. Reducing risk.

    7. Creating a community based on some shared experience.

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    8. Building teams.

    9. Indoctrinating new staff.

    10. Communicating and disseminating knowledge and information.

    11. Certifying and licensing.

    12. Rewarding past performance.

    13. Flagging "fast trackers."

    14. Developing skills.

    Given the diverse array of purposes listed above, it seems reasonable to conclude that

    the results sought from the training would also be diverse.

    With more emphasis on return on investment, companies are asking: what is thevalue of training? Too often, training departments have little or no idea how theirtraining relates to the business objectives of the company. This could be due partially totrainers' lack of measurement and evaluation skills, which result in measurements that

    are not valid, reliable or even useful to the management of the company.The trainingdepartment that measures increase in the number of students is in trouble. A trainingdepartment that is concerned only with counting the number of students in seatsprobably isn't measuring whether the students learned anything or whether the skillsthey learned are helping them to perform their jobs more efficiently. Most important is tonote the attitude that the students comes in with to undergo the training program.


    Recruitment is an important part of an organizations human resource planning and their

    competitive strength. Competent human resources at the right positions in theorganization are a vital resource and can be a core competency or a strategicadvantage for it.

    The objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the number and quality ofemployees that can be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goalsand objectives. With the same objective, recruitment helps to create a pool ofprospective employees for the organization so that the management can select the rightcandidate for the right job from this pool. Recruitment acts as a link between theemployers and the job seekers and ensures the placement of right candidate at the rightplace at the right time. Using and following the right recruitment processes can facilitate

    the selection of the best candidates for the organization.

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    Purpose and Importance of Recruitment:

    Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.

    Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for theorganization.

    Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with itspersonnel planning and job analysis activities.

    Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.

    Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

    Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visiblyunder qualified or overqualified job applicants.

    Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave

    the organization only after a short period of time.

    Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of itsworkforce.

    Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriatecandidates.

    Factors affecting Recruitment:

    Factors affecting Recruitment

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    Recruitment policy of BPL:

    In todays rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy isnecessary for organizations to respond to its human resource requirements in time.

    Therefore, it is important to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, whichcan be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the rightcandidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the firststep in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensurea sound recruitment process.


    Organizational objectives

    Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.

    Government policies.

    Sources of recruitment.

    Need of the organization.

    Recruitment costs and financial implications

    Recent trends in Recruit:

    The following trends are being seen in recruitment:


    In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. Acompany may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firmshelp the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs ofthe organization and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by theorganization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing peoplefor them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn,the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organizations for their services.


    Buying talent (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by theorganizations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced personalready working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; theorganization might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from

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    another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, betterthan the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice andnot openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing themost severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resourcemanagers to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the



    Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- recruitment is theuse of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacanciesthrough worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e.CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CVs inworldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon theirrequirements.

    Workforce diversity

    Demographic Differences

    India's workforce is preponderantly young. Large numbers are entering the professionalworkforce at a time of rapid economic expansion that provides increased opportunity forthe well qualified and well connected. However, access to professional education,socialization, and entry and career advancement is still disproportionately concentratedamong social groups that have traditionally dominated the professional fields. Despiteits much strength, the educational system doesn't provide sufficient trained talent for the

    job market. This puts special pressures on employers in India around finding, competingfor, holding and cultivating the skilled employees they need.

    How Diversity Is Defined

    In India, the main diversity categories are gender, religion, place of birth (ethno-linguisticregion) and, for Hindus, caste specifically, whether individuals belong to one of thetraditionally dominant "Forward Castes," one of the traditionally excluded "ScheduledCastes" or "Scheduled Tribes," or the large "Other Backward Castes" grouping.

    Generally speaking, the term Workforce Diversity refers to policies and practicesthat seek to include people within a workforce who are considered to be, in some way,different from those in the prevailing constituency. In this context, here is a quick

    overview of seven predominant factors that motivate companies, large and small, todiversify their workforces.

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    Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate fully within our economiccommunities.

    Workplaces are enriched by the diversity of their workforces.

    People should be valued for their differences - not in spite of them.


    Workforce Diversity is an immense and complex topic - from what drives companies tobe more inclusive - to the programs, policies and practices that are needed to make thathappen effectively. We put together a brief overview that outlines some of the basicfactors behind it.


    Managing diversity create competitive advantage for the organization and betterdecision making, higher creativity and innovation, greater success in marketing inforeign and domestic markets, minority communication and a better allotment ofeconomic opportunity.

    Diverse workforce provides superior service to the customer as it understandstheir need.

    Workforce diversity addresses employee concern such as favoritism in theworking situation which help protecting human rights.

    It improve an organizational human capital which lead to a wider range of ideasand abilities, offering greater scope for innovation and competitive performancein the future thus enriches organizational human capital.

    How to manage a diverse workforce in organization

    By connecting the pursuits for the diversity to human resource managementdecision like recruitment, selection, placement, succession planning,performance management and rewards.

    Creation of advanced work environment helps in increasing in the level ofmotivation, satisfaction and commitment among diverse people.

    Performance feedback helps in clearly assessing the established performancestandards to identify desirable and undesirable behaviors of the individuals.

    Manager must understand their firms culture first and then implement diversity

    strategies accordingly. Training and development programs improve the skills in dealing with the day to

    day diversity dilemmas and help the manager to be aware of perception ofindividual and the expectation.

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    Assessment of employees beliefs related to workforce enables to identify workvalues enable to identify work values of employee of different culture backgroundand examination of the leadership assumption from the multicultural perspective.


    It's a fact that it's people that add value to organizations. It's also a fact that humansare a restless species who, unlike the immovable Banyan Tree, cannot stay rootedin one place. People need to move on for one reason or another and theorganisation stands to lose. Every time. Attrition is inevitable but a high rate ofemployee turnover spells `Unproductivity' in capitals. If a company gets associatedwith the Here today, gone tomorrow syndrome, it will be inferred that there issomething wrong with itself and not with those ships that have passed in the night!

    Agony of Attrition

    Apart from causing the company a monetary loss and breaks in their day-to-dayoperations, attrition contributes to knowledge transfer, which is a loss that is horrificand adversely affects business. In the war for talent, the company suffers many




    Qua lity Brand








    Deve lop the

    Emp loyer

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    casualties and requires focused strategy to keep workers on the job. Whyemployees are jumping the ship is a matter for concern - is something wrong withthe ship, the captain or the weather?

    Attacking Attrition

    To deal with employee turnover, the first step is to find out what's making them leaveand what can be done to stop them from leaving.

    Money matters: Could it be the pay? Maybe the organisation did not follow up on thepromised appraisal and salary hike. Maybe it's time to raise the bar for the green-circled employee and win his loyalty. Maybe it's time to lay on the perks.

    Pressure levels: Too much or too little to do? Some employees just can't take thepressure. Others leave because they are underused. Match performanceexpectations with ability. Create opportunities for those who can scale up but avoid

    overloading the scales.

    Growing pains: What are the growth prospects you offer? Make sure that theemployees are learning and building experience. They should have the experienceof adding to their skills through work, training and responsibilities.

    Ego massage: Self- esteem is a big key and HR should focus on giving credit toachievers. Employees feel they are valued and build organizational loyalty. Have in-house counseling and workshops on soft skills to increase effective communicationand build self-awareness.

    The battle against attrition should start from every employee's first day of work.A wise company could begin with a flower in a soda bottle as a welcome and carry itforward with performance appraisals, mentoring programmes, counseling, smarttraining and appropriate incentives and rewards. It's all about instilling a sense ofloyalty and drive in employees to keep them on the job.


    Costs Due to a Person Leaving

    Calculate the cost of the person(s) who fills in while the position is vacant.

    Calculate the cost of lost productivity at a minimum of 50% of the person'scompensation and benefits cost for each week the position is vacant, even ifthere are people performing the work. Calculate the lost productivity at 100% ifthe position is completely vacant for any period of time.

    Calculate the cost of conducting an exit interview to include the time of theperson conducting the interview, the time of the person leaving, theadministrative costs of stopping payroll, benefit deductions, benefit enrollments.

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    Calculate the cost of the manager who has to understand what work remains,and how to cover that work until a replacement is found.

    Calculate the cost of training your company has invested in this employee who isleaving.

    Calculate the impact on departmental productivity because the person is leaving.

    Who will pick up the work, whose work will suffer, what departmental deadlineswill not be met or delivered late.

    Calculate the cost of lost knowledge, skills and contacts that the person who isleaving is taking with them out of your door. Use a formula of 50% of the person'sannual salary for one year of service, increasing each year of service by 10%.

    Subtract the cost of the person who is leaving for the amount of time the positionis vacant.

    Recruitment Costs

    The cost of advertisements; agency costs; employee referral costs; internet

    posting costs. The cost of the internal recruiter's time to understand the position requirements,

    develop and implement a sourcing strategy, review candidates backgrounds,prepare for interviews, conduct interviews, prepare candidate assessments,conduct reference checks, make the employment offer and notify unsuccessfulcandidates. This can range from a minimum of 30 hours to over 100 hours perposition.

    Calculate the cost of the various candidate pre-employment tests to help assessa candidate' skills, abilities, aptitude, attitude, values and behaviors.

    Training Costs

    Calculate the cost of orientation in terms of the new person's salary and the costof the person who conducts the orientation. Also include the cost of orientationmaterials.

    Calculate the cost of departmental training as the actual development anddelivery cost plus the cost of the salary of the new employee. Note that the costwill be significantly higher for some positions such as sales representatives andcall center agents who require 4 - 6 weeks or more of classroom training.

    Calculate the cost of the person(s) who conduct the training.

    Calculate the cost of various training materials needed including company orproduct manuals, computer or other technology equipment used in the delivery of


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    Lost Productivity Costs

    As the new employee is learning the new job, the company policies and practices,etc. they are not fully productive. Use the following guidelines to calculate the cost ofthis lost productivity:

    Upon completion of whatever training is provided, the employee is contributing ata 25% productivity level for the first 2 - 4 weeks. The cost therefore is 75% of thenew employees full salary during that time period.

    During weeks 5 - 12, the employee is contributing at a 50% productivity level.The cost is therefore 50% of full salary during that time period.

    During weeks 13 - 20, the employee is contributing at a 75% productivity level.The cost is therefore 25% of full salary during that time period.

    Calculate the cost of mistakes the new employee makes during this elongatedindoctrination period.

    Conclusion: It is clear that there are massive costs associated with attrition orturnover and, while some of these are not visible to the management reporting orbudget system, they are none the less real. The 'rule of thumb' appears to be veryinaccurate indeed and, while it depends upon the category of staff, it is probablybetter to estimate around 80% of salary as a truer rule of thumb - and this will be on

    What makes Employee leave?

    Employees do not leave an organization without any significant reason. There arecertain circumstances that lead to their leaving the organization. The most commonreasons can be:

    Job is not what the employee expected to be: Sometimes the job responsibilitiesdont come out to be same as expected by the candidates. Unexpected jobresponsibilities lead to job dissatisfaction.

    Job and person mismatch: A candidate may be fit to do a certain type of job whichmatches his personality. If he is given a job which mismatches his personality, then hewont be able to perform it well and will try to find out reasons to leave the job.

    No growth opportunities: No or less learning and growth opportunities in the currentjob will make candidates job and career stagnant.

    Lack of appreciation: If the work is not appreciated by the supervisor, the employeefeels de-motivated and loses interest in job.

    Lack of trust and support in coworkers, seniors and management: Trust is themost important factor that is required for an individual to stay in the job. Non-supportivecoworkers, seniors and management can make office environment unfriendly anddifficult to work in.

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    Stress from overwork and work life imbalance: Job stress can lead to work lifeimbalance which ultimately many times lead to employee leaving the organization.

    Compensation: Better compensation packages being offered by other companies mayattract employees towards themselves.

    New job offer: An attractive job offer which an employee thinks is good for him withrespect to job responsibility, compensation, growth and learning etc. can lead anemployee to leave the organization.

    How to retain employee?

    Companies have now realized the importance of retaining their quality workforce.Retaining quality performers contributes to productivity of the organization andincreases morale among employees.

    Four basic factors that play an important role in increasing employee retention includesalary and remuneration, providing recognition, benefits and opportunities for individualgrowth. But are they really positively contributing to the retention rates of a company?Basic salary, these days, hardly reduces turnover. Today, employees look beyond themoney factor

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    Key driver to retain talent:

    Employers Key Drives To Attract And Retain Talent

    Procter and Gamble


    o Early responsibilities in career

    o Flexible and transparent organizational cultureo Global opportunities through a variety of exposure and

    diverse experienceso Performance Recognition

    American Express


    o Strong global brando Value-based environmento Pioneer in many people practices


    o Learning and growth opportunitieso Competitive rewards

    o Opportunity to grow, learn and implemento Strong social security and employee welfare

    performance- oriented culture


    o Strong values of trust, caring fairness, and respect withinthe organization

    o Freedom to operate at worko Early responsibility in careero Training and learning opportunitieso Visible, transparent and accessible leaderso Competitive rewards

    o Innovative HR programs and practices



    o Companys brand as an employero Early opportunities for growtho High degree of autonomyo Value compatibilityo Innovative people program

    Indian Oil


    o Company brand imageo Work ethicso Learning and growth opportunitieso Challenging work assignmentso Growing organization

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    Chapter 3

    Problem statement, Research Objective and Research Limitations

    Problem Statement:To identify various human resources issues and challenges in the organization.

    Research Objectives:This study is positioned as an exploratory study to understand humanissues andchallenges in Indian Software Organizations. Specifically, the study will focus onfollowing specific objectives:

    To find what are the human resource problems experienced by thetop management in software organizations.

    What are the factors that affect software professionalsprofessional performance and contributions.

    To find the factors that inspires and motivates softwareprofessionals

    Research LimitationsThis study suffers from the following limitations: The research is limited to Bangalore Since the period of the study is limited, the researcher could not

    make an in-depth study The research is based on the response of the employees

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    Chapter 4


    Type of researchThis study is positioned as an exploratory study.

    Sampling techniquesRandom sampling has been used for the purpose of the study so that the sample couldbe split into different groups based on the convenience of the researcher.

    Sample sizeLarge, medium and small organizations might have different types of human issues andchallenges .Hence, the study has covered total of 2 organization (total 50 employees)consisting of I.T & Manufacturing organization.

    Sample procedureSample have been selected using random sampling method

    Contact methodIn-depth interview

    Statistical tools used for analysis

    Percentage Analysis

    Percentage analysis refers to a specific kind of ratio used in making the comparisonbetween two or more series of data. Percentage is used to describe relationship andcan also be used to compare the relative terms, the distribution of two or more series indata

    Percentage of respondent= (no. of respondent/total no. of respondent)*100

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    Chapter 5

    Finding & Analysis1. Are you aware of the Performance Appraisal System followed in your


    S.No Number Percentage

    Yes 36 72No 14 28

    Interpretation:It can be noticed from the above graph that 72% of the sample are

    aware of the performance appraisal followed in their organization, 28% who are notaware the reason can be attributed towards new entry, lower level employee who do notactively participate in performance appraisal. When so many people are aware about it,

    it can be said that it has a major role to play in any organization.

    2. How satisfied are you with the present Performance Appraisal system?


    Fully satisfied 20 40Partially satisfied 22 44Not satisfied at all 8 16TOTAL 50 100

    Percentage of employees satisfied with performance appraisal


    Fully Satisfied

    Partially Satisfied

    Not Satisfied

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    4. Are you aware of the different traits / attributes according to which you are rated?

    Yes 36 72

    No 14 28


    It can be noticed that major portion of the population in the study areaware of the attributes on which their appraisal is done, which indicates the importanceof the PA system in any organization, but some organization are their who do not give itgreat weight as in general, these organizations are the one which lack the power andare successful enough which lack in transparency which accounts for this no section inthe question.

    5. The traits/attributes contained in the performance appraisal system are sufficient?

    Sufficient 14 28

    Not sufficient many moreshould be added

    36 72

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    Interpretation:Majority of people are not very much satisfied with attributes / traits

    included in PA in system followed by their organization. Some people say it is notsufficient (72%)which can be attributed to their level in the organization. As there is a lotof demand for the traits to be included it can be said that it considered to be of vital

    importance for the employees.

    6. The performance appraisal system helps in

    Promotions 15 30

    Salary 17 34

    Retention/termination 6 12

    Recognition of individualsperformance

    12 24


    Performance Appraisal system helps in all the important matters related to job so no doubt that it has a great deal of value. It helps in mostly salary aspects,promotion and recognition for employees and in the context of the employer it helps

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    decision regarding termination, so it is of great use. Major chunk goes for recognitionwhich have been rated most highly by most of the employees (24%)

    7. The performance standards set are clear and achievable?

    PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Number PercentageStrongly agree 8 16Agree 18 36Disagree 15 30Strongly disagree 9 18Total 50 100

    Interpretation:It can be seen from the above graph the mix of clarity in performance

    standards as perceived by the employees in different organization. The differences canbe attributed to different nature of jobs to be done in different departments. Performance

    standards are different for each level and each type of job as each cannot be measuredin same scale.

    8. Is it essential to provide training to the appraiser to develop his skills to carryappraisal programme?


    Number Percentage

    Yes, it is essential 32 64Sometimes essential 17 34

    No, it is not essential 1 2TOTAL 50 100

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    As what is clearly evident that thirty respondents clearly advocated for trainingneed in an organization and seventeen believe that sometime training comes into playclearly show the importance of training.

    9.What are the effectiveness of training program in making an employee confident interms of Managerial and other skills?


    Number Percentage

    Yes 35 70No 15 30TOTAL 50 100


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    Thirty Five out of fifty respondents believed that there is an effectiveness of training inan organization. Hence training plays an important role in morale and development ofan employee.

    10. How many training & development sessions offered are by your organization during

    the past year?

    Number Percentage

    None 8 161-2 36 72

    3 and above 6 12

    Interpretation:Major section of respondent said that there were at the average of one training

    session in a year clearly showing the lack of understanding of training need by the top

    management and therefore resulting into unrest in an organization.

    11. Do you think it has imparted you with any benefits in your work?

    Beneficial Number Percentage

    Yes 38 76No 12 24TOTAL 50 100

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    13. Which one of the following organizational environments best describes the mood ofemployees in your company?

    14. To what extent would you state that your organization is experiencing barriers toSolve the evils of cultural diversity?

    Beneficial Number Percentage

    To a great extent 17 34

    To a small extent 26 52

    No barriers at all 7 14


    As per our previous interpretation which clearly suggest the importance of the workculture in an organization this question deal with how the organization have been

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    successful in amalgamating the work culture of what came out from my research wasthat organization believe that they enjoy the success of bringing at the right platform.With a great success rate of thirty four percentage and upto fifty two percent of smallextent.

    15. How effective you have been in solving the cultural diversity evil?

    Particular Number Percentage

    To a great extent 17 34

    To a small extent 26 52No barriers at all 7 14

    16. To what does your companys recruitment/selection policy address cultural diversityissues?

    Particular Number Percentage

    To a great extent 21 42

    To a small extent 26 52No not at all 3 6

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    As the culture misbalance can came up and really effect the organization in hard wayhence it is important to pick up the right person and for this we have to make sure that

    from the beginning we make sure that we select the pool of people who can fit in ourorganizational goal organization have been believed that they make sure whether anindividual can fit in the organization and figures show that they have got some successin this case with organization having great success of up to forty two percentage and upto fifty two percentage in small extent.

    17. What are the Factors affecting work life balance?

    The Factors Number Percentage

    Overwork 27 54Work Underload 2 4

    Social Changes 13 26Demanding Spouse/Family 8 16

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    Various factors which have affected the ones working life balance are many but majorchunk come out from the overwork and the social changes which total combine of eightypercentages hence if we have balance personal and official life then we have to dealwith the overwork part and the social changes faced by employees. Then only we canhave a balance in one life and can improve the efficiency of our employee and motivatethem.

    18.What are the outcomes of poor work life balance?

    Outcome Number Percentage

    Poor Health 5 10

    Bad Family Relation 11 22Strained Marital Relation 14 28

    Divorce 2 4Blood Pressure 10 20Headache 5 10Heart Problem 3 6

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    19. How successful the initiatives have been in order to check work life balance?

    Degree of success Number Percentage

    Very 12 24

    Fairly 21 42Not at all 17 34


    The outcome of the questionnaire was that not many people have advocated that theirproblem have been addressed or the measure have been successfully implementedonly twenty four percentage of people said that they are satisfied and their problemhave been addressed while remaining forty two said some what they were solved whilethe remaining a big chunk of thirty four said No clearly showing that still organizationhave a long way to go in balancing ones life.

    20. How much attrition have affected your organization?

    Degree of success Number PercentageNot much 9 18

    Average 22 44Much 19 38

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    As data clearly says that attrition really poses a big challenges in front of anyorganization no matter how big or how small that organization is therefore organizationtry to make it sure that attrition rate is as low as it can be.

    21. How do you find the work in this company?

    Particulars Number Percentage

    Challenging 14 28

    Stress free 5 10Boring 6 12Enjoyable 8 16Monotonous 6 12Stress Full 11 22

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    As we can clearly see from the graph itself that majority of respondent gave theirnegative response when it comes to work which clearly indicate that most of the peoplereally not enjoying the work in an organization and there by people are having a low

    morale and creating one of the biggest challenge for management to motivate them.

    22. Please state the state of affairs in the company which will make you the unhappy?

    Particulars Number Percentage

    Working Conditions 14 28

    Reward Package 10 20Promotional Opportunities&Employee Benefits

    17 34

    Employee Recognition 9 18

    Interpretation:This chart above represents the state of affairs that make an employee

    unhappy. The prime reason found is working condition in an organization, and thencomes reward package that the firm offers. So it can be said that all these things shouldbe taken care of and needed efforts should be taken to make the employee feel proudabout the organization in which he works. Hence an organization should make moreeffect in keeping these two more aspects of life into consideration.

    23. Are you rewarded for better performance?

    Particulars Number Percentage

    Yes 14 28

    No 10 20Occasionally 26 52

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    thing in question is the dissatisfied portion of people these are to be taken care of tokeep up the organization spirit in the minds of the employees as even a small pool ofpeople are enough to make the organization crumble.

    25. What do you think is the major reason for Attrition in your Organization?

    Particulars Number Percentage

    Monetary Benefits 13 26

    Job Satisfaction 11 22Working environment 16 32Better Opportunities 10 20


    The graph above shows the major reasons for attrition in any organization

    major being working environment, job satisfaction and monetary benefits. It is thought

    that better opportunity is one of the major but it is not revealed to be of that great

    importance, all the factors are internal so they should be taken due care off.

    26. Is Knowledge Management an issue in your organization?

    Particulars Number Percentage

    Yes 20 40

    No 14 28Don't know 16 32

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    Chart comparing employers. perceptions of reasons for leaving andemployees,actual reasons for leaving:

    Chart comparing employers, perceptions of reasons for leaving andemployees,actual reasons for leaving.



    1. Creating a learning organization:

    The software companies should become learning organizations to ensure top-of-the line


    2. Flexible working:

    A flexi time schedule allow people to vary their start and finish time around pre-

    determined core-hours Flexible working will help organizations to retain skilled staff

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    and reduce recruitment cost; raise staff morale and decrease absenteeism and react to

    changing market condition effectively.

    3. Job sharing:

    A job sharing is an agreement usually involves dividing the workload of a full time

    position between two people. It is great way for IT people to keep on the fast career

    tracks while allowing them to spend more time with there family.

    4. Telecommuting/House working

    It enables an individual to work from a location other than office or project site.

    5. Compensation Philosophy:

    Since compensation is an important retention criterion, it is good to start by defining and

    understanding the compensation philosophy to pursue. Most development organizations

    feel that they need to pay in the top 25% of what similar companies pay to attract and

    retain the top talent. Reward management continues to be a talent magnet

    6. Training and DevelopmentCompetitive compensation is certainly one part of the retention picture, but it's only astarting point. Software developers are valuable for their technical knowledge, whichquickly goes out of date. Developers thus tend to value positions that provide ampleopportunities for training. So organizations should make proper arrangements to updatethem on new techniques. Re-skilling is the hallmark of an effective training and


    7. Job RotationThe most successful type of job rotation is approximately eight weeks in length,typicallyrotating out to a non-development organization, such as sales, marketing, IT operations,or finance that will provide professional a change from daily work. Rotation to anotherdevelopment organization is possible, but typically this is useful only if there is aprototyping or other short-term development opportunity available.

    8. Companies should create a workplace full of fun, excitement and passion.

    9. Employees Assistance Program:Arranging, yoga. Meditation sessions for reducing stress. Varied tasks to employees forrectifying monotonous jobs outing /get together should be arranged once in 2 months,

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    so that professionals can relax and enjoy. Intensification of Employee WellnessProgram.

    10. Organization should use more of outbound learning to help professional to learn theskill of work.

    11. Increasing the number of performance linked awards/rewards is quite helpful

    13. Employees should be empowered substantially through Employee EngagementPrograms

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    From the above study it can be concluded that following factors are the one which really

    create lot of dilemma and create lots of barrier in the smooth functioning of Human

    Resource Manager in present time. These factors are Knowledge Management, Attrition

    and Work Diversity.

    These are some of the important factor which are very essence of any Human

    Resource Department and Human Resource Manager must have a good look at

    addressing these issues at the very beginning so that these problem doesnt comes inway of efficient working of any organization.

    There are many factors which are most of the time ignored by management theseissues look very small by organization prospective but when it is looked from the workerpoint all these factors are very important and hold a great significance in ones lifehence it is the challenge which Human Resource Manager faces to address these issueand work to find all these factors and work to fix them.

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    Interview with Mr. Kurup (AGM-HR-BPL)

    What are the factor that affect recruitment policy of BPL?


    Organizational objectives

    Personnel policies of our organization and our competitors.

    Government policies.

    Need of the organization.

    Recruitment costs and financial implications

    What are the factor you keep in mind for effective recruitment?Ans:

    For formulating an effective and successful recruitment strategy, the BPL uses following

    strategy elements:

    Identifying and prioritizing jobs

    Candidates to target

    Performance level required

    Experience level required

    Category of the candidate

    Sources of recruitment

    What are your Strategy regarding Human Capital?Ans:


    Ten Underlying and Interrelated Principles of Human Capital Management

    1. Treat human capital management as being fundamental to strategic business


    2.Integrate human capital functional staff into management teams:

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    3. Leverage the internal human capital function with external expertise.

    4. Hire, develop, and sustain leaders according to leadership characteristics identified

    as essential to achieving specific mission

    5. Communicate a shared vision that all employees, working as one team, can strive toaccomplish.

    6. Hire, develop, and retain employees according to competencies.

    7. Use performance management systems, including pay and other meaningful

    incentives, to link performance to results.

    8. Support and reward teams to achieve high performance.

    9. Integrate employee input into the design and implementation of human capital

    policies and practices.

    10. Measure the effectiveness of human capital policies and practices.

    HOW well your training program has been implemented are you satisfied?Ans:

    We had a series of T&D program in last 2 years and we are satisfied with the way

    things have gone, our employee have been benefited a lot and hope its results are

    coming out in and we are satisfied because of some financial strain we had to close

    and minimize our training program but now we have started T&D program and we

    have a series of them in line.

    We are having a mix of in-house and out-house training program in order to

    meet our objectives and all training program are meant to develop Knowledge Skill

    & Ability (KSA) for the development of individual and organization in whole.

    How much importance you give to Employee motivation, Recognition,



    All these three are the pillar for success of any organization Motivation leads to

    stimulating the sense of desire which can be generated by recognition and rewards if

    given to employee which will boost his morale and his commitment toward the


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    And for all this we require Perfect Appraisal Program hence we try to take care of

    each and every aspect required to motivate our employee.

    Are you satisfied with the performance appraisal program you have in yourorganization?


    We have 180* performance appraisal program and we are satisfied as it is less

    complicated in nature and we have a bond of trust between our people so no question

    of any mistrust or confusion, our organization have mutual trust and confidence among

    each other hence it form a basis of perfect appraisal program.

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    Challenges faced by HR Manager in present scenario



    1. Training and Development Concept and Cases

    Edited By: V.V. Raman(ICFAI publications)

    2. Effective Talent ManagementEdited By: V.V. Raman

    (ICFAI publications)

    3. Human Resource Management

    By: V.S.V Rao

    4. Human Resource Management

    By: Ashwatthapa

    5. 1001 ways to Energize Employees

    By: Bob Nelson

    Workman publishing House, New York

    6. 1001 ways of Reward Employees

    By: Bob Nelson

    Workman publishing House, New York