Historical examples. 1970’s – Acid Rain Crisis: Slight increases in the acidity of rain were...


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Reacting to Global CrisesHistorical examples

1970’s – Acid RainCrisis: Slight increases in the acidity of rain

were causing damage to vegetation, aquatic life, and structural damage to buildings, etc …

Cause: primarily due to SOx emissions from burning high-sulfur fossil fuels

Remedy: Cap and Trade law limiting sulfur emissions (diesel pumps are still labeled “low sulfur”)

Acid Rain affects plant life

Acid Rain affects aquatic life

Acid Rainaffects us

1980’s – The hole in the ozone layerCrisis: Ozone levels were decreasing in the

upper atmosphere (with “holes” developing over the Earth’s poles). Since Ozone filters UV light, increased skin cancers and decreased crop health were anticipated.

Cause: CFC’s from aerosol sprays, refrigerators and AC’s, and microchip manufacture released into atmosphere

Remedy: Montreal Protocol (1987); in US Law limiting use of CFC’s, first in aerosols, then in refrig/AC

A hole in the Ozone Layer

Protection by the Ozone Layer

We had solid evidence before we acted

One of the culprits

2000’s – Global WarmingCrisis: The Earth’s climate is warming up

Cause: CO2 from fossil fuels Greenhouse Effect ???

Remedy: Kyoto Protocol (1998), not signed by US; Reduce our carbon footprint – “Ten Things” list from liner notes to AIT, Increased CAFE stds, Cap and Trade law limiting industrial CO2 emissions

This can’t be right?

Polar bear revenge

Not controversial

The culprit?

The solution?
