History and Culture of the Cishan Neighbourhood 旗山鄰近地區的歷史與文化


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History and Culture

of the

Cishan Neighbourhood 旗山鄰近地區的歷史與文化












Cishan Township has been explored and invaded by many European and Asian countries


Each country left something of its culture in Cishan Township :


• architecture 建築

• sculptures 雕刻品

• parks 公園

• temples and churches 廟宇及教堂

A “River of Life” for Cishan Township賦予旗山鎮生命的河流

Cishan River 旗山溪

Cishan TownshipThe Agriculture Industry

旗山鎮的農業Cishan Township has : 旗山鎮擁有

• a tropical climate 熱帶氣候

• very rich soil 非常肥沃的土壤

Healthy Foods from Cishan Township旗山鎮出產的健康水果

Cishan Township is known as the

“Banana Kingdom”旗山鎮是著名的香蕉王國


• the world famous hand-painted oil-umbrella is made by the Hakka people in Meinong 由美濃地區的客家人所製造的手工油紙傘。

• these umbrellas are symbols of “good-luck” 這些油紙傘是”吉祥”的象徵。

Meinong 美濃

Respect Word Pavillion 敬字亭 又稱惜字亭• it was built to pay respect to the creation of Chinese words. 人們建造敬字亭以提醒世人敬字惜紙。• words are the origin of our culture and tradition. 這些文字是我們文化和傳統的來源。

Chung Chen Lake (Meinong Lake) 中正湖 ( 美濃湖 )• this lake was made to irrigate the rice fields. 中正湖的湖水用來灌溉農田。

Neimen “Homeland of Culinary Gods.“

內門鄉”廚神的故鄉”• Neimen is surrounded by mountains 群山環繞的內門• Niemen's 150 banquet-catering teams are famous in Taiwan 內門鄉 150 隊總舖師團隊在台灣相當有名。• Neimen Township is known as the biggest "Song Chiang Den" in Taiwan 內門鄉的”宋江陣”在台灣眾所皆知。


Niemen‘s famous festival shows include: 內門著名的節日慶典包括:•Sung Chiang Battle Array (a temple folk art performance) 宋江陣• Niu Li dance (a mini show with songs and dance) •Dragon Dance 舞龍•Lion Dance 舞獅•and many different types of martial arts 各種不同的武術

Neimen has 7 towers built on top of fallen meteorites – the towers are in the same pattern as “The Big Dipper” 七星塔在七顆流星掉落的土堆上建造的塔,排列形狀有如天上的北斗七星。



• Sanmin is surrounded by high ridges and crystal clear waters 三民鄉由高山淨水所包圍著。• it is a beautiful place for hiking 這裡是健行的好地方。• 89 kinds of butterfly live in the valley. 有 89 種的蝴蝶住在山谷裡。• much of Sanmin has been made a wildlife refuge 這裡宛如野生生物的庇護所。

• the local tourist industry is focused on 當地的觀光事業著重於: 1) "natural resources"(river, fish, mountains, wildlife) 天然資源 ( 河流、魚、山川、野生生物 )

2) "culture" (aborigina l arts and dances) 文化 ( 原住民藝術品及舞蹈 )

3) “farming” (seasonal fruits and vegetables) 農業 ( 季節蔬果 )

• Sanmin is special because it has almost all of Taiwan‘s mountain tribes. 三民是個特別的地方因為大部分的高山族群都分居在這裡。


• Maolin is covered by virgin forest and mountains 美濃周遭都被森林和高山覆蓋

• Maolin has many waterfalls, gorges, mountain streams, forest wildlife, and active hot springs. 這裡有很多瀑布、峽谷、小溪、森林野生生物和活躍的溫泉。

• visitors enjoy hiking, camping, mountain climbing, river trekking, white-water rafting, bird and butterfly watching, and bathing at a hot spring. 遊客喜歡到這裡健行、露營、爬山、溯溪、泛舟、賞鳥、賞蝶、泡溫泉。

• it is one of the homelands of the Rukai aboriginal people 這裡是魯凱族人的家鄉。

• the Rukai are famous for their traditional slate houses, refined arts and handicrafts, hand-built suspension bridges, and colorful rituals and ceremonies. 魯凱族著名的有傳統石板屋、精製藝術品和手工藝、人工建造的吊橋及豐富的典禮儀式。

Taoyuan 桃源

• Taoyuan is at the bottom of Mt. Jade 桃源位於玉山尾端。

• the land is mostly high mountains covered with forest 這裡幾乎都是高山和森林。

• Guan Mountain is a nice site for appreciating the “sea of clouds” 尖山是看雲海的好地點。

• Taoyuan has the most waterfalls and hot springs in Kaohsiung County 桃源有很多瀑布和溫泉。

Maolin, Sanmin, Taoyuan


• this name came from 6 large rocks located on the bank of the Laonong River (only the largest of the “turtles” remain). 這名字起源於荖濃溪上有六塊大石頭,狀似烏龜。

• the very famous “orphanage” in Liouguei has been visited several times by the President of Taiwan. 在六龜有個很有名的孤兒院,故蔣總統 經國先生曾拜訪過很多次。

• Liouguei has a strong agricultural industry 六龜的農業很發達。

• whitewater rafting (Laonong River) 在荖濃溪可泛舟。

• Liouguei means “ 6 turtles” 六龜字面上意思代表〞六隻烏龜〞。

Liouguei 六龜

Early visitors had to pass through 6 tunnels to arrive in Liouguei. 早期的旅客必須穿過 6 個隧道才能抵達六龜。

Shanlin 杉林

• the first Museum of Gourd Carving Arts is located at

Sin Jhuang Elementary School 最大的葫蘆雕刻藝術館在杉林新莊國小。

Jiashian 甲仙

• Jiashian is a tourist town in the mountains 甲仙位在山中,是旅客常去的地方• the Natz Xian River divides the city into 2 parts 楠梓仙溪將這個地方分成 2 個部份。• it has caused much damage 也造成了許多破壞• the most famous crop grown here is the taro 竽頭是這裡最有名的農作物• taro is used to make ice cream, cookies and rice cakes 被用來製作冰淇淋,餅乾和竽頭粿

Cishan Town

The oldest name for Cishan

was “Fanshuliao”



300 years later Cishan was named

after the highest mountain in the

area “Ciweishan” 300年後,人們取名旗尾


A view of Cishan Town from Ciweishan 從 旗 尾 山 上 鳥 瞰 旗 山

Cishan Ancient MarketA place to meet old friends and make

new friends for the people of Cishan Township

旗山傳統市場 一個可以遇見老朋友及認識新朋友的地方

Healthy Lifestyles in Cishan 旗山的健康生活型態

Faces of Cishan Town 旗山面孔


Hakka Culture in the Cishan Neighbourhood 客家文化

Traditional blue clothing is symbolic of the Hakka spirit of unpretentiousness, perseverance, and industriousness. 傳統藍色服飾是客家人不做作、刻苦耐勞、堅忍不拔的象徵。

Hakka cuisine includes use of special spices, dipping sauces, and unique pickled vegetables. 客家料理包括使用特殊香料、調味醬和醃製的泡菜。

Lord of the Earth, (“Old Uncle”)is the major deity in most Hakka households. 土地公在大多客家人家裡主要供奉的神明。

The ancestral hall houses the ancestral tablets worshiped by Hakka people. 客家人有祭拜祖先的習俗。

History and Culture of

Cishan Neighbourhoodcreated by


Herb WestcottTien -Yuan, Tu 杜典原Li Ting Huang 黃莉婷Yi Chian Cheng 鄭怡倩

Special thanks to Chuang, Kuo MingPrincipal Cishan Elementary Schhol

特別感謝旗山國小校長 莊國明先生