HIV is the Abbreviation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus



HIV is the Abbreviation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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                                                                                                                                             STUDENT:                                                    DRAGHICI MARIA ANDREEA

HIV / AIDSHIV is the abbreviation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In fact,

this term designates the two related viruses, the category of retroviruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2, which causes human acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Belonging retroviruses, can not be completely removed from the body because this virus has the ability to enroll the code into the host cell's genetic code. A lead HIV infection after a long period of incubation, years, even decades, the onset of AIDS.


The HIV virus (HIV) is transmitted through blood, semen, genital secretions, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and breastmilk. The most common input port are fresh wounds, bleeding dinmucoasă (ocular, oral, vaginal, anal) or wounds unhealed or insufficiently protected from any part of the body skin. The most common routes of transmission are not using condoms due to vaginal or anal and oral sexual practice. The addicts sharing needles can also be a way of transmission through intravenous dedroguri consumption. Gay group is considered as a risk group because of anal sex. The degree of risk depends directly on the concentration of virus in vaginal secretion, semen or blood.

Blood transfusions and blood products prepared may also be at risk of HIV infection. The routine donor reduce the risk of contamination but I can not completely eliminate thanks interval of about 25 days the virus could not be detected yet possible infection of the donor laboratory.

The risk of HIV transmission from mother to fetus (in utero) is 10-30%. If infected mothers can reduce this risk to 2% by administration of antiretroviral drugs, birth by caesarean section and avoiding breastfeeding.

One way transmission unfortunately common in the 80s of last century, is parenterally, using contaminated syringes for injecting drug addicts addicted. Removing sharing of syringes significantly reduced this risk in countries where addiction is a common problem. A risk group represents healthcare workers who may come into contact with secretions and blood of infected patients, the risk of directly representing punctures, cuts or skin contact directly affected, inadequately protected.

Research last year showed that transmission can be excluded by ocular secretion (tears), mouth and sweating, because the concentration of HIV is high enough to cause infection, like airborne transmission through exhaled air, a common way found in other viral diseases (v. List common infectious diseases).

Infection by accidental contact with HIV can be successfully prevented by postexposure prophylaxis lasting 28 days and can be started 2 hours after contact. The first drug dose should be given within 24 hours for 72 hours bites or contact with genital mucosa.


The purpose of detection is the discovery of HIV seropositivity people seropozitive.Testarea undergoes medical confidentiality rules, the classification of the identity of the test is regulated by law, at least in Romania. Detection of HIV infection is possible at any stage of the disease. Includrea infection in one of the four phases of condition is made based on laboratory results and clinical picture of the infection. An HIV test demonstrate positively the first two stages of HIV infection. Only the third stage and fourth stage of HIV infection justify use of the term HIV disease.
