Home Office




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PCCs: the final countdownCurrent activity and future plans

Katie Aston; katie.aston2@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

Gregg Mead; gregg.mead@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

Crime Directorate



15 November

PCCs: the final countdownPCCs: the final countdown

Elections: facts and figures

• The ‘Notice of election’ will open the nominations on 8 October; nominations will close on 19 October.

• The elections are governed by secondary legislation: the Home Office has made more than 250 pages of legislation over the past 12 months

• Elections based on supplementary vote system, as for Mayor of London

• 41 Police Area Returning Officers co-ordinating elections across more than 31,000 polling stations for an electorate of 36 million people

• Monday 19 November: all names of elected PCCs known

PCCs: the final countdown


Home Office publicity: the role of PCCs


• Top issues of interest to the public:

- irritating crimes and ASB

• Most important PCC duties:- ensuring value for money - prioritising the crime of most

concern to the community

• Repetition of election constituted memorable call to action

Campaign: 5 to 24 October

• Outdoor posters• Choosemypc.org.uk - general PCC information

-Freephone number-pre-ordering candidate booklet-candidate pages-postcode search

• Channel 4 promotion• Online film and forum• Poll cards

EC website

PCCs: the final countdown


• Campaign runs from 22 October to 15 November, on radio, on TV, and online

• National door drop to every household in England (outside London) and Wales

• Aboutmyvote. co.uk

- explanation of PCCs- explanation of supplementary vote system and guide to ballot paper- information in the register newsletter

HO website

Electoral Commission: how and where to vote

PCCs: the final countdown

Elections: who will the PCCs be? (1)

• Approx 134 candidates identified so far- The Labour Party: candidates in 41 PFAs- Conservative Party in 36- Liberal Democrats in 6

• 40 independent candidates in 22 of the 41 areas

• Smaller parties, including UKIP (3), English Democrats (6) and the political wing of the English Defence League (1)

• Overall, 19% of PCC candidates are women.

• Striking individual candidates include: - Lord Prescott (Humberside)- Air Chief Marshal Sir Clive Loader- Lord Toby Jug – Monster Raving Loony Party- Jane Kennedy, Vera Baird, Michael Mates

PCCs: the final countdown

Elections: who will the PCCs be? (2)

Previous experience

All candidates Conservative Labour Independent

Local politics 56 (49%) 20 (59%) 21 (53%) 6 (21%)

Policing 19 (17%) 4 (12%) 1 (3%) 13 (45%)National politics

12 (10%) 1 (3%) 10 (25%) 1 (3%)

Other criminal justice

10 (9%) 2 (6%) 3 (8%) 3 (10%)

Military 8 (7%) 6 (18%) 1 (3%) 1 (3%)Business 5 (4%) 1 (3%) 1 (3%) 3 (10%)Other 5 (4%) 0 (0%) 3 (8%) 2 (7%)Total (with data available)

115 34 40 29

Communications . . .

PCCs: the final countdown


. . . for candidates

• criteria for standing for election

• details of PCC pay

• information on the oath

• 50 briefings over four themes- the role of the PCC- national landscape- partnership working- national policy and strategies

Communications . . .

PCCs: the final countdown

. . . for the public

• Role of the Police and Crime Commissioner

• Information on the elections

• PCC salary details

• Postcode link to local force

• Accountability

• News releases and speeches

• How to complain

Communications . . . . . . for partners

• Regular update bulletin

• Guidance on consulting victims

• Guidance on partnership working- with health care services- with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

- with the criminal justice system

• Information on commissioning services for community safety

PCCs: the final countdown

Communications beyond the Home Office

PCCs: the final countdown


Police Superintendents’Association

Police and Crime Panels

The story so far . . .

• Notification received from all 37 police force areas in England, councillors appointed, and arrangements made

• Wales: later deadline than England, but three force areas have submitted their nominations and fourth expected soon

• All panels are appointing independents

• Home Secretary is considering requests from 11 panels for co-option of additional councillors to secure balance

• All panels are as balanced as is reasonably practicable

• Some shadow panels have already met

PCCs: the final countdown

Police and Crime Panels

Budget regulations

Changes in Police and Crime Panel (Precepts and Chief Constable) Regulations 2012

Precept –setting timetable

What: PCC’s deadline for informing the PCP of their proposed precept now moved to 1 February

Why: More time to prepare budget; PCC will be able to base their precept proposal on more accurate funding information

Veto powers

What: Requirement to hold a confirmation hearing and publish a report in relation to the second candidate

Why: To ensure that all candidates for appointment as chief constable are subject to the same level of scrutiny

PCCs: the final countdown

The first 100 (ish) days

PCCs: the final countdown

PCCHomeOffice event

PCCs take


PCCs elected

Proposed precept to


15 Nov 22 Nov 12/13 Dec 1 February 31 March

Police and crime

plan published

PCCs can take oath any time in first two months, but cannot act in the office of PCC until they’ve done so

The first 100 days

PCCs: the final countdown

Evolving landscape

• Revised role for Home Office in new landscape

• Engagement plan

• Greater contribution from other departments

• College of Policing starts on 1 December 2012

• PCCs’ regular meeting with Home Secretary

Interference from government

Support in a new role

Media handling plan

National PCC involvement

Accountable on local priorities, but opportunities for representation on:

• College of Policing

• National Crime Agency

• New IT company

• Value for Money

• National Police Air Service

Force contribution to Strategic Policing Requirement

National portfolios?

PCCs: the final countdown

Staff transfers: the plan

PCCs: the final countdown

22 November 2012

Office of the PCC

By 1 April 2014

All police staff

PCC decides

which . . .

. . . employment

of Chief Constable

. . . police staff transfer to . . .


PCCs: the final countdown

Central funds available to the PCC• Police Main Grant• Community Safety Fund from April 2013 until end March 2014

Some opportunities for joint commissioning

Partnership plans

Payment by results

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategies

Single integrated


Services for victims