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Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 1



1 Building Our Rotary – pg. 1-2

3 Niles Rotary Stars

6 Blacow School Work Party pg.6-7

8 Demotion of Pres. Chuck pg.8-10

Building Our Rotary –

President Steve – Jungle Surfing in Australia WOW! I cannot believe how quickly this past year as gone by. It seems like only yesterday I was being pinned as President-Elect by incoming President Chuck. This seems to be a trend in that time really does not slow down as you become older. Oh boy, it really speeds up!

So where do I start with my first Pinion article? First, I want to express my sincere congratulations to Past-President Chuck for doing such a terrific job as President of Niles Rotary for year 2013-2014! There were many times when I sat in true admiration and awe of his work at the podium this year thinking how can I follow this? His advice to me in those regards has been “Just be yourself” and I always took comfort in those words. Truly President Chuck could not only “Talk the Talk,” he could “Walk the Walk” as we have spent many long days working together on Community Service Projects. It has been an honor serving as President-Elect and Board Member under President Chuck. “I am glad you are not going anywhere, my brother.” I also want to express my congratulations to outgoing Board Members Sandra Young, Dan Smith, and Bob (Bubba) Hagg. It seems that Sandra has been attending Board Meetings for as long as I have been a Rotarian. She has always been right in the thick of things, upgrading how we do business, setting new goals for our club, and implementing them. She will truly be missed at those early morning Board meetings. Dan has been President Chuck’s “go to guy,” and has done a terrific job with Club Administration -- he truly deserves his title of “Rotarian of the Year.” I am glad you are not going anywhere Dan. (continued on page 2)

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 2

Building Our Rotary (continued) What can I say about Bubba? I have really enjoyed our times working together on Community Service Projects. I remember the many times saying to you, “You want to do what?” But we always “got ‘er done” with your leadership. Bubba has really set a high standard for Club Service, and I am sure that we will continue on as usual, especially if you will continue cooking for us! The really good news is that we have an excellent slate of new members coming onto the Board to fill the roles of those leaving. Past President Chuck will take over for Sandra as Social Chair, John Dutra for Dan as Club Administration Chair, and Terri Landon for Bubba as Community Service Chair So although we have some big shoes to fill, we have the right folks in place for the job. Now for the really-really good news! Lisa Lorenz will be replacing me as President-Elect, and I am so excited to be working with her as a team this year! I would be remiss if I did not mention the absolutely fantastic job done by this year’s Demotion Committee! I especially wish to thank Sandra and Daren for once again opening their home to us all. Great job by all; I am sure that it was an evening that Past President Chuck will never forget, and we will all remember for years to come. It was so tastefully done that I am actually looking forward to my demotion next year. We really “Got ‘er Done” this past year under President Chuck’s leadership, and I see my challenge as not only continuing our good work, but also needing to continue “Building Our Rotary.” If 86 good Rotarians can accomplish so much in one year, just think of what we can be doing with 120 good Rotarians. So in this past year Niles Rotary has “Engaged Rotary and Changed Lives” -- now it is time for us to “Light up Rotary” by growing our club so that we can do even more good work, both locally and internationally this next year. We will discuss this more as we begin our year together. It is my honor to be serving with you all. President Steve

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 3


• Friday, July 4 – Niles Rotary in the July 4 Parade. Contact: Terri Landon for float entry info.

• Thursday, July 31 – Feed the Hungry, Centerville Pres. Church – 3-6 pm. Contact: Rose Evernden-Andrade

• Sat. Aug. 2 – Starstruck’s Shrek, the Musical – Social – contact: Joe Barton

• Sat. Sept. 20 – Rotary Day at the A’s* • Sun. October 5 – SAVE THE DATE! Chili

Cook-Off at Newpark Mall* • Saturday, March 28, 2015 – SAVE THE DATE!!

Annual Reverse Raffle & Auction - Sunol *good Area or District activity for Red Badgers ** good Social or Community Service activity for Red Badgers

Check the club website for additional calendar items CLUB PROGRAMS For latest information on Club Programs, check the club website: www.nilesrotary.org July 3 – Jerry Ford – Contra Costa Hiking Club July 10 – Rick King, past R.I. President – an RI inspirational speech


Congratulations to the June Niles Rotary Star – Carol Smith (for the many ways she has participated in Niles Rotary as President Chuck’s Niles Rotary partner all year)

The Niles Rotary Stars in 2013-2014 have included: July: Harry Avila; Don Cole; John de Sousa; Walt Wadlow August: John Dutra & Holly de Vito (The Rotary Foundation work); Brian Hughes (RYLA registration, etc.); Joe Tada (WHHS A-V support) September: Stephen & Nancie Allen (mutual service to Niles and Newark Rotary clubs); Dan Smith (Club Administration) October: Otis Highbaugh (many years of piano playing for Niles Rotary club meetings) November: Joe Barton (grants); Bob Hagg (Community Service projects); Almos Adorjan (International Service projects); Manuel Franco (Guatemala project) December: Merna Morse (Interact); Mary Lynn Pelican (photography/Facebook) January: The Three Sandras (misc.), Gene Cowell (bad jokes) February: Jeff Falk and Angus Cochran – Speech Contest March: Rick King (RI Dignitaries to club meetings); Kimberly Hartz Foster (RI Presidential Meetings) April: Rose Evernden-Andrade; Jack Rogers; Bruce Prescott (for their support work for the annual Reverse Raffle & Auction) May: Micki Gerardi (Niles Gifting Comm.); Chef Alfredo Macias, Mahdu Lata, Editha Hernandez

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 4


May 29 – Rich Godfrey – California Nursery Historical Park

June 5 – Dr. Goney Sandhu – Hepatitis C

June 12 – Diana Concoff Morgan – Internet Marketing

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 5


June 19 – Ralph Cooksey-Talbott Thomas photographer

June 26 – President Chuck’s final meeting:

Board of Directors 2013-2014 Jeff gives the club a new gavel

Pres. Chuck with Rick King

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 6

NILES ROTARY COMMUNITY SERVICE May 29 was Niles Rotary Feed the Hungry at the Centerville Free Dining Room

Blacow School work party – June 21 With the leadership of Community Services Director, Bob Hagg, Niles Rotarians and family members made improvements to Blacow School on Sat. June 21. Outdoor benches were replaced – lots of board cutting and painting was done, with workers ranging from age 3 to 70-something.

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 7


Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 8

DEMOTION OF PRESIDENT CHUCK June 28 at the home of Sandra & Daren Young

President Chuck in the chariot

Is there ever too much wine? Chuck, Walt the grapes guy, Angus

Carol, Chuck, Rick, Cherie Sandra gives Chuck his past president’s pin

(more demotion information on page 14 – the Niles Rotarian of the Year)

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 9

PRESIDENT CHUCK’S DEMOTION (continued) Togas, Grapes, and Wine … oh my!

Angus, Mary Jane, John Adam, Michelle, Sherry’s friend, Sherry

Bob, Audrey, Mike Sandy & Daren Bonnie & Dirk

Carol & Chuck John, Ann Marie, Lonna, JD

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 10

PRESIDENT CHUCK’S DEMOTION (continued) Togas, Grapes, and Wine … oh my!

Karen, Manuel, Steve Bob, Margaret

Tina and Randy

President Chuck and … more wine And now, President Steve and his president’s trophy

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 11

ROTARACT DEMOTION/PROMOTION Mary Lynn Pelican hosted the Rotaract celebration to Induct Charmaine Escober as the 2014-2015 President and to demote former president Paul Kendrick Gatmaitan. Special recognitions was given to Daniel Bettencourt for the Most Service Hours, Vanessa Nguyen for the Rotaracter of the Year, and Ms. Mary Lynn Pelican for being a Champion of Rotaract and her consistent attendance the past three years. Several Rotarians from Area 3 attended as well: Chuck Canada, plus Bob Goetsch and Don Signer from Fremont Rotary.

Charmaine and the new board Chuck, Bob, Don

recognizing Daniel Bettencourt – service hours recognizing Vanessa – club Rotaracter of the year

recognizing Mary Lynn – Rotaract support party photo!

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 12

Niles Rotary Shirts Club shirts are now available to order from Manuel Franco. You can order either light blue stonewashed or dark blue indigo denim shirts with the “We Get ‘er Done” logo! Men’s and women’s styles are available. Or, you can order a colorful dress shirt…or provide a shirt of your own on which the Niles Rotary logo can be stitched. See Manuel for details. NEW: Rotary International has just launched TheRotarianMagazine.com, a new home on the web for The Rotarian. Check the website, which offers instant access to many of the stories run in the hard copy of the magazine, and selections from the archives. The feature stories appear in full, and both stories and photos are presented in an attractive easy-to-read fashion. And anyone can easily access TheRotarianMagazine.com. Check it out, and tell your friends.


Ray Pedersen presents Mary with a PHF; and multiple PHF pins to Bill Arvoy, Dolores Viano, Bob Hagg, and Walt Wadlow

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 13


10th Anniversary Luau Saturday, July 19

This just in from our friends at the FUN Sunset Rotary Club: Come celebrate the FUN Club's 10th Anniversary at an authentic Hawaiian Luau Buffet on Saturday, July 19 from 6pm to 9pm at the Ruggieri Senior Center, 33997 Alvarado-Niles Road, Union City. Tickets are $60 a head for adults and $35 for kids 12 and under. Tickets can be bought online at www.FUNRotary.com Questions? Call Linda Stewart at 510-535-1344. Don't forget to enter the hot legs contest! Bruce, you know you're tempted.

END POLIO NOW – check this website for the most up to date information on the drive to eradicate polio: www.polioeradication.org Polio Eradication Update – Polio Case Countdown – Year to Date 13 May 2014 Here are some comparisons to last year: Polio Endemic Countries

Year to date 2014

Year to date 2013

Total cases 2013

Afghanistan 4 2 14 Pakistan 61 8 93 Nigeria 3 22 53 Total: 68 32 160

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 14


Niles Rotary: www.nilesrotary.org District 5170: www.rotarydistrict5170.org Rotary International: www.rotary.org

RI THEME 2014 – 2015


SAO PAULO, BRAZIL June 7-10, 2015



Congratulations Dan – the trophy Dan holds is from an old plumbing fixture – described (on page 20 of They Helped Build Three Cities) as “the fabulous concoction of funnels and tubes designed by Rotarian Ernest Frick, head of a local plumbing firm.” The trophy has been given as an award since the 1940’s but was lost for a time and recovered in 1993. The trophy lists the various Rotarians of the Year during that time.

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 15

WHERE AREA 3 CLUBS MEET TUESDAY at 12 noon. Newark Rotary • Sinodinos Restaurant, Newark WEDNESDAY at 7:15 a.m. Rotary Club of Fremont Warm Springs Sunrise (FWSS) • Fremont Senior Center, 40086 Paseo Padre Parkway – note new meeting location WEDNESDAY at 12 noon. Fremont Rotary • Spin a Yarn Restaurant, Fremont THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. F.U.N. Sunset Rotary • Crown Plaza Hotel, Union City FRIDAY at 12 noon. Mission San Jose Rotary •. Papillon Restaurant, Fremont Rotaract Club meets first and third Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at the Color Me Mine building in downtown Centerville. Contact: Past President Mitty Chang (mitty@mightymitty.com) Check www.rotarydistrict5170.org for information on where every club in the District meets. What kinds of meetings and events constitute a make-up for a missed Niles Rotary club meeting? You can make up a missed club meeting either 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the meeting of Niles Rotary that you missed. In addition to attending a meeting of another Rotary club anywhere in the world (go to the R.I. or District 5170 websites to find out where clubs meet), you can attend a club social, community service project event (e.g. Feed the Hungry), committee meeting (e.g. Chili Cook Off Comm., Membership Comm., etc.), Niles Rotary Board of Directors meeting, District or R.I. event, or a special event. Or check the www.rotary.org website for an e-club make-up. ��

BIRTHDAYS Bill Arvoy July 9 Alan Olsen July 13 Angus Cochran July 18 Sandi Pantages July 19 Greg Roth July 28 ANNIVERSARIES Tim Gavin & Regina Lin 7/5/2010 4 yrs Holly & Frank DeVito 7/7/2007 7 yrs Dolores Viano & Bill Arvoy 7/13/1991 23 yrs NILES ROTARY ANNIVERSARIES Larry Bowen July 1, 2012 2 yrs Chris Lamm July 6, 2000 14 yrs Mary Jane Hodges July 7, 2011 3 yrs Bruce Prescott July 27, 1995 19 yrs AREA 3 and NEARBY EVENTS See flier for the FUN Sunset 10th anniversary party on page 13 of this Pinion.

Rotary Club of Niles (Fremont) – Founded 1937 – P.O. Box 7104, Fremont, CA 94537-7104 – www.nilesrotary.org. 16

NILES ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2014-2015 President: Steve Landon Past President: Chuck Canada President-Elect: Lisa Lorenz Club Administration: John Dutra Service Projects/Community Service: Terri Landon International Service: Manuel Franco Youth Service: Angus Cochran Vocational Service: Adam Moura Secretary: Mary Florio Treasurer: Don Cole Parliamentarian: Bruce Prescott Membership Development: Rick Hood & Chuck Canada Club Foundation Treasurer: Brian Hughes Sergeant-at-Arms: Walt Wadlow Social Chair: Chuck Canada Public Relations: Sandy Stabile Program Chair: Kimberly Hartz Foster Pinion Editor: Sandi Pantages Club Photographer: Mary Lynn Pelican Club Greeter: Jeff Falk Website: Audrey Kearns Club Runner Updates: Sandy Young Transition & Leadership Development: Jack Rogers Youth Protection Officer: Sandi Pantages Weekly eBulletin: Angus Cochran Rotary International President: Gary Huang District Governor: Ed Jellen Assistant Governor Area 3: Daren Young

THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say, or do

I. Is it the TRUTH?

II. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

III. Will it build GOOD WILL


IV. Will it be BENEFICIAL to

all concerned?

Niles Rotary Board Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 a.m. – at Washington Hospital, San Jose Conference Room 240A Pinion Editor: Sandi Pantages – send information & articles to: (sandipantages@comcast.net) Photographer: Mary Lynn Pelican Niles Rotary meets Thursdays at 12 noon at Washington West, 2500 Mowry Ave., Fremont Pinion Editor: Sandi Pantages (sandipantages@comcast.net) Photos courtesy of Mary Lynn Pelican


2014 Niles Rotary at the Centerville Free Dining Room Dates – mark your calendars now for this Community Service project that we perform at the Centerville Pres. Church’s Free Dining Room whenever there is a 5th Thursday of the month. Our 2014 dates are: July 31, Oct. 30. Shifts are from 2-4 or 3:45 to 6 p.m. Contact: Rose Evernden-Andrade.♦♦
