Homecoming 2010 combined




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You have not fulfilled every day, unless you have fulfilled that of being pleasant.

“Pep in her fingers, and pep in her toes, a jolly good sport wherever she goes.”

“It is well to think well; it is divine to act well.”

Vice-President: Foxene Boyles

Treasurer: Claire McLean


Most Professional

Most Athletic Most Courteous

Youth is a challege, life is a fight

Not too serious, not too gay, a likeable girl in every way.

Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

A steady girl with a goal in view, willing to work and see it through.

A manner so plain, grave, unaffected, and sincere. Faithful in what’er her hand findeth to do.

A likeable girl in a likeable way.

Quick of mind, and quick of feet, a charming smile and always neat.

Capable, clever, and sweet with a kind word for all she meets.

Light of heart, light of step, quick of wit and full of pep.


Sweet and happy and always smiling.

This is the first year to include the student nurses of CMH who are in the Army Student Nurse Program. These students are on active reserve status during their senior year in school. After graduation and passing State Board exams, they will enter the Army Nurse Corps, as second lieutenants, for at least two years.

Most School Spirited

Most Athletic

Best All Around

Most Professional

Dr. Michael Leakan

Director: School of Medical Technology

1976 - 1987