Hosted by Brandi Cronan And Krystal Shaw. You go girl!


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JEOPARDY!Hosted by

Brandi CronanAnd

Krystal Shaw

You go girl!

You bombed


Are you Albert Einstein's twin!!??


Nah nah nah nah nah!!!!!!



How can we put this.... WRONG!!!

You’re not Albert Einstein’s twin...YOU ARE ALBERT


Could that have been any easier?

You finally got a question


Your mom would be very proud of you

right now

Way to totally miss that question

Ghost Stories

Helen Keller The Boy in the Striped


The Wave Edgar Allan Poe

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Who is the author of The Ghost Stories OfSaskatchewan?

a) Jo-Anne Christensenb) Dr. Seussc) Todd Strasser

How did the doc’s wife die in A Warning From Doc’s Wife?

a) Hit by a trainb) Spanish Influenzac) Tuberculosis

Where did The Mystery at The Moose Head take place?

a) Kenosee Lakeb) Moose Jawc) Estevan

Where was the playground in The Unseen Playmate?

a) Saskatoonb) Reginac) Tux ford

When did A Cold Reception at Belle Plaine take place?

a) 2000b) 1937c) 1919

What was Helen Kellers problem?

a) Blind and deafb) Mutec) Mentally handicapped

What was the name of the movie about Helen Keller?

a) Helen Keller’s Storyb) The Miracle Workerc) The Life of Helen Keller

What was the first word Helen Keller spoke?

a) Mamab) c) Water

What was the name of Helen Kellers teacher?

a) Annie Sullivanb) Anne Saundersc) Kate Adams

Which one of these was Helen Keller’s quote?

a) "You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."

b) "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

c) “Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see”

When did The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas take place?

a) 1945b) 1940c) 1930

Who is Pavel?

a) The boy on the “farm”b) Bruno’s dadc) Kitchen worker

What did Bruno believe the concentration camp was?

a) A farmb) Bible campc) A summer camp

What was Bruno’s sisters name?

a) Mariab) Elsac) Gretel

How did the movie end?

What was the history teachers name?

a) Robert Billingsb) Ben Rossc) David Collins

What was “The Waves” Motto?

a) Strength through action, Strength through community, Strength through discipline

b) Strength through community, Strength through action, Strength through discipline

c) Strength through discipline, Strength through community, Strength through action

What subject did Ben Ross’ wife teach?

a) Musicb) Mathc) English

What was the name of the school newspaper?

a) The Grapevine Leader Postb) The Grapevine chroniclesc) The Grapevine

Who was affected the most when “The Wave” ended.

a) Ben Rossb) Robert Billingsc) David Collins

What did his mother die from?

a) Tuberculosisb) Spanish Influenzac) Yellow Fever

What was the name of his first famous poem?

a) To My Motherb) The Tell Tale Heartc) The Raven

When did Poe die?

a) 1836b) 1847c) 1849

What made the man confess to murder in The Tell Tale Heart?

What name did he go by before he died?

a) Edgar Allan Poeb) Edgar A. Poec) Edgar Poe