How Are Laws Made




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The process of parliamentary law making.

Not all bills are the same. There are a few different types but they all have the same end point- a new law.

1. government bills: bills that are initiated by the govt. Introduced by the minister.

2. appropriation bills (supply bills): only introduced in the lower house and are bills to authorise govts to spend money.

3. private bills: these are rare. They are bills that only apply to one person or group.

4. private members bills: these are introduced by an individual MP ( either govt or opposition). They lack the support of the whole party. Usually unsuccessful.

The needs of the community need to be taken into account when parliament are deciding to make legislation.

The law must: Respond to the needs of the communityRespond to the changing needs (case

example: pg 36).

How do we have a say/ create pressure to change a law?

Via the media is the most effective method: letters to the editor

signing petitions etc

Who does this? What is a parliamentary committee? What do they do? What does the Cabinet do? How are Ministers involved in drafting

and formulating legislation? What is a Parliamentary Counsel? What do they do?

It is not always possible to foresee the future

Meaning of words change over time Poor communication Loopholes can occur Difficult to cover all situations Mistakes can occur with technical terms Proposed legislation can conflict with

other legislation Time constraints can cause mistakes

At Federal Level: the Selection of Bills Committee. The H of Reps can refer bills to this committee to check on bills.

Senate Scrutiny of bills Committee is responsible for checking bills that come before the Senate.

The role of this committee is to make sure that bills do not infringe on peoples rights and liberties.

At State level: how are bills checked?

How does a bill become law? Investigate the process.
