How did the changes caused by the Second Industrial Revolution lay the ground work for the First...


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How did the changes caused by the Second Industrial Revolution lay the

ground work for the First World War?

Extreme Nationalism and International Rivalries

International Rivalries – Lecture Outline

1. Emergence of Germany1. Alliance System

1. Triple-Alliance – Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary2. Triple Entente – France, Russia, and Britain.

2. Crisis in the Balkans1. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire

3. The Assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand1. June 28, 1914

International Rivalries – Lecture Outline

1. Emergence of Germany1. Alliance System

1. Triple-Alliance – Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary2. Triple Entente – France, Russia, and Britain.

2. Crisis in the Balkans1. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire

3. The Assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand1. June 28, 1914

International Rivalries – Lecture Outline

1. Emergence of Germany1. Alliance System

1. Triple-Alliance – Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary2. Triple Entente – France, Russia, and Britain.

2. Crisis in the Balkans1. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire

3. The Assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand1. June 28, 1914

International Rivalries – Lecture Outline

1. Emergence of Germany1. Alliance System

1. Triple-Alliance – Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary2. Triple Entente – France, Russia, and Britain.

2. Crisis in the Balkans1. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire

3. The Assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand1. June 28, 1914

Now …

In your textbook turn to pg 779 and read the “Inside Story” of the Assassination of the Arch-Duke. Answer the following questions below your lecture notes.1. Why was it a bad idea for the Arch-Duke to

visit Bosnia?2. Who were the “Black Hand?”3. How was the Arch-Duke killed?4. What was the result?

Extreme Nationalism and Anti-Semitism

1. Anti-Semitism1. Dreyfus Affair2. Russian Pogroms

2. Zionism1. Jewish Nationalism2. Palestine

Thanksgiving Writing Question – Free Form Essay (between 1 paragraph and a book)

• What were the four developments that helped push Europe towards WWI? Explain each development and how they set the ground work for WWI?

• Remember – the questions has two parts. An identify and an explanation part – do both.

• Hint – this is the information we have been discussing the last two days.

Thanksgiving Writing Question – Free Form Essay (between 1 paragraph and a book)

• What were the four developments that helped push Europe towards WWI? Explain each development and how they set the ground work for WWI?

• Remember – the questions has two parts. An identify and an explanation part – do both.

• Hint – this is the information we have been discussing the last two days.

Lecture Notes

Extreme Nationalism

• Extreme nationalism grew in the late 1880s– Social Darwinism – nations compete – justifies

racism– Growth of anti-Semitism • Dreyfus Affair in France• Treatment in Russia - pogroms

– Results in growth of Zionism and desire for homeland in Palestine.

International Rivalries

• Emergence of Germany upset balance of power set-up in 1815 in Vienna– Triple-Alliance – Germany, Italy and Austria-

Hungary vs. Triple Entente – France, Russia, and Britain.

• Crisis in Balkans – Ottoman Empire’s collapse results in independence for countries and competition between Russia and Austria-Hungary for territory and influence
