How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary products


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Hannah Burgess




The Anchorage: The text we used as the slogan also appears in the trailer as a

voice over and on the screen.

Title: The title is the largest piece of text on our poster as it is the most important text. It is in the same font as on

the poster and trailer.

Credit block & Information: The

information in the credit block provides the same

information that appears at the end of the trailer, with the name of the director, actors, release date and

social network links.


For our magazine cover, we didn’t want to use a magazine

that was specifically about films such as ‘Empire.’ This is

because we are trying to advertise a film genre that is

not part of the mainstream but we didn’t want our film to just appeal to a niche audience; we wanted to re-energise the film

noir genre to appeal to a modern cinema going and DVD buying audience. Therefore we

decided to choose a female girly magazine and have our

focus on our main actress Verity; we choose ‘W’

magazine. We researched lots of different layouts but we most preferred the close up shots as

they were more intimate.


Magazine Choice: We choose to use ‘W’ magazine with our USP being a piece on our actress Verity Penny.

The Flash: We wanted to ensure that the text in the flash was related to our film narrative but also would appeal to a female audience. As Selena is a powerful

business woman we included ‘How to revamp your work look.’

Anchorage: Our anchorage included our film title and genre so that it is clear to our audience that the

magazine is advertising our film.

Masthead: As we choose ‘W’ magazine we choose to keep within their classic style and keep the slogan ‘Who what where when and why in the world of style’ and a simple colour scheme. We choose white and red, white

because it keeps with our film noir genre and red because it eye catching and mirrors the red stars used

in our poster and Verity’s red lipstick.

Lead Article: We choose to keep our lead article similar to the style of those in ‘W’ magazine with the first name

appearing in a different way to the second name. We choose this font as it is simple and feminine.


The image in the centre of the poster is of Verity Penny who plays our protagonist

‘Selena’ in our trailer. We choose to place her in the centre of the poster as she

appears the most in our trailer, as shown below by some of the many screen shots of Verity in our film.. We also choose Verity to

appear on the magazine cover because she is a clear link to our film. In the preparation for

taking the photographer, we ensured that she looked similar to how she looked in our trailer and in the poster; red lipstick, thick

full fringe and long dark eyelashes. This was done in order to ensure that our audience

would be able to see a clear link between our three products.


We chose to keep our characters in similar outfits to those that they appear in for the trailer in order to have continuity

across our products. This ensured that the audience would be able to make a clear link between our products. The repeated use of trilby hats allowed them to become

an icon for the male characters in our product.


The location for our trailer was in Ronnie Scott’s Bar in Soho, we wanted to keep the feel of a jazzy location in our

poster and so I took some photo’s of the bar for us to use as a background in the



This links to our trailer as we had a scene where Selena is angry at the bar man and the

bottles can be seen in the background.


By using the same font across each of our products, it ensured that we had a clear

link between the three of them. We choose the font for the trailer first and then ensured that we used it when the films title ‘Freeze’ was written on our

other products. For our title presentation I added a London skyline to add a British feel to the title, as inspired by the title for

‘American Gangster’. We choose not to include this on our magazine and poster as we wanted to keep it simple and clear.

As our font is the same throughout the trailer, clear links can be made across our products as the film is iconic to our film.


In order to high light that our film trailer is linked to our poster, we used a slogan on the poster that is from a voiceover in the trailer, that also appears on screen over the film. We choose these words rather than other phrases from the

trailer as it highlights the illegal business and dominant character of

Selena. This layout was inspired by the film poster for ‘Lawless’ were they have three words across the top of the poster

and also helped our poster layout be symmetrical


Overall, there is a clear link between our main product and the ancillary tasks which allows the three products to work

very effectively together.

