How to Be Unstoppable



Minista Jazz give the 5 rules to being Unstoppable. She says by using your V.O.I.C.E. you are unstoppable in your life.

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  • the spark spot

    V.O.I.C.E.How to be



  • VOICE: To express (something) in words.

    When you discover and use your authentic voice, you begin to experience the a changed and different world. Basically, when you change your voice, you change the meaningthat you give to your life.

    The world that you once knew which had you bound with fear, guilt, shame, or distrust disappears replaced with a world full of happiness, joy, peace, and abundance.

    Notice that even though you are saying the same word, every time you change your VOICE, it gives the word a very dif-ferent meaning. This course is going to support you in changing your voice to express your most authentic, loving, giving, and compassionate self, thus giv-ing you the POWER to break through any limits and become UNSTOPPABLE!

    How many differentways can you say the wordLOVE?


  • There are peo-ple that are afraid

    to shine their light for fear of the com-ments of hate. There are songs, poems, art, technology that need to be experienced but fear keeps them hidden away.

    The intention of this course is to give you permission to lift up your VOICE in the world. To live out loud and to hold up that uncomfortable mirror to others that just want to live a mediocre life.


    What are some of your favorite voices? WHY? Familiar Strong Sweet Loving Passionate Honest Relatable Kind Powerful Unique




    There are voices that we love to hear and also voice that we wish would SHUT UP. Most times those voices are inaudible and come from deep within our minds. They were programmed there long go and keep playing over and over. This are the voices that we want to hide.


    What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. ~Sparkstar Brene Brown

  • 2015 Sparkstar Productions

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other elec-tronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator,


    How To Be Unstoppable


    an impassive expression that hides one's true


    When you hide your feelings you create the false sense of being alone. You also slowly begin to loose your ability to be empathic or understand the feelings of those around you.

    If you do not responsibly allow others to know how you are feeling, you can not expect to be supported when obstacles arise.

    In order to BE UNSTOPPABLE you must be able to receive support from others.

    Vulnerability is the courage to have an open heart.

    Why does it take courage?

    Because it also creates a space that leaves you susceptible to judgement, ridicule, and haters.

    The key to maintaining a balance in vulnerability understanding why it is important to have an open heart while understanding why others might want to hurt you in the first place.

    This lesson will give you the tips to creating this balance and the encouragement to live with an open heart.


  • The only reason why one person may try to hurt another is because they are in fear of being hurt first.

    Pain caused to another is a preemptive attack as an attempt to limit one s own pain.

    What the person is not aware of is that the pain that they are expe-riencing originates from within with self judgment and lack of per-son worth.

    When someone is great at judging themselves they believe that this is how all others think. This is the mind of a hater.

    When someone does not see themselves as deserving or worthy, they can not see the value in others. This is a mind of a saboteur.

    In my experience it makes sense to avoid these people. But what do you do if YOU are hating on yourself or sabotaging your own greatness.

    We tend avoid yourself by creating LIMITS in our life. We create limits so that we do not have to be confronted with our greatness, power, or possibility. We create a safety zone of mediocracy in or-der to avoid the pain that we first cause ourselves and then directly or indirectly inflict on others.

    In order to be UNSTOPPABLE you must start with being vulnerable. This means having the courage to look at yourself without all of the lies and ways we hide.

    Ask yourself and honestly answer these three questions:

    1. What if I fail?

    2. What if I succeed?

    3.What if I do nothing?

    The last of these three questions is the most detrimental to you and society.

    What if you DO NOTHING and allow yourself to stay stuck in the rut that you are experiencing day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year?

    Can you imagine being in the same place that you are today, 5, 10, or 15 years from now?

    Now what if you succeed?

    Can you imagine your future if you were able to get past every ob-stacle that has every been presented to you?

    What would your life look like 5, 10, or even 15 years from now?

    So what if you fail?This is the simplest of the three questions.You try again. THAT IS THE UNSTOPPABLE YOU!


  • QUOTE:

    Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabili-ties is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joythe experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the dark-ness will we discover the infinite power of our light.

    Bren Brown


    Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and re-ceive love effortlessly and unconditionally.


    BE AWARE: When you become aware of yourself and how you are feeling moment to moment you can free yourself from stress and worry. Awareness puts a name to a feeling and allows you to being to work through it op-posed to feeling victim to it.

    When face with an obstacle began to notice yourself and your surrounds. This will help you to become present to the now moment.

    State over and over, either out loud or to yourself,I AM AWARE of __________________filling in the blank with the things in which you are aware.

    What do you see, smell, touch, taste, feel, notice?

    After this exercise you should be in tune to yourself and feel more grounded in the moment.


    Even though we are perfect just as we are, we do not know it all nor do we have all the answers. It takes much strength to ad-mit your weakness. When we openly recognize our own weaknesses we allow room for support from others. We let ourselves off the hook to have to appear perfect and give others the opportunity with greater ability to share in the greatness that we are when we work together. Be willing to ask for support in areas that you may not be very strong, be willing to step up to the plate when you know you have something to contribute.


    There are some people that are naturally confident and vulnerable. They are those Sparkstars that shine their light where ever they go, no matter who may be watching, if even no one is watching at all. These are self ensured individuals that believe in the visions, dreams, and passion. Be motivated by them to do the same. Notice how they interact with others and follow in their steps. You will know who they are because you will feel connected to them without really knowing who they are. Their authenticity is translated in everything that they do and it is contagious. Acknowledge them for their ability to be open and allow yourself to mirror the awesomeness that you see in them.


    It is time to take a look in the mirror. YOU ARE SPARKTACULAR! Celebrate yourself and all of your seeming imperfections. Know that each thing that is different and unique about you, contributes to your potential for absolute greatness. That means that there is NO ONE on the entire planet that has the combination of looks, talents, abilities, or skills that you have in one body. NO ONE. So take the time to admire yourself. Admire your awesomeness and then share it with others. We need to know how great you can shine.


    Those that wish to sing,always find a song.

    Swedish Proverb


    Optimism: hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something

    Benefits of being optimistic include:

    More Major Life Achievements Better Physical, Mental, & Emotional Health Persistence, Endurance, and Resilience Reduced Stress Levels

    My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world. ~ Sparkstar Jack Layton

  • 2Be able to see things through rose colored glasses. Reality is what you make it and what you make can stop you or inspire to just keep going.


    Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.~ Sparkstar Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possi-ble that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning. ~ Sparkstar Mahatma Gandhi


    Every day in every way my life gets better and better.

  • 3It feels better to think better. When you choose to see circumstances and situations as opportunities, you are able to gain the strength to push through the seeming limit.

    It is more supportive of you to see the brighter side of things when you are in the mist of a challenge than to focus on what seems to be defeating you.

    The way to begin to alchemize any situation is by first knowing that EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS UNFOLDING IN PERFECT ORDER.

    Instead of believing that anything can defeat you, be-lieve that all things are working ultimately for your greater good.

    It might seem silly at first, especially when faced with really tough problems, but with practice you will master your mindset.

    The magic is that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. BE OPTIMISTIC!






    Counting your blessings is cool, but you also need to be grateful for the hardships, the obstacles, the failures. Why? Because these are the points of wisdom in your life. They give you strength, they teach you how to persevere, and they form your resilience. Being thankful for every step makes lifes hardships surmountable. All of this is the foundation of optimism; being sparked up about the good and the bad, and knowing that they all point to a successful future."


    The past is the past. It is easier to move on when you ac-cept that the past can not be changed and only the fu-ture can be created in the NOW. When you are having a hard time forgiving someone, know that they probably wish that it didnt happen either. So do you both a favor and let it go to learn from it. When you make peace with your past you are able to be happier in the present. Stop trying to be right about it and just be happy that you are here to experience another day; a new day.

  • 5SMILE

    Smiling improves your attractiveness, your mood, and your over all health. Smiling is completely freeand is very contagious. Not only can you change the feeling of a moment with a smile, you can im-prove the life of someone else that may be look-ing.


    Taking responsibility for your life, your mood, your feeling, emotions, thoughts, and attitude will set you on the quick road to unstoppability.

    When you know that you are in control on howyou respond to circumstances, events and situations, you begin to feel powerful. You are able to alchemize a present pain into a pleasant surprise of growth and experience.

    No matter how others act, react, feel, or emote, you can maintain a positive outlook on life and


    Everything is energy. When you understand you power to shift en-ergy you can change envy into motivation or anger into inspiration.

    It is up to you how you get to where you want to go, you choose the ve-hicle. You can choose to go on your journey in jealousy and anger or you can use that energy to propel you toward your greatness.

  • PROMISE YOURSELFTo be so strong that nothingcan disturb your peace of mind.To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

    To make all your friends feelthat there is something in them To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

    To think only the best, to work only for the best,and to expect only the best.To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

    To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

    To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

    To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

    To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds.To live in faith that the whole world is on your sideso long as you are true to the best that is in you.

    Sparkstar Christian D. Larson


  • Inspiration

    The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. ~ Walt Disney



    the process of being men-tally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

    To be inspired means to have THE SPIRIT in you. Inspiration is living from the GOD, infinite intelligence, unlimited

    abundance, source of ALL in you.



    There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember our purpose for being on this great Earth. This is the voice of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us.


    Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.~ Buddha

    I am guided in my every step by Spirit who leads me towards what I must know and do.


    There are people all around us that live life in a way that is sure to inspire. Make a list of all the people in your life that might be considered an underdog. For instance, my mother is visu-ally handicapped, living the last 20 years with minimal to no vision from time to time. She inspires me because around her I get to see what it means to be unstoppable. She does not let her condition make her, she makes the best of her situation. Be on the alert of inspiring people in your every day life that overcome challenges with less than you have at your disposal.


    Get out and see the world. Even if you can not travel abroad, take a trip to the local park or even the grocery store. There is no lack of opportunity to be inspired by nature. Look at the trees, the sky, flowers, or fruit. Look at their perfection, their design, their natural art. Notice the smells of nature. Allow these things to fill your spirit and remind you of the beautiful world you get to live in everyday and that no matter what, and no matter how far you go, there will always be more to experi-ence, learn, and see.



    Music inspires. Take the moment today to think of some of your fa-vorite inspirational songs. One of my most moving tracks in LOSE YOURSELF by Eminem. In this song he speaks of honoring each moment by giving it all that you got because you never know when the next opportunity will arise. Listen the words of your favorite song and discover the inspiring


    I strongly believe that GOD hears our play. When were were children, most of us would allow for our imagination alone to take us to places be-yond reality of the moment. When I look at children I am always inspired by their ability to erase a moment and totally travel to a land far far away as a means of creating happiness.

    They are almost never stopped by circumstances, but use their sur-rounded to transport them to wherever they dream that they can go. GOD honors our imagination. Allowing us to have whatever we can dream deeply in our hearts. Allow yourself to play out loud.

    Answer this. If there was NOTHING STOPPING YOU right now, where would you LOVE to be, do, and have? (Go there now in your mind and en-joy the trip.)



    There are supportive people in this world. People whose joy it is to be in service. When there is trouble, look for these people. These people show up as resil-ient and strong. They are the ones that will love you through the muck. When you see that kind of good-ness in people, its hard not to be inspired.

    Be guided by their actions and also their inspirations. List the people in your life that are in joy when they are in service.

    Choose someone from that list and request a mini interview. Ask them to share with you what inspires them to be in service to others.

    You might discover a jewel and clue to that will energize your motion and reveal your most passionate path. With this, you will be unstoppable.

  • 6BONUS

    How powerful is your word?

    Integrity is all about you to standing strong in the values that are most im-portant to you. Its so freakin easy to make promises but even easier to pre-tend like you didnt. But every time you keep a promise that youve made, it is an act of integrity, which in turn strengthens your faith. As you act with integrity in everything you do, you will find that every part of your life will improve. You will attract the best people and situations into your life. You will become an unstoppable per-son because everything and every one will honor your word.



    KEEP YOURSELF UP! Personal appearance, your home, your vehicle, your workplace and all of your sur-rounding environments. When you are organized in your environment, you will see how that shows up in other ar-eas of your heart and mind.

    BE TRUTHFUL! When speaking to others be clear about your purpose and intention. Integrity is not someti-mie -- it's everywhere, or it's nowhere, either you are or you are not. Besides being honest in your dealings with clients, you must also practice honesty in dealing with relatives, friends, neighbors, enemies and people that you dont even know.

    PINKY SWEAR & MEAN IT! Keep your promises. Do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it (or sooner). That is called being dependable--not in just one or two areas of your life--but personal integrity means consistency in EVERY area of your life.

    DO OVER! Notice when you stray from personal integ-rity, and recommit to getting back on track.

    GOOD PEOPLE DO GOOD THINGS. It is very difficult to increase your personal integrity if you spend a lot of time with people that are jealous, scorned, hateful, or deceitful. Hang with good people and do good too.


    Being in integrity creates an unstoppable you because when you say that you will get beyond a barrier, block, or wall... EVERYTHING in your power and beyond will believe you and come to your res-cue. YOU never have to be stopped from lack of faith because your words are MAGICAL.


    Tough times dont last, tough people do!

  • the ability to do something difficult for a long time.

    the ability to deal with pain or suffering that continues for the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially




    Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.~Sparkstar William Barclay

    Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, and its power of endurance - the cheerful man will do more in the same time, will do it; better, will preserve it longer, than the sad or sullen.~Sparkstar Thomas Carlyle


    Now, may God, who gives perseverance and encouragement, grant you to be of the same mind with one another, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify God.



    How to cultivate a life of endurance? You have to first understand

    commitment. When you CHOOSE to follow your divinely revealed

    path, the strength will be given to you to continue on that road.

    If you feel like giving up, and you begin to make excuses why you

    can not go on, you can know that you have not connected to your


    When you have discovered your ultimate WHY? Your passion, it also

    infuses you with the gas that will keep you fuelled. Passion is the gas of the spirit.


    *What do I love to do?

    *What do I dream of doing, being, having?

    *Where do I spend most of my time?



  • * What has most of my attention?

    * What do I spend money on easily and effortlessly?

    * What has been my biggest investments?

    * What do I think about most of the time?

    * What is my greatest fear of not achieving?

    * What is my greatest desire to experience?

    * What talents do I have naturally?

    * What am I most acknowledged for?

    * What do I love to do for fun?

    * What will I do without anyone asking me?

    * What will I do without anyone paying me?

    * What have I prayed for myself?

    * What have I prayed for other people?

    * When I die, what do I want people to say about me?

    * As I live, what do I want to contribute to the world?


    Take things one step at a time. Keep reminding yourself that life is a journey and you are on the road to your highest great-ness.

    Practice the hell out of it. Keep retraining your mind to repeat habits that are serving you toward the direction of your ulti-mate greatness, power, and divine light.

    Build positive believes about the things that you are up to. Positive self talk will keep you inspired to keep on going. If you beat yourself up every time you make a mistake you will beat yourself into stagnation, not wanting to go any further for fear of self judgment. Be nice to yourself, compassionate to yourself. Love yourself in order to energize yourself.

    Where your real friends at? Keep people around you that will keep you going. The folks around you should be motivating you to stay focused on your goals not encouraging your lazi-ness. Be mindful of the people you call friends and be sure that they have your best intention in mind.

    Have GOALS! When you have strong goals and vision, it will be like a strong string pulling you forward. Look beyond your current situation and focus on your goals to KEEP GOING.