How to have more visitors to your website


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In Internet user loyalty is critical because the cost of constantly buying traffic to generate sales by advertising involves a heavy investment in advertising budgets or intense SEO work to achieve more and more traffic hoarding but these views are mostly new and therefore the% conversion to sales (depending on the product you sell and specialization / specificity of type of traffic you catch) is usually not as high as in the case of a person who has visited the website of the store in several occasions prior to the time of purchase. Well although there are cases where the% conversion to purchase of new users is high.

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1. Contents of good quality, interesting, useful and fresh.

To increase visits to your website content need fresh good quality and invite users to come every day, even several times a day either because they remember the URL of the web, either because they kept their favourite page in either put because the home page, either because it is a website where you can watch and participate in an open thread where you expect to know … whether approved your comment, as if it has generated some kind of reply to your opinion or be able to read other opinions on the subject in question.

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Interestingly, in case you can leave comments on the web, warn the user if it is desired that no new reviews in this thread, and even carry a forum a while without comment if someone reactivates the conversation with a new issue, previous occasion participants can return immediately to the Web by a notification via email or rss and continue to generate fresh content for the web that also encourage other users through a section that appears on your website the ability to view issues active or recent comments to continue commenting on the subject.

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And finally this indirectly eventual benefit your SEO because those items with more comments, you will have created original content and wider in the original story in a way that will be more easily found by search engines as there will be a greater diversity of interesting terms and phrases locating by Google search engine, when someone demands information on this subject matter.

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2. RSS

By rss feed of a website so that the website will publish the content as often as is established at drafting daily with multiple items if they have enough staff or once a month, depending on the objectives of the site and company resources or webmaster, both in time and in economic terms.

The user to read content via feed, at the time that suits you (because this is their main advantage) does is simply subscribe via Google Reader or other and when there is something new to read in their reading folders pending or topics as organizing the information, consultation and if you fancy entering the site … it does, if you want to leave a comment … or just read does things from the feed reader and “Butterfly else” …

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The feeds can be “cut” or leave intact both through WordPress as through tools to manage the distribution of as feed burner feeds, which also facilitate analytical data read or subscribe to the feed tools in place via Google reader, via email, written in English, but easily configurable to display in Spanish and also identify the company by its logo, with the idea of creating my brand.

Everything has its pros and cons. If you cut the feeds, there are readers who are angry and are written off the subscription because they like to read the complete contents in your feed reader, and in theory to cut the feed so that you is causing you to read the full content must visit the website in question, wasting more time.

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3. Email Marketing

Internet companies put special emphasis on this issue, because email is an asset of high value, in the sense that greatly facilitates communication between business / brand and user, so that those who visited on a particular occasion website is for information or to purchase, they can continue to receive later (prior) information, news, offers or products of interest related to the website.

The quality of the database will depend largely on the segmentation you achieve set between users, the type of web by which you caught (and that is not the same one ecommerce client, an email through a encouraged competition which gives a journey, an email from a co-registration campaign, etc, etc) and knowledge of your preferences.

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Extending the idea to be understood better, that is not the same quality of a user who logs in to an email list of a specific site information in a sector, that the person who is registered to a newsletter store, mainly because the difference is that the latter has visited the store because he was interested in any of the products it sells, not just the news, and therefore have a propensity to buy on that website much higher compared to the person who is registered in a sector information blog.

Even within an e-commerce website will not have the same value, the person who registers the newsletter without buying previously that people who register for our company after making a purchase on the site or who signed up to newsletter offers but failed to complete the purchase process (so that possible re-catch them).

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4. Social Networks

I am a heavy user of social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Tuenti, linkedin, xing, etc but they do not sell, well yes, if used to sell but if your sales have to rely on what you sell through social media networks social, and evil speaking out, we could say that you were going to “eat boogers.”

This is so, people in social networks as users go to your ball, is not planning to buy and if you do this purchase will always be an impulse purchase associated with short-term promotions, discounts and seem high unrepeatable . Thus, it serves for certain types of businesses, but not for many others.

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What happens is that people sells smoke and talk a lot without knowing that is going to do is what happens when something becomes fashionable but one thing is selling smoke and buy it, and another when it is one that puts the pasta and expects to see business results of that action that is taking place then what usually happens is a reflection in terms similar to the following:

Social networks are used to:

- Retain customers who already bought.

- Complete and provide confidence to convince customers that they are about to buy.

- Communicate news and offers about as much to others.

- Provide support and customer care, close, direct and fast

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5. Mobile Applications

Well in a time when the saturation in the emails because companies and coupons online outlets starting to be stressful for the user, because when you open your email tray have a lot of pending emails read, that in most of the time or just do not care, as there have been segmented according to their preferences as we said above that it was very important to get there are new opportunities in the mobile environment, where a fleet of mobile devices capabilities to connect to the Internet growing at breakneck pace, it is possible that users of these smart phones are downloaded from your ecommerce application and use it quickly and directly from your mobile phone with one click from your desktop accessing all features that it permits, facilitating impulse buying associated especially the location, or last minute shopping, little reflective but necessary because the need arises spontaneously just then.

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In addition to the nature and utility that makes having a mobile version of ecommerce, we find the new spam, say with the new email marketing for the mobile environment.

If a user leaves an application voluntarily and likes, this can enable notifications on your screen so that when the store needs to communicate something, then a little message appears on your screen … this is really game, you can play as marketing associated with urgency, limited stock, etc and especially the location.

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6. Desktop Applications

Well, basically it would do something similar but for the mobile computer is provided by you via a desktop widget that installs on the toolbar the user’s computer after downloading the program, access to the latest news, updates, etc with push techniques on your computer screen.

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7. Navigation Bars

Similar to the above, but simpler, you can apply the same technique to install this type of browser widgets but at well known in this regard the application for informational major news portals or search boxes that are installed in browsers, allowing search directly in Amazon products, etc.

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