How to Learn Golf



Many people want to know how to learn golf and who can blame them when golf is one of the oldest games, played by golfers all over the world. It’s an enjoyable and relaxing game.

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How To Learn Golf How To Learn Golf

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Many people want to know how to learn golf and who can blame them when golf is one of the oldest

games, played by golfers all over the world. It’s an enjoyable and relaxing game.

Though golf looks like a very easy game, where all you need to do is swing a club and roll those little

white balls into a hole, it may make one feel that it is not necessary to learn the skills of the game. To

think so, would make you feel like a fool on the greens. So, you've got to know how to learn golf to

know the rules, the use of the right gear even though all those clubs look the same. Most importantly,

you have to learn the good etiquette on the course. Remember lots of practice and perseverance can

take you a long way when you know how to learn golf game from scratch.

First of all, you've got to learn the game from a professional or at least someone, who has mastered the

game really well. I mean you wouldn't want to learn a new language from someone, who can barely

speak it.

Don't buy yourself an expensive, top of the line kit. There are good starter kits that you could buy, with a

bag, for lesser money.

Golf requires lots of practice and hard word. Go to the course as often as possible to practice, but do it

when the course is not too crowded. The par 3-course is good for beginners.

It gives you the practice to play all the necessary golf shots and will not get you stressed out like when

playing on a 250-yard course, where you can have shots over the water. Another important element is

to learn your course well. Take a walk around, so you can understand the way the designer intended

the game to be played on it and you too could enjoy the beauty of nature.

The goal is to have fun and play a great game, but it's important to maintain quality and play safe. Make

sure the others are at a safe distance, before you swing your club. Don't hit in the direction of any

person around or in front of you. If this happens, yell 'fore' as a warning. Observe safety rules of the golf

cart. Keep the cart off the greens and drive carefully.

An absolute 'no' to being rude or childish or throwing clubs in anger.

Golf has been one of the most cultured sports ever and compulsorily involves etiquette. It's impolite to

be too noisy, or yell out after a good shot or talk during another player's swing. Never step on a player's

putting line, as this could alter the path of his putt. Step over or walk around it. Check where you're

standing, so that your shadow is not across a player's putting line.

It’s also essential to maintain a good pace. If you're playing with a group, plan your next move and keep

the right club ready.

Fast play will help you play a better game and make you an enjoyable person to play with. In a friendly

game, players can agree to ready play, which means playing, when any player who is ready can play,

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instead of playing in order, as in a tournament. The rule permits a player five minutes to look for a lost

ball. But, this could be annoying for others. So a considerate player would wave up the group behind to

play through.

When you walk from your cart to your ball, take a couple of clubs along. You wouldn't want to come all

the way back for the right club, as this would waste time and be annoying to others. Always leave the

putting green, as soon as you have finished.

The key is when you know how to learn golf you will be able to take this skill with you anywhere you

travel you will be able to pick up your clubs and play golf and meet new friends along the way.

This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan

How To Learn Golf How To Learn Golf

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