How to live a happy life, by garfield


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How to live A Happy Life

According to

Eat just when youre hungry....

Sleep just when youre tired...

Give a lot of hugsAnd kisses, and laugh a lot, because life is free...

Ask for help! Someone will always be there to help you, even if far away.

Say goodbye to what happened.The only one who lives in the past is the museum...

Stop worrying

Forgive yourself for all your dummy acts and the times that you fail...

Remember to thank and pray. Youve already gotten more than enough to grow and be happy...

Dont waste your time discussing useless things. Instead of scream and fight, Sing a song and dance

Be just like 4th of July parade horse: Walking, pooping and being applauded

Take care of yourself just like you would with your best friend.

Express your individuality

Do something that you always wanted to do, but was ashamed of...

Make new mistakes, the old ones are too old...

Simplify your life

Make your mess


Believe in love...

Big friendship never end because of a little fight. If it ends, its because it wasnt a friendship, not even a big thing...

Know that a lot of times, the happiness of the one beside you depends on your happiness...

Follow that and...BE REALLY HAPPY!!!
