How to reach new EU 2020 Road Safety Targets



How to reach new EU 2020 Road Safety Targets. TISPOL Annual Conference Manchester 29.09.2010. Ellen Townsend, Policy Director ETSC. Presentation outline. ETSC Progress towards the 2010 EU Target The EU 3 rd Road Safety Action Programme The EC “Policy Orientations” 2011-2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to reach new EU 2020 Road Safety Targets

TISPOL Annual Conference



Ellen Townsend, Policy Director ETSC

Presentation outline


2. Progress towards the 2010 EU Target

3. The EU 3rd Road Safety Action Programme

4. The EC “Policy Orientations” 2011-2020

Focusing on Enforcement

Introduction to ETSC

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) is a non-governmental organisation promoting independent science-based approach to road safety

Supported in our work by 43 member organisations across Europe.

Funded by our members, the European Commission and corporate sponsors

Bringing together practitioners, researchers, policy-makers and parliamentarians from across the EU


ETSC Activities

Safe&Sober Campaign and Drink-driving policy


Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) - Ranking EU

countries‘ performances

STudents Acting to Reduce Speed

Roads to Respect Infrastructure Safety

Road Safety ‘At’ Work and ‘To’ Work

Monitoring EU transport safety



Best progress 2001-2009

Percentage change in road deaths between 2001 and 2009

54% 52% 50% 50%

-36% EU27


Countries that are progressing Percentage change in road deaths between 2001 and 2009

-36% EU27

France - 48%Lithuania - 48%Italy - 43%Ireland - 41%Germany - 40%Slovenia - 38%Slovakia - 38%


Countries lagging behind Percentage change in road deaths between 2001 and 2009

-36% EU27

Romania 14%Bulgaria - 11%Poland - 17%Greece - 23%Norway - 23%


Road deaths per population 2009Good progress since 2001

No more country with more than 130 road deaths per million population

Sweden 39UK** 41The NL 44Norway 44Switzerland 45Germany 51

Germany 4th out of 27th EU MS in deaths per million pop


Reduction in road deaths since 1970 (EU15) and since 1990 (EU27, EU10 and EU2)

The impact of the EU Target

Integrated approach

Road user behaviour



- Driving licence (Dir. 2006/126/EC) In force by the 01/2013

- Seat belt use (Dir.91/671/EC; Dir. 2003/20/EC)

- Social legislation related to road transport (Reg. 2006/561/EC)

- Proposal for a Directive facilitating cross border enforcement (COM (2008) 151final)

- Blind spot mirrors for trucks (New models: Dir.2003/97/EC; Existing: Dir.2007/38/EC)

- Pedestrian protection (Reg.2009/78/EC) - Type approval requirements for the general safety of motor vehicles (Reg. 2009/661/EC) majority of measures mandatory for new cars from 2014

- Daytime running lights on new types of cars (Dir. 2008/89/EC) from 2011

- Safety of Tunnels TEN-T (Dir. 2004/54/EC)- Road Infrastructure Safety Management (Dir. 2008/96/EC) In force by the 19/12/2010

3rd Road Safety Action Programme

Road Safety Programme 2011-2020...


3rd RSAP - Evaluation

Ex-post evaluation by a consultancy: Transport & Mobility Leuven

•17 out of the 62 measures implemented (= less than 30%)

•Since 2001, almost 20,500 deaths prevented = social value of ~31 billions Euro. •Gap between the actual number of deaths and the original objective estimated as about 7,200 deaths = social loss of ~11 billions Euro.•The stakeholder consultation 46% of the respondents rated the RSAP impact as “high” and about 33% of the respondents rating it as “medium”

EC “Policy Orientations” 2011-2020

• Ensure correct implementation of legislation (EU acquis)• Set up an open cooperation framework between MS and

COM Development of National road safety plans

Close cooperation to monitor progress and to improve data collection (Common tool: CARE database), twinning and exchanging best practices

• Improve monitoring and develop the role of ERSO• Examine the need for common principles for technical road

accident investigation(EU framework for air, rail and maritime transport could be transposed to road?)

Bravo EC

• The Targets!

• Global Strategy on Serious Injury

• Enforcement: CBE Directive and National Plans

• PTWs

• Vehicle Technology: Alcolocks and speed devices

“Policy orientations” – “Principles”

• Striving for the highest standards throughout Europe• Integrated approach with other policies (energy,

environment, education, …)• Shared responsibility (embodies principles of subsidiarity

and proportionality)

ETSC recommendation: ETSC recommendation: AA VisionVision for the EU for the EU

“Every citizen has a fundamental right to, and responsibility for, road traffic safety. This right and

responsibility serves to protect citizens from the loss of life and health caused by road traffic”

Tylősand Declaration, Sweden 20075th World Conference on Injury Prevention, Delhi 2000

ETSC recommendation: ETSC recommendation: AA VisionVision for the EU for the EU

“Every citizen has a fundamental right to, and responsibility for, road traffic safety. This right and

responsibility serves to protect citizens from the loss of life and health caused by road traffic”

Tylősand Declaration, Sweden 20075th World Conference on Injury Prevention, Delhi 2000

• 50% reduction of road deaths by 2020• As soon as sufficient progress has been made in order

to have a common definition on serious injuries, the EC will propose to add a common “injuries reduction target”

ETSC recommendations:ETSC recommendations:

• 40% reduction of road deaths between 2011-2020• Dual approach on Serious injuries:

(a) EU to strongly encourage Member States to adopt a EU common definition of slight and serious injuries.(b) Member States aiming for a 40% reduction of

serious injuries (using their own definition).

ETSC recommendations:ETSC recommendations:

• 40% reduction of road deaths between 2011-2020• Dual approach on Serious injuries:

(a) EU to strongly encourage Member States to adopt a EU common definition of slight and serious injuries.(b) Member States aiming for a 40% reduction of

serious injuries (using their own definition).

Policy orientations - Target(s)

What Europeans want?

• People driving under the influence of alcohol considered to be a major safety problem by 94% of EU citizens• Drivers exceeding speed limits (78%)• Drivers/passengers not wearing seatbelts (74%).

Perceptions about the seriousness of road safety problems…Perceptions about the seriousness of road safety problems…

Measures that national governments should focus on to improve road safety…

• Improving road infrastructure safety• Enforcement of traffic laws• Awareness campaigns; introduction of periodic driver re-training schemes

Objective 2 EC “Policy Orientations”: Enforcement

EC Proposals• Cross Border

Enforcement Directive• Common Road Safety

Enforcement Strategy including:

• Speed limiters, alcolocks• National Enforcement

Implementation Plans

Does Enforcement Work?

• Rapid reduction in deaths and injuries& long lasting effect on driver behaviour

• Cost effective benefits of applying existing best practice in enforcement to the whole of the EU exceed the costs by a factor of 4 (drink driving) to 10 (seat belt use).

New Text Proposed July 2010

Transport Commissioner Kallas

“Cross Border

Enforcement is an urgent

priority for me and I am

ready to fight for this.”January 2010

Minister of Mobility Belgium Schouppe

“Cross Border

Enforcement is a high

priority our Belgian EU

Presidency.” July 2010

Why do we need the Directive?

• A Directive WILL help to save lives in

EU- 350-400 road deaths a year and expected spill over effect

• There is a problem: the share of non-resident drivers in speeding offences is around 15%.

• Growth of automated safety cameras-offenders not stopped and dealt with on the spot.

• Non-discrimination and fair treatment enshrined in EU Treaty

• EU wide approach needed-bi-lateral treaties will not be enough.

Cross Border Enforcement

ETSC would like to see:

1. Inclusion of Drugs and Mobile Phone Use.

2. Fleixble solution for owner liability problem to follow up speed offences.

3. Offender Notification

4. Convergence to Best Practice Enforcement in ALL EU Member States this could lead to a much larger life saving potential: 14,000 deaths a year in EU 15!

Enforcement Campaigns

EC Proposals

• Increased coordination and best practice-how?

• Link enforcement to user information

• Support information actions and awareness raising

ETSC Recommendations

• New mechanism to support work of exchange of best practice: co-operate with TISPOL

• Reschedule Meetings of Enforcement Expert Group

• Information/Media Campaigns (EC recommendation) linked to enforcement as pre-condition to funds

In Vehicle Enforcement Technologies

EC Proposes• “in-vehicle system for

real time info on speed limits”

• Speed limiters to Vans

• Alcolocks

ETSC Proposes• ISA• Alcolocks: commercial,

public transport, repeat offenders, first time high level offenders

• SBRs on all seats

Enforcement: National Plans Enforcement Plans

EC Proposes

• Setting national control objectives integrated in “National Enforcement Plans”-link to EC Recommendation of 2004

ETSC Recommendations

• National Enforcement Plans-long overdue as part of EC Recommendation 2004-link to minimum requirements in CBE Directive.

• National plans: yearly targets for speed/drink/drug and seat belt: checks & compliance

The three main killers on EU roads

Inappropriate or excessive speed

More than 2,200 road deaths could be prevented each year if average speeds dropped by ‘only’ 1km/h on all roads across the EU.

Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs

At least 3,500 deaths could have been prevented if accident-involved drivers reported to be driving over the limit had been sober.

Fail to wear seat beltsseat belts

Around 12,400 car occupants survived serious crashes in 2009 because they wore a seat belt. Another 2,500 deaths could have been prevented if 99% of occupant had been wearing a seat belt.

Source: PIN Flash 16

Speed: EC Proposes

• Enforcement (but not specific)

• Eco-driving in training

• Speed Limiter• “in-vehicle system

for real time info on speed limits”

• PTW speed enforcement

Speed: ETSC Recommends

• Speed enforcement-implement EC recommendation e.g. Fixed and mobile cameras, prioritise high risk accident sites

• ISA• Maximum speed limits:

highway, rural and urban roads

• Infrastructure Safety-Speed

Progress in reducing speed

Mean speed of cars and vans on rural roads and yearly average % change in mean speed in some European countries.

*All traffic

+0.10% LT (01-08) 90km/h*

- 0.78% IE (03-08) 80&100km/h

-1.57% FR (01-09) 90km/h

Drink Driving…

• Support efforts on profiling drink driving enforcement

• Alcolocks-for recidivists, commercial drivers

But...• 0.2 BAC for novice

and commercial drivers?

Progress in reducing Drink driving









Difference between the average annual % reduction in deaths attributed to alcohol and the corresponding reduction for other deaths (over 2001-2008)

Seat Belts and EU Legislation

• Seat Belt Reminders on ALL seats...

• Enforcement is crucial: Intensive actions of a 1-4 weeks must take place several times a year.

Seat belt use – FRONT seats









100%2005 2009

EU-27 in 2009

EU-27 in 2005

*2008; **2007

Seat belt wearing rates on front seats of light vehicles (last available year) with 2005 data for comparison

Seat belt use – REAR seats











100%2005 2009

EU-27 in 2009

EU-27 in 2005

Seat belt wearing rates in rear seats of light vehicles in 2009 with 2005 data for comparison

*2008; **SafetyNet

• High Levels (quantity and quality) of Enforcement of traffic Law to save lives by 2020

• EU system in place that tackles cross border enforcement

• Guarantee minimum standards of enforcement in the priority areas: speed, alcohol, drugs, seat belt use and child restraint use

• EU and national government support of TISPOL and Police Forces to work to save lives across EU.

ETSC Enforcement Vision 2020

Elements to be Integrated to the Policy Orientations

• Timetable: & mid term review• Measure linked to 3 killers

Measures:• Work Related Road Safety• Drug Driving• Mobile Phone Use• Informing the Consumer: EuroNCAP• European Road Safety Agency• Modal Shift and Public Transport• Road/Rail Safety Interface

Political Will to reach 2020?

EU acquis complete?

• Propose legislation to Parliament and the Council;

• Manage and implement EU policies and the budget; including funds for example road safety

• Enforce European law (jointly with the Court of Justice)

2020 Target

• Still much to do at EU level

• Subsidiarity: no excuse for EU inaction.

• Lisbon Treaty: new Article• Integration to other policy

areas: employment, vehicle, environment..

ETSC: find out more…

• Safety Monitor• Drink Driving Monitor• Speed Monitor• Reviews & Policy Papers• Fact Sheets
