How to save your marriage



If your married life is at stake, its time to give up your ego and pride. If not, you will be shooting yourself in the foot. Remember it takes two to make a quarrel. So you must have been at fault somewhere down the line. Now that matters have reached a decisive stage, its time to save the relationship at any cost. And if it calls for some sacrifice on your part, it is time to respond.

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How to save your marriage

If your married life is at stake, its time to give up your ego and pride. If not, you will be shooting yourself in the foot. Remember it takes two to make a quarrel. So you must have been at fault somewhere down the line. Now that matters have reached a decisive stage, its time to save the relationship at any cost. And if it calls for some sacrifice on your part, it is time to respond.

To save your marriage, it’s important to drain all bitterness away. It takes a lot to do this and is more difficult than one can imagine. However, this has to be done because this is the first important step towards saving your marriage. How to overcome the bitterness is the moot question. This can best be done by taking refuge in the past. Think of the day when you first met each other. Recollect the sparks that flew in your mind. Think about all that you like in your partner. Reminisce about all good things that your partner did for you. Think about those splendid moments which made you promise that you would never part with him/her. A slow recollection of those good old happy days can work wonders in driving any ill will away. Having done this, you would feel the growing urge to resuscitate the relationship.

Approach your partner and seek some time for an outing. Be polite in your approach and sound sincere. Be prepared for a snub. But you should not give up. Your spouse will soon realize that you are sincere. Once both of you are together, ask him for some time to hear you out. Assure him of hearing his part of the story. When you ventilate your feelings, talk more about where you went overboard and how you regret all that you did. It is better not to talk about your partners wrong doings. Your frank admission and climb down will surely move your spouse to reconsider his outlook as well. Your partner, in all likelihood will make use of the opportunity to mend fences. Most importantly, don’t forget to carry a surprise gift for your partner. Once both of you dust off the ill feelings, you can gift it to your partner. This small gesture will go a long way in cementing the relationship.

All it takes to avoid divorce is the ability to forget and forgive!