HRTC Hard Real-time CORBA IST 37652 WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002 1 HRTC Plenary...


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WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002



Hard Real-time CORBA

IST 37652

HRTC Plenary MeetingHRTC Plenary Meeting

Ricardo Sanz

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA


Meeting Agenda Objectives of the Meeting Project Status

WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002



Hard Real-time CORBA

IST 37652

Meeting AgendaMeeting Agenda

Discussion and Approval of the Agenda

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Wednesday 11Wednesday 11

1 to 3 Welcome & Overview, TUV (15 min.)

Approval of the Agenda, GPM (10 min.)

Objectives of the Meeting, GPM (15 min.)

Project Status, GPM (20 min.)

Project Logo (New) (15 min.)

CORBA in Control Systems, Ricardo Sanz (30 min.)

3 to 3:30 Break

3:30 to 5 Real-Time CORBA, Miguel Segarra (90 min.)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Thursday 12Thursday 12

9 to 10:30 CORBA Pluggable Transports, Miguel Segarra (30 min.)Networked Control Systems, Karl-Erik Arzen (60 min.)

10:30 to 11 Break

11 to 12:40 Scheduled Switched Ethernet, Anders Blomdell (40 min.)Introduction to TTA, Thomas Losert (30 min.)Smart Sensors, Thomas Losert (30 min.)

12:40 to 2 Lunch

2 to 3 TTTech Demonstration, Ralf Schlatterbeck (30 min.) + Discussion

3 to 3:30 Break

3:30 to 4:30 HRTC Hardware Specification (60 min.)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Friday 13Friday 13

9 to 10:30 Robot Control Testbed, Klas Nilsson (80 min.)

10:30 to 11 Break

11 to 1 Process Control Testbed, Manuel Rodriguez (60 min.)

Project Procedures, GPM (15 min.)

HRTC Short term planning, GPM (30 min.)

Meeting Closing, TUV

WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002



Hard Real-time CORBA

IST 37652

Objectives of the MeetingObjectives of the Meeting

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Meeting ContentMeeting Content

Testbeds• TTTech equipment demonstration• Testbed definitions• Hardware specification

Technology tutorials

Basic Project Procedures

WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002



Hard Real-time CORBA

IST 37652

Project StatusProject Status

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Overall SituationOverall Situation

The Project Started July 1 Bad date to start a project

• No real work till kick-off Meeting in Barcelona• Most people in vacation

Present Situation• One/two month delay ?

Objective• Get into sync by October 30 (month 4)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Project PlanningProject Planning

Id Nombre de tarea Duración Comienzo

1 1 CORBA Control Systems 260 d lun 03/01/00

2 1.1 CCS Domain Analysis 120 d lun 03/01/00

3 1.2 CCS Domain Architectures 75 d lun 19/06/00

4 1.3 CCS Engineering Process 140 d lun 19/06/00

5 2 HRT Protocols 190 d lun 03/01/00

6 2.1 Protocols for Real-time Control 60 d lun 03/01/00

7 2.2 HRT Pluggable CORBA Protocols 130 d lun 27/03/00

8 3 Test 1: Robot Control 255 d lun 03/01/00

9 3.1 RCT Requirements specification 30 d lun 03/01/00

10 3.2 RCT Design 15 d lun 14/02/00

11 3.3 RCT Procurement 60 d lun 06/03/00

12 3.4 Non HRTP RCT Implementation 135 d lun 20/03/00

13 3.5 HRTP RCT implementation 40 d lun 25/09/00

14 3.6 RCT Testing 25 d lun 20/11/00

15 3.7 RCT Documentation 30 d lun 13/11/00

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 011 2

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Project PlanningProject Planning

Id Nombre de tarea Duración Comienzo

16 4 Test 2: Process Control 255 d lun 03/01/00

17 4.1 PCT Requirements specification 30 d lun 03/01/00

18 4.2 PCT Design 15 d lun 14/02/00

19 4.3 PCT Procurement 60 d lun 06/03/00

20 4.4 Non HRTP PCT Implementation 135 d lun 20/03/00

21 4.5 HRTP PCT implementation 40 d lun 25/09/00

22 4.6 PCT Testing 25 d lun 20/11/00

23 4.7 PCT Documentation 30 d lun 13/11/00

24 5 Dissemination 260 d lun 03/01/00

25 5.1 Dissemination Planning 15 d lun 03/01/00

26 5.2 OMG Standardization 245 d lun 24/01/00

27 5.3 Publications 125 d lun 10/07/00

28 5.4 HRTC Web site 245 d lun 24/01/00

29 5.5 Exploitation and Use Planning 170 d lun 08/05/00

30 6 Management 260 d lun 03/01/00

31 6.1 Project Coordination and Reporting 260 d lun 03/01/00

32 6.2 Project Management 260 d lun 03/01/00

33 6.3 Project Assessment 260 d lun 03/01/00

34 6.4 Milestone 1: Domain Analysis 0 d vie 30/06/00

35 6.5 Milestone 2: HRT Protocols 0 d sáb 30/09/00

36 6.6 Milestone 3: Final Results 0 d dom 31/12/00




01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 011 2

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

WorkPackage 1WorkPackage 1

CORBA Control Systems Lead: ULund (Karl-Erik Arzen) Tasks

• T1.1 CCS Domain Analysis • T1.2 CCS Domain Architectures• T1.3 CCS Engineering Process

First deliverable• D1.1 CCS Domain Analysis (D/ULund/M6 )• Proposal for a first internal report: Domain Partitioning

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

WorkPackage 2WorkPackage 2

HRT Protocols Lead: TUWien (Thomas Losert) Tasks

• T2.1 Protocols for Real-time Control• T2.2 HRT Pluggable CORBA Protocol

First Deliverable• D2.1 Analysis of Protocols for Real-time Control (D/TUWien/M3)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

WorkPackage 3WorkPackage 3

Robot Control Testbed Lead: ULund (Klas Nilsson) Tasks

• T3.1 RCT Requirements specification• T3.2 RCT Design• T3.3 RCT Procurement• T3.4 Non HRTP RCT Implementation• T3.5 HRTP RCT implementation• T3.6 RCT Testing• T3.7 RCT Documentation & Evaluation

First Deliverables• D3.1 RCT Requirements specification (D/Ulund/M2)• D3.2 RCT Design (D/Ulund/M3)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

WorkPackage 4WorkPackage 4

Process Control Testbed Lead: UPM (Manuel Rodriguez) Tasks

• T4.1 PCT Requirements specification• T4.2 PCT Design• T4.3 PCT Procurement• T4.4 Non HRTP PCT Implementation• T4.5 HRTP PCT implementation• T4.6 PCT Testing• T4.7 PCT Documentation & Evaluation

First Deliverables• D4.1 PCT Requirements specification (D/UPM/M2)• D4.2 PCT Design (D/UPM/M3)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

WorkPackage 5WorkPackage 5

Dissemination Lead: SCILabs (Miguel Segarra) Tasks

• T5.1 Dissemination Planning • T5.2 OMG Standardization• T5.3 Publications • T5.4 HRTC Web site• T5.5 Exploitation and Use Planning

First Deliverables• D5.1 Dissemination Plan (D/UPM/M1)• D5.2.x OMG Documents (D/TUWien/Mx)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

WorkPackage 6WorkPackage 6

Management Lead: UPM (Ricardo Sanz)

• T6.1 Project Coordination• T6.2 Project Management• T6.3 Project Assessment and Evaluation

First Deliverables• D6.1 Project Management Manual (D/UPM/M1)• D6.2 Evaluation Plan (D/UPM /M2)• D6.3 Quarterly Report M3 (D/UPM /M3)

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IST 37652Hard Real-time CORBA

Work DoneWork Done

Elaboration of documents• Minutes of the Barcelona Meeting (Final)• Recommended Readings (Draft)• Dissemination Plan (Draft)• Document Templates (Draft)

Equipment analysis• Computing platforms • Communications hardware


WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002



Hard Real-time CORBA

IST 37652

Project LogoProject Logo

Proposals ?



IST 37652

WP6 / R.Sanz / Viena September 11-13, 2002



Hard Real-time CORBA

IST 37652

The Clock is Running …The Clock is Running …

So, let’s start work !!!