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EMMANUEL COLLEGEAdmissions Office Content Management System Training


Logging into the CMS ........................................................................................................1 The Content Store...............................................................................................................2 Edit a Standard Page...........................................................................................................3 Creating a New Page...........................................................................................................4 Updating a Form or the Home Page...............................................................................4 Saving, Assigning and Advancing the Page....................................................................4 Returning to the Content Store ........................................................................................5 Style Guide – Word Processing Icons ............................................................................6 Style Guide – Fonts & Headlines.....................................................................................6 Style Guide – Web Color Palette......................................................................................6 Style Guide - Spacing..........................................................................................................7 Cutting-and-Pasting.............................................................................................................7 Creating Links ..................................................................................................................8-9 Uploading a Document................................................................................................... 10


LOGGING ON To open the CMS, you must use Internet Explorer on a PC. If you only have access to a Mac, please let us know so that we can make the needed software accommodations.

1. Open a new window in Internet Explorer and type in: (do not put www before cmsdev)

2. The first time you log on to this address on a computer, the system will require

you to stop blocking pop-ups for this page, and to install and enable the ActiveX control.

3. Once the ActiveX is installed, a window will open asking for your log-in and


Your username is your email address before the @ sign. I.e. If is your e-mail, then cmstest is your username. Your password is what you use in the morning to log onto your computer. If you do not log into your computer in the morning, please contact the IT HelpDesk and ask for a password. 4. To keep the site secure, please do not check the “Remember my password” box if

other people use your computer.

5. Then click “OK” and the system will log you in.


THE CONTENT STORE Your CMS will then open to the Content Store. This is your CMS Home Page. If the page does not open to the Content Store, click on the left-hand side of the site tree.

The Content Store serves as your home page, and houses everything you need. Here you can create new pages, see the pages you’re in the process of working on, who else is online etc. We’ll touch on some of these other buttons later in the manual. For now, focus on the New box in the Create Content area, this is what you’ll use to create a new event.


EDIT AN “UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS” PAGE When the window opens, click on the arrow beside the “Body Element” section to expand the page. You’ll be able to edit the following three items:

Title Changes what appears in bold purple at the top of the text box.

Body Copy Changes the body text. If you would like to add links to PDFs or other pages within this section, please refer to the Addendum at the end of this manual. Image Changes the image for the page. Because of the need for special training and programs on your computer, all images will still be posted by the Michelle or Shauna. If you would like an image added to your page, please e-mail it to and let us know on which page the image should appear. Additional Items: - If you wish to edit the right-hand “See Also” links, please shoot Michelle or Shauna

an e-mail at specifying to what pages you’d like to have links, and how you would like the wording phrased.

**For info on Body Text Icons, Creating Links and Font options, see Addendum at end of Manual.


CREATING A NEW PAGE If you would like to create a new page, please contact Shauna Billings Delano at or We will work out a schedule for creating and launching the new page. You will then have edit rights thereafter for updating the page. UPDATING A FORM OR THE ADMISSIONS HOME PAGE For updates to forms or the main Admissions page, please contact Shauna Billings Delano at or SAVING, ASSIGNING AND ADVANCING THE PAGE

When your page is complete, save the page by clicking the “Save” icon at the top of the page. When finished, “Check In” your page so that it is accessible to the next person, by clicking the “Check In” icon at the top of the page. If the page needs to be worked on by someone else in your department, you’ll now have the option to “Assign” the page to them. Right-click on the page you’ve just checked in and select “Assign to….” A screen will pop up with a list of names from which you can choose. That person will now receive an email that says the page has been assigned to them to work on/look over. Once the page is ready to go live, “Advance” the page to be published to the live site. To advance the page, click the “Advance” icon at the top of the page and select Shauna Billings or Michelle Faldet. (The words next to the icon may read something different, based on where in the work flow you are, however the icon will remain the same.)



Now back at the content store, you’ll see that some of the additional fields have filled in. Recently Visited This area will show pages you’ve recently worked on, viewed, advanced in the workflow. In Progress This section indicates pages currently checked out to you. If a page appears in this section, it means it hasn’t yet moved forward in the workflow. Before logging out of the CMS, be sure to check any completed pages in and advance them to the approver, otherwise they won’t be published to the site. If you are not yet done with a page, don’t check it in and the page will be waiting here for you to complete at a later date. Favorites Tab You can drag and drop a page or folder of the site that you commonly work on to this area. For the calendar, drag and drop the “Events” folder in this tab to quickly access the folder without going through the site tree.




Beneath the toolbar icons, you’ll see a font menu:

Instead of using colors and font types to split up text, it’s optimal to use “Headers” as titles and section lead-ins. We only use the following four header types or the normal text option.

**Please do not change the font type. We use arial throughout the site.



SPACING Each time you hit “Enter” the system will assume you’re starting a new paragraph and enter a double-spaced line. If you would like to start on a new line but not have the double space, hold down “Shift” as you press “Enter.” CUTTING-AND-PASTING TEXT When copying-and-pasting text into the Body Copy of the event, you should always follow these steps:

1. Copy the text you’d like to add to the page 2. Click your mouse anywhere in the Body Copy area 3. Press Ctrl and V, and the following window will pop up:

4. Click “Allow Access” and the following window will open:

5. The text you are copying and pasting will appear in the preview window. If you

wish to edit it, you can do so here or after it is pasted. 6. Be sure to select Paste Text Only as this will ensure no strange formatting tags

from Word go into the system. 7. Click Paste and your text will appear in your Body Copy, where you can indent

and format as you wish.



- Highlight the text you would like to make into a link.

- Right-click the text with your mouse, or click on the link button at the top of the screen.

This menu will pop up:

Select which type of link you’ll be making… - Internal – this is any address housed under, but is not

currently available for your use. Pages must instead be entered as External. - External – any page that doesn’t begin with www.emmmanuel..., the COF site, etc. are all considered External sites. - E-mail – link to an email address. This will open the reader’s e-mail system and

plug the email address into the “To” line. - Document – link to a PDF. You’ll need to upload the document to the CMS

before you’ll be able to link to it.


Enter an External Link:

- URL: Type in full URL address, including the www. If you need to browse for the

address, click the … button to the left to open a window. - Display: The text you highlighted will appear in the Text: window. You can edit it

here if you’d like to change it. - Target: Be sure to check the New Window block to ensure that the outside site

opens in a different window, so that the visitor still has access to - Click OK

Enter an Email Link:

- E-Mail: Enter contact e-mail address - Subject: (optional) Enter a subject line so person receiving e-mail knows what it

is in regards to. - Display: The text you highlighted will appear in the Text: window. You can edit

it here if you’d like to change it. - Target: Be sure to check the New Window block to ensure that the e-mail

program opens in a different window, so that the visitor still has access to

- Click OK


Uploading a Document:

- At the top of the screen, select the icon. - The following screen will open:

- Make sure the “Files of type:” box is set to “All Files” - Find the document you wanted to upload (the same way you would select a file as

an e-mail attachment) - Choose to upload to “documents/Admissions” (we’re in the process of moving all

your documents into this file so you can easily replace/upload) - Do not check “Create Component” - Press “Upload”

Linking to a Document:

- Document: Click the … button to the left to open the screen to browse for your

document in the documents/ICD folder. - Display: The text you highlighted will appear in the Text: window. You can edit it

here if you’d like to change it. - Target: Be sure to check the New Window block to ensure that the document

opens in a different window, so that the visitor still has access to - Click OK


STYLING A PAGE – Example from Registrar’s Office When the window opens, click on the arrow beside the “Body Element” section to expand the page. The only area you’ll need to edit on this page is the “Body Copy” tab.

Body Copy: - Courses are entered in a very specific way:

- Course Title: Header 3 (H3) – press Enter - Course Explanation: Normal – press “Shift” + “Enter” - Semester/Credits: Normal/italics – press “Shift” + “Enter” if there’s a Prereq line, “Enter” if it’s complete - Prerequisite: Normal – press “Enter” and then start next entry If the course section has multiple groups of courses (i.e. Foreign Languages: French, Spanish, Portugese, etc.) use a line and a Subject Header to split:

- Green Line – click the line [–] icon within the text editing block (see Addendum 1

for an example), then press “Enter” - Subject Header (i.e. Arabic) is a Header 2 (H2), then press “Enter”
