


Citation preview

V o l . L X X X N o . 9 • May 2 0 0 6 • Iyar/Sivan 5 7 6 6

Holy Blossom Tem ple

Touching the Infi nite and the Eternal

Come and celebrate Shavuot with one of

this generation's leading teachers,

Rabbi Yoel Glick

See page 4.

Daily/Shabbat Worship 2 | In Perspective 3 | Shavuot 5766/2006 4 | 150th Anniversary 5 | President's Message 5 | The Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning 6 | New Plaut Commentary 7 | Our Israel 8 | Education Matters 9 | Events and Announcements 11 | Our Congregational Family 12 | This Month @ Holy Blossom 15 | The Last Word 16


Holy Blossom Temple 2







Daily ServicesMon. to Fri. 7.30 a.m. Shacharit* 6 p.m. MinchaSun. 9 a.m.* On Mon. May 22, 2006, Shacharit Services will be held at 9 a.m.

Yom Ha’Zikaron/Yom Ha’Atzmaut*Tue. May 2 6 p.m. ServiceTue. May 2 6.30 p.m. Celebration* Please see page 16 for details.

Shabbat Achare Mot-KedoshimFri. May 5 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. May 5 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat and DinnerSat. May 6 10.30 a.m. Shabbat ServiceSat. May 6 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

Shabbat EmorFri. May 12 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceSat. May 13 10.30 a.m. Shabbat ServiceSat. May 13 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

Shabbat Behar-BechukotaiFri. May 19 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. May 19 6 p.m. Gesher ServiceSat. May 20 10.30 a.m. Shabbat ServiceSat. May 20 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

Shabbat BemidbarFri. May 26 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceSat. May 27 10.30 a.m. Shabbat ServiceSat. May 27 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

Shavuot*Thur. June 1 7 p.m. Erev Shavuot and Confi rmation ServiceFri. June 2 10 a.m. Shavuot and Yizkor Services* Please see page 4 for details.

Shabbat Naso IFri. June 2 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceSat. June 3 10.30 a.m. Shabbat ServiceSat. June 3 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

Shabbat Naso IIFri. June 9 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. June 9 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat and DinnerSat. June 10 10.30 a.m. Shabbat ServiceSat. June 10 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

May 2006 3 Iyar/Sivan 5766

by Rabbi John Moscowitz


Growing up, I didn’t know anyone who wanted to be a rabbi. I certainly didn’t hang out with those types, and if they

were around, I didn’t have much to say to them. If I thought at all about rabbis then, it was that they were necessary at necessary times; otherwise, they had their world and I had mine.

Neither did my parents push religion and ritual on me. They were interested that I might be a politician or a lawyer or perhaps a psychiatrist. I wanted to be a major league ballplayer.

Only later, when life had begun to leave its marks did I realize I had been ignorant and blind — ignorant of the Rabbis who established the extraordi-narily rich, intellectual and religious endeavour we know of as Judaism today, and blind to the capability of Judaism to shape behaviour and make for a good life.

Eventually, my life took a couple of funny turns and I ended up in rabbinical school. Not to be a rabbi, but rather to learn what I had not picked up earlier. I was attracted to a kind of learning and world view that, while intellectual in nature, I knew to go to the very heart of life. I was hungry for meaning. I was in search of memories that were mine — but had never been handed over.

Once in rabbinical school, I was exposed to the Rabbis — the various scholars and thinkers who took Juda-ism from the Temple in Jerusalem to the world of study and Torah; from the world of sacrifi cing animals to that of mitzvot and blessings and books.

These Rabbis rescued Judaism from the wake of the Temple destruction in the year 70 CE, reformulating it so as to bequeath to succeeding generations, ourselves included, Jewish ways to think and act in the world. We should never tire of noting that the Judaism of today is not that of the Bible — but rather the religion restructured and transformed by the Rabbis as they developed Jewish tra-dition in the fi rst several centuries of the Common Era.

The Rabbis famously proclaimed: “Find yourself a teacher and remove doubt from your midst.” By this they meant that the study of the tradition,

the law and the inner world of God and of humans brings about the possibility of greater coherence — intellectually, philosophically and in terms of behaviour. The Rabbis be-lieved deeply that the more study, the more decency; and the more decency between human beings, the more a society would be stable, would fl ourish and would bring meaning and dig-nity to individuals. So that when the Qur'an, in the seventh century, referred to the Jews as the “People of the Book,” it did so with esteem.

To have knowledge, to read books, to refl ect, meant for better human beings and a better world. Could any-thing be more admirable?

Beginning on Tuesday night May 9, I will teach about the Rabbis. The Brilliance of the Rabbinic Revolu-tion is designed to expose those who will come and study on those evenings to a number of seminal texts that continue to speak down through the generations — of a way of thinking that allows Jews to feel a common humanity with all, and a particularity with their own People.

Won’t you consider joining us — both those who have studied with me before and those who have not — for a look at a world that produced us and so much of what we have?





Rabbi John Moscowitz | Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m., May 9 to June 13, 2006

Ours is not the Judaism of the Bible, but that of the Rabbis. The Rabbis — in the fi rst number of centuries of the Common Era — brilliantly and courageously rescued Judaism from ruin and irrelevance, fashioning a new Judaism out of the old, one based on study rather than on sacrifi ce.

The Brilliance of the Rabbinic Revolution

… the Judaism of today is not that of

the Bible — but rather the religion

restructured and transformed by the

Rabbis as they developed Jewish

tradition in the fi rst several centuries

of the Common Era.

Holy Blossom Temple 4

THUR. JUNE 1, 20067 p.m. Erev Shavuot ServiceConfi rmation and honouring of Youth Awards recipients. Reception following for all congregants.

9.30 p.m. Tikkun Leil Shavuot: The Revelation of Shavuot — Touching the Infi nite and the Eternal, with Yoel GlickA graduate of the University of Toronto, Yoel Glick received his rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University, New York and divides his time between France and Israel, where he teaches Jewish medita-tion and spirituality.

FRI. JUNE 2, 200610 a.m. Congregation-wide Shavuot Morning Services, including YizkorFamilies with children are especially welcome. Creative Torah study will be offered for children of all ages and childcare will be available.

Special blessing for babiesWe invite parents to bring their children, born in the last year or two, to Shavuot Morning Services, where the congregation can welcome them into our community. All parents will be invited to bring their babies up to the bimah for a special blessing.

Celebrating Shavuot and Confi rmation

Mazal Tov to our 5766/2006 Confi rmands and their ParentsConfi rmation is the Reform Movement’s celebration of the completion of a young person’s Jewish education. Th e

Temple celebrates this joyous event with the entire congregation at our Erev Shavuot Service on Th ur. June 1, 2006.



otZ’man Matan Torahteinu — The time of the giving of our Torah

MAZAL TOV TO: Eli Bardikoff (Ricki Wortzman & Alan Bardikoff ) | Elliott Berinstein (Corinne & Neil Berinstein) | Amy Berkowitz

(Linda & Simon Berkowitz) | Adam Charney (Sara & Richard Charney) | Micaela Collins (Krisanne Kangille & Peter Collins) | Robert

Denaburg (Phyllis & Jeff rey Denaburg) | Michaela Freedman (Joy Rosen & Larry Freedman) | Stacey Greenbaum (Cathy & Lorne

Greenbaum) | Jessica Hart (Jill Kamin & Murray Hart) | Miriam Heavenrich (Joan & Alan Heavenrich) | Joe Jordan (Amy Sky

Jordan & Marc Jordan) | Caroline Kassie (Susan Harris & David Kassie) | Amanda Kert (Wendy & Roey B. Kert) | Emma Leese

(Teri & David Leese) | Claudia Ludwig (Kathy Dolgy Ludwig & Samuel Ludwig ) | Nathan Micay (Susan Baskin & Jack Micay) |

Jakov Musafi ja (Sladjana & Mair Musafi ja) | Rebecca Perlmutar (Gillian Hawker & Marty Perlmutar) | Michael Rachlis (Geraldine

Waldman & Charles Rachlis) | Joshua Richman-Gould (Gerri Richman & Malcolm Gould) | Alexander Sadowski and Michael

Sadowski (Donna Sorbara & David Sadowski) | Brandon Samuels (Heather & Stuart Samuels) | Lauren Segal (Susan & Peter Segal |

Jessica Sennet (Tobye & Sydney Sennet) | Natalie Simonsky (Jan & Robert Simonsky) | Jacob Sommers (Julia & David Sommers) |

Rebecca Stein (Nancy & Raymond Stein) | Kevin Wiener (Lillyann Goldstein & Bill Wiener)

May 2006 5 Iyar/Sivan 5766







All Temple members recently received a letter, along with a pledge card, regarding the Temple’s Annual Contribution Cam-

paign. (If you did not receive the card, please call Shannon Tramer at ext. 227, at the Temple.) We are very excited about this year’s campaign. Based on the support we received from more than 400 members last year, it is clear that your dedication to Holy Blossom Temple will ensure that our second Annual Contri-bution Campaign will be an even greater success than the fi rst, and that Holy Blossom Temple will be able to continue

A culture of givingby Alan Garfi nkel

its long-standing tradition of keeping its doors open to all who wish to enter it.

I am pleased to tell you that we have 100 per cent participation from the Board of Directors. At our last meeting, every member of the Board committed to support the Campaign.

I am also pleased to advise that we have been able to limit the increase in Base Family Rates to less than 2 per cent this year and to maintain the rates for young adult members.

This was not an easy feat considering the upward pressures on our operating costs, in particular utilities, insurance and security. (Please see box for our Base Membership Rates for 2006–2007.)

Base Membership Rates

Family$2,495 for a two-adult household

Single Adult (Family) $1,470 for households with one adult

Young Adult$550 per person for individuals between

the ages of 31 and 35 years$330 per person for individuals 30 years

and youngerRates include all children, up to 25 years of age, in the household.

Thank you in advance for your ongoing support of our sacred community.

Abraham Nord-heimer, Lewis Samuel and Alfred Benjamin were three of the early leaders of the Toronto Jewish community

and Holy Blossom Temple. On May 17,24 and 31, 2006, at 7.30 p.m., Ken Wyman — a member of the Temple’s Archives Committee who is pursuing re-search on the early history of the Toronto Jewish community — will introduce us to these three leaders.

These lectures will help set the scene for the celebration of our 150th an-niversary and will contribute to our understanding of some of the debates in our congregation in its early years.

From the 1840s to the 1880s, the Jews who settled in Toronto came primarily from England and, to a lesser extent, from the German states. Both groups wanted to achieve a high degree of integration into Anglo-Canadian society, while

striving to maintain a distinctive Jewish religious identity. They differed, however, on how this should be accomplished.

The English Jews tended to favour the Anglo

style of Jewish orthodoxy, whilethe German Jews were attracted to the rapidly expanding Re-form Movement

by Henrietta Chesnie, Chair, 150th Anniversary Committee

Toronto in the 1800s

Alfred Benjamin

Abraham Nordheimer








in the United States. These two tenden-cies resulted in many contentious issues within the congregation and in many compromises as the leadership of the day strove to fi nd an approach that was acceptable to the majority of congre-gants. Please join us for Ken Wyman's insights into our early history.

150th anniversary tripWe are planning a special anniversary trip to Israel, led by Rabbi Edward and Fagi Goldfarb, from Apr. 14 to 24, 2007. The trip will be based on the following: Zion-ism; Israeli art and culture; the political situation and peace process; and Reform Judaism in Israel. Participants will have the opportunity to work on the anniver-sary Sefer Torah with a Scribe in Israel, to experience Yom Ha’Zikaron (Memorial Day) and to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Independence Day) in Israel. Watch the Bulletin for more details.

Lewis Samuel

Holy Blossom Temple 6

The Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning at Holy Blossom Temple


Responsa LiteratureRabbi Yael Splansky

Thursdays at 10 a.m. May 4, 11, 18 and 25Every good question has always de-served a good answer. Responsa litera-ture is the largest collection of Jewish text. We will look at some surprising Jewish questions and the rabbinic answers that followed.

Siblings in GenesisRabbi Dow MarmurWednesdays at 7.30 p.m. May 31 to June 28A fi ve-session course detailing the re-lationships of siblings in the Book of Genesis: Cain and Abel; Noah’s sons; Isaac and Ishmael; Jacob and Esau; and Joseph and his brothers. Join us for an investigative look at these power-ful brothers and how they lived and worked together.

Mixed Blessings: A Mini-Course for Interfaith CouplesRabbi Yael SplanskyMondays at 8 p.m.June 5, 12, 19 and 26Articulating your expectations and beliefs, managing the extended families, fostering a clear religious identity in your children — these are some of the complexities we will think

through together. For more details or to register, please call Cynthia Silverman (ext. 276), at the Temple or e-mail


The Roots of Toronto’s Jewish Community (1900–1914)Bill Gladstone, Journalist and Historian Tue. May 9, at 7.30 p.m.This slide presentation is co-sponsored by the Library Committee and Brother-hood. For more details, please call Anne Dublin (ext. 235), at the Temple.

Lessons in Fear (documentary fi lm)Igal Hecht, Filmmaker, and James Cullingham, DirectorWed. May 10, at 7.30 p.m.The documentary Lessons in Fear explores

Israeli and Palestinian education from the ground up. In a media world obsessed with confl ict, Lessons in Fear takes a hu-manized, behind-the-scenes look at how ordinary kids are educated in one of the world’s trouble spots.

Living History: Back to our RootsRabbi Chaim Weiner, Director of the Euro-pean Masorti (Conservative) Bet Din (Court)Mon. June 5, at 8 p.m.Did you know that Jews in Tuscany buried a matzah bakery, a mikvah and a kosher slaughterhouse in caves hundreds of feet beneath their synagogue? Did you know that Crypto Jews in Portugal used the Inquisition to learn how to practice Judaism? This session will bring our history to life through visits to off-the-beaten-track locations. Join us for an evening of pictures, music and texts.

Our Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning provides opportunities to come together for major public lectures, to study Torah and other literature, and to obtain the skills needed to lead a deeper Jewish life.

For more details on all our spring 2006 lectures and programs, please call the School offi ce (ext. 256), at the Temple, or visit our Web site at All programs and lectures are open to the community, unless otherwise stated. For your convenience, our daytime programs during the week are marked with this symbol:




















The 2006 Harry Posen Memorial LecturesIsrael after Sharon

Professor Gabriel Ben-DorDean of the School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa and Director of the National Securities Study Center

Mon. May 8, at 8 p.m. The Changing Face of Israeli Politics

Wed. May 10, at 8 p.m. Israel's Changing Strategic Environment

May 2006 7 Iyar/Sivan 5766

Mon. May 8, at 1.30 p.m. A Musical Performance | Enjoy listening to contemporary classical music at Beth Tzedec Synagogue. Cost: $2. RSVP to Shelly Beren-baum (ext. 233), at the Temple.

Wed. May 24, at 12 p.m. Memoirs of Israel’s War of Inde-pendence | Jerry Rosenberg

Wed. June 14, at 10.30 a.m. Cabaret at Stage West | Please join us for our summer outing. We will travel by bus to Stage West and enjoy a wonderful buffet lunch be-fore the performance. Cost: $40 for Temple members and $45 for non-members. Space is ex-tremely limited. Please call Shelly Berenbaum (ext. 233), at the Temple, to make reservations.

It should come as no surprise that Holy Blossom Temple is one of the fi rst congregations in the Reform Movement to

purchase the new and revised Plaut Torah Commentary that is now in our pews for use at Worship Services.

Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut began work on this Commentary, the fi rst one ever produced by the Reform Movement, more than 30 years ago, when he served as this synagogue’s Senior Rabbi.

This new edition has corrected various Hebrew errors found in the old text, and has updated both the content and the

by Randi Garfi nkel, Chair, Worship Department

Introducing the new Plaut Commentary

format to make it more user-friendly.The Plaut Torah Commentary con-

tinues to be one of the crown jewels of the Reform Movement. It is widely used in most liberal congregations, and its infl uence has had a profound effect on modern Jewish Torah scholarship.

The new Commentary has been made available — in consultation with the Plaut family and in honour of Holy Blos-som Temple’s 150th anniversary — thanks to donations made by Temple members and others to various funds established to honour the Plaut family over the years.

Individual commentaries may be dedicated to honour or memorialize loved ones for a donation of $72 to the

Foundation. These donations will be acknowledged on the inside cover of the book through an individualized book-plate and will be listed in the Bulletin.

New commentaries are available at the Judaica Shop for $72.

It is our hope that the new Commen-tary, together with our new Holy Blossom Temple Siddur — to be released as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations this fall and also graciously funded through donations made in honour of the Plaut family — will serve as fi tting symbols of Rabbi Plaut’s contribution and dedication to Torah (study) and Avodah (worship) in our synagogue community and the larger Reform Movement.

For more information, or to leave a message, please call the Seniors’ hotline (ext. 517), at the Temple.

May 15 The Kaddish: Everything You Wanted to Know | Rabbi Jason Rosenberg

May 29 Paralysis or Progress — Israel's New Government | Rabbi Dow Marmur

June 5 The Textile Museum: Threads of Human History | Anne Posen, Educator, the Textile Museum

LU N C H and L E A R N in Retirement

Please join us for our exciting spring programs. Cost: $1 unless otherwise stated.

M O N D AYS @ the Temple

Let’s celebrate Israel’s birthday to-gether at our Yom Ha’Atzmaut party on May 1, 2006, at 12.30 p.m. We will enjoy a festive lunch, fol-lowed by a musical presentation, Israel through Music and Word, by Linda Segal, former cantor of the Beaches Hebrew Institute. Our upcoming 2006 programs (start-ing at 10 a.m.) are:

May 8 Book Review: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | Tina Urman

Holy Blossom Temple 8




EL Israel: our year in reviewby Sandy Atlin, Chair, Aid to Survivors of Terror Fund

Holy Blossom members have con-tributed more than $180,000 since July 2002 to help victims of terror in Israel.

This fi nancial achievement makes us one of the leading synagogue donors in North America.

A task force, chaired by Temple member Pam Albert, was formed in 2002, to explore how the Temple could provide aid to Israeli victims of terror and to match, on a permanent basis, seed money funding, which had been generously contributed.

Pam connected with the OneFamily Fund, which assesses survivors’ needs and ensures they are met. (Pam later developed a Canadian branch of the OneFamily Fund and serves as its Executive Director.)

What we've accomplished• Holy Blossom members have visited

‘adopted’ families in Israel on more than 10 occasions;

• In July 2004, we brought Neta Zinger, aged 16, to a Canadian summer camp and his mother, Nurit, to visit him;

• Through the OneFamily Fund, we supported a Bereaved Siblings Retreat, a Wounded Couples Retreat and a Bereaved Women’s Retreat in Israel;

• We designated funds to Sellah, which helps new immigrants to Israel — many of whom are living below the poverty line — who are victims of terror;

• We gave funds to the Koby Mandel Foundation to send children to its summer camps in Israel;

• A group of Temple grandparents marked last year’s Chanukah festivities by donating funds in honour of their grandchildren to Israeli survivors;

• Religious School children sent postcards of Toronto to Israeli children;

• Temple volunteers visited an Israeli children’s camp for survivors to deliver toys and stickers;

• A dinner for survivors was organized last summer in Caesarea with the Canadian Maccabi Golf Team, which included Temple members. (The fact that survivors travelled long distances to visit with the group in Caesarea exemplifi es the importance of these connections to their lives.); and

• Holy Blossom’s Israel Committee set up the Aid for Survivors of Terror Fund.

Giving survivors hopeThe relationships with survivors con-tinue to this day. This past winter, Temple members Melanie and Paul Nes-bitt volunteered in Israel at a Bereaved Parents Retreat and attended a Bereaved Women’s Support Group for new Rus-sian immigrants.

In all these ways, we have given Israeli survivors of terrorism hope in the knowledge of how deeply we care about them and support their efforts to overcome their losses.

Yasher koach to the many dozens of Temple members who have made per-sonal efforts and fi nancial contributions. Thank you for twinning as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, adopting families, writing cards, sending toys and stickers, funding retreats, visiting Israel and welcoming victims in Toronto. This mitzvah makes a true difference in survivors’ lives.

To donate to the Temple’s Aid for Survivors of Terror Fund, please call the Foundation offi ce (ext. 265), at the Temple or visit To discuss future volunteer missions to Israel to help survivors, please call Pam Albert, at (416) 644-4955, ext. 205.

Shabbat FusionRabbi Yael Splansky

Friday nights at 6.30 p.m.May 26 and June 30, 2006

For more details on this program, please call Cynthia Silverman (ext. 276), at the Temple.

Members and non-members are invited to a unique Kabbalat Shabbat

experience of song and prayer. Avivah Chernik, Aaron Lightston and their

musical friends will bring the city's fi nest fusion of jazz, funk, Ashkenaz and

Sepharad. Our Sanctuary won't know what hit it! A Shabbes Tish of sushi and

wine will follow. Spread the word and bring a friend.

May 2006 9 Iyar/Sivan 5766

by Deborah K. Spiegel, Director of Education

Why celebrating Israel is important in Canada

In the next little while, we will be observing Israel’s Yom Ha’Zikaron (Remembrance Day) and Yom Ha’Atzmaut

(Independence Day). These holidays give us the opportunity to commemorate and to celebrate. The what and how of the commemoration and celebration are fun-damental to our connection with Israel.

As a chaperone for Toronto’s March of the Living in 2004 and 2005, I was fortunate to be able to observe these two days while in Israel. Yom Ha’Zikaron commemorates all Israeli soldiers who have been killed in defence of its bor-ders over the past 58 years. The entire country comes to a halt as the siren wails throughout Israel for two full minutes on Yom Ha’Zikaron. As the sun sets and all sing Hatikvah, Israelis are able to turn a complete 180 degrees and joyously cel-ebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut.

We have a unique opportunity as Canadian Jews as we too commemorate and celebrate Israel. But how do we look at the prospect of celebrating Israel while living in Canada? How can we make Israel signifi cant for our students each year? We can’t all be in Israel for Yom Ha’Atzmaut, so we try to celebrate Israel here. This year, throughout Religious School, the students have had unique opportunities to learn about Israel. They enjoyed three sessions of chugim on the theme of Israel — each chug shares something excep-tional about Israel for our students. Titles included: Happy Birthday Israel; Israeli Mosaics, Eating Tour of Israel, Edible Is-rael — A Look at the Map; and The Thin Olive Green Line — Israel’s Wars and the Impact on the Country.

In Senior School, we have hosted a vari-ety of speakers who shared information on Israel’s image in the Diaspora, and the pol-itics of the country, with specifi c insights to the most recent elections. Students have

Awards of MeritThe following students will be receiving an Award of Merit from the Youth Award fund to attend a Reform Jewish camp in the summer of 2006: Deena Cincinatus (GUCI*); Elana Cincinatus (GUCI); David Harris-Koblin (Camp George); Andrew Kohn (Camp George); Michael Rosenberg (Camp George); Tony Rosenberg (Camp George); and Leah Rosenkrantz (Camp George). Aron Berger received an Award of Merit for attending NFTY’s** Israel program.

For more details, please call Rabbi Jason Rosenberg (ext. 277) or Debbie Spiegel (ext. 239), at the Temple.

* Goldman Union Camp Institute** North American Federation of Temple Youth








‘Adopt-a-Dad’ program for anyone who needs a match for the day (guys without sons — we need you!).

Family Camp

Fri. Sept. 1 to Sun. Sept. 3Summer is not far away, which means we are gearing up for our annual Family Camp retreat at beau-tiful Camp George, near Parry Sound. Join us for this perfect weekend get-away. For more details, please call Rabbi Jason Rosenberg (ext. 277),at the Temple.

Father/Son Day

at Centre Island

Sun. June 4, at 10 a.m.We will meet at the Toronto Island Ferry Docks to start our annual fi eld day, and then head out to Centre Island for a fun-fi lled day of games, sports, drama, food and more. RSVP to Shelly Berenbaum (ext. 233), at the Temple. Or call Rabbi Jason Rosenberg (ext. 277), at the Temple, for more details, including information on our

Family Programming 2006

also received constant encouragement to visit Israel. We hope that we will be able to arrange a return Confi rmation trip to Israel for 2007.

We have much to celebrate as Jews in Canada. To continue to join in the triumph of our People, we must edu-cate ourselves and our children as to the joys of being Jewish and the sig-nifi cance of Israel in our lives and, as a school community, to commemorate her losses and celebrate her victories.

We will celebrate the ending of the school year on Sun. May 14, 2006, at 10 a.m. with a school-wide Zimriyah — a song festival where students will bring the spirit of Israel into our Temple.

I want to congratulate the students for their liveliness and the teachers for their enthusiasm, but mostly the parents for giving their children the op-portunity to grow further as Jews and to have the opportunity to remember and to celebrate!

Holy Blossom Temple 10

Purim 5766:

On Sun. Mar. 13, 2006, Holy Blossom Temple hosted an amazing carnival to celebrate Purim. The next day, we gath-ered to drown out the name of Haman as the Megillah Esther was read. Yasher koach to our Purim Festival Committee: RobinBelman, Shelly Berenbaum, Mona Cha-rendoff, Johanna Faulk, Jackie Mamott, Julie Markle, Marcela Mayo, Sharon Neiss, Rabbi Jason Rosenberg, Lillian Sherman and Janet Shiner, Chair Purim Committee. To the many volunteers who sold the tickets, prepared food and ran activities — we couldn’t do it without you. A very special thank you for all their help to: Michael Larkin, Lev Maidanik and the entire maintenance staff.

Thank you to our generous donors who never fail to supply us with prizes and supplies: Fortinos, Ganz, Giftcraft, Honest Ed’s, Loots, Only Accessories, Party Packagers, PharmaPlus, Progress Packaging Ltd., Sandylion Stickers, Scholastic Books, Silverstein’s Bakery, Spinmaster Toys and Evan Tapper.

Yasher koach to those who read the Megillah: Lisa Baumal, Ari Burkes, Jill Kamin, Mira Lyon, Rachel Malach, Judy Malkin, Mike Morgulis and Brenda Saunders.

Finally, thanks to those who lent their voices and enthusiasm to our Schpiel: Bram Aaron, Susan Baskin, Susan Chernow, Gary Ciglen, Toby Ciglen, Helena Fine, Philip Fleishman, Ron Hart,

Left to right: Devyn Olin and Dustin, Joely and Sierra Pulver at our Purim carnival.



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Our 5766 Purim Schpielers



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To see more Purim photographs,

please visit

Some of our thought-provoking speakersDimensions of Violence Rabbi Jonathan Crane (Feb. 15)

Rabbi Crane leads a discus-sion on issues related to contemporary warfare.

Adam Sol (left) moderates a Panel Discussion by (left to right) Cynthia Good, Margie Wolfe and Malcolm Lester.

The Place of Jewish Values in the World of Publishing (Mar. 21)




by P

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Here's what you missed if you weren't thereKathy Green, Laurence Jacobs, Sue Joel, Michael Larkin, Judy Malkin, Pnina Margolese, Catherine Mayers, Lew Molot, Mike Morgulis, Eva Ormut, Rabbi Jason Rosenberg, Arlene Roth-Hershfi eld, Mari Lynn Rusak, David Sandler, Sandra Sandler, Lori Shekter-Wolfson, Saul Ship, Sharon Smith-Miller and Vallry Waldman, as well as Benjamin Applebaum, Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, Rabbi John Moscowitz, Judy Nyman, Lindi Rivers and Rabbi Yael Splansky.

— Phyllis Cincinatus, Festival Chair

May 2006 11 Iyar/Sivan 5766

Fine Arts Committee: Members' Art ExhibitReception Sun. May 21, 2006, at 2 p.m. Exhibit continues to Wed. June 21, 2006 Featuring art by Temple artists, the exhibit and reception are in honour of the 150th anniversary of Holy Blossom.

Library Book ClubKen Skolnik Mon. May. 8, 2006, at 10 a.m. The group will discuss The Final Solu-tion: A Story of Detection by Michael Chabon. For more details, please call Anne Dublin (ext. 235), at the Temple.

Library Book Sale Mon. May 29 to Wed. May 31, 2006, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Our annual sale of discarded books features adult and children’s fi ction and non-fi ction books. Come early for the best selection. Donations of books for the sale are welcome. For more details, please call Anne Dublin (ext. 235), at the Temple.

Breakfast Club: Anxiety and Stress ManagementDr. Harold Minden, Professor Emeritus, York UniversitySun. May 28, 2006, at 9.30 a.m. Join us following Shacharit Services for

Events and Announcements

breakfast at 9.30 a.m., and our speaker at 10 a.m., for a talk on healthy alternatives to Valium, anti-depressants and alcohol. Men and women welcome.

Baseball League The Holy B’s will be playing in the Inter-Synagogue Baseball League on Sunday mornings from May to October 2006. Temple men (who have paid their $36 Brotherhood membership) who are 21 years old and older are eligible to play. For more details, please call the Brother-hood hotline (ext. 530), at the Temple, or e-mail us at

Bereavement Support GroupHelen Gia Levin, Grief TherapistWednesdays at 7 p.m.May 24, 31, June 7 and 14, 2006 If you have lost a loved one, come to the Temple to fi nd strength and comfort. To register (no cost), please call Cynthia Silverman (ext. 276), at the Temple.

The Toronto Jewish Healing Project: God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?Rabbi Dow MarmurWed. June 14, 2006, at 8.30 a.m.Following the keynote address by Rabbi Dow Marmur, there will be workshops led by outstanding religious and profes-sionals of the community. For more details, please call Etta GinsbergMcEwan, at (416) 944-3359.

Rosh Chodesh (Sivan) Celebration and StudyRabbi Yael SplanskyMon. May 29, 2006, at 8 p.m.Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (Bloor and Spadina)Enjoy the company of women who span the generations, for an interactive, text-based monthly discussion on what makes each month of the Jewish calendar unique. Celebrate Rosh Chodesh, which, according to tradition, was God’s gift to women. Dessert and coffee will be served. Bring a friend.

Understanding MenopauseDr. Randy Shaul, Family Physician, Michelle Katz, Certifi ed Yoga and Medi-tation Instructor, and Ruth Anne Baron, Doctor of Naturopathic MedicineWed. May 10, 2006, at 7.15 p.m. Come join us for an informative panel discussion, followed by a question and answer period.

Annual General MeetingTue. May 30, 2006, at 7.30 p.m.All Sisterhood members are invited to this important meeting featuring a sur-prise speaker. Our Board members will be installed and the annual report cover-ing the accomplishments of the past year will be presented.

Sat. May 6, 2006, at 7.30 p.m. andSun. May 7, 2006, at 2.30 p.m.

This hard-hitting drama focuses on the Mackenzie King government’s immigration policies during and after World War II. Tickets: $12. For more details or to order tickets, please call the Stagecraft hotline (ext. 511), at the Temple.

Holy Blossom Temple Stagecraft Company: None is Too Many, by Jason Sherman (staged reading)

Holy Blossom Temple 12

May 27, 2006/29 Iyar 5766Michael Marks, son of Ellen Yack & Irv Marks

June 3, 2006/7 Sivan 5766Sam Keshen, son of Julie & Larry Keshen

June 3, 2006/7 Sivan 5766Daniel Sigal, son of Brenda Tipper & Israel Michael Sigal

June 3, 2006/7 Sivan 5766Rebecca Tartick, daughter of Maureen & David Tartick

Engagements/MarriagesPhyllis & Paul Bordo on the engagement of their son Mark Andrew

Bordo to Sabrina Elizabeth Kaufman, daughter of Claire & the late Martin Ian Kaufman, who will be married in September 2006.

Carolyn Newman & Josh Title, who were married in April 2006. Proud parents are Judy & Howard Newman and Carole & Stephen Title.

Marlene & Wayne Pulver on the engagement of their son Shawn Pulver to Aliza Fisch, daughter of Vera & Joseph Fisch, who will be married in August 2006. Proud grandmothers are Elizabeth Gyenes and Ida Shapiro.

Our Congregational Family

The congregation sympathizes with the recently bereaved families of:Simcha Ben-Yeheskel, mother of Heskiel Ben-Yeheskel, Osnap

Ben-Yeheskel and Pnina Ben-Yeheskel, sister of Betty YoungLeslie Donne, father of David Donne, Phillip Donne, Rodney

Donne and Denyse Silverman, brother of Milly PhillipsMitchell Duckman, son of Nancy & Owen Duckman, brother

of Allison Duckman and Julia Duckman, grandson of Lloyd & Sharon Duckman and Sandra & Lionel Waldman

Jordan (Jordy) Tanz, husband of Petra Tanz, father of Jeffrey Tanz and Katie Tanz, son of Alice Tanz and Dr. Mitchell Tanz, brother of Lili Tanz-Rosenbaum, Peter Tanz, Robert Tanz and Tim Tanz

We would like to welcome the following people to our Holy Blossom Temple family:

Abbey Lipson • Michelle & Gavin Naimer, and Nicole and Jack • Ruth Pelly • Alan Ruth

B’nei Mitzvah

May 6, 2006/8 Iyar 5766Melissa Hendel, daughter of Tami & Matt Hendel

May 6, 2006/8 Iyar 5766Rebecca Hendel, daughter of Tami & Matt Hendel

May 13, 2006/15 Iyar 5766Simeon Musafi ja, son of Sladjana & Mair Musafi ja

May 13, 2006/15 Iyar 5766David Polan, son of Cindy Suran-Polan & Howard Polan

May 13, 2006/15 Iyar 5766Mitchell Stein, son of Beth Weingarden & Paul Stein

May 20, 2006/22 Iyar 5766Andrée Heller, daughter of Ronna Brott & Julian Heller

May 27, 2006/29 Iyar 5766Ben Bruner, son of Jody & Paul Bruner

May 2006 13 Iyar/Sivan 5766

Harry Marcus May 24

Rose Langer 25

Myer Lawrence Schiff 25

Phil Sweiden 25

Arthur Weinreb 25

Lawrence Wineberg 25

Ethel Dubin 26

Harriet Wolfe 26

Louis Krakauer 27

Harvey Pollock 27

Leopold Stossel 27

Judith Teller 27

Saul Harry Greenwood 28

Harold Hands 28

Nettie Landau 28

Peggy Laskin 28

Sigmund Lubelsky 28

Frederick Burton 29

Max Gold 29

Gertrude Stitt 29

Jennie Wolfe 29

Bessie Yolleck 29

Joseph Blumenthal 30

Alex Flomen 30

Zelda Kaplan 30

Pearl Kates 30

Louis Kurshner 30

Sydney Rosen 30

Moses Toker 30

Esther Fichman 31

Lights will be kindled in the

Sanctuary, for seven days,

starting the Saturday evening

before the anniversary date,

to mark the yahrzeit of the


Name Date

Benjamin Grossberg May 1

John Borshay 2

Gertrude Gardner 2

Elie White 2

Yetta Fishbein 3

Lyla Isenberg 3

Bertha Meerbaum 3

Lillian Blanche Stock 3

Bonnie Barbara Sweet 3

Louis Goodman 4

Jack Sniderman 4

Isador Allen 5

Fred Cotton 5

Jack Fedder 5

Clara Schacter 5

Laura Schipper 5

Theresa Brookstein 6

Carol Caplan 6

Samuel Harold Casselman 6

Israel Joseph Copp 6

Rella Doctors 6

David Benjamin Doidge 6

Mollie Pressman 6

Abraham Albert Warren 6

Morris Henry Epstein 7

Esther Fogler 7

William Gold 7

Jack Penn 7

Irving Cooper 8

Lillian Kay 8

Haskel Max Masters 8

Magistrate J. Cohen 9

Alfreda Henry 9

Martin Rynski 9

Stanley Alter 10

George Appleton 10

Lawrence Finberg 10

Isaac Meyer Lederman 10

Florence King Bloomberg 11

Samuel Firestone May 11

Leah Steinberg 11

Maurice Klein 12

Abraham Levin 12

Sam H. Richardson 12

Dora Dann 13

Fanny Jackson 13

Harold Borinsky 14

Pauline Davis 14

Dr. Allen Gardner 14

Mark Hands 14

Dorothy Kaplan 14

Bertha Ida Levy 14

Jennie Portnoy 14

Paula Frankel 15

Joseph Klein 15

Elsie Pape 15

Edward Zimmerman 15

Maude Cowan 16

Hyman Goldstein 16

Isadore Smith 16

Samuel Hansher 17

Walter Pape 17

Harry Thomson 17

Jonathan Mark Agar 18

Jack Korman 18

Rose Weinberg 18

Anne Messinger Cole 19

Manny Esco 19

Ida Grossman 20

Samuel Jaffey 20

Harry Posen 20

Ella Schaefer Sax 20

Leslie Gondor 21

Belle Sadowski 21

Rose Cadsby 22

Harry Ely 22

Gordon Kaufman 22

Gertrude Silverman 22

Gussie Singer 22

Imre Somogyi 22

Theodore Gould 23

Alan David Marks 23

George Weisfeld 23

Rae Zwerling 23

Pearl Cole 24

Harry Harris 24

Bernard Kofman 24

Aid for Survivors of TerrorismMax Nathan, In Memory: Alison & Alan Schwartz

William Anshan Youth Awards Ruth Gold, In Memory: Jean Anshan

Floral FundBen Bruner, Bar Mitzvah: Jody & Paul BrunerLauren Rachel Carroll, Bat Mitzvah: Lisa Ritchie & David CarrollAndrée Heller, Bat Mitzvah: Ronni Brott & Julian Heller Melissa Hendel, Bat Mitzvah: Tami & Matt HendelRebecca Hendel, Bat Mitzvah: Tami & Matt HendelSam Keshen, Bar Mitzvah: Julie & Larry KeshenMichael Marks, Bar Mitzvah: Ellen Yack & Irv Marks Simeon Musafi ja, Bar Mitzvah: Sladjana & Mair Musafi jaMitchell Stein, Bar Mitzvah: Beth Weingarden & Paul SteinDavid Polan, Bar Mitzvah: Cindy Suran-Polan & Howard Polan Daniel Sigal, Bar Mitzvah: Brenda Tipper & Israel Michael SigalRebecca Tartick, Bat Mitzvah: Maureen & David Tartick

Irving Halperin May 31

Golda Kaplan 31

Felicia Knaul 31

Henry Shapiro 31

Pauline Edythe Singer 31

Leon E. Weinstein 31

Sadie Bocknek June 1

Rose Cadsby 1

Faye Goldman 1

Nathan Kerdman 1

Benjamin Harvey Kofsky 1

Bertha Parks 1

Bessie Schipper 1

Samuel Shapiro 1

Albert Steiner 1

David Aronson 2

Benjamin Selig Doll 2

Roy Frankfurter 2

Elizabeth Leah Goldberg 2

Julius Leston 2

Elliott Collins 3

Earl Alan Farber 3

Jules Mendelsohn 3

Hela Neufeld 3

Sadie Wise 3

Mozah Zemans 3

Betty Cohen 4

Ida (Simon) Pascal 4

Lenora Ritterman 4

Harry Schwartz 4

Name Date Name Date Name Date

Holy Blossom Temple 14

Earl and Marilyn Danson Farber Camp Scholarship FundBarney Danson, Happy Birthday: Marilyn FarberMarilyn Farber, Speedy Recovery: Sylvia Miller; Barbara Organ; Eric O’Connor;

Marjorie & Sydney Rosenfi eld; Eva WoolfLeonard Levy, Happy Birthday: Marilyn Farber

Jean Fine Seniors FundMarilyn Farber, Speedy Recovery: Mary & Henry SeldonDiana Morgulis, In Memory: Erin O’ConnorFlorence Robinson, In Memory: Sheila & Bob Smolkin

Holy Blossom Temple FoundationSusan Barron, In Honour: Randi & Alan Garfi nkelBarry Borden, In Appreciation: The Paice and Lidsky FamiliesMarilyn Farber, Speedy Recovery: Randi & Alan Garfi nkelFred Freidberg, In Memory: Sally & Ben Jacobson and FamilyFagi Goldfarb, Speedy Recovery: Randi & Alan Garfi nkel; Lorraine & Donald Loeb;

Debbie Redner & Benjamin ApplebaumHarry Hands, Yahrzeit: Esther Hands and his Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren

and Great-Great-GrandchildrenBernard Herman, Special Birthday: Lois Freedman Fine & George Fine; Esther &

Marvin Tile; Marlene WexlerLeonard Levy, Happy Birthday: Sybil & David GordonMarvin Miller, In Memory: Esther & Cyril HershCary Solomon, Happy Birthday: Lorraine & Donald Loeb, Elizabeth Wolfe & Paul

SchneirFlorence Tietolman-Bloom, In Memory: Helene & Jack Kugelmass, Mary Kugelmass Marvin Tile, In Honour: Wendy & Elliott EisenMarvin Tile, In Appreciation: Lorraine & Donald LoebCharlotte Wilson, In Memory: Mary & Henry Seldon

Isenberg Endowment FundEvelyn Fisher, Happy Birthday: Sandra & Chris Grivas

Library Book FundFagi Goldfarb, Speedy Recovery: Marlene & Robert RudermanNeal Sutton, Happy Birthday: Carmen & Andrei Horvath, and Emil

Dow and Fredzia Marmur Program for Educational ExcellenceFagi Goldfarb, Speedy Recovery: Susan & Barry Borden; Sybil & Jack Geller;

Etta Ginsberg McEwan; Myrna Sandler; Bea & Saul Sidlofsky

Musical Legacy FundNadia Adler, In Appreciation: Razelle Roebuck & David MacKaySandra Sandler, Special Birthday: Razelle Roebuck & David MacKay

Out of the ColdGrace Berman, In Memory: Harriet BorinsPaula Kirsh, Mazal Tov: Susanne & Stuart EgierJerry Liss, In Appreciation: Harriette BorinsBonnie Lawrence Shear, Happy Birthday: Merle & Ted RachlinViviane & Saul Ship, In Appreciation: Janet & Michael RyvalCary Solomon, Special Birthday: Rosemary & Gary TileVivienne Stevens, Happy Birthday: Kathy & Maurice GreenElaine Wolpin, Happy Birthday: Kathy & Maurice GreenDinah Vale, In Memory: Linda & Sam PackCharlotte Wilson, In Memory: Harriet Borins

Prayer Book and Worship FundEvelyn Dunkelman, Yahrzeit: Shirley Firestone and Family

Rabbis’ Discretionary FundRabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation: Family of the late Thelma SavlovRabbi Jason Rosenberg, In Appreciation: Harriette Borins and Family

Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In Appreciation: Harriette Borins and FamilyRabbi Edward Goldfarb, In Appreciation: Nancy Ruth and FamilyLindi Rivers, In Appreciation: Nancy Ruth and FamilyFagi Goldfarb, Speedy Recovery: Ena & Gordon Segall

Ralph Roger Camp Scholarship FundHerb Adirim, In Memory: Jackie & Howard Roger

Nancy Ruth Educational FundMarilyn Farber, Speedy Recovery: Nancy RuthSam Ruth, In Memory: Joyce & Philip Epstein; Carrie & Milton Friedman; Sybil &

Jack GellerFagi Goldfarb, Speedy Recovery: Nancy Ruth

Shacharit FundRivka Applebaum, Yahrzeit: Jean & Lewis ApplebaumMorris Applebaum, Yahrzeit: Jean & Lewis ApplebaumNancy Bigio, Yahrzeit: Matilda BigioLinda Bricker, Yahrzeit: Caroline FriedmanBella Gruenspan, Yahrzeit: Myrna SandlerHoly Blossom Temple Shiva Readers, In Appreciation: Family of Daniel Bohnen,

Kaylee Miller and FamilyJeanette Rosen, Yahrzeit: Doris SternHarry Saiger, Yahrzeit: Clara RosenJacob Sandler, Yahrzeit: Myrna SandlerMax Shrier, Yahrzeit: Joni & Eric Eisenberg and FamilyMorey Ira Speigel, Yahrzeit: Sara Speigel and FamilyDr. Sidney Steinberg, In Memory: Ellen, Alan, Amanda, Adam and Lauren LevineEsther Tuerkisch, Yahrzeit: Miriam Melamed-Turkish & Larry TurkishHarry Uster, Yahrzeit: Donna Uster; Rosie & John UsterMaurice Young, Yahrzeit: Betty Young and Family

Al & Dora Track Scholarship FundLillian Reiken, Happy Birthday: Dora Track

Youth AwardsElana Paice & Brian Lidsky, Mazal Tov: Carly Steinman & Jonathan Gould

Leonard Wolfe Educational FundDora Shainfi eld, In Memory: Carol Dale; Honey Wolfe

To make a donation to any of our existing funds, please call the Foundation Offi ce, at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265.

To learn more about how you can support the Holy Blos som Tem ple Foundation, or to establish a new fund, please call Deborah Tameanko, at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265.

To make a donation to MAZON Canada, please call (416) 783-7554.

To make a donation to the Toronto Community Forest Fund, please call Sybil Gor don at (416) 489-5709.

We appreciate your supportHoly Blossom Temple appreciates all donations to our funds, how ev er due to rising costs, cards will only be sent for donations of $18 or more. We will con tin ue to rec og nize donations of $18 or more in the Bulletin.

We apologize but due to space constraints, not all do na tions will ap pear in the Bulletin issue closest to the date on which the con tri bu tion was made. Donations in this issue were received by Mar. 8, 2006.

Contacts for Donations

May 2006 15 Iyar/Sivan 5766

Wed. May 17 19 Iyar

9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study11 a.m. Yiddish Novel6.30 p.m. Erev Hamorim7 p.m. Bereavement Support Group7.30 p.m. Ken Wyman Lecture

Thur. May 18 20 Iyar

10 a.m. Responsa Literature

Sat. May 20 22 Iyar

9 a.m. Torah Study

Sun. May 21 23 Iyar

2 p.m. Fine Arts Reception

Tue. May 23 25 Iyar

11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew7.30 p.m. The Brilliance of the Rabbinic Revolution

Wed. May 24 26 Iyar

9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study11 a.m. Yiddish Novel12 p.m. Lunch and Learn in Retirement7 p.m. Bereavement Support Group7.30 p.m. Ken Wyman Lecture

Thur. May 25 27 Iyar

10 a.m. Responsa Literature

Fri. May 26 28 Iyar

6.30 p.m. Shabbat Fusion

Sat. May 27 29 Iyar

9 a.m. Torah Study

Sun. May 28 1 Sivan

9.30 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Club

Mon. May 29 2 Sivan

10 a.m. Library Book Sale10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple7 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew8 p.m. Rosh Chodesh Celebration and Study

Tue. May 30 3 Sivan

11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew7.30 p.m. The Brilliance of the Rabbinic Revolution7.30 p.m. Sisterhood Annual General Meeting

Wed. May 31 4 Sivan

9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study11 a.m. Yiddish Novel7 p.m. Bereavement Support Group7.30 p.m. Siblings in Genesis7.30 p.m. Ken Wyman Lecture

Thur. June 1 5 Sivan

7 p.m. Erev Shavuout/Confi rmation9.30 p.m. Tikkun Leil Shavuot

This month @ Holy Blossom May 2006Iyar/Sivan 5766

Mon. May 1 3 Iyar

12.30 p.m. Mondays @ the Temple: Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration7 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew

Tue. May 2 4 Iyar

11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew6.30 p.m. Yom Ha’Atzmaut Fair

Wed. May 3 5 Iyar

9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study11 a.m. Yiddish Novel7 p.m. Bereavement Support Group

Thur. May 4 6 Iyar

10 a.m. Responsa Literature

Fri. May 5 7 Iyar

6 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service and Dinner

Sat. May 6 8 Iyar

9.30 a.m. Torah Study7.30 p.m. Stagecraft: None is Too Many

Sun. May 7 9 Iyar

2.30 p.m. Stagecraft: None is Too Many

Mon. May 8 10 Iyar

10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple10 a.m. Library Book Club1.30 p.m. Lunch and Learn in Retirement7 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew8 p.m. Harry Posen Memorial Lecture

Tue. May 9 11 Iyar

11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew7.30 p.m. The Brilliance of the Rabbinic Revolution7.30 p.m. Roots of Toronto’s Jewish Community

Wed. May 10 12 Iyar

9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study11 a.m. Yiddish Novel7 p.m. Bereavement Support Group7.15 p.m. Sisterhood: Understanding Menopause 7.30 p.m. Lessons in Fear (fi lm screening)8 p.m. Harry Posen Memorial Lecture

Thur. May 11 13 Iyar

10 a.m. Responsa Literature

Sat. May 13 15 Iyar

9 a.m. Torah Study

Sun. May 14 16 Iyar

10 a.m. School-wide Zimriyah

Mon. May 15 17 Iyar

10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple7 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew

Tue. May 16 18 Iyar

11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew7.30 p.m. The Brilliance of the Rabbinic Revolution

The Bulletin is published 11 times a year, between September and June, by Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9. Telephone: (416) 789-3291; Fax: (416) 789-9697; e-mail:; Web site: Honorary Pres i dent: John A. Geller; President: Alan Garfi nkel; Senior Rabbi: John Moscowitz; Associate Rabbi: Yael Splansky; Associate Rabbi: Jason Rosenberg; Rabbi: Edward Goldfarb; Cantor: Benjamin Z. Maissner; Director of Education: Deborah K. Spiegel; Rabbi Emeritus: Dow Marmur; Senior Schol ar: W. Gunther Plaut; Executive Director: Benjamin Applebaum; Holy Blossom Temple Foundation Chair: Judy Nyman; Bulletin Committee Chair: Richard Rotman; Bulletin Editor: Judy Nyman.

Design and Production: Holy Blossom Temple was found ed in 1856 and is affi l i at ed with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism.

As dates and times may change without notice, please call the Temple to access our up-to-date This Week @ Holy Blossom recording.

For Worship Services, please see page 2.

Holy Blossom Temple 16

1950 Bathurst StreetToronto, ON M5P 3K9

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by Rabbi Jason Rosenberg

Get moving for special kids

Zareinu is an insti-tution that should make the Jews of Toronto proud. If you haven’t heard of it, Zareinu is a

Jewish Day School and treatment cen-tre, dedicated to bringing therapy and education to children with physical disabilities and developmental chal-lenges. Actually, it brings them much more than that — it brings them joy, comfort and hope, necessities missing from the lives of too many children struggling with their ailments, and from the lives of their families as well.

Where miracles happenI had a chance to visit Zareinu, and was beyond impressed by what I saw. The attention given to each and every student is overwhelming, as is the com-mitment of the staff. The only thing I saw more of than wheelchairs, braces and other contraptions were smiles — every child I saw was smiling, as were

the teachers. When I entered the school, I expected to see tragedy. Instead, I saw children enjoying a day in a warm, loving environment. It’s easy to forget how hard life can be for these kids.

The director of the school told me that this is a place where miracles hap-pen — where children who were never ‘supposed’ to walk, learn to take their fi rst steps; where children whose parents were told “put him in an institution, he’ll never lead a normal life,” say their fi rst words. It’s a place where success is mea-sured in a way that’s incomprehensible to those of us who live average lives.

Clergy on the MoveIt’s also a place that requires a great deal of money to run, and that’s where we come in. Every year, Zareinu holds a ‘moveathon’ to raise funds to support the program. This year, on Father’s Day morning, Sun. June 18, I’ll be leading a group of walkers for the “Clergy on the Move” campaign at the moveathon — more than 30 synagogues from across

the Greater Toronto Area will be send-ing teams to see who can bring the most walkers, bikers and runners, and who can raise the most money.

We need your support. The day itself promises to be a fun, wonderful day for the whole family. There are events for walkers and riders of all skill levels, and plenty more for everyone to do. But, more importantly, it’s a chance to give to an institution that so richly deserves it — and needs it. I’m looking forward to a great day, in the name of a greater cause.






YOM HA’ZIKARON SERVICE Tue. May 2, 2006, at 6 p.m.YOM HA’ATZMAUT FAIR Tue. May 2, 2006, at 6.30 p.m.

This year, we’ll celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut bigger than ever as we move

outside for our fi rst-ever Yom Ha’Atzmaut Street Fair. Bring the whole

family for an evening of great fun. There will be games, crafts, Israeli arts,

food, wine and cheese, music and more — something for everyone.

Clergy on the MoveSun. June 19, 2006, all day walk beginning at 1 p.m.Earl Bales Park, North York

Join Rabbi Jason Rosenberg and the Holy Blossom Temple team at the Zareinu moveathon. Or if you can’t join them and would like to show your support, please sponsor the walkers with a pledge. For more details, go to, and click on “join.”
