Human Area Network



Hi friends, this was my seminar which i had taken in 7th semester of B.Tech. As far as concerned, this work is purely done in LaTeX with links in IEEE standards.

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Human Area Networks

B.Tech Seminar report


Lajish Lakshmanan


Department of Computer Science And Engineering

Government Engineering College, ThrissurDecember 2009

Seminar Report 2009


I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the people who have been in-

strumental in the successful completion of this seminar. This Report would not have

been possible without the essential and gracious support of many individuals, espe-

cially the personal support and interest of Valsaraj K S, Assistant Professor and

Ajay James, Lecturer for their invaluable help and guidance during the course of

preparation of the seminar. I am highly indebted to them for constantly encouraging

me by giving their critics on my work. I am grateful to them for having given me the

support and confidence.

I am also much thankful to all other staffs of Dept. of Computer Science And En-

gineering for their valuable suggestions. Last but not the least is the encouragement

and support provided by my classmates are also worth mentioning. I thank each and

everybody for their moral supports for successful completion of my seminar report.

Lajish Lakshmanan

December 2009

Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur

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Seminar Report 2009


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Some Limitations Of The Present Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Organization Of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Background & Origin 3

3 The Way Communication occurs 4

3.1 How Transceiver(transmitter cum receiver) works . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Features 6

5 Applications 8

5.1 In the medicinal purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.2 Advertising information in one touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.3 Secured access to confidential documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5.4 Connecting to the network easily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5.5 Establishment of Instantaneous Private Network . . . . . . . . . 10

5.6 User Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.7 Loading of presets of One’s choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5.8 Operting various devices by single touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6 Comparison with existing networks 13

7 Human Safety 15

8 Conclusion & Future Upcomings 16

References 16

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List of Figures

3.1 Communication Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.2 Working of RedTacton device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.1 No loss of bandwidth as compared to other networks . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.1 Medicine bottles embedded with RedTacton device . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.2 Gathering information using one touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5.3 Accesing of Confidential documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5.4 Reducing wiring in networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.5 Networking via Hand Shaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.6 Authentication of person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5.7 Loading presets of driver’s choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5.8 Operating various devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6.1 Comparison against other networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

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Ubiquitous services that are genuinely user-friendly to everyone will require tech-

nologies that enable communication between people and objects in close proximity.

Focusing on the naturalness, inevitability and sense of security conveyed by touching

in everyday life, this seminar report describes human area networking technology that

enables communication by touching, which we call RedTacton.

Human Area Network technology is for communication between mobile terminals

and between terminals that are embedded in the environment, which deos not require

cables for communication between terminals. This technology uses the human body

as a signal path for communication. A transmission path is formed automatically

when a person come into contact with a device and communication between mobile

terminals begins. Here, the human body acts as a transmission medium.

Seminar Report 2009

Chapter 1


As we all know that communication plays a necessary role in our daily life. Today

people can communicate any time, anywhere and with anyone over mobile phone

network. Now, the Internet provides people to huge quantity of data and information

from any remotely located server to their home computers. Meanwhile human have

made many electronic devices such as Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs)[1], digital

cameras and other such devices. Also the size of these devices are becoming small

enough due to which they can carry or even wear various personal information. So

there must be a possibility of communication between electronic devices on the human

body(wearable computers) and ones embedded in our everyday environments, so this

notion has led many researchers to research and develop on human area network.

Wired connections between these electronic devices in human area

network are cumbersome in such scenario. One of the better ways to overcome this

problem is the implementation of a new type of network system on which user can

rely and guarantee.

1.1 Some Limitations Of The Present Networks

Short-range wireless communication systems such as Bluetooth and wireless local area

networks (IEEE 802.11b, etc.)[1] have some problems. While using this type of net-

work throughput is reduced by packet collisions in crowded spaces such as meeting

rooms and auditoriums filled with people and the communication is not secure because

signals can be intercepted. Similarly the principle drawback of infrared communica-

tions (IrDA) is the requirement of tight directionality of beams between terminals

needed for the system to be effective.

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1.2 Organization Of the Report

1. Chapter 2 describes the background & origin of this network[1,3].

2. Chapter 3 explains the working procedure of this networking[1,3].

3. Chapter 4 describes the features of human area network[1,2,3].

4. Chapter 5 shows implimentations of HAN in our daily life[3].

5. Chapter 6 discusses comparisons wit existing netrwork technologies[1,3].

6. Chapter 7 reveals the details regarding human safety[1,3].

7. Chapter 8 provides conclusion of this topic & its future glimpses[3].

8. finally the references.

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Chapter 2

Background & Origin

This chapter deals with origin of this technology:

At the end of 2002 the Japanese telecommunications group NTT(Nippon Telegraph

& Telephone Corp.Laboratory)[1,3] had announced that it would develop a new data

transmission technology that uses the conductive properties of the human body to

exchange information between electronic devices. With the name RedTacton[1,2,3],

after two and a half years the company has released its first prototype of a Human

Area Network (HAN)[1,3].

RedTacton was developed by a seven person research team led by

Yuichi Kado, executive manager of the Smart Devices Laboratory at NTTs Microsys-

tems[1,3]. Integration Laboratories, in Atsugi, west of Tokyo, Japan.

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Chapter 3

The Way Communication occurs

Basically the communication in Human Area Network is due to the devices attached to

the human body known as Redtacton devices which acts as a transciever(transmitter

cum receiver). For sending data, this device generates a electric pulse of 5 volts which

creates a minute electric across the body as shown in figure below. The transmit-

ter sends data based on fluctuations in the weak electric field induced over human

body.Some of the naturally occuring electric field across the human body dissipates

into the earth.

Figure 3.1: Communication Mechanism

The receiver device being embedded with the sensor, detects these

electric across the human body and converts these electric field signals to the corre-

sponding device signals to which receiver is connected.

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3.1 How Transceiver(transmitter cum receiver) works

As shown in the figure below, transmitter connected to the RedTacton device contains

a transmitter circuit which sends the electric field signals across the body. Receiver

at the other end comprises of an electro-optical sensor[1], which detects the signal.

Actually the electro-optical sensor is composed of an electro-optical crystal[1], laser

diode[1], and photodetector[1]. The sensor reads the body’s electric field through an

electrode, which then transmits that electric field to a bismuth silicon oxide optical

crystal[1]. The electric field changes the refractive index of the crystal, which in turn

changes the polarization of the sensors laser beam as it shines through the crystal.

Photodetectors register polarization changes as changes in light intensity and convert

those changes into electrical signals, which are then processed by your cellphone or


Figure 3.2: Working of RedTacton device

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Chapter 4


This section highlights the features of this technology which can be employed in our

daily life.

• A transmission path is formed automatically by contact of body and this initiates

communication between electronic devices. A device can be started, informa-

tion can be obtained, or various services can be triggered by a wide range of

natural human actions such as grasping, sitting down, walking, or standing in a

particular place.

• Second, the communication is interactive and broadband. In contrast to RFID

(radio frequency identification)[4], which is only capable of one-way transmission

of short ID messages, RedTacton supports two-way exchange of large amounts

of data between portable electronic devices. In contrast to conventional wire-

less systems, RedTacton provides an independent transmission path for each

individual person (that is, for each conductor) even in congested places, so it

provides very secure, fast communication without any interference.

• Third, almost anything that acts as a conductora human or animal body, water,

metal, etc.can serve as a RedTacton transmission path. This means that there

is no need for a dedicated cable or antenna.

Transmission in this type of network using RedTacton devices are half

duplex, but interaction is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbps[3]. Because the

transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed does not deterio-

rate in crowded areas where many people are communicating at the same time.

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Figure 4.1: No loss of bandwidth as compared to other networks

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Chapter 5


This section highlights the applications of the above mentioned features of this tech-

nology which can be employed in our daily life.

5.1 In the medicinal purpose

By planting the devices to patient’s body & on the medicine can helps the patient to

take correct medicine at correct time. This usage of this technology helps to avoid

acciental medicinal ingestion by switching the alarm on taking wrong medicine.

Figure 5.1: Medicine bottles embedded with RedTacton device

5.2 Advertising information in one touch

Person having receiver can be able to get whole details of advertisement & information

jus by touching the screen panel embedded with transmitter device.

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Figure 5.2: Gathering information using one touch

5.3 Secured access to confidential documents

Cabinets containing secured & confidential documents and file can be made locked

usin this technology. RedTacton device also keeks a record that who accessed the

cabinets at which time.

Figure 5.3: Accesing of Confidential documents

5.4 Connecting to the network easily

A network connection can be made by placing this device enabled laptop on electrically

conductive sheet embedded on the table, hence reduce unnecessary electrical wiring.

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Figure 5.4: Reducing wiring in networking

5.5 Establishment of Instantaneous Private Net-


Only just by hand shaking, people can exchange their profile using the mobile termi-

nals to which RedTacton device is being attached. This type of communication can

be kept private & authenticated.

Figure 5.5: Networking via Hand Shaking

5.6 User Verification

The person with mobile Redtacton device allows him/her to unlock the door if he/she

is authunticated.

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Figure 5.6: Authentication of person

5.7 Loading of presets of One’s choice

This devivce enables a person to load presets of his own choice when he just seat

on the seat od vehicle such as stereo plays music of driver’s choice,positonof steering

wheel, setting destination in the navigation system.

Figure 5.7: Loading presets of driver’s choice

5.8 Operting various devices by single touch

Various devices can operated by giving a touch such as printing command to print

a required information. These type of sophisticated operation are done using device

drivers provided to do so by vendors.

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Figure 5.8: Operating various devices

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Chapter 6

Comparison with existing networks

The figure below shows the position of Human Area network with respect to other

existing communication technologies. The focus on communication by touch service

has brought about the shortening of distances between the sender & the receiver.

RedTacton is positioned at the last position to show ultimate close-range communi-


Other wireless communication happens to create connections only

when signals from sender arrives to receiver, using atmospheric medium. However,

watching from another aspect, the arriving signals can be intercepted by other unau-

thenticated person or device, so security becomes an issue.

Wired communication uses transmission of data between two end

points, so interception by any third party is difficult and security can be considered

to be high. But connection wires and cables are a great nuisance.

Taking the above mentioned points into the consideration, this Hu-

man Area Networking resides directly between wireless and wired communication. In

other words. Therefore RedTacton provides an easy connection without connectors,

while at the same time allowing transmission of data only between two contact points.

Hence has the feature of being difficult to intercept.

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Figure 6.1: Comparison against other networks

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Chapter 7

Human Safety

This chapter deals with the relevance of the human safety and standards followed by

this technology:

The effects of RedTacton technology on human health, which is

obviously an important issue. First, the transmitting and receiving electrodes of the

RedTacton transceiver are completely covered with insulating film, so the body of

the person acting as the transmission medium is completely insulated. This makes it

impossible for current to flow into a persons body from the transceiver.

When communication occurs, a 5 volt of electric pulse[1] is produced

by the device which creates a small displacement current being generated by the

movement of electrons in the body because the body is subjected to minute electrical

fields which exerts them yo move in particular direction along the body. However,

such displacement currents are very common everyday occurrences to which we are

all subjected. One of the most common example to this is the electronic discharge in

the atmosphere through lightning.

For ensurity, RedTacton obeys the standards of the Radio Frequency-

Exposure Protection Standard issued by the Association of Radio Industries and Busi-

nesses (ARIB)[5]. The levels produced by RedTacton are well below the safety limit

specified by this standard.

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Chapter 8

Conclusion & Future Upcomings

It is an exciting new technology for human area networking. NTT has developed

a transceiver that uses the human body as a data transmission medium based on

an electric-field sensor that uses an electro-optic crystal and laser light. Using this

transceiver, they are succeeded in achieving 10BASE communication in accordance

with IEEE 802.3 through a human body from one hand to the other hand.

This technology seems to be a glimpse into the future. At first it will

be limited in use and fairly expensive, but as it becomes more widespread we could

see the extinction of the key and ID card as we know them today. Imagine walking

up to your house, reaching for a doorknob which automatically unlocks the door, and

walking right in. No more fumbling around for keys. Thats a future we had like to

live in.

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[1] Harry Goldstein, ”A Touch Too Much”, NTTs shaky approach to data transfer

targets a solved problem, January 2006



[4] identification

[5] RedTacton: An innovative Human Area Networking Technology that uses the

surface of the human body as a transmission path

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