Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis: Challenges and … · event detection, handling text...


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EUROGRAPHICS 2016/ N.N. and N.N. STAR – State of The Art Report

Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis:Challenges and Opportunities for Information Visualization

Aritra Dasgupta, Dustin L. Arendt, Lyndsey R. Franklin, Pak Chung Wong, Kristin A. Cook

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Real-world systems change continuously. In domains such as traffic monitoring or cyber security, such changesoccur within short time scales. This results in a streaming data problem and leads to unique challenges for thehuman in the loop, as analysts have to ingest and make sense of dynamic patterns in real time. While visualizationsare being increasingly used by analysts to derive insights from streaming data, we lack a thorough characteriza-tion of the human-centered design problems and a critical analysis of the state-of-the-art solutions that exist foraddressing these problems. In this paper, our goal is to fill this gap by studying how the state of the art in stream-ing data visualization handles the challenges and reflect on the gaps and opportunities. To this end, we have threecontributions in this paper: i) problem characterization for identifying domain-specific goals and challenges forhandling streaming data, ii) a survey and analysis of the state of the art in streaming data visualization researchwith a focus on how visualization design meets challenges specific to change perception, and iii) reflections on thedesign trade-offs, and an outline of potential research directions for addressing the gaps in the state of the art.

Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/ImageGeneration—Line and curve generation

1. Introduction

Real-time data streams pose unique challenges for human-in-the-loop data analysis processes. Monitoring heteroge-neous streams for emergency response or building situa-tional awareness about potential cyber attacks are complexand demanding analytical tasks. Information visualizationtechniques are being widely adopted in such scenarios forhelping analysts detect and synthesize fast-changing patternsand keep their mental model about the data in sync with theevolving stream. A key challenge in streaming visualizationsis in presenting salient changes to the data in such a waythat analysts can understand the context and relevance of thechanges, and reason about their causes and implications inreal time (Figure 1).

The field of streaming data visualization is maturingquickly, with a number of techniques being developed forevent detection, handling text streams, analyzing social net-work data, etc. However, there is a need to develop a deeperunderstanding of how human perception and cognition cancope with complex changes in continually evolving data

streams. Despite our high perceptual bandwidth, human at-tention span is limited. This implies that visualizations notonly need to adapt to the fast rates of data streams butalso need to pre-attentively present and emphasize salientchanges by updating the underlying data through optimal en-coding strategies. Two open questions in this context are: i)How does the state-of-the-art streaming visualization designaddress these challenges in change perception? ii) Can wesystematically identify goals, tasks, and related design chal-lenges for improving upon the state of the art?

To address these questions, in this paper we look at thestreaming problem through the lens of perceptually mo-tivated design problems for streaming data visualization.Existing surveys on state-of-the-art streaming data analy-sis have focused on techniques for mining patterns [ILG07]or methods for addressing the problem of scale [BHKP10,Joy09]. Researchers have also looked at the challenges fordeveloping visual analytics methods [MFK12], as visual-ization techniques alone might not be able to solve manychallenges associated with interactive streaming analysis at

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

Velocity Volatility



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Figure 1: Mapping properties of streaming data to chal-lenges in change perception. In addition to volume and va-riety that characterize much of the modern real-world data,velocity and volatility are key attributes of streaming data.While high velocity data leads to frequent updates that arehard for a human to track, volatility of the data impliesunknown baseline behavior that can make it difficult foranalysts to understand the causes and implications of thechanges.

scale. In a complementary approach to these studies, we aimto understand the human-centered streaming-specific goalscutting across different domains, how they can be translatedinto visualization tasks, and how state-of-the-art visual rep-resentations are adapted to influence change perception inhigh-velocity streaming environments.

To this effect, we have three specific contributions inthis state-of-the-art report. First, we describe the streaming-specific analysis requirements across different domains thatcan be synthesized into high-level goals and visualizationtasks. Second, we study the mapping between these goalsand the design space of information visualization techniquesdeveloped for handling data streams. In the process wehighlight how machine-centered data transformations andhuman-centered design approaches have been used and pro-vide a comparative analysis of these approaches. Third, weanalyze the design challenges and trade-offs in a streamingcontext, the gaps in current research, and identify researchdirections that can address these gaps.

2. Methodology

Streaming data poses challenges for both automated meth-ods like data mining and machine learning for extracting key

patterns, and for visualization techniques that communicatethe changing patterns to the analyst. In this section we de-fine the scope of our work with respect to previous researchand describe the analysis workflow that helped us critiquethe state of the art in streaming data visualization.

2.1. Definition and Scope

We adopt the definition of streaming data as proposed byBabcock et al. [BBD∗02], where a stream is defined to bea continuous flow of data, where the system has no con-trol over the volume of the arriving data or the numberof updates, and only a small fraction of the whole streamis archived at any point of time, while the rest is dis-carded. These properties pose challenges for analysts ob-serving the streams, who have to detect and understand fast-changing patterns and their implications in a dynamic en-vironment (Figure 1). In this paper, we restrict our scopeto understanding how streams influence change perceptionthrough visualizations. The challenges for streaming data forautomated methods such as data mining or machine learningare outside the scope of this work, and can be found in otherliterature surveys [GZK05, Gam12].

A streaming visualization is one which adapts to the con-tinuous flow of new data and follows certain strategies todisplay salient changes in the context of the past data. Thesestrategies entail adjusting the encoding properties of staticvisualizations, such as the choice of visual variables or lay-outs, adding new elements to or removing old elementsfrom the visualization as necessary, all while appropriatelyconveying changes in the underlying data to the end user.We do not consider streaming visualization techniques tohave a new kind of design that is different from the designof static visualizations, instead, they build on the existingtenets of information visualization design principles. For thisreason, the field of streaming data visualization also over-laps with many related research areas in visualization, suchas time-series visualization, dynamic network visualization,and event detection techniques. What differentiates stream-ing visualizations from visualizations of dynamic or time-oriented data lies in how the visualization is to be used forreal-time change perception. Streaming visualizations arecharacterized by needing a more immediate decision or ac-tion from the user, which often rules out batch-oriented anal-yses and traditional exploratory tasks.

Researchers have surveyed visualization techniques likedynamic graphs [BBDW14] and those applicable to unstruc-tured data [WSJ∗14]. Our goal in this paper is to go beyondspecific techniques or data types and focus on the challengeof letting human analysts efficiently and effectively perceivechanging patterns and derive streaming insights [EPC14].We investigate how strengths and limitations of the hu-man perception system influence real-time data visualizationtasks and techniques, and reflect on the outstanding researchchallenges in this regard.

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

Problem Characterization

Survey of the State of the Art

Reflection on Gaps and Challenges

Which are the common real-world streaming environments and why are they challenging for an analyst?

What are the high-level analysis goals of domain experts that streaming visualizations can support?

Which visualization tasks are commonly addressed?

How well are human factors addressed in the state of the art?

How can we compare the common design strategies?

Are there guidelines for streaming data visualization design?

How can we compare and characterize the perceptual challenges for achieving the streaming data visualization tasks?

How can we leverage related research areas for solving the outstanding problems and challenges?

What are the focus areas of streaming data visualization research?

Map Analyse

Streaming Visualization Tasks

Streaming DataProblems

High-Level Goals of Analysts


Gaps &Research Directions








What are the unique problems for human-centered streaming data analysis?

Human Factors Design Strategies

Figure 2: Our workflow was aimed at characterizing the human-centered challenges for streaming data analysis, mappingthose to the landscape of existing techniques and models through a critique of the state of the art, and presenting an analysis ofour findings reflecting on design trade-offs and future research opportunities.

2.2. Analysis workflow

When we started collecting papers related to streaming datavisualization, we realized that unlike the other more matureareas of visualization research, such as techniques for high-dimensional or temporal data analysis, the area of streamingdata visualization lacks a thorough characterization of theproblems and an analysis of the existing solution space. Thisled us to develop a three-step workflow (Figure 2) as partof our methodology, including a problem characterization ofdomain-specific goals, their translation and mapping into vi-sualization tasks for understanding change (state of the art),and an analysis of the visualization design space for changeperception and their gaps and challenges. We describe thembelow:

Problem Characterization: This phase in our study (Sec-tion 3) was inspired by the domain and data characteriza-tion phases of Munzner’s nested model for visualization de-sign [Mun09]. We identified key domains in which stream-ing data analysis is an integral part by looking into past lit-erature on streaming data analysis in the research areas ofvisualization, data mining, and machine learning. We lever-aged the experience of two co-authors on this paper, bothof whom have more than 15 years of experience in visu-alization and visual analytics, for grouping these domainsbased on similarity of the intended domain-specific goals.Next, we studied the literature related to the domain-specificgoals and tasks in these domains. For example, for researchrelated to cyber intrusion detection, we looked at survey pa-pers that provide a descriptive summary of the cyber dataanalysis goals [JLSW10]. This helped us distill a set of high-level goals and tasks based on which streaming data domainscan be grouped, characterized, and supported by visualiza-tion techniques. The outcome of this process (Figure 2) was

a characterization of the complexity of streaming data andthe associated goals and tasks across different domains.

Survey of the State of the Art: In this phase (Section 4), wefirst collected research papers related to streaming and dy-namic data visualization, by focusing our search on leadingvisualization publications from the past twenty years. Theseincluded proceedings of the Information Visualization Sym-posium/Conference, and journals such as IEEE Transactionsof Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), ComputerGraphics Forum, ACM CHI Conference, and IEEE Paci-ficVis Symposium. We initially collected a list of papersby searching with keywords “streaming", “dynamic", and“real-time". Starting from this initial seed, we also lookedinto their citations and included relevant papers from othervenues. We noted the type of visualization technique ormodel, the evaluation strategies, and the key contributionsof each paper for streaming data analysis. In parallel, weinvestigated the literature on human perception and cogni-tion for identifying key visualization design challenges rel-evant to real-time assimilation of streaming patterns. Exam-ples of such papers included those related to change percep-tion and blindness [NHT01, ROC97], attention deficiencyof human analysts under load [Lav05, MR98, MSCS05],memorability criteria for visualizations [BVB∗13], and gen-eral principles of human perception as applicable to visu-alization [HBE95]. Using this analysis we described eachpaper based on how they addressed human-centered andmachine-level problems and solutions for streaming data.The outcome of this phase (Figure 2) was a set of commonlyused techniques and a systematic understanding of how spe-cific human-centered challenges are addressed through thestreaming visualization design space.

Reflection on Gaps and Challenges: In this phase we syn-

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

Velocity Volatility Representative Scenario

Which areas affected by flood need immediate action?What are the signatures of threats and how can they be mitigated?

Are all flight paths adhering to the plan?


Emergency Response

Cyber Threat Mitigation

Air-Traffic Control

Stock Market Analysis

Social/News Media

Simulation Modeling

Fraud Detection

In these particular geographical areas what are people talking about?

Is this a significant event compared to the past?

Compared to the transaction history, is this a fraudulent transaction?How to reset the model parameters to get better simulation performance?

Main Challenge for Analysts

Reason about changes based on unknown or evolving baseline behavior.

Detect key changes that deviate from baseline behavior.

Apply heuristics to determine meaningful changes.

Use historical context and current data to decide on actions.

How many nodes are currently affected?Cyber Intrusion Detection

Figure 3: Illustrating the relationships between complexity of streaming data and analysis scenarios across differentdomains. High velocity and volatility of streaming data have posed unique challenges for an analyst. For different combinationsof velocity (high, low) and volatility (high, low), we highlight the domains, representative scenarios, and analysis goals.

thesized our findings by analyzing the gaps in the state ofthe art by analyzing the perceptually motivated challengesand design trade-offs for handling change sensitivity of dif-ferent visual representations (Section 5). This was followedby weighting these perceptually motivated challenges basedon the high-level goals and tasks. This was because only asubset of design challenges are relevant for a certain goaland it was important to identify them for guiding visual-ization design. We focused our discussion based on the ex-isting streaming visualization techniques and also based ontechniques that can be potentially applied to address designchallenges in a streaming scenario. We describe the differentdesign trade-offs based on the visualization tasks and high-level goals. We draw connections with related research areasthat can be utilized for further exploration and evaluationof these trade-offs. Finally we conclude by pointing out theoutstanding gaps (Section 6) and the associated research di-rections that can be pursued for addressing those challenges.

3. Problem Characterization

In this section we characterize the problem of human-centered streaming data analysis through two key steps:i) analyzing the complexity of streaming data and its im-plications on change perception (Figure 1), and ii) iden-tifying key domains that involve streaming data reason-ing [DVCVHF09] and cross-cutting high-level goals of do-main experts (Figure 3).

3.1. Streaming Data-Driven Change Perception

Streaming data is characterized by its continuousflow [BBD∗02] and is often distinguished by its highvelocity and volatility as compared to static data sources. Asshown in Figure 1, the four dimensions of streaming data:

volume, variety, velocity, and volatility [ZE∗11, KŽB∗14]have unique implications for the perception of change foran analyst in a dynamic environment.

Volume of changes in streaming data is quantified by thenumber of updates to the existing data and velocity is de-termined by the frequency of the updates. Large numbers ofupdates at a fast rate make it difficult for analysts to keeptrack of changes in a system. The frequency of updates canalso be unpredictable, where there can be an influx of burstydata within a short span of time. In all these cases, an ana-lyst tries to understand: what are the frequent changes in thesystem. In domains that require real-time monitoring for im-mediate decision making, like in air traffic control or emer-gency response, analysts have to be constantly careful not tomiss any actionable changes and they typically depend onalerts from the system for making them aware of changesthat need attention.

Variety of streaming data is characterized by the underly-ing heterogeneous data sources, leading to complex changesresulting from a combination of structured and unstructureddata (e.g., social media). In such cases analysts have to makesense of change semantics, i.e., changes that are meaningfuland significant, by understanding the context provided by thedata.

Volatility of streaming data is mainly caused by unknownbaseline behavior of the attributes of data that are beingtracked. As described by Krempl et al., [KŽB∗14], ever-changing patterns in a stream can cause a change of targetvariable or feature availability to explain the changes, andthis can lead to change uncertainty. In such cases, analystsneed help from the system in understanding the causes ofthe changes and what they imply for the immediate future.Examples of such changes are drifts and concept evolutionin social networks. In domains such as social network anal-

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

ysis or cyber threat detection such volatile data implies thatanalysts are dependent on the system for summarizing andsemantically integrating multiple pieces of information atdifferent instances during the stream, otherwise such infor-mation might become unusable due to the evolution of thestream.

Examples: In Figure 3 we provide a high-level overview ofthe different domains that can be grouped based on the ve-locity and volatility of the data and provide representativescenarios for each. We categorize velocity into three classesbased on the general frequency of the updates.

In the case of high velocity data, the update frequency isin seconds or minutes, as in emergency response situationswhen an event has happened and an analyst is constantly su-pervising a scenario. When combined with high volatility,the main challenge for the analyst is to often grapple withunknown baseline behavior at a fast rate. For example, theexact signatures of threats in a cyber system might be un-known, yet streaming patterns of activities might raise sus-picion that defenders need to monitor the system and againstwhich they need to take preventive action. Even in emer-gency response scenarios, situations are often dynamicallyevolving and analysts need to learn and decide in real-timeabout possible mitigation mechanisms.

In the case of medium velocity data, the update frequencyis generally in minutes or hours, as in the case of air trafficcontrol [LJFJ14] or stock market analysis. Combined withmedium volatility, where the baseline behavior is mostlyknown, the main challenge for an analyst is to compareevolving changes to known baseline behavior and accord-ingly decide on a course of action. Medium or low velocityand highly volatile streaming data can be found in domainssuch as social media or cyber intrusion detection. In thosecases, although baseline behavior might be unknown, cer-tain heuristics (e.g., topic modeling in social media) can beused to provide insights into the data.

In the case of low velocity data, update frequency is of theorder of hours to days, or periodic. An example scenario isfraud detection while credit card monitoring, which dependson a person’s transaction frequency. In such cases, the maingoal of the analyst is to compare current behavior of individ-uals or other entities with respect to historically known base-line behavior and accordingly decide whether action needsto be taken to flag anomalies or influence future patterns ofbehavior (e.g., model performance during simulation runs).

3.2. Domain-specific Goals

We consider a set of common domains where analysts arefaced with streaming data such as social media, cyber se-curity, emergency response, and financial domains. We se-lected these domains based on their usage in streaming dataanalysis literature and also by analyzing the difference in

goals across these domains. We aimed for a more fine-grained analysis of goals and tasks than the one presented byRohrdantz et al. [ROKF11] and came up with the followinghigh-level streaming data analysis goals based on which dif-ferent domains can be classified: building Situational Aware-ness (SA), Monitoring (Mon), and Event-Tracking (ET).

These domains span the three states of a data stream: past,current, and future. The different goals and scenarios areschematically represented in Figure 4, and described below.The transition among the past, current, and future states aredependent on the analysis scenario.

In the case of high velocity data, where updates are ofthe order of seconds or minutes, the transition between pastand present is extremely rapid and often indistinguishable tothe analyst. In the case of low-velocity data, where updatesare of the order of hours or days, there is a distinguishablepast. The future state indicates a state of the system that isa function of the current changes perceived by the analystsand the actions taken by them to influence the outcome ofthe changes. The future state is especially relevant where theanalyst wants to take an action for influencing the stream:an emergency responder or cyber security analyst seeking tomitigate situations that demand urgent attention and that cancan be resolved by their action.

The categorization of tasks ultimately helps us in identify-ing the visualization-specific design challenges in a stream-ing scenario.

Situational Awareness (SA): In building situational aware-ness analysts are mostly concerned with getting actionableinsight from the system to influence the future. We adoptEndsley’s [End95] definition of situational awareness, whichis “a three-part process of perception, comprehension, andprojection (into the future to make predictions) that leadsto decision making and then to actions." The perceptionand comprehension task mainly involves reasoning about thecurrent state, followed by a projection or prediction aboutthe future. As noted by MacEachren et al. [MJR∗11], thesestages are closely related with the visual analytic loop wheresense making and information foraging are key tasks forthe analyst. The tasks can be exploratory in nature, as theanalyst is often searching for causal relationships at dif-ferent levels of detail. Exploring mitigation strategies ordiscovering unknown signatures for defending against cy-ber threats [JLSW10] or use of social media for enhancingawareness about an emergency situation [YLC∗12] are com-mon examples of such sense-making tasks, that generally in-volve highly volatile data. Reasoning and projection are keytasks towards the overall goal, and these tasks typically needthe data to be represented at different levels of abstractionand in coordinated multiple views for achieving those tasks.

The SA-related analytical tasks can be synthesized intothe following main types:

SA1: Summarize information from heterogeneous streaming

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

Current FuturePast



Current FuturePast


Current FuturePast

Situational Awareness

Active Monitoring

Event Tracking

Change Detection

Change Detection

History Retrieval (a) (b)

Figure 4: High-level streaming-specific analysis goals as found in the literature. The final set of goals we derived were:Situational Awareness (SA), Monitoring (Mon), and Event Tracking (ET). Compared to SA and Mon, ET is a goal in caseswhere the stream rate is low, that is, the temporal granularity of data update is of the order of days or weeks. In (a) the goals arebroken down into relevant analytical tasks, and in (b) we show the distribution of these goals in state-of-the-art techniques.

data sources for identifying causal relationships behind thechanging patterns.

SA2: Take domain knowledge into account and let analystsexplore dynamic what-if scenarios.

Based on our survey, we found that very few papers (withthe exception of [Erb12, FK14, MJR∗11, SBM∗14]) addresssituational awareness scenarios. In Figure 5 we see one suchexample where interactive feature selection is used for sum-marizing and reasoning purposes.

Active Monitoring (Mon): Active monitoring is the mostcommon streaming data analysis goal where an analyst su-pervises a system in real-time in the face of high-velocitydata. In most monitoring cases, baseline behavior is knownby the analyst and they are aware of which changes needtheir attention. The problem that the human analysts face in

monitoring tasks is that due to the velocity of data, in theabsence of effective analysis tools, they might miss detect-ing a change. Monitoring can also be combined for morecomplex situational awareness tasks in domains with highervolatility, as when social network data is used for immedi-ate emergency response or potential cyber threats need to beflagged by cyber defenders. Detection of patterns and rea-soning about them in real time are the main tasks of the an-alysts. Active monitoring was the most common applicationscenario that we found, and the visualization tasks involved:

Mon1: Highlight changes in the stream and communicatetrends and anomalies in the stream.

Mon2: Present salient changes that require human attentionand differentiate among small and significant changes.

Common examples of stand-alone active monitoring

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

Figure 5: Designing for enhancing situational awareness [FK14] where exploratory feature selection is used for summarizingmultiple time slices. Such exploration and summarization are necessary for stream reasoning and projection of future patterns.

tasks are air-traffic control or network intrusion detec-tion [Axe00], where the analysts try to detect very specifictrends or anomalies and know what they are looking for.

Event Tracking (ET): Event tracking is a goal when the cur-rent state of the system needs to be understood in the contextof the historical information, and the analyst either wants toidentify, compare, or retrieve events [WSJ∗14]. Historicalinformation is typically retrieved on demand, and a compu-tational model is integrated with the data, with rules that flagwhether an event has occurred.

Common examples are social media data analysis or frauddetection in credit card transactions. For comparing the sig-nificance of the incoming data stream, analysts are often in-terested in retrieving the history. Such event detection mayalso help predict future events, as in the case of simulationmodeling [SEH∗15], where relationships between model pa-rameters and outputs can be understood based on the defini-tion of events. ET involves the following tasks:

ET1: Understand the importance of current patterns basedon the past context.

ET2: Compare current events to the past ones on demand.

4. Survey of the State of the Art

Our survey (Figure 6) focused on collecting examples ofvisualization techniques designed for addressing streaming-specific problems and solutions. In this regard, we differ-entiate between techniques developed for handling dynamicdata, as opposed to streaming data. In the case of streamingdata, an analyst only looks at a specific snapshot of the dataat a particular instance of time and data is not stored in a ma-chine’s memory, as it is in the case of emergency responsesystems. In the case of dynamic data, while the data may bechanging over time, old data can be stored in memory andused for event detection, as in credit card monitoring. In this

section, we present an exhaustive list of real-time stream-ing visualization techniques, and a representative sample ofdynamic visualization techniques which can be adapted tohandle real-time streams. We use the following heuristic todecide a representative sample: we group dynamic visualiza-tion techniques into groups based on the visual representa-tions and the tasks, and randomly select one technique thatis representative of that group. For example, dynamic graphsform one group and papers such as [APP11, BPF14] arerepresentatives of that group. For a more detailed survey ondynamic graph visualizations, we refer readers to the STARpaper by Beck et al. [BBDW14]. For each of the listed tech-niques, we study the data-specific problems and solutions,human-centered problems and solutions, and the associatedevaluation strategies. Since the goal of this paper is to studyproblems and solutions specific to the human-in-the-loopsituation, we present a detailed analysis of how streaming-specific challenges are handled by encoding strategies andcompare their advantages and disadvantages.

4.1. Machine-level Problems and Solutions

The nature of streaming data is to naturally accumulate withlittle to no bounds, requiring visualizations to accommo-date this growth. Along with data accumulation, missing orincomplete data, and heterogeneity of data are other prob-lems that have been addressed in the visualization litera-ture [FHL10,HSP14,Riv14,WSJ∗14]. As shown in Figure 6,the following are the different data transformation strategiesemployed while designing visualizations for handling theseproblems.

Binning: Roughly a third of the papers we surveyed reliedon binning. Binning is effective in streaming environmentswhere the volume of data is so large that representing in-dividual records is not practical. This technique introducesuncertainty into the visualization by foregoing a direct repre-

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis















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Figure 6: Surveying the state of the art based on the visualization techniques, machine-level and human-centered problemsand solutions, and evaluation strategies adopted in the papers. We focused our analysis on how human factors are addressed bythe design solutions and based on those factors we identified relevant design challenges and gaps.

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

sentation of each data record and instead representing countsof records across a set of intervals or faceted by a categori-cal attribute. This allows an arbitrarily large number of datarecords to be accounted for in the visualization by communi-cating the shape of the distribution of records to the user. Thecounts can be represented using a bar chart (e.g., spatial en-coding of counts across intervals) to facilitate accurate visualcomparison of counts. However, we have also observed bin-ning used in conjunction with a map (e.g., heatmap, calen-dar, choropleth), where counts within geographical regionsare shown, as is the case in [FHL10]. Time discretizes in nat-ural ways (e.g., months, weeks, days) which can be used asbins to count records. This technique was used in [KWD∗13]with a calendar visualization to represent the temporal in-tensity of tweets on a particular subject using a calendarheatmap. Clustering and binning can be used in conjunc-tion when uniform discretization is not appropriate, as it wasin [SBM∗14].

Age of Data: The age of the data itself can be visually en-coded for providing temporally relevant information to theuser. Obvious ways to represent the age of data include en-coding time spatially (e.g., on a timeline) or encoding agewith size or color. Making younger data larger than olderdata, or giving younger data more contrast from the back-ground compared to older data can draw the user’s attentiontowards these elements. This is helpful under the assumptionthat younger data is more relevant or interesting than olderdata. Below we discuss several unique solutions to data ag-ing from our literature survey.

Erbacher visualized streaming data in concentric circles,where newly arrived data was added to the outside of thecircle, giving it more screen space [Erb12]. Conversely, lessscreen space was available to older data, which was assumedto be of lesser importance. Huron et al. use a sedimenta-tion metaphor to facilitate graceful aging of data [HVFM13].New data records accumulate on top of a pile and form lay-ers like sediment. As the data ages, it compacts (data recordsbecome smaller) and is eventually replaced by an aggre-gate representation where individual data points are indis-tinguishable. Mansmann et al. also rely on compaction andaggregation to handle graceful aging of data in their tool,StreamSqueeze [MKF12]. Newer data is shown with themost detail. As data ages, it gets less screen resolution and ismoved towards the right, exhibiting less level of detail thanthe new data.

Sliding Window: Many papers in our survey employ a slid-ing window as a method for handling the data aggregationproblem of the stream. This is commonly implemented asan age-off policy for the data where any data older than anarbitrary window size of t is either archived or discarded.The visualization will often show high fidelity and interac-tive views of all data younger than t to help preserve context,however any context older than t is not available. In practice,the sliding window approach can be combined with binning

or sampling techniques, but it is common to see integratedviews (e.g., spatial encoding of time) used with a slidingwindow, by simply sliding the view to the left (when timeis on the horizontal axis) as time elapses. The solution pre-sented by Mansmann et al. [MKF12] is notable because itdoes not employ a fixed-width sliding window; instead thetool maintains a representation of all data over time. It ad-dresses the data accumulation problem by reducing the fi-delity of the information shown as time elapses. Newer datapoints are given much more screen space; older items getless space and are eventually only are represented within ahistogram.

Sampling and Stream Steering: Sampling is a techniquethat can be used when the underlying data stream containstoo much information for the back end systems to processin real time. In this case, sampling techniques, which likelyinvolve machine learning models, can be used to pick andchoose what data to process and eventually show to the user.Stream steering is an emerging area of research [FDCD12]that investigates how to allow users to influence the sam-pling process.This is accomplished in [BTH∗13] by allow-ing users to create sophisticated filters that can identify in-teresting documents (e.g., tweets, news articles, blog posts)for the user in real time according to their topical content,and not just based on keyword matching.

4.2. Human-centered Problems and Solutions

In this section, we first discuss the human-centered percep-tual design challenges by linking them to the properties ofstreaming velocity and volatility. Next, we discuss the dif-ferent time encoding strategies we found in the literature thatare leveraged to handle these challenges.

4.2.1. Perceptually Motivated Design Challenges

In our survey, we found three perceptually motivated designchallenges that are explicitly or implicitly handled in the pa-pers.

Context Preservation: In streaming scenarios, the percep-tion of change is often influenced by the context. For ex-ample, a feature subset might be predictive of a particu-lar target variable, but when target variables change, so dothose subsets. In this case, the target variable provides thecontext for the importance of the feature subsets. Preserv-ing the context is most important for event tracking sce-narios [BS04, BPF14], where there is a need to capture theprovenance and larger impact of data at different instants oftime. With respect to streaming data, this often means pre-serving how the data have changed over time and even sup-porting the recall of older information which has suddenlyregained relevance.

Mental Map Preservation: Changing patterns in a streamcan be complex, and that can affect the stability of a vi-sual display. If the magnitude of changes between time

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Juxtaposition (Fischer2014)

Integration (Tanahashi2015)

Animation (MacEachren2011)Superimposition (Forbes2010)

Figure 7: Examples of time encoding strategies for streaming data visualization, which are: superimposition, juxtaposition,integration, and animation. These strategies are discussed in Section 4.2.2.

steps are too large or too complex, analysts may find itdifficult to preserve their mental map about emerging pat-terns [FHL10, HEF∗14]. This is especially important forbuilding situational awareness and exploring what-if scenar-ios in the face of volatile data. In such cases, the analyst isnot always sure which patterns to look for, and what is caus-ing them. To preserve the mental map, it is important forvisual representations to optimize visual quality of a display,while at the same time provide multiple perspectives intothe data for the analyst’s mental model to be in sync with theevolving stream.

Change-blindness Prevention: The change-blindness prob-lem is caused by high frequency and large number of

changes in the stream, where in absence of pre-attentivevisual cues [ROC97], the human vision system is unableto perceive changes even when able to see them. Ideally,a streaming visualization system should leverage the pre-attentive nature of visual variables for encoding changes inthe data. These changes must either be analyzed for impor-tance and selectively displayed or the design of a visualiza-tion must account for constant visual adjustment. Efforts toaddress the prevention of change blindness often focus on re-ducing visual clutter so as to make changes visually salientand visualizations with explicit time encoding as in The-meRiver [HHN00]. In some cases, even explicit represen-tations of time are augmented with eye-catching animations

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or other decorations to mark changes [CAHF14]. Preventionof change blindness should be a key design goal, especiallyin the case of active monitoring scenarios. Even outside thestreaming scenario, researchers have aimed to characterizevisualization techniques based on their tendency to causechange blindness [NHT01].

4.2.2. Time Encoding

All streaming visualizations result from design decisions re-lated to how to handle time, or more specifically, that thedata of interest will change over time. Our survey revealedfour design patterns (Figure 7) for handling time for stream-ing data visualization. Drawing from the nomenclature in-troduced by Javed et al. [JE12] for static composite visual-izations and later adapted by Beck et al. [BBDW14] for dy-namic graph visualization, the four design patterns we iden-tified for handling time in streaming visualization are: inte-gration, juxtaposition, superimposition, and animation.

To help illustrate these concepts, we will use a “toy”streaming data example of visualizing the trajectory of afalling ball in real-time (Figure 8). Throughout these ex-amples we use the term “model state” to describe the setof salient features and corresponding values that need to becommunicated to the user to support the user’s streaminganalytics task. In the falling ball example, the model state isthe height of the ball. Integration and juxtaposition map timeinto space; integration does so explicitly, by definition, andjuxtaposition does so implicitly by ordering views chrono-logically. Animation shows only one version of the modelstate, which is updated in place, whereas the other threemethods show copies of the model states at different times.Usually animation, juxtaposition, and superimposition willmaintain the same scaling for colors and scales in order tofacilitate accurate comparison across different times, and topreserve the mental map.

Animation: If we visually encode only the current height ofthe falling ball, and update this visualization as the positionchanges, we are using animation. The ball is always repre-sented as a single entity in the visualization. Animation isa commonly used design pattern in streaming visualization,apparently because it is often straightforward (from an im-plementation standpoint) to use animation to adapt a staticvisualization to a streaming context. If a static visualizationalready exists that is suitable to communicate the model statewithin a snapshot or time window, then that visualization canbe updated “in place” to reflect the current model state. Ifthe frame rate of the visualization is high enough, and themodel state changes smoothly, then this directly results in ananimation effect. When this is not the case and updates tothe model state occur at longer intervals, interpolation canbe used so that visual elements transition smoothly, whichmight help preserve the user’s mental map. Animation alonemakes comparisons between the past and the present awk-ward for the user (e.g., requires playback, and seeking back

Figure 8: Illustrating the different time encoding tech-niques we found in the literature using a falling ball ex-ample, where T1, T2, T3 denotes the different states of theball.

and forth), which can cause problems with preserving theuser’s context. For monitoring, animations might be most ef-fective as minor changes can be relevant [Blo05].

Integration: If we show the position of the ball as a func-tion of time in a single visualization, such that time is spa-tially encoded, we are using integration. A new visual objectrepresenting the ball is added to the visualization for eachnew time frame. The visual “copies” of the ball can be con-nected (i.e., integrated) using lines to communicate they arethe same object. When the position of the ball is drawn as acontinuous function, this is often referred to as a “timeline”or “space-time plot.” We consider these special cases of theuse of integration for streaming data. Integrated streamingvisualizations generally should explicitly handle data age-off. As time elapses, more and more copies of the modelstate will accumulate in the visualization because new copiesare being added during each frame, and old objects that areno longer relevant should be removed to reduce clutter. Acommon solution is to remove all visual encodings of themodel state older than some arbitrary time duration. In caseswhere time is encoded on the horizontal axis, this manifestsas a sliding window effect, which is a commonly used solu-tion. Integration can be helpful in preserving context becausethe present model state can be more easily contrasted againstpast states versus animation.

A unique example of integration is the use of storylines toconvey changing relationships over time [THM15], whichis shown in Figure 7. In this case the visualization is builtof alternating representations of the relationships within atime window, and integrating lines connecting adjacent timewindows. The integrating lines are styled to appear identicalto the lines within the time window to give the appearance ofa continuous timeline for each “character” in the storyline.

Juxtaposition: If we were to repeatedly take a snapshot ofthe ball as it falls, and then arrange those snapshots accord-ing to time (similar to a comic strip), we would be using jux-taposition. Similar to integration, an additional visual repre-

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sentation of the model is added to each frame. In this case,juxtaposition can be similar to integration, however, we con-sider juxtaposition to employ an implicit spatial encoding oftime, whereas it is explicit in the case of integration. Juxtapo-sition often employs small multiples and is used in place ofintegration in a streaming context when views of the modelstate are too complex or challenging to be combined into asingle view.

For example, juxtaposition was used in [FK14] to com-municate how topics (distribution over words, representedas a word cloud) evolve over time; an example of this isshown in Figure 7. We see juxtaposition used frequently fordynamic graph visualization due to the abundance of effec-tive open source graph layout algorithms for static graphs.A new view of the graph can be generated each frame usingstatic methods, and then juxtaposed with the previous framesto show the change. Graphs during different time windowsare drawn in separate, adjacent views to help the user un-derstand how the topology of the graph is changing overtime [BPF14, RM13]. Dynamic graph researchers hypoth-esize that minimizing changes across juxtaposed views overtime is important to preserve the user’s mental map, whichshould improve their ability to understand change over timein these data sets [APP11].

Superimposition: If we took a multiple exposure pho-tograph of the falling ball (from the previous example),we would be employing superimposition. Superimpositioncompresses the model state at different times onto the sameview using the same visual encoding. While we no longerwould have an implicit or explicit spatial encoding of time,time can be communicated using other retinal propertiessuch as color or size. Superimposition can help with pre-serving context and preserving the mental map, because thevisual encodings are consistent over time, and because pastand present are comparable in the same view. Furthermore,superimposition can be more space-efficient than integrationand juxtaposition due to the reuse of space. Because viewsof the model state are closer together, making comparisonsbetween past and present can be more efficient with super-imposition as compared to the other methods discussed. Atrade-off is that superimposed views will likely suffer fromvisual clutter and over plotting more readily than the alter-natives.

Our survey revealed that superimposition was the leastcommonly used technique for handling time in streamingdata. This was surprising given that this technique can befairly easily implemented from a pre-existing static visual-ization, and has the advantage of showing data in context,as well as helping to preserve the mental map. Animationcombined with superimposition (e.g., by showing the recentpaths taken) is used in [FHL10, Moe04]. In [BSH∗16] su-perimposition is used by projecting high-dimensional dataat different time windows into a common two-dimensionalspace. Different instances of the model state are represented

as single points to allow the user to see the relatedness of themodel state over time, and detect patterns such as oscillation,stagnation, divergence, or recurrence.

4.3. Evaluation

Evaluations of the research efforts to address these stream-ing challenges have been diverse. In this work, we categorizeevaluations into one of several forms. Case studies involveresearch that is presented as proof of concept and applied toa particular domain. During a case study, the application mayhave been provided to users not associated with the researchteam, but was done so without controlled tasks or conditions.User studies evaluate prototype research under controlledconditions with participants to produce quantitative results.Expert studies constitute evaluations which make use of pre-sented research as a prototype and include review by domainexperts not associated with the presenting researchers. Fi-nally, technical benchmarks involve demonstrating the effi-ciency or data handling abilities of a prototype or algorithmwithout consideration of users or tasks. As shown in Fig-ure 6, the problems of data accumulation, heterogeneous,and missing data are lacking in user-oriented evaluations.With the exception of [CAHF14] and [SBM∗14], most re-search relies on technical benchmarks and demonstrationswithout determining if the visualization strategies are in facteffective and supporting user tasks. Conversely, most workaddressing change blindness, context preservation, and men-tal map preservation relies on at least expert feedback or casestudies to determine efficacy. In our survey we also founda general lack of quantitative user studies that either sim-ulate real-world streaming environments or let domain ex-perts perform certain tasks in a controlled setting. For someof the quantitative studies we also found update rates of thestream to be of the order of several minutes, which might notbe a realistic scenario, especially where active monitoring ofhigh-velocity streams is necessary.

In Figure 9 we describe how well human-centered designchallenges are addressed by the techniques in terms of scala-bility, expressiveness [Mac86] for depicting change, change-blindness prevention, context-preservation, and mental-mappreservation. Visualization types highlighted in bold havebeen explicitly applied in a streaming context. Connectedscatter plots [HKF16], slope graphs [Sch14] and parallel co-ordinates [DKG15] can be used for encoding change, buthave not been applied on streaming data.

5. Analyzing Design Challenges and Trade-offs

In this section we analyze the change sensitivity of the com-mon streaming data visualization techniques. We classify thevisualizations based on two encoding properties: which vi-sual variables induces a perception of change in response to astream, and what type of time encoding the visualization em-ploys (Figure 9). Based on this classification we identify the

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A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

How Changeis Perceived

Visual Variable

Time Encoding



Visualization Type













size colo



line chart/ timeline

connected scatter plot

slope graph

parallel coordinates

MDS plots

temporal MDS plots

node-link diagram

tree map

visual sedimentation

stream graph

heat map

circle packing

Change in Position

Change in Layout

Change in Position &

Retinal Properties

Change in Retinal

Properties &Layout



mental mappreservation





mental mappreservation


change blindness




Design Trade-Off






change blindness

Figure 9: Investigating the design-trade-offs for the common streaming data visualization techniques that we surveyed.The visualizations that are bold highlighted have been applied in the context of streaming data, while the other visualizations,such as the connected scatter plot [Kos16], slope graph [Sch14], and the parallel coordinates, have mostly been applied in thecontext of static data analysis.

merits and drawbacks of the techniques. For such identifica-tion we consider two more change sensitivity criteria in ad-dition to the criteria of context preservation, mental-mappreservation and change-blindness prevention. These are:scalability of a technique, which determines how a largenumber of changes can be accommodated, and expressive-ness [Mac86], which determines if the salient changing pat-terns are clearly communicated to the analyst. To simplifyour analysis, we identify the main advantage of a techniqueand its main disadvantage. We recognize that a more nu-anced analysis might be necessary and a weighted scoremight be ideal in classifying the techniques, but we leavethat for future work, as an extension to the analysis presentedhere. In addition to the techniques found in the survey, weanalyzed techniques like slope graphs [Sch14], connected

scatter plots [HKF16], and temporal MDS plots [JFSK16]that are relevant to the time encoding strategies and can beapplied in the context of streaming data visualization.

5.1. Change in Position

Encoding change through position is the most common strat-egy used across many techniques. In a basic line graph or intimeline plots [SRHH16, DFSK16, GS14, SBM∗14] time isencoded on one of the axes and superposing lines can en-code the temporal trajectory of a stream. Line graphs arehighly expressive and an optimal choice for showing tem-poral trends as they can communicate changing patternsquickly and effectively. For univariate data, especially in sce-narios where analysts are looking for specific trends (e.g,

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variation in trajectories for air-traffic monitoring) as in thecase of active monitoring, there are few better encodingchoices than superimposing lines. However in presence ofbursty data, a rapid change in scale of a variable can affecthow the magnitude of change is perceived. Also for this ap-proach, encoding change for multiple variables and a highvolume of data can be challenging due to a lack of scalabil-ity.

Connected scatter plots [HKF16] and slopegraphs [Sch14] are techniques used by the news media forintegrating temporal information within a two-dimensionalplot. While they are able to preserve the past context directly,and can be effective in historical retrieval tasks, they canbe difficult to read and suffer from lack of expressivenessabout key trends and anomalies. These plots are not suitablein monitoring situations, but might be used for reasoningand projection tasks for building situational awareness.

Parallel Coordinate Plots (PCP) represent multivariatedata by encoding samples as contiguous line segments con-necting pairs of variables assigned to vertical axes [ID87],and time can be an additional axis [HW13]. In a PCP theordering of the axes determines which n− 1 out of a pos-sible n·(n−1)

2 axis pairs are visible. A good ordering of theaxes might reduce clutter and reveal patterns (e.g., clus-ters, trends) that are not otherwise visible with a differentaxis order. Many quality metrics for PCPs have been pro-posed with the assumption that an axis ordering that opti-mizes a given metric will improve the user’s performancein certain analytical tasks [DK10]. PCPs have been usedto show how a collection of multivariate objects changesover time by mapping time to the user’s time (i.e., anima-tion) [BS04, BBP08, The06]. In a streaming context, PCPscould be used to show recently collected samples (e.g., sam-ples no older than t, or the k most recent samples). To ourknowledge there has been no demonstration or systematicevaluation of a technique to automatically reorder PCP axesin a dynamic or streaming context and preserve the mentalmap of a user at the same time.

5.2. Change in Layout

Change in position of points coupled with the change in ori-entation of their groupings or their connections can lead toa perception of change in the overall layout of a particularview. This is most common in the case of two-dimensionalprojections of multidimensional data or node-link diagrams.Dimension embedding techniques project high dimensionaldata (e.g., multivariate or connectivity data) into a lower di-mensional space (usually D = 2) by placing similar samples(e.g., nearby in the feature space) close together in the lowerdimensional embedding. Juxtaposed views of such MDSplots [WFA∗03, XWR10] can be used to represent differ-ent slices of time. Force directed graph drawing algorithmscan be considered a special case of this broader problem,

where similarity is a binary relation equivalent to connectiv-ity. Preserving high dimensional similarity (or distance) inlow dimensional space is usually addressed directly by anoptimization algorithm (e.g., MDS) or is an emergent out-come of the algorithm. This can help reveal features in theglobal structure of the data including clusters, holes, or re-lationships (when attributes not used by the embedding areencoded as shape, size, or color). The main advantage of thisapproach is that they are scalable with respect to large di-mensionality of the data.

When data changes, the current spatial layout may be-come very sub-optimal if it is not adjusted to reflect thenew relationships in the data. This problem has been ex-plored in a streaming context by the dynamic graph draw-ing community, where a long standing hypothesis is that“preserving the user’s mental map” is extremely impor-tant [APP11, BBDW14, PHG06]. There are also examplesof MDS and related dimensional embedding techniques be-ing used in a streaming context [ACZ∗11, WFA∗03], butthese approaches have explicitly focused on preserving theuser’s mental mapping as the data changes, except in the caseof [GHN12] where the problem of computing the positionsof the dynamic multivariate data (i.e., streaming text) wastransformed into a dynamic graph layout problem. This il-lustrates the close relationship between graph drawing anddimension embedding techniques–problems that appear tobe unsolved, yet dynamic dimension embedding techniquesmay have good solutions, or at least starting points, in thedynamic graph drawing community.

5.3. Change in Retinal Properties and Layout

Retinal properties such as area, size, etc. have been usedin several visualization techniques for encoding change.Techniques such as treemaps [JS91] and circle pack-ing [WWDW06] are effective at representing large hierar-chical datasets where each element also has a primary at-tribute that is encoded visually as area or size, and othersecondary attributes that can be encoded with color, texture,etc. Updated data is generally superposed on the old data.These general techniques use visual containment to repre-sent the hierarchy, and solutions generally use heuristics toquickly determine how to effectively place child elementswithin their parent container. In the case of treemaps, a popu-lar heuristic produces squarified treemaps [BHvW00], wherethe aspect ratio of the elements is usually low. The circlepacking algorithm tries to produce layouts where the area ofthe parent circle is not much larger than the total area of thechild circles–in other words, it reduces unnecessary whites-pace.

In a streaming context, change encoding using retinalvariables and time encoding using the superposition strat-egy can quickly show a large number relevant changes, lead-ing to high scalability, but in presence of a high frequencyand large number of changes, analysts’ attention might not

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be focused on relevant changes, and thus change blindnesscan occur. Additionally, small changes to the hierarchy orprimary attributes might have a large effect on the layoutof the visualization, and therefore the user’s perception ofthe change. For example, with treemaps, the order of childnodes within a parent is sometimes determined by the pri-mary attribute in order to improve the quality of the visual-ization. However, a relatively small change to the primaryattribute of a single node can have a disproportionately largechange to its order, which could cause confusion and lead tochange blindness. Mental-map preservation is also a prob-lem in this case. This problem has been investigated andaddressed using dynamic voronoi treemaps [SFL10], whichare designed to be stable against changes to the primary at-tribute, as well as to zooming. Dealing with changing hierar-chies in a streaming context seems even more problematic,but because trees are special cases of graphs, solutions mightbe drawn from techniques for dynamic graph drawing.

5.4. Change in Position and Retinal Properties

A combination of position and retinal properties have beenused in several techniques, and they vary based on the timeencoding strategy used. Streamgraphs show the aggregate ofmany univariate time series by superposing individual timeseries, which are referred to as streams [BW08, DBH16,FMK12]. Color is used to allow the user to differentiatebetween the different streams, and to understand how thewhole is composed of the individual parts (streams) overtime. Time is usually encoded on the horizontal axis, leavingthe primary attribute of the time series to be encoded as thethickness of the stream at that timepoint.

Therefore, the vertical position of a stream is dependenton the sum of the thicknesses of all the streams below it,plus a baseline. The height of the baseline is adjusted to im-prove the aesthetic quality of the visualization by decreas-ing, on average, the magnitude of “wiggles” throughout thevisualization. The order of the streams also affects the leg-ibility, and different heuristics can be applied, or the or-der can be determined intrinsically from the data. Stream-graphs have the advantage that the baseline at the “current”time can be calculated directly from the data and baselineat the previous time step, so accumulating new data will notnecessarily require a recalculation of the entire baseline asdata arrives. However, the optimal ordering of the streams islikely to change over time, so an open problem is determin-ing when reordering is necessary, and managing this changein a way that preserves the users’ context. The visual sed-imentation [HVFM13] technique is able to better preservethe user’s context by retaining the old data and by using anintegrated encoding approach, but a large number of changeshappening simultaneously can lead to change blindness dueto the rapid transition between tokens and sediments.

Matrices and heatmaps [CLS∗12,Riv14,LB14,KBMK10]are used to reveal relationships between pairs of variables in

multi-dimensional data by mapping each variable to a spa-tial dimension to produce an image, and encoding the data atthat point in the image with an appropriate color. Though itis common for the encoded variables to be continuous, manycases also exist where variables are categorical, as occursin combinatorial data analysis. In such cases, the order ofthe rows and columns is arbitrary, but can have a significantimpact on the usability of the visualization. The techniqueof reordering matrices to reveal patterns (which typicallyemerge as block diagonal structures) is known as matrix se-riation [Lii10],

The optimal ordering of a matrix is likely to change as theunderlying data changes. To the best of our knowledge, thevisualization community has not explored matrix reorderingin a streaming or dynamic environment. Similar to dynamicgraph visualization and PCPs, questions arise such as: whenshould the matrix be reordered, and how does one compro-mise between minimizing the amount of change in the visu-alization and revealing interesting structures?

6. Research Directions for Addressing Gaps

Based on our survey and analysis presented in Sections 4 and5, we reflect on the gaps in the state of the art in streamingdata visualization and potential research directions that canhelp address these gaps.

Role of Visualization in Situational Awareness (SA): Wefound very few papers addressing the goal of achieving sit-uational awareness for analysts using visualization. Cuttingacross various domains like cyber threat mitigation, or useof social media for emergency response, there is an urgentneed for analytical tools that can be leveraged by analystsfor achieving situational awareness. The opportunities forvisualization and visual analytics in this regard were alsohighlighted in the visual analytics arena [TC06].

As mentioned earlier, SA involves dynamic reasoningover emerging streaming patterns while projecting the impli-cations of these patterns on the future for decision-making.We posit that building exploratory, faceted visualizationson top of the integration of heterogeneous streaming datawill be an important research direction towards this end.While such visualizations have been used for event detec-tion [DGWC10], faceted displays can also help the analystachieve situational awareness.

Task Models for Streaming Data: Our second finding wasthat there is a lack of systematic approaches towards trans-lating high-level streaming data analysis goals into con-crete visualization tasks. In this paper we have differenti-ated among three high-level goals: SA, Mon, and ET. Wefound that most papers explicitly address trend and anomalydetection tasks in a monitoring context. As mentioned byMacEachren [MJR∗11], SA involves complex informationforaging and sense-making tasks. However, there is little in-trospection on the instantiations of these tasks that need to be

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accomplished for reasoning, and exploring the implicationsof change in a streaming context. We also need to understandthe varying levels of task complexities for a human analyst,as these tasks can often be demanding and lead to significantcognitive load [Lav05].

We posit that task models for streaming data need to bedeveloped for a nuanced analysis of the low-level tasks ananalyst has to perform in different scenarios. These will alsobe helpful in understanding how to leverage relevant re-search areas in visualization to solve streaming-related prob-lems. For example, it has been shown that high-resolutiondisplays are more effective when analysts have to per-form complex sense-making tasks for synthesizing multi-ple pieces of information [AEN10]. Formal task models canhelp users bridge these gaps.

Handling Inattentional Blindness: We also found that thedesign space of visually encoding change needs to evolvefor addressing the various streaming-specific challenges.Streaming changes are often unpredictable and bursty: pat-terns may appear and disappear at a later time, they canrapidly change across subsequent time steps, or their updatescan vary based on different domains. In the face of such data,an important research problem that needs to be addressed isthe problem of inattentional blindness on the human side.While change blindness can happen due to velocity of thedata that is too high for a human observer to detect a change,high velocity coupled with high volume of changes can leadto important patterns escaping human attention. Since a datastream is constantly evolving, human analysts may struggleto pay attention to important states or transitions and thiscan lead to inattentional blindness [MSCS05]. This is espe-cially relevant for the active monitoring task [MR98], wherevisualizations need to adapt for engaging analysts about themost salient changes in the system. Healey et al. [HE12] haspointed out the need to leverage the pre-attentive propertiesof retinal variables while designing visualizations to encodechange. Effective use of color, motion etc., can effectivelycapture human attention, which is especially needed in thecase of monitoring tasks. Related research areas where hu-man reaction time in response to dynamic data [MDH95] hasbeen studied, can be utilized for addressing the problem ofinattentional blindness.

Change Presentation Versus Exploration: In many of thepapers we surveyed, the visual encoding is an output of anunderlying computational model that detects and quantifiesthe significant changes in the evolving patterns. In scenar-ios like situational awareness, it is important to present thesepatterns in a transparent manner so that the key insights canbe efficiently discovered by the analysts. The goals of suchpresentation-based encoding can be very different from pureexploratory visualization encoding, as has been highlightedin the evolving research area of presentation-oriented visual-izations [Kos16]. As pointed out by MacEachren [MJR∗11],the data needs to be presented at appropriate levels of ab-

straction for the user to shift between different perspectivesabout the data. This is especially needed for complex sense-making tasks when an analyst is aiming for building sit-uational awareness about the stream by understanding thecauses and implications of the changes. However, the un-derstanding behind the building blocks of such abstraction-based design is still in its infancy. Even an abstract repre-sentation has to generate enough confidence in an analystto inspire confident decision making by highlighting the un-derlying causalities of the visual patterns. An important di-rection will be to investigate what design criteria should beused for generating presentation-oriented visualizations thateffectively summarize and communicate important changesand the relevant context to the user.

Handling Uncertainty due to Incremental Updates: Wefound that the issue of incompleteness of information or un-certainty in a stream has not been substantially addressedin the visualization design phase. Often incremental ap-proaches are used that incorporate information as it becomesavailable [Gam10] and this implies that the mental modelof the analyst has to constantly adapt to the temporallyevolving information. While machine-level pre-processinglike binning, clustering, or use of sliding windows havebeen used, related research areas like incremental visual-ization [GFWS96, AS13] can be leveraged for designingand evaluating visualizations that handle irregular updates.Such incremental visualization will be needed to adapt to thechanging frequency of data updates, handle bursty data, andstill preserve the mental map of users and the context of pastinformation. An open issue for incremental visualizations isthat analysts might not be confident while making decisionsdue to the uncertainty caused by partially available infor-mation, and that can lead to a lack of trust [FPD12]. Novelincremental visualizations of the data [KBK11] that informthe analyst of both the uncertainty in the visual representa-tion, as well as the context of the changes, can help bridgethis gap between analytical uncertainty and trust.

Evaluation Studies, Metrics, and Benchmarks: A signifi-cant gap in streaming data visualization research is the lackof formal evaluation methods for qualitatively or quantita-tively comparing the various design trade-offs [DPW∗15].We posit that not only do we require formal approaches likedesign studies with domain experts and controlled user stud-ies by simulating or in actual streaming environments, wealso need to establish new metrics based on the design trade-offs, some of which were described in Section 5. For ex-ample, in monitoring scenarios with high-velocity data, userengagement can be an important metric. The trade-off thereis that human attention might be fixated on one set of pat-terns, while missing another set of patterns due to inatten-tional blindness. The issue of change blindness should alsobe investigated further: what metrics do we use to measurethe effect of the time encoding strategies on change blind-ness?

c© The Eurographics Association 2016.

A. Dasgupta & D.L. Arendt & L. Franklin & P.C. Wong & K. Cook / Human Factors in Streaming Data Analysis

Related areas of research that can be leveraged towardsbuilding such visualizations are metrics like memorabil-ity [BVB∗13]. In the face of rapidly changing data and con-text, memorable visualizations can help analysts quickly re-call past patterns and enable them to act on the currentlyobserved patterns. Tasks where the search targets are notclearly defined, can benefit from explicit design criteria forincreasing the memorability of key temporal trends andanomalies.

7. Conclusion and Future Work

We have presented a survey and analysis of the state of theart in streaming data visualization, by focusing exclusivelyon the relationship between the design space and complex-ities of change perception. In the process we have lookedat how the different change dimensions such as frequency,amount, uncertainty, and complexity are accentuated by thevelocity and volatility of data across common streamingdomains, and affect human perception. We mapped thesedata-oriented problems to domain-specific goals for under-standing challenges that domain experts face while analyz-ing streaming patterns. To meet these challenges visualiza-tion techniques have evolved over the years and our surveyanalyzed how well different encoding strategies are able toaddress the human factors. In turn, our analysis revealed sev-eral design challenges and trade-offs that can eventually besynthesized into a set of criteria for effective streaming datavisualization design.

We believe that the findings and gap analysis in our studycan be leveraged for developing a sustained research agendaaround investigating how visualizations can better facilitatechange perception in a streaming environment, and how dif-ferent views can be integrated to provide a holistic perspec-tive about the stream. The research agenda will be comple-mentary to our recent focus in areas of stream data min-ing and big data visualization, and potentially lead to ef-fective integration of automated methods and perceptuallymotivated visualization techniques for human-in-the-loopstreaming data exploration.

8. Acknowledgment

The research described in this paper is part of the Analy-sis in Motion Initiative at Pacific NorthWest National Lab-oratory (PNNL). It was conducted under the LaboratoryDirected Research and Development Program at PNNL, amulti-program national laboratory operated by Battelle. Bat-telle operates PNNL for the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) under contract DE-AC05-76RLO01830.

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