Human Sample Words : Anthropology (the study of humans) Misanthrope (one who hates people (humans)...


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HumanSample Words: Anthropology (the study

of humans) Misanthrope (one who

hates people (humans) Philanthropy (active

effort to promote human welfare)

StarSample Words: Astronomy (study of

stars) Astronomical (relating

to stars) Asterisk (a star-shaped

punctuation mark)

BookSample Words: Bibliography (a list of

books and sources consulted)

Bibliophile (one who loves books)

Biblical (of or relating to the holy book of the Judeo-Christian tradition

LifeSample Words: Biology (the study of life) Biochemistry (chemistry

of living things) Biodegradable (capable

of being broken down into harmless products by living things)

ColorSample Words: Chromatic (pertaining

to color or colors) Chrome (a colored

pigment or dye that contains chromium)

TimeSample Words: Synchronize (to cause to

happen at the same time) Chronic (happens time

and time again) Chronicle (an account of

events in order in time)

Rule, GovernSample Words: Democracy (rule by the

people) Aristocracy (rule by a

small, privileged class) Aristocrat (a member of

the aristocracy)

World, Order, UniverseSample Words: Cosmology (study of

the origin and structure of the universe)

Cosmonaut (a Russian astronaut)

Cosmos (the orderly, systematic universe)

Cosmopolitan (having a worldwide scope/outlook)

SkinSample Words: Dermatitis (inflammation

of the skin) Dermatology (branch of

science dealing with the skin)

Dermis (the inner layer of the skin)

To Copy, ImitateSample Words: Mimic (to imitate) Mime (one who imitates

life in a ridiculous manner)

Mimeograph (an older version of a copy machine)

OneSample Words: Monologue (a speech

delivered by one person)

Monogamy (remaining faithful to one person)

Monolingual (only able to speak one language)

FormSample Words:• Anthropomorphic (having

or resembling human form)

• Metamorphosis (a change in form)

• Morphology (study of the form and structure of animals and plants)

NerveSample Words: Neurology (the study of

nervous system) Nervous (of or relating to

nerves) Neurosis (a nervous

disorder marked by anxiety and the use of defense mechanisms)

FeelingSample Words: Apathy (lack of feeling/

caring) Sympathy (inclination

to think or feel alike) Empathy (the capacity

for experiencing as one’s own the feelings of another)

LoveSample Words:• Bibliophile (one who

loves books)• Francophile (one who

loves France and the French)

• Philharmonic (devoted to or appreciative of [loving] music)
