Huthwaite BrandNew


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Huthwaite International has a new look >


When we decided to redevelop our brand identity, the idea was not to change who we are, nor simply to redesign the website and revamp our materials, but rather to communicate who we are more clearly than we had been doing.

Why did we re-brand ourselves?

We are world leaders in our field and have so many strengths. But despite this it was difficult for anyone to really pinpoint what the Huthwaite International brand was about.

Somewhere down the line, we’d outgrown our brand. It had begun to lack clarity for our audiences and the true character of Huthwaite wasn’t coming across anymore.



It was important that our new brand was built on the strengths and values that already exist within our business. Something solid and real that our people and our clients recognised and admired. We had conversations, inside and out. Many things stood out.



Observational research

International flexibility

Digital innovation



Safe pair of handsLovely people

Supporting behaviour change

We narrowed our strengths down to ten points. We then divided these into four Pillars and six Values. To have one without the other would be half a Huthwaite. They work together. They are what make us whole.

Our Pillars are our physical differentiators. They are the reasons why clients come to us.

Observational Research

We’ve been studying and observing successful sales behaviour for over 40 years. No one knows more than us about what makes a successful sales and negotiation professional. The resulting verbal behavioural analyses are the foundations of our solutions.

1. Excellence

We strive for excellence in everything we do, as individuals, as teams, as a company. No one can impose standards on us higher than those we impose on ourselves. Our quest for continuous improvement is relentless.

2. Focused

We are not generalists. We don’t aspire to be all things to all people. Sales, negotiation and communication skill development is what we do and we do it to the highest standards in the world.

3. Customer First

Doing the right thing for our clients matters deeply. We listen, we consult, we respond. We work hard to be a team they trust, with whom they feel safe and enjoy working. The fact that many of our clients stay with us for years, if not decades, is testament to this.

Supporting Behaviour Change

Maximising ROI for our clients happens when a new skill becomes a habit and therefore continues to reap rewards after the learning is over. This is a process not a single event. We guide our clients towards a learning programme that will stick and pay dividends long into the future.

Our Values are our personality and the reasons why clients stay with us.




4. Authenticity

We do what we say, we deliver what we promise. We are open and honest in our dealings with our clients, our stakeholders and with each other. We would rather politely decline business than promise something we knew we couldn’t deliver.

5. One Team

We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers, learning specialists, project managers, trainers, instructional designers, communicators, administrators. Our skills combine on a daily basis to make a difference for our clients. We respect each other and work as a team. We place the good of our company before personal success.

6. Expertise

We value expertise. We challenge our understanding continuously. We study commercial contexts, markets, trends, new and emerging thinking in every industry. It is integral to our ability to help clients achieve a measurable difference in performance.

International Flexibility

Sometimes, the more global and complex a client’s requirement is, the more their skills provider will demand a rigid and inflexible deployment in order to cope. Not so with us. Complex international projects are our sweet spot.

Digital Innovation

Our digital capability is continually evolving. Our focus is to give our clients tools to enable them to receive our proven methodologies but delivered in an agile, efficient and contemporary way.





The next step was to consider how we tell this story to the world in a different way. How could we ensure that our audiences saw and understood the real us and all that we could do for them? How could we stand out?


OUR BRAND IDENTITYWe changed our strapline to Out-think, out-perform.

It’s a simple concept. It’s ultimately what we help our clients to do and ultimately what they want from us above all else.

Our logo was modernised and simplified. The ‘H’ of Huthwaite, which we’ve affectionately called the ‘Hoosh’, is an icon that tells the story of our and our clients’ shared passion for performance improvement and the upward trajectory of success.

Our colour palette is new too. Red for our passion and progression and black for our stability and safe pair of hands. Our clients want both.

Imagery was our next consideration. When the world is your marketplace, how do you create imagery that is relatable?

One thing we know for sure is that when clients come to us, they are ready for change. They know there is a better way, for their business, for their teams, for themselves as individuals. We tried to capture that aspiration in what we called our hero shots. Eight images that convey the profile of different clients around the world all reflecting on the same shared ambition.


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OUR WEBSITEWe wanted to make sure we offered enough relevant information without overwhelming visitors. We reduced the volume of content. We also wanted it to be an inclusive place. We work with global brands who strive to be world-class. They want their providers to be like-minded. We knew this was a hugely important factor in deciding whether to get in touch with us. We also work with smaller companies too. We needed to accommodate both. Evidencing our effectiveness with clients of all sizes and sectors helped us do that. Show not tell.

OUR VOICE We removed complexity from

our tone of voice. We are an intellectual business but our clients still want communication that is clear and succinct. We prefer to let our outcomes convey our effectiveness, not our turn of phrase.



2017 is our 43rd year and we move forward stronger and more focused than ever.

Our new brand we hope will provide a greater clarity for our clients past and present as well as those looking to learn more about us for the very first time. We look forward to sharing more exciting developments with you over the coming months and years. Also to learning more about you and how we might help.


huthwaite-international Out-think, out-perform© 2017 Huthwaite International. All rights reserved.

Our new brand is not the end of the story, it’s just the beginning.
