Hyper Tiro i Dism



Hyper Tiro i Dism

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ThyroidLargest Endocrine organ in the bodyInvolved in production, storage, and release of thyroid hormoneFunction influenced byCentral axis (TRH)Pituitary function (TSH)Comorbid diseases (Cirrhosis, Graves, etc.)Environmental factors (iodine intake)Thyroid (cont)Regulates basal metabolic rateImproves cardiac contractilityIncreases the gain of catecholaminesIncreases bowel motilityIncreases speed of muscle contractionDecreases cholesterol (LDL)Required for proper fetal neural growthThyroid PhysiologyUptake of Iodine by thyroidCoupling of Iodine to ThyroglobulinStorage of MIT / DIT in follicular spaceRe-absorption of MIT / DITFormation of T3, T4 from MIT / DITRelease of T3, T4 into serumBreakdown of T3, T4 with release of IodineIodine uptakeNa+/I- symport protein controls serum I- uptakeBased on Na+/K+ antiport potentialStimulated by TSHInhibited by Perchlorate

MIT / DIT formationThyroid Peroxidase (TPO)Apical membrane proteinCatalyzes Iodine organification to Tyrosine residues of ThyroglobulinAntagonized by methimazoleIodine coupled to ThyroglobulinMonoiodotyrosine (Tg + one I-)Diiodotyrosine (Tg + two I-)Pre-hormones secreted into follicular spaceSecretion of Thyroid HormoneStimulated by TSHEndocytosis of colloid on apical membraneCoupling of MIT & DIT residuesCatalyzed by TPOMIT + DIT = T3DIT + DIT = T4Hydrolysis of ThyroglobulinRelease of T3, T4Release inhibited by Lithium10Thyroid Hormones

11Thyroid HormoneMajority of circulating hormone is T498.5% T41.5% T3Total Hormone load is influenced by serum binding proteins (TBP, Albumin, ??)Thyroid Binding Globulin 70%Albumin 15%Transthyretin 10%Regulation is based on the free component of thyroid hormone

12Hormone Binding FactorsIncreased TBGHigh estrogen states (pregnancy, OCP, HRT, Tamoxifen)Liver disease (early)Decreased TBGAndrogens or anabolic steroidsLiver disease (late)Binding Site CompetitionNSAIDsFurosemide IVAnticonvulsants (Phenytoin, Carbamazepine)Hormone DegredationT4 is converted to T3 (active) by 5 deiodinaseT4 can be converted to rT3 (inactive) by 5 deiodinaseT3 is converted to rT2 (inactive)by 5 deiodinaserT3 is inactive but measured by serum tests

Fisology Kelenjar ThyroidEfek kerja :Merangsang pertumbuhan anak dg cara meningkatkan sintesa proteinMeningkatkan uptake 9transpor) glukosa oleh sel :Meningkatkan glukolisisMeningkatkan glukoneogenesisMeningkatkan absorbsi GHMeningkatkan sekresi insulin Meningkatkan kaytabolisme lemak (pengosongan lemak pada jar. Adiposa, Oksidasi asam lemak, pemecahan glikogen liver.Efek SSP :Menaikkan kecepatan cerebrasi (hantaran syaraf) :KegelisahanPsyconcurikAnsietas, kekhawatiran, paranoid (pathologis kejiwaan)Tremor otot polos ok : peningkatan aktifitas pusat2 medula spinalis yg mengatur tonus otot .Kesulitan tidurKelelahan

Efek pada sistem Kardiovaskular ;Vasodilatasi (akibat efek menaikkan metabolisme)Aliran darah meningkat Meningkatkan kekuatan kontraksi Frekuensi denyut jantung meningkatTekanan diastole menurun (pulses pressure)Cardiac out put meningkat 50% (tekanan sistole meningkat 10%)Efek pada sistem pernafasan :Akibat metabolisme meningkat CO2 meningkat, maka pernafasan cepat dan dalam.

+_PanasDinginT3/T4 bebasSekresi TSHT3/T4 bebasSekresi TRH Struktur TSH berbeda antar spesiesTSH : mamalia lain punya pengaruh thd biologis manusiaHypertiroidi disebut juga TiroksosikosisHiperthiroidisme dapat didefinisikan sebagai akibat dari peningkatan sekresi hormon thyroid yang berlebihan, respon jaringan perifer tubuh terhadap pengaruh metabolisme yang diakibatkan pengaruh berlebihan dari hormon tersebut.Keadaan ini dapat timbul spontanatau sebagai akibat pemberian tyroid hormon berlebihan.Ada 2 jenis Hypertiroidi spontan :Penyakit GravesToxic Nodular GoiterPada Graves diseases biasanya terjadi pada usia 30-40 tahun, sering ditemukan pada wanita dibandingkan pria, sering ada kaitan dg bentuk2 kelainan kelenjar endokrin (endokrinopati & autoimun) yaitu ; reaksi terhadap sel tubuh sendiri (tidak menerima sel2 yang lain) yaitu terhadap sel-sel kelenjar tiroid seperti penyakit glomerulus nefritis (Autoimun)

Hypertiroidi/tirotosikosis :Gelisah (kelainan kepribadian)Banyak makan tapi BB turun (kurus)Tidak tahan panasTekanan nadi (pulses pressure) tinggiTremor pd jari2 ketika direntangkanBMR meningkat 10 100%Arytmia, gagal jantung, Myopati (lemah otot)Kelenjar tiroid membesar dan diffuse , hiperplasia sel2 thyroidBola mata mau keluar atau menonjol (exophtalmus)Penyebab :Tumor jinak maupun ganas pd thyroid glandTumor hypofise (paling sering) adalah penyakit Graves (Exophtalmus goiter)Sekresi T3/T4 meningkat krn faktor inhibitor menurun shg sekresi TSH meningkatPenyebab :Adanya antibody thd reseptor TSH di kelenjar tyroid yg mampu merangsang reseptor TSH sekaligus,Meningkatkan aktifitas adenylat siklase sel2 ThyroidEtiologyHyperthyroidism with high RIU - Graves disease - Toxic adenoma - Toxic multinodular goiter - TSH- producing pituitary adenoma - Hyperemesis gravidarum - Trophoblastic disease20EtiologyHyperthyroidism with low RIU - Subacute thyroiditis - Exogenous harmone intake - Ectopic ovarii - Metastatic follicular thyroid CA - Radiation thyroiditis - palpation thyroiditis - Amiodarone induced21Signs and Symptoms Tremulousness or jitterinessExophthalmos Weight loss despite excellent appetite hypermetabolic stateInsomniaFatiguePalpitationsHeat intoleranceSweatingDiarrheaDeterioration in handwritingMenstrual irregularitiesMuscle weakness/wasting manifested as exercise intolerance or difficulty climbing stairsEye symptoms, which may include pain or diplopiaNervousnessTachycardiaGoiterElevated plasma levels of thyroxin and/or triiodothyronine

How To Diagnose HyperthyroidismTSH expect this to be lowFree T4 expect to be highNuclear thyroid scintigraphy iodine 123 uptake and scan expect iodine uptake to increasedAnti-thyroperoxidase antibody levelsTSH-receptor stimulating autoantibody levels (TSI levels)Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidTSH levelLow TSHHigh TSH (rare)Measure T4HighSecondary hyperthyroidismImage pituitary gland24Low TSHMeasure Free T4 LevelNormalHighMeasure Free T3 LevelNormalHigh-Subclinical hyperthyroidism-Resolving Hyperthyroidism -Medication-Pregnancy -New thyroid illnessT3 ToxicosisPrimary hyperthyroidismThyroid uptakeLowHighMeasure thyroglobulindecreasedIncreased Exogenous ThyroiditisIodide exposureExrtraglandular productionDIffuseNodularhormoneGraves diseaseMultiple areasOne hot areaToxic multinodular goiterToxic adenoma25

Exopthalamos in Graves DiseaseLid Lag in Graves DiseasePenyebab lain :Adenoma Thyroid shg tjd Hypertiroidi atau gejala hypertiroidi :Mudah teransangIntoleransi thd panasKelemahan ototBerkeringat banyakBB menurunDiare

GravesAntibody : dihasilkan oleh sel2 lymfosit berupa IgG (dikenal sbg Tyroid stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI), ditemukan hampir pd setiap penderita Graves, sejenis TSI adalah LAT (long acting tyroid stimulating) menaikkan t3/t4Penyebab timbulnya antibody hanya pada Graves tidak pada Adenoma (hormon thyroid exophtalmusTyroid toksikosis : beban thd CVS yaitu thd COP meningkat tapi tak mencukupi kebutuhan jaringan ok ; vasodilatasi perifer yg terjadi , resistensi perifer menurun shg tjd High out put failureTyroid toksikosis yg lama dan berat menimbulkan kelainan pada liver Ok ; pengososngan glikogen liver (payah liver) akan memperburuk tirotosikosis shg T3/T4 lambat diambil di darah shg terjadi hyperkatabolisme lebih besar dari O2 dan nutrisi yg disediakanOphtalmopati : kunci diagnosis GravesKimosis : iritasi konjunctiva (merah)Eksophtalmus (proptosis) : penonjolan bola mataPenonjolan kelopak mataEdema periorbitalRefraksi kelopak mata atasOfthalmoplegia : kelumpuhan otot2 penggerak bola mataDermopati : Penebalan kulit krn : infiltrasi lymfosit , mukopolisakarida, hydrophilik dan metakromatikMekedemalokal : sering pd tempat2 yg sering mendapat tekanan contoh ; pretibial 9berupa penebalan kulit yg non tender 9ditekan tetep keras) dg infiltrasi merah kebiruan spt kulit jeruk dan batas jelas dg kulit sehatAcropachy : pembengkakan jaringan lunak dan perubahan tulang (dapat dilihat dengan foto rontngent, terjadi pada ujung2 jari mirip jari tabuh (clubbing finger)

Tanda tanda Klinis ophtalmopati pada GravesTanda dallymple : retraksi kelopak mata bagian atas 9kesan mata membelalak)Tanda von Gracfe : kelopak mata terlambat turun dibanding bola mataTanda Joffroy : Kulit dahi tidak dapat mengkerut pada waktu kepala sedikit menunduk dan mata disuruh melihat objek yg bergerak ke atasTanda Moebius : kelemahan dalam akomodasi dan konvergensi mataTanda rosen back : tremor kelopak mata waktu mata menutupTanda Stel Weq : mata jarang berkedipPentalaksanaan Hypertiroidi :Obat Antitiroid : propil tioracil dan Methymazol paling sedikit 1 th ; kerja obat menghambat sintesa dan pelepasan tyroxinePembedahan : thyroidektomi subtotal setelah diberi propil tiouracilPenambahan yodium Radiokatif ; tx ini tidak boleh pada anak dan wanita hamil. Biasanya komplikasi akibat hyperthyroidisme akan sembuh sendiri setelah pengobatan hyperthyroid. Cara kerja dg menurunkan aktifitas kerja kelenjar thyroid , side efeknya ; mengganggu sumsum tulang yg sedang tumbuh dan menggangu pertumbuhan janin. KomplikSI YG TIMBUL KARENA PENGOBATAN :KRISIS TIROIDPAYAH HATIDECOMPENSATIO CORDISDx pasti dengan laboratorium dg memantau T3/T4 turun dimana ;Sekresi 80 ugr tyroksin/hari40 ugr triiodotironin /hariClinical Outcomes of Inadequately treated HyperthyroidismThyrotoxicosis. A life-threatening thyrotoxic crisis (ie, thyroid storm) can occur: fever, tachycardia, neurologic abnormalities, and hypertension, followed by hypotension and shock. It can be Fatal.

Thyroid storm occurs in patients who have unrecognized or inadequately treated thyrotoxicosis and a superimposed precipitating event such as thyroid surgery, nonthyroidal surgery, infection, or trauma.

Initially the acute mortality rate was nearly 100%. In current practice, with aggressive therapy and early recognition of the syndrome, the mortality rate is approximately 20%.

Severe Weight loss with catabolism of bone and muscle. Cardiac complications and psychocognitive complications

Osteoporosis in men and women. The effect can be particularly devastating in women, in whom the disease may compound the bone loss secondary to chronic anovulation or menopause. Bone loss is accelerated in patients with hyperthyroidismClinical Outcomes of Inadequately treated HyperthyroidismSarcopenia and Myopathy

Neonatal hyperthyroidism

Apathetic hyperthyroidism - the only presenting features may be unexplained weight loss or cardiac symptoms such as atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure.

Cardiac hypertrophy has been reported in thyrotoxicosis of different etiologies.

Severe acropachy can be disabling and can lead to total loss of hand function - clubbing of fingers with osteoarthropathy, including periosteal new bone formation, may occur

Ophthalmopathy - compromised vision and blindness. Visual loss due to corneal lesions or optic nerve compression can be seen.
