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f,eJ':'k'D'~"~"il:~' "A,'SlftE'NC'A'i!\E' .M •• , Doniltlon~ otale<! ~80.35 Tues· FEDERATION CONVENTION~\l I," <" "'1." , ,I' I.- .., dllY night wl:\en i\group "f JQeel woo , . ..'., . . , . , .' '.. . ' . . men contributed food and labor in .. 0 9 1Ill'S. Robert 1.»11e of Las CruC-l1B•

• •,.. . .' .: •• ""T"' - ..A '.the Fifth §npqa.l RulilQ$O Aspe~ llle Ilcri'Iilff or]jun..ll~q§ QrpJ!ltes president of the ,Fourtb District'"'~".', -."d' ~ .. , -c.de 'Will~ beld on Sunday,,~. " to Rutdosn and Jlondo vaIleu pat· I<'ederaUon or Women's Clubs. will' •. . ." ,.~. /. tober 1,2,.l1eglpnln" at 12:80 qoOn ' V' ~.,,~. ·an '. '2 win, a 'pi1l1lde of ~j"itlng ShePlfl-; " rons of the local f;ehool,- in a fund preside at the 30th annual conven·, I. ..~ h '" '.- ralsin.,g stunt tq,j!ro\!!de f)oQ'r cov- lion of the Fnurth District Fe(fen·

,!., '-"W·,.'Im- ~o..·~'t,XT.-,~ta.'"D'0',M-iNO~f~!4Cfh6neSi.-,togOhr.se·a;-r~.;bm!f~~~u{n;;:.ri~taW~I'nad~bYoandraVI~eowulr' ",' Dring 10r""Uic "ill!etcflaln tho new tlon oC Women's dubs to be held,"I. ~YY!l);) hi w; w-" fo elementary sohool building bere. Oct. 11 at the Ruidoso Women's

Menu consisted or ~ked ham, pp. clubhouse with the RUIdoso Wom·· : .......By Vi,1"- .' ~:liU'~et::s~~~rI~~~1I70u~fget1n tlltoe,~ladJCfl bNad, beans. lunch I en's club nnd tbe Glencoc Woman's... meats, eoheo and other trimmings. Club as bostesse,.

,allre'.lI how Ruld~h growing- br . ant hues of Ind,lan S~tnmer, . Started by ,five women, tbe Idea Tho convention !llVRe chosen by•A.t.1be.~sent:Utne e~itew_ _ '~ I1o~eb~ck. ridel'll will Jgllgw a. ' spread untit'Severnl dozen had a Mts. ~lQ =t~ 1" A'l'fsealiudeneea are-undCi'o-""cOlISt"riictlOn~ liil tfu'oUgl1 lhe Mescalero ~paC1iO , part in the-aCCalr. Return." Thll tMme ~ b;ued on thothe eanYon. Dtive alOWld and see Reservation on the nortb {orkol. .,~ "j"''''_ Alter expenses, the P·TA, spon·, ' national theme Q[ MJ'lL Oscar Ahl.

•.'eml~ ... '" ' the.Ruidoso. turnlnf across Cedar ,,,'., ,'~~'. : ~" ....~~~ ;~'.,. " . ! . sors of the Idea tc) completely equip sren, General F~deJ'ltlon president. .•••• 'C,reek, and they wll meet the.hay JJ<'·"8i',L::.";·~ '.'.;', ~ .,4,' ~ '" ~ '. ) '.; ..', • \' the caCetrla, expected to clear at of Amerlcansm. to prqmote study

• XD·1 folks bllUld takb }he Ume wagons.on the soutb Cork junctl!>D ?Iiv';p;..:"~>'''''''~'lo;r.'''' '. ,. -:' • least $450. Another $200 Is nceded of the basic conC<lpts whlcb havetb~~xt'daY~r:~ tb'dliv:'up to of Eagle Creek. where a cbuek wag-. OPENING OAT£. SET-Mr. and Mra. M, H. Thorn have announced an open houlle Eor their for this pan of the project. made America .il"llit and to

"'the iUmmlt'ln th~ Jl.elclill;rlllildJan on ~dP~tr Wil13~ pr.ep

30a,red afd Nob Hill Lodac here Saturday October 16 when people of the Southwellt arc invited to in- The floor coverlnll ~mmiHec reo strengthen the 1lP.{rJtllllllCe of our

• .I.....{ 'n:U SHlihway 10 to serve be ween *tld : p.m. ",'1 • co , , 'd" C I ' h Th d' quested the News to print Utili ex· nation,~~~n ~ tf'l {aIUoli . llOW the Ruidoso Chamber of Co~merce, IIpoct ,!he fi"~ !)o\" 'tdutlat a~om~o. allonl,. ongrlltu atlonl to t 0 oml arc exprellsc In pressIon of thanks: , Invocation will !t~ldte.n by Mrs.·:O~~i tex: J~l;k~:t-:::40no sponsor of the Aspencade. a specIal ~ctlon qf. thi. week a RUldolO New.. "We wish ter'express our sincere J, A- Fo~tet o!'LOf(1wutr, distrIct

•_.".. ~liipwbllll'"d ,old Asptlneade tourists rIding In hay . . , .... " -.-_.. ,~ . -- • tbnnks and appreciation to every trCLIsurcr. 0'

:) 'iihitora~e:"lJi;1ne;lv~~eol waaOJlf wlll be driven north from Former Pal!for Archbishop Manuel Corona. one who had a part in making our , Several outstandlng-apeakers will~ fniB!,..~ 10 ~hl-' '~utuDlDI RufdOfO Jlon& a ma~ked route ., " dinner Tuesday evening such II SUC· nl)pear on the ~ro£:1'llm Including

\ ·~~~t~·tr:', .l.'{"~ ~t>':· he ~3~n;~ fft~nk~id?~~i~,&C Here Craduate$ Dedicates Two Starts Campaign ~~~ik ':;Js~el:!~~ d~o w;'o~~~~st~ CO.HOST-Mrs. ty Leland. Sr.. ~1~~tAofAtI~e~~~z'r.~~1lg:b:cS~~::! ~.~.. ".u,e 0 year•••" CO!l1e w n welt at Alto, and from tnat WID~ A AF Ch I 0 L· I Ch h F Off·' donnted food. prepared and served pre,ldent of the Ruidoso WOItt. lion of Women's Clubs. wbose topic

H Jit;b~lrrre~uftn Ql~ m~:ih they will make a tour of the Mo'n' S ap alh . Inco n urc es or tee It, also Carl DeBord for the use of .n·, club, 11 co.ho,t with the pre,. Is' "Hcalth lind Security for our....;Id. UUM. Y j .You ~mem•..l.: Jeau regIon beCore meeting the • The Riaht Reverepd MODJlgn~r Carrizozo N lot -TWo new Cath·, II 1C S r til I the lull\. . Id.nt of the Glencoe club In n. YOllth." "

.,Lut w~tor,.w~ bal! -- law rem~_ horseback ri~rs Cor supper,. Geor 0 C. Murdock, fOl'Dltr Navy oUc churches' in' Lincoln \l)unty anue~ an n r ~:h~ '·'It ls tbroullh thn generous co· "rJlnglmdl?1'.the ~(ml ~n.nl,l.•tme.~t•. '! .Jj:u<zh c,-u~ .rlll?re.s~ntCLdJI1.!he dl~ _ '''_-,Jo~_~~1tJ:IC'Tihil~J:oiL.::furU-! ,. !1'icketa.for--th6~huck--wagon-4U~ ClilPfllll -wrnr.-f~ll'f"IJ.lr,'WlS were' (ftlllmm-smrdiY;""TI1'Old1jU'1:~~r:~:e judgo ~c~~n coun. vperlltlol1 or llVcryOJlll" wh~ntl'lb. fno of1"e Fourth Dlstrld oftlie' ·lr1C~ wlIT gwc II llneTresumo OTlfse ,Q I. ~Jfrilr I a-. ~r will be $UO lor adUlts and appointed })Illtor of' -the 'Sacred Rev. Edwin V, Byrne. arcbb15b0r. tY: 15 no stranger to oftlclal duties uted food, work and mone). that New Mult;o Federation of Wom- IllIost Important project.~~IQ~ cu P ~e $1.00 lor children under 12 yean Hean Church, Mount Vernon New of Santa Fe offlc:iated lit the sO. In' Jftlll county In announcing the our childrcn will bo enabled to en· en', clubs In Ruidoso Saturd.y. Luncheon will be served In tho

I+~~~ 1ocalJlkllj$ll.lrr:as of, .,e. Thel( may be Pl!rchased at York dellvered thll .raduatlon ad- emn dedlcahon of Sacred IIcart optlninc or bls 'campnlgn this week joy the better things of lite, and I _ _". _ I NllvaJo Lodge lol!owcd by an ad.up,~y --..., ow.,... gr- the Chamber of Commerce office. dreai "The Ab$Oluto care of church Capitan, at 10:45 a. m. and he reminded ,'oters be hnll scrved am sure that If eaJ:n of thum could G S I Idrell!i by A, D. DrownCield of Dem·dor. JYdCl.a.I~ ~tt.~r, 0;, hi Roy's Riding atable•. :,nd at thl" Souls" to tho md'uatln& ela.. of abo al tho solemn dodlcatlon o( al p.robate Judge In this county have a say, they, too, would IIllY- Uns to en lng, Mr Brownfield will speak on

t ~}ll YOI~·¥..'hSO "'-btl neS, e Holl~l?Od Park stablu. Army aDd A1rFo~ChaplalruJ here Our Lady of GUllda!UPO church in from 1933 through 1936 lie nlso "fhunks for everything.' Signed, A A d "The fllultiple Ute ot Fedeml Grill.I "'~~ IV.- "/~ OWCJ~1the AspjJ!9lde will be· tbJs mornlna l~ The. Chap~ln Hondo, at 4 p. m. sen-cd as county comml~lIloner oC Chairman ~! the Floor Covering t n erson IIIg Lnndll.' lJe is author of the bill

• ...' ,.: • • u lin" with we Il.raie, stanlng at. Sthool auditorium HolUllnor Kur. Sa~d Heart church replaces an DWrict Urom 1941 through 1944 Committee on thllllubJcct wblc1\. wtll be Intra-~1UCiIITl"4L1I'NQHTI You BdY'.Rldln& IItabJes,and those per;. dock, one of Uuril~t-,lttij'JnI pad· old ehurch which was built about Jle Iw been a farmer mOllt of Lumber Yard )duCl'd at die lIext scsslon oC Con·

f hi_ ot:o,Cl'lnl~-N, .fo~ lay of.f 5OD.1 t:td,1qborstl aIld w'~OIl8 muat res" of t,he mlIl~rY~~. WJ! ,t Ute turn of tho ~ntury and which his lICe. Corona was born in I1uldo!o E·lland Named ! Hrl'lI!t,NI~·aoItI. Co "* FOR him - be ready to leave at 12.30 tharp, one timo the ehjplaln .t.-the United was In very dllAjlldated tondlUon. And bu IIIWI1Yll mndc Lincoln coun. I"I\"(' Rlln~ and ammunItion Cor' Mrs Fle

1lU Ba1lddoD

IadoS' thcllch

lor IncJ

r~)' .t wor~ kJ.n.t1lni out as timo for the tour wJll not per· Slate.. Hlli~ Ac.~D»' Weat Completion 01 Sacred lIeal1 \vas t his homc C·C 0" them were lItolen by bUl'\llol'!l (ore. : the lttem:n ero ° an c 00:.- an• ~Pca~ iukll'm ukJng nlit waitlnt--Ionrer than the apo Poll1k-where,he servtd.for-'b yean made poQlblQ by II larle dortlltlon y . . • Irector Inll entl')' In a reQr door 0' It II lli!atc chairman 01 the Ncefw. Al0~fth ItlU.ofLl~iic:ou~ to vote pointed hou~. -durin, whJeb tJme·ho 'built the trom an anollymous don!>r tbrouRh 0 • C A Ell d t f M V Anderson Lumbcr ('0, hore In the' federation oC Indian A ••~ ,.~, hlJttl W*,"'OlllY~ODtJ~ Sherurs pos$Cu"~ ~at fhllvOh Inp!. Catb/lllC Center at Wert J>mrtt and tho Catholic cbureh Extenslob So- RUidoso Baptists Drl~e,in th~~tr:P~: c;ra~\ed tn d~;' earl}' hp\lrl! of Sundn)' mornlllfl The l pre_eknt MIl~~~~~J~wm:'m

· 'Jll.IldoIO who ~lU l'.Oto.,;lor ODes cated they wI .,.. ....re or t 0 nr o~~~ the CtthoUc W@C'tberc;' ~fty of tho United StItes, Chlc.lto, . t· I n Id • eb b r CC . culprltA nl'edleuly dnmnlll'tl a ming IIfJ~a un W.. no In' 1l:1J~u.,," ••~ntl t.J Dlitriet 'a-;t)1alnt".!he peneade 'tncludo Midland county, ,u.vinl completed l1l,'e:xtolU1vo UL Work h~d been halted bCC4U5C Open Revival ~e~e rn t~o ~~rd':t'ritttJalit ~~. cablnot In rorellllt It O(K'n, Il'CcktnJ: anT"1club hnnddonc lor!~dl~n)'o\,\uf~t'~lo"r,. C9rb nes- from !fldland: Tc r r y COUllty, f1Vd W~J( ortcn~t1on ~!lnC at the oC lack of funds. ' I W d d I II cash The cnblnet WUlI not locllcd, , lC new eparttne..... tI ' ;Amk -·t~r. t'l'bO ~1U1t WilOO"S" ~1I1 l!rownfield; Dawson· COUc nt)'b' La· ChapWn khOoJ, 'Cbap,Wn(1u Lt.) Our Lady oC Guadalupe church Next Thu"sday ~1~~11 tu~g~/byr;:~~ ~to hll~~: No money W1l5 found by the tbleveB !cNllnl~m wIll ~ ft~Il~~bl(,;~\ vote or J{eJUr 11,. G. IIi!. "00 - ,meu:ero.bY county. rosD)'lpni John C. Jo_~ 91 Wcaibeifotd, at· Hondo. Is the first CathoUc I llianed. GeOl'ge Fuehtl Wllll named A Ccw da)'ll cnrller. II truck Ure I ,c\\man eco~ ...da~ .n~Uwf,{ql.e!Jnt £Ie-= and ]f03fofd Riders, Hereford,.1 Texa~,,!nc!hUlbaM.OC1lrJ,.'Jo~.C. ~urch In th~....IIIalzQJlnd~asb.!lllt &verend IlAroldA Mooro from trt'l15urcr of thct:. oH~ IIt2ccedlnll WIlS wken Crom n spare ruck on 11,1 r~re~5. ('Jp~'th W l Club'flf..lJJ:lc-.e:~~~~]'I.f' ...!: 111 Texu-~~ ';',' ~ - t·be' .... .TolliiiOnIi now ciniaI1To W 1'11Sper· MUre])' tbrcftiRh tlie dCom of \be Wkhlla Fa11l Tn" wlll be with Bynum Q truck porkcd III rear oC the lumbltl" AI' cm clJ' 0 me reom~n II ~nl~"""~.W!I!""- W\iN W_ Cotrl....Uee.t wor""n& on nr lUtl-ent-dllly·auUoQ ~'euuo'AFB, 10 of tho lower Hondo Valley. tile .11'1lt Da 'Ust church for a rc. Other bwllncllll Ju:mdled b tho Yllnt ~Togor o.'fi $C a P_....

mE~ '" .me~ tne udo Ia C1 ralt, ComhUUl1ty Jlet!iod ~lturel1 In plaStered Inside and ouL ofJ.. n... 9 t '1'30 tl oh I f th & - d S d ",C. S h I A 01')' 0 er .b't 'OliO . ,"lTb¢1. Itntatt.- u. saY~~c»nver.~ll\llclcllo durlu.c 1"1'" Both churches wcre completed ....,. ""•.• a . P. m. IrCJU. p Inll or 0 iUpcnca e un nY'l apltan C 00 A panel on ~llIil>Q.wUl be.gh'C!n

bou~.~: IQrt,JortOt and' trail; NoloJ} lI.U' W. A. P.aJt., 0 5 .".,.... undertbe direction of tho: Rev. ~t. 19. Prll):er eerv~Cfl wUl start at ordern to ropalnt l.~d tCOteh light • by membcn 0(.fbe Wornem'o 1m-• U.~"-·6vet-'wu:m;oUlOr patt: 6f BUl Baker. WeldOn (;lJ1Ier.:Atbj, C~ ". .' .'" oj Georl!:o J. 8QClJUtiihausen, pll!ltor of '1.00 CJch nl~ht .ntl IlCtvicca wlll the Ruldoao aJiD opposIte Uuldoso Carnl"val Festival provement AssOdlUon 0 f La)

Utltolll cou' .~ Jtfs O'I'Q 1It· JlIneJ,)(. U Tbom Marie 8ooPe1i ,Date gall Cd SL IUta' ClUlrtb CarrIzO., who btl MId at '1.30. Momln~ urvlco JunetlQn. and - dlituulon of com· , t'rucelt, ,

·~W~-· 'HcJl~~, ~'.~~~t~ O-n-~~D"<' . " :;.':.~. ~1tomt'=c~r~~tbe fi~~~ri~ry1r;m~~: m~fie~~~inlififit'10 It1cctlil Set October 18· \\ltl~~~t~~tifc1:ftfo~CW:'~ydn 1Jl.Ul1rllo ,...' '»Q' Co"'~.aM~ 'Q!U'CbI~lnr: IUt:J1I If lltvltW to attend. (he Navajo LOdtto In the lirst ~lIr. October 10 hal bellO t\eJetll!d liII Scionce' MI1l. Howard J(Jeln. tbe

- Jeet~."'~"t'tJeoQd:. . . qr wCki and' carr 1U&id, "1Jitid~; 'l'ltlt alln8i~r__"~11 ' , Hf' .. "R~dl'dl' • , . ' .. " ., terg meetlnC J(OItr:fttI1IOlht at :80 the dllte for tbe annual Fall <llsr. Jllwish iallh: ltfra. Hiubon 1dtlttel1.acd<St!l1t1Y filled &0 WMt' r,. toe!<J Vic: LmlJ.t. Bem Wil&on.~ noon :and 1111~ftt~= tJjc~ 'Boretz:... I e Perry-Stout WpllaM~r::!~~ron ~~ ~~~cted nlvol llnd Fel\lIvalllponsored by tbe {lrolt~Jlt!1nthlallltb; MlthnL ndu~J()tn PlXeJtjitCh'roa4 fC)ll the~. pet)ple }lhI1liPJ,':s. IC. KU1kOndiUt "'n. Ob'aUc! ... r' lW "lileu ,wu ~.. Capltlln Beh001l tl511111tC'd lIy local" ler e, Cat 0 c la an .. I'll, ywb(tWOUle.t 1iICl It l't1\ei'O'ttid lhmu. SUwut and ltfekJ, PIlb- pOntd IJntJ tMIkh~ ernal)') wlien R,otos..Read _ -M . _ I -R d- .u' __ ' _ _ ~__ • _. !UUl~.-4ncL.~Mc-~Uon!l..l1omnc~..thn.la1th-oL-tho-A~,-_

HI,-. ntilhWa>'~; . .' ~ml ilts.~l'trototnP • }lrlmlllleunutr~·eouJI~unt!l; v' ~' amagtrls:ea tasrRifes Meld Thill e\"(~nl will bo held In the Lin. MI'lI MarGarel ~land ISlrl!jl.ot 11 menoD lhcrUhcl'UiI' liln., etc.. ,.. Clatta m .10 &~tJc.,,:l'betlianl'! In Tht!lma Rldi!lo and Morris (Bud- !diu llaymo Jnno lICIT)' and RAy. coin !ltrecl IU'lIlllllllum tblJl )'ClU'.; dent oC the nuldotlo club an Mrs.·~tU6 wlkf tia~ out the TiilI markm MYC been il«1"led date wu trttdti 1It.loal1'Jtm~Uc d;y) Borc:b were wed In a CCltCirlODY ntOnd Porry Stout ••ere married on For Mother A. J. DIvens and I<;dwnrd !'hollt... ! D, J UonnelJ pre:sldent of the Olen•.pl'1OriUes 101' ReOli tHck 1%1 and _t up for the mutet. The tom- leaden w cotl!orm wIt»' • tty. per{onned lx!rOr'Cl tho litcp afo of saturday at the homc of Mr. ond nllllillted by Seymour M (ozzcnll" CO(' clublLlntolll COUt!lt;~' oU.wtd. tho .mitlee OD arra~ tbe cltu~1t walE· j)Aeked "m~1lt 10..,.1)' the Noisy W'ler Lodge bere bY the IWv. ldD. Leroy Pci'i'Y Glencoe. by the Of RUI·dosoan have been appointed to complete u I"ollowlnu adjournment tit 4:30, 1'ftula~ .nJd d<ni1t otnflirin. 01I~Wd at it this wetk. atate calKlJdltnt ~ W. D. trotmcs. Jr., I're.byterlan Rev 0 L. OldhlllD BapUst minister the tcmtatl\'e arrangement pIQll", In "p m Ihe hosteu clubs will enter.· .c..lJlKl tmcll t()J1IU~,:~ Of secu viUIU1 utcnailJ and ~ lIeadllltht. 1M ,vJa1ili.!j nominus rnlnlJter of Rufdoao, at 5 p. rn.. 011 of Hondo. In the' presenoo of the Last rltel wcre: hold Sundll)' Ilf. nddltlon to Ult' u!lunl attractlon9' taln the group at tl!U In the dub-

Khc>ol and'mall lOU.... 'folllill. or pU1nl 0 cook lor the buae crowd tonllbl will be Everett GranU18m, Saturday, Sept. 'Jt1, couple'll parcntA. Leroy Perry bro- t..moon In ROllI\'ell, tor M1"lI. Sarah mony ncw CeaturCD ",III crect tile ~ hpulleJOtIIft'trittfc wu'nOteodJfdcfed. U ~d. Htnu foriM tlUppet Will luberrtaWrla1- cu4Idate;"'ribo Chao Tho bride 11 II former Seymour. tbei of tile bride. ond &11'11, Leroy Maranda Wlltklnl of I{ollwell, moth. vls!lon, Proeeed~ from the ('Drnlval i Tn ildlhtlon to 1i!h, Lytel, otbersit ka4'~~ COUtlfl·tbe lirIt prJ- be steak, grlV;Y, beans, potatoes, "e;J~utena~tlovetn6t aspirant. Texan. and Borctz ~me to Ruidoso Pt'rrY wert! attend:lDtll. the~re.. er 01 It J. WaJ~~_Df l!ul~oJ~"_. 1~_ulIe!!lorneedl'lLcqulpml'nt l!l th.. 11Itt~ndlnJl the con\;enUon Crom tbl!l ~_~7WOU141lC norUt.*otltufdo,. tndJan.fq b~.plc:t1....-onlo L,-~~~ m~m.Elt»~ ''''__-.~u~..I,jCltormCitlJWjfean at.} 'lffii, Wallffiia paJJ;Cu awn)' \'cry llrrou.~ lfffiOoT iJiiparlfuenlll 1Ul'l1u \\lIt'1m' "!tr!r:ItUrt~ ----:

~101_ toUec, apudJluts and RuldoaoolIon· dldate and Beatrlce .no.eb. who Sam and Jlmmlo Yatell wletC at. ~ cOt'C!red wllh belluUlul.l1owl!t•. suddenly .'rIda)', Oct 3. in her ClImnxlnn the gala e\'enb wilt bl.' vlCll prcllldcnt at larllo of tbe Ne~v' 0 ••• ~ do apples. The conunlUee leY pre- steM the office of secretary of tendants tor the couple. lo r. and .TI\.e brldo u the daughter of Mr, home In ROBwell, >!lIra. WatklQlI Wll9 the colorlul coronation o( Ule ("liP. i r.JoXiro Federation oC Women II

• It K. 'Knox Is fll1lnl a rta1 need ~ the lood will dOb aproll. lnd slate. and POSSiblY olbeN. All eoun· Mrs. Borcu leU th6 <lly alter the .rUt' Ifrs. EhY l'elT)'. Sr., nnd WlIg born In 1015 In BOlilaiUlln, Loulsl, ltan School QUl!en Scveral cllndl. llubll. AlI'!l. O. N. Stroman, corte.Iii CltWClomnUlnity ancl mtklA' lOme ChMa' capt 9 a. m. Sunday motn· ty DemottatIe candld.Us aro. ex· wedding for SOfmour to vIlIlt rela- Nrii nd ralud In Glencoe, The ana Qnd moved Co Roswell In 1030, datcs ho\'o been selectcd and the Icpondlng leeretal')' for thc dl!ltrlttnlca PlKket thlDltI 'lit ~~ same lng, , pected to be on haJ)(l. tlves and frit!tldll of the bride In Ict'OofIt Jj the IOn of Mr. and Mrn. She Is Burvived by her hUllband, ellISsell afe bus)' worklnll for tbelrIfedt-ratlon, prclldents of the var·

- time. lie'. our ~apet"bof," deUv· ."ContrlbutiOllI' or ~b or {~ . . , " .. , , , beTbtbom& town1 I' t h t N~ S. 'IV. Stout of Green Tree and Wll9 nine children. 23 grandehUdtlln, selections. lous clubs lind delest.tOB.tij.... UW JilIIO~I." mJ1At E1 we~ made for the supper bt 1M N dB" u e coup e I a ,ome a . 0__ bOm Id Alamogordo. and 21 great grandchlWren, ,. . •p - ~ll be"laboUt the folloWing finna and Indlvfc!ua1J eva an ",S Water Lodge here which theY 'The couple attended the reunion L· I C ty M . C· I IIn::t&ltWutfl>l'Oo111ptud~der'· here: QUalIty Grocery. lint's Belt C·.., It' e operaUng tho)'ear around now. Or :tho stout fllmlly. tben leCl Cor WARRIORS TO PLAY Inco noun aJ. teeo e a-at...HW1boy.....,;-a....mr:,bWkNe SerTe. ChUck WaloD Cafe. White arr,zo.Q rip r .. Albuauerque where tlte pair will TULAROSA TONIGHT E H I Addus,"AS''H ubdmtmdft'he dObn~ Mountain Grocery: Bonnell FOOd Us1leKlnJiardwbUiMunded. Mr~~dM~ Nolon l!a_~_~C!!J)11 buthome. The s;roomJJ employed Ruidoso lJJgh. llehool \VMflon- arns onors s war enet4 tt.e~t a.e', Ioinl apub- Market.- Dcn(s SkyWld FOOd Mart. ltor of tho Litleoln Cf(lnl¥ New.. Lubooclc, Texas. on bUlincss earlJ' by Griffith. Ine~ thc~. with two wllu and two 10l1Sl.'lI In At St t F· B St .nctt~jJl1lmd1i.u1.• .mu~tJhat. M. u. ~"lWf40$0 ~w~ earritow. s1~JH~l1bU 1949, t1lh week. . " - ~ the 1052ullson-try their skill un' a e air ronze ar 'cb'I'Jra mlnt • lhlle'Iq th1J '1oJnlle Drs. norton anil Sriyder" Nob l1lU thiJ Week aMount«. the lIIe of the GJlUT GRANDMOTUER . d~r the lights tonight (Fridny) Lincoln County \vn.~ well I't'prr 502«1 Tllct\clIl Control Group, Ko-loQ,01l1.OD town. ' rcs1auranl, ComJnjo~J1Y PubdUc;..8eltt- ~pcr to Mr. tnd HtJ,. Pltll Baker. Bracell Fresque. Mm, SWI3n Oliver \!fag WIlYlng when,th..y meet the powerful Tuill' !>Onted in tbe New ..Mexlco State rca ISpi )-For the'tUsplllY of out-

' .•• ~ vice Co.. Nan .......ge an n. of Las Vel... Nevada. dCedlve iii nltt thig ",eek-llhe Wag a great rosa eleven al Tularosa. KtckofC f bl I Alb hi h nd I d f IWe took. ~ew t!de Jut Sun- ~~ti~ J.uniOO' Co., and po!-> wber 1. 'the'-"nCw'()WMl' wu pre· Asks Support can~!':flt~~ 0JS hOf ySUnydny whJcn timde .t!.J:ZOI• and, Coalchea Lclland e~:;:d t~~Il~U~dll)' uqucrque VI c r~~u~'J: :O~~~f :~do arr~cor:;

day (It tbe~.NJaptt;l the It. AI 0 ers. vloully connected MOt a- alrnJner. ..' Xr. IWU I..,," 0 n . rover. r'J an "I'-"'U re arc urs ng a IIrgc Kennlith Gnnn. or Hollywood. ml!QJUrell whlcb cnabled tbe- FilthXdD - the- folb"lirho are to 10 on .on, .;; "-. em ptinung plant In ~ Nevada I A R' o~ Tucson. Arilt.. bet'Iltt:C parents 0 bunch oC booste" to occomp:my show'ed the Grand ('bamplon mare, Air Fort'\! to maintain a highly cf.

~the~{ficiA1Afr~~l'&m'rg mo~~,:b~Ifo~f= '1:at citrTb• ..... U ~. 'I.e Baker n ssessqr ace =r~r8~~'n~a~::ndJit:n1,1 n~w; th~'~~rtlors' .crond hotne gamll Cheri Mile .. (,herl Mtlc allo CODk flc19nt tactical controUYstem. ~~j.. . • """'! r'""':~~'1::-Hd-"'- --............. 'ft o'pe'"·ra·'" W{ -lice I._n~..~"~r:,~ ... "::.. ,~. _. ..""7f =n ot the J Y Frazer St III on thn calendat lot~ Friday tim In IDlifi'll foolt'd 111 1949 Ol'~ Jofin K erc:colellii oTl4"1JarroW9l!1TfY 0 aue IVtnI ...............""........ "",'" JIll ...........,. ..ve a..~ AU, ........ new.. '/ of •. "'-*~. ". 'h C~............. " f Core Stret'C, Albany.New YorK. has b~nt1CUUt. coraer of1,be Lind.C?f.En- tbrol1&h the wfiiter lor J.lt ~clt- pa~ pU~ud~bprittln. :' Iy TuCiOn. r.11"ll.... iUCr. Sr.•.,w en ..& ('gmeso~er ol'are- MillS Jo Ann Straloy of Aneho awnrded tbe Bronze Star Medal,~- ()ffi)bIt's~ blue lield. will close thelr Chuek Wagon bulInetlt, WiUltH~rntnthe _ . '.. lS'lbe,dauib.!er of Mrs. Oll~er, tum eJ!ll.e,~nUIl thc~:noon: servedasnnattcmdnnHo-thlut'a..... TlIb mcritorluucMceutcnd~"~i.!tt:anjU"jJOt1;bi3no•• caC. Ifor .boutJ!nbe~ \yhneln~ thlnt m w«.IIf"~;~'" . V'"ICTIMS 0 F AIReRASH Stntc Jo'nlr Quel!D, Jo'rllnCC'to Woofter. from 1 JanuarY to 24 AugUst, 1PlS2.IjIlIt donl,see holf fOlk! bli sit VKat on.~ JI open aga ~ lie b UKt'1!"rntf~l>1llher of '.' , ! " . , Wlnnl!N1 In the wool division of \Vhcn Major Cl«blella was Group.t~"'it1ialt~~t~bhutt Core hunUng season. servlni hre.k- ~l1' at hdflc'~ and f. " I ' . Lincoln c-ounty wt.'re: lourtb place Controller of the l$OZd Tactical C(jn-a~tl:let!'Ji\~A.~. fut lot nimrods at of .. m. Llli7MidfiJl~~~t'tCaIl' _. F v,".; BOTH EARNED CITATIOk.IS CO the Slaughter llarleh of f'lcacbo trol Group. the unU that ptovides~ i:u.U .hIt fait)'hnd! . '. " lom1l. ; " ..;f : - . I' In Fine Wool &{> llplnnlnp c-ounlj radar Dnd radio support fot the air

~t:\ft~1 ""81.'i1tu"t:Wbft:!ny Rotaty"District Re·u'nl·;o"~ 'Hi;'e~f~d·l ,r·4riECORATIO"NSIN W'A'R II I ~~~~. P~::It~~. Jf~n~~~~w~rr~g w~rnt':-I~;~f; pctJod," tM dlatlon· 01 O!it'ltmI,ly losuwotn "",~",ck G ". H .. I' . < . .1 U .plnnlng count; fifth plnce to Fred Qccompnnylng the awitd said•..w tlIt,k~_t1t ;.~ P.illow~~. ." rIl9r;,. ere On A.taldYG.HIi~ I,,' ft'." ' . MeTeJgue.llondo. In ~!r Dlood 60/62 "when the Filth Air Force Wa3'hlin.=~(f~dJ!" P91i#1',(Ji ita ' 'H" p: ", ". " . t "....... I The two Air Force majors who-i ~'" . ·~'lt·I'1ilI'-' ..l..:""1 "d" W' ':Id' .plnnlna cbunt: sccond Pdlatcl to dlcapped by a tritlciJ shortllgC


\' P ,-. <I ·l"!'f ,'fAJ'_. . SaiurdiY~tM~bU~;' 1(1'\ and t . 1 t their lives In Che crob' of at1 can csm an m~rl .I~ or l>cwis Merrit, Corona, thlr pace tmlned eontrollera, MIIJor Cicco b •oft~rs1. " Jlrs. S.","SttWh~"Gnttn Ttetl be- . i AT.(J training ship hcre Suttday, War II V ctot)' ml!~l . to FUller Rouch. PIcacho. and nUh 10 set up. monitored and Instructedt_~...~ JvtHbt. . dj)' , l:ati to'·arrl.f Iff .:lamlly telinloai:'" ; IIpt. 28, 19 the result M $ttUiting The Cwo mlltl dIed Inscantly when pineo to F1J1l(lr ltllnch In Qil Blood a controllcrll school. Within oM!{htrln..~Ji~&~:t~tAdlt JiCl1a~. Ot'SuDdaYtllc 1 . , !M, low alUtude over Ruidoso air· theJlbIPplulti cdtofitlh300l11rdS 5G/5.B splnttlhtf count: lind Cbarle)' monlh the pllol pC.l:lionnlll whichtpe;:H!KIP' ., -4 ..~ ~vr . Um111tUe' '~Jtto~tfier...... 1 ~Ijf both held numelOu9 eftaUons (rom tlle.lJJr,port bfficCl lis J Lcll SlrlCklaI1!t Cbtonil. wok 11m pJMc comprised thet aeliool WCI'e' direct-

·~..~..bJtM~K~!!"t • then.a '= .xc:eUtnL :wed".; ,. ~ M\d decoratiofiJI Cor lJltlir rccor(fs (lut of aslow roll. ~:lte(ut~d at (rom In l!fI Blood F1eccc.Q. . lng, by radar conf.t6l, nlr strikes, ~....;\,at .....: " ,Ittt:~ ~ dlrtCdit'UJtl'" • bcmOt Of the '. ! ta, World War II. TIrey ~ortt hctc' 200 to 300 £cQt IfjOVo 1he plIvl!d In the Frul\-.and Vegetable,divl. IIfinlfiJlt tho enemy and wcttl Pl'O'

:~'Tcil'~i~::t~:~~uar.· m~ ~dtttl;i~'~l'1 pf: tllC ~, t. m.~Cf~~db~~~YJ~r%~~~~: rua~~ ~~~~~Mc~~iflclal, act. r~~~' ~Vs:c::ffn~~~~ ~~:~ ~~~: :~~gl }~; tC:c::::rllu:~rO(df!I~~~, , .. ' gh<, YU't;' ~ ..': ',:""1':'.~'. It. ~eddlti.l!~teeUd; lid roseg ~ ... Ing as cortll1et, rCl1dtr'~ an IMuest and turnips, and II third In summer Iy territory." _

.,. fJlCJ1HJlG:O~~~t.~n .. deeorated--tfie;.:t~e".,., 5 ~:~. • • f • !l'bt!lr dealhl> provided tfW.·fb!l}- ~udlct of· dcillb trom aIJ .mUon Ilctuo,h ond cabbul:(o, A. T. Pflng- ThO' -decoration was- pinned-1m".~~~'Po~UOat-~-8~ . .TJkl' tcAAJ9Enl·. '~£bel' -lfl'Jt .....• ! wnherc Its first alt (atalftlculnc<l acCIdent fot tlte tWo. mtut. Their Bten. or Uondo. took the clrstlll1te I\taJor Ciceolellll. by the (;6mmattd•

....~ b~' .a..~J~.,.;_rn- illik,aUthCe ClfliaWbteh at ". ':1 J " • I Utoptlnlng about two ycsrs IIgo. :I .hlp ci(plbded \i~hlmplct and blue ribbon In apples, Jonarc • and Ing General of the Fifth Air Fotte,· 0;\,1:.-... 1;.. n..... .Q~"'~''''~ '1 hOmulnce .~oum 'IMI:I'L. 'R.SQUEZ . Major John A. MCEltat~t. ag(\£ blgh ()ctalle ...ollM· pl'<l~lded a third In lIpplctl, Goldon DclicJou!I, Lieu.. Gen. OlenJi O. Bllra.$, at a

111",1I1(.ol. Uii:.~ ~.,:t.Ury ~tt . '~..,"JDY plCliite.' 'fl1'& JlUdt",. Doe ;" ..,. , ", .... ,_. ~~ '40, who piloted the w·f.t~C4 :unernl PYte ten'th« twtlJ Who were and second In tho IIpples, Double private ceremony!1'I the latter's of.Q~.. . . ' " ~t:.Uct11...~~.k\)b6 _ Braeelth-.cJqutzofCart.itOZO.tM ~k ••W acellon In Jndlj, China blJrned bc1.0ntt f~IftUI01t, . ned .DclldJl1Ul.1llilScllrec(tllgoM. fice. ..',

'~IJ{iti~j~;~~ll:t'Jjtt~ ~~.~l~·~!;~r~t~~~~t.. ==a~,~t~~lf ItfJ:.ttJ!o:u:':p:r:n~~I:n~a~vau~~~D:rt~~ro~~~c~rJ.~~~: t\~n&~dt~'lctl~tr:. ~~c?~~C!~g~; CI~~rc'lfll,~I~I~~~~~t~~fl:'h~~~· ""'" wee~" ....~" ..~~... lit! ~.. 'Alhbt ft't6e' ~n.Wirl"re- dotq:Ne~ thk week4() tJunI(' 111 be<!n awarded the ait mediI, Core golnr batk bito unllOfm, came Hondo, took fourth placc In the ton CiccoleIJa, and their thl'1le c 11.

Fi/lUet., " ' J .' ~With ~~ji)\' \Yi~ thOle who suppOrted hint In the tile' l2lJtlnluf1lhed unit badge; the from last TUesday" Hot,tston Post. apples, Slam_red WinCMp drcn, Suz.annc. 8, JoM. 5. and Mar.• .....~. ,;,: f '",~ .,>, ~_". D:relttding. cw.'JP..... WffllM prlJDIl'fI!.nd Ji IOUcflli!g thHtlrth· MfiUc·Pacl!le theatre medllirAmer' The Qrtlc!le follow.:, In the Miscellaneous division, gllrcl, 3, havo btldt r~,lding~t RUi-

" rud1.01'IhdC__~U:Plan· ANtel"; 1fel1lStO*'lU'.:.rtd: Ollie er supwrt ottlie voterSln theUea- "'11 campaign medal, Wor d War MaJot" McKl'I' Wll' to b.ve been 'Mrs. Bob ItoKs of CUrriZOUl, took Ii doso, NeW" )JelCko, ;A. bro,I11C\JjJo,",J1~J ~bttnt~,~t4'COf~9 hi Wletb't; ,AJA~} "_ Wa1~r eral voting NOf. 4. . .' nymol)' medal, Olsting~llIlled}1Y'dlschlU'g(!d lit ntlcembd, }fo was second plate ribbon fn th!,} lUnt, tplfA, Clc:cofe1b,kCpmmanuer Int_ ~xt ,fe-,t dl1s.. ,-". ' SfOl1t,JnatiiYIood; • ;JO-JU1 of.4reen "At this time-l wouJd. like ld~ J-.: G'()Sa, and -one -ovemasc tiir~ lie- ~al1ed b.tkclntt-~/.'Ylc"4n March Jelly -dlvlJdlln.· . the U. S. Coalt G\ttfd, ': f_ • "'.( .." - . " ',,, " "'. ~iW~.AlWtflltrque;.llto£fPUlor:fout'Vi>ttt.te,.~....--ltlrVttC!d.byhlsw1le~.MrLJJn~o!10li1.~Mtet>.vcin.,mtlont!dat , ... """,...;, ••'., JlbtWffe-lelirnedtbllf WtClIi tM. "'. - '.W,ItAt'"tH.&R ' • ..--. .........' .. , '", ",:: '!., 'j;,,"';""'" of party jfflJ1aUonl~be 5ta~,,"1 ~"C.McElrath; and a IOn, WI!· Ellillltfofi Aft Vorce Base, be wa. WHITIiLEV·8ITHA"Y . major wputd JlIc.~t!t;P-~e ~trt1J!!t"

" • ...... • " •• > l'~",~. ~~=;;<j' .The' talflH~ ~\Utl, ilna vetetan ofWorlcl Wat}.lt.~ lUai. c. McElrath. l1I&cd 11, trarult!rt~d to loIu,bUn lMt All' WEDDING PERFORMED- . In OctC)b"ert.,btll1l .._(lrtt.~,"vlrt

sououn.u""etUMr with lOw Of' Jtotat1 <~mlor ~~iia 1t wetkm'm i 'WiId_tIJ:Q)~(t(). "r,r'i"Llidd ~W! -fou,r d1~ *Jet' McElrath wa wIng atrin. rli. IN ALAMOGOJlDO Keirt. tl) stiteslde dU~. '. "J'~1\i~lno....r"'I-I01f· Robbins ok Dfjlrlet 110 ... iIt!~1t ' '. ,.>& ~" .... ~ . If ,:'!~ I was bOrn lit P1cal:oo and lint •~ at Launblfn. He Wb re.kt~UillibOrl~l••u- Wall11ce Whltcraf,.Gunnerl Mlttc . ' "~".'"'' '\ '..... ,

, 'attill~ . . .' ,AUt1 &IleW:t' at RI4dOM~ .elub. :~ Jliotna"~ li-on1 melr atJ4da~ Of .uolk!O- Wah seJilO!)L,;1 ~ KilJQr Ban McK4!e, iged about I!.l!rvlsot lor ~(!rb :!l"XI!II fo-r 1M hUbo Navy, stationed at &In DI· STREIT ~1tl(.1tl or • 1;, ,; ~ l

~Ha'f, La Pretip. mtet1nI,"~ JiOOtl.~, of'tltis ftlivto~:· '. ", ;;. hav~ hldthretf fea.....n corn_t- t.~ survived by hI. wllei Mrs. Equitable- L1U AmU'lbtCJS«tety C!f()ffi'land Miss MatrEllel'l Bethany SIT UP IN GAT.WAY:..~•. ,~'1'11 30 . 0 wetk.ltMl1l{lI.,OC AUmogo1'M~~ ..' "; 5",8 .,:'. -cial' :te:1IOOl.lJId Jtjye. gallifll' Cftt . P. MeKeel, 42; tWo nllulh- and .hls bblM '4''' '.fcMft G,ana o· 'Paso w~rc mil'rl'l~ Weifftt!J- Heacffd'btnarold':J'on9t ~Miti.

'. ;a.. ,! D" .~ . 0 tI1i1ed.~. . . . , , 'POitatd~ "'r§ft;AUW wa jJcJitjbte n~Jn tho Offktl .....'III'&. Jean F. Womack, 2-4. and Lake St. itt ~U.(re.1J1Iwlfe.M eliy ,a eeterrtony pettQtmc!ll in rntttee from.Jhti4mUol:!5¢JIP(:)U' a '. ". ''14· • 21'· to',,'G~ Of,; tbt c1uJj'tntJuded :AI- he~j JIOW:'\'itiuq li18l1r9Wt.f.Jt,A., 1 jfik;. haflnt wotlted 0 'deI*t1, JUft_ Ann McKe~. 141 He, wu tWQ ehitdnil .CtO..~fd lUlU t6 AlAfl'Wtol'diJ. Tho gtOol1'l:!s-itgndit-- stlnCld wstallli'll. iUe~~~r

<l . 10· at <! 0'" ~-ikT~t~~~n fiiCOle~'''l'ft<' • ," ,I. .ithRaJtlOn.S,. Wn., p",aent ,Ut ~nnelstaff of(fcet ae lAu8blln. Dol Rio- whed 1M-' ...u ttliUlemd. are of Rtddoi4 111gb .ChOOL JI1:the lX}!It.!, .at Int(!titW~iu. . ~L1l1"lf •: rt, :l& . 'W' "'') Q ' and ltoItbfU;..au.jf Ala~. " .' , :".~ .. , '.' ' .., ..at\, Willi1h1i tttalkutld1'1ill2' Di:IlrUJ. World War_tt fie ea.tt1~d ThOfajoutild'U.ttd lrom "Du' clUl' 9C ;19ro~ The: COlt)le'tjHUtifld. 'end tliC ~u~ ~til1 "'~.<CW~ '. 'fifi',' ." ~:.' '0 : c.,.ll.~U~'Ti~...~,) setiMJltJ"Wlmbtt}e1~ tMwortoltHQlfite,'~ Itttt-. ,.....ta... loi'tbtrRbflK'l.tid,Nqr. lUhfghsc1WOIjnd~t~114~SOu.tI1- art".,wel'e! ~nCls iUid· Je-trI dozen.of.tho 10•.200 ~\lli'~f

I '71 •. ~If ',;,.'(»'. WbnliirlY,-lt.Omettoi1t Otth.~ -UUteft"-ffoirlouJtdtiatft. riUt,tbluffkUonbe bcstUiU.... J11l>fll1f"Eutopunab"oUeNI'c!'jt!d wesUrn Unf'let.lfY fit ld~tIIPhlsf Wtench cst 1toUomaft All' POlitte' .wete.. palrilechrtd ItUuttl.bT nul'

ftl~~'f::itJ~~,:6~"il'~~~=~ rflt-r~V~,~ rri~=w~"Utnc:!:~~~, =rfitCI~:fdor~\:u~~~:r~; Tt~~· ~~~I:~ t:~~~lJ':i~t ;~;Jri~:id;"A1t~1Cl~~.I\1:l~::t:;= ~:1:111\):I=-Jf:l~I .~,.~t ·ff -ttJmIlit:et Jc)UtI•. • " " . .. ·wr*r,·r . '. :. ".. . ~~.•tflt.ll· . jtkt lt1 Mlddie: East b'ier,fal, AMer- Wor~d War If, . .. '. ItQI'lt the N.\7Y /loon, 'riz~ lUll ate., . .' . ... ~ • " .....' • ~ " . ~ • i'" ),(

{ , - , ',1• •" .;-,. >: .' , " -'<<I: ": .... e , r:,j ,'- :... ";- ,,~~::~~ " ~.. -;.:.;, '\ ~ ,.' ".,.• •


o.~ •







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Mr. a"d Mr.. Vic Lamb •••.•.•~..;...... Editors & PubJUheJ'lJ. '---b " . •1m........ ~t ~, , .t~.fP, t· t-- • .. • .. ·t tfl! A-..o~,

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Carrizozo. New Mexico

KNOW THE FACTS!Learn moro abou' Governor Mechem's odmlnhlr~'iQn •• ~1Oe' and read moret facll in Ihe pamphlet, ~'Th. 'enltr (itr •Your Stale Oovernm6nt. to You, copy Is al : • • ..



~'118 ·EaSf3"rcl-Sf~ - '­, ,Roswell, N. M.


: :: i

. -----~_. --~.,.- '$.---""'-~~~"""--

t :: p : 'i ::,

We Will Continue To Serve YouTHE. B~TM1XED DRINKS IN ROSWELL



.. .-


\ in both ,our Cafe and . •

.. S"rviceS,tQtion Mechem's administration baSI ' ,J. .' Enfor(cd tax laws> ,Igldly and IntportlollYt 1D.(r.~sinu Bureau

-- ----Sandwiches ..=. -Steak~---~· - ·-of-Re....en\lo-collecUont-2~ ..'Per--centr-or-~O'-mill1.9Jt-dClllors;--a.t"· .o Conoco Products t. (:In oddltlotlal~ost of only $3150,00,0 - NO NEW TAX~~~ •




. ~...... -. .


, .•


; .C),N HIGHWAY 70_ HOLL,\,-WOOD I• r j' I. I : • FL r ; II


-. ,.~- .. - Afriemlly. . Atmosphere


, G ANOMARK....:~'?' lliiLinr.'.'..il...'_'__.....' rIII"'-' '.1_ .... ..... ••.•__....,..

, .. Three ·Efticie.nt Operators to Serve YouPho-.e ;t'714.W· 116 E. 3rd, Roswell

With the Beautiful New Fall Clothes you will want yo"r. hair 10 look lov.ely tbo. With this thought in mind we

offer you these Permanent Spccials--. '

$20.00$1 S~OO $12.50 $1 G.OO $8.50, .

· Cut and C-url-

• •:Ii'...+::; ~ ~'.. ', ......

. .

, ••ppreclatlO(l • •

of the fine business we have enjoyed the past.year.,,Spe~kI~9.~fQr the__


QUALI GROCERY ..' we want to thank the many, mallY, local people and

vacatio~ists w~o ,have honored us with their pafron-:~';age dqringthepast year. ·tt has been a pleasure to

serve you. Than~ YOU' very much. .MRS.R: A. (Vida) BENNETT

•• r, R.'A., BENNETT ~ . CLYDE WHITT~. _.~. \}, ..J

·1, . ~!

~ ,;Speaki..g fClf~J~~lfi . ': ~ ..:.\ "~'I

· we find :'itl1ecessary'fhat we. return to H()uiton/;~L .'~.J Texas. 't~is.wint~-r:"W~ sincerefy~l10l!e fhafWe'It1~Y' r{:.' :~ecabletb return:next'$ummer· i T__ ~:l . \ H

. """ -- -i< ~_ ,-" -.-, _ -~""-~'.;'- >"~'>- "---- -' •• ,_~_ ~. __ • _ .,--";"';. -" • ..;. "'" _ .....~ -=.-.. _ '" (~,r.. ~--.;.;~- ~--.~--' _ -_.= ".- ----- -- -. _. __ -_... _ _ . --w/' . -._.. - ,- .-~,- "" ~~. ,--- >..

.... ,.i, '. ;'We'~hav,' foun~~il1,any new friends While' J1er~' '0. ji~~ ~,~~l)dlJavl~ ,horo,", .'~'r:~',en joyed ourassociafion' with I \~

",' :, LQU:ALI1YGR -', 'I.' ElY.:';-. ;-.>' i,,~~:,<,-, ' . - -'-~--' ~ . ,;: <:1.( --~':H .<' [ ....~ ~ .' • .~ f! 4"' ':,,: ,": ~ . . ' " '. , . "'__ l:~

, ~ • " ' I - . ,', ",. ~t

.~~ ·e., ..,~.:~; "In &ehalfdf;my:wif&j our~onl,Jerry'and.'myself, 40j" ~ THANK 'YOU ~; . ~ ~..; .'" 1.'':" '~:,"* ;:' \"1'#::" ;; . .,:;-n

i' i , f. • • ) • ~ ,~ ~ "- ; ,., ' ~; • _ t· . ~ - .;., .;.,; _ \ • - 't

.' ,_,~:, ,\':"C .0' ';~P : CC..·.•.yDE W""HI,.... :: ..;",' i:~ ~: \::..~. ".-' . ,t.:li.'

" ..: J! il._,!.... ~ .. > • ,,'t' -, ,I~'~' . "(" ..~". . ~~ It • " , , ~

" > •• -. • ~ '"







- ---6.-


I,......, ..\ .. -.

'.. ,'o(.~ ~_.

, .

State Senator

REPUBLICAN"Candidate 1=or

.J. G. MOORE .

• •

Ql1;i;LmED I" •


. t·.' ". ."'. . , "...;,Ii .' j,' _ '

AWestefft 'MQrr:;,~: ~.'I fora .,Westerrr~Job ..

•gGlell Bradle, ...Rtp\lWkan. C~lcl~O' -'0(S".'"H' -E~I' ~I E~': P", . . .' " ." , ,

. .' •. . , . J#

.LidC*>1nt N•.u"d.. .. . fV". .{,I~ .. . '.~ '~'" -, ~.. -. " ,',. ". ,., ...

LLOYD VIGI LTax Assessor

•. Republlcan,.s:an'~.tefor Lincoln County

Dependable "';courleous I ..

'I_"'::~....', -....,__G,;;.:.o...:~;..fle_i..;.en;..~_io_~_s...:',...!~.,.-=,--j--- _ ...--- --

• •


_ ,,, e ' __ ". _

De~m:r'..tfe· Candidllte~(or­


.C~~l;Jlis~ioner'. .-(DISTRIct 2)Ydur Vote Will lie

Appreciated____ •. --"'1'>'- ' ~' __-_

,i •


,r 1't

~ i· .',pl' \


,, ',, .,,


"t-, .'


F . I' four ;yenrn exper cnco Inrublie service tfu CI"rk .of

!----..--..-S....E.. .'Banl--.-. _.. ~_,_.~!l~o!"-~·~~n~l,. . _II .. • ~,~

! GREISEN Proven ability to work inI . '.. ,\. harmony and co,.opernl.c

I with nil dtizenll' fat theRepublican Candidate for brot intereAI of Lincoln

Count)' and New tr1exiC:O.

TREASURER ·Widl' "llP~ienteV in pri-.;......------ "'l-"""""':'::==";='=''::'::=:::''::''-4-~mt1RJmim-l!ll!lllg=:"iirTn=bineofl~

norne t'lC-


1/ ~ nil 1111' It "IJrw Hrfli,J,.nl

1/. tllln ,\,t'll nr ., yOll

1..1\,."·I·h....,, III nil' ntdrl'

•• £'

Il. I tr42·-dCJ

ptnn"rr '. .~'\j ..

_ 1111"'2 .Ihon ('om.. hy nnn, :

till 1,'It,. Columbull dId Oct.

.' ..

"" .- .


• - \'1 oi'.I



1.,,1. til I.,. :"", IJfI'J,,,,r1~ LET US HELP YOUI

I"" " .... ,." w"r'" ",t"'n YOllr hriJlinu ")'81,.111

Our Sevice Will Ins~re.·



We Give


I »honc.' fj7·0 I Ruidoso

YOIJ'1I f I~d It renl adventure to listento !>orne of G$'orge'c, toll toles·--ondvou'-u 4lnd ~me9~-4eOCIs---et--·pHe-es--­

Ihot wdl help you "OIS~ your famrly"'Ie dl )n't want all of your money···ILI,>t ~()me of It.. ••

..__ ...,..., _ '..:•.,__.•.-."1- 0.'2_~;:,~.~~.~:hf::u:·:n::o=1:n~_c:_o:u:n7:ly:;2;7~, 7 I UtI' '", ,J .



... , " ';', ,.--,,.--. - ••• _ •••- - , ,,<, .•' -" ,t -.. , )., }';,'!' .

:' ~;~·.i'J_·

.. ~.. J{eetb:~._Q~p.eI!~~bl@~_._~~ ,~~~ ..i~· •.. ' ';I/-~!f

- >;# • ' ,f--~,.

PRODUCTS If ,~~~YIC~ Ii.. l> ' '

. Makes For ..•,.

. I

• ••


. ,.





~-.."-.""",,...,-=..,..~"""",, :;-:;-~--;~-- ..,,-,----:;:--~--~ _.;?'-. .. _.,~=.. f

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~ ~ ... J ~:..-.,_, "'".~ ...""4': ~,:-,,-_ _ -.n- ,",_,.~.... ~~ .....

&,. •.. ~ ... '•,'.!

• ., . ", ~.., '.

I 'J ,'t _,.,-.,

.. \' . ,. ' .

Welcome to the Sheriff's Posses

We Hope You Enjoy the Aspencode,Oct. 12




I I•'=-= ". '•


t~ ..




Welch-Irwin•+--."-,_ -'--;,.---,,,,,,,,rpor.ation---

Now Located

In"OurNew Home

909 North Virginialoswell, N. M.

-,. -, ,. . ' -, •• , - . ,~",,-, •. ,,, ."" ~\","'''-rl''''·p,\~..o;,'''''"':l''''''';'TJ''I~'''''''''''';.'. ".,.1(. ..' " : •• ' "', ,," ".'1'" ~ < ,',. "1'::.' :~N"""J,·;;cr'''i~';·'''~~~I::J'~'''!·~V;,-"·c·",,\·!,,,,~,~q'·\:;'l<S~l''bJ;·\·'·'';:''fP''·'''''·'···'~T····-rf,,"·H'''<''·"'''I''''''l\·',.'·"l""'{'·.,.,·· ..,~.,'··~il""· .. <,·-.,·,'.~',·, ._." .,,,_,,,,.,,, ",,,,,,,_ -"'r"-,-' ".

;- "':I,""""·';":.··\"J'>""'.·.-".",,:···;',,··:·,:,:, .. ::,~.",.-"':i.., .. .;... , ",' ; " .....,;, ,:::;",~l,;-';':>' '.:,'",~:'",'. -::~:.:"',:,.>~",:":/'",".<d;",.".l.".::,::<_:;,~~, "',;: ',';:.;', />'.,,~'':'-.. ·':''-·'':':':'\'''''''>'''''';'.''',,''.'.'I·:'·:','·,:,"~"·.;;,~'.'·-.~"<'".',,~'::·,,·-:'.}"":"7·:··,',",',."',,".,," ;:.,,\'."",":"J,~::_ .. ',';.;', I".":.. ,,,,', " '{; :,',_'.:" .. , .. , »'.'.,:.:,',' .. <(, e;... "".,."." '" c. ,,', ",t',:'·",r ',.,.!~' ••.,'"", .. , ....," . '.1'.,.,....... '."," .. ' ~.' .!~"" .. ' '~'t'.,,- "~;.. t, . ".,; .C' ." ••~l, ,,"{> '.' .,',. """"".'" .,,,.~ , •. -·.·, __".·<'.. ~.~">\II:.,.··.,.... ·~ __··,_·"'..,.·, _··L,~,,~'"""'~ ...__ .,+.-<"-'r.'- ..... ,,<~ ••,.

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"-"''''''''-O'''~"D-;:E~'R"-:~i~I"iiG'~:':~i e".W:_. ,:;;::J.iD',~i:.~ /;, :1: "" 'J~::,~:;,q.:,J ' ,'t . t..:A80RERS"WORi(;·~ r<: ~:: :", \.": ,:: "'; 61' ~.\" ," '\' ,f '~.':I:-. "R': .: ,tJ Joo.! t ' ,ki0;"'B~ -"HI":14·"t" .:tl:\.'NG,,::,:/',~iitJ· '.6'::,'''<;',;· ."', .' r. ' 1"\.1, PL .' .,' , :t~W; ,', \:J.e~:, t ,~9C~, I7Jrm..' ". THRQ~GH()QTNJ(Ufr ,,~,( ',' ·;,J.(>oDllY ,p~as .: 'ra,~e.,' "ay: lrls;;1 '.~, ' " L " ,:""u,u'~ ,·a 'rlr~i -, ,.. ,; ",- .:.'UlIJ':.L' .s·r"kl E'W CYDE'd:t;':S'..~I~E·· ';Prbyides:(;ravel :"w~t%~~1J:1\t~~lt~CS:l~~;~r~;~ Are Fir$t: .,'ln$tidled: -8y . S~.~I' I;.,r)ri.~. Y, , 0'·C:,'·~~,D." ,"". ',,,,:1,1.::":, "~;-;;,./':r; .''1. ,":' ::, '~.. ~~ ,,~~~~.~~~~~:J~.~...,:-'... ~~~;-~r~t~~~~f~~jlfcf~~~' ·tb~f~i?J.t~~~.~ti~u~uJrJ.() -VR'egisteT:--';-:--' ' 'Sl~l~rO$~~, . M- ~,~A,I,--;-, " ' ..:Jr¥~ ,',.~~Q.~~~:','.,·',' <:,FOR7FORliER TR'U~I(ED .~!\teNti~J~le~edd~~~oln~trl.\~ho.fitlf,~~i3iL~~~g~~~il~I:Ji~~J 3~~gJl~' '/olmnyiSl•• o'18~.Elt~ti"c,· Pane~ ray:llell(ib~!n the:tooms FO·R· OPE-N'INGDAY ',' .;,.':; ','t',. .. . :, " ' . . .,'.,. '.,. ~ , .~. \ /.e, o."'U4 LQ, g!; <:\,sq,e~cl\Va OJ\fhll' lateworkiM ere\'1(l;' wet:e "the R9JWtll, .11~ h~. wi,. were the. Qf No~ HlI~f.,Qdgo. hen. ~erc In· , ' , _.,' . __ '.:.' ,,' . _.•. ~ "'.' ..\ ' .

.' ,'" , ' , j, , " c>.., :, i .', ?~ ilU,dlrt Wa$1l~n(J1~d ~Y Closl,t, l1l~nwllQl~ld carpetingfort'Mliod. flr~.t J1!'l~- ,p,opl.. Iq, reglst,r; 111 . ~~lllld 'by JosllphS, HllW~i~$. the MI'. and Mrs:?r. Jt'TijorJitlWf,IW UiffW'e~t Coi'Mrl,lrlttQn ~o:. 'b,b cnlb+ ,, . , j;:~"~":1"t''''';l,.'?;-.~C,? ':::',-;"':-,,-,r:, .; '~' ~~,.,.;~,J":';$~'::~J"'''t't.l'f~ " ,( ~~ ~:i.el ~el'YI~· ~erc wi.'ts tis.. go tor ~l :rtl$OC\lfPetlng' Co;Th~ advI,nee. I for .~cOItlIllQ".tlo", !It 'Inc}l ~f.1ra· an'ls. o..~ dealer. The, open ,the (lo(n's of ~hii!r neW" ..1\J!4 p.leted 'lll-i~b~ $()utbW~$t; t.ll~·. V(it~~ .

to, ' J'~~ i.t :'~.,>." \~ .~1·; :.': ;",~; :>.~~.,< ~, c ·.i~'~:'·.; i; .;: ,,',. ·\"'L~<. • c'. ii'~~' ,. ~!f, ,~I! ,I:: ....11:00 );eat il ~~o Wt.. lll, men worked tbrougl1 the nlgbt last Nob.,m l.,Qdf~, M, Ji" Jtlo~n, aul<loso: ll)~n Ms bee~l ~ellier for ultra modern l<lQb Hill Lo<lgc/ hew ,un eontral;tor 'told 1h(pN"liws,:l:l!!}SO ",, . ': "'~, '~"':' it:'. --i.:' '-: ~'~;,:7";:jJJ:, ". :; ,,: /. ", ""~'" ;,.;;'; :.,> '; ··;;1.····;~ "'~,' }nt~nl~Q~of ){~rdl~ln~ aJ31lrI r~~rd Slltq~d'Y.to :fjnish tbeir pnrt of the Qwner-m."If1e,r, ",PQrffd , til.. Illtt.alll) and tlroPtll1e gas appliances tourist nccortlod~tlon l1(1rj,l, frol,ll 8 tl1.,e dtspeodl\lJt ot~. lOJllcllne:bf .

'.' ....';, .;'.) .~. ·tt! \a~. V-t;:<:: ::,', , I'h .,' " i':",:' {I>: . .~ ..; :~'" '\:1 ,~rv cl. or l.b. "s!> II '.v em y, J9b-,..g(ittln.lLit ~(me m seve.rlll hal,1dl.a. c6n~Ic:!'I'.bl. ofth. olec- (91' sevcrl\L ~_ellrs. ,dolM Insta1la' a. m, to.6 p. m, SlIturdllY. O\lt, 18, ~Under/l, :hIs 'fo(ebeJIret's h1'>v.ltlg:· ., ., " " j:"•. "-E-f'~i""" '>i ; f.. ;.:;,;- ~:~":¢JitJ'; :,: ·'.i'",) r' ~l··f;t, . ftlid t.~e Ptop'~et~r'tHe i :saldhhi~·. 60urs10$- UIDe tban orl81ally flit_ trlc wlrln!f on tlte neW tourllt hon ot' be.Jin.~ sy~l(lms .of aU types for the 'homefolks Ilnd i othe"'s to been llngage.d, In b~.t:·btlildin.gmCltt ..,.. .,? ',: :,>," ;::..1.;;:'; •.:,;.. ,:. ,,'..: ~t.' ,;';:/ .~. ," .':;:.,:.. .. I'm. w~sCeq~PNe\' ~ tg r t i e,se ured. $Qme of tile workmen for t1ielodlil', TlteV nket for .nd w.re In residenUll1J commercIal and pu'b, view the beautiful ,lll11c~. th.an 200 years Ilg<t. He has !n h~* "

, ': .':~~,'.'::~,:'" ';s,.o . ,,"i·e:" ;~:; ;/':;. -?::\ '.,tt'

s~TVlteS, rr,ll ~ g1'!lVe 0 ~al: o~ otber liub--colltractOl's set up cots given Room N~, I Tltom~.ld, lie ~ulltJ!JlII~Ut me /lroa. Built In sl" months timq the two PlIsession all. p1¢' Wol1(j' cu~mWitt'••",.filt~}"-;',' . >,""I~.' \;;;:•. ;'? '''~,1; i J\?;J'f f:ze~ 0 ~.er;v ,my s~ernmen sf~c " and slept In the Ludgo while work. ~~ Act Pl:'fl$ilJlt llaWldns IS,ongageil storied. Sp'anish typo tourist court tl.on \Ised.~:i toe old linn shoWlns .'

• .t~~T:':/}:~' . ,:':~'i':Ati".,',:,·:.' ,:<~.},;; v~~o~~rn~~:~ Ii~rl:ha~:pgt:~! fg~. I~gthe~ ellrly in its contsrucUol\, SneciaLD.asig·n _ .1~~' ,c.~r~5~I:ssll~~~~~~tJi~i~ ~as 16 umls. beilldedbe IlWunck_!!~.. ~o~k~~~'::J~~.r:~je;~sl~~~:!~:::-:'.; ,_•..;l 't:'i,S;"~' ,1 .~'::"~:;'::.';\' > C;C""'~"'··. , .r :~'T:: ,·nOW,!;ll',gll".deps "Ol" ·lawl1ll:graded ". ,.,-'. -,- " ,~ ...~--:.'~ l"~~"~""~"",-- .~-- .---= ._'~ . doso;1l1slstliUI that mam' placl.'s do mg qUl1l'ters f()~V1!W~.. the woodcut is ~nbth~t:c:atvlng·of.,...."~","i""",, " ".',,",". .. 'Y:~~N,~: ~ boulde1'6 , for.fire.lace~ ~~!1I!s -' '.ok~* . . ..""... tJ .' -1\ iUm~'f01Te1= Ill" iOTlY\Voo( 1I1llr1«iSwc ---u ft1lfe . enee';'"' ... e- _. .." ~tF"; 1HR)$i~

. '.;,";"". ~~siiYfJ\rt O~~~v;rf~r i~~l: Suppl,"es W,"ndows, F"'0" New: L,od"ge lng systems.'Ao liml has in stork 100.lQe, It me\lsures.,l60 'by 32 feet, shpwlng a house of manY ·'iab1elh ...., lng' •conslJ'uction Qf drlvewa~'s or now-50 different models of stoves lind to\Vers above Gntewll)' ;ldditlon ,which the enrly Wests built." ", .•.

..d'· . U ff d' PI b' F' Ad tI I R Id th S th alld heating appliances, including of Huldoso on Nob Hill-an Impos·l West has supervised the building~~al>:s~:1~t;.i l~ds~pi~~nsua~to~~ ,um n.g" Ixtures wcst';~~£ ~fal\~d ~f~y;OU~d o~ls~ ~\l~ fOrl;ed~lr ~)'f:s, )~lo~r :.~rnlll~rt~ mg, Ill'\\' addition to the city's sit)·", of such mlljo\, projects liS 'Ruid9~ ' .. "

. reinovlJl of large trees or boiUd~rs. Frank Coons, general sales man-I boosting travel on U, s, Highway IIdtroS\m t ell e ,I n Y l !hnt . Hondo Valley hospital here,tJX\ .'Crose SlIld no wO'lld provide- a frlle agger of the mcctricalllnd 'Meehan. 70, "Th~ Tl'e~surc TI'nU'" the Nob an ra an S. Ralleho st)'le furniture is found 11 tlf{dn~ordo$";}.~ooomen~f~ JChl'q'q~estlJT!ate on any of this type work. Ie'll Supply compllny today l.tnnollIj- UJIl LQdge hilS had 30,000 double L' I'D' I III ever)' unit, with Simmons bellU· u ,g, a "";" ,g 9C"ll!),_",

.. by t!i.e hour 0.1' contrtle~. ' eed hl:l colhpuny is proud to IIaVO special d.eslgtl book m.atches mnde oca . ea ers If~ res' InnersprJng mtlttresses one ~lenmb~ Te;'C.. the Hondo hlg".' RUIdoso Gravel servIce's pit h!ll! supplied 'the plumbIng C1xtul'l's and, for dlstl'1buUOn all over tho coun·l I of the maUl comforts pr~vlded for tIibC~IOdQII bllllfdlF'h ar~ mudny il~ore .. '.

. passed both,state and federal in,' steel windows 1'01' the Ilew lind IrY. The ffi!llehes, delilgned and or- Sell .Property Ifhl' lravel~r,~ on, U, S. Il1ghway 70.' u ngs 0 at )pe an S ,e ~... _....~pecUon, the owner declared. "We bcatiful1'ham motel, the NOb tim Idered tbrou~h the Jtutdoso News, . . ...' I'mUIl!, ttlvd blllhs and showers Wes,tern :rexas and '$outhcastCf!t .,;(\xtcnd to the l\f. II. Thorns con· LQdge, Which opens Oel. 18 In nul- .hove II draWing of the lodge, With T.... Thorns ,1l1rl' 1/1 all umts . .NeYi MeXICO. ,

. 'gratulations fol' their wonderful doso. .. _!moUntains .and pines III the back· U _", j .A splwious lobby, with II huge JIls super~ntendcnt of thllN()~'-"-"" -struelure and business they nrc. fill" 'TIle Electrical and Mechanical I ground. All tcUcrlng (I n tIl C Ono of Rul(loso S pioneer real es rll'l.'plllCe flanked by planters. will 11m LQdi:o Jot)' WM 1.. Pl\tterson, ..

. .. nlshlnn the tourists nnd viSitors Supply company bas since August matches Is donc by an Ilrtlst. The tnte and Insurance firms hllndlecl Igrl'l't I hI.' \'isltol'5 IIpon enlerlng the nnother vetertln cllnstrlletton work,, " .. MR' ANO'MRS M H THORN' here, Close declared, 1. 1045. b.een wholesale dlstrlbuto1'll covers nrc printed In grccn on thc'sale of the propert>.' on which oWeI.' __ (ll\ lie J1ad under him 1\ crewI of US__ _ - .. - '. ... - ~ '.'... -. _ ~f e11l.c:trlca) ~mnt~t.:\*1 pl!W)b.!M.t white card· . Noh pm. :Lnd~ ,15. lrnilL Blll'mm. Bwry unit has n ln11tC! picture to 30 men .during .construct on 0[.- ,-------()~liltlng_ -the--mpdetu: 110W'No ~l:ll111l',l'tmt'1n 1923' PLAN -R-AloiofES and nell1fng equlpmenl, building RUidoso Ncws also Is p . all and Campbell. 0\\ ned and operated Wllldow giving II brl'athtaklng view the motel. .

. Hill Lodgc in G~tewl\Y, portal to in Oklahoma, The}' have three chll' . Tentative (illtes for Democratic matcrild$ and tools throughout the of the stationery. gre". on by Madeleine, Burdett and Stella or SIl'rr3 munca ,"Old Baldy," Architects for the building wore'" ,Ruidoso on U. S. JlIghWny 70, wUl dron. :Mrs. Emma Lee En'lCS, Hobbs' cnndldnte ,rallies were mapped o~t EI Paso area. . green ripple paper. and other (orms CampbeU, opened here In 1932, 21 l' ) i ' 11 11 I d Walgamood And Billington of San-

'be a neW experience (or tho X)wn- Mrs, Madeline' Rachels. Hpbbs; and a~f e9nfcGlence hTeld at .,tUtosn Gro)' s The ·flrm·s general oCflces are _t needed jn -operntlon or the new ycAarlll1


d d d f b 'Idi thr:J~~~u~"ih~agtr:~t~~ 'e;c~~~~n .ta Fe. Other subcontroctQrs Includ·ers, Mr, and Mrs. M.H. 'l'hQl'Jl, who ·t>llIlceUa Thorn. of Ruidoso. . c....e In reen ree pst aturdny 708 North Pledraa street In El P,a:'l business. he an nee" or III np th' I bb' '\ I 11' ui I cd Socra Bros., Blea Electric, Lurn",·

'began their marned ute wor,ldng Tile Thorns moved hero In 1951 1nIghbt.,TlIe grtoup WQSStto have shpokl' so, with the plumbing and depart· - -, . - • the 'etd"e 'Tvahs boulgllot by 1\11'. ~~d I cdC ; citlt~a1ef~a~i~~aplant s:r~:~ Plumblng.1. Electric and MechanIq~lt.. lin 011 fields in Te)(lI~en /;IraQu, from Henderson Ky where he ten e ore vo e1'll at etson sc 00, ment warehouse at 2007 Myrtia.' PI b" 'F' Mrs. " , n. orn n 'IIt~wa~' 0 I t f II b IIdl Itl' I Supply nuldoso Gravel S~rvie6.

· ~t1ng into tho heavY tl11eking busl- owned an Interest In'the R L Jef' but odjoUrnGcd to ~he C~fC.h Thleyhwilfl Branch oUlces lire Illillntalned at \ um log arm Hon througl\ Burdett and Campbell ~~~.s hgatln~ p~oVld~a' f~r ~la~:n~f RosweIi Glass and Mirror Co" thAllC$S; , • . '\ fdeli Trucking Co. He was' a ·part. return to reen Tree ten g, t 0 Roswell and Ode~~a, lind a soles of- 'G \YI"t.I. fron! tho orlll!nlli O\\ne~II, Ihe 0 till' roums, \Velch·Erwln Co:. Inc., EI Paso

, '~ Thonh .11_nll!lvo_'fe~an...1,bar" qt ncr in the concern from 19a~ t.l\rtt gCfd' 14, l\hC~'}decid~d Tbtep,l:ro~p flce Is at Santa Fe. t rows-n·':.rl ..Kruse Iamil}' .of ~tnn. TIll.' structure Is one of tho Clnest Curpetlng CO'I Sauceda Bros., Pari-- Jif~dTnll wor'it;CIld K11(Core during 1939. The line, trucked oIl field e. 11 ra Y"'f II)' n rg a .ICJU1 0 The c'ompany hus recently been la· N M' ., ". . - I.. _.. handle Stecl Products, Hllmllto(\ ~· ~"" 4he-lilibo~lso work- wpment In the trl.:;tate area a· In1~onr~ttlm.'WiI..- th)a~ancc. I - t wnrded the dlsu:~butor franchlse-! ew eXlco ADVENTURE FILM DUE SINATRA, WINTERS Roofing. Co... CrawCot:d Bros., Stall'

\ 'td in t>kljlhoma. round Evans'Ill11e 'Ind. ' on g \.'. "IIY . tue group sOon Syh'anla teley,slon and radio I . • Paramount'li ullong KOllg," a I TEAMED IN MUSICAL Il')' Lumbel' Bin and EI Paso 11'011H* d M Jcffrl b A I I J I W En H bb have held a raUy in the Buffalo sets In Southern New IIIcxh:o and The W. B. LUQl Plumbln? & Hllat· Tcchnlcolor advenluTC drama laid l'nh'l'rsnl International's "l\fl'et and Welding Co '

, ~~a~ . . ~s',.w 0 .!:~s a \Vas ~~"i~' :e~;:ea by R~~~os~ o~ ~~om of .Nnva~o Lodg.= _~_ West Texas ate,as, Ing contractors of 814 So, Mal"; In prcllent,day China, shows tontght I Uanny. Wil5~n." starrIng Frllllk Sin· Thl.' 'thorps have expressed' ap., :.., several viRts here ·he talked the Jllll Lodgo hero the firm Is roof. - !Roswell, hlmdled all the ~lfmblng an(l Saturday at till' Pueblo TIll'a· I atra, Shelley Wlnfers und Alex NI· Ilreriatlon tQ all In RuIdoso wn,

. . 'S'horns Into Investing In the tourist Ing the new Ruidoso elementary INDIAN POTTERY BITS ~nstall~Uon~n ~r~ Nob 11 I LQtd~S tre. ~Vltb nonald Hl.'ogan and lUlon, I ('Ill and oP'linlllg Wedllesdll~' lit Ihe. IDYl' extended congratluatlon$ oncourt bu,slness on Highwny 70 In school building J~ also did the roof ON HILL NEAR LODGE I hre. om I tSd1\ e' mallager, 0 da Fl('mlnl: eo,slurn'd. Ihe CUm III !'ul'blll Thealrl'. Is an III1USIlOI mu" their IJroject hete and say that tho

• Best WI's'hes or ncar The Playground of' the Ing on a large .number of the build: Guests at Nob- HIli Lodge ca!,' I el~~~\~~'"~'n1igl' was onl! of 5e...· I trodu\.'1!s Pall'll)'. Clumll, fOlll' )'N\I' 'liIC:,1 whIch cast!; SllIatra III the roh· 1!!'Jch strlnll..!:~oui !Rt.lIll to_~II'~,_ISauth.w.est..---- .~ ... ngE:-~t."Walker_Ai1'-F'Ol~flse-1ll·.~alk..._llnlx.J!~,.kc1..1lL1hc ..casL!.'J1L J,Ujl1AU , '" ld-elllnl"Scr-bo)" ·-whlt'1l1j1I«-:t-~l1r'ot 11 young"l!l1JIJJll'r,vtTol!l ·!il,Tpc'i!taniTVTSffllielll. 'TJiere Wllfoe cot•

. , .. .. _.- -- ......._.- .....- .".-- ,_.. Roswell. The firm, located In Res. ano gotlicr up pIeces of broken madf 10 the IUBt CC'\V ycars In .Ntm i debut III the CIIIll j 10 lallle by Shell!'y Wllliers, scvn! fcc Illld doughnuts." Mr. 'rhorn .dC.I To Roofs That last well the last 15 yeam. has 15 em· pottery, about the size of a postage .M?~ co. . j . , ..__ .~-- III the film as II niGhtclub I'erform·: dan'lI when visitors show up Sat-

plo)'ees on itSlltalf All types of slamp, which Indians ollce used· Ihl' firm has 20 emplo)ecs, part I NEW ELECTRIC FIRM OPENS er I urda)' IIl.'xl week.

I SIresldenllal Dnd commercial roofing when they campcd on Nob JllII. of thnt group In two traVl'llnl~ crews! IN RUIDOSO . . ~ , . ..,--.- .. --. d .. ' - -,. ---=~ 0 ,NOB HILL s ogan oro handled by tho finn Skeletons 'of Indians have been un· to handle plumbing Dnd Ii'elltlllg f John Buckner has opened Ih(' ln,---:-0---'_ covered on Nob Hill \lherl1 they fobS 5ueh ns at -While Sands proy- Itel' Mounttlhl Suppl)' ('0.• a firm

..'. 'ODGE IFor Ham"lton Th JI I C' ." • Alb • ,were bUrled seven and eight CC/Io Ill: grounds lind othl!!' mllltary dCDlIng In electrical Items. In Iho... I 0 Vlslte~ h::C ~~Ftr:~arly fh\~~~~~£ turles ago. Remains of Indlflllll wel'C camps of thc Southwost. !building formllty Itousing Milam 1

"!toofs That Last" is ilie slogan .. P 7 found when foundation for the '1 Ill' Lllm company first opened I ('larke's Antique shop adjocenl til iof Hamilton Roofing Co. of Roswell RUIDO~ NEWS lodgt' was excavated ellrl)' Ulill )'onr, . In Cla),ton, N. M., 35 yenrll allo

jand IWhltc Mounlaln Grocery here, :

which put on the tile roofing and Arrowh~lld5 and other urtlfactJI tlrc In .940. buJlt tI fine new bul ding. ibuill-up wavel roofing on new Nob Friday. Oetobcr 10. 1952" Iound frequently nenr the lodge. In Hos\Vcll as headquarters. I For R.lults-Try • ela..lfl.d adIfill Lodge.... - Jr _: _ ~~. • -" -. '" - -... ---, --'-"--'" =. -<.<.

W. n. Wolf, manager on a 'te-cent Vi6lt In nuidO!lo. told the New8 ' • There's 8een Some Chan es Made 1 WELCOME, liEJGHlOBwere used n tho front part to ne- In uidoso s Skyline " " " I' We're 9 lad to have you I' ncent tlto Spanish style archltecturo,Sevcrol hund1l!d other pieces of tile The nclW Nob Hill Lodge Btanda out atop Nob Hill 08'1 our midst ••• we wi~h for

. ((tUng, -tiPs and fixlures were used Sh-' 1:'., I' h F' h' .L_ F f TL_, you every su'ccess for yourIbesldcll the regulllr tfic he sold. Q. tnlOi ro.xamp C \II t e Olt An lim ulum 0 u= .. ,

Hamilton Roofing Co. \S 1I pIoneer Ploygyound of the SouthwclIt Diapillyed by the M. I .... b H0" L dISouthwest firm, orl~lnBUns in Fl. H. Thorn", I .",0 loge




. "








.". '., • "t '._. ,


., '~. • r ••


. ;.

. .

, '



•,,~..... ~. _ .. ' .. -~ . . -,

Make Our LodgeYour Home

Away From Home

*Simmons Beauty Rest

InnerspringMattresses .

,,_. *On U. S.

Higl1way 70'




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With America's,

"~ost BeautifulView


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We Are Proud of Your Wonderful. Addition to ~fTOWri... -


yoo6 C'A:Rl•.:~~. - t"'~.';. _

.YlASHING-- - _, _4, ·l.tlIRICATJNG.




Phon. 460


L 2


. .

, .-01-



, .


Your Fine NeW N,OB HIl..L L.ODGE Will FiU•.A Growing Need in Oyr Community:. _We Ho~J'Qr YouEv..e_~y-S.uccess .'




The Year 'Round PlaygroundMr. and Mrs. M. H.Thorn


Welcome To Ruidoso


. . .

Ruby.and Raymond Bq,knor

in BuUdJng


Is Afl Up In The Air OverTho Latest Addition to Ruidoso-•


Bonded & InluredAll Type. of Commerc1.t A Re.idenli.J Roofinl

1704 S. Eo Main Roswell

IIi 2 2£ 512


W. Arc Proud to

Hoy. Hod a Port

Our Congratulations and Best Wishes!


BUCKNER ElectricExtend a Wecome to tneThorns

and Can9rotuJg!~Th~_'!l~n_ the Opening of






. ,


" I

•- . - -.





, .II


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" .', '."Q\JALlTY ME,RCHANDISE ATF.-JR PRICES" 'iH ·u ")o ywood, New Moxico I .,. , ,

. \ .

. ,

It ~.•.

< 'T:" ~

.Congratulations · ~.' \:~f:i';~: .. .T01=Ht NEW-- --'-7 -'f ,'i! ~',I

.. . ~ . ~,..!.'

f~-NOB H-~ll-L-ODGE ',,!:, " \.~,

lIn '*]-From the finn lba! alwa¥, bu. I '\:';1,

Hot Cup of Fnenddnp "...,. ,.~'f;- ... ---~-- '.-- -FOhG£R5L-GOFFE£ ---~,,' '\$.

Ready For You When You VlJit U• ..,.. .. ,*c,'~

. .. -,t' .

";. ~J ••• •

.. .


- /'. - ,-' ~ .

"N.w Mexico'sFittest

Reiort Hot.l,i

..'~,I I

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,'.. 4' ".

,"~. -~. -," ~,,-:'." .. "-- '.

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On the Openin~ Of-T-heJrWonderful New


Mr. and Mn. Weldon G.Imet. -R11idcuc>,. N. M.-


. ,

For the BeautifuLAddition to

Southeastern New Me"ico


Truly 0 W~l1'cl.r(uJ Asset•

To Ruidoso andHighway 70

f-----1:5ungrnmtbt'ions""'Omt,....--·--~~=~'"~..,... -,~=The Best of Luck

To You


,~ - -,r .'r _ _ •

'Wedreproud to have ;had 9PQffirtcon..

srrucfh,s;fthiS ,rleW bUiIdh191:C.t.if~tf6eittgo .tneinstoffation of thegtoss ,o'nn: mirrQts~

--.-'--·~tends__a·WOTr'TrWeicorrnrarn.;__ -.-~--.; •HeQrtiest Congrotylotions

To Mr. and Mrs. M: H. ThornUpon the Op~ning

. Of Their New,





H>.......-~ _

; I •

-'.. --=

..... - ~-


: 2 '2


• ," • '55' 5:_ ,_




.. Mr. an~Mrs_•. Walt Crosb}' ,

. ~ . - -".



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I? 51 • "s ,- i i '$ , i t

__--O.~'"Q...~~;I>::.~_"")..rt:r~r .r<'Pt~':= ,..,..,......""...,:>1:<.. ;~ ...:o.;!- -""-t:~~~ ..... r,>o~."·_"" 'f f

. .


Thorn ...brt, the openit'19 of thelt bedutifulNob lim Lodge, .'. We:orehappy tc>hovecohttibutedt~ this

ehterpris'e by furniShing ,~hs fihe bOllde!s,...hardwQre 'f6mf'f6lJt1din this building.. .. ... Our co~grotu'otions tJJSQ to Mr. R~V.···r·

West of the Wesf 'Con$ttu~tionCompany , .for 0: job well dorte\ '.' .rr .r .'. • •

SAUCEIO''.' :11'/ 'I:ERSIIiA ... *.8 ,.' ~'lul~.tS, H4rdwaN'"Wh~"Oniy .

- 1M.-r.-i&k,rr ., '.f" . m~_ii':: '.',.. "5 ~ ••••• 5, ... ~, , •• __ ... ~ ,.. "r 7 ,r" ' 5 ~ '-"'~ ". _ ......."..:, >. .... ~""l. ,- - ._.~ . r" 5 _',




•Our Heartiest Congratulations To

I ~IMr. and Mrs. M. H. Thorn .. i ~

r Upon the Opening of Their New Iv"", __d_ '_

Congratulations •••To the M. H. Thorns



. .

• 4 '" =-.---- ._._----~- ~--_..--.-

,r •.


i '


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. _ '" '" _.'_="'.' ",.'.7 ""'_ ."",,~ "" - q." -- -.. -, - ,._- _." - " .- .-.,.- ..- -. - -~-' -_ .._--- -. -- ---- ... - .-'

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_ __ .;0..

•' &0-

comfortabl~l1tQdern,.. {; 1 _,

and adelight~-~ --~.....-.~ ---

.. .-:. \ ~ -.t! .

to t~e traveler'r

is ptoudto have haCla part

in making

the new and beautiful


__"""* <><-_ .... ~ _ _. ,=","",- ,,= c = __

- .

" ,

. . '! •


, ,

__, __a '...: _a_a".....·--.....1·"....·'..c', t.., ..i.......' --'...~)......i! .'....'..., .."•.'__I a",,'.'--..........· ...'.......t ""ioiaaJ-~.'".I'.....-'.'",,".''''.•" ...."I"--'?~"~ f': ,. ~ 'i,,

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINGPhone J909 " 106 W. Albuquerque

Roswell, New Mexico




1 •







.-i .....




• •

~ .~ ".

••a... _ ~ __ .~-..<> __~_ .~ 0>






REPRESENTATIV•_____......._ ,,1M - .-_


Hote Papa'Scratch Pad,





- _. - .". p - .... - _.- .' , ~ -. ~~. -- - ---



1 •

Com.pondtlnc.e CardaAU Oeca.ion Card. •

..Clip Board. Rubber Sump. (mado to·

. __.__ orduJ----------..C....dboard File BOXIl, Rultb4r SPmp Ink Pad.Rubbflo Ban.... Rub_ SWnp Pad Ink ,Addrau Labet. Guut CbedaKhlt and Manila Envotopt!t Blank' Card••• (.in V..nOUI .i.u~) Stenol1'apher. Notehook.Krait Gummed Tape Mimeo,Taph Ink II

Scold. Tape <all.u.s) Mimeol1'aph StencittScotch Ta.P4' pupemen MimeoF:aph Papa"Indues (all diU) Scipto Pftlo1aCarbo. Paper Scipio P-enw, [wl1OTe...aJe) ~

FiUnr Cabinets Show Card PainbStaplets (.n-«nI1 makll.) Sbi,pin, Tap •Stapf... (tor aU rnaIlo.) Paper ·Clip.

EDITH SHEEHAN·\.[- . '" __ .......,~,\\O",.'"

Democratic (If .....:~~r );~Candidate For t t .:,

, . \1• !," 'f> !+

Lincoln County \ .,'J !'

TREASURER t~\:.. '.~,

• Qualilled• Conscientious.!..coul'tcou~_.

Your Vote Will a. Appreclat.d


",..In Rui4~soI



'. '>-




. ._.., .... "" 14;<. $-~ - - ••_- _.

•• •



~ - ~ -", o. .", .' .


Gift Wtappftu: PaperCallinc Card.

• •


.Advettiatnr' Nov~!tfesWi oller ~l\Odrcd.. {)f Uet9- 1ft. thiJline ilueh. a~' b~ok. matchC!*!. calend.ar'j ~le. \.

,;._"" ........ _":,..'-~_. ..; ..... .;. .. __ .......... .L-. .... ·_·:.oI:_ ...:.v"'-lO.~~ Aff....~~.....,..WS ,,_..lA4-.JL.-c:jI ~..-+ ~-,.. _ '- - -.. - .-. ",-"-" ......,. -

. .- --_ ...... ---- -- - --- -- "~. _.-


•• :0- ••


,.............anSP CER,Jr.DEMOCRATIC

CandIdate For Addlnr MadPno t"ltf'-State-Senat01!-=t+ ~!~~..@lL4aI-.-. ,

Unc:bln Counly, New Mexico Typewriter Pap.. '1' "..• ; * .. Ttpewrit... Rbibdni "Your Vote and Support Columnar Pad. (lll'tdcda)Wall Be Ap&m!c:iated Ink

Sal. Pad.Pca" ..File F.WenLed,er Binder. (poat. etc.)UdpiSMefj' ..

Exp&ftdinr File.Menu Cove,.POttu Card, •



...• , .. I

, ..•

$ : »


••• »• •~ 'S ...

Were8ack/ng$/XHJling .~.'

On Hiabway 70'HoI1ywooc1, N. M.


. .

Open Year 'Round 11 a.m. to 9 p.m."CLOSED ON MONDAYS

Get,.Ready ForThat Cold'WeaTher Now!

•; ~. lfua Ua..etvaY4ur.Car.~.combinaUon."... -~ ..




HOLLYWOOD GULF:'.,.....~ """"..... _.__woo ......... -



CaD Ke.:P Your Motor In TWic FO'i' FrQtly Weather. '-



~"!!;.,,!!!!!!!!!!!_!!_~!!!. !!!!~!!!,-~.~~w~"-~...~-~"~.~,-~_!!!.!!!!!!,.!!!'~. e =mseTIMEeHOLlDAYeAMERICAN• READERS DIGEST·• LADIES' HOME



COMPANION-NtWYORK£Rj ~ltJJlE. ~2.__ '. _ .. __

• JACK .~ JILL ,We Are Aaeab For MOre

Than 2.000 M.,Uirte.


1 . ,-.

' ..

." ., .", .

o ,



A. W. Luallin..

. "


. ,. '" ~. .' _,". , _~', t":.


PHONE ISf.03, . ,, , ,

,0:.' '.".

IIqd,- * '.

.. Phone 58Alamo,ordo. New Mexico


Piek· Your faVdrite-"'­Flavor In Delicious



Sales and Service

, '..'- .,. . - - ,

Box 668

. .


o. A. Luallin


• •

Drive In Today For A,CompleteAUTOMOTIVE CHECK-UP

- ij' ih 'it' g: 4 i.oa_ A$

Padcared in CUp', pmb (r01md or .1qUIire). qUIItI. ...(ro=d. 01' aquare).. halEplJcn,M. plloJU.. . __

* Vanilla * Chocolate* Strawberry * Burgundy Cherry,,* Orange ,Pineapple •.* Strawberry Marble •* Chocolate MorbI.*iPi...eoppl, Marble....Qnd 'othe.rsf '. .O'Itlal. ot ~oup fovotif.hrocery Or dtuc-~. - I.· . • 9

. sundry store . .'•••• 11' .«~, ,.~ !'


. Alan Lad~' ~n~r ~i~aQe~h Scottgc::tsl;t t~ ..t.p<l~()ffso~~~alp;.huntm~ IndIans: It S part of the 'rousing"'4ttion in Hal

. :W~I!JlI·t.·Re,d Mountain." the big.scale Technh::olor thriller.~I~YmK ~t th~ Pueblo Theatre. Sunday. MondaYoand Tuesday.

--, -.J - . -. - -a Do. A ":: t ,: i iii .•




,.. .",

\'I " • /I

This is the tjme of year tha'f demands• top performance from your car! Be

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