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Islamic Association of NW Calgary



The Virtues of Visiting Madinah Munawarrah…..……………..…………Page 2

Verdict of Visiting the Prophet Grave……….…………..…………….Page 3

Ziyarah of the Sacred Qabar……………………………..…………………Page 3

The Intention………………………………………………………...……….Page 3

En Route to Madinah Tayyibah…………………………..…………………Page 3

Inside Madinah Tayyibah…………………………………………………...Page 4

The Way of Reciting Salaam at the Holy Raudah (Grave)……….….……Page 5

Qabr of Abu Bakr ………………………………………………………Page 7

Qabr of Umar ………………………………………………..…………Page 8

The Departure……………………………………..……………..…….…….Page 9

Pillars in the Prophet’s Mosque………………………………..………..Page 9

Janatul Baqi…………………………………………….…….…………….Page 13

Places to Visit in and Around Madinah Al-Munawara….……..………..Page 14

Mosques in and Around Madinah Al-Munawara……….………….……Page 14

Mounts in and Around Madinah Al-Munawara………………….………Page 16

Wells in and Around Madinah Al-Munawara……………………...…….Page 16




• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “My shafa’at

(intercession on the Day of Qiyamah) is Waajib (on me) for the one who visits my grave.” (Tabrani)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Verily, he who

made Hajj and refrained from visiting me (i.e. my Qabr) has rendered me an injustice.”(Tabrani)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Prayer in this

masjid of mine is superior to a thousand prayers elsewhere, except for Masjid al-Haram, and prayer in Masjid al-Haram is superior to one hundred thousand prayers elsewhere. (Ahmad and ibn Majah)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever

purifies himself in his house then comes to Masjid Qubaa' and prays in it has the reward like that of `Umrah." (Nasa'i and Ibn Majah)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever visits

me after my death is like the one who has visited me during my life” (Bayhaqi)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The person who offers 40 prayers consecutively in my mosque, will secure immunity from the fire of Hell and other torments and also from hypocrisy." (Ahmad)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever

performs his Hajj in Mecca, then comes to visit me in my mosque, for him shall be the rewards of two accepted Hajj.” (Daylami)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “ When a

person stands by my grave, reciting blessings upon me, I hear it (directly) and whoever sends blessings upon me from a different place his needs of both worlds shall be fulfilled, and I shall be his witness and intercessor on the day of judgement.” (Bayhaqi)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ”We love the

mountain of Uhud, and it loves us” (Bukahri, Muslim)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “One should undertake a journey only to three Musjids (with the intention of Ziyarat) Masjide Haraam,Masjid Aqsa and this Masjid of mine.” (Tirmidhi)

• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Between my

house and my pulpit, lies one of the gardens of paradise, and my minbar stands upon my pool of water.” (Bukhari, Muslim)



• The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Between my house and my pulpit, lies one of the gardens of paradise, and my minbar stands upon my pool of water.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

VERDICT OF VISITING THE PROPHET GRAVE Ziyarah of Rasulullah 's Holy Qabr (grave) is the highest of Mustahab acts. Therefore those who proceed for Hajj should consider it incumbent upon themselves to make the Ziyarah. Some other scholars have considered the visit an emphasized Sunnah.


Although it is permissible to render the Ziyarah before or after the Hajj, the following course is the best:

• If the Hajj is Fard, it is best to make the Ziyarah after completing the Hajj. • If it is a Nafl Hajj Ziyarah made before or after the Hajj will be of the same merit. • Those who approach Makkah Mukarramah from the direction of Madinah Munawwara,

i.e. they will first pass Madinah Tayyibah, and should render the Ziyarah before Hajj. • The visitor must constantly remind himself that he is not on a holiday tour. This is no

ordinary visit. He is on a holy journey and is, therefore, bound to observe all rules, respects and etiquettes of the sacred visit. He must at no time indulge in any act or discussion which spoils or detracts from the sacredness and rewards of the holy visit.


When about to set out for the journey to Madinah Tayyibah form an intention of Ziyarah of Raudha-e-Aqdas (the Holiest Grave) as well as Masjid-Nabawi. This form of combining two intentions is a preferred method.


Along the journey to Madinah Munawwara recite Salah-Wasalm in abundance. In fact, spend all available time, other than the time engaged in obligatory acts, reciting peace and blessings. In this way endeavor and make an effort to imbue eagerness and enthusiasm within the heart for the Ziyarah.

As one nears Madinah Tayyibah, the recitation of peace and blessings should be increased. Endeavour to instill in the heart love and passion for the Ziyarah. If one is unable to induce such

feelings physically in the heart, then at least attempt to create such a mental state. Rasulullah must be foremost in the mind and heart. Reflect upon what he has done and will do for his ummah, particularly in the next life.



When the gaze first falls on the trees and buildings of Madinah Tayyibah, continue reciting peace and blessings and engage in making Du'aa, Upon reaching the boundary of Madinah Munawwara, recite Durood Shareef

Our lord Allah, send blessings upon our leader Muhammad and his family

and the following Du'aa:

Our lord Allah, this is your prophets’ place of sacredness. Make this (visit of mine) a shield

from the fire and a safety from your punishment and bad retribution

If possible, take a bath before entering the City. If this is not possible, bathe after having entered the City. If for some reason this too is not possible, perform Wudhu. Bathing is Afdal (preferred). Put on clean garments and if possible, new garments, preferably white. Apply perfume (men only) This Du'aa should be recited as one enters the City Gates:

In the name of Allah, he does what he wills; there is no power but from him, grant me the best of entrances on the basis of the truth( in to Medina) and the best of exits (out from Medina)on

the basis of the truth; bestow upon me the visit of your messenger in the same manner you bestowed upon your Awliyaa and those who obey you; save me from the fire, forgive me, have

mercy upon me as you are the best of givers.


When your gaze falls on the Masjid and sacred green dome, contemplate its sanctity and nobility. This is undoubtedly the holiest of places. After having entered the city enter Masjid Nabawi first. Enter the Masjid with the right foot and with utmost humility and reverence.



This Du'aa should be recited when entering:

O Allah, send peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his companions; forgive my sins

and open for me the doors of your mercy

One may enter the Masjid Nabawi from any entrance one desires. However, it is of greater merit to enter through the entrance known as Baab Jibreel.

Inside the Masjid perform two rak'aat Tahiyatul Musjid in the area known as Raudah. This is the area between the Mimbar and the Holy Grave of Rasulullah . In the first Rak'ah recite Surah Faatihah and Surah Kaafiroon. In the second rak'ah, after Surah Faatihah, recite Surah Ahad. Speaking on the significance of the area known as the Raudah, Rasulullah said: "Between my home and my Mimbar is a garden of the Gardens of Jannah." (Bukhari) Although it is Afdal (preferred and of greater merit) to perform two rak'aat Tahiyatul Masjid in the Mihraab of Nabi, one may perform it anywhere in the Raudah, wherever one finds place. If this is not possible then anywhere in the Masjid will suffice. After this Salaah, engage in Hamd, Thana and Shukr. Thereafter make Du'aa for the acceptance of the Ziyarah. Then, once again one may perform two rak'aat prayer expressing gratitude to Allah for having blessed one with the great favor of Ziyarah after visiting the holy grave.

If at the time of entry into the Masjid, Jamaa'ah of Fard Salaah has begun or there is fear of one's Salaah not being offered on time, then perform the Fard Salaah first. In this case do not engage in Tahiyatul Masjid. One's Tahiyatul Masjid will be incorporated into the Fard Salaah. By joining in the Fard Salaah, Tahiyatul Masjid will be rendered.



• After Tahiyatul Masjid, proceed to the Sacred Qabr of Rasulullah with reverence, humility, eagerness and respect. Banish all affairs and thoughts of the world from the heart and mind, and brace yourself for your presence in the Court of the Leader of Mankind, our beloved Rasulullah .

• Stand about a meter from the pillar which is located at the corner of the wall at the head-side of the Holy Qabr.

• Stand with the back towards the Qiblah and move slightly to the left so that you directly face the Holiest of Faces.

• Do not cast your gaze all over. • Do not raise your voice. • Adopt an attitude of utmost respect and awe. • It is not respectful to cast the gaze all over. • Do not do anything disrespectful. • Do not stand very close to the Holy Qabr. • Do not touch the wire-mesh enclosure.



• Do not kiss or make Sajdah. • While standing there, picture in mind that Rasulullah is reclining, facing the Qiblah

inside the Holy Qabr and that he is listening to the Salaams which are being recited. • Recite the Salaam in a moderate tone, neither too softly nor too loudly.

Note: The above mentioned points have been mentioned as etiquettes and manners while visiting the grave.

Recite the Salaam in the following way:

After the Salaam one may make Du'aa, invoking the Waseelah (agency) of Rasulullah , i.e. Make Du'aa to Allah Ta'aala, asking Him (Allah Ta'aala) to accept the Du'aa through the Waseelah of Nabie-e-Kareem . Make a request for the Shafa'at (intercession) of Rasulullah in the following manner:

O Rasulullah! I ask you for Shafa'at (Intercession) and I supplicate Allah Ta'ala through your

Waseelah that I die as a Muslim, steadfast on your Millat and your Sunnah

It is not compulsory to recite the above Salaam formula. One may recite any other form of Salaam one desires. If one cannot remember any long form of Salaam, one may recite whatever one remembers of it.

The minimum requirement for Salaam is to say:



Salaam upon you, O Rasulullah!

If one has been requested to convey someone's Salaams to Rasulullah , he should do so. After reciting ones own Salaams, one should convey the Salaams of that person (who had requested him to do so), in the following way:

Salaam upon you, O Rasulullah!, from ....... (Mention the name of the person). He seeks your

intercession by your Rabb

While conveying the Salaams of that person, recite his name after the word, (min), which appears in the Arabic Salaam, above.

If several people have requested that their Salaams be conveyed to Rasulullah , one should do so in the following manner:

Salaam upon you, O Rasulullah, from all those who had requested me to convey Salaams to



On the right side of the Holy Qabar of Rasulullah is the qabar of Abu Bakr Siddique . Move slightly to the right and while standing in line with the holy face of Hazrat Abu Bakr , recite Salaam on him in the following manner:




On the right of Abu Bakr grave is the qabr of Umar . Stand facing Umar and recite Salaam as follows:

السالم عليك يااميرالمومنين عمرالفاروق الذى اعز اهللا باالسالم امام المسلمين

مرضيا حيا و ميتا جزاك اهللا عن امة سيدنا محمد صلى اهللا عليه و سلم خيرا

Note: One is at liberty to recite lengthier or shorter formulas of Salaams.

According to some Ulamaa, after completing the Salaam on Umar , one should move to a position between the two graves of these two Khulafaa of Rasulullah and renew the Salaam as follows:

Thereafter, face the Holy Qabr of Rasulullah and once again renew the recitation of Salaam on Rasulullah . Then recite Hamd and Thana (praises of the Almighty Allah) then Sallah-Wasalam and make Du'aa to Allah Ta'aala, invoking the Waseelah of Rasulullah.

Again request for Rasulullah Shafa'at. When making Du'aa, raise both the hands.(Explanation needed) One's Du'aa should be for one's self, parents, Mashaa'ikh (spiritual leaders), family, relatives, and friends, hence for all the Muslims in general. After the Salaam, it is best to say as follows:



After having made the Ziyarat, go to the pillar known as the Pillar of Abi Lubaabah. Perform two rak'aat Nafl Salaah , and make Du'aa. Then come into the area known as Raudah and perform Nafl Salaah in any quantity one desires. However, do not perform any Salaah during the prohibited or undesirable time. Recite peace and blessings here in abundance and make Du'aa.

Thereafter, proceed to the Mimbar, place the hands on it as the Prophet, preached from there, recite peace and blessings and make Du'aa. Then go to the pillar known as the Pillar of Hanaanah. Make Du'aa and recite Istighfaar (repent). Do the same at the other pillars.

NOTES: One should consider the time available in Madinah Munawwara as a golden opportunity. One should therefore spend most of his time in Masjid Nabawi. When in the Masjid make Niyyah (intention) for I'tikaaf. Nafl I'tikaaf is for any duration. Nafl I'tikaaf for even a minute is valid. Therefore, whenever one is inside the Madinah, Niyyat for Nafl I'tikaaf should be made. Endeavour to complete the Quran (make Khatm) in the Masjid.

One should give Sadaqah according to one's means. Honor and respect the poor, the Caretakers of the Holy Places and, all the inhabitants of Madinah Tayyibah. Treat them with respect. Deal with them with love and kindness. Honoring them is honoring and pleasing Rasulullah , even if they are perhaps unjust or unkind, bear it with patience. Do not quarrel and dispute. When buying and selling with them, make the Niyyah of aiding them. Such a Niyyah merits rewards.


After one has completed the Ziyarah and intends to depart, one should do so from Masjid Nabawi after performing Salaah and making Du'aa. If possible, perform the departing Salaah of 2 Rak'aat Nafl on or near the Raudah of Rasulullah . If this is not possible, perform it wherever place is available in the Masjid. After this proceed to the Sacred grave of Rasulullah . Recite Salaam on Rasulullah and thereafter make Du'aa in all earnestness. One's Du'aa should cover all Deeni as well as worldly needs and desires. One should make Du'aa for one's self, family, relatives and all Muslims. Make Du'aa for the acceptance of one's Ibaadat and for steadfastness on Deen. Make Du'aa for a death on Imaan and for a safe return home.

Among the signs of the acceptance of one's efforts and Ibaadat is the ready flow of tears. If one is unable to shed tears, recite such Du'aas which induce tenderness in the heart and also make an attempt to shed some tears. With a heart stricken with grief and sorrow at the impending separation, take leave. Do not move backwards when leaving because such action is exclusive for the Ka'bah. Depart in sadness giving Sadaqah (charity) to the poor of Madinah Tayyibah liberally. While reciting the Du'aas of Safar (journey), walk away. One should take along some dates and water of the seven wells as Tabarrukaat.


MUKHALLAQAH [THE PERFUMED] PILLAR This pillar lies close to the prayer oratory of the Prophet (peace be upon him) on the Qiblah side. It was originally located to the right of the Imam when he stood in this honored prayer oratory.



Today, the Prophet's honored niche lies upon that pillar on the top of which is written: (The Perfumed Pillar).

Historical Background of This Name:

It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) once saw sputum stuck on the Qiblah; and was so depressed that it appeared on his face. Then he stood up and scrubbed it with his hand and said, "Whenever any one of you is engaged in Prayer, he is engaged in an intimate conversation with his Lord Who is between him and the Qiblah. So, he must not spit towards the Qiblah, but towards his left side or under his feet." In another narration: One of the Companions stood up, scrubbed the sputum and scented it with a kind of perfume called (Khaluq). Thereupon, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was pleased. This was considered as the first time to apply perfume to the Prophet's Mosque.


A'ishah's Pillar is situated at the center of Al-Raudah Al-Sharifah [the Honored Garden]. Two or three months after the diversion of the Qiblah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to perform the daily Prayers at that place. Then, he moved to the Qiblah niche where the Perfumed Pillar is located.

Historical Background of This Name:

One day, some of the Companions sat at `A'ishah's apartment (may Allah be pleased with her) and among them was her nephew, `Urwah bin Al-Zubair. `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said, "There is a pillar in the mosque; and if people were to recognize its merits, they would draw lots to perform Prayer beside it." They asked her what its name was, but she refused to tell them.

After they left, she entrusted Ibn Al-Zubair with the secret. Then he stood and went towards that pillar and performed Prayer beside it. Meanwhile, some of those Companions were keen to observe what `Urwah would do. When he concluded his Prayer by that pillar, they came and performed Prayer in that very place. That is why it was called (`A'ishah's Pillar). Today, "`A'ishah's Pillar" is written on it.

Among other names for `A'ishah's Pillar is: The Lot Pillar. It is also called: Al-Muhajirin Pillar because Al-Muhajirin [the Migrants] used to meet at it.

AL-TAUBAH [THE REPENTANCE] PILLAR It is the pillar to which the venerable Companion, Abu Lubabah Al-Ansari, tied himself and kept himself as a captive saying, "By Allah, I shall not release myself from my bonds until Allah accepts my repentance, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) unties me."

The Story of Abu Lubabah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) besieged the Jews of Banu Quraizhah due to their treachery and because they had joined the camp of Al-Ahzab [the Confederates]. The siege lasted so long that their hearts were filled with horror and they asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) to send Abu Lubabah (may Allah be pleased with him) to negotiate with them for he had been their ally before



he embraced Islam. When he came to them, they sent young children to remonstrate before him and their women cried to arouse his pity on them. They said to him, "What do you think? Should we submit to Muhammad?" He replied, "If you submit to Muhammad - and pointed to his throat meaning: he would slaughter you." Abu Lubabah said, "By Allah, I had not moved my feet before I perceived that I had betrayed Allah and His Messenger." Thereupon, he did not go back to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) but hurried to the mosque and tied himself to that pillar. When Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) heard about that, he said, "If he had come directly to me, I would have asked Allah's forgiveness for him. But so long as he acted thus, I have no right to untie him until Allah accepts his repentance." When the siege of Banu Quraizhah came to an end, the Prophet (peace be upon him) went back to Medina. Meanwhile, Abu Lubabah was still tied to the pillar. His daughter would come and untie him only to answer the call of nature and to perform Prayer. Then she would tie him to the pillar again. While the Prophet (peace be upon him) was at the house of Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her), it was revealed to him that Allah had accepted Abu Lubabah's repentance. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) said, "At the early dawn, I heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) laughing, so I said, "O Messenger of Allah, may Allah keep you happy along your life, of what do you laugh?" He replied, "Abu Lubabah's repentance has been accepted." Umm Salamah said, "O Messenger of Allah, should I tell him this glad news?" He said, "Yes, if you so wish." Then, she stood by the door of her apartment - the veil had not yet been prescribed - and said, "O Abu Lubabah, good tidings for you. Allah has accepted your repentance." When the people heard that Abu Lubabah's repentance had been accepted, they hurried to untie him. Upon that he said, "No, by Allah, it will never be unless it is Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) who unties me with his own hands." After performing the Dawn Prayer, the Prophet (peace be upon him) went to Abu Lubabah and released him. That is why Abu Lubabah's pillar was known as Taubah [the Repentance] Pillar.


This pillar is located at the place where the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to observe I`tikaf. Beside it, he used to have a bed made of palm branches and fronds. Today, this pillar is the closest to the apartment of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to lay his head on `A'ishah to comb his hair while she was inside her apartment and he was in the Mosque observing I`tikaf.


This pillar is located against that part of the grave in which lies the honorable head of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Today, this pillar has been made part of the Maqsurah [Compartment].


1-When the Prophet knew about the spite of the Jews and the Hypocrites against Islam and Muslims, he asked some of the Companions to keep watch over him alternately. Among these guards were: * `Ali bin Abi Talib. * Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas, as it is reported in a Prophetic tradition. * Sa`d bin Mu`adh, who guarded the Prophet on the Day of Badr.



* Muhammad bin Maslamah, who guarded the Prophet on the Day of Uhud. * Bilal bin Rabah, who guarded the Prophet at Wadi Al-Qura.

2- After Allah, the Exalted and Majestic, revealed the verse "And Allah will defend thee from men [who mean mischief]", the Prophet (peace be upon him) left his apartment, sent away the guards and recited to them the Qur'anic Revelation that had been sent to him.

3- Amir of the Believers, `Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) used to perform Prayer in front of that pillar.


The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to sit by that pillar to receive Arab delegations (Wufud) who came to offer their pledge of allegiance. It is the same pillar at which Banu Tamim shouted out from behind the apartments. They shouted out to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) and said, "O Muhammad, come out so that we might vie in glory with you." Upon that, Allah, Exalted and Majestic be He, revealed this Qur'anic verse: "Those who shouted out to thee from without the inner apartments, most of them lack understanding. If only they had patience until thou couldst come out to them, it would be best for them."


The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to perform his supererogatory (Nawafil/Tahajjud) night Prayer at that pillar.

Today, this pillar is a part of the Prophet's apartment and is located behind the window. Every night, after people's return home, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to have a mat spread out behind the house of `Ali to perform the supererogatory night Prayer on it. Later on, when he saw the increasing number of those who performed this supererogatory night Prayer like him, the Prophet commanded the mat to be folded. In the morning, they came to him (and inquired about that). He said, "I feared lest the supererogatory night Prayer might become obligatory to you and then you would turn away from it."


It is also called the Station of Gabriel. It was located near the door of Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her). The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to come to her, stand by her door and say, "Peace be upon ye, Members of the Family. Allah wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless."

Besides, it is known as the Pillar of Gabriel's Station (peace be upon him).

Today, this Pillar is situated behind the wall encircling the honorable grave and, therefore, the visitor to the Mosque can not see it.



1. Graves of Fatima, Hasan Ibn Ali, Abbas, Ali Ibn Hussein, Zain ul Abideen Ibn Hussein, Jafar as Sadiq and other members of the Ahl Bayt. (May Allah be pleased with them all) 2. Graves of Prophet’s daughters, Zaynab, Ruqaya and Umme Kulthum (May Allah be pleased with them all) 3. Graves of Prophet’s wives, Aisha, Saudah, Hafsa, Umme Salmah, Safiya, Jowayria, Umme Habeeba, Zaynab Bint Khuzayma, Zaynab Bint Jash (May Allah be pleased with them all) 4. Graves of Uqail Ibn Abi Talib, Abdullah Bin Jafar Bin Tayyar (May Allah be pleased with them all) 5. Grave of Saad Ibn Abi Waqas(ra) 6. Grave of Malik Ibn Anas(ra) 7. Grave of Nafa’e maula Abdullah Ibn Umar(ra) 8. Graves of Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad, Uthman Ibn Maz’un, Abdu Rahman Ibn Auf, Fatima Bint Asad, the mother of Ali (May Allah be pleased with them all) 9.----------------------- 10. Grave of Uthman (ra) 11. Grave of Haleema Sa’adiyya (ra) 12. Grave of Abu Saeed Al Khudri (ra) 13 Grave of Safiya Bin Abdul Muttalib, Aunt of Mohammed

Duaa when entering Janatul Baqi:

م السلام عليكم دار قوم مؤمنين وأتاآم ما توعدون غدا مؤجلون وإنا إن شاء الله بكبقيع الغرقد لأهل لاحقون اللهم اغفر

Peace is upon you o dwellers of this place of believers; whatever was promised to you will surely come when Allah wills, surely we will join you. O Allah forgive those buried in Al-Baqi (Muslim)




It is Musthabb to visit the dwellers of Baqi in Madinah, and to visit other sacred places and the

mosques and wells of the Prophet Muhammad

Jannat-ul-Baqi Jannat-ul-Baqi is the graveyard lying in the east of Madinah. Innumerable companions of the Prophet Muhammad and saints are buried there. It is mustahabb to visit the dwellers of Baqi especially on Fridays. There are approxamiately 10, 000 companions (ra) buried there

Badar The plain of Badar is 20 miles south west of Madinah where the first battle between 313 Muslims and 1000 Qureish of Makkah took place in 624 A.D. The Muslims had seventy camels and two horses whereas the Qureish had a cavalry of 200 Horses and 700 camels. They were superior in weapons too, but Muslims were victorious because they were strong in morale and strategy due to the leadership of the Holy Prophet .

Martyrs of Uhad Three miles to the north of Madinah is the mountain about which the Mesenger of Allah said "Uhad is a mountain that loves us and we love it." The "Ghazwah Uhud" (war) took place here in the year 3 A.H. it is mustahabb to visit martyrs of Uhud, the mountain itself and its mosques on Thursday after the Fajr prayers. The grave of Hamzah (ra) lies here, where one should offer salam.

Mosques in and around Madinah Al-Munawara There are many other mosques in and around Madinah apart from Masjid Nabawi. The Prophet Muhammad and his Companions prayed in these mosques. It is mustahab to visit these mosques, some of which still exist.

Masjid Quba It is about two miles south-west from Masjid-an Nabawi. This is the very first mosque of the muslims. The Prophet Muhammad and his companions built it with their own hands. This is the first mosque in the history of Islam whose foundation stone was laid down by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself on his migration to Madinah. To offer 2 rakaats of nafl in it is equal to one Umrah.

Masjid Juma It is near Bustan al Jaza in the valley Zanuna to the east on the new road to Quba. The Messenger of Allah prayed the first Friday there.

Masjid Qiblatain It is situated to the north-west near the valley Aqiq. In this mosque, Allah SWT directed Prophet Muhammad , who was in the middle of a salaat along with "sahaba karam", to turn his face from Islam's first qibla, "Bait-ul-Muqqadis", (Masjid Alaqs in Jerusalem) to "Ka'ba" in "Masjid al-Haram" in Makka. Consequently, this mosque is known as a mosque with two qiblas.

Masjid Musallah / Masjid Ghumana It is to the south west of Manakho. The Messenger of Allah offered Eid prayers here.



Masjid Suqya There is a dome inside a railway station near Bab 'Anbariyah. It is known as Qubbah Ra'us. On his way to Ghazwah Badr, the Messenger of Allah offered his prayers there.

Masjid Ahzab / Masjid Fath It is on the western corner of Jabl Sala'. When the unbelievers had united together in the Ghazwah Ahzab and attacked Madinah and the trench was dug, the Messenger of Allah made a supplication for three days. Allah granted the prayer and the muslims emerged victorious.

Masjid Zubab As one gets down Thaniah al-Wada' on the road to Jabl Uhad the Jabal Zubab is on the left side. That's where the mosque is located. The Prophet prayed there too.

Masjid Al Fadih It is situated on the east of Awali. The Messenger of Allah had offered his prayers here at the time of siege of Bani Nadir. Fadih is the wine from dates. The mosque takes its name from an incident involving Sayyidina Ayyub Ansari and his companions while they were drinking wine. It was here that the verse disallowing intoxicants was revealed.

Masjid Bani Qurayzah It is a little distance from Masjid Fadih to the east. The Messenger of Allah had camped here during the siege of the Bani Qurayzah.

Masjid Bani Bami Zafar / Masjid Baghalah It is on the boundary of Harrah Waqim to the east of Baqi. The Banu Zafar used to live there. A stone near the mosque bears the mark of the hoof of the mare of the Prophet .

Masjid Ijabah It is to the north of Baqi near Bustan Saman. The Prophet Muhammad prayed there.

Masjid Sajadah / Masjid Al-Buhayr It is between Bustan Buhayri and Bastin Sadaqah. The Prophet Muhammad had offered two rakaat here and observed a long prostration.

Masjid Ubayy It is next to Baqi. The Prophet Muhammad visited the mosque frequently.

Masjid Bani Haram It is on the way to Masjid Fath in the valley of Jabl Sala' on the right side. The Prophet Muhammad offered prayers here too. There is a cave nearby where he had received a revelation.

Masjid Abu Bakr Near the Masjid Musalla towards the north.

Masjid Ali Also near Masjid Musalla.

Masjid Umm Ibrahim bin Muhammad It is situated in Awali to the north of Masjid Bani Qurayz. Sayyidina Ibrahim, the Messenger son was born there. The Prophet Muhammad prayed here as well.



Mounts in and around Madinah Al-Munawara There are several Mountains. Pilgrims should visit some of the more famous ones.

Jabal-e-Uhad About four miles on the north of Madinah, famous battle of Uhad was fought at 3 A.H. Hamza, (ra) the Holy Prophet's uncle and other companions are buried here.

Jabal-e-Salaa This is the site for the battle of Ditch which was fought in 5 A.H. Now there are six mosques at this place.

Wells in and around Madinah Al-Munawara There are several wells from which the Prophet drank or performed ablution. Pilgrims must visit some of the more famous ones.

Well of Urays To the west of Masjid Quba.

Well of Ghars Situated in the village Qurban about four furlongs from Masjid Quba to the north east.

Well of Buda'ah In Jamal al-layl next to the Syrian door.

Well Bussah Next to Baqi on the road to Quba.

Well of Ha' It is opposite Bab Majidi outside the north wall of the city.

Well of Ahan It is in Awali to the east of Masjid Quba near Masjid Shams.

Well of Rumah About three miles away from Madinah in a desert at the edge of the valley Aqiq to the north-west of Madinah

