I DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL CANADIAT N NEWS fry STAFF …fultonhistory.com/newspaper 8/Niagara Falls...


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Delegates from Falls Chapters to Attend Meeting at

Welland House.

NIAGARA PALLS, Ont, Oct 10.— The semi-annual meeting of the Provincial Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, will be held in St. Catharines on Thursday and Friday at the Welland House. Delegates from the two chapters of this city wiH attend.

Business sessions will be held in the morning and afternoon. On Friday noon a wreath will be placed on the cenotaph by Mrs. William Morrison, the president The exe­cutive meeting will be held on Wed­nesday,

Mayor J. D. Wright will welcome the delegates on Thursday morning. Addresses will be given by St. Cath­arines municipal regent, national and provincial presidents, after which there will be 15 minute periods of discussion led by various provin­cial officers and conveners.

On Wednesday afternoon Mrs, C. E. H. Thomas, Mrs. Henry OLaugh-lin and Miss Beatrice Dwyer, of the Provincial executive, will entertain the Provincial and municipal exe­cutive at tea at Mrs. Thomas' home In the Merrltt house, Ridley college.

On Wednesday night the executive of the Municipal chapter will en­tertain the executive at an Informal dinner at the Welland House. On Thursday afternoon the delegates will be driven to this city by way of Queenston to the park restaurant for tea. On Thursday night there will be a banquet in St. Catharines.

Get Ready for Hunting Season

• I* 1 1 ~ . . . " i

Non-residents of Township to Get Special License*.

CH1PPAWA, ONT., ©ct; 10\— Three Open pheasant days for Wel­land and Lincoln counties have been approved by the Department of Games and Fisheries. The dates have been announced as October 21 and 22 and the third day is Octo­ber 29. ' ' • ' • ]

This year the bag limit will be three cock birds per hunter per day. Game Warden Muma has stated that all hunters are required to ob­tain special township hunting li­censes in addition to the usual provincial gun" license.

Non-residehtat of the township will be required to pay. $1 per dajr for each license covering October 21 and 22 which will cost %2, a seper-ate license for October 29, which will cost %l,: and licenses will be dis­tinguished by a different color.

The fee for rural residents of the Various townships in the counties will be 25c and this will last for the whole of the hunting season.

The holder of any township license will be permitted to hunt rabbits on pheasant days although the regular season for rabbits does not open itritn November 1. The holders of the special licenses will be permitted to hunt rabbits on that license from November I to Febru­ary 28.

The dates Of October fit and 22 are also open for shooting of black and grey squirrels. The bag limit has been set at four per hunter per day. , •-

Mission Group to Meet Friday

Mrs. Frank H a g a r to B e Hostess

to Al lanburg Fo lk .

ALLANBURG, Ont., Oct 10.— The Happy Hearts Mission Band held a party Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Hagar with over 20 present A peanut scramble'and other indoor and outdoor games we're enjoyed. • The Happy Hearts Mission Band will resume its regular meetings for the winter months on Satur­day. October 15. After the thank offering the hostess served refresh* ments assisted by Mrs. George Bat­ty and Mrs. George Densham,

• Mrs. Thomas McPhee Is confin­ed to her home by illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pogel and family, of Fits Roy Harbour, are spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtlsa Tallman.

Jean Trotter is confined to her home with quinsey.


S C O n ORCHARD Provincial Police Report Boy

Not Seen when Shotgun Was Discharged. ,.

Mrs. George Tallman and sister. Mrs. William. Pogel, of Rldgevtlle. are guests this week at the home of their sister. Mrs. C. Tallman.

The Ladles Aid meeting, which was to have been held Thursday. has been postponed until a later date owing to illness.

Miss Shirley Hcxlmer, of Niag­ara Falls, has returned home after spending several days with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Orant Tallman.

Council Meets Tomorrow

NIAOARA~PAlLsTont, Oct. 10— The City Council will hold Its reg­ular meeting tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. A delegation or the un­employed will be present In an effort to secure additional fuel and rent allowance.

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. Oct 10. —Tony Frank, is-, of 1653 Stanley street, was admitted to the General hospital last night suffering from superficial buck shot wounds In the face and head.

According to the report of the provincial police, the lad with the following four companions, Frank Boice, 17, of 16T7 Stanley street, Peter Philips, 19, of 1662 Buehan-an avenue, Patsy CampasanO, 19, of 1540 North street, and Bruno Recchla, 16, of 1834 Stanley street, went to the orchard of James R. Scott 1549 Portage road,, to steal apples about 9:30 o'clock. Mr! Scott came through the orchard with a shotgun and saw the four boys coming towards him.

He called to them to stop, which they did and he then turned the gun in the opposite direction and fired Into the ground to scare them. The Frank lad happened to be lying on the ground under a tree unseen by Mr. Scott and received the discharge from the gun. Mr. Scott took the victim into his hoise and dressed the wounds and sum­moned Dr. Harris Logan. Prank was removed to the hospital.

Mr. Scott immediately notified the police of the shooting. Twelve of < the buckshot pellets were re­moved; The police say they were advised by the doctor that Frank's condition is not serious:

STAMFORD, Ont, Oct. 10.—The weekly well-baby clinic will be held at the Township Hall tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 4"o'clock.

The Women's auxiliary of St. John* church will resume its week­ly meetings tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

8 t Martin's Ladles' Aid will meet in the parish hall, Dorchester road, tomorrow at 2 p . m .

The finance committee of the Township Council will meet at the Township Haft' tomorrow at eight o'clock.

The Martha-Mary society of the Presbyterian church will meet Wed­nesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Clifford Hill, High street

The Stamford Raw Milk Produc­ers and Consumers association will hold an important meeting In the Stamford Center fire hall, 8uesday, at 8 p. m. All those mtereated are urged to attend.

Old Resident of Niagara Is Dead

NIAGARA FALLS. Ont, Oct 10. — Mrs. Mary Halllday, wife of Charles E. Halliday, died at her home. 1561 McGrail avenue, this morning. She had resided here for the past 54 years.

Besides her husband, she leaves her mother, Mrs. William Hicks, of Port McCoy, Florida: two sons, Frank A., of Niagara Palls, N. Y., and Charles A., of Hamilton: three daughters, Mrs. Laura Donovan, Mrs. Maynard Crampton, of Niag­ara Falls, N. Y„ and Mrs. Vernon Gordlneer at home; two brothers. Thomas Hicks, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Fred H. Hicks, of Ham­ilton; three sisters, Mrs. Ben Clark, qf this city, Mrs. Sidney Smith, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs. George Locher, of Gait, Ont., and 17 grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held from the family home Wednesday after­noon at 2 o'clock with interment In Falrvlew cemetery.

Posts Voters' Lists

STAMFORD. Ont, Oct 10—Town­ship Clerk Dave Alalr has given no­tice that he has complied with the law by posting.at his office In the township hall a list of all persons entitled to vote at the next muni­cipal election, which list may be in­spected at any time during regular office hours. All voters are calted upon to take Immediate proceedings to have any errors or amissions cor­rected according to law, the last day for appeals to be Saturday. Oct. 29, next

Chemist Succumbs

MONTREAL. Oct. 9 (Canadian Press)—M. C. Coll McFee, Montreal chemist who was chairman of the science survey committee of the Canadian Institute of Chemistry, investigating the teaching of mathematics, physics and chemis­try in the Province of Quebec, died today in a hospital here A graduate of McGill. he also attended the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University.

Ocean Travel Stimulated

NrAGARA FALLS. Ont. Oct 10— Ocean travel has been stimulated since the Munich agreement, ac­cording to steamship agents. There arc many Inquiries and booking for round-the-world cruises. The agree­ment has released pent-up activity.

DAYflWIi Time of One Hour and One-

half Second Slightly under Record.

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, Oct 10.— Sweeping to & lead in the first 50 yards of the event, S t Catharines A. C„ captured the.annual Thanks­giving day raile-a-man road race today against the threat of Stam­ford A. C , and the Falls Harriers club. The time was one hour, 5Vi seconds, a shade under the record for the course. The jog this year was from the St. Kltts City hall fin­ishing in front of the Falls City hall.

Large crowds thronged the route as Mayor J. D. Wright, S t Cathar­ines, unleashed Norm Hicks, running for the Falls; Malcolm Bowman, representing Stamford, and Art Neff, sporting the proud white and blue of St. Kltts at 9:53^4 ajn. The former brushed to a one-yard lead, followed closely by Neff, Stamford trailed. With a steady gait Neff passed Hicks at the 48-yard mark and kept forging ahead to climax the first mile, giving the Garden Cltyltes a 50-year advantage. To this, Bill Westly added 150 yards as Stamford went so far in the rear that only superhuman efforts could put them back In the running.

Don McLean essayed the task of whittling the markin at the start of the third mile and succeeded in slic­ing the yardage to 125 only to weak­en, allowing Jimmy Hill to ran the gap to 210 yards when the transfer of batons took place at the com­mencement of the fourth mile. It was here that the Falls rendered their best effort The veteran How­ie Teal, running perhaps one of the finest miles of his colorful career managed to pare off 50 yards. But the success was short lived, however, as Dick Simpson cut away at a fast clip to recover the loss. Heartened at the turn of events, St. Kitts then began to widen the distance.

Even the presence of BUI Hogg, University of Toronto champion, who ran the ninth mile for the Falls, could not stimulate the locals. Hogg's jog was a heartless one, and It.Is deserving of mention that he failed to yield ground to Joe Prude who retained the 200-yard lead. It was at the start of the tenth.'mlle that S t Catharines began making the affair a run-away. The best Rayner could do was wield another 100 yards, as Stamford, hopelessly outclassed, trailed fully half-a-mlle in the rear of the S t Catharines runner.

Nearlng the end, Tommy Unwin, a former Stamford member, stepped up the gjap from 440 yards to 500 to turn over the chore to Don Har­vey for the sprint home. The latter merely cantered hi to finish before a large throng at 10:58^a.m., to take possession of the Carmlchael cup, emblematic of the event. The route was from the S t Kitts City hall along Queenston street, turning at Hartzell road, through Merrltton and Thorold. Along the Thorold stone road to Stamford center, thence to Stanley street, turning at Maple street to Victoria avenue, east on Queen street to the City hall.

Maloney Rites Are Held Todav

NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. Oct. 10 —Funeral services for Frank E. Maloney were held this morning at 8.30 o'clock from the home. 939 River road, to the Sacred Heart church, Niagara Falls. N. Y., where solemn high mass was celebrated at 9.30 o'clock. The celebrants were Father Francis E. Crowley; deacon, Father Sheehy; sub-deacon, and Father Culbert. There was a large attendance of representative citi­zens from both sides of the river. The casket was banked with floral tributes sent by friends, relatives and organizations.

Interment was in Riverdale ceme­tery, Niagara F611s, N. Y. The bear­ers were L. O. Van Wagoner. Fon Allen. Newell Allen. Myron Anth­ony. William MacDonald. Frank G. Shcdler. John Morre of Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Ernest Morran of this city.

CANADIAN SOCIAL CIRCLES The marriage of Miss Dora Annie

Keep, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Keep; to Bruce Elson Fleming, Ellen avenue, this city, son of Mrs. Fleming and the late John Fleming, of Owen Sound, Ont., will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock in Christ church, River road. The rector, Vea Archdeacon Guy B. Gordon, will officiated The altar will be decorated with au­tumn flowers and the: guest pews marked with bows of white ribbon. The bridal chorus of Wagner will be played by George Towers, or­ganist, as the bridal party enter the church.

The bride, who will be given in marriage by her father, will wear a beautiful gown of white French stiffened net over taffeta, made with »a bolero and heart shaped neckline. The bodice will Be tight fitting to the waist falling into a full skirt with 12 tiny frills around the bottom. Her circular shoulder length veil will be of bridal net caught with three strands of orange blossoms. She will wear a gold locket and chain the gift of the groom and will carry a bouquet of red roses and llly-of-the-valley tied with white ribbon.

Miss Doreen Grlmster, who will be the maid of honor, will he gowned in Dolice blue taffeta trim­med with rose velvet made with tight fitting bodice with tiny but­tons down the back and front, and Peter Pan collar. The full skirt will be trimmed with rose velvet bows down the side and streamers of rose velvet ribbon falling from the waist line to the hem of the skirt She will wear a heart shaped halo of pink tulle with phik illusion veil, long pink lace gloves and will carry pink roses tied with blue ribbon. Ellmore Plem, brother of the groom Will be the best man.-The ushers will be Alex Davidson, Jr., and T. A. Keep brother of the bride.

A reception will be held at the home of the bride's parents, 1185 Maple street. Mrs. Keep, mother ol the bride will wear a--gown of orchid crepe with black accessories and corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Fleming will be gowned in black chiffon trimmed with white, black accessories and corsage of pink roses. The bridal table will be cov­ered with an Irish linen cloth cen­tered with a three tiered wedding cake flanked with white tapers in silver holders. White flowers will mark the guest places. The guest's tables will be decorated with flowers In a color scheme of pink and white with pink favors at each place. Out of town guests will be present from Owen Sound, and S t Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming will take up their residence at the Van Alstyne apartments, Stamford street

Perfect Weather t for Thanksgiving

NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. Oct. 10.— Canada's national Thanksgiving day today was favored with perfect weather standing out in its seasonal setting, impressive and beautiful. Travel was heavy over the weekend by bus. train and motor. Special trains and busses took citizens to many points for the weekend.

A large number of holiday seekers came Into the city. Rooming hous­es and hotels report excellent busi­ness. Many Canadians went to the United States over the weekend and took advantage of the 48 hour stop­over to qualify under the $100 ex­emption clause in bringing back United States purchases duty free.

Make Gambling Raids *

TORONTO. Ont. Oct 10 <U.ft>— Police today laid gambling charges against 65 persons seized In a series of raids throughout the city over the weekend. Police struck in wide­ly separated sections Of the city, picking up 46- suspects In the east end, ten in the northern, and the remainder in the western districts.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J./Baumann, of Valley Way, have been spending a few days In N,orth Bay.

Mr. and lAts. Harry M. King, of Philip street, and Mr. King's broth­er, E. D^ King, of Tonawanda, N. Y., spent the weekend and holiday at Cache Lake In Algonquin park.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marsh, of To­ronto, formerly of this city, spent the- weekend and holiday In St. Catharines,* the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Dobble."

Mrs. Gordon Book, of London, Ont., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Harding, of Barker street.

Mr. and Mrs. James Fordham will take up their residence this week on John street.

James Swayze. student at Mc-Master university, Hamilton, spent the weekend and holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Church Swayze, McDougal crescent.

Mr. and Mrs. Strother Fisher and son. of Toronto, have been spending a few days with Mr. Fisher's par­ents! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fisher. River road.

The Past Matrons and Patrons of the Eastern Star will bold a din­ner at the King Edward hotel on Friday night at 6:30 o'clock.

Miss Dot McCallum. of S t Clair avenue, has returned to New York City to resume her studies at the Traphagen School of Commercial Art

Mr. and Mrs. B. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell. of Toronto, Ont.. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murrell of Craw­ford street.

The Women of the Moose held their weekly card party on Saturday night Jointly with the Loyal Order of Moose. Euchre was played. The prize winners were Mrs. N. Watts, Mrs. Barnhardt and E. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, Mr. Walker and Miss Gibson. Qf Petrolea. Ont., were the weekend guests of Mrs. H. R. Elliott of Valley Way.

Among the out-of-town guests at the Carpenter-Klrby wedding held In St. George's church, Hamilton, on Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. A. Burns of this city.

Miss Ann Irwin, of Cleburne, Texas, Is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. J, W, Cross, Morrison street.

St. Andrew's United church W. M. 8. will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Moore. Morrison street

City Clerk W. S. Orr. of Culn street, spent the weekend and holf* day in Cobourg, Ont, the guest of his mother.

Miss Joan Bellamy and Miss Ada Spreadbrough will be Joint hostesses of the K13 club on Thursday night at the home of Miss Bellamy. Wil-mott street

The Tuesday Euchre club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs, DeMarsh, Leonard street.

Miss Olive Bycrs, of Toronto, spent the weekend and holiday at the home of her sister. Mrs. Wil­liam S. Orr, Culp street

Miss Rose Ceccato will entertain the members of the G.T.C. club at her home on Walnut street Thurs­day night

'Miss Marjorie Chlshohn enter­tained at a linen shower last Thurs­day at her home on Main street in honor of Miss Thelma Lee, a bride-elect of next Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bielby and son, of Klrkland Lake, Ont., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Biel­by, Epworth Circle.

The Glenview B.YP.U. will at­tend the rally at S t Catharines to­night

The annual guest tea of the W. MS. of Lundy's Lane United church will be held on Tuesday, No­vember 22.

The delegates to the semi-an­nual meeting of ..the Provincial chapter, Daughters of the Empire, to be held next Thursday and Friday in S t Catharines, will be entertained at afternoon tea at the Refectory on Thursday afternoon, guests of the St. Catharines chap­ter.

Miss Margaret Dewey, of Toronto spent the weekend and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dewey, of Ontario avenue.

The wedding took place in the First United church, Hamilton, Ont., on Saturday of Miss Mary Pearl Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt, to Harry Marshall Coates of this city, son of Mrs. Coates and the late Marshall Coates of To­ronto. The Rev. E. Crossley Hun­ter, DX>.. officiated. The bride wore a tailored suit with antelope accessories, twin silver fox scarf and corsage of orchids and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Alma Hunt, who at­tended the bride wore a Dubonnet suit with matching accessories, stone martin fur and corsage of Talisman roses. J. M. Atkinson, Toronto, nephew of the groom was the best man. Mr. and Mrs. Coates left on a wedding trip to New York and Washington. On their return they will reside at 2669 Lundy's Lane this city.

Lady Gooderham. of Toronto, Is spending the holiday at the Hotel General Brock.

The Carry-on group of the Wo­men's Auxiliary of Morrison Street United church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Martin Henderson, Morrison street

Miss T. Eveland, who attends Loretto academy, is spending the holiday with her mother, Mrs. A. F. Fifieid, St. Catharines.

At 7 o'clock Saturday evening the wedding was solemnized quietly In All Saints' church, Robinson street, of Miss Dorothy Louise Upton, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Upton, of St. Lawrence avenue, to Ralph Edward Macvie. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Macvie, Orchard parkway. Niagara Falls, N. Y. The rector, Rev. Perclval Mayes offici­ated.

The bride looked very attractive in a pale blue crepe gown with Dubonnet hat and accessories. She wore a corsage of roses and llly-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid. Miss Florine Anderson was gowned In black chiffon with black hat white accessories and wore a corsage of white button mums. The best man was Jack Hams of Niagara Falls. N, Y.

Following a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Macvie will take up their residence on Llnwood avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y.


WELLAND TUESDAY Three Criminal Cases, 24 Civil

Actions and Excise Law-suits Lilted.

WELLAND, Ont„ Oct 10 - , With three criminal cases, also Some cases under the Dominion Excise Act, as well as about 24 civil ac­tions, one of the most important dockets in several months la to be heard at the High Court sessions of Welland Supreme court commenc­ing tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The Jury actions range from $25,000 claims to $5,000.

Manley J. O'Laughlin, and Rita O'Laughlin, Niagara Falls, plaint­iffs are seeking a total of $7,500 from Joseph Greenspan and Frank Brettle, of Niagara Falls. The claim arises from a motor accident on Queen street , Niagara Falls, on March 22, 1938.

David Michael Nellingan, of Ham­ilton, plaintiff, piano tuner, claims $15,000 from the Niagara, St. Cath­arines and Toronto Railway and George R. Bradley, motonnan, fol­lowing an accident In the Township of Stamford on April 7, 1938, In which plaintiff was injured when his car was struck by a radial car.

Frank Hoy, of Thorold Township, claims $10,700 from Albert Kelly, of Hamilton. This results from an ac­cident near Welland on February 19, 1938, In which his son, Fank Richard Hoy, was killed when struck by a car driven by Albert Kelly.

A second claim Is by Frank Hoy and his wife. Mrs. Ellen Hoy, plaint­iffs, In another action against Al­bert Kelly for $5,000 and costs in connection with the death of their son, Frank Richard Hoy, on Febru­ary 19, 1938.

Oliver Lovell and Martha E. Lov ell, Niagara Falls, plaintiffs, seek $10,000 and costs from the Cana dlan National Transportation, Ltd., and William T. Burke, bus driver, of Niagara Falls. This follows an accident on August 23, 1937, at Ni­agara Falls

William F. Hennessy. of Buffalo, is plaintiff, seeking $30,000 from the Weston Bread and Cakes, Ltd., To­ronto, and Arthur Newlands, of St. Catharines. This follows a motor accident pn June 30, 1938, in Stam­ford township.

Special Services at City Churches

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, Oct. 10— Harvest thanksgiving services were held In many of the churches throughout the city yesterday. There were large congregations. Special music and singing was fea­tured. A note of rejoicing was sounded in sermons both morning and evening that the Empire on the brink of war was rescued and peaceful conditions restored. The bountiful harvest was stressed by clergy as one of the great factors for giving thanks. Golden sunshine sifting through stained glass win­dows fell on fruit and vegetables garnered from the fields and heaped about the chancels. Autumn flow­ers In the seasons' rich shades decorated the altars. With . the prayers of Thanksgiving for the plenteous harvest were also prayers of gratitude for peace.

Miss M. E. Smith, Miss Carolyn Smith and Malcolm Smith, of Sim-coe street, have returned from a motor trip to New York, Washing­ton, and Virginia.

Paul Flaherty, who attends Grey Gables school, Welland. Ont, is spending the holiday with his brother, Elliott Flaherty, of McRae street

Pride of Niagara chapter. Daugh­ters of the Empire, will meet at the Orange hall at 8 o'clock tomorrow night


CHIPPAWA. Ont. Oct. 10— A quiet wedding was held in the church of Immaculate Conception in St. Cath­arines on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock when Octavla. youngest daughter of A. Lalonde and the late Mrs. A. Lalonde, of Chippawa. be­came the bride of Mr. Loo Turcotte of Niagara Falls. N. Y.

The couple was attended by Miss Augustine Ruby Lalonde, of Chlp-pawa. sister of the bride, and Ar-mand SabOurln. of Niagara Falls N. Y.

Following a short wedding trip they will make their home in Niag­ara Falls, N. Y.

To Convene at Falls

NIAOARA FALLS, ONT, Oct 10 - T h e Optical 8oclety of America will hold Its annual convention at lie General Brock hotel. October

29. There will be 200 delegates. a

» « . » » « i , , . < » l . » « « , , » » , , , ,


Brownie Pack will meet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 in the school room to open fall activities.

Canadian Sports


Fourth Provincial Champion­ship for Falls; Garrett,

Catherwood Honored.

NIAGARA FALLS; Ont, Oct. 10.-Baseball followers, in fact sports de votees in general, throughout the district are today singing the praises of that gallant and smooth working collection of youngsters, the Falls Moose nine, who last Saturday at Oakes park brought,to this city its fourth Provincial baseball chain plonship In seven years when they took Copper Cliff, Northern cham pious; for a 4-2 ride to capture the junior title of the Ontario Baseball association.

Back In 1932, Jfche championship procession started when a bunch of kids mustered together, induced Amos Stuart to stake them, and coached by Joe Kelly, went on to bring to the Niagara district its initial title. They were the C. N. R., team which won the juvenile sham plonship that year.

Since then, the West Ends, coach­ed by Zeke Garrett, won the bantam and juvenile crowns, and it was the self-same Zeke who drove his lads to another pennant last Saturday to rack up something of a record and a mark for coaches to shoot at in the future. To him goes the lion's share of the victory.

Another who is' deserving of fav orable mention is Dave "Toar" Catherwood, titanic pitcher, who game in and game out all season has turned in masterly efforts. Toar reached the peak Saturday. Tower lng over his opponents, he was al­ways the master and climaxed a great performance by victimizing a total of 15 enemy batters on strikes, one more than the amount garnered by Beans CampbeU, his adversary. N. F. Moose . . . .010 010 020—4 '5 1 Copper Cliff 000 010 010—2 5 0

Batteries: Catherwood and Stirl­ing; Campbell and Paquette. Um­pires, Mitchell and Smith.

Hockey Players Off for Season

Many Former Fal l s S t a r s . w i t h B ig League Teams.

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., Oct. 10— With exhibition games billed earlier this season than any season In the past, throughout the Dominion, scores of hockey players are con­verging on tne training camps of the minor and major league teams.

Already the vanguard of the Falls representation has departed. Felix Mancuso and Smack-Allen are In the camp of the Montreal Cana-diens. The others are due to leave this week or early next. Max Kam insky has received word to report to Springfield and will condition in Quebec Max leaves Saturday.

Jeff Kalfleisch, still a chattel of the Boston Bruins, pulls out the same day for Toronto where the Providence Reds assemble for the trip to Hershey. Pa. Jeff Is un­aware whether he will be with the Reds or the Hershey sextet, new­comers to professional hockey.

Hopeful of earning a berth with the Toronto Maple Leafs, Chuck Shannon reports to Preston Mon­day, October 11, where the Leafs and Syracuse Stars drill. Awaiting word as to his status this season is Obs Hexlmer.

Mrs. Stitt. who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Perry Shls-ler. Is now visiting with her daugh­ter In StevensvlUe.

Miss Jean McKenaie Is spending the holiday weekend in Toronto, the guest of Miss Nora Jean Camp­bell.

Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Zleman. of Ottawa, spent the weekend as guests of Mrs. Zieman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. B. McKenzle.

Lind Decision rfeserved

NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. Oct. 10. —Magistrate J. B. Hopkins has re­served decision until Friday in the case of John C. Lind. 759 Crawford place, charged by his wife with de­famatory libel. The charge Is as follows: 'That he did on Septem­ber 20. unlawfully publish A de­famatory libel against his wife LaurA H. Lind by mailing to the said Laura H. Lind. a letter in which the words therein are alleged to constitute libel by exposing her to hatred, contempt and ridicule and designed to insult the said Laura H. Lind. contrary to Section 317 and Section 334 of the Criminal Code of Canada."

In Falls Court

NIAGARA PALLS. Ont, Oct 10— James Cameron, 2415 Pine avenue, NiAgarA Falls, N. Y.. in police court here today, WAS fined $10.75 for speeding. Gordon McLean, of Ham­ilton, WAS given A slmllAr fine for A slmllAr offense. <•

Oordon Howse. of this city, was fined $2.75 for hAvlng no headlights on his car. Krum Kojcklleff, of ails city, was sent to the WellAnd jail for 60 dAys on k charge of vagrancy.

Mann Cup Match, Toronto, Tonight

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., Oct. 10. —With a victory already tucked away, St. Kltts Athletics return to Toronto this evening for the sec­ond game in the Mann cup lacrosse finals against the youthful New Minister Adanacs. It will be the sec­ond of a best three In five game series for the senior lacrosse cham­pionship of Canada. Hundreds of fans from the district plan on mak­ing the trip to cheer on the Ath­letics, who disposed of all opposi­tion in Eastern Canada to earn the right to meet the Western winners.

Football Results

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., Oct. 10 —Results of football games played Saturday in the Important leagues are as follows:

Intercollegiate Union Varsity 13 Queen's 6 McOlll 4 Western 1

Intercollegiate Intermediate Western 7 U. of Toronto. .4 OttAwa 8 Queen's 3 O. A. C 27 McMAster . . . .5

Western Conference CalgAry 14 Winnipeg . . . .0 Reglna 17 Edmonton . . .0

Petes Defeat Nationals

PETERBOROUGH, Ont, Oct 10. —Knocking At the chAmplonshlp door for the first time since 1927, Peterborough moved a step nearer their objective when they downed 8tratford Nationals, 5 to 2, in the first gAme of the O.B.A. senior chAmplonshlp series here Saturday.

Of the 21 American republics, only El Salvador has so far con­tributed toward the memorial light­house to honor Columbus, to be dedicated In 1M2.


OPENWINTERSl Guest Meeting Thursday

gil Church Plans Annivij ary Service.

N1AGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, O c t 10.—A Jlggs dinner ao«j ta

night will mark the opening. tivtties tor the winter &eaWrf] Mark's Men's Service club Thursday evening when i will be privileged to bring

The Virgil Baptist churth hold, its anniversary senw Sunday, October 30, when C Mr. McAteer, of Thorold win L speaker. Madame Lillian Jonei known cbntralto, of Toronto the soloist. T31

The annual Commencement i else of Niagara high school ii held In the Town Rail the ning of November 18.

Relief accounts for the wyi September In the Town of N totaled $32.30.


The 1938 Court of Revision the Town of Niagara will be on October 29 at 2 p. m. The I ara Court of Revision tod, Mayor W. H. Singer. Reeve \? Harrison and Councillors Gobert and W. Reld.

The annual chicken supper, \ sored by the women of St. Presbyterian church, will b» ^ , the Town Hall on November T

Miss Bella Brown will be charge of the decorating of graves on Remembrance Day Newark Chapter, I. O. D. E.

The Canadian Girls In Trais Group of Grace United church ] meet on Thursday at 7:30 p. a

A public meeting of the ratep ers of school section No. 4, Nty Township, will be held at U Secord Hall, Queenston, on Ti day evening. At this meeting vacancy on the school board, ct ed by the death of James A C»fc will be filled.

Niagara Badminton club win b a dance in the Town Hail oal vember 25.

The following four Niagara &s leaders, John Nisbet, Frank Hst Gordon Massie and William 8 will take the Leaders' Trafo course which will b$ held in hi ara Falls during October and) vember.

A number of farmers fromi district will attend the InUrnaua Plowing match the last three 6 of this week at Mlneslng.

Helen and Betty Rivett. of 1 ronto, were holiday guests with ft mother, Mrs. T. Rivett, King stn

Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Gordon! son, Ian, of Hamilton, were fa end guests of Mrs. J. H. Burns.

Niagara Women's Institute i hojd its opening meeting of I winter season tomorrow afterti in the Parish Hall. •

Mrs. S. C. Winslow. n«,-S Cambenn, of Los Angeles, CaBJ. a guest of her niece, Miss A Smith.

Mrs. W. R. McClelland hai'da her Niagara home and will.sp! the winter at her St. PetersV home In Florida.

Is Fined $100 in Obstructing Cas

NIAGARA FALLS. OAt, Oct K Joseph Fornes. 612 St. LSWTO; Yivenue, was fined $100 tod costs three months In Wellafid Jail Magistrate J. B. Hopkins'on Sab day afternoon charged .with j structlng a police officerfwhfle f charging hts duties.' When » Sergeant Norman Byeri *is4ted premises on September 6 it a. m. he testified that Pomes down the stars, shut the ccfltfl In his face and smashed aWfl liquor. A similar charge lalf »g Louise Dupls of the same w was dismissed. Those who took 1 in ,the raid were Sergeant BJ Constables Foster, Brooks sod 11ns of the city police- F0"5** * the fine.

Men's Qlub to M««t lA

NIAGARA FALLS. ONT.O* —The Men's club of Morrlsjei" United church will hold its fW» per meeting of the season 08 r nesdAy night at 6:30 o'clock » church hsll. The guest spear* be Edward Powers, engineer. North American Cyanw?i» who will give an illustrated hU trip to South Africa *£ spent a year and A half. TJ be community singing witn Ware,* pianist ; J

Taxi Driver Injur**

NIAGARA FALLS. O N T ^ - A tAXicab driven by No«J» liard, 10M VsUey Wsy, «Wf. side of a aNJ l . ft^-SSL. tirasy nlghtwhlch **M&7\ the Stanley street c w g S J I front of the taxi was ̂ ^ t f l 'lard escaped with » WmM

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