I n · 2009. 12. 28. · victorv to the allied arms Indee 1 we know now escort throughout t ea.rrnv...


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  • 'rHE

    TEl1Jl[$ OJ' SUBSC:aIl'TION

    220 FIFTH

    Wilen de

    SWOI N ClnCUJ A.NONtot I' fa el•.cut.Hon 01 ••Tho Oklcalll'O 1'rlbual',"

    ft ••eported III Ie•. oatll to the United Statea gOY-meat u •.•der sectlon 4GT~ of tloe podal lawa

    and reguJ"tlon" b••ing the .,crage froID ~prU 1

    19 4 to Sept 30 1914.llall,.S ••'da,.


    The abO' e f1;;ure.. are e:r.eluatt·e ot all l.apershi ••• hnn ilL•••••••• aa •••d ttpoU••d ••••turned oI"'pU.

    .",t, d d••UYere,1 na compliment ry, I. eXchange,S '''lttll)le. Which T\>e•." nti••••ed Or lod or •••.reI If! hl til rlrl:ttg lit their d••4Itlnntlon or thllt re••"dn un .•."ld 'III ••,. "lao I'e e1tclu •.•lve of papersf ••I I fu" but (. which mODey 110pat" hall b en•. fun le~

    OCrOllER 11 1914


    THE CHIC The cO(llraelor.Iates that \\ork wi It d ly and usually keep I gin tou"h with be eomp eted before that t mea H r~ It.:C-tlfy their faml1len Records of capturea e kept and ilformatlon for 1Vardedtor"latlves 'Vhen It Is poss ble Ute namesof the enemy captured or the WOUldeden em es taken and the kllled enemiesIdel t fled "lth ouch factll as a e popel'are sent through the lines to the relatl\el!l

    I(lopyrlr;l1t. 19H

    THE obJect of th. A'lllttlcan RedCross the rea son it exists Is to &,0a8 a Vrnporarl' means of reller Intoany fte d where there Is any break Inthe ordinary machtnery of soeletr

    tOllupplvWlieels" hen the ordfrrarv w heelshave got out of gear Th

    tlon of the or-gantza.tlon Is the samethough deta Is of the rellef machineryare organized on B dlt'terent bulS!--II) the ordinary dll-y8 wor {)t •• co 11mun ty the d trlf theirmeans ol SUIpOI t

    As ti as,," fanulles can 8tJend but littleproduct on and trade ar~ 11mted lLndthus ether workerll are thrown out ofworkThe Red Cross maY be caLled upon to

    help care fDr the fam 1 es left at homeThe army is Iro, Idea wIt! maci>fnpry

    '1\ th wh ell to care for the s ck wounaed disabled an 1 dead at the front Buthere I" ge erally n oeu of a mach ne tocare for or to he'P care for the base hospItals and convalescent car ps and tokeep the men at tl p front In proper touch"lth the folk at hDm" Th s s an 1mp rtant part of the work of th-eRed Cross..•..

    ---ar Mis" Ciltra Bartollhad on H\ C' 1 f'{Jr the ails stance F.hehad rendered the" oun 1 d and the helpshe had gl\ en the fami,,~ \Vhen she\\ etta S" ze land n 18GG 51e wasb oug" t closely n contact \ th the \\ rkorgan e J tl ere She returned to tl eUnit"d Stat~s and be"an ber worit for as m ar 0 ganlzat on here Sht. succe-ededr ~81Orgar ized on a VI ar basis she proposed

    tl d s ur d a a nendm

    represented Ro~coff In organIzation ~rmlttoed to render &ld toertory but ~ ngnerlan opera no 10ng"r mOlloI oltze~ I the Flnlsterre for close the laf'd and nll.val forces of the Un tedour seasons ~ e have had Ital an reVIvals an -} upon fOI , vears wltl;Jout S ateaFrench peno 1s but VI t ere are we no" operatically nterruptlon I This act on- was by reason of an agreespeaklllg What does the I lblic want II) "rand I His eloq ence "'II as of me.nt of one of the cO'nvent!ons to th~ ef01 era? the cla"slcal order and fect tra volunteer r,,1 ef .IIocletlu In

    '------ --' portra} en the French order to hav~ the PI' vllet;e1l accorded byA recent (ferend 1m by tl e Cent lrj Opem - h t must I ave the sanctionlang "gee In sucl p rlt} and per:rect1on that e en t I1greem~n. 1

    [an~ of Ne \ York f rl shes an ansVier to tI ose of 1 is poll tICal advelsarles ",10 most bit Iof e head on articles of agreement of the dltr.r

    T II t b Id h d dent conve tlons Some of these rule.the !lst of favor tes are these Alun ['lam preSSlve appf'alanCe roo s a ea e • .swith a Vihlte m sta>Cheand other",lse clean aha,en are a follo\son and DelJlan The Barher of ReVIlle 1l I 1 Relief 5Ocle1les for prisoners of wa,r

    IOUlse R "-oletto :\1ldame Butterflv pale face a Roman loae a fu ana dlsda nfu which are Ploperly constituted In ac'" n outl broad shoulders a tremendous chest nar cordance with the la" s of their cO'llntry

    Bolilme The Tales of Hoffman., Tl alS roVi haunc -es and arrayed il a froelc coat of fault al d w th the object of II4lrvlng 'lS th.H .ensel and Gretel" ,lfSS build he looked the typical retired cavalry channel for charlta111e effort shall receIvei\n exce lent rei ertory n Itself oflloer trom tne b•.lllgerentB tor them&elvu and

    sound highly cred table repertory His language and demeanor 'l\hen speallng "ere I their duly accredited agents ev"ry facllnew !tuhun old Fren 1 new Frel cll characterized by the most perfect 0 ltViard courtesy ty tor the efflc ent performance of their

    I t th t th humane task within the bounds Impo"edGerman opera" III be fou Id n the hst TI e puhh And yet sometimes t was so pro, oca ve a ere by mll tary necetlSlt1~a and aum nJCltra.would be signs of restlessnesll on the benches of\'Innts neither hackneyed stuff nor mere novelty D 'f 1
