IAAS Newsletter Jan-Feb 2016




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International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences




January - February

2016 By Sam Raeymaekers

VP Communication IAAS World

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 2

News from new applying countries ........................................................................................................... 3

Austria ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Bulgaria ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

IAAS activities .................................................................................................................................................... 5

Switzerland Exchange Week 2016 ......................................................................................................................... 5

IAAS Indonesia ............................................................................................................................................................... 6

Partners events and more ......................................................................................................................... 11

The role of agricultural biotechnologies in sustainable food systems and nutrition – FAO ....... 11

Upcoming events ........................................................................................................................................... 13

IAAS World Congress 2016 .................................................................................................................................... 13

Exchange Coordinators Meeting .......................................................................................................................... 14

Seminar 2016 Poland - Between tradition and quality .............................................................................. 15

Seminar Week 2016 - An Agricultural Walk along the Rhine .................................................................. 16

Want to attend and represent IAAS at an FAO event? ................................................................................ 16

EC Courier ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

Call for Articles ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


News from new applying countries

2015-2016 will be a year of growth for IAAS. Old committees

rebuilding, new committees joining. IAAS is growing steady!

Austria One of the applicants is IAAS Austria!

They are more than ever ready for their come-back! Read on and get

to know the new team!

Are you interested in joining IAAS? Get in touch with us!

info@iaasworld.org and vpcommunication@iaasworld.org.

Follow IAAS Austria: Facebook & Website

Their message

Hey everyone,

We are a group of students from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna,

currently reactivating IAAS in Austria. In the past there has been a huge IAAS community at our

university, but since most of the former members graduated, it has fallen into oblivion.

Now we are working on reconnecting with everyone and getting to know this interesting

association. This year we will participate in several European seminar weeks to experience how

IAAS actually works. Extending our team and planning events for you to explore Austria are our

goals for the near future. In case you would like to say Hi or ask any questions, we are always

happy about a little chat with you!

Check out our webpages and stay tuned.

We’re all very excited to get to know you and your projects soon.

Best wishes,

Your team from IAAS Austria

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Bulgaria Another new group in Bulgaria is setting their first steps

towards establishing an IAAS committee!

IAAS Bulgaria met with the Dean of Agriculture university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria The executive committee of IAAS Bulgaria held a meeting

with the Dean of the university the organization is based

at. This was the first official meeting that was held and

presented the idea of IAAS and IAAS Bulgaria. It also

included future plans and how to achieve them.

In conclusion: The University expressed its approval and full support of the creation and

registration of IAAS in Bulgaria. It also offered an office, with required equipment and logistic and

administrative assistance. Talks were made about an international event in Bulgaria to be held in

the upcoming year.

Two day seminar with students and agribusiness IAAS Bulgaria assisted in organizing and facilitating a two day seminar with the agricultural

business and the students of Agricultural university of Plovdiv. Companies like BASF, Bayer Crop

Science, Adama, DuPont, Pioneer and SumiAgro presented their newest products and innovations

and inspired the students to aim higher and pursue a career as agronomists.

“ I can claim with full

responsibility that the

students in agricultural

sciences here in Bulgaria

and all across the world

can motivate and lead

change, create a better

future and assure a

sustainable agricultural

development. Because

they are the leaders of


ND IAAS Bulgaria

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


IAAS activities

Switzerland Exchange Week 2016 Our journey, nearly 1500 km through Switzerland started in Sion with an « Welcoming Fondue »

at midnight, after three hours in a car. A hard beginning for mediterranean people that are not

used to our cheese gastronomy.

We had a first day in the agronomic research center of Changins, where we discovered the seed

gen bank as well as various research about potatoes. Back in Valais, we finished the day at the

sunset with an epic time sliding on garbage bags. The second day, we appreciated the sun and the

valaisan landscape along the vineyards of Sion, and finally we tasted some bottles of Grand Cru by

Marie-Bernard Gillioz. In the afternoon, we went to a goat farm where we tasted some goat cheese.

The Wednesday was more busy. After get up at crack of dawn, we had an orgy of chocolate at

Maison Cailler. Later in the afternoon, we could visit the exhibition « We are eating the world » in

Lucerne. Afterward we had a citytour-express, and finally we finished with a marketing Workshop

given by our IAAS specialist. On Thursday, we visited the Syngenta research center. On the very

beautiful site of Stein, the presentation as well as the impressing facilities aroused a lot of

enthusiasm. In the land of Lucerne, and in totally different perspective, we discovered in the

afternoon a lot of rare breeds and varieties in a farm-arch sustained by the Foundation Pro Specia


Friday, the participants had to practice their marketing abilities in creating yoghurt, from the

marketing concept to the final product, without forgetting the jar design.

Some got impressed by the ability of our drivers on small mountain road or by the swiss

organisation, others blamed us for the ubiquity of cheese, for the loud wake-up at 6h30 after

having slept three hours and for a busy program. Nevertheless, everybody went back home with

a lot of happy memories about their new friendships and were glad to have discovered the great

diversity of this small country.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


IAAS Indonesia National Strategic Meeting (NSM) 2016

“A milestone to achieve a greater vision of IAAS Indonesia”

National Strategic Meeting (NSM) is a meeting where the

national committee and representative from local committee

gathered to discuss and set the annual strategy for IAAS

development as well as taking the opportunity to create an

unbreakable bonding among the members through some fun

activities. As IAAS envisioned to be “the leading Agricultural

youth development and dedicated organization”, the meeting

was held successfully and it was divided into 4 sessions, they


Session 1 – How to synergize the work of National Committee and Local Committee?

Session 2 – How to plan our activities as the leading Agricultural youth development and

dedicated organization?

Session 3 – How to enhance our branding as the leading Agricultural youth development and

dedicated organization?

Session 4 – Progress Report from Local Committee, WOCO Organizing Committee, and two

university representative who’s interested to join IAAS Indonesia as candidate member next year.

Stop food waste: SnapFood

“1.3 billion tons of foods are wasted every year!”

Unconsciously we like to waste the food. When we have leftover

food on our plate, uneaten food that left on refrigerator until

expired, badly prepared then we just throw it away. Some people

do not know that it can cause big problem.

Global fact says that 1.3 billion tons of foods are wasted every

year. This amounts to US$1 trillion dollars of wasted or lost food.

Then another fact says that 55-65% food waste on consumer

level. Food waste has a negative impact on the environment, on

the economy, on food security and on nutrition, said Ludovica

Principato, a Ph.D.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


What we can do as youth to help this problem? Start from little thing, let’s encourage society to

respect their food and the farmer works by joining SNAPFOOD. Finish food without leaving

leftover food can bring a big impact to world.

Everyone is welcome to join SNAPFOOD, More than 75 snapfood has been sent to IAAS Indonesia.

So let’s take a picture of your food before and after you finish it. Write the caption with [ I join

snapfood by @iaas_indonesia, your best caption ] don’t forget to use #snapfood #FinishYourFood

and tag @iaas_indonesia after that upload it to your Instagram account or other social media account.

Snapfood, Finish Your Food!

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences



by IAAS Local Committee Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)

Agroschooling is a social project established in 2012 by IAAS LC Unpad, Indonesia. Agroschooling

aims to introduce the world of agriculture since an early age to the early generation which is

elementary school students, Agroschooling proposes to raise children’s awareness of the

importance of agriculture, environment, and health through education and simple practices

taught in the school for months.

This year, Agroschooling aspired to promote International Year of Pulses 2016 as a contribution

towards Sustainable Develompent Goals on the theme of “Nutritious Seeds for a Sustainable

Future”. Not only that, engaging Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP), the NGO works

on promoting plastic bag diet, as its partner, Agroschooling 2016 acts as one of the agents of

change in reducing plastic bag usage by doing a Use-Reusable-Bag campaign and holding how-to-

make-a-reusable-bag workshop.

In the future, we hope to bring more positive impacts to the surroundings and plant a mindset


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a LIFE by what we GIVE.

So give your knowledge to the children because children are the world’s most

valuable resource, and it is the best hope for the future”

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


The brighter smile of Kemuning

by IAAS Local Committee Sebelas Maret University (UNS)

“I believe the happiest thing in the world is

when you share to others”

Dr. Happy

Kemuning is a village located in Mt. Lawu’s feet,

precisely in Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar district.

Kemuning is 34 km away from Sebelas Maret

University and can be reached in 1 hour by

motorcycle. This village has huge potencies. Because

of its geographical, a lot of plants able to grow

prolifically. The main commodities of Kemuning

village are tea, red guava, and vegetables. Kemuning

village has huge human resource with 80% of the

citizen is in productive age. Thus, Kemuning village potentially become agro-tourism destination

in Indonesia. But, there are some obstacles faced by villagers. The red guava commodity is

vulnerable while villagers don’t have skill to process it into food product or preserve it. There is

also need to raise elementary student’s enthusiasm on agriculture. Villagers have to be trained on

how use water efficiently and manage waste. IAAS LC UNS helps to overcome those obstacles one

by one during this two year, we keep out tranquil dedication to see the smile of Kemuning.

Our first program in Kemuning Village for 2016 is

SOFT-TEA that has been held on Sunday, May 15th

2016 from 9 am until 1 pm. SOFT-TEA stands for

Socialization of Guava-Ginger Manufacture and Share

Tea. Share tea is our masterpiece program to share

and teach children in Kemuning about agriculture,

English proficiency, and creativity. In this occasion we teach them to make Saung Kagura, an innovation

of reducing plastic waste by transforming it into pot

with water reservoir. The other agenda is

socialization. We socialized farmer association on

how to make red guava jam because 10% of red guava

corps wasted, so we suggest processing it into jam.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Gingerangers Project

by IAAS Local Committee Dipenogoro University (UNDIP)

Gingerangers Project is a form of embodiment of what we believe that students can contribute

actively to minimize the impact of poverty in the village without leaving duties in the college.

These activities include innovation ginger cultivation in polybag and social business “Chocoped’s”,

namely chocolate products that use ginger as a lasing taste. In addition we are also trying to

inspire students about the importance of the role of education and the profession through

Tutoring Gemawang (BBG) which endorse the elements of local wisdom, exact education and agriculture with the theme “agroeduculture”.

We believe people are born to accomplish their mission to make the world a better place up to

their way. So do us, which believe that we as students of university could contribute on sustainable

economic growth issues. Our form of confidence of what we believe then converted into real action

called Gingerangers Project which focuses on strategic issues in Indonesia, such as food security

and nutrition, increase agricultural productivity and the standard of living in rural populations.

Figure: Local community empowerment through verticulture socialization

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Partners events and more

The role of agricultural biotechnologies in sustainable food

systems and nutrition – FAO 15-17 February, Rome, Italy

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing an international

symposium with theme “The role of agricultural biotechnologies in sustainable food systems and

nutrition” in Rome on 15-17 February 2016. The symposium aims to examine how the application

of science and technology, and particularly agricultural biotechnologies, can assist smallholders

in developing sustainable food systems and improving nutrition in the context of climate change.

The Symposium involved multistakeholder, multisectoral and multidisciplinary actors.

The Symposium provided a forum for

innovation and fresh perspectives. In

this context, FAO organized a special

side event during the Symposium to

allow greater engagement of

agricultural students in universities and

young agricultural professionals around

the world that may not be able to travel

to Rome. The side event would bring the

perspectives and opinions of the

students who represent the next

generation of scientists, agricultural

practitioners, leaders and decision

makers. The outcome of the initiative reported to the final plenary session of the Symposium the

morning of 17 Feb 2016.

On the first day, FAO invited several universities from all over the world to organize a 'Webinar

Event' at their university, for students and young professionals to watch and listen to the Plenary

Session and the High Level Ministerial Session of the Symposium. Based on the issues discussed

in those sessions, a student representative prepares an 'Input for Policy makers' from the student

perspectives. Bogor Agricultural University, represented by its IAAS Local Committee, was invited

and successfully organized this prestigious Webinar event.

During the Webinar event at Gedung Audit Mandiri, Bogor Agricultural University, about 45

students participated and actively engaged on a fruitful discussion regarding the theme of the

Symposium. In order to bring out the best “Input for Policy makers”, the students participants

were divided into 8 different groups to discuss on the agricultural biotechnologies in sustainable

food systems and nutrition in Indonesia. Generally, they came up with a final draft of statement

that will be delivered on the second day at FAO-led Student Interactive Session by the previous

IAAS Indonesia National Director, M. Irvan Herviansyah.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


The wonderful moment happened during

the second day, where IAAS Indonesia was

on FAO-led Student Interactive Session

through video links. It was a 1.5 hr Student

Interactive Session with a panel of policy

makers and leading scientists in the Sheikh

Zayed Media Centre, FAO, Rome. The

student participants or their

representatives from the seven invited

universities were connected via video-link

with FAO HQ through multiple screens. The

facilitator first provided an overview and

invited the student representatives to

provide their suggestions and inputs for

policy makers.

During the FAO-led Student Interactive

Session, student representatives from the

five invited universities gave their input for

policy makers respectively. As IAAS Indonesia representative, M. Irvan Herviansyah delivered the

final input which focuses on heritage culture and biodiversity issues with following proposal:

1. We propose the policy makers, scientists, and international bodies to consider the local

wisdom in the making of policy. Deeper research should be done before making any policies.

2. We propose the policy makers to consider the biodiversity in any case. Illegal activity that

could harm the perseveration should be punished without exception.

Lastly, IAAS Indonesia input also emphasized on agricultural branding issue, especially youth

interest in agriculture. Hence, we propose to FAO and Policy makers to support Student

associations and youth activity that related to Agriculture. We believe that more participation

from youth equals higher success rate in our Agriculture. This will automatically affect the

sustainability of agriculture especially biotechnology. “Well, for example. I joined in IAAS, which

basically the largest agricultural student association in the world. IAAS Indonesia has an activity

called “Youth Agricareture” which aims to make agriculture sexier than ever.” Said Irvan.

The student interactive session went really smooth and it was a true honour for us to be able to

speak on behalf of youth in agriculture to the policy makers in FAO, Rome. We hope that FAO and

IAAS can continue collaborating in enhancing young people engagement in agriculture through

many ways.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Upcoming events

IAAS World Congress 2016 22 July – 10 August, Indonesia

With proud we announce the next IAAS World Congress, 59th edition! Find more info on the

Official IAAS WoCo Indonesia Facebook page.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Exchange Coordinators Meeting 8 - 15 April, Greece

IAAS Greece proudly presents the Exchange Coordinator (ExCo) Meeting 2016. Apply and come

to this great event in Thessaloniki and Volos from the 8th to the 15th of April.

During this week you will learn about the Exchange Program (ExPro) of IAAS and how you can

start or develop it in your country. Participate in the assemblies and help the Vice - President of

Exchange and the Exchange Coordinator improve the ExPro and set new goals and strategies.

Receive trainings in soft-skills from experienced trainers and broaden your horizons.

Learn about Greece’s agriculture and history throughout several excursions . Visit both

Thessaloniki’s and Volos’ Agronomy Universities and their beautiful cities. Last but not least you

will enjoy Greece’s modern and traditional night-life.

Are you ready to take your IAAS experience a step further?

Application form:


Application Deadline:15/02/2016

Arrival Point: Makedonia Airport SKG,Thessaloniki

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Participation Fee:

Category A: 100 € Category B: 110 € Category C: 120 € Category D: 135 € Category E: 150 €

For any questions do not hesitate to contact us via facebook IAAS Thessaloniki- Auth or via email (greece@iaasworld.org)

Seminar 2016 Poland - Between tradition and quality 17 – 24 April, Poland

Come to Poland!

This year we are organizing a special 'seminar' for you! - "Between tradition and quality".

The main topic will be the policy of the European Union in relation to quality of traditional and

organic food.

It will be an exciting week full of excursions, farm visits & social activities together with old and

new IAAS-members from different countries in Warsaw and Zakopane, near beautiful polish

mountains - Tatry.

Join this event to always get the latest news about the seminar.

Do you have questions or wishes? Leave a comment, write an email or ask us in person ;)

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


We are looking forward to hear from you,

IAAS - Poland

Seminar Week 2016 - An Agricultural Walk along the Rhine 30 April – 7 May, Germany

Finally we can officially announce our this year's seminar week! One week of farm visits and

excursions around good, agriculture, plant cropping, animal husbandry, food processing and

agricultural technology is waiting for you!

50€ registration fee and a few clicks away from you...

APPLY NOW! http://iaas-germany.jimdo.com/application/

We provide you with a wonderful accommodation for the whole group, self-cooked food,

transport from and to Stuttgart Airport and an exciting program - Don't wait, apply now! We'll

keep you up to date about the detailed program, what we can already promise you: You will get to

know the geographic specialities of the Rhine region and something about the famous German

'Spargel', some food processing, some (agricultural) politics and some innovative technology will

be involved too! We are looking forward to welcome you and spend time with you!

IAAS Germany

Want to attend and represent IAAS at an FAO event? Year round

As IAAS and FAO are historical partners, members of IAAS have the

privilege to attend global, regional and national FAO events related to

agro, environment and food topics.

If you are interested and show good motivation to participate at an

FAO event, Sam and Genna guide you in the application process and

provide you with. Don’t hesitate to take this opportunity and get to

know the best of the best professionals in your field of study!

Contact Sam and Genna: vpcommunication@iaasword.org &


Some possible events that might be interesting for you (you can always browse the FAO’s many

event sites and propose an event you want to attend to us):

Commission for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Latin America and the Caribbean (COPESCAALC) February 10-17, Lima, Peru

Symposium on the Role of Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition February 15-17, Rome, Italy

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission February 22-26, Subic Bay, Philippines

FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific March 7-16, Malaysia

FAO Regional Conference for Africa April 4-8th, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivore

Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) 11th Session Rome, Italy 04-April-2016 / 08-April-2016

FAO Regional Conference for Europe

May 2-5, Antalya, Turkey

FAO Council 154th Session Rome, Italy 30-May-2016 / 03-June-2016

Committee on Forestry and Committee on Fisheries July

Committee on Agriculture September

Committee on World Food Security October

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


EC Courier

This section will be featured in the IAAS Newsletter March April 2016, where an overview of the

accomplishments of EC and CC from January until April 2016 will be given.

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences


Call for Articles

Did you organize an event?

Do you want to share anything with IAAS World and its


Send your article with pictures to

vpcommunication@iaasworld.org before the 20th of

December, 2015

This IAAS Newsletter was brought to you by Sam Raeymaekers

Leuven, March 2016

International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences