IBER 12 , 1929 · 2016-06-20 · bobcats 13-cowboys 0 ~xpon:ent volume xxl bozei\! a n, montana....


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BOBCATS 13-COWBOYS 0 ~xpon:ent



Four Married Men on Squad BOBG~TS TRIUMrH O~tR GOWB~~s ON WET ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

flElO AT SHERIDAN, W~O., M~NO~~ ~tTE~NO~N F rosh and ~ophmore Conte t to

Be Held Friday 13th During December BUTT[ SPt~KtR


Defrate, Wylie and Worthington Make Runs for Long Gains. F irst Three Quarters Fnd Score­less. Game Characterized by Careful Pia ) ing. Wyoming Kept on Defensive During !\fo"' o f Tilt

T: C" naditicnnl frl'shman-~ophomorc dC.~)at(' is to be iein:-;taterl. This was definitely U!-<SUJ ed at a joint meeting (, _' the f phomorp and f1e~hman de-1 '.!tC' cr mmitkes ht.•ld la!'-t Tm~day. At ran.cement~ werl· ma c for the timt and I• ac(' of the debate as well a~ for the llll''hod uf selectinc- t(•arn~. and frr the ~ubjed. which is to be the na­t!cnal r· Ka;n a Delta qm:...;tion: Re-

Dr. Emanuel Sternheim Talks to Assembly on "The Ed ucat i"e \'alue of Books"

:olrvl~~: J{ac·tot;~~le~~t~i~~ 1~~~~~~n~d~~: On TuC'sCiav murninl?, :-.:ovcmLcr fl. c.erring- :->i; h fon:e a~ n: e m.ecled for Dr. Em:inuei Sternhe·m, rabbi of

J' B'X ai Israel conjtrc~g-ation of Butte. P~~~~s 1 ~1~b~~~="· j.._ ont.: d ..\Jontana ga\'e an intc1c:<0tinl! ad .l'c:-;s. on. "The S1a1e's clde<:.t tra 'itionF". It origin- Educatkc \'alue of Bcok:-.'' ated in the early days of the _oJlege J h~ bt~U.t!~t out c.:leaily .the f~ct thal and hn.s continued until last )-ear, the. ms.htut10n:; of learnmg Ol toc~av when. for 'ariClus reasC'ns. no clobate lratn too lll\ll'h along the tt.?Chmcnl was bcld. Interest in the c·onte:-t ha!'t lines and the result is that the indi­alwan; bPen hic-h. :\'o matter how \·idual i:- tau,,.tht how to makl• money te hriical the sutjer1. the ancien~ rather than how to Ji\'e. 11'-aln· cf the two t:la~ses always. 'The avera· e ~tudents se< ms to b<:? "'cn·e~ to make the deba~e intere~tin.r! ment:.dy lazy' 1 ht-- said. "they like to fr e\·e:vone. It is the onlv time of te 1el'e\·cd of thinking-." the \·e:u: when a fro"h i:- g-i\en an n- t l 'ontinued on Page Two) ram'pere I opportunit\' to expre::-R him­sdf. and con:0equent1y satire and wit am likeh· to run rampant.

Tradition. which sars the te 1at\.· ·must be he~d toward the midrlle of

Decemter h. to be folowed exactly. C'on~equently Friday, tht' l~th. i5 the da)-" it falls on this Year. Thi5 is one we<•l\: befl re the end of the quarter.

The que··tion b to be debated by three man team<:.. The fre~hman team is to be selected by tr'youts in the near future. The:;:.c, tryouts will also r1etet mine the winner of the Pi Kapna DeJta cup which if: awarded annualh­to the bef:t freshman debator. Four membe1·:0 ,dlJ be select<d for the team. Of hese, · hrte will ,, bate the '-Onh-.>­mores an l the four th will be alter­nate. The same fo::r persons prob­abl>-f will later take part in the dual debate with the Uni\·ersi y, two of them l?Oinq- to :J-fi~~oula. and the re-

(Continued on Page Three)

Judging Team Tells of Meet

\\'inner of Honors a t Portland Show Te ll of Experiences. Cline Gh·es Talk

landing : Leonard Kleffman. Hibbing, Minn. , Earl Semingsen. (:reat Fall ~. Kneeling: Jason Preston, Bozeman, Harrell Renn, Hamil ton.


Two Tourhdowns and One Successful Try for Points Gave M. S. C. the Game. Dyche's Men Forced the Playing and l\!ade Long Marches for Opponents Goal

l\lontana late was again victorious when tney defeatl!d the \Vyoming Cowbo,ys on a snow-covered field v·i+ h a Sl.. or e of l 1-0 at S!i.cridan, yes ·~·'·­day. After dopstcrs had predicted that fie 1 obcats would lose on a wet or snow-to\'erecl fit•ld, DeFrate. \\' ~·1!~ and Worthington ran wild to build up the decisi\'e score in the contest.

..\ftel' playing careful, even football :n the first quarter and neither team scoring in the ne:<t two periods, the Bcbcats spectacular long runs and pass'.ng brought the game to a climax in the iast period.

Gatton Field Done in 1930

Work Commenced Las t Spring to Be Completed During Pre · sent Year

\Vyomine- and Montana State havC> met !'tix times on the football field. \.\~oming wen 1~-17 in a famous game at Laramie in Hl2-I and repeated the ricxt year at Bozeman by a rally with a 7-0 score. Since that time Montana has won four times, L0-0, 6-0, 14-7, and l:J-0. The \\'yoming garnc has bcecme one of the feature cards for both schools .

In eastern 1\lontann and \Yyoming, 'he Cowboys were toted to win, in spite of the Bobcat victories over B. Y. U. and the Grizzlies and the Cowboys list of five defeats. To win yesterday's game would ha\'e meant

J muC'h to the Cowboys, on it they were .:;taking their chances for a conference victory this year. After meeting the Bobcats. \Vyoming mu~t play B. Y. U. :md lJtah University.

Play by play: ?i rsJ Quarter

The coin fa \.·ored the Cowboys, who l'eceived the kickoff. 1 n the first play Barker l'eceived a pa~s from Hale and went 15 yards before he was stopped . Montana held Wyoming and compelled them to puni.. 'Wyoming punted to

Next fall will see the Bob<:ats play- :\1. S. C. 20 yard line. For several

MOUE STUDEN'I1S NEiiDED I t~pbT;~~is0~:dgrJr(:b:~,1~~ ni;fr:o~iJ I ~J:~:J:i:j~~:~~- ~~~~;:~if'.~n;}~ 1 I\, l.J Gattr:n field for a new one located in for downs and recei\'ed the ball on

the back of the gymnasium. This will their 20 yard line.

TR IP be of great ad\antage to the teams Score: :J-lontana O. 'Vyc.>111ing O.

FOR GREAT FALLS playing as it will give them acces~ to Second Qirn rter better quarters between hakes. . The ~econ<l quarter opened with

\York. wa~ star~ed on the new r1eld Twilde ::::.naiing- one of Hale's pa~ses


Founded in 19'.l:l. :I-fem be rs Chc~en From Upper Two­fifths ot Class

Alpha Zeta, :.\lontan:t S~ate's honor­ary fraternity for Ag s t.aim~ ·.1.x members thi_..; ytar. The chapter ha..; been a tive s:r ·e Januaq, 1!122, an I sends a delegate each season, aboul lh1:stn.as time, lo tne . ational on­• ention \\ hich i~ bein'.{ he.d a I.ouiR­vil!e. Kentucky, th~"' year.

'l he memte1s are cho~en from the upper t\1,·o-1ifths of their c.as .. u; an, are graded ... .i,O!'l their scholar.shii, leader hip. activitie:-, etc. 1 he ubjec of the f1 3ternit) is to promvt~ a~ri­culture and Iarm life. and to devf!lop interest in stat{ ... r.lleges anu their ex­tensicn wo1k along- ag-ticultural de ve!c:pments. Last year c:lub t'Onte:;t was sponscred in a.I the high ~chool" o Cthe ~tate. A rennant an i <.;('\era! prizes were awarded to the winner<:..

The active members of the )lontan:i. chavter now a1e: Herbert Zwisler. Ralph Cline, Leonard \Vin.tr, :.\Ialborne Parker, Scott Hoskinson, and Bill Kelson.


.\ JI supho~ores interested in

tryi ntr out for sophomore debate mu t meet in r< 1m :H 6 ) l c. nt ana hall. Tuc.sday, :'\ o,·ember 12, at 5 :00 o'clcck. Debate ccmmittet', Per F. De"e).

Art Department Enters Contest

\\'e:ncsday, at 7::30. the Agricul­tural club held the larg-est and most important meetinJ.? of the quarter. l he main event of the evening was tht' report on the Pacific International Lh·e$tot.:k Exposition, given by mem­bers of the team that represented :\lontana State. Ralph Cline ga \·e a sho1·t talk 011 the founding of Alpha Zeta, honorary ag-rie,:.:ltural fraternity, and its purpose:::i. There was also a di~cussion on plans for the annual "ag day" and an .. ag dan<.'e 11 to be sponsored by the club. ::\lore will be aid about. thes.e affair~ at a latter


(Br A rm in 11 ill) be there with bells on, and of course

last spnng when 1t was P'raded, ~ide<l, on the Montana 35 yard line and run-and watc1: lines put i~. This year ning 35 yards. DeFrate next ran to , • a fence IS to be built completely I the opponent's 9 yRrd line. Only Tormentors u, 111

Three cheers for the Bobcats! Once Lou Howard is taking the Bol>cat. more every l:itudent at ~lontana State banJ. Thus :\!. S. C. will be there in is given the opportunity to support full color to ~how Great Fall s just how the snappy Bobcat team at a game collegiate a college can be. There will awa>-' f1om the home fieU. This time be a parade of the students as soon as the game is to be one which will de- the special anive~ there. \Yord has cide the collc:giate football champion· been received that a large delegation $hip for the state this year, and as is oming from around Havre and si.;ch should be of utmost interest to c.ther northern points to l.clp out. c.i.ery red-blooded student. on the cam- Automobiles ha\·e been arran~ed for pu~. The oppo~ing team will be none by some of th-:- organizations, and ether than the mighty squad from I thct~ will be de.01at.ed to help add :J-[ount Saint Charles College at color to the parade. Student acti\·ity Helena, and the field will be at Great t;ckets will be good for admittance to Falls. \Yhat's more. the day i~ to be the j!ame. and a ~ection will be held none other than Thanksg-i\'ing Cay; for the !'tudents. Fangs and Spurs

a~o~nd the field, and the bl~ac~ers eight yards were gained by four fl will be moved up from the olo f1e_ld . assaults at the Cowbnys line. The I

Lernard \\· ing and Bill Shanklin gave int~re~ting act'ounts of the ex-

The track has been. s:.rrad~d and Cl~l- Bobcats were forced to turn over the Show on Nov 26 dcr~d, and! after rolhn~ this year, w1l1 ball one yard from the goal. • be m readiness _fo~· the track men: The The ball was kicked out of danger perientes of the Jive~to~k judgoing-

p · · ·· S · · J ttam. They cles.riheci in detail the amtm!l' ".'" Be ent to Exhibit system em1>loyed in judging al Port-

tot~! cost of this 11nprovement \nll be by \Vyominl?. \\-yoming- reco\'ered a $6.oOO when c?mpletecl. Howe1'_c1', the Bobcat fumble. The rest of the quart- The Doll's House LO :f!p GiYen t1 3. k mcludeo m this amount is only er was characterized larsrely by kick- at E m erson Auditoriu1n at " ashmgton, D. C. 1land. Profe.sor :\elson, of the dairy

___ department, and )lartin :i\'elson. high temporary. . . inJ.?.'. 1

The a1 t department is sending the r-ainting "Feeding Cattle, ·winter" \vhil:h hangs in the fireplace i·oom of Herrick hall, to an art exhibit spon­.sc-rtd by the Smithsonian lnstitute at \\·a:;hington, D. C. The painting is b,· Harry Leith-Ro5"s and was pur­chased two years ago by the Ameri­can Fe !eration of Arts for the college art depai tment, thrcugh the Henry Ward Beecher bequeF-t. This can,·as i~ ont1 of the most prized po~~essions of te department.

The exhibition will open on the eve­nin~ of Tuesday, December 10. I t is to be a colle~tion of the paintin~s pur­chased under the Henry \\·ard Bc·echer bequest.


The .\lumni 1-lJ Club will meet \\'ednc~day eveni ng, ;\ovember 13, at i :30 •n the fireplace room at Herrick hall. E,·eryon~ who has been a t-H Club member is a~ke<l to be pre~e.nt.

Ruth 0:-borne, pre~ i dent.


lmr,ortant meet ing of the Stu­dent Fcnate at. S. A. E . T hursday u·~ning, Non~·mbe r I 4, at 7 :30.

Pre!' ident A . S.


i:oint man on the ~I. S. C. dairy team spoke on their trip and experiences. Prcfesc:;or Post and A. )lclll hattan spoke as representath-e~ of the grain judging team.

The meeting adjourned at 9 :30 o'clock after which refre~hments were served.


Candidates for Team may Fire One to Five, l\londay, T uesday Th ursday, and Friday

and what could be a better way for a !C'..ontinued on Page Tvvo) r~oor. study-tired , exam-exhausted stu-dent to spend this holiday than by I

~Jf~~~~h!na ~~~efi~t~a\~e¥~~hine;p:r·/~ I ENGINEERS GROUP away f1 om the campus and promise of

I~·t~l ~ll~1Ut~l~'0b~'~t!~ ~~}~y7°b; f~~~~~~l~~ IN ALL COLLEGES for the student and for the studies, than to spend the morning !;'leeping and the afte1 noon writing that back English theme or catching up a few waylaid chemistry expe1imcnts.

A special train will lea\'e here bright and early-about :3 a. m.-the

Sponsors of Recent Edison Cele­bration Have Chapter at State College. Wilson Heads Local Group

Preliminary tryouts for t.he Bobcat. morning of Thursday. ~o\·ernber 281 1 lfle squad \'\Ill begin today and con or _in ot.~er \~·ord~. Thank~giving day. tinue for fl\ e weeks accord mg t.J This. tralll w1l! ret~rn again the sam<: Recently the American Institute o1 Captain Butler of the .\\lilitary depart- 1t\enmjr, makm~ 1t unnec~ssary to E'ectrical Engimers sponsored the ment. The applicants will be divided stay ata Great l· alls O\'er mght. Both nation-wide celt•bration which was into groups and the member~ will fire the Fang and Spur organizations will liven in honor of Thomas A. Edison according to the post schedule, 011 and uy ·ie-ht':o. Gol(ien Jubilee'1

• I t wa.:; :\londays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and 'ue to the efforts of the A. 1. E. E. and Fridays from one o'clock until HANDBALL MEET akne: with some prom inent men in five o'clock. A ff Cl ic"1 and othl'r ~o. ieties that this

Captain Butler will be assisted by national celehn1tion was made a g-reat Captain Zion an I other lettermen from IS BEING PLAYED ~uct·ess. :.rontana ~t~te College took last year's team. The new men will l art in this mammoth celebration

..\ $epa~ate appropnat1on was ma~e The Bobcats realized a g-ain of 25 for ten111~ .. ourt.s.. The courts _ate yardi:; on a pass from DeFrate to )lc­furfaced with dismteg-rated granite; Farland just as the period ended. they should be. ready for use ne~t Score :\Iontana O. 'Yyoming- O. f~ll. T~ese, with. t~e new athlet_1c Third Quarter f1fld. \\:t11 be a big imr,ironment 1ll I The third quarter opened with )lon-the equipment of the department. tana launching an attack via the arial


The Spurs are doing- their best to or$!anize a spei.!ial train to Great Falls for the Bobcat-;IU. &t. Charles ga.me. \Von't all students pleasr co­ope1 ate?. Some of the fraternities ha\·e a lready reported the number con­templating on makinK the trip, bu t <thers haven't as yd reporte I. ·will you kindly do this as soon as possible, as the railroad officials arc anxious to make anangements as ::;oon as pos-

{Continued on Page Four}


Victo r in Spring Contest Again Repea ts. Defeat Cooley Se,·en Up

sible. )lontana State':-; first golf tournn-\Vith advance material already ment ended la:::t Thur~day when Lizzie

turned in and with :'.\lr. Howard a~


. Lee handilv took the hOnors with a be.Oster it is almost Certain the pro- SCCl'e Of st?.\'en Up and eight to play. rcsed special will make the t1i1>. His op pen( nt. Cooley, conceecled the

Dorothy Garrett, president of Spurs. match at the end of the first nine holes.


first be instructed in regard to posi- «i •en Edison l;y the student branch ticn \\hi le firing and knowledge o( of the A. I. lt~. E. here, giving an 1 1 sighting. The beginners must know 1 . The. handball series for the cham- ekct1 ica.l ~how. Eu1odelphian Literary Society 1e d these preliminaries thoroughly before p1cnsh1p of .Montana ~tate College The A. J. E. E. is the national or- initiation at the Pi Beta Phi hou::;e

Juniors, please rem ember lo they can heg-in to fire. I t is import· sta1ted last we_ek and _is w~ll unde: f'811'liaticn which renresents the elec- \Vednesci!l.y evening-, November ti . l1aH! )Cur 1:ictures taken for the ant that the men learn the positions way. A g-l'cat interest is bemg man1- trial rrofe!'sion. It wa!' founded in The following members wlre initiated:

The tomnament was run off at the Bozeman 1:0:_ ntrv club md has been in p1·ogress sinCe opening of school. 1here were a large number of partic­i1,nnts for the first attempt made to holci a tou1 namcnt of this nature at the ._ol:cge. A great dea l o( interest was shown bv the Yarious members of thl' studefit body when the an· ncunt:ement was mnde that there would be a J!Olf tounrnment and pra -tice beg-an for a gTeaL many.

\J cnta nan this " eek . well, be;,.ai.;se men will be picked from festecl by players. . 1884 and the object for its founding l\larg'Uerite Rosc.:oe, Pegg Y Scott, Bernice :'\ orris, cla-;s ed itor. (Continued on Page Two) '.J'he ser1e:' started with numbers (Continued on Pag-e Two) ll elen Souders, Dorothy Schneider,

------------------------------ being dra\\n by each contest.ant and Kathleen Bird, ll e len Olh·er, Gretche•·,

The fee for enL an.e was $2 for (Continued on Page Two)

:.\lontana State stulent are prom1:-;eo one of the most interesting e\ enings of the fall quarter Tuesday ni~ht, )\o\·embe1 26. That i::. the Tormentor i.;roduction. ·'Thi.: Doll's House" will be pre:ented at the Emerson Audi­torium.

This three-act play is distinctly a l'Olleji?e p. od.;ction with a cast l'Onsist­inl? of the best theatrical talent on the C'ampus. All of the l"Ostumes and stage sets are bc,;ng made by student:::: and "The Doll's House" is under the direction of :\1r. Hansen and 1lrs. Da\·i~ . both members of the faculty.

The Tormentors are ;roin.{!' lo great pains to proiuce the Doll's House" in i:.erfcct 1 epre<;entation of the period They are doing research work to bring out the exact _ ostumes worn in the ea1 I~· eighteen ninties. in S·weden. .-\ ~pe~ial set has been built to $how the typical Swedish home of that per­iod and Bozeman homes nre being ransacked to obtain representati\'e furniture types used. "The Doll's Ho1Fe'' promis('s to be the most de­tailed and elal:oratt period prod..:ction e'\er offe1ei lw the To~mentor~.

The cast is ·t:om;:>leting work on the third act this week und will gi\'e Direct<"r Hansen about ten day~ to put the fini~hing- touchC's on the produc­tiC"n. E\'C·n· member of the east i:" 1~e1fedh- characterized. ··You will he thrilled 'and astounded :it the wonder­ful portrait of a Swedh:h home and of the people that i~ offered you in "The Do'l's House." promises Bernar i BrO\\-U, prc~ident of Tormentors. "I wa~ deliJ!htfulh· !'Urp1i:-erl when I first saw a rehearsal last week."

Bill Israel, Butte Boy, Breaks Famous University Jinx Over Bobcat Gridsters

they were pareci in this manner. In Llhrkind. 1\largaret Choate. ;\ l ar~ all 16 men entere I for the first round. ENDOWMENT FUND TO h·ances Spain, Rt'na s~o\il, Kathryn H. Bowman and .J. Lanig-an played the Lyon:::., Carolyn Delaney. Amelia e;pcning game with Bowman emerging Hin<:hcliff, ;\larv Needham, :'-.til<lrl"d victo1ious. Bud Bauer defeated T. MONTANA WESLEYAN Richai· ls, and t.Oi~ \\.ells. F'ollowing-Rowe, C'. C'oulter tame out on the initiation a bt:8ine~s meeting was held.

Billings Air Transport Opens Flying School at Belgrade landing Field

h t I f h' t t ·u J The following Lon1mit.tce was ap-The famous old Bobcat jinx that brol!-ght. his adopted team through ~uc;~mi:~~< 11.o Oev1

1~iest:~~~ith~ir:~\~ }0;.~ rointeri to write and prodm·e the pl_ay Offerin,g- to the nir-mindecl ~tudent'i lops a top speed of 103 mill's pt•r hour, followed football teams into action again with a one-point victory. feiting- to E. Coon and J. Sonlltag Helena Institut ion Re ceive S whith is to be given bv the new m- of l\ lontana State Colle,1?e and oppor- and which crui~r-::; the ship at 'i;-l mile again..c:,t State University for so many ·when the Bobcats hit Butte la~t downeci .J. Ca~sid\'. :\lat.hes left for More Than 880,000 by De- iti 1 tes: Marguerite RosL·oe, Kathleen tunity to recch·e in:::.trut'tion in the Ian hour, i~ bein,!? u.::.ed to instrud yea1 s has bPen repla. ed by a most w~ek, weJl,._-there was Bill, with a the first 1 oun 1 a'J'C: Tl. Elderkin and cis ion of Board Bird, and Carolyn Delancy. The pro- art of flying-, the Billing~ .\ir Trans- students. lnstn1ctor .an<l stut!Pnt nrt; active, human a.n l satisfactory em - ft1enuly s~rnle and a Ue laration that I 0. Van ll orn . B. Jlawks. nncl \V. I\lur- gram for the coming year was di.::::- p01·tation company of Billing:; has seated side by ~ide in OllC' cockpit i11-

tlem of good luck. The emblem is he "as slll ~ood luck to them. Coach rhy, P. \Vean~as and .J. Zadick. cussed an<l duri ng the year there will opened a school in Bozeman. \Vayne slenJ of one behind the> other us in Ma!iter "Bill" Israel, a mite of a Butte Dyche considered a moment, then The probable champion would be At a meetinrr in I3u ttc trustees of be talks by various !5pcakers who are St.tifert of Bozeman, a licensed trans- most ships. Dual control~ nrc in the bey who last year attached himself or 1ered that the bov b~ ta.ken to the hard to pitk at. the present time but tl•c Collel!e of l\lontana, the old p 1·cs- well u p in the subjects of modern port pilot with nlmo::.t t.000 hours i'll t·ot·kµit. The .:\lono-p·c·p t:t\rries an to the Bobcats \\.·ith the announced Ee;t.cat bench on .the ~1deli.n~s. "'Ye there are t.wo former champions in byterian tollege at Deer Lodi:re which, dram:i.. ReYiews of plays, anJ mod- the nir, and Robert \Ve ... to\'Cr, of Bill- NC liccn8e i::.sued br the Dt>ptu·tnH.·nt intention of "bringin' luck". <'ant a~ford to 1 g~o_re Bills ,?eh~( the i~t:nning this yea r . ,J. Sonntag with ~lontnna \Veslt'ynn of TTelen~1 , crn novels, JiteraturC', music. poct1•y, ings. one of the two licf'n"t:od airplane of Con1111cn:e of the F't'<ll•ral Go\'l•rn-

"Bill" ~at on the Bobeat bench in I hat he 1s good med~c~ne for us. said \'\;nncr of the l'hampion ... hip last. year, was merged int.o Intermounlain Union and talk<:. on travel. n1cchanics in Montana arc in l·harl!'e me-nt which pcnnit"' ri transport pilot Butte lhroui(h the famo:.:s title bas- the coach. 11 H.e's officiallv our mascot is azain out for the honor while , V. ccllege, lobk final action in turning F.urodc.>~phian i~ a national litt>rary c.f the work. Becau~e of Bozeman\~ to fly it nnyplae~ he miirht desire co ki::>tball game aQ'aitu;t the Cook Paint- for this j?ame." Murphy champion of vcar before last over assets of thal institution to the socitty fovn<ied al PurduC' University lack of a flying field, the B. A. T. g-o-interstnte or inter~ounti·."· ers. when the Bobcats won; he wormed The Boh· ats. won, bv a great upset is a l ~o oart.iciirnt.in<?. ~Turphv was not trustees of the Helena college 111 Ari ii. 1907 There ate "IX chanters shin is flying from the Bel{!'r:Hk field \Yayne S<.>ifel't, who doe~ the hi-o way hack to the Bobcat _bench of do'1e, their first vktor~r O\'el' the entered last year. If both are success- Act10n upon \\hi h this was based All of thl'sC chaph'l'S \\el~ local or- Tl·e :0.lono-frC'p. man ·factured by teathing, ha::; instructed students at when Bohnet reserve~ were trym.g- to Giizz1ies in 21 years. "Bill" took it. ful in their ·matches they will meet was. a part. of the "five-part>-• agree- o-an i7 a_ticns. of good stai:dmg before the Mono-Coupe Airplane eompany of tht' Ryan Airport in California and co!1~uer :\lontana Mmes there m a

1an nonchalantly · he knew all a long for the championsh ip as one is in the I Cent" made six yeflr-1 ago when the lbecomintr mcorporated 111 Eurodel- :Moline, Ill.. powe reJ by a 65 horse also in Kansas City. He ha:::: soloed

01tical game. and "Bill'" rabbit foot (Continued' on Page Two) (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page FouT) (Continue<l on Paire Four) 'power ni r-<ooled motor which der;el- (Continued on Page Two)


r-----;:~1'TERIN-;FRO~ HERE A ' D '!'HERE 1 MONTANAN wANTs so ! _i~n ilirnsT ·----- --+ SNAPS FROM HOUSES

~==m-u=:::1:.::.::::.n.:::.:::::tnt:::::.::-:::-::.::::::.:::::::::::::::::.:::.:.:::-rr-·:u: g )lal,e your reserYalions for ~ :: THAC\KSGlH. "G FLOWEI s . ·ow fi Establi;hcd J9JO +-·-----Continuance of the :\1onthly E-"-"'}JOnent, E~tablished lh~1.;

Publi~hcd eH·r} Tul·sdn) of the collc)!e )"l'.'ar h:- the staU chosen from the Associated Stud1.:nts of :\Jontana ~tatc L'ollcgc at Bozt man, ;\lontann

ll ir hl'ar about .\ncen:-.. ft,iuting- tht: olh1.·r evening'? Tlwy brought her Seniors and J un ior Pictures i\ o w t.1, anll ~o !->hl' fainted a!!"ain. \\'hen we a::-kcd her wh~: the ~eco1Hl nttempt, he ._ 1jd \Y<.•11 thl·n thl·Y hrou}.!ht me two more." Being T a ken. l\Iarkin Sup e1··

fi W e will have a nice as -orlment U :.: a q We Telegraph Flowers !:

i M. LANfiOHR I _ ___ 1·ises Gro up Pictures Subscription l?ate : .. 2.0-0 per school )car

Acceph.·d for mailing at special rate of postage proYi<lcd for in !::)ection 110:3, Act of Ot·tober :3, H.12/, authoriwd }~ebruary If, 1!119

Telephone: l 1i-.\ sk for E:\.pomnt. On \l onda)s after .):00 l' . . :\1. "0

Leonard A. "'ing, '31

.\bout timl for i:;omt! definili1111:;: Fan- 1.1 thine: hl lnu~h warm off with . Du:.-:.t mud with the juice :-:quel·zed out. Grasfo:--~onwthin!? to goo home nhout.

And nn11ther six \\\'Ck:-< ju:::t h.•ft. One t·on~olation is thal we still huYc ~ix w1.:cks left in which to mnkt' up the last ~ix weeks work.

Editor-in-Chief . Business Manager ···-- ...... .

1\lanaging Editor --·-··· Assistant Editor

.... Cnrl ""all, '3:!. I Yeh. n>llcgc life is i:r<.>at- but mo::tly grate.

Thn- tdl us the Chi 0':-; han• mal!"azine faces. .. William Flynn, 32 if that"s wh:-- they h:n·e ~ueh wide nn:ulalwn.

nnd no" wt>n• wtind<:'ring

Ruth Plott _ __ . --··· .... _ . . Jlichacl DccYy

-··---------·· .. .. .. Georj!e llnrt A!:'sistant~. \Va11act• Harrity, Jlaroltl Greiner, Chet Hulltll'y, rat )lcElliott

Feature Editor ---···--·------·--·----·--···-·····--···-···-·---·--· ·-····-··-- -···· .)lary Ilakalu ·w omen's Sports -·- --· ... _____ ., --·-· -·-···---- · ··--·--·--·-----·-·-· .. Dorothy Garrett

Associate Editor -·-­Sports Editor _

Somehow the Sig"ma Chi's lward that alrohol make~ it~nn·s turn brown and fall to the ground. and C\"l'r sint'c then they hn \ l' ht.•<'n gatherinl! ma l'rial fur an autumn party_

Some of lht1 lllOTl' ~cotd1 brotlwr:.-: h3Ye just been gath• ing- the ll•twes. Assist~mt France::; Fogll•r

Society Editor Ali1.:c Yandl'nhook .·\nd now it de\ylop:,;. thal what's sauce lo lhc Sigi1lf:- I:-. applc-saut·c to Assistants, Elizabl'th Seitz, Bernice Xorris, Grch:hcn LehrkinJ, .:\liltlrcd the Pi Phi's. Ne-Yins, Helen Olin·r, £111111~1 Baldwin, Louise Saunders, Josephine Jlikli h Typing. Elizabct"IJ. Seitz. )la1tha Fl.ynn, IJ(>kn Sou<ler::;, Elizabeth Graham I "'e don't know huw hm!.!' we're g{1ing- tu kt·l'p this up. \\\_··n! had offers

from s('\"l""ral bi go maC"azint'"' but "l don't think we'll st. 1~.._·rihc. Business taff ·

.\d\·ertising ~Iannger Al Greiner \\"c wondl'r what the Browns-both Lora and Bern anJ think of the Busine:::.s As~istnnt --·--­Cin-ulalion )lnnager

Frank lilacCormick Turmcntur play. Jack Erkkila

H.eportcrs E\·idL·1lll~- .\lice and $am ar ... 1n't g-rcntly pertuJlbed- _ ah:::i ng- from U1l'ir rharles. llle. Earl Rudherg. Bob Jone:>, \largarct Bowman. Franklin 11cwey, exi.:t'.'iknt portray!-5 of tht·ir rClk~ in the " f1olls H ouse.'' l.,orrainc fhompson .. :\rmin llill. \"iri.dl Hurlburt. Chris Sehlcchten 1 Proof Rc-nder .Johnnit• ~arlin Twenty thou~and cig-arettcs ag'o DeFratc culled his g-irl "lhe wire" bc-:_ ________ c_o_u_n_er_P_n_n_t ____ eo_,-.m- n_n ___ M_o-nta- nn--------- l·au~e ~he shol·ked him; and lhb.r dC'daimed that. a man on the daYenport

is Wl)rth two in the theatre. t-ICHOL. \RSH IP

ThP six weeks exan1s are O\'er and n1oans are arisin 1.!" frmn nwny quarters. The moans in man,· cases are literal as \Yell a~ figurati,·e as we are told that one hundred thirty-,e\·en fro,h

Ami now, he warnl'd. wt• h<1Yc that fcding of emptiJw:o;s that prl'~ages ~i burst of poetry, hung-er. or results of ::;ix weeks l'Xam:-- At any rate. the waste basket has bt•en emptied, and so we must brin, th~ t'olyum to a timely l'nd-for thi~ week.

are meeting the scholarship committee. I bcn and of the cng-inecnng profes-.xo pertnanent result wi11 remain fron1 the $ix weeks. rou~dup ~i0{'h~\,f:t~~~~- now has a ml°'mber::-hip to dampen the campus atmosphere. The moaners will either I of ~u.ouo, reprcs_cntin!! :i.11 branches

realize their danger and ''snap out of it." ~hange to eour::.es more ot cic.-ctnl'al. eng-mel'nng and n~arl~ eYcrv prom ml nt. electni.;al engmeer


suited lo them. or "giYe up the ghogf' completely. is a "member. It b_as 137 soction; and 'Yhether or not the new grading syst~n~ is fair i~ not for us ~1:~~~..:~~~t~1 l~!\~~se aii~d D~~;:[~~-1'~.01~11 to sa,-. It wa adopted by persons qualified by many years of whieh comprise; the states oi Idaho, contact with educational in:;titutions. \\'e must admit that. \ Oregon, Ctab, \\"ashlngto.n, and ~lon­

persons who formerly were merely "getting by" robbed others of ~~~;'; - 0J;~:;.£;;t;;~X" ,!'~?;J~;!n~~r ~~; their rightful opportunities. stud_ent hrnnche~ are local electrical

(Oontinul."d f. om l'rure One) sLt:denls in the )lono-prcp in le~s th~111 tin: hours. He ha~ been flying- more than Utrce year~ and ha~ made nn enYiable record HS Ont! of the bc:st l:<)mmer ... iul pilots m this part of thE: country.

1\Iore permanent n1oans con1e fron1 sophomoreR and upper- ~rl~~~~~~·mG1 ~~~~:~~: ~~~ant1:l!~~;1 ic~~i da~smen who fi'ld themseh·es included on the scholarship li~t. sdiouls under the nu,pice" of the in­~It·ny of tliPsl~ ~tudents haYe the wrong attitude. They blame ~~it~~e~~ /~{l:~i~;~d~~~td~~~oi:1s ~·~7~f;:~: their instr11c 01 ~ flr what is their o\nl fault sity or tcchnic:al school of recognized stamlin~ and "who is pursuing" a re-

Roh<>rt \\'estover, who takes care of the :\lono-prep is a mechanil'al engi­neering stuJent at thl.' Coleg-l. He and his father ai-e the onh· holder:-: of federal mechanit's lit•erisc :s in )!on­tana. \\"e:stoYer al -.. has more than 'iO hours of solo flyin i to his i.:redit. Some of these "students" are confident that their instructors gular com-,c of study in preparation take a secret delight in placing their names on the delinquency \ for the profession of electrical ong:in·

fat. To them 1t represents reprisal for a harmless lack of study. ~~;-i~f. ';~a~b'J,;".',no~h~ ~~,:ti~~ut~·;~~_: BILL lSH.\EL, B TTE BOY.

This is not -he spirit of the true l\Iontana State student. The lishcd the .-\_ I. E. F. ~lonthly Journol scholarship committee is designed lo aid delinquent ~tudent' with ~~"\:C";;i~1/\~drnih1;•~~~j~n~s 1~,1~;~,t~~; a timeh· warning of failure. dues are three dollars per year. The


"l · h d. d d f -- h ti advantai?e• a student gains by nWli· 1 (Continu< "' 1en t e lea e con erence \\it 1e con1111ittee <UTh-es the ation with the nation3.l organization that. he was from P.a.sre One) ke.r to the situation. a broncl chance that

• tudent of en finds awaiting him on!,· a friendly di 'cussion of may be summonc-d up by snyin!? that And now th< • f ·1 d "bl d" Tl h l · he rel·eives, '"The honor benefit and Bill's. fatht·r \\ 1 be n:que::;ted to loan causes or ·11 ure an ,poss1 e reme 1es. 1e w o e process IS stimulation and as~ol'iation with tho .... c the httle hun si·nply om of efficient faculty help for students. I F<>,minent in the ele.ctrical industry.'" for_ tho, Tha bLn. h of ~ood luck

:-ol!iYing Day g-ame rles at Great Fall!.', a Bobl'ats believe they ,•ly_ Jn fact, the Bob­st a bit ~aftu- if ht...'s olor::; on the bcnl'h


Womar may haYe won her equality with man, but there is one source from which she always takes orders-ultimately, if not meekly-for "he always follows the dictates of fashion.

\rhen l\Irs. United States and her daughter bobbed their hair. the,· shook out t eir short locks, rejoiced in the new-found com· fort, and swore•·. 'e\ er again" for long tre ses. But, after seYeral )·ears the Parisia1, mandate· hm·e at least been heard in the west, and gradually, bu with a conYincing certainty, shaYed necks are l>eing banned m the world of feminine ch ic _

Commands cf the fab ric manufacturers, subtly expressed, are beginning to bC' obeyed, too. Skirts now swirl down anywhere from the ankk to s x inche below their form r minimum. and those who were happiest in their recent freedom are the first to adopt "the new silhouette."

And what do the men think of it? No doubt the street sweepers as well as the makers of doth and hairpins, are quite well pleased'. and all of them «njoy the opportunity lo poke fun at the still "wea'·rr sex.'"-The Ew•rgreen.

ome of the nct1v1t1es of the :\Ion- agam~t St. l tana S te College st..:dtnt branch of game that t the A. I. E. E. arc the hol.fing of tech- mu~t win dt•c nical meetin~s, debate:t . joint meet· cnt~ .will ft•l ings with ot.her student onranizations. wearm:i thu-­motiori picture i-:hows. electr kal shows, that dny. dances, outside lt.cturers. Electlic club banquets. and inspection trips t-0 near- :'IIORE STnlENTS NEEDED b)' power plants. The }!ontana Sta ' FOR GREAT FALLS TRlP Colle1te branch was or~anize<l in 1901 and has been l'Ontinuou:.:.lv a. tin~ sinn.~ its organization. -

Thl' officcH of the brnn.h hen• are: President, Ede \\'ibon; Yice president, Earl Rudberg; ~el'retary. Otto \"an Horn; and tn•asurer. Rohert ,Jones. Profe»cr ,f_ A. Thaler of the E. E. dt.. p~rtment is Coun~elor for the branch an I i~ also t•hainnan of the rommittl'e for Distrid Xo. fl.

(L'ontin 11 d from PnP:"<' Ont>) will ad a~ u:--nt·rs., and in' gt•neral, the pro)?ram wiil •c much as it. \V3S at Butte.

The expt.·n t of this trip will be , .... ry low. 'fhl• r;:1 c ··or the rounJ trip on lhe :'pedal i:-. Mlual lv lower than a regular one-wu.' fore. Vou will be uble to g-1..'t tht:'reo an . back for the pric of ~7.0li. Thl~ onh- other necessn.n• ex­pense wil bl' tl • meals. anti it should BUTTE"SPE.\KER not make so" uch difference whether LECTURES HERE one eats h.-1-e r thnre. It is an oppor­tunity not to sneezed at, for it is not very· of t•n that one t!ets a chance to nrnke ~m-h a trip nt such a low cx­pernliturc of h ·Ji time and monev.

( ('-0nt.inue<.I from Pal!C One)

llr. StL"rnhe1m ((mtinued by ~ayinl? Th• S'.l.ints :11e also gending .a iarg-e ~~a;,.051~1~t~:f}~i~~~mJI\.:0 Ci~:~~e~otl~~a~~ delq!ation. Tht.•i l· team is very goorl the shoil l:UL to cultur{>. To correct l_ately an l prnmis.e~ to J?h·e the Cat°' thi.- fault he a1h·ocateR more ren. !in!!". ~om~·. r<'a1. t'O!np1..•nllon. They are out """" - • • .. • "' r . . ' ··rn~k:td of reading in detail," he to \\111. this t~me t.o make cp .for ROtnl? LEE "1~8 Jt ALL GOI.I• t·haml?,1?nsh1p.:. ... H1s othl!r two mate he~ . aid, ''mo l people pil'k out a paper or 1 of th1..•1r earlier c~efeats. This mean.-:. TOl'H:'.'\ \:'IIENT THOPHY \\ere· 6 and"'- ma• .. izino that •ive the new- in a that the !(Hill• will be vcr)" good . In • ... .. Tho:-c who were (•ntered ~\·ere: _Lee, 1 Y('·r~' b~·il'f form.i;; :-. :_-\ • f~_t, the J!:lme will he g-ood, the_ tim-:i

( Continu<"<l f om Page One) he fall :>ea in tl entitled t.he pE r::-on

lo th<:' u~e o t e golf link~ until play

n~~~~~e; · ~ kf~Jp i~!r~f~:;·e n~f~sdl; cgult ar. t n·n dozen qualified for t.hc iicnin • rou I. ThP openin!.!'" round ·a~ 1 la~ed rr o· :-.. hedule but the ex-i "''as irt· 111pt<!<l with a few urries of i::.n w anti colt] weather. -ith the <·on,·n of a break in the

wenlhl•r the play was re~umed nnd ame to a elo="l' wi 1 h"ut furt ('r hold­p.

I n winnin~ lhl' t·hampion ... hip Lee ok thret:> strokc·s O\C""° par. turn"ng­a 3i'< with p.tr of 5 un tht~ course.

his was the lar)?'e"t Sl'lYre that Ll·e rnl• in durinl" h splay to\\ar' the

r lty, llellam.l. Bruner. An?. \\'n~ht lie ':'Ug-g-e~ted that. if ,0 le would \\111 h1e ex l•lltnt, a_ncl t he ylarc ~dl'.'nl; Dduney, )la rt in, Parker, \\ entworth I rend mor.._. cul rent ficti~1 µthat thl' so lel s bl• thtr~. S1g-n up 1mmethntely Thompsun and Egan. idl':l or international relations wot:ld so that tlw. m te~~ary arrang"ement~ - ------ bl· undt..•r tood. for the <::pt.•cial trntn and for the sl'ats E1 .. GL .. EERS GROl'P n1:. ~'lL·1nheim wn.s born in Eng~and, ~~~st~b1:ame lnn b<-' Sl'ttled ns soon as I.' ALL COLLEGES lip is a crn!uatc of_ Oxford un1ver- 1

--- ----

(ContinuCl1 from Pag-e One)

was the "adYancl'mcnt of the theory and pral·liee of elPdrical l'n•.,.inel'rinit ntHI of th{' allied art" an I seit~\ e .. , th1• standing among- its memlH·1·s and the maintl'nam·t• of a hig-h 1>r11le,.;~iona 1 dl·velopnwnt of thl' indiYidual (•nt.d­nce-r." The Jn!"tit. te has lOt1tribute-d largely to th<.> n markable proJ.,"l'es~ that h s tnkc·n p!acp in the t'il'C·tril'al fi<'ld during the la~t four dt~caclc·s. 1t has also llC'c>n a vc·ry important factor m a :vant:itl<!' the interest~ of it ... nll'm- J

:~~;::er~~.~~~:~~.: l~ll~{/~~ 1 ~\~!bU1;;itl~r\\j~~: Tln~·old l\ohl> '27 . hns stnrtl'~l \~'l)l'k n rsity of P~rb•. Fram·c. He has been I ~n his dui (,w "- cl('g"l't.><-' at _~hdn!!H 11 an ,\ri1erfran dtizen for HI vcars and ~tatp tolh•J:t' this fnll. :\ Ir. Kohlf'. wa~ ha !'t.'t'>t(l on f·tC'ultie,, of tlle Uni\'er- ,1 lllC'lll~WI" t\f. :\lpha Ga.mma Hho an.I .:it\· uf tht• Stall• of >:Pw York and the .\lpha Zt:tn \\ hilc !1ere in col.ll'ge. lfl' l'r.in•r it Y of '\linnr--ota. At the Nln1C'<i ~I" mn,h•r ~ d~g-ree 111 aQTOl1· pre. t·nt tfm<' hi· is c>nlployC'tl as an ex- omy <luring- lhl~ JHl"'t two ye:u-.. at the tl'n.,ion It ·tun· for the lni\·ersilv of t.::.nnw pl:H·P, Tl<• -work~ for the J!<W­'.\firrn<:'sota. · f'tnnwnt on var1oui:; r_escar('h _ prob­


(Continued from Page .Jri~ )o

lt-m:-;. At 111-est•nt he rn workmg on ug-ar Leet hrt•t.•ding. ..



.ht•ir ahility to firl' in the two diffj(·ult po!"'itions, n:rnwly. st.anding- and k11eel­mg.

C'apk'lin IlutlPr is vt·rv plea ed with till' lar~l' numht•r of applil'ntion.,.. About. 1;; men hnH· t•xprC'gs<'d n de­-:iJ'(_) to try for the tt·am and ll<:. thr final :;;qunil will only «OnRi~t. of nhout 20 nlt'n thuse makin~ thC' kam ghoul I lit• excell<'nt marksm(>n. "'With ~uch :t

Reli<'f fro m headache~ Reli f from nen·ousne~~ Reli,•f from di zzine~H \' ery Low Priced

BRIEF C.\SES $3.00 TO , 8.7::i

EYerything for the tu dent

PHILLIPS BOOK STORE quad tn·irur for thr team it will b"

no sma11 honor lo win a berth on th .. · fC'am. Ht.•si1l(·:-< that. thl ten men shoot-111! the lit•"t for the i-:('nson, will re­·ph l' an "\l'' Fwt.•at<'r to remind them nntl thC>ir frit•nds what they hasc ac­complished.

LESLIE E. GAGE J l'\\ l' le r and Optician

Broken L<'nSl'!i RC'plart<l the Snmc Day

2() S. Blut'k \ H". Phone 12;'i-'\ -

I an~ 11so~~-~-~~1 \~~~ ~~~·ne~~t~Jr~~·e'~~~:-mnn O:>walll. snap l!ditor for th<:' it1 :~0 :\lontan:111, to turn in ;10 snap shots. Thc~e mn.y he turnl'<l into ".\Ir. Oswal I pl'n:;.onally or put in an ennJopc with the name oi tht> t!l"OUJ> and put under the door of the ).[ontanan office.

"Tlw 1nnnbcr of :--nnp~ tunll'd to us :it thi!' time will dl"'t('rminC' the num­lwr of :--naps that wc will hn\'C in the bo1)k.'' said the editor.

C' l a!'s Picturl's Seniors who h:n·e fnill~d to han~

their pil'!Ul"l'S taken and want thC'ir nanu·s in:!t: lt>d in this ~l'l'tion of the book :-hould sec Franklin D('wey nt Oil Cl'.

,Junior pictures a.re hein~ taken thi. wt•l'k. '"\\"c hope to cc)mplt'te thl' class :o:t•t"tion l)f thl' book b\- th(' 20th of th" 1111 nth ... sni I Bl'rni·e ::\'orriR, class l~litor .

Group Pictures Gl't'l'i!"t." ).Jnrkin, photngTnpher for

tht"' l!l:~O :\tontanan is ~upen·i~ing till' takin~ of the g-1·oup pit-lures.

·•\\'it!1 thl• ... ·oopt•ni.tion of all _g-roups wt.• hope- to l·omplt•te these pidurcs thi:> quarter". :0:·1id Alice Yand1..nhook, org-aniza.tion editor.

"The t1rganization ~eclion of lh•• book i~ uncler-g-oinl? a number of t'hang-ps this yl'a1-''. continu('d ).!is.,; Yandenhook. 1'hf' g-roup~ are being­l"l'<llTang-t•d under a clas~ificntion of ho1~ora1;t.'s :rnd profe:-;sionals and thl se nre diYide-.l into nationals and locals.

JL\XG 11·:

:: FLORIST ~ ~ 19 E. i\lain Phone 9:> :: mm=::m::m::::mm::::m::m::::::::m::::,,._-r.-.:::::n:==:mmi..~.:JI

't-t I I I I I I I I Ii I I II I I I I I I I I I I II I I 11 Ii I : I 11 l 1 1 II I I II I I II I

CHRISTMAS CARDS S elect them now

BUZZ.\ - P.\R .\)IOl NT - GIBSON Three leading lines

HAIJSEMAN & McCALL -1 East lain

1111111I1111111111111111111111111·II111111I111 I' II II

~ ................................................................................... _._ ..... _ ..... _._._. ___________ ._._._.._ ................... ~ , WE H.\YE JUl"\T R ECE l\'ED .\ :'\EW t-\IllP~IEXT \ ~ ~ ~ - OF ~ I To "' ~h~ ~ '~ "~"""' I ~ EARL S. MARSHALL ~ ......... -..-..~-.. ...... -.. ....... -.. ........ -.. ................ -.................................... .._ ..................................................... ~ Fraternit)· men in :Otirhi~an mny

find thcmseh·cs i1woh-e<l in the toih of.the law :-houH thC'y att.tmpt. to pin I their bndg-es oYer the hearts of the ~-a1C11•:::::9llE::.::iMi:::S1!;;;:::::8!9iil:::::: fair co-eel", for the Jfichi'?an lt•gisln· ~ ture Ht it~ hst ~e--:;;ic1n 11n~sed a bill whil'h mew prove a bli.~ht to collt•J!"l' em!H!.!l'men :-;_ Thl new law pruhibit:-­thc wearinit of fraten1its or l"dze bmigvs or in~il!nia by an:\·ont? not a ret.rularly enrolleil or initiated ml'mber of the on:mniz:ition. lt was design<.'rl to Jll"C'\ nt th1.: promiscuous \\·carin~ of badues arnl penalties were ~ct t p t.1 diseourag'e the- prat·tice. At tht' time the Jaw was pn~H·d no one thought of the Dmpl i atillll that mhrht ari~e nut. of the collec-ia.t< cu~tom of "g-h·ing­the l!irl a pin.1

' The net bera.me ef­fl'etive Aut..rt.t<.;t ~•.· Greek Bant-a.


Prc-.... idenl"\ of th<' org;:1:1i;rntion'1 on the hill \\ill rka~ call Geoq::-e \l arhin th"s '' N'h and m ake- ar­r;:inge ml"nts for their gro u1> 1:tic­turr.... _ Phone ;;is-" -.

"T'asi;;: Your E!\.am~"

l\1.-\TH _\N.\LY, IS .\ND CALCULUS SOLUTIO:-IS ~\ II problem s work<'d out e\·crr step s ho'' n. Dohan Publis hing Co., 610. 3rd _\, e .. ::\. Y. C

~ ' I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I

~ ' i R .-\DL\TOR


The best and cheap<•st radiator solution, as one filling lasts all wintr.- and it docs not lower tl;e boil­ing point.

Our Price

$1.75 Per Gallon

Roecher Drug Co. Phone 327

Prescriptions a Specialty 11111111111111 111111111111


$1.00 Ju~t recch·ccl new ilk uo~e in fall~ newe~l shades "ith black heel

KAYSER HOSE An all Si lk lo Tip Hose with blatk heel in ~enke weight

All fall color-All size~


BOZEMAN MEAT MARKET We s pecialize in the bes t of Dressed )!eats, Poultry

and Fish

We Cater lo Fraternities and ororities

Phone 167 435 E. Main Four Delh-eries Daily

f ~ ................................... -.... -.. ......... -.. ..... -.... -.. .......................... ~ ... ---..-..-..· .. -..-..-.... -..-.. ..... ~ ~ FOR THE THANKSGIVING DAY FEAST ' ~ ~ ~ Whitman's Prestige Package ~ ~ ··· at --- ~ ~ \

~ THE BUNfiALOW ~ -..-.. -.... -.. ........... ~ .. -..-..-..-.. -.. -.. -.. -..-.. -.. ............. -...... -.. ................. _ .. _ .. _.._ ...................................... -.. .................. """'.:.


If you want Photographs for Xmas YOU mnY hm·e your :llonlanan picture made i101Y :111;1 use tl1em for gifts.


Sm.art n ew watches for "dres, up" occasions

F.1ll brings i1witltions to many p:trties, and you'll meet your socJJ! obhg:rnons just a bit more con· fiJ.:ntly wcannl! one of the~ smart new Gruen d1l!T\ond·s.::t \\T;stkts. Exquime to look at, thor• oughly dcrendlbk and rnccd from only SOO-­wrclv. there's no reason you should deny yourself the· JOY tlut ownmg a splendid Gwld creation, such l> tl1c one p1ctureJ, always bnngs.

H.A.Pease & Co. JEWELER


Sh: weeks roundup quieted the Ocial adi,•i ties on the campus. The fin~ li~t of name~ puhli~hed by the 5-C'holarship committee has forced 5ociety nthusial:>ls to tul'n their attention to studies. Or, possibly, they are saving heir ou.:rgy for the trip to Great Falls to witness the Saint Char}t"s·Il'lbcat

ame. With the pre:scnt \vinb.?1 wt-ather out.door :::ports are promised n pro­

linencc in the al'tivities of the collegians. Tobogeaning and skating will oon speed up ::tl'ti'dties to a furious pace, an<l life in the open will get he attention it deserves .



Friday, Nov. 15-Delta Tau party; Atnigo pa1ty. .

l'l ida~·. Nov. 22-BeUi Epsilon Fire-side.

Saturd:.ty, ~ O\'. 2:1-Chi Omega party. Tuesday, ~ov. 26-Tormentor's play. Friday, ;:...., ov. 29-0mega Beta part.y;

::;1gma Chi part.y. Saturday, t-.C>\". :.m-Ka.ppa Sigma

party. -------~


Party Will Be Given at Pi Beta Phi ll ouse. Tickets Bei ng Sold. Bow­ma n Cha irman

The Spurs are planning a bridge party for ~ovcmber Hi. 'lhe party 1:3 to be g-1vcn at the Pi Bela Phi house, botn town and coLege 'leople being nun.ell.. Jickets are being sold ior 50 cents ap1e~e. .Persons wishjng to rese1 ve tables may do so for Sz by calling Dorothy Garrett.

c;o.11m1tLees to compl~te the plans .for the party wern appointed at tne ::,pur meeting last l uesday night. iHargaret Bowman is c:hairman of the program committee. The orogram will

Former Dorm Girls Hold Reunion Wed.

Last Years Tenants of Hamil­ton Hall Celebrate at Banquet

The girls who lived at Hamilton hall last year returned to the do-rmi­tory ' \'ednesday evening for a formal dinner which they held as a reunion. The girls who are staying- in the dor­mitory lhis year went to lhe different sCM·ority houses for dinner.

The sophomores occupied their rooms of last year.

Those in the receiving line were Dean H errick , Miss Nemeck, the house director; Mrs. Crew, the study supe1•\ isor; Alice Tay!or, house presi­dent for 1928-29; and Elizabeth Graham, house president for 1929-10. The other guests of the evening were the presidents of the five sororities on t.he cam pus.


TO ROLL GALL URGED Society's Act ivities Reach Mill ions

Each Year-Ch airman. Payne Asks Generous Support in


Disaster reli er work. service to dl9 abled veterans and their families, pub lie bealtb work and its many other activities caused expenditures or $11, 064,000 by the American Red Crose fo r tile year ended June 30, 1929, ac cording to tbe annual report or th• organization.




8:00 A. i\I.-Holy Communion.

11 :00 A. M.-i\lorning Service

5 :30 P. i\I.-Young People's Fellowship

7 :30 P. :\1.-E,·ening SerYice

W. FRlEND DAY, Rector

i Beta Phi. SiJrma Clti oe IJI'epared and given by the Spur

The dinning room was lighted with candles an! the Hall oween colors were canied out for table decorations. P ink rose buds, which were the gift of last year's res idents, were used in the liv­ing and dining rooms.

Aft.er dinner, a program was giv~n which was made up of numbers whkil were favorites of the P1rh~. Margaret Souder s sang , Peggy Scott and Vivienne Bouleware g--.ave a whistling anJ vocal duet, a nd t hen Dean I-Ien:icl;, r ead some of the favorite stories and also re~ited some dial t pieces.

f.~~{~:~:::f.~,:~:~~;:1~ ~~~Tur~ll pe~~ri~~~~nsg ~~tel~t~o~:~ 6;o:sea~~rlenxg ( Come to the the past year. antJ to the fact tlw· , ~ , lont•ma Alpha Chapter of Pi Beta

hi announces the formal pkdg-ing- of lis:s Sarah J. Barringer of Billinj?s.

·1 he members of :;\[ortar Board were ntt>rtni11ed at dinner at the Pi Beta hi house on Thur::;day nrior to their ,gular meeting. Pi Beta Phi held open house for the

"igma Chis on Sunday afternoon. Miss )larie Kerwin of Deer Lodg-e,

\Ii::;s Connell 1 )lis~ Stewart, ~li:s3 ~low. and )li~s :Hos~ were dinner ~test_._ at the Pi Beta Phi house on unday.

.:\l;:ss Alice Gardiner sp:?nt the week ~nd at her home in Ana ... onda.

The pledges of Pi Beta Phi were ~ntcrtained at a buffet .supper Sun­~ay evening- by :\Ir~ .. Stewart Love­ace at ht'r home on S1xth avenue.

hi Omega_ s·gma Beta of (hi Omega an­

ounces the pled1!"ing- of Helen ai:id u_ille Zortman of Hollywooi, Calif. Franco> Stoudt was a week end e~t at t~1e Chi Omega house. Chi Omeg-a had as dinner i:ruc:.-t~

Wt?dne.,.dav its pledg-es, and P1io:;c:illa B.abcrg-, ":l!ary Reth Hunt, Ruth rower::. and Ruth Robinson.

Caroline Dclane\· was a <linner est at the Clli Ofnega house Thurs­

ay C\·ening. ).lrs. Jason Pre:>ton was a Sunday

inner guest.

Hamilton flail /\lict:: Gar iner spent the week end

'ith her parents in Anaconda. A new 'ictrola is the latest at amilton hall. The re:;idents of the

all decided at a house meetinj?' :'-.Jon. ay eYenine- that they needed a new

ri<trola. The ¢rls all bought a shru:e fn this new ,-ictor orthophonic-the:.-

\"ite their friends to -irop in and njoy it..

Dean Herrick received an Atwater Kent radio as a gift Sunday.

r\lpha Omicron PL )!is-::=. Blanche Bowden, of Helena,

;vas the week end guest of her sister, ~1iss Geraldine Bowden.

On Sat::-rday e\'ening-. ~\[iss Jose­hine illichlich was the dinner j?'Uest f Mi~ ~Iil<iretl XeYin, at the Alpha D. house.

:\li~s Elizabeth Gardiner was a risitor at the Alpha 0. house Satur­l:ay evening.

appa Delta. Dean Hen-ick was a guest at a

formal dinner }.fonday night. Harriette \\'eir and Evelvn Kruse

were dinner guests Saturda): e,·ening.

~·11u1 u1 11 1 r I r r I •• ' , , I I • I I • I I • I I I ·~


~ CHOCOLATES I ~ TAFFEE ~ ,!! ~ I Black Walnut Taffy I i Salt Water Taffy I

1 622 r~:' ,;;~, So l I I I I I I I I If I If W" I JI I I I I I I I I I

~Ir. John Breedut has as his guests pledges. at the house, ).fosser:>. Brindage. 1.su1er Bowman. will have charge o! Ga~hmore, Danzy and Johnson. all t.he .tuncneon ':hH:h \Vil~ b~ serv~? members of the Dillon football team. ~ate 111 _the attc1noon. ::V1arga1et Ro\\ e1

til e organization was called upon ror i ~ MODERN MARKET :\Ir. If. 1". KeJ;ey is visiting- his son, 1 1s cha1rrnan. of _the. house anan~c­

Albert who is cOnvnlescino- from an ments and .:\at..ahe :Sevels has cha1ge operation. .\1r. Kellev wa; a dinner of th.e table arrang~ments. gu(st at the house :::;ui1day. ·•\\ ~ ar~ v~1·y a1Lx:iou~ to ,hav.e e~ery

as.,lstance In 120 . disaste rs In tbf 1 ·· United Stales anU \ls Insular posses ~ sions. J udge John B:irton Payne, thf' ~ PHONE 83 ~

chairman. said: • Quality Meats Delivery Every Hour S "The Rell Cross Is a volu nteer so (..,._.._._._._ .. _._._._._._..._,._._._._._._,.. ... _._,.._.._._.._._._..-.-_._.ol"'.t""_._,._._._ • .;-_._ ............... ...,._._

clety, .supported by Its membersh:p Clark \\"ii ~ox was a dinner guest one w~o 1s mterested 111 _Spu 1s con~e

S day c and enJOY the afte11100!1 with i.:sn1 said

Gi1 ls who lived in the dormitory la~,t ;i.·eal' but who did not return to s hool . wrote letters whic'1 \\iere read. These were from Irene Buzzctti and Helen Howell who are working 111 HaJ·din; Margaret Chart 1 and, who i"­''Playing the role of a business woman'' in .i\liles City, Frances Newell who is staying- at. her home in Living­ston. anJ Edna H albert who is at­tending" normal at Billing-.

and belongs to all of tl.Ie cllizeo.~

u.~leh i.n Kelle'.\• of Missoula, also :'?oro~~Y G:irrett., president ol Sp~rs: visited his bro.th er, Albert, Sun<.lay. .If'~ e .... ~:m ~get to see y~u persona II:,: He was a iruest at dinner. ~ou aze 11w1ted any way.

While it Is a seml-governmen1a 1 agency In that the President 01 th1 United States is Its presld eot, and one th ird or its governing board are rep ·resentatives of Government depar1 meats. yet it receives no financial suJ) port from the Gov e rnment.

EATS EATS EATS Odta Tau . Lr:ona1d Estey and Henry Robinson

were dinnL'r gue$ts \\'ednesjay eve­ning.

Delta Tau entertained at dinner on S:.:nclay the 31isses Irma Swanson, hma Thel:>sman, Thelma \\'il~on. and )fr. Ilerbu t Rosen.

Delta Tau announces the pledging­of Leonard Estey of Butte. and the formal pledi;rin.1? of Dale Belcher, John Hollen~teiner . . John S:tarko,·ich, .an.l Helmer Fallman.

Pi l\appa Alpha. Irwin Amick and ::\or\ al tolten·

burg were dinner guests of Pi Kappa . .\lpha ""ednesday evening-.

Pi Kapa Alpha announ-ces fo1111al initiation of Frank Devich of Ana­conda .

Omega Beta.. )lr. and .:\lrs. 0. H. Pete1sen, of

Hamilton, wc1e the dinner guests Sat­m day e\ ening, of their son . Everett, at the Omep:a Beta house.

Amigo. Dean l.Jna B. Hen:i .. k was an Amigo

Sunday dinner guest. Dean and :\irs. J. }1. Hamilton were:

Sunday dinner guests of Anngo.

L.»et.a Epsilon. )lr. Han~on of Glendive, was a

Thursday dinner guest at the Beta Epsilon house.

S. A. E. Jack ~1anl0o' e of Whitehall

<linner guest at the Sigma Ep!'ilon house on Sunday.

was a Alpha

Profs Give Party For Dairy- Team

Dir.ner a nd Card Social Held By Coaches Saturday EYen­ing

Professor and Mrs. J. A. Kelson antl Proiessor and .:\Irs. Glenn Sands wete hosts to members and contest­ants for the Dairy Products Judging team last Saturday evening. An ex­cel!ent .our~e dinner was serve-d. to the following guests: Martin Xelson1

Bill Corkin~1 Gwinn Gage, Paul Tu'r<:k, Dick Leach, Danny Xicholsen . Eric Holmen, and Frank ~lacCom1ick. Be· cause of unforseen happenings, two ether itnited guests, A. P. "Irish11

KinnC'y and Ben Raskoph, were not able to be present.

After dinner cards were enjoyeJ until a late hour. Dannv Kicholsen won hig-h honors while 1fartin !\elson was awarded the consolation prize.


Each fraternity and sorority ow e~ the :\lontanan ao sn a1> s hots by Friday.

:'.\"orman Oswa ld, s nap editor.

COLORAUO CO-EDS WILL INSTRUCT At the end of the evening. the girls

exrrcssed their unwillinrness lo leave bee-awe this reunion brought back such happy mc-mories and they hoped that, this custom wo:.:1ld be continued in the futu r e.

"Funds for our work for war V(:!

erans and their fnmilies. for carryil~g

ou disaster relief. for our varied ~ health activities. the life saving ancl first aid work an<! our many other ac tlvities. all are derived from the mem bership lee. The public Is asked only

You' ll Like Ours

ELECTRIC COFFEE SHOPPE Next to Electric Bakery

Denver, Colo., .Nov. 11.-Colorado Woman's College, pioneer in the field of educ a ti on for women in the Rocky ~lountain iegion, will start a cam­paign the first of ovember to tell hign school girls of its purpose, ideals, uadit1011s and opportunities.

'l his work will be under the direc­tion of 2\liss Nora Lee Dodd, newly a1,pointed field secretary of the col· lege. S11e will stress the fact that the \Voman's college in no way con­flicts with the great CO·edu(ational institutions of the region. " ' hile e\·ery one of the eastern states haYe from t.wo to 40 high-grade, a~credited col ­leges tor gi1·Is, Colorado 'Voman's col· lege is the only institution of its kind in the 15 Rocky .:\lountain states.

once each year-at the Annual Holl Call-to Join In this support or tilt

Phi Sigma Discuss Re~h~'"::~· t;ross expeollell an ave! [ - - ---- - ----------- - -

Initiation PtloanBse ~tui:,:me;v•'..r:~;~:;~~~~~~~~;~(~:t{id~€ 1


1·aken Into Fraternity PHONE 77 '


Patronize Exponent Advertisers ' I ' Th« adii;, m embers of Phi Sigma Cleaning and Pressing, Repairing and Dyeing 6

held a meetig in Lewis I.all last Fri- '

da>-. Plans were di scussed for the in- , ,J __ , ------.J-0 _W. -MA-IN-- - t iti~tion of the following- ledges: Lois HOSE RUNNERS • ~f~~~gh, Graoe Anderson. and Gladys MENDED - - -'

ActiY e Spur meet ing in organi­zation rocm Tuesday, i rom 5 to 6.

Phi Sig-ma is the national biological 15c ~~~~ 1 honorary fraternity. Members a re


dwsrn in the spring from the sopho- Mail to 41 0 N. Main IF YOU W A.."IT QUALITY BUY FROl\I more and junior class~ in the botany Livingston, Montana

tho?e in the app~ied science course ill•••••••••••••lli THE and bacteriology course and from 1·

whose major is in biological subjects. -----------------:::=== (Continued from Page One)

maining two staying here to meet the team tne University sends to Boz~· man.

1 he method of selocting the sopho­more team has not been definitely de­cided upon, but will nrnbably be by tryouts. All sophomoes interested in t.r,ying out for the team should meet

Registrar's Office Has Lost Bureau

in room 316 of Montana hall, 'l'uos- C C I · f St d day, November 12, at 5 o'cle>,k. At Mc all al s Attent10n o u -this time arrangements will be made ents of Service of Office for selecting th~ team, the method used depending upon the numbe1 present.

This sophomore team \\rill probably Jneet the team from the State Normal College at Dillon later in the year. tI is tentatively planned to rebate the t\ ormal if possible in March or April, so that the team may go on to tho Rocky Mountain oratorical contest at Salt Lake City, possibly taking pa1t in other contests along the way. Ac­cording to Professor Hrewer head de­bate coach, the schedule is being plan­ned so that a maximum number of sti..:<lents may mako trips at a mini­mum of expense. A debate with the Eastern l\fontana i\onnal school is also being tentatively planned for this Sophomore team.

"Few people seem to realize111 states

}fr. ~lcCall, "that there is a lost and found bureau maintained in the Reg · istrar's Office." At the present time the But·eau's file contains a variety gf slide rdes, glasses, keys, pencils, fountain pens and notebooks.

Persons finding Jost articles ar~ urged to present them to Mr. McCall or his assistants. The a i-ticles will then be desi.:ribed in notices posted on the bulletin board so that losers can re-obtain their property; on tho other hand any persons losing property are urged to inquire for it at the Regis­t rar's office.

ROMANCE Among those trying outs for the

freshman team are several students who took part in high school contests Denver, Colo., Nov. 11.-Love and and whose ability is well knowni while Romance a.1·e things of t he past to the among the sophomores are those who· 111 ?d~rn coll~ge. girl. took part in the dual debate with the r h1s \~·as rnd1ca~ed when OU~ Of 40 U. last year besides a number of new manus1.:11pts.st:bm1tted to Scribblers, students who attended other insiitu- I honorarr \\.Titer's club at the Colora.do

I lions last yeai·, and were active in de- Wo1~~an s college., oDly two cl~al~ with bate cir Jes there. The materia l for the ~ender passion : The ~taJOnty ?f both teams looks good and the:· debate t.he gi.rls wrote ~rag~~- :stones. or phil­promises to be a hard fought affair. osoph1cal ~nd sc1entli?c. treatises. .

------ ---- So\ en g11ls were adm itted to Scr1b-WINTER COMES AGAIN

(By Bc,tty McNeil)

blel's out of the -10 l'.Ontcsta11ts. They are Jean Fren.h, Lal'amie, ' Vyo.; Eli­zabeth Marlatt , Englewood, , Colo. ; 1\larie Tallman, I\ler Rouge, La.; Lor­aine Brooks 1 Brig-gsdalc, .Colo.; Clarice Shafter, Phoen . .ix. Ariz.; and Mary ltkGhee and ~Iarydel Hull , both of Denvc;i'.


~ 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1111 1 1 11 1 l l ll l U I11 11IIU l l tl ll l l 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I I I


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Wonderful Values



$1.00 ~ ~ ;; Every Garment Guaranteed ii

Bloomers plain and fancy trim, Panties, St ep ins, Night Gowns etc., all the good ~olors.

Pay cash and get more for what you spend

;; ;; ;;

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i i

~OlllN~SWOATWS ~ - i Tn 11 111 1n 1n 1 I II 111 1111 1111 1! 1 111111 11 1111 ll Jl l Ull ll ll ll 11 111

P hone 266

WEST SIDE fiROCERY Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Right .n 0 W. Curtiss

11111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111111 11 11111111111

WHEN YOU WANT A fiOOO MEAL and Some Courteous Service


MAIN CAFE 111r11111111 1 fl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I lift

NOTICE See us for anything in the Electrical Line

An up-to-date Repair Department in Connection Satisfaction Guaranteed

DH BUDD CO Plumbing, Heating, Electrical, Sheet Metal

30 \\'. Main Phone 300



Old Man Winter has begun to lay his --oat 1.."f snow on the ground. Per­haps t hat jg why we see everyone walking around with their heads muf­fle~ un~el' collars ; they are merely tryrng to outwit. hi m by keeping the cold from affecting- their heads. And we know the r<'~son for that; of rcur~e . they arc trymg to keep them­·C:lvcs in the best of hcallh. so that t.hcy tan work ene rgetically for the ouai·ter exams that are appToach ing. \Yh at'5- t.hat?

Ther e will be a ~ 1>eci al socia l meeCng of the Ne" man Club ll <'"Xt Sunday afternoon at 4 :00 o'clock, in t he IC of C. ha ll. The prog ra m com mitleC' "ill ha Ye charge of the meeting . All m <'" mbers, 1>ros~ r,eetive members and a lumni are as kerl to be 1:- rescnt. Refre~ h ­mcnt::; will be sen·ed.

Now. • • PHONE 314-W

Modern colorful tis- STANDS

Think of it! You get the real $2.00 style and class-the wonderful sheen 'that stays even after innumerable washings-the stylish pointed heel­the picot edge-and the step toe guard.

Farrell's 36 WEST MAIN

The chilly atmosphere seems to have given the students in the class rooms an excuse for being drowsy i more so than usual, I mean.

The teachers are beginnin~ to imitate Old 2\.1an Winter because thev. too, are :-:ending t..heir h1·cath of chilliness to everv corner of t.he class room.

\\'hat i' that fellow trying to do over th<•re? At the fir!;t glance one would think ht was g-iving an exhibi­tion dance, but a the scconi glance it can be s.een that he i~ merely play­ing- wHh one of Old l\fan ' Vinter'R helners, Jack Frost. Ile ~ !ides here and there. takinit two str1ps bn kward for evcrv forward step that he makes. Thero i ~ an exoression of hQpele~~ncss. on hiR f.ace. but at last hl'I finallv s ucceeds in reaching the top of tho hill after .Jack Fro t sees an­other victim coming his way.

FraQk l\lacCormick, president.


"The Spirit of the Gay Nineties", w1 ites the fashion editor of Styles for Sorority Row in the Decem ber College flumor" has waived her magoc wand ovl r Paris. And Paris is now design­ing- for the American girl. Twelve, ro'urteen or twenty button glov~s should be worn with the new eve­nini:r gowns, of course. This is some­thing you've never done before, a nd it is going to be a noveltv to encase your free lom-loving hands and arms in ido\ es while you d&.nce. L ong black suede g loves are c 1-rect for th• afternoon or din ner frock".

sue lined envelopes

with the famou s

7 S. Tracy Baxter Hotel Baltimore Hotel

Eaton's Highland

Linen-only 50¢.. #••······· • EATON'S I DRY CLEANING I

UIGHLAND I ·Phone 79 I LINEN I Gallatin Laundry I

fiALLATIN nm co. ~--· 0 i ...:...-...,



Earned Salan of Fh e Dollars Per Week. · Got Haise of 50 Cents

THE \\'EEKL Y EXPO:'\ENT. TL'ESDA Y . .:-\0\·E~IBER 12. U129

Co-ed Hockey Soon To End

Frosh Team Hlated to Ile Yic­tors. \ ·o ll cyball Commences Toda)

Thl' girls' wekey tournnwnt is rap­idly drawinl! l<1 a condusion. \\'ith la--t wt·l'i.:'s re:-<ult" turned in, il ap­f'<.''ll s ·as if frnsh team :\o. l. with \\"nrnt'r as l'antain. i:-> slated to he tht.• \"i tor:-,

RP:-<Ults l,f h.ht week ' :-: !.!Hll1C:- are us OJ1t>WS;

f• rtlsh kam I dcft.'ated frosh team '2 by a :-:con• 4.lf a-o.


Yearling-s Pro,·e Superior 10 Op­µonent s. ~Jany St rong- i\len fm· \ ' ar~i!y Squad l)isco , creel

~,,.,.It t I I I I I It I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

H.B. McCAY Hardware

Dinnerware. Gla, sware. Oriental Gift Goods I I 1•11 tl If 11IIII111111111 t I II I I I I l ''I l"l-'l I I I It t I fl I I I II

t·---·---------------------1 ~!eel Your Friends at Bozeman·s Fines( Barber Shop

BAXTER BARBER SHOP ! ! ! ! I Phone 1067 Hotel Baxter


"Knute Kockm. 's fi1 st job was in the Chit.ago po~l offic:c a.t the hand­sonw salary of five bw.:ks J.H:!r week" says .Jimmy Con:nrnn in the DLo.cem­ber issul~ of Collf.•~c llumor. ··1 am told by oM time cmployt:cs of thL po:st ofli l' that Ro k eould tos:; a m;1il ~ack farthl'r and fust.t>r than anyone in thl• plm:L' . One duy he asked for a rni"l'. 'l'Jwy g-a\'t: him an cxtrn 50 n.•nts Jll'I' Wl'"tk. and that's Olll' n•ason why Knute Hol.'knc went to ~otrt· Damc. The otht:r was that he L'Ou! I sprint :md pole• vault. Ile uid 1w1 J.!O to :\otrt,• Dame as a football player, :rn<l I \\Iii be willing to hL't. lll)r straw skimmn on that. I h<lH~ it from ont'. llf I:\ing h.nute';:; old a:o .. 0L·iat1.:s, who will j!O numclcs~ IWl'l' (in order to "-a.\·e his hide), that Rock arri\"t..•d at tht• South Bt•nd stntion with a derby hat. a :.-.weater with :1 chokl'I' l·ollnr, a pair uf trou:--er~ that had J....;,.l'Tl ,rood milu1g(' and a trnl'k. :mit. You t:an helit.•H~ this or not. Still arwther eron:i.· ~wt.·at·s that Hock bonowl'<l ~ l.l to g-et his first J·l't:'k 3.t lht> i..::olut·n dome of ~c.tre Daml'. I wish tu be neutral h<"n'. althoug-h J will stclte that Hock p~1id b:t('k thC' $-t.1.' '

S.oph h•am J tkft.::i.tt ii soph tt~um 2 hy a s. on• of ~-0. { Sonh lc'am I i~ captaint· I by Lut')' Bowman).

~ntunla\' aften1oon the upperdasi:;­llll'rt ll'am. t·aptaincd ln· :\1:1\· Bo\·<1.

Satunhn. ".\o\Tmbcr :"! markC"cl the <.'lose (\f 1ht• foot ball ~l'<.1so11 for thl'" Ruhkitt\.'ns. Tlw n·~ults of tlw g-anw playt•d un thnt day make~ n \"l'n· pn)­Jlt'r dinup, fur this year':;; cam1,;•:--, lor ·h<' Kittt·ns Wl'rt' sunc~sful in wnlk­int:: on'r tin• <.'ubS to tlw me1-ry tunt• of a t~i to 7 ,-il·tory. The frosh haYt~ h<'en n•n· :-;unt·~sful during this past st•asnn a;icl an• to h(• coni:::ratuh1tt•il 1lll

tlwir showing-. ~\11 tht• fumlunwntab. 111 football an• thl' i::-~uC' at whit' h fro~h football aims in thi:-:; sd10ol. .Judl!illl.!' tlw t1•am f!'nrn what has hcl'n ... et•n l)f thdr playing-. there i~ no dmil1t hot what thC'st.' aim~ a n d pur­po:-l' \\t•n• Wl'll insl·rihe<l.

I 111111I111 • 41111 111 11111 • 111111111 !1111 111111 f.,....-+1-+l

COAC ll DYClll~ 11 ho<e team again rct urn' with

!he ~poil< of batt'<


ence Serie>. . \ ggie~ J)efea! ~d B~ Colorado

was dc•ft•akd by Soph t~am i'. ~ This 1rn1Tow:- the < ha111pion!'hi11

tec1m down to F'rosh tl•am 1. and :-ioph ham 1: both te:uns <'f whit·h hav(' haYc ht•t•n Yii:h:r,., in a ~inj!le g-:rnw. ~111<1 the soph tt:-am h:n-in.i: won tw,, gaml's. \\'lwn the (•hampilmship tf'am has bc<·n dc<.·idecl. thl' \\" .. \ .. \. C< u1wil will t•hoo~<' an nll-~tar lllwkl'\" lcnm fr( m :1111ong- :111 persons whO ha'-<.' pHrtkipat0.l in tht.• tv: rnnnwnt. Pu·sons th:1t are plrtl'Cd on tht.• nll­:->tar tt'am in inuividunl hot·k<'Y sti. k" uncl :1 hlu<.' and g-cild tri-ll1 tte


r h~ck­!!l'OUlld. The:-t• will be announced nt a latt•r dntt•.

E:\'DO\\'l\IE:\'l' l·T:\'D TO ;llOi\'T \:\' .\ WESLEY \i\'

( Cont.inurd fnnn P:1!..?:c Pm')

1 IH'W 111:.-;.tnutit n was fo1nHu :11ul al ­t.he .:g'h th~ linal transf<.•r ha.., jus:. bet.•n C'Olllpi<·tul. lntt.• llH)Ulllain ha..; been recl•iYinc thl' bt.'nefit of fund .. h:t.1 inir bC't'll ;1dminiHl'red b,· tlw board of Christian lducatifln of lht• Pre In te1 ian chun·h. ·

Tlw C'ntirt• umount of 11tol°l' than ~~0.000 , whkh is known as thl"' C:nll<·.t!'~' ot Jlnntana t.·1ulnwment fun l. and w:iith iR lo hl' lwld inviolnblt~, i:-< now to hC' pla t•d Ill tlw irn1:d.., of l11lt•r­ll'1.nrntain r •nhlrl lUllC'.l!°l' . thn>Udl it!' treasurer. R. F. Towl<· of the fpdt.•rnl n•sC'rve bank.

The rL':-.Ults an• :l.!"' follows.:

J!11bkiltl'llS ffo!:kitlt'!lS Bohkittt•ns lfohkittl:'llS Bohkittl•ns Bohkith•ns


\"a1:-;lt\' Rt.•:-l'J"\"t''"' Intl·l'n~1111ntain Huttt· { ·t·ntral Jliks C'ity lli~h Stact• :\"ormal ('uh ...


1~ 13 I:!





OfFICIAl. COLLEGE SlfiN PAINTER For a ll Signs a nd .-\d\·ertising Call

J0!-1 1 • i\lcF.\RLl:\' - PUBLlf' .\TIO:'\S DEPT.

Prices Hight

H 0 w A R D , s .e

A joy foreYer -LE.\TllER BLOUSE::-;

ho\\'in g many styles and co lor s - a mighty "'ltisfaclory garment

JV one H u B .e Ed and Lou Howa rd

I \Yalk-OHr Shoes Stetson Hats ;\'obby Caps

"In looking oYt.T my fa,\C,'lrite box­ing' guide. I set.• no rctord of the mys­tt..>rious l'Ondudor who barnstorme.1 tht• town of :\ilc:-.. :\fit'higan. La Porte, In lian;.1, :rnd way pla..e~. polishing off :-onw of the ham-and-t•g-g-c1 s of the da:i.·. In fa t. there m:w nt~,·er have been n mysteriou,.,_ condu.ctor: and fo!· frar th:it ~'ome one will at.'l'U~c this SJ,)ediu o)d i\ OI ~Clllllll Of pick int!" up ll stray iron lad her<' and thl•re in hi~ freshnrnn yenr, I will not pl:H·c thr damp of fad upor it. I et it f?O as a rumor.''

\\'ith tht.: foutbali st.•a:-;on clt~1wing­to a l'losc IL looks ii!' 1f tht.' l"tah Jn.:ian_..; will n·peat tht.->ir 1..onft.'rrnn c.:llamrionship agam this yl'al". \\"1th the <:ha111pion~h1p 11 tl'tic:dly won they ha1t.' two g-amu• yt•t lo pl:iy. I hey meet the \\ yomin1! Cowbt.iy.., (Ill .:\oY.

\Yith the ondusirn of tht> hod.;cy St•a:-;1111, 'olley I: all bC:'cOme'°' thP I ri­nrnry t?"rtmC'. This sport beg-ins TUC'S.· day. ;\0Yt'mhe1· }j_ at the 1.o·mm1siu111 with a mas~ meeting- unclc>r thC' man­ag-eml'nt of Jlanrnerite- Rosl'Ol'. All woml 11 de:-.iring- to take points in YO)­

leyhall an~ urt:('d to l!<'t in pra:tic:e 1 C'riod·· whil<' thr weather i~ intle­ml'nt. and as soon as po,sible. :-.:otitl'~ as to prat•tiel' hours. indi,·idual poilll:-< g-i,en, nnd R1)hl·at poinb arC' pub­li::d1ed on thl' bul'etin board al thr !:!)"lllllHium. .\, th(' to 11~:1111 "lt will he finished pre\'io;.1~ t,1 ''h1 istma.­~·.acation, this nen~s~ih~ .,~ _t•arly prar· ttce.:: and immediHte cn-..!~H1, •ati·M into teams.

Tht• stylt• of play u:.-;ed by the h it­ll•n:_.; t hb yt•ar wa~ a ~nappy style of football unintt•r111inuled with any rcmpli1..·atl·d shitts or pa~se~. :-\ot a .).fft•at dt•al nf end run:-; Wt."r(' trit•<I. but the hill was usua.lly 1..·arried through thl• lint•. Thl' Pll"SC':- on the wholl' \\"l'rl' ~hort and usually ~ut-ct•ssful.

Tlw ml?n who an• prohahly Plij;!ihlC' t\.r llllll<l~r.'lls art•: Dyrr of Butle Puhlil·, t•nd: Ball of Butte Public, t:.wklc : O'Brien of Buttl' Puhlit·. l!lw.nl: .\f<"IA•an of tlt.'lena. t·l'ntcr; ::\ai..::l'I of Buttc• Puhlk. Guard : :\len­~'l'r nf I.a Portl•, Ind .. tat·kle: Dale of 13illing-:-o. End; .J acnb:;.on of llelcna. I lalfhad.: Kt•nn1..•n nf Pol:;.on. Full­hack; lhl'(•dcn of Gallatin , Quartl•r­hac:k: Jlanlo\·l' of " 'hitehall. quarter-

lllllllllCllllllll II I I C l I I : I I II I ! I C I I J I I I I I I 1 I t ti 11 ~

LITER.\RY SOCIETY !ti and on ·1 hank>l!l\'inl! th"; "·ill tako HOLD INITJ.\TI0:-1 thl' fil'id ai.;ain;t the Ltah ,\c:~'""·

I he .\rm:-trong Jndian~ hU\.L' a Volleyball Series Holds Interest

(C-0ntinued from Pru!"e One)

phian. Our t·hapter wa ... started a!'= Alpha Ersilon Theta in 1!ll7, with a membe1shiJ) of 26 ~irb. It goon hc­lame nffiliated with the liternn· ~e<:­tion of the Bozeman Woman·; ch.:b. It was in:--t.alle ns Et.a Chapter of Eurodelphian on .Tanuarv HJ . Hl~6. Be­dde~ tht~ nc·tivC' membFr.. of the sl)­t.•it ty thC' foll '' ing Wl'rc initiated a honora.ry memb rs: )Jr .... I. 1'~. 0. Pn.c. \lrs. <'. D. Wic:Erenlwrn. :\lrs. R. E . Brown, )lbs .ft.-:."-ic L. Donaldson, and ~Iiss Poli\· R rt on.

de:rn ~late for tlh:' ~easllll with an ann age vf lUU pl'l l.'t llt. \\ ith the aid ut l tnh\ all-.\merican nmdidate. "I owde1 hou~I! .. Po\n~ro.\, thl•Y ban:' ~"cpt t.nI<~~gh all oppo:-<ition to re­main the on1v und.eft.'art•d team in the Rocky )lounlain .. onteruwe. Colorado l"clt.·gc hdd the Red:-:kin~ to the low­est H'Olt.' ol the season when the Tigers ht'ld Annstrong ·~ mt•n to two touchJown:- and c.o.lct:ll"d a polllts with a 11l'i<1 g-oal b:i. Llutl'h Clnrk, taking tht short t•rnl of a :.3 to l:! scort!.

Tht• Indians a1e hem·v ta\'oritcs in their t·oming- tilt with \\·yoming and unle:-;:s \\"yominJ! plays a better brand

HA .. ~DB.\Ll. :\lEET ~~ f~~t~}~~'n~thi~nli~~i'i. d~~~b~ ~~~,~~a~~~ u-; BEIXG PL\ YEO tcoult. ,~1thou1?h Ctah Ai<gie> ha"e

(C<>nti1 cu from Pag-e 011t.•) upper l!t t f h1~ plav and the other is in tht• lo"« r bratkL•t. The ~econd round "·11 ht playeo as soon n~ the rt.• t of trie fir..: cnn be n!ayl•d off.

lx~n dcfl·ated Ly B. ) . U. and Colo­rado Ag-git.•:-. the:i.· haq• a fast, stron;.?' team anJ will make C. t.: . fig-ht to re­main unc1t.'foated for the sea~on .

E•-cn if thl! l ndian:; should lose on both of th<~ir remaining- game:-. they will !i-lill lrn\"l· a peret·ntagot• whkh gh·es them first or a tic for fir=:-t place.

il-tH:;HJ-~ Utah ..\g-g-it!s who were in !"'Ccond ¢- rating- we1e defoated b,· Culorndo

Tobacco Yello I Agi!ies ti to 7 whkh con~bined with the dl'ieat at tho hands of B. ) . V.

CIG.\RETTE HOLDERS practic:illy eliminates th,•m from the running-. With two _1.!ames. io play they ha11.: little drnnl'e of a comcbu. .. k.

$1.00 One of their games is with Dl•1wer lI. but vi<:lory \\OU!d hdp them little un­less they thll o\"t.'Teome lJ. l~.

i B. Y. l'. has aho .;:ufie1ed two set-

KLEI 'SCHl\IIDT CO. ba k,- one frnm L l'. and Ja,t to 2\lont,rna !'tutt.· for th<.· :-<ecund t'On-

"For he Idle Hour'' ~et.· tive time. ..\Jthouc-h Romne'"~ mt.•n han• marle no g-rt.at impn•ssfon

~ as a t•hampionship team tht·y hm·c



pro,·en themsches formidahl<' f0t:~ for any team in the R. :\1. C.

Co!oruclo Colleg-e and C'olurdn AJ.!'­l?ies are \H II down te li:-t but both han• two more games to plav and the

I ouLome of thest• j.!'ames is un~·ertain and t•Hch Jun t- a drnm·t· to yt•t mnkl· a bid for hono1 :--,

A--ich.· from tr. l'. the :::;.tandinJ: of the~ other l"Onforence m<.·mbt·rs are • l ry doubtful. Teams whil'l1 gout off to a poor start UH' beidnnincr lo display

I unu~ual stn·ng-th thu~ making- a prob­able 1·atinl-!' un ertain.

Although 2\lontana State rates a111onl!' the leadeJS WC' are in n·ality cut of tht· runnin~ bC'fore tht Sl'a"oTI beg-ins. Tu win the confc.:n·nn• n tP:tm mu .. t play at lea'."t fi\'c t·onfo1 t•n<:t'

I ~anws to bt· l·lii..dble for tht t·hnmpion ~hip. Sim:<.• wt• hav(' onh three on­fe1 t'llC'C' game.·:- it i:-: inqm~sib]p for u~ to win a c-hllmpion!'hip.


Lack of' .\pplica tion, Wrong Cour~e and Poor Start Ch·en as Rea. ons

Sigma Chi Has nlarnished Hecord. Kappa Sigs Are Un­defeated

The intramural volleyball series is ~1ow hold~ni!' tht• ~pper mo:st. place of 11Herest 111 the l'Ollegc proJ?ram of intrnfraternity athle tics.

The volleyball tourney i:i. pro,ttress­ing- in full swing' with most of the ganws. s.o far, bein~ run off a:." scht•dult.•1!. About half of the ('Ontest.., han been pl:1yed anJ the Si~ma Chi.; hold the lead at the midwav mark. Sigma Chi so fur has an unt'runishc:.I l'<.'l'Onl of four wins and no loses. The l\ippa Sigg are ~1lso as ...-ct undefeated with thl"l~e straight ,>-jcfories t.o their <:redit . whilt.• .AmiJ.?O holds third, hav­ing- won thrC'e an l dropp<. 1l one g-ame.

The g-ame this year for the most part h.:.l\"e been hard foug-ht and do~ely t.onte!jted ~-ith the t'pirit of g-oo<l dean rivalry and sport.:;munship pre\'ailing. The <'.Ontests are beint?" offit'iated by .roe Delaney, intramurnl man a g- e 1', and his assistant lli Griener.


S. C. K. S . A111i~o ~.A . E. P. K. A. B. E. 0. B. A.G. R. D. T. I ncl.

Won l

1 1 0 I)

Lost 0 ()

I l I

3 :l 2 :i

Pct . J.000 1.000 .7;)0 .;)00 • .iiOO .500 .25() .25~ .000 .000


tContinueJ from Page One) route which took them to the \\'\·o­minf.{ 10 yllrd line. Th,_. Cowh0ys ~ut·rc•edl·d in g-ctting- the b~tll. O'Lt•ary s~ol<.• anotht•r pa~s and stopped ~ • s1l•g-c of Cowboy passing-. The Rob­l·ats continu('cl pussing until the C'n<.I of llw quarter.

F'ourth Quader Anuthl•r pass from H ale to B·1rkC'r

whieh put the.• ball on i\lontnna's 2ii yard lim· l'nnstituled the fir~t rea l thrc·at of the g-anw. Wh en Hi \·ard~ from tht• Q"nal l>l'l:'rate took the ball for a tnu<·hdown. O'Leary took a pas:-; fr<!m \\ orthing'ton nnd made the c.•xtra potnt.

" 'yoming- failed in a passing atlack . I nC'Fratc W(•IJt for Ion$!: gains whirh ended whl·n he WC'nl over t:wklt• for th~ ~l.'t'01HI touchdown. " 'orthington m1~~l~d till' kick for a point.

Pmal scent.• Bohcab 13, Cowboys 0.



For Lile ,,1x week:-o j ... st lndinJ.!, 1:~7 fru•hnwn WC>n• ~c-hecluled to appt•n.1 b~fon.~ tht• :-il'h11lu1 ship c·ummittl•t• for not lOmplying- with the m w ~dwlar­~hip ruh•s 1_·equii_i11~ student. to pass In _ten trl•d1t... "1th ten J.!racl~ points. Tl11s numbL·r. although th1£1e-t.·ii:hth~ of thl"_f n•shni_t n da~~. is not really a" alarn1111g- as 1t louk ..... for it is n all\· only an inclit-:ttinn not a conl'lusion ~l:;

~ I t II I I t I I I I I I I I 11 I t I I I I t I I I I ~'.

~The Park· to be found anyw here

"Friend!) Fhes.,

$5.00 Genuine Calfakin, Prime Oak Soles

Wagner Bros. Bozeman 's Leading Men's and

Boy ' tore

to thl• hola tit• statU'.", and nm bt• rcmediC'd.

AtTnnlin1t to membl'rs of the fnc~ ulty, t1w ~ituation i!' 1hw to a In k of con<:(•nt rnll'd ·tudy in hig-h sdtool, or s.0111(' may lrn.Yt• lakC:'n thl' '\\.Toni-!"


Fountain Drinks

Cand ies

Billiards Smokes

t·c ursr. Otlwr may haY~ g-ot u poot start dtH' to frat ru:"hinc- and g-Ntinl!" au stomt•d LO l·nllcj!"p life. Still othl'rs mny hH·k a rt•ali.:ation as to what .. n1ll4.'J!t· :"tllll) ing r .... ally nu·an.... How­c•\"l·r, It b co-n•11sus o1 opinion that

iiiiiiiiiiiiiii mo:-;t or tht• dt•linqut•nb h1·t'trnh.· lh:it way due to no othf!r reas.on than !'hlcr loafinJ;!'.

: 9 EAST l\L\IN :

1 ~I i I I I I II t I I l ll l l I I I t I I l l l ll l 11 I I t U l ll 11;

. • • • 1n



! back; . timps nf ll1n-re. quartcrhack anrl hnlfha(·k: Burns of nelcnn. half­hack, and fullhatk; :\tills of California tat:kle and fullback.

Criad1 .\ dam:-; rll'~t·n·es ,·en· worthy l'nnsidc·ratinn for the ~killfui manne;· in which ht• laid uut play~. sC'ledt•cl lll<'n for the \Urious positions. and handled tilt' team. The results of his coaching will bt• seen in the coming­Yl'Hr~ by tlw a('tion of the above named men on the var:-;ity lineup.

the revue it's

a cigarette "TR UE MERIT I LIKE A RIVER ; rhe

dct:pcr it i ~, the l<:ss nohc fr makes."

There i s nothing scn~at iona l about Chester­fields; good cob.1ccos, blended and cros>·blcnded the standard he;ierfie ld method, 10 taste jus; n ght . Bur-havcn't)OU 11oticcd how smokers are ch.111ging 10 Chesterfield, for that very reason -

.. TASTE: above everything··

@ 19.:!'\ LwcF:l'T .\ ~ht:Rs ToaMco Co.

Wh en you want a box Candy naturally you want the bes!. T hen (r)

BUNTE'S Ml CHOICE There is noting like it. l. 2. 3. and 5 lb. boxes. .\I o Fresh Homemade Candies. try ours. we make on l)· good c~ndy.

The 'j~ i\lontana' - Most Beautiful Confectionery


I •


' '

