ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization Background Guide · 2020. 10. 6. · International...


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ICAO: International Civil

Aviation Organization Background Guide

Chair: Navar Recinos

Email: recinosn@bc.edu

International Civil Aviation Organization

Letter from the Chair

Hello Delegates, Welcome to EagleMUNC IX! My name is Navar Recinos, and I am a Senior at Boston

College where I am majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Physics. This is my third year as a

member of EagleMUNC and my first time chairing at a conference. Within the past three years,

some of my fondest college memories come from being a part of the EagleMUNC family. The

conferences are, in my opinion, one of the best events for students to create memories and bond

with one another. I hope by the end of the weekend you will all have your own special memories.

Our committee will be simulating the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

where we’ll be dealing with issues currently facing the aviation industry. Issues ranging from

security to environmental impact. Aviation is a large part of our modern day society so everyone

should be able to connect to it in some way. I hope it will be as informative as it is fun. I’m

excited to experience my first time chairing with you and hope to make this conference a

memorable one. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Until then, I can’t wait

to meet you at the conference.

Best Wishes,

Navar Recinos

International Civil Aviation Organization

Background Information:

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a UN specialized agency that

was established at the 1944 Chicago Convention to manage the administration and governance of

the Convention on International Civil Aviation.1 The ICAO handles safety, registration,

airworthiness, fair competition, standardization, aviation law, and the prevention of economic

waste. The organization is made up of the Secretariat, an Assembly, and a Council, which is

internally made up of the different bodies. The Chief Officers are the President of the Council

and the Secretary General.2

Composed of representatives from the member states, the Assembly is the sovereign

body of the organization. They are tasked with reviewing the work of the organization,

establishing policies every three years, and apportioning out the triennial budget.3 In addition, the

Assembly is responsible for electing the states which make up the Council. Should the Assembly

be unable to reach a decision, they may delegate the power to do so to the Council. It is also up

to the Assembly to approve amendments of their constitution for the organization.4

ICAO Council Discussing COVID-19, Montreal, 20205

1 “About ICAO // ,” About ICAO, https://www.icao.int/about-icao/Pages/default.aspx. 2 “SKYbrary Wiki,” International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety,https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/International_Civil_Aviation_Organisation_(ICAO). 3 “SKYbrary Wiki,” 4 “Assembly // ,” Assembly, https://www.icao.int/about-icao/assembly/Pages/default.aspx. 5 Raillant-Clark, William. “ICAO Council Agrees to the Safeguard Adjustment for CORSIA in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic // ,” n.d. https://www.icao.int/Newsroom/Pages/ICAO-Council-agrees-to-the-safeguard-adjustment-for-CORSIA-in-light-of-COVID19-pandemic.aspx.

International Civil Aviation Organization

Council members serve for three-year terms and each represent one of 36 states. These

states are selected based on the following: the states most important to air transport, the states

with the largest contribution to the provision of facilities for air navigation, and the states

necessary to represent all major areas of the world. The Council is led by a president who can

serve an unlimited number of three-year terms and is able to be reelected. Currently, Salvatore

Sciacchitano is President of the Council, and his term began in January 2020. It is up to the

Council to create standards and recommended practices for the organization. When needed, they

will look to their subcommittees to handle specific issues such as the Air Navigation Committee

for technical issues, the Air Transport Committee for economic issues, and the Committee on

Joint Support of Air Navigation Services for remaining issues.6 The Council also submits reports

to the Assembly regarding the status of the organization and carries out any tasks that the

Assembly requires. Additionally, they hold the power to investigate matters regarding the safety

of international travel. Just as the Assembly elects the states for the Council, it is up to the

Council to elect the Secretary General of the ICAO, who serves in the UN’s Secretariat. At the

moment, the Council’s main objectives are safety, air navigation capacity and efficiency,

security, economic development, and environmental protection.7

The Secretariat of the organization is made up of the Air Navigation Bureau, Air

Transport Bureau, Technical Cooperation Bureau, Legal Bureau, and the Bureau of

Administration and Services.8 In addition to these five bureaus, there are also the seven regional

offices of the ICAO. They are located in Bangkok, Thailand (Asia and Pacific); Nairobi, Kenya

6 “SKYbrary Wiki,” International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety, https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/International_Civil_Aviation_Organisation_(ICAO). 7 “The ICAO Council // ,” The ICAO Council, https://www.icao.int/about-icao/Council/Pages/Council.aspx. 8 “SKYbrary Wiki,” International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety, https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/International_Civil_Aviation_Organisation_(ICAO).

International Civil Aviation Organization

(Eastern and Southern Africa); Dakar, Senegal (Western and Central Africa); Cairo, Egypt

(Middle East); Paris, France (Europe and North Atlantic); Lima, Peru (South America); Mexico

City, Mexico (North/Central America and Caribbean). All bureaus are led by the Secretary

General. Besides leading the Secretariat, the Secretary General is also responsible for carrying

out any needs of the Council and giving them status reports on the Secretariat. Similar to the

President of the Council, the Secretary General serves a three-year term and can be reelected. Dr.

Fang Liu is the current Secretary General, and she started her second term in March 2018.9

All three levels of the ICAO are guided by (or are involved in the creation of) broader

principles. The principles for the ICAO are called Standard and Recommended Practices

(SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation (PANs). SARPs and PANs are important to the

ICAO because they lay out safety rules, performance requirements, and other essential

information for air transport. When it comes to creating SARPs and PANs, the different bodies

and subcommittees from the ICAO will come together and follow the amendment process to see

whether the addition is suitable. For the most part, it takes about two years for a standard or

procedure to be approved.10

The ICAO currently has five main objectives, the first of which is safety. In order to

maintain the safety of air travel, the organization develops strategies that are part of their Global

Aviation Safety Plan and Global Air Navigation Plan, and new standards and procedures to

ensure that safety measures are continuously updated. The Council also monitors safety trends

and indicators which can help with issues such as dealing with aviation systems disruptions

caused by natural disasters.11 The ICAO also concerns itself with capacity and efficiency,

9 “ICAO Secretariat // ,” ICAO Secretariat,https://www.icao.int/secretariat/Pages/default.aspx. 10 “How ICAO Develops Standards // ,” How ICAO Develops Standards, https://www.icao.int/about-icao/AirNavigationCommission/Pages/how-icao-develops-standards.aspx. 11 “Safety // ,” Safety,https://www.icao.int/safety/Pages/default.aspx.

International Civil Aviation Organization

focusing on how to handle large volumes of passengers or aircrafts, in order to prevent

congestion and maximize the efficiency of air travel.12 For their security objective, they focus on

acts of sabotage, unlawful seizures of aircrafts, and the use of aircrafts in terrorist attacks. It also

focuses on traveling documents and the training of airport security.13 When it comes to economic

development, the organization has seven goals:

A coherent and harmonized global regulatory framework for international air transport,

thereby removing impediments to economic sustainability and maximizing aviation’s

contribution to economic development.

The securing of, and increased accessibility to funding for aviation infrastructure and

States’ oversight functions, as well as efficient use of resources and technologies.

Solutions to overcome infrastructure and airspace capacity constraints and improve

organizational and managerial capabilities and corporate governance.

Better cooperation amongst the aviation community and all aviation stakeholders, and

smooth adaptation to the changes in civil aviation, the global business environment and the


Significant savings by States in conducting air services negotiations, and performing

regulatory functions.

The availability of accurate, reliable and consistent aviation data for States’ decision-

making and accountability, and for operations transparency to all the air transport stakeholders

and markets.

12 “Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency // ,” Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency, https://www.icao.int/airnavigation/Pages/default.aspx. 13 “Security // ,” Security, https://www.icao.int/Security/Pages/default.aspx.

International Civil Aviation Organization

And finally, the availability of tools and forecasting necessary to measure and, to the

extent possible, predict the various aspects of civil aviation development.14

A final, but important, aspect of the ICAO agenda is the discussion and implementation

of environmental protection. The ICAO seeks to limit the number of people affected by aircraft

noise, reduce the impact of emissions on air quality, and reduce the impact of greenhouse gas

emissions on the global climate.15

Topic1: Environmental Impact

The first major issue affecting the aviation industry is its environmental impact. As the

industry grows, it creates a stronger impact on both local environments and the world as a whole.

The primary issue at the local level is noise pollution, which is most common around airports or

under common air routes.. According to the World Health Organization, the effects that noise

pollution have on humans include hearing impairment, pain, sleep disturbance, stress,

psychophysiological reactions during sleep, cardiovascular effects, deficits in reading acquisition

among children, and effects on social behavior.16 While other industries have already started to

decrease their ground-level emissions, airplanes still emit volatile organic compounds and

nitrogen oxides. Although the airplanes themselves contribute to emissions issues, airports are

also a significant part of the problem. At the airports, taxis, buses, and other vehicles constantly

produce exhaust as they are stuck in traffic.17 These emissions affect the people living around the

14 “Economic Development of Air Transport // ,” Economic Development of Air Transport, https://www.icao.int/sustainability/Pages/default.aspx. 15 “Environmental Protection // ,” Environmental Protection, https://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/Pages/default.aspx. 16 Whitelegg, John. “AVIATION: the Social, Economic and Environmental Impact of Flying,” January 2000. 17 Whitelegg, John.

International Civil Aviation Organization

airports or under the flight routes by contributing to health issues, especially for those with pre-

existing respiratory issues.

Diagram Representing the Impact of Air Travel on the Climate18

On the global level, the aviation industry has a sizable carbon footprint. Aviation

produces about two percent of all human induced CO2 emissions. However, CO2 is not the only

gas emitted. Aircraft fumes are about 8% percent CO2 and water vapour; and 0.03% nitrogen

oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, and unburned hydrocarbons. The remaining

percentage of about 92% is normal atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen. The water vapour that is

emitted is also believed to have an impact, however it is unknown whether that impact is

warming or cooling the climate. By this, researchers mean that the water vapor can form into

cirrus clouds which can create different warming or cooling effects based on the time of day the

flight occurs. Since the effects are still being looked into, the extent of water vapor’s effect can’t

18 “The Impact of Air Travel on Our Climate,” atmosfair, n.d., https://www.atmosfair.de/en/air_travel_and_climate/flugverkehr_und_klima/climate_impact_air_traffic/.

International Civil Aviation Organization

be told compared to other greenhouse gases.19 These gases have varying impacts based on

altitude. The water vapours and nitrogen oxides have a greater effect in high altitudes, while CO2

has the same effect no matter the altitude.20 This is important when looking at how planes will

fly at different altitudes depending on their flight path or its model. While the industry is

attempting to decrease its emissions, aircraft are still contributing to global climate change.

Another global effect that airlines have is water pollution. Sometimes, in order to make

landing easier, aircrafts will lighten themselves by dumping excess fuel into nearby bodies of

water. This will pollute the water and harm the wildlife that lives in it or depends on it. In early

2020, a Delta Airlines flight dropped fuel in a community of California. The load landed on an

elementary school and caused some injuries to students, but nothing severe. The actions that

aviation companies take aren’t only polluting the water, but can also have unforeseen

consequences on the surrounding communities.

While aircrafts are contributing to climate change, they are also being affected by it. As

global warming worsens, weather can become more unpredictable or unfavorable. When this

happens, airplanes cannot fly and more have to be grounded until the weather becomes suitable.

Also if airlines wish to continue to send their aircrafts, then they must look for new routes to

avoid the unsuitable weather conditions which may make the trips longer.

Topic 2:Aging Technology and System Failures

Another crucial issue that the aviation industry is currently facing is aging technology

and system failures. Aviation technology has not progressed in the past few years, and models

19 “Aviation's Impact on the Environment,” Aviation, n.d., https://aviationbenefits.org/environmental-efficiency/aviations-impact-on-the-environment/. 20 “Aviation's Impact on the Environment,” Aviation, n.d., https://aviationbenefits.org/environmental-efficiency/aviations-impact-on-the-environment/.

International Civil Aviation Organization

have remained the same with no noticeable changes. It is due to this lack of advancements that

more aircrafts are starting to suffer from system failures, such as circuits not working properly.21

In recent years we have seen IT failures and blackouts from companies such as Delta, United,

and Southwest Airlines.22 These issues have made the companies ground many of their aircrafts,

resulting in irritated customers stuck at airports. This leads to customers asking for refunds and

companies receiving negative press, so they suffer financially. In order to better their technology,

companies attempt to create mergers with other companies to share their technology.23 However,

this is still not enough. Airline companies have trouble investing in advancements because they

have a small budget to spend in new technology. The large taxes they face leave them with little

extra to spend.24 Historically, airlines have chosen to put liquid assets towards security and

safety, two elements crucial for air travel, but not towards the advancement of the aircraft’s

mechanical technology. With such high risks directly impacting consumers, airline companies

face additional constraints that do not burden many other industries.25 If they started investing in

other elements and let their security become obsolete, then they have made themselves

21 Justin Bachman, “Airline IT Failures Expose Systems That Are a Mix of Really Old and New Technologies,” Skift (Bloomberg, February 7, 2017), https://skift.com/2017/02/07/airline-it-failures-expose-systems-that-are-a-mix-of-really-old-and-new-technologies/ 22 Justin Bachman, “Airline IT Failures Expose Systems That Are a Mix of Really Old and New Technologies,” Skift (Bloomberg, February 7, 2017), https://skift.com/2017/02/07/airline-it-failures-expose-systems-that-are-a-mix-of-really-old-and-new-technologies/ 23 Justin Bachman, “Airline IT Failures Expose Systems That Are a Mix of Really Old and New Technologies,” Skift (Bloomberg, February 7, 2017), https://skift.com/2017/02/07/airline-it-failures-expose-systems-that-are-a-mix-of-really-old-and-new-technologies/ 24 Justin Bachman, “Airline IT Failures Expose Systems That Are a Mix of Really Old and New Technologies,” Skift (Bloomberg, February 7, 2017), https://skift.com/2017/02/07/airline-it-failures-expose-systems-that-are-a-mix-of-really-old-and-new-technologies/. 25 Laura Sydell, “Why The Airline Industry Could Keep Suffering System Failures Like Delta's,” NPR (NPR, August 9, 2016), https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/08/09/489355923/why-the-airline-industry-could-keep-suffering-system-failures-like-deltas.

International Civil Aviation Organization

vulnerable to hackers or terrorists.26 Thus, security has trumped technology innovation and

maintenance in the short term, building a long-term technological debt which is now coming due.

Breakdown of Materials For a Boeing 78727

Like obsolete electrical systems, obsolete mechanical parts can interfere with the smooth

operation of aircraft. Parts of airplanes are exposed to high temperatures, high pressures, stress,

corrosion, and impact damage.28 As time passes, these parts start degrading and require

replacements, but this is not an easy process. As the aircrafts become older, it becomes more

difficult to find replacement parts. This is mainly because of a lack of availability or because the

manufacturers have stopped producing it.29 Production of parts tends to stop once an aircraft

reaches a certain “age.” But how does one define an aircraft's age to know if it is obsolete? For

26 Laura Sydell, “Why The Airline Industry Could Keep Suffering System Failures Like Delta's,” NPR (NPR, August 9, 2016), https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/08/09/489355923/why-the-airline-industry-could-keep-suffering-system-failures-like-deltas. 27 Michael Baudin, “The Boeing 787 Development Story,” Michel Baudin's Blog, April 2, 2017, https://michelbaudin.com/2017/04/02/the-boeing-787-developmentlaunch-story/. 28 Ionel Botef, “(PDF) Aging Aircrafts: Concerns and Possible Solutions,” ResearchGate, September 2012, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259531339_Aging_Aircrafts_Concerns_and_Possible_Solutions. 29 Ionel Botef, “(PDF) Aging Aircrafts: Concerns and Possible Solutions,” ResearchGate, September 2012, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259531339_Aging_Aircrafts_Concerns_and_Possible_Solutions.

International Civil Aviation Organization

starters, manufacturers look at the number of flight cycles and the number of engine hours.30 On

average an aircraft lasts about 30 years before needing to be retired.31 Therefore, companies need

to also focus on improving their mechanical systems in order to make sure none of the plane’s

parts become obsolete or the plane as a whole becomes obsolete. While all planes will eventually

need to retire no matter how advanced they are, it is important to have them fully functional in

the meantime for safe travel.

The obsolete systems and aging parts lead to the issue of aviation accidents. Crashes can

be caused by a variety of factors, including: control surfaces becoming stuck and preventing

proper control; hydraulic systems failing, causing the plane to be unable to land properly; fuel

leaks shortening the range of the plane or causing fires; instrument failures deceiving pilots; and

the failing of de-icing, pressurization, electrical, or mechanical equipment.32 An example of a

simple failure leading to a severe crash was in 1994 when an airplane crashed while trying to

land and thus killed everyone on board. The cause was an uncontrollable rudder due to a design

defect within the rudder power unit.33 Obsolete components and mechanical systems are just as

crucial as the electrical systems when it comes to an aircrafts components, thus solutions should

be created on how companies can equally advance both systems.

30 Ionel Botef, “(PDF) Aging Aircrafts: Concerns and Possible Solutions,” ResearchGate, September 2012, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259531339_Aging_Aircrafts_Concerns_and_Possible_Solutions. 31 Dan Wang, “How Are Planes Decommissioned and How Much Value Can Be Salvaged?,” Flexport, April 12, 2016, https://www.flexport.com/blog/decommissioned-planes-salvage-value/. 32 Chris Daniel, “AIRCRAFT DEFECTS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES,” McCARTNEY STUCKY LLC, January 20, 2019, https://mccartneystucky.com/aircraft-defects-and-their-consequences/ 33 Chris Daniel, “AIRCRAFT DEFECTS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES,” McCARTNEY STUCKY LLC, January 20, 2019, https://mccartneystucky.com/aircraft-defects-and-their-consequences/.

International Civil Aviation Organization

Topic 3: Costs

A third issue impacting the aviation industry is the increasing costs of expanding

operations. The two main costs that affect airlines are fuel and labor. The cost for fuel is 10-12%

of a company’s expenses, while labor is about 35% of the expenses, on average.34 The rest of the

expenses include maintenance, parts and labor, luggage handling, airport fees, taxes, marketing,

promotions, travel agent commissions, and passenger expenses.35 In general, the costs can be

split into two types: operational and functional. Operational costs consist of salaries, materials,

services purchased, and rentals and fees. The functional costs include aircraft operations, aircraft

services, traffic services, passenger services, reservation and sales, and other costs associated

with marketing and administration.36 So the fuel costs would fall under functional costs since it

deals with the aircrafts’ operations and services, while labor falls under operational and

functional since it’s associated with salaries for the labor and the labor being done is a service to

the aircraft.

The breakdown of costs for major US airlines provides a reference point for typical

expense distribution. 44% of costs are aircraft operations (fuel, maintenance, and crew), 29% are

servicing expenses, 14% are reservations and sales, and 13% are overhead expenses. Aircraft

operations can further be broken down by aircraft and route type. For instance, for a Boeing 757,

total flight operating costs are $2550 per block hour.37 A block hour is the time from the moment

the aircraft door closes at departure until the moment the door opens at the arrival gate.38 In other

34 Brian Beers, “Which Major Expenses Affect Airline Companies?,” Investopedia (Investopedia, June 25, 2019), https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/what-are-major-expenses-affect-companies-airline-industry.asp. 35 Brian Beers, “Which Major Expenses Affect Airline Companies?,” Investopedia (Investopedia, June 25, 2019), https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/what-are-major-expenses-affect-companies-airline-industry.asp. 36 “ICAO: Airline Operating Costs and Productivity.” Tehran: ICAO, February 20, 2017. 37 Tehran: ICAO. 38 Tehran: ICAO.

International Civil Aviation Organization

words, when the blocks are removed from under the wheel of the aircraft so it can depart the

terminal to when the aircraft lands at its destination terminal and blocks are placed under again.

Hence the name “block hour.” It doesn’t matter if a trip is 6 or 16 hours, it will still be

considered one block hour. Generally, larger aircrafts have higher flight operating costs per

block hour, partly because pilots who fly large aircrafts internationally are paid more. However,

smaller aircrafts have higher costs per seat hour. These costs are all based on the aircraft and

employee productivity, which in turn is based on a variety of different factors. These factors

include more flight departures per day, longer stage lengths, and more seats in similar aircraft

types. Employee productivity is impacted by longer stage lengths, larger aircraft sizes, and

increased aircraft productivity due to shorter turnaround times.39

U.S. Airline Operating Costs in 201940

39 Tehran: ICAO. 40 “Passenger Airlines Operating Costs, United States, 2019,” The Geography of Transport Systems, March 31, 2020, https://transportgeography.org/?page_id=7287.

International Civil Aviation Organization

So what happens when costs get too high for airline companies? Airline companies will

resort to laying off workers or reducing their pay and benefits, or they will raise the price of their

tickets.41 These actions can actually end up doing more harm than good for the companies’

bottom lines. If benefits are reduced, then employees may quit or protest. In Europe, there have

been pilot walkouts which creates a shortage, so now the companies are finding it difficult to

have their aircrafts in the sky since there is no one to fly them.4243 This means that the companies

cannot schedule trips and thus lose money on ticket purchases. If ticket prices increase, then

fewer people will wish to purchase them; many may seek out a cheaper option. Increasing ticket

prices passes the costs onto consumers. Recently, this has been driven by high fuel prices. In July

of 2019, U.S. airlines spent $3 billion on fuel.44 While there has been slight decreases in fuel

costs, it is still a major issue the industry faces. Balancing rising costs with employee demands

and consumer desires poses a continual challenge for the aviation industry.

Topic 4: Competition

Aviation competition has arisen as an issue in a world increasingly reliant on air travel.

Smaller corporations find themselves unable to keep up with the more mainstream corporations,

so they have to either disband or merge with another corporation. Major corporations, on the

other hand, have to compete with one another. The main part of this competition is each other’s

41 Brian Beers, “Which Major Expenses Affect Airline Companies?,” Investopedia (Investopedia, June 25, 2019), https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/what-are-major-expenses-affect-companies-airline-industry.asp. 42 “Business & Human Rights Resource Centre,” Ryanair's German pilots join Europe-wide strikes over labour rights - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, July 31, 2018, https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/ryanairs-german-pilots-join-europe-wide-strikes-over-labour-rights/. 43 Gregory Katz, “British Airways Forced to Cancel Most Flights After Pilot Walkout,” Skift, September 9, 2019, https://skift.com/2019/09/09/british-airways-forced-to-cancel-most-flights-after-pilot-walkout/. 44 “What the Cost of Airline Fuel Means to You,” U.S. Department of Transportation, September 13, 2019, https://www.transportation.gov/administrations/assistant-secretary-research-and-technology/what-cost-airline-fuel-means-you.

International Civil Aviation Organization

reputation. If one airline corporation has recently received a bad reputation, then the other

corporations will take that advantage to better their own business.

Best Airlines of 201945

Originally all airlines had similar fares and routes due to the Civil Aeronautics Board,

which was a government agency that regulated commercial airlines.46 Competition began once

regulations were decreased in the late 1970s and companies were given their own liberties. The

fares started off low, which meant more customers were able to purchase seats. However, as

more and more customers filled the seats, the flight experience started to decline. Thus,

companies introduced classes of airline tickets to provide those willing to pay extra a more

enjoyable experience.

The industry greatly changed after 9/11 and the Great Recession, driving down

competition. From 2005-2015 many major airlines merged together to form the remaining major

companies: American, United, Delta, and Southwest. In 2015, these four companies controlled

45 Masha Maksimava, “10 Best Airlines of 2019: A Social Listening Report,” Awario Blog (Awario, June 1, 2020), https://awario.com/blog/airline-industry-social-listening-report/. 46 Scott A. Wolla and Carolyn Backus, “The Economics of Flying: How Competitive Are the Friendly Skies?,” Economic Research - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, November 2018, https://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/page1-econ/2018/11/01/the-economics-of-flying-how-competitive-are-the-friendly-skies/.

International Civil Aviation Organization

80% of the U.S. market. This made the airline industry an oligopoly, which makes it difficult for

smaller companies to succeed. However, the small companies started to expand their routes

causing a new form of competition. The rise of the lower cost companies has placed pressure on

the larger companies to provide a basic economy class in order to attract low-budget customers.47

Currently, the most competitive global markets are China, the United States, India, Indonesia,

and Brazil.48

To compete globally, airlines must factor in changing customer preferences based on

region. The culture of a region can impact how people travel. Some may travel due to business

while others may be traveling for leisure; some may be more comfortable with long trips while

others may be accustomed to short hops. For instance, international business travelers from the

UK are more likely to see seat comfort as a priority while business travelers from China will

prioritize premium services such as rebooking.49 Airline companies need to take into account

these regional differences in order to beat the competition.

There has been a great increase in competition in the airline industry recently. As a result

capacities have begun to increase, services have improved, and the fares have been decreased.50

If fares seem to be low across the field, then how do customers choose which company to give

their business to? The main factor is reputation. Customers are going to select the airline with the

best services. This can include entertainment, food, comfortable seating, and how employees

47 Scott A. Wolla and Carolyn Backus, “The Economics of Flying: How Competitive Are the Friendly Skies?,” Economic Research - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, November 2018, https://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/page1-econ/2018/11/01/the-economics-of-flying-how-competitive-are-the-friendly-skies/. 48 Teresa Cederholm, “Competition in Airline Industry,” Market Realist, December 31, 2019, https://marketrealist.com/2014/12/low-entry-barriers-intensify-competition-airline-industry/. 49 Teresa Cederholm, “Competition in Airline Industry,” Market Realist, December 31, 2019, https://marketrealist.com/2014/12/low-entry-barriers-intensify-competition-airline-industry/. 50 John P Heimlich, “U.S. Airline Competition Has Intensified, Leading to More Air Service and Lower Prices for Consumers,” Airlines For America, accessed July 12, 2017, https://www.airlines.org/blog/u-s-airline-competition-has-intensified-leading-to-more-air-service-and-lower-prices-for-consumers/.

International Civil Aviation Organization

treat them. In 2017, a viral video of a United flight showed a doctor be forcibly dragged off the

plane.51 When the video was released, United faced severe backlash. They lost business to the

other major airlines because customers did not wish to give money to a company they believed

mistreated their passengers. Thus, the reputation of the companies is key to their success.

Without customers, they cannot succeed, no matter how well they are handling the other

previously mentioned issues. More so now than ever, reputation and public presence play a

significant role in airline competition.

Bloc Positions

This body represents the ICAO in 2021. It will be made up of the most important country

members as well as aviation corporations. The countries’ interests and goals will be different

than those of the corporations. Countries will focus more on their economies and national

security. Some countries will want to improve their security more than others and may work with

those who wish to do the same. The corporations on the other hand will be more concerned about

themselves. They are present to represent themselves and provide a voice in the countries’

decisions that will affect their business. They will work with other corporations in order to help

push or reject a policy, or may even have to merge together in order to overcome an issue. While

there won’t be strong competition amongst the countries, it can occur between the corporations.

As mentioned, the committee takes place in 2021. Delegates should therefore be aware of

how the ICAO currently operates and policies that are in motion. It should also be beneficial to

know key past events or policies that may affect current decision making. Other important

51 Julia Jacobo and Cameron Harrison, “Doctor Dragged off United Airlines Flight after Watching Viral Video of Himself: 'I Just Cried',” ABC News (ABC News Network, April 9, 2019), https://abcnews.go.com/US/doctor-dragged-off-united-airlines-flight-watching-viral/story?id=62250271.

International Civil Aviation Organization

information is the current status of the aviation corporations and the primary concerns of

different countries with regards to aviation. Since this is occurring in 2021, COVID-19 will have

impacted both countries and corporations. The countries will probably want to focus on how to

limit spread through air travel while the corporations will try to financially recover and provide

assurance to travelers that it is safe to fly. Knowing how each country is dealing with this

obstacle is also relevant. Some countries that will be represented are the United States, United

Kingdom, China, and France52 while the corporation will include companies such as Boeing, Air

France, Cessna, American Airlines, and Emirates.

Questions to Consider

Environmental Impact

+ While we see the impact that noise pollution has on humans, what’s its effect on the

nature around an airport?

+ Besides pollution, how else are the development of airports impacting the environment?

+ As for the aircrafts themselves, would increasing capacity to decrease sky traffic lower

emissions or increase them since the crafts are larger?

+ In the car industry, we see a push for more electrical vehicles, is it possible to create an

electrical airplane?

+ Lastly, it was mentioned how climate change is affecting air travel. If things continue to

worsen, what better ways can airlines make up for the changes rather than simply

cancelling flights?

Aging Technologies

52 “Member States // ,” Member States, n.d., https://www.icao.int/about-icao/Pages/member-states.aspx.

International Civil Aviation Organization

+ When it comes to aging technology, delegates should wonder why there has been a lack

of progress?

+ Besides cost, is there a lack of interest in terms of people who wish to enter the field?

+ Is focusing so much on system security worth it if the aircraft keep failing mechanically?

+ Is there a way that the companies can find a balance between investing in security and

more advanced aircrafts?

+ How can countries help companies better their aircrafts?

+ Are countries interested in the advancement of the industry or are they content with how

it is now?


+ Would investing a new form of fuel be worth the cost rather than paying the high price of

the current fuel?

+ Does increasing ticket prices benefit or harm the industry?

+ What can companies, especially in Europe, do in order to prevent more walkouts from


+ Rather than spend on developing airports, can countries invest in companies to help them


+ Would reducing functional costs be more beneficial than reducing operational costs?


+ When two companies merge, what are some issues that may arise?

+ One point that was previously mentioned was how customers have no loyalty. So how

can airline companies create loyalty?

International Civil Aviation Organization

+ With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, how can companies assure the public that it’s safe

to fly on their airlines?

+ How does a country impact the competition between airlines, both domestically and


All of these questions should help guide discussion and decisions during the course of the

conference. Feel free to draft responses to help guide your anticipated direction of committee and

position paper.

International Civil Aviation Organization

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