iCBS : Incremental Cost-based Scheduling under Piecewise Linear SLAs



iCBS : Incremental Cost-based Scheduling under Piecewise Linear SLAs. Yun Chi , Hyun Jin Moon, Hakan Hacigumus NEC Laboratories America Cupertino, USA. Outline of the Talk. Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log ^2 N) time complexity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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iCBS: Incremental Cost-based Scheduling under Piecewise Linear SLAs

Yun Chi, Hyun Jin Moon, Hakan Hacigumus

NEC Laboratories America

Cupertino, USA

2 NECLA Data Management Research VLDB 2011

Outline of the Talk

Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log^2 N) time complexity Experimental results Conclusion and future work

3 NECLA Data Management Research VLDB 2011

Outline of the Talk

Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log^2 N) time complexity Experimental results Conclusion and future work

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Cost-aware scheduling each query has its cost scheduling considers costs

Important for a cloud service provider query deadline (Web queries) service level (gold vs. silver customer) explicit SLAs (often piecewise linear)

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Motivation—CBS [Peh91]

The good cost/deadline aware very good cost performance

Low Sy

stem Lo


High Sy

stem Lo



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The bad, at each time t, O(N) scores are computed each score involves an integration:

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Our Contributions

Investigate CBS under piecewise linear SLAs how things change over time

Develop efficient iCBS uses above observations maintains scores incrementally no integration used achieves O(log^2 N) time complexity

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Piecewise Linear SLAs

Agreement on query response time cost function f(t) is finite segments over time each segment is a linear function

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Outline of the Talk

Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log^2 N) time complexity Experimental results Conclusion and future work

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iCBS—Easy Cases, SLA (a)

CBS score is constant for this SLA

Refer to as in α stage

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iCBS—Easy Cases, SLA (b)

CBS score is time-variant

However, only relative order is needed Refer to as β stage

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iCBS—Easy Cases, SLAs (c),(d)

CBS scores are time-variant in special ways

β stage, and then α stage

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Outline of the Talk

Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log^2 N) time complexity Experimental results Conclusion and future work

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iCBS—Hard Cases, SLAs (e),(f)

CBS scores are time-variant

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iCBS—Hard Cases, Solution

Put the scores in the dual space

time-invariant in the dual space

At time t’, find , search in dual space

atat ewithfetf ,)()(

),()( f


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iCBS—Revisit Easy Cases

Why the easy ones are easy Either in α stage, or β stage

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iCBS—Incremental Maintenance

In the dual space time-variant CBS a point position changes K times

Highest score on the convex hull

O(log^2 N) dynamic convex hull algorithm [PS85]

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Outline of the Talk

Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log^2 N) time complexity Experimental results Conclusion and future work

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Compare iCBS’s cost per query with cost-unaware FCFS and SJF ASETS* by Guirguis et al. [GSC+09] FirstReward by Irwin et al. [IGC04]

Using different SLAs weighted tardiness (ASETS* [GSC+09]) tardiness with upper bound (FirstReward [IGC04])

Over a variety of SLA parameters decay skew factor value skew factor

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Experiment—Effectiveness, SLA-1

ASETS* designed for this SLA CBS (iCBS) has best performance, especially

with skewed SLAs, and high system load

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Experiment—Effectiveness, SLA-2

FirstReward designed for this SLA CBS (iCBS) has best performance ASETS* cannot be finished (days)

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iCBS with CBS: time vs. queue length Query execution time

exponential distribution (OLTP) Pareto (long-tail) distribution (OLAP)

Detailed setting Xeon PC, 3GHz CPU, 4GB memory Fedora 11 Linux implemented in Java

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Experiment—Efficiency, Exponential

CBS: obviously O(N) iCBS: relatively constant

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Experiment—Efficiency, Pareto

With long queue, CBS takes >10ms iCBS still 10-20 us

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Related Work

Haritsa et al. [HCL93], value-based scheduling Guirguis et al. [GSC+09], tardiness minimization Irwin et al. [IGC04], balance risk and reward Chi et al. [CMHT11], step-wise cost functions Peha [Peh91], cost-based scheduling (CBS)

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Outline of the Talk

Motivation and background iCBS with O(log N) time complexity iCBS with O(log^2 N) time complexity Experimental results Conclusion and future work

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Conclusion and Future Work

Conclusion incremental cost-based scheduling under piecewise linear SLAs

Future directions query execution time: certain uncertain MPL: 1 M what to schedule: queries transactions

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[CMHT11] Y. Chi, H. J. Moon, H. Hacigumus, and J. Tatemura. SLA-tree: A framework for efficiently supporting SLA-based decisions in cloud computing. In EDBT, pages 129–140, 2011.

[GSC+09] Shenoda Guirguis, Mohamed A. Sharaf, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexandros Labrinidis, and Kirk Pruhs. Adaptive scheduling of web transactions. In ICDE, pages 357–368, 2009.

[HCL93] Jayant R. Haritsa, Michael J. Carey, and Miron Livny. Value-based scheduling in real-time database systems. The VLDB Journal, 2:117–152, 1993.

[IGC04] David E. Irwin, Laura E. Grit, and Jeffrey S. Chase. Balancing risk and reward in a market-based task service. In HPDC, pages 160–169, 2004.

[Peh91] Jon Michael Peha. Scheduling and dropping algorithms to support integrated services in packet-switched networks. PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1991.

[PS85] Franco P. Preparata and Michael I. Shamos. Computational geometry: an introduction. Springer-Verlag, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1985.

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Backup Slide

Cost SLAs and profit SLAs are equivalent

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Backup Slide

Performance for the most general SLAs
