ICD X PKT, DVI Dan Malpraktek




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  • ICD X Utk Kasus Rape, DV, DVI dan Malpractice FBI

  • Place of Occurrence

    Y92.0xx Non-institutional (private) residenceY92xx Institutional (non-private) residence Y92.2xxSchool, other institution Y92.3xxSports and athletics areaY92.4xxStreet and highway Y92.5xxTrade and service areaY92.6xIndustrial and construction areaY92.7xFarm Y92.8xxOther specified place

  • Place of OccurrenceExamplesY92.0 Non-institutional (private) residence Y92.01 Single-family non-institutional (private) house Y92.010 KitchenY92.012 Bathroom Y92.016 Swimming pool

  • ActivityY93.0xx Injured while engaged in sports activity Y93.1xx Injured while engaged in leisure activity Y93.2xxInjured while working for incomeY93.3Injured while engaged in other types of workY93.4 Injured while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities Y93.8 Injured while engaged in personal hygieneY93.9 Injured during unspecified activity

  • ActivityExamples Y93.0 Injured while engaged in sports activity Y93.01x Individual school sports activity Y93.02x Non-school sports activity Y93.03x Individual military sports activity Y93.04x School group sports activity Y93.05x Non-school sports activity Y93.06 Military group sports activity

  • Sexual AssaultY050 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home ' Y0500 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Sports Y0501 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Leisure Y0502 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Working for income Y0503 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Other work Y0504 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Resting, Eating, Vital Y0508 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Oth Spec Activities Y0509 Sexual assault by bodily force, Home, Unspec Activity Y051 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution.Y0510 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Sports Y0511 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Leisure Y0512 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Working for in comeY0513 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Other work Y0514 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Resting, EatinY0518 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Oth Spec Activ Y0519 Sexual assault by bodily force, Residential Institution., Unspec Activit '

  • Sexual AssaultY052 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin AreaY0520 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, SportsY0521 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, L eisureY0522 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, Working for incomeY0523 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, Other workY0524 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, Resting EatingY0528 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, Oth Spec ActivityY0529 Sexual assault by bodily force, School, Oth Inst, & Public Admin Area, Unspc ActivityY053 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area Y0530 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Sports Y0531 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Leisure Y0532 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Working for incY0533 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Other work Y0534 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Resting, Eating Y0538 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Oth Spec Activi ' Y0539 Sexual assault by bodily force, Sports & Athletics area, Unspec Activity '

  • Sexual AssaultY054 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway Y0540 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Sports Y0541 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Leisure Y0542 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Working for income 'Y0543 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Other work Y0544 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Resting, Eating, Vital Y0548 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Oth Spec Activities Y0549 Sexual assault by bodily force, Street & Highway, Unspec Activity 'Y055 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area Y0550 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Sports Y0551 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Leisure Y0552 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Working for income Y0553 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Other work Y0554 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Resting, Eating, V Y0558 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Oth Spec Activitie Y0559 Sexual assault by bodily force, Trade & Service area, Unspec Activity '

  • Sexual AssaultY056 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area Y0560 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Sports Y0561 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Leisure Y0562 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Working Y0563 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Other wo Y0564 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Resting, Y0568 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Oth Spec Y0569 Sexual assault by bodily force, Industrial & Construction area, Unspec A Y057 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm Y0570 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Sports Y0571 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Leisure Y0572 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Working for income Y0573 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Other workY0574 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Resting, Eating, Vital Y0578 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Oth Spec Activities Y0579 Sexual assault by bodily force, Farm, Unspec Activity '

  • Sexual AssaultY058 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places Y0580 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Sports Y0581 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Leisure Y0582 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Working for income Y0583 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Other work Y0584 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Resting, Eating, V Y0588 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Oth Spec Activitie Y0589 Sexual assault by bodily force, Oth Specified Places, Unspec Activity Y059 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place Y0590 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Sports Y0591 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Leisure Y0592 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Working for income Y0593 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Other work Y0594 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Resting, Eating, Vita Y0598 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Oth Spec Activities Y0599 Sexual assault by bodily force, Unspecified Place, Unspec Activity '

  • Domestic Violence Y06 Neglect and abandonment Y06.0 By spouse or partner Y06.1 By parent Y06.2 By acquaintance or friend Y06.8 By other specified persons Y06.9 By unspecified person

  • Y07 Other maltreatment syndromes Includes: mental cruelty physical abuse sexual abuse torture Excludes: neglect and abandonment (Y06.-) sexual assault by bodily force (Y05.-) Y07.0 By spouse or partner Y07.1 By parent Y07.2 By acquaintance or friend Y07.3 By official authorities Y07.8 By other specified persons Y07.9 By unspecified person

  • ICD-10-CMExpanded External Cause CodesY07.11 Biological father as perpetrator of maltreatment and neglectY07.13 Adoptive mother as perpetrator of maltreatment and neglectY07.410 Brother as perpetrator of maltreatment and neglectY07.420Foster father as perpetrator

  • Child abuse and suspect Child AbuseConfirmed abuseT74.02 Child neglect or abandonmentT74.12 Child physical abuseT74.22 Child sexual abuseT74.32 Child psychological abuse

    Suspected abuseT76.02 Child neglect or abandonment, suspectedT76.12 Child physical abuse, suspectedT76.22 Child sexual abuse, suspectedT76.32 Child psychological abuse, suspected

  • (Y40-Y59) Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use Y40 Systemic antibiotics Y41 Other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics Y42 Hormones and their synthetic substitutes and antagonists, not elsewhere classified Y43 Primarily systemic agents Y44 Agents primarily affecting blood constituents Y45 Analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs Y46 Antiepileptics and anti-Parkinsonism drugsY47 Sedatives, hypnotics and antianxiety drugs Y48 Anaesthetics and therapeutic gasesY49 Psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified

  • (Y40-Y59) Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use Y50 Central nervous system stimulants, not elsewhere classified Y51 Drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system Y52 Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular systemY53 Agents primarily affecting the gastro-intestinal system Y54 Agents primarily affecting water-balance and mineral and uric acid metabolism Y55 Agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system Y56 Topical agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane and ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological and dental drugs Y57 Other and unspecified drugs and medicaments Y58 Bacterial vaccinesY59 Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances

  • Malpraktek(Y60-Y69) Misadventures to patients during surgical and medical care(Y70-Y82) Medical devices associated with adverse incidents in diagnostic and therapeutic use(Y83-Y84) Surgical and other medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure(Y85-Y89) Sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality

  • (X30-X39) Exposure to forces of natureX30 Exposure to excessive natural heat X31 Exposure to excessive natural cold X32 Exposure to sunlight X33 Victim of lightningX34 Victim of earthquake X35 Victim of volcanic eruption X36 Victim of avalanche, landslide and other earth movements X37 Victim of cataclysmic storm X38 Victim of flood X39 Exposure to other and unspecified forces of nature
