ICP Kit 2011 HHC Data Entry Module The World Bank ICP Kit Training African Development Bank


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ICP Kit 2011 HHC Data Entry


The World Bank

ICP Kit TrainingAfrican Development Bank

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 1: ICP HHC Data Entry Module Installation

 1. Uninstall previous version of the software.

2. To begin the installation, click

3. Click

4. Select the Folder/Directory where you want to install this software by clicking on the and then click

ICP 2011 HHC Modules.exe


Browse NEXT

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 1: ICP HHC Data Entry Module Installation

5.Leave the “Create a desktop icon” checkbox check to get the shortcut of the software on your desktop and then click “Next”.

7.On successful completion of the installation, it will display the screen as shown below. Click on “Finish”.

6.Now on the next screen Click “Install”.

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 2: Launch the Data Entry application

1.Shortcut on the desktop

2. Program Menu Start Menu =>

Programs/All Programs (in Vista)=>

ICP 2011 HHC Modules=>

HHC Data Entry

Steps for HHC Data Entry Module STEP 3: Setup Survey Setup/Import Data – Initial Setup

country office=> Excel sheet(seven worksheets) => import Survey Setup data

Steps for HHC Data Entry Module STEP 3: Setup Survey Setup/Import Data – Initial Setup

Selecting the database => save the database

Import Master Data=>

Select the Master List (Excel) file

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 4: Exporting the Master list to an excel file

Click on the “Export Master Data”

where you want to save =>click on “Save”

Once the Export is completed => “Exported Successfully”

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 5 : Set Exchange Rate between Local Currency and Foreign Currency

– Navigate to the Survey Setup screen

– Enter the Exchange in the “Exchange Rate” field

– Click on the “Apply” button

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP6: Data entry through HHC Data entry module

Click on the “Download Data entry Template” hyperlink

Select the download folder =>

file name=> Save

download will start =>

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 5 : Set Exchange Rate between Local Currency and Foreign Currency

Click on the “Download Data entry Template” hyperlink

Select the download folder,

provide a file name and click on Save

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 7: Add Observations via Screen

1.Data entry through Single Data Entry Screen

single observation through single Data entry Record Saved Successfully

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 7: Add Observations via Screen

• 2.Data Entered through Multiple Data Entry Screen

Data Entry Mode, columns for entering a new Observation

Uncheck the “Data Entry Mode => detailed information

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 7: Add Observations via Screen

 Navigate to the first row (empty

row) in the “Observations”


• Navigate to each column by either using mouse or Tab button.

• Enter data in all columns e.g. observation date, product code, location code etc

Entering an invalid code => error message & blanks

enter more than one observation => hit tab on the last column of the row

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 7: Add Observations via Screen

3.Data Entry using import option- Enter data to the Excel file

- Copy all observations one file (Data entry template)

- Then import them together

In case the Excel file has -invalid, incorrect data -Invalid or empty product code-Invalid foreign Currency System will display an error

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 7: Add Observations via Screen

• It will also display a Hyperlink “View Error Details” on the Top of the main screen.

• In this case, all the mandatory fields are empty and you can see all the items highlighted in pink to identify the invalid observations.


Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 7: Add Observations via Screen


Correcting the invalid observations

1.Using Excel:

– clicking on the “View Error Details” => modify the corresponding Observations in excel file.

– Save the Excel file

– Import it again.

– Then “Save” .


2. On screen Modification:

- navigate to highlighted row => “View Error Details” .

- Correct the data in all highlighted rows.

- Then “Save (on the Top left corner of the Main Data entry screen)

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleSTEP 8: Auto Save Feature

  The data in the observation grid of the multiple data entry tab (entered using

bulk import or through screen) are automatically saved in database every 5

minutes if auto save option is enabled.



Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 9: View existing Observations

 multiple data entry => Uncheck Data entry mode=> select appropriate filter criteria => Click on

the “Get Data => Grid will be loaded ( If there is no observation present in the database which matches with the filter criteria then a message will be displayed )

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 10: Modify Observations via screen

Load the existing observations which you want to modify.

Navigate to each of the observation which you wish to modify

and make the necessary changes e.g. modify outlet code or

Observed price etc.

Click on “Save” button.

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 11: Filter Observations

• From Date• To Date

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 11: Filter Observations

Products: You can select one or multiple or none (All) products for which you want to load/View the

observations on the screen.

If you don’t select any product then these filter criteria will be ignored and observations for all products will

be loaded.

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 11: Filter Observations

File Name: This field shows list of all file name to which you have exported observations previously. If you never exported observations before then it will display “None” in the list which means Empty file Name or observations which are not yet exported.


• Select Products from the Products dropdown tree (Optional)

• Select Exported File Name from the File Name drop down ( Optional)

• Select From Date and To date

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 12: Delete Existing Observations

  Delete single or multiple observations => through the “Observations “grid

Hold the “Shift” key

one by one click on the row header

of all the observations

Select the Observation (clicking on the row header of the Grid )

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 12: Delete Existing Observations

Click on the “Delete” button that is available on the Data entry screen.

•System will display a confirmation message as shown below

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 13: Export existing observations in to excel sheet

Download Existing Observations => Click Export => Enter the file name => Clicking “Ok”=> Select Export file Directory=> Save

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 14: Modify the existing observations using exported Excel file

Download existing observations in an excel file.

This excel file =>for review an& modification of existing observation data

as well as addition of new observations.

New Observations to the first empty row at the end of the Observations list.

It’s not required to provide data in “Name” columns i.e. Product Name, Location Name,

Outlet Name etc.



Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 15: Change the default database

• Launch the Data entry Application• Navigate to the Survey Setup screen by clicking on the “Setup” button. • Click on the button which is available next to the “Change Database” field

Select Database file name

Save change

Steps for HHC Data Entry ModuleStep 16: Create an empty database

• Launch the Data entry Application• Navigate to the Survey Setup screen by clicking on the “Setup” button. • Click on the button which is available next to the “Create New Database” field

New Database file Name and Location- Create Empty database



Thank You
