ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


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  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


    2007 Annual Reportrealizing the promise

  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


    Only ve employees worked at ictQATAR when we opened our doors

    in 2005. Today, we have 180 people on our t eam. With tremendous

    cooperation rom the rest o the government, we have built ictQATAR

    rom a vision into an inn ovative orce that improves lives and makes our

    country a better place to do business.

    In this short time, we have begun to realize the rewards o in ormation

    and communication technology (ICT). Qatars telecommunications sector

    now o ers a second mobile provider in the marketplace. This competition

    will provide choice to consumers and will drive innovation in products

    and services while o ering the public better quality, service, and value.

    By connecting people to government th rough the new e-government

    portal, Hukoomi, ictQATAR helps nurture democratic prin ciples. Now

    people o all ages and income levels can access the same in ormation

    about government policy and services any time day or night. We support

    the countrys ambitious education re orm by helping open students

    eyes to a world o ideas and concepts. Technology allows adult learners

    to keep growing intellectually and pro essionally so their careers advance

    and prosper. Every day, ICT supports the economy as it expands, deepens,

    and diversi es, allowing Qatar to compete against economic power-

    houses throughout the world. Because o technology, people with a dream

    and a good idea can start or expand small and medium-sized businesses,

    connecting securely to customers and suppliers all over the globe.

    In so many ways, technology lights the path to a brighter, better uture

    or everybody who lives and works in Qatar. We have just begun our

    astonishing journey.

    Dr. Hessa Sultan Al-Jaber Secretary General o ictQATAR

    Dr. Hessa Sultan Al-Jaber


    Introduction 2

    The Vision 4

    The Journey 8Profles 18

    Organization 26

  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


    The Supreme Council o In ormation &Communication Technology (ictQATAR)

    connects people to the technologiesthat enrich their lives, drive economic

    development, and inspire con dence in theuture. Established in 2004 as the nations

    ICT policy and regulatory body, ictQATARsresponsibility is to support Qatars ambitiousvision to achieve social and political change

    while advancing global competitiveness.

    Already, ICT is bene ting those who liveand work in Qatar in countless ways.

    Children and adults learn more creatively.Businesses o all sizes are discovering newe ciencies and new markets. Government

    is more responsive. And trans ormation inhealthcare is under way.

    In just a ew years, these accomplishments have supported Qatars

    rise to a ranking o 32nd among 127 nations in the 200708 Networked

    Readiness Index produced by the World Economic Forum andINSEAD. This ranking squarely places Qatar as a regional leader.

    When ictQATAR was established, His Highness the Emir invested

    the Council with two authorities:

    As the countrys independent and air regulator, ictQATAR

    protects consumers and businesses rom un air practices as

    Qatar transitions to a competitive telecoms market.

    As the government body that nurtures innovative technologies to

    beneft those who live and work in Qatar, ictQATAR connects

    citizens to government and helps people o all ages and incomelevels become com ortable with technology so they can achieve

    their personal and pro essional goals. A strategic partnership

    between ictQATAR and Microso t strengthens ICT initiatives in

    healthcare, education, and other sectors.

    ictQATARs accomplishments include opening the countrys

    telecommunications market to competition; launching an easy-to-use

    online portal to government in ormation and services; raising awareness

    o the power o ICT through a national in ormation campaign, The

    promise o e; and preparing or the uture through the creation and

    adoption o a comprehensive three-year strategic plan.

    And ictQATAR has only begun to bring improvements t o every aspect

    o li e in Qatar. In the years ahead, an increasingly vibrant, innovative

    ICT sector will uel Qatars economy and secure an even brighter

    tomorrow or Qatars amilies.

    32007 Annual ReportictQATAR2

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    52007 Annual Report

    A diverse, fexible economy that advances the wel are

    o everyone: this is the goal o Qatars National Vision.

    Fundamental elements o the National Vision includepromoting democratic processes, sa eguarding the

    nations unique environment, o ering world-class

    healthcare to all citizens, and providing learners with the

    skills and knowledge to thrive in a global economy.

    This National Vision is an ambitious roadmap to a

    prosperous uture where citizens will enjoy unlimited

    social, economic, and political opportunities. And

    ICT is integral to attaining all these goals. In act,

    technology is supporting social and political re orms

    already in progress.

    By 2012, Qatars ITspending is expected to

    surpass that o its peers,Bahrain and Oman,

    recording a compoundannual growth rate

    o 11 percent.

    Source2008 Business Monitor International

    4 ictQATAR

    the vision

  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


    In order to achieve this p romise or all, ictQATAR approved a

    three-year master plan that details ICT programs and projects

    through 2010. All activities are ramed by an environment,readiness, and usage (ERU) model. Within this ramework,

    ICT-driven change occurs by creating the right environment

    through conducive market conditions, appropriate policies,

    and essential in rastructureall to increase the readine ss o

    citizens, businesses, and government. In order to ensure

    broad usage, ICT decision making is based on developing use ul

    applications and sector-speci c content .

    The ERU model has led to the creation o nine core national

    programs that support individual initiatives. These programs

    include state-o -the-art in rastructure development; capability-building; regulatory and legal rameworks; in ormation sa ety

    and security; societal inclusiveness; and ICT in the priority areas

    o education, health, government, and business.

    72007 Annual Report

    E d u c a t i o n

    H e a

    l t h

    G o v e r n m e n t

    P r i v a t e s e c t o r




    6 7 8 9

    Programs addressing ERU ramework

    Sectorial ICT plan

    1 State-o -the-art in rastructure

    2 Innovation and capability building3 Regulatory and legal ramework4 Sa ety and security5 Inclusive society6 e-Education7 e-Health8 Integrated government9 e-Business

    1 2 3 4

    4 5

    4 5

    Qatars long-term vision, socioeconomic development

    goals, and sector-speci c priorities drive Qatars ICT

    strategy and master plan as outlined below.


    Sector-specifcpriorities and ICTimperatives


    ICT strategy ICT master plan

    Government services



    Financial services

    Tourism and sports


    Oil and gas

    Manu acturing

    Sustained politicalre orm

    Long-term economicdevelopment

    Equitable socialdevelopment





    E d u c

    a t i o n


    e a

    l t h

    G o v e r n

    m e n t

    P r i v a t e s e c t o r



    Strategic thrust




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    92007 Annual Report

    Over the past year, those who live and work in Qatar

    have experienced the power o ICT in many ways

    The Power of Choice: Telecoms Liberalization

    Liberalization o the telecommunications sector has been a priority or

    ictQATAR since the rst days o the Councils existence. And a ter a

    care ul, ordered, transparent process, in 2007 ictQATAR nally ended

    the countrys monopoly in telecommunications products and services.

    The open process included consultation and expression o interest

    stages. A second mobile license was awarded to a Voda one and Qatar

    Foundation consortium to provide mobile service to business and

    individual consumers. This rst step in liberalizing the telecommunica-tions industry means consumers will bene t as companies compete

    or their business.

    When the process began, 17 providers rom throughout the world

    expressed interest in entering Qatars market. ictQATARs regulatory

    sta evaluated the companies to ensure they met speci c technical,

    nancial, and operational criteria be ore the nal list o renowned

    providers competed against one another in an auction process. A similar

    process is under way or the awarding o the xed-line license.

    In its role o regulator, and with a consumer protection mandate,

    ictQATAR is developing a ull regulatory ramework that includes

    dominance designation and conditions; interconnection and access

    rules; regulatory cost accounting; tari policy; spectrum and number

    policies; consumer protection; and dispute resolution. Other areas

    that will come under its ocus will be electronic transactions

    legislation, the application o UNCITRAL principles, domain name

    procedures, and e-government processes.

    the journey

    8 ictQATAR

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    The Power o Connected Government: Hukoomi

    Qatars leadership is dedicated to making government wo rk e ectively

    and e ciently or residents, citizens, and visitors. A nationwide e ort

    is under way to integrate a customer- ocused approach to every aspect

    o running the government in order to reduce redundancies, increase

    transparency, and heighten e ciency.

    As part o this commitment, in 2007 ictQATAR worked with Ministries

    and Councils to make government more responsive to the people it serves.

    The centerpiece o this collaboration was the launching o Hukoomi,

    a new, modern, online portal to Qatars government. Built on the success

    o Qatars ormer e-government siteintegrated into ictQATAR in

    2005Hukoomi gives those who live and work in Qatar easy, 24-hour

    access to expanded government in ormation and online services.

    At any time, citizens and residents do everything rom paying tra c ees

    to hunting or a new job. Business owners can register their enterprise

    online and access in ormation and services about work visas and

    business operating laws. And visitors to Qatar have a one-stop center

    or in ormation on tourist visas, cultural events, and accommodations.

    112007 Annual Report

    The TelecommunicationLaw is promulgated,providing the regulator the power to issuenew licenses

    The process is set in motion toliberalize the sector by intro-ducing into the market newmobile and fxed-line providers

    A Voda one and QatarFoundation consortium isselected as the secondlicensee

    A Voda one and QatarFoundation consortiumis o fcially awardedlicense. Company isnamed Voda one Qatar

    Voda one Qatarwill begin o eringservice

    2006 2007 2008 2009

    Qatars leadership understood that competition would bring value to

    consumers and spur development o the advanced products and services

    needed to support a growing, diverse economy. Three objectiveshave driven Qatars telecommunications liberalization:

    Foster an e cient telecommunications sector to ben e t society

    Create a showcase or success ul sector re orm

    Provide a sustainable business environment

    In three years, ictQATAR will review the state o the telecommunications

    market. At that time, we may determine that the market can sustain

    additional mobile and xed-line operators and once again initiate

    licensing procedures.


    Qatar PublicTelecommunicationCorporation isestablished

    Qatar PublicTelecommunicationCorporation isrenamed QatarTelecom (Qtel)

    The In ormationTechnology andCommunicationCommittee isestablished

    The Supreme Councilo In ormation &CommunicationTechnology(ictQATAR) is ormed

    Qatars telecommunicationtrans ormationmajor milestones

    1987 1998 2002 2004

    Qatar boasts some othe regions highestpenetration rates intelecommunications(both fxed-lineand mobile).

  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


    challenges are not limited by national boundaries. FIRST osters regional

    ties to security partners around the world in order to share up-to-date

    in ormation about threats and vulnerabilities.

    Working with the community and public and private institutions,

    Q-CERT raises awareness o cyber-security threats and risks. Q-CERTs

    mandate includes:

    Build incident response capability

    Create broad capabilities to monitor cyber-security developments

    Work with critical organizations to establish and improve risk

    management practices

    In 2007, Q-CERT cooperated with government agencies, schools,

    organizations, businesses o all sizes, and Qatars citizens to understand

    and manage cybersecurity risks. ictQATAR and Q-CERT are committed to

    protecting sensitive in ormation and ensuring the sa ety o our children on

    social networking and all other sites on the Internet.

    Approximately 100 people representing the Arab States and other nations

    throughout the world traveled to Doha in early 2008 to participate

    in the International Telecommunication Unions Regional Workshop on

    Frameworks or Cybersecurity and Critical In ormation In rastructure

    Protection. During the meeting, i ctQATAR and Q-CERT conducted a

    cybersecurity orensics workshop or representatives rom the region to

    discuss challenges and best practices, develop rameworks or cyber-

    security, and share in ormation on development activities. In ternational

    meetings such as these are crucial because the interconnection o modern

    societies creates interdependencies and risks that must be managed at

    the national, regional, and global levels.

    132007 Annual Report

    Hukoomi is a historic milestonethe rst time that more than 50 entities

    across the government came together online. Hukoomi will help businesses

    improve productivity and compete in the marketplace. And it will improveconvenience and satis action in the daily lives o everyone in Qatar.

    In 2007, ictQATAR worked with the State Audit Bureau to develop online

    business services or launch in 2008 as a pilot program. The services

    will streamline the tendering process or companies and rms o all sizes

    seeking to do business with Qatars government. E-tendering and

    e-auctioning services will improve the tendering process, while increasing

    government transparency and airness by providing all potential bidders

    the same in ormation at the same time.

    Next year, Hukoomi is expected to add seven new innovative services.

    A total o 52 state-o -the-art e-government programs will be implemented

    over the next three years, including many online services to bene t citizens

    and households as well as businesses and government employees.

    The Power o Sa ety: Cybersecurity

    For Qatar, in ormation security and the sa ety o young and adult

    Internet users is an absolute priority. To sa eguard users as well as to

    protect government in ormation and systems, ictQATAR in 2005 orged

    a partnership with Carnegie Mellons So tware Engineering Institute

    (CERT Coordination Center) to establish the Qatar Computer Emergency

    Response Team (Q-CERT). By 2007, Q-CERT, now the nations center or

    in ormation security, grew into a team o more than 30 pro essionals

    who brought security expertise and experience rom around the world.

    Q-CERT passed an independent evaluation and met the requirements to

    become a member o the Forum o Incident Response and Security Teams

    (FIRST). This membership is important because in ormation security


    A Sampling oHukoomi Services

    Citizens and Residents

    Pay tra fc ees Find emergency numbers Explore government employmentopportunitiesFind in ormation about schoolsResearch transportation optionsLook at the schedule o localcultural and sporting events


    Register a business onlineManage commercialregistration onlineObtain worker visasReview business operating lawsPost job openings


    Obtain tourist visas Research accommodationsFind restaurantsDiscover local cultural andsporting events

    Learn Qatari customs andsocietal norms

    Ask a local Qatari or trip advice

  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


    ICDL, the worlds largest purveyor o computer skills certi cation,

    provides e-literacy opportunities or adults o all skill levels. Internation-

    ally benchmarked ICDL training modules help men and women learnor enhance computing knowledge. In 2007, 3,500 independent school

    teachers and government employees began ICDL training.

    With a ocus on ostering ICT use among womenespecially those not

    workingictQATAR signed an agreement with the Supreme Council or

    Family A airs to promote e-literacy among women.

    e-Learning Portal, a new online multi-media tool, helps adults advance

    their careers or learn or the love o it. Access cards allow university

    students, private and public employees, and non-working adults

    learn valuable new skills. The cost- ree e-Learning Portal gives adults

    access to 4,000 courses in Arabic, French, and English. The courses are

    accredited by renowned international bodies. In 2008, e-Portal will be

    available to 5,000 adults.

    The Power o Wellness: e-Health

    A pillar o Qatars ambitious national agenda is commitment to providing

    world-class healthcare to the entire population. The healthcare sector has

    seen a concerted e ort by government to build not only state-o -the-art

    in rastructure but also strong institutions and rameworks to act as

    catalysts in bringing the bene ts o e-health services to people in Qatar.

    In ormation technology is a cornerstone o an e ective and responsive

    healthcare delivery system. ictQATAR partners with the National Health

    Authority and Hamad Medical Corporation to leverage IT innovations

    in order to promote clinical excellence and improve medical care or

    all patients. In 2007, several initiatives standardizing and supporting

    152007 Annual Report

    The Power o Learning: e-Education and e-Literacy

    Qatar has made quality education a priority. It is the countrys goal to build

    a modern, world-class education system that allows citizens to develop

    their potential while respecting our societys values. In 2007, integrated

    ICT technology deepened and expanded the learning experience or

    everyone rom children in kindergarten to pro essionals who want to

    improve their credentials.

    ictQATAR collaborated with the Suprem e Education Council to boost

    student achievement, involve parents in the educational process, and

    open the world to students o all ages. And as people bene ted rom

    the ollowing programs, they gained invaluable ICT experience.

    School Knowledge Network, a unique three-way portal connects students,

    parents, and teachers any time. Knowledge Network has been implemented

    in 37 middle and high schools. It permits three-way communication and a

    way or students to submit homework assignments or parents to instant

    message teachers to nd out about coursework or upcoming tests.

    Global Gateway, a collaboration with the British Council, allows

    teachers and their students to collaborate with counterparts around the

    world. Whether they conduct experiments, discuss global issues, or

    learn rsthand how people live in other countries, the classroom experi-

    ence has become more innovative and lively. Teachers at 54 schools are

    now trained to use Global Gateway.

    Model e-School, introduced in two middle schools, encourages class-

    room creativity and innovation. Refecting worldwide best practices,

    e-learning blends with traditional classroom methods to create dynamic

    experiences and activities. An example is e-Schoolbag, a tablet PC or

    school and home that contains interactive content, digital textbooks,

    and other tools.


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    Over the next three years, ictQATAR will collaborate with the private and

    public sectors to roll out 21 e-business initiatives to help SMEs thrive. Our

    plan is based on exhaustive analysis o market conditions and interactionwith stakeholders across the business landscape. The initial ocus is on

    heightening awareness o the added value o ICT to small and medium-sized

    enterprises. A ter this education phase, ictQATAR will support the provision

    o business resources, ICT applications, and SME development activities.

    Through the rst phase and beyond, ictQATAR will sponsor Business

    Connect, a series o seminars bringing businesses and ICT development

    together. Business Connect seminars highlight relevant ICT in ormation

    and provide a orum to share success stories. Another program ostering

    adoption o ICT in the business community, particularly during the rst

    phase, is the SME e-Business Pilot. A pilot group o SMEs will be selectedand will be guided through an 18-month program designed to increase

    e-maturity. SME leaders will participate in training and partner with other

    companies in order to bene t rom ICT-related services. Seasoned IT coaches

    will acilitate the program and address concerns o business leaders.

    The Power o Connectivity: iPark

    In early 2007, ictQATAR and the Ministry o Municipality and Agricultural

    A airs partnered to provide ree wireless access in three parks in Doha.

    The Internet Parks Initiative, known as iPark, allows people to email, chat,or sur the Internet any time at Sheraton Park, Al-Bidda Park, and Dahl-

    Alhamam Park. In the rst hal o 2008 alone, more than 26,000 people

    bene ted rom iPark.

    172007 Annual Report

    healthcare services were launched as part o the development o an

    integrated national health in ormation plat orm. This plat ormincluding

    a secure electronic health recordwill revolutionize how healthcare isdelivered. Quick, accurate, and up-to-date medical records and in orma-

    tion will be available at the point o care. The result will be better patient

    sa ety and healthcare quality.

    This is just the beginning. ictQATAR is collaborating with its healthcare

    partners to create advanced primary care clinical and emergency depart-

    ment systems. Both will improve the quality o patient care and increase

    clinician productivity.

    The Power o Job Creation: Small and Medium-sized


    As part o our promise to help drive economic development and inspire

    con dence in the uture, ictQATAR works to oster a technology- riendly

    environment or small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). These

    important enterprises, employing rom one to 99 people, operate across

    all sectors and contribute to productivity at every in come level. In todays

    global economy, the ability o SMEs to leverage technology is crucial.

    ictQATAR is helping these b usinesses adopt the technologies that will

    contribute to successultimately translating into new jobs, increased

    regional competitiveness, and deeper e conomic diversity.

    Technology allows business leaders to nd new markets or goods and

    services and discover the most e cient suppliers w herever they are.

    Technology helps managers make in ormed decisions based on substan-

    tive acts and gures. However large or small a business, technology

    enhances per ormance, competitiveness, and revenue.


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    Students in Zaher Al Askars classroom at the Muhammed Bin Abdul Wahab Secondary

    School or Boys learn English so they are prepared to th rive in a global economy. But

    thanks to Global Gateway, the boys discover much more than spelling and vocabulary.

    ictQATAR, in partnership with the Supreme Education Council, introduced GlobalGateway to independent schools. An online teaching tool that connects classrooms

    around the world, Global Gateway makes it possible or teachers to share ideas and

    best practices. Global Gateway connects students, too, allowing them to virtually

    cross thousands o miles to debate issues, help one another understand di erent

    worldviews, and as Zaher says, see that knowledge has no end.

    For example, Zaher is likely to write the English word or poverty on the blackboard

    and ask his boys to come up with English words or the results o poverty. Then, his

    students can use Global Gateway to talk virtually to boys their age in A rica about the

    pain o disease and war. Global Gateway also allows Zahers students to see photos

    o A rican amilies and even hear bird and animal sounds that are very di erentrom what they know in Qatar.

    Zaher says these personal glimpses across the world develop his students characters

    as well as their minds. He watches them become more empathetic and compassionate

    as they learn. And that trans ormation is what knowledge is all about. Part o being

    human is exploring human relationships with many di erent people. There is no such

    thing as one subject, or even many. There is only the reedom to learn , to grow.

    192007 Annual Report

    Zaher shows his students the world


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    212007 Annual Report

    One o the great loves in Marah Al-Bustamis li e is the mind. Passionate about

    knowledge, how people gain it, and what they do with it, she graduated rom Qatar

    University with a degree in in ormation and library sciences.

    The other great love in Marahs li e is her amilyher husband and her nearlytwo-year-old daughter, as well as her extended amily who span t he globe. Marahs

    aunts, uncles, and cousins live in Jordan, London, Palestine, and Canada.

    Marah keeps everything close to her at the same time at iPark, one o three cost- ree

    wireless parks in Doha created by ictQATAR and the Ministry o Municipal A airs and

    Agriculture. While at University, Marah used Sheraton Park to sit by the sea while

    studying online, sending emails to amily members, and watching her daughter chase

    birds and play. Marah says, With iPark, you dont have to be cut o rom t he world,

    trapped inside at a desk, studying or working.

    Thats why Marah wishes more people knew about iPark. Businessmen are always

    busy. They are apart rom their wives and children. People need to understand this is

    a way to be together.

    As or Marahs amily, they will likely be spending more mornings at iPark. She intends

    to work or a time at a oundation or university, then return to school or an advanced

    degree. She knows iPark will be there to help her balance all the loves o her li e.


    Marah enjoys more time with her amily

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    Mohammed Al Saee is deputy general manager at Doha Petroleum

    Construction Co. Ltd. (DOPET), one o the countrys leading oil and gas services

    providers. DOPETs work supporting operations or the worlds most important

    oil companies is vital to Qatars economy. And Mohammeds job is critical to

    DOPET. Working 1011 hours every day, he oversees administration and a host

    o other areas important to DOPET. With little notice, DOPET must typically

    recruit 5001,600 oreign workers or a re nery maintenance project, arrange or

    their entry to Qatar, and then eed and house them when they arrive. Once

    the project is completed, the oreign workers all have to go home. And this

    means hundreds o orms that must be prepared, signed, and submitted.

    The complexity o DOPETs assignments is why Mohammed relies on Hukoomi.

    Be ore government services became available online, Mohammed had to

    send his sta to government o ces to stand in long queues, sometimes just

    to ask a question. That process cost the company time and money.

    Now Hukoomi provides 24-hour access to government in ormation and

    services. The government-wide portal makes it ast and easy or Mohammed

    to download and complete necessary visas and permits. Mohammed notes

    that Hukoomi does more than save companies time and money. Now drivers

    dont contribute to tra c jams and air pollution. And, he says, We conserve uel

    and trees that dont have to be cut down or paper. In the end, Mohammed

    says, The most important aspect o success in any company is people.

    Because o Hukoomi, DOPET can ocus on people instead o paperwork.

    232007 Annual Report

    Mohammeds work is done easier, aster


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    252007 Annual Report

    Dr. Khan makes technology work or patients

    From the time he was a boy, Dr. Yasir Khan has been motivated by the des ire to help

    others and relieve su ering. Part o a amily o doctors and medical pro essionals, he

    grew up in Saudi Arabia and ultimately became a pediatrician. He has worked all over the

    world, treating people o many races and religions. A ter spending the last eight years in

    the UK, he is back in the Middle East, currently calling Qatar home.

    And Dr. Kahn is part o the ictQATAR amily now as a clinical advisor or the e-Health

    program. He is eager to help institute change through ICT that ts his li elong passion or

    making people healthier. ictQATAR will revolutionize the way clinical care is provided in

    Qatar, he says. There will be huge bene ts to patients and physicians.

    Advancements in technology have revolutionized the eld o medicine. It is now possible

    to detect diseases earlier, provide more e ective and less invasive treatments, share

    medical records digitally, and consult with physicians thousands o miles away. I believe

    what we have seen is just the tip o the iceberg. New technologies and advances will

    re orm and modernize medicine beyond recognition in the near uture, says Dr. Kahn.

    With a masters degree in so tware engineering, Dr. Kahn is committed to combining the

    best technology with the best patient care. ICT has the power to help doctors be even

    more responsive to patients and bring the patients a new level o understanding and

    com ort. Dr. Kahn knows rsthand that even the most noble goals such as treating

    devastating diseases and helping people live longerare achieved step by step. The

    scale o human su ering around the globe was eye-opening or me, but it is amazing how

    a real di erence can be made by small, sustained e orts.


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    272007 Annual Report

    Regulatory Authority Government In ormationManagement O fce

    ICT DevelopmentPrograms

    Market Development &Knowledge Management

    Policy & ProgramPolicy & Economic Education Market Development

    Legal GovernmentIT Operations

    Health Knowledge Management

    Technical A airs GovernmentIT Plat orms


    In rastructureDevelopment

    Cyber Sa ety& Security


    Competition & Market StrategyTari PolicyLicensing Policy

    Dispute Resolution & LitigationConsumer Protectione-Commerce/e-TransactionCompetition Law

    Spectrum ManagementInterconnection Management/Numbering & Internet DomainName AdministrationType ApprovalQuality o Service/SpectrumMonitoring

    Policyi-Gov Program O fce

    Service Delivery Technical Operations

    Government Data Centre Government NetworkContact Centre

    QcertGovernment In ormationSecurity (Vacant)

    Policy CoordinationProgram CoordinationTechnical Team

    Policy CoordinationProgram CoordinationTechnical Team

    Program Coordination

    Program Coordination


    Strategic Planning

    Human Capital& Administration

    Communication O fce

    Strategy and Policy Corporate Per ormance& Organization Development Institutional Relations

    Budgeting & Financial ReportingProcurement & Contracts

    Billing & InvoicingGeneral AccountingInternal IT Support


    General Services Training & Development HR

    Secretary General

    Internal AuditLegal Advisor


    ictQATAR organization

    ictQATAR is structured to refect its key unctions, enabling itto best realize Qatars ICT vision, strategy, and master plan.

    The Secretary General leads ictQATAR, with a Board oDirectors responsible or overseeing policy, per ormance,

    and compliance with laws and regulations.

  • 8/9/2019 ictQATAR's First Annual Report 2007


