Ida Mingle - The Divinity Of Love




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By - EBI'Í * rda t4fng1e, leecher, s¡ld cHRIsT ís ller second coalng, aadFoi-der of rhe school of Liveabre chrfetranrty, chi;;;o, rJ.trnola

thicago - fhe Queen C{ty of EOt{

lTrE DrvrNrIT oF r$r/E; Næ¡ that rre ere ertÊr1ng Lnto rhe age lu Ìre sreto 8ee ÐLvrne Lor¡e cror¡ned totd of atl, ¿t ie ¿ûperatlì¡e that we uneårÈh æ.dLElcovÊr the Larss of Llfe gorrernfng love, €o an to aecertsfn the geuuine Frfu-cl-plee upon vhich the son-of Þfan, or the nan, ¡narlfeatfüg God, ie Êo base hlawrfoldæut.!''to*t fe the uo[her eleænt, Lq!.anted ùr ¡¡a¡r through the acttos of Goil, thefruft of the sctlvitlee pf ldeaa oi the thrfst !{lod; fdeae la wiedom, aetívefn conecfoueness, culuùrated fn feel1ng erpreaefm, or !.orre. ?rfsdoru and loveare ühe tH'qlri that are Jofned ta God,. ãut ir¡at ¡sve been put aeurder by na.,thfnlrtng end scrlsg ou.;1de of the cúrG' ¡rf;ã.r't waa the eeparsElot of lor¡e fron wlsden, or the vouan ,from the rnq¡rrühatgave rlae to Een'

-a¡rd-u-P th=ough the ages rr"áu of ueu, governed aod coot¡ol,redby eex fnetead of by Dlrrrae Loie, have-sËruggled to ger back lnto theLr eoilappofnted place of- Dfvlnlty sd sonship. .lãäus chrtet rùas uhe flrst of theuwho entered fnto the dree^tr-ereep of gei and deEtb, Ëo be born Lnto epirltuar-iÈy' Ëe made the descent through mntt€r¡ ro"r-su¡leriar to lte eeneual attÉch-ænü6' overcalns^g,ojcallcy e.nd dãath, and, enËerea lnto conscÍouenese of Hfe' D{rrlulry and uftji"çr.rh.rhe Facher, rhe c;;"tlr,* FrfaclpJ.e of }fan,

Jeeue cn"ri¡-i.ugåÈ.11*, -trot a6 â sentieent, but as a LÀw by whlctr etêruallffe'1e to be d'emsûeerated;aad Ëhè fu1ler æBsâge of Ëhe Goepel of Jeer¡s chríaturrst'-'of ueceeaity, fr¡volve an rmderstaudfu;-oi-rott* tu order t¡aË Eåo Day co@l¡to lff,-e.' , A1l the penrerted fo:ms of lovÀ*to wt¡1eh uau, fl þts !¡rrrnqn nåturèla attechird', heve !oæ-1ûto exryreeeloo, though the fact itt*t iã.*r" and wÍsdon,have.ected fndependently of. ea-ch oÈher. I¡ "reallËy, -+n doea flot exercfgeelÈher wledou or Lor¡e t¡nleee wl.edon and love are Jolaed, as o[e.Mau has a formof roderetan<TLg r¡h{cTr he caIle wfedon, but l¡hfch fs not wledom uslese lovê {epreeent¡ md lsve lg Boù prese$-t so iong "" berfefs of se*, or any of iteenotloaEr forme, are sctÍve 1n the

"*À"iã*o"ã". rruth fe not born r¡nËll¡vledon e¡d love are JoJ-ued, and nsn th1rxks and acÈe frou prfi¡elpleror from thêthrlat uisd' tlfe 1ã pre"ät ¡rhen Trutrr i" ettp.eæ ln conscfouanêss, thêt i6,in cmeclous .thought.

The "Èree l-u Èhe rnídsÈ of the garden" Íe oade qp of ldeae of chrlet lfùial.rne rrulÈ of the ttee f.s Love. Lsve is the eesence of aubetantfall.ty, Èheexaltauf'on of spfrl'tual rdess fn sctLsn. lls¡r ca¡¡nôt approprl.ate tha exeltst{saof spfrr,Euel rdean for aelf,leh or lustful pleaeures, Fnd l_ive.


"Lor¡e l-s the-Ér'lfllllng sf the Lâwrtr æd the la¡c is llfe oerlpreBeDË. Tt¡egogpel of JeEr¡s chrtet te tue æssage ór. i""-.that hae, ae yêÈ, beeq onlyslfghtly coryrehended by na¡rkf-nd. õo long ae-Èhe üegnet1c sËEact¡ænts ofse:r cor¡Ëerfeft rhe Dtvtce Artracrlrn of Iãve¡ the pfeãs;;;" ,; rhe eenee rnaseou¡tgrfslt the Joye of-th-e epkrtual saa¡ the senegtioBs of the freah corm.ter-faLt the exeltatl'ons of the ãpl=rt; p*""io" corsterfercs coryaeelon; Luetfuldeaire to possese æù control tne uerltr"¿ eo.uierfel"te the deáire for self -poeeeesfon s¡¡d self-rnaetery, love Ls r¡qrea]-{zed. fuly ae the be1lef of dual-I'ty ls rrped CIut of cooaefousnesÉrr and the truth of -?nfs corylereness frchrÍal fe eerablf'ahed, cu love that Le Ðlvlne r.n J.tE cha¡acter ceæ lnto ex-pressLo', snd ¡!ËB eet agatn of the bread of tiear¡en that Eåkee for ete¡¡nal llfe,The chlldren of ¡Ên c8Ír coæ Lnto the Ltght of Truth only ee they saerlflceÈhe waye of darkneeg. Prlnarflyruæ secrlffcèE thê delfghre of the soul forthe pl.eeauree of the FenÊee. T h1l retu¡¡Jou*ey Èo Godrmnn 1s called upsnto secrf'fice the pJ'eaeures of the fleeh-rnån io" ttr* progËese of Ëhe aou1, Thecall to EacrffÍce rhe bodfr.y aa¡r r¡eûÈ over rhe *arrd'" iã*-vuãi" ,go, ( rgr9,Edltor) and each, aceordlng- to hl"e state of coneclousneesr reaponded co Èhe call,Itrls !rá8 the reeper of deaãh gorng before ttre-äger, The greåt war heraJ.dedthe chenge of base of thE conãc1oügnese of iu.t"", f,¡on lffe, goverioed by eexæd greed, nith fts-culnf¡9lt¡g bettle for the eusrrval of thà ffrteetrÈo lffe,gotlerned by love anrl ilnserffahnese, r¡lth ltE cururnatrng-;";;€p|H.ür of JesuÊchrLEt as the authqtLtaË!.ve power. lhe rrne¿or of, Jeeuã ctr¡iãi-te to be uet upls the earth.

As na¡r eactffl'ces Èhe eelf, he coæa l,¡rËo freedom f¡ou bondage to the eelf,Eaelr soul 1E caIled upø, to roatL cbe "r""iü""-it rt br:tnge aboug h{e sûrnPßssovEr fmn uortal to Dtvrse coneclousnese. Dfvlne,toiã,

"uintoegng û¡l,I@orËslfÈy, le at î{ned, only througþ aurrenderfag all tt¡ei fe eeffdeb, greedyasd deetructlr¡e la hr¡¡nas aaturã- tõve for seÊsÊ fleaeuree r*t-u* eacrlfLcedlf ¡sên would knof' the Joy of a Dlvl¡e LovÀ. lI* s{:pa@! putr upbl.ll æd dordnaÈ the saDe tiue' ìtan iacrrflced ühe ou,e tor ihe uany La h{s deEceut fromgad-lfÍnd' a¡¡d uon he rer¡ersee the sction e[d eacrÍf1qee the nany for the oûe.tte processes of l¡rr¡orutloo "=ã-.**"tly oppoeite to those of evoLuÈlgn, Beforetråri car really nA- t *t çlPst progreeefo úir¡efug forrh the chrler conÈctoue -ûes8' he nust aËtÊrn-a hÍgh polnt-of hr¡uæ *oã""rou*.""; he nusÊ har¡edeveloped norallty of ctraiacier, eetabLlehed *"t""y over the deeire natureËakeq oa kfndseee sf heerË a¡a éfocerfti-"i pÇo".. Before ].ove tllat tgDlvl¡e co be begottetr e8D trnst 3-ear1 iu"ìãy"'of eacrff,ice or,and generatl\¡e love, r¡{tb Íts parearal re"pooÉiuflfty, ead taully obJ.lgatlonshas fum'lEhetl hfn aruple oppo*tiltÈy to leam these r.e'aons.

Ttte chrlatlan world recogn{zes thst wheu æu asd woæn fel-l l¡ love, thelr{deaL world feI1 ¡dth them, äd *a*rl.ntlÈy, wtrtr lte death_deallng ls$s ofgeaeratloar lÙas Bet' uP. rts sÈËeryt to reiauze luet hss ended iû cL'såtÊrmd fallure' The penol l¡stltutfoãs, deaf-*¿ ¿trru achools, refo¡us¡o..ies,Tl*" asylrrua, hoeplÈgle, hoocs for'the ã""rãpit aod aged aod other char!.c-able lnEtftutfoaa wh{ch house the product of tilictt, but legallzed l¡et pro-cLeln that God f'e lskno!ùtr æd r.sloied. rhe eo-cslLed love of generet{on, endefn deaÈh to the perso'ner ¡''an, €ûd r" tr"i of-tfr"-se1f-Ëacrlfice plan aeÈ r4r by

THE ÐI\ltr,iITf OF LO-\ÍE _ 3 _rÉrn in huoen conscLor¡sness. Sl_ace ti¡e acElrrltiee of generaÈ'fon lesd to thebegeÈÈ1ng tf the self-u¡an'

"ui3*"- to cleath, r{re flay aË åny ËlnÊ clie, to Èheecel'vlt'íes oí mortet generatlon and coæ into 1ife, I^Ie drä o*lly Èhrough rêvers-ing the action of errõr ¡vith t'he TruEh. .å-6 Èhe proeeÊËes of geaerer1on ere crgs-sed out' the regeneratlve Laws of God, ¡+rrici äre wrttten l¡ oùr hearts åre re-surrected and quf.ckened fnEo eeËion,

tove for Chr!-sÊ, cr TruÈh, wíll solve all the problems of the Eeãeg,and brfngtroubled huoen{ty Ínto a haven of resË eoa-p"u"*. BuE so J-ong as elther nan oÌ'Ëroñårr fe eugrossed 1n love fo¡ eech oËher tã such en exÈeat ttrãu trro energlee ofnLnrl' soul qrd body are grati¡itã-"""r, çEhe¡rs eelfish dearres, hor¡ca¡r the serfLess love of tire chrlsr ãnter Ltã tnurr hear¡s and redeem rhelr csn-scrousness fron deeth? The rt6htegus use o¡ roJä-i; il;-Ë*îl* oe Life erersar.The iroly' or r¡hole IDan cên onl| corne lnto ¡aasl.festaÈion, Éis ¡ilãn conseives hiseelfcorplete Ln ÛhrLst, as God concelved hlra, ãã-ioo** nol the opposite sex ûåÈureof e¡roËher, but lhe chrlsE Harure ht a1r. Thfs adjustIûent nesnE the establ"leh *nent of Dfvlne så'Èl.sfacÈ1on, tnfvezsal serrrJ"À, o"oipresent rffe, and uneadJ.ugl-ove.Þfen has wfÈhfn hÍrnself Ehe poÊentLalitles of the Father-l.Jother prfnc{p1e ofBefng, and has yfahts hr-s grasp the kep Èo imoruelfey, bur lt fnvolves theEreaEesE sacrlfl'ce he cen ever be callàd upon Ëo aêke. yet liie proiree thete'11 sacrifÍce fs but the lectlag go ef thà Lesser in order to receíve thegteaÈer good' Jesu¡ christ epeclfieally shows by rn" i"";rti"i, aE recorded inllatt' ro:34 - 3?'thet the hilhest calline in life Lnvolves thã ofonets personal loves. Hhicnü elrpreasês ihe sentlment of the nester l¡r hfs r+ordstrllol that nJae eneuy ever Ínvades ua; no harn fron h1¡n do r fear. But the loversr reekl'essly love, 1o, hov they masËer rel Ho¡¡ i gro-,rel l¡ ¡he dusË befoïe Èhem.'l

Few people her¡e foütd the love thêr BaËfsr-1es beceuse they have soughi in Èhepersoaal for iË. ÐIvi¡e Love, the saÈfefyfsg Lorrra, is found lhrough daveloplngthe epir{Êuar naËute- oi nen. splrf.tualrry aãeerids'in "oo="io.rroess

onJ-y as cêr -1:1+y dJ'sappeers' wouan starrding for thã soul naËure ls ro reÊr,ore Ean Lo h1ebixtlrrdghe Ln thrfst' even es she sold hln out for ê mess oi red pottagè. ê-sT'¡oi¡å¡ì u¡l1fte e¡d redeens her love nature through purifleaË1on of mJnd, Êhe r¡J.lldemagnetfze herself, fron the desÈrueËive actlvifleä of the ""* "oo"*fousneea,

anclenEèr luto the attrecÈùlg poltêr of Dfvj¡e Love. ri {s Ehe seed of the HrEaû thðËfB to btulee the head of tire Eêrpent of sense. The eeed Õf Ëhe woE¡ên (eoÉl) lethe.seed of regeneratloa and oot gereratlcff¡, the seed of the çomen (eor¡-t) fe rlrefrult of love redeemed, end 1a thà creative and fornaÈ1ve prlneiple of the chrfstN¿ture' AE the Love-of r'ior:a¡a (sour) ts uplitt"¿ "o¿

freed from caraar deslrertherace will be redeened fron the bondage of the aensee, hard Labor and surterj.¿l con-ditloqs, utder whfch it eÊEe ç¡hen soul, or fhe wonen, becaæ subseñ¡lent to thecouac{ousness of sense.

There 1s no bondage Ln love that fs eetabl-fshed. ln thê çtrrfsr l{ind, I,lhea o¡}els mentally ebsorbed f.u the activltles of i-deas of rrutrh, oËe never falls la 1ovebul is er¡er lLftid up lnËo the conÈeuplÊeJ.on of the otvine possLbÍlitlea for æe¡r.In tl¡1s way the blfes and joy of Eden ls reÊtorad Ëo frunanity. nlle that overcouerh

TUE ÐMNIrs oF LO\j"E _ 4 _ehelL heve ¿ rfght to Ëhe Èree of lffe and enter ln Èhtough t.he gatee in¡o rheclty'rr He that overcore.h 1s the on" rrrr"i oiJr"o*" the serpent of senËe, or

',raÈ-ers the sex conaclousness' He ds an ou*r.or", r.¡bo cooer¡ orråithe avÍl wlrh Ëhegoodi t*ho lifts uP every eroãs and ualcea :.t serue tserard tlre unfordrnenÈ of hÍechrlst nåËuEe; rsho nakeã every obstacle of che 6en6e conseiouaness e stÊpping ÊtooÊff:'::,::t:iiffi":::"ilîi:.".ff.*", or-¡¿äîu Love is ,ri"-,*y of rhe

"ll"Ãî -u"r

rhe christienlty of this neli age Ls to be based upon the forrndatfon stone ofDLvrne Love' There must be nothlai left rn ai,å rr.r."'of chr{sEr*" thet ean rlseup and uock thelr splrl,tual progress' Tbfs ls the crey Ln rrti.t Ì{ê aÍ€ heer{ng thecaLJ-' 'Ada-' where årE thou?í' And Êhank God lre rrave äoue ,ã-aü. place çhere h,ecan ûo longer hfde' I{e rousE etaod agaln before the .Tehovur, goã of ou¡selves ,hekedend r¡¡aehêugd'r yet clothed in TruËh¡-havlng æt end overcorÉ ç.he rusts of lhe flesh,Áccording to the teachlngs of Jeeus-chrrsÈ-*-e Ãre [vtng rn tú" ¿"y when thar whichlg dæe ln sec¡et fe to ù-e decr.ered on tt¡e trousetops. Ttre rrrckeryrthe eeneuality,the devLllshness of the ca¡nal nature {a the iadlviduat con""iousnes6" and, fn therace' ls Ëo be exposed by Trutlr- rn so oËher way caE che sunlight of God dleslpatethe darkaees of uortalfty. greed, hatred, rurã*=r_ herd. labor, aËtached the'selvesto nÉ¡r uheq be sensuaLfzã¿ h¿e 1ove. ft ioüooru thar r¡hen he,sh¿lL l1ft up his loveraËure' eranÉEule a1r that 1s base esd selfteh fu co¡eelouso""" tlrrough purlflndEhought end t¡nselflsh deslËê1 ¡na¡s¡1al cooditlons, with thelr rdar and aËrlfa, rrlLlgf've +rey to eplrfEual e:qrretátor. of broËheriy-io.r*, gooct-fellowshlp and usfversaLpeace' rt 15 througtl love rede"yd r""*-ittoi,gtcs or sex ard generaefon ÈhaË wepass Ja'Ëo regeneratlon, for the distf1le¿ essãnce of love *o-irr", alone, cdn be-get the godly uan, $ho ls to ltve fn heaven on earËh.

lnaa' ntnd¡ the lnage of rnf{Tlte L{ght, 1s ever teryted by rhe eerpenÈ of de-eíre to fryress pf-cturãs- o¡ p"""¿* er¡d-eæådoa upon thã aoul- o¡ femtnine etde ofhLs aaturer a$d ooly as it" "ãa=s to undersLaod Ehat- alr- thought conË fn fcser.flts o*n fl'111, erqpreêãfng tcwnrd the elçerreuc* å¡ rrr" thcught, wlll ¡f,ân enter fntothought-mastery end tusãue trinsert rroi ti,e-iÀ"i*, of hel1] it r" tu rhe r{nd rheËadultery 1s ffret co¡¡E¿. llheu the erroneoue Ëhoughg suggestione a¡e overcouewlch the thoueht of-Truth, ana lne turgr";;r;;-is escabllehãã Ín Dfvrue I{i11, J.o-*etltat 1s PBre e¡rd hoJ-y fs ír¡ãiateo, anã *rr-ttãr fo¡ces o¡ iire rody are preservedfrou deeecratLon' Enereon t"ii" ryroi""'y p*J*"r

"on"iã"räfion rhat we elloweoEE us heavealy etate; tren seu' Ëhá *rrooå"-oi-eagex.s ro" e-uri"f a¡rd turbulenrpleaeure"t l'¡hy squandÁ= *re r+eartt of the p¿.rrou Ètt¡¿¡ o¡ r.ove fo¡ a a moaentrsiåi:ff '"iffii:1".1å"*åfJåff;ir*."n9*I¡,-äääiå äili Hre, ;.;;;-The Ìlr!'rer 1e an overcoær, strd Her epfrltual reseage fe perricularry to thoeenoho ere eeelc,'g to ove¡cone *rá pleaeures'r- *"ir ae che paþà of the aense o,å AuguËt, r9r9, she was ehown tüar suã

"""-rc-l'i,epherd tî,u',irtlre flock;r¡ro ca.lLout f,¡on sEtorB æa t'hose that aie- to be purehesÀd äoe ot-Ër," ããtrr, througþ purtfi-caË1m' trÏheae are they ti,"t iorru* ttu-i"r¡ï[rrn.r"oever he goeÊh.,' Rev, r4¡4,i{lren Truth flrst aireé lËe raye of. llght over fhe wrfterrs darkened eoul, $hewas lLvl¡g ln the norË'41 wo,,¡ån .är,""ro*i""", though sdvsnced abor¡a the race ¡al.nd1a Ehoughte perca{nfag to the eex rature. Harrlag percel-ved Èhat r¡a'clcË rraê }rogar-c


dispeusation (oan l_n intelleeêual conacLougness), iÈ was r¡¡rlawful for the vltalfluld to be e>çended excePt iot propagative purposes, and that rmder the Je'uechr{st dispensarlon (refen of rrurh^ d ;;d), rirey ,,o.iri"i--;;.ry nôr are given1* narrlage' but.sre-as ägãi" Í¡r heaven." -ihe

hàd eoncrudeá tnar rnarriage be-tng e norel lnetltutfon, {; regslized by the ståte for moral purposes,thereforeis f'ugossible of senctiilçatÍon fn ehurch, or f¡ God. Through the acülon of Godthe ovsl6hadowfag Jehovah rrincrple, she úed trananuteri des{ie for moral nêr_r{age' 1nsËead- oi culufnaung--rt'lo'e:rperteì*J, or forn, though havlng ro ,oeeËar¡d overcoue the temPlatlo' Io-t*ry, orr Èhe phyeleal plane, the soulrthÈ uen.alaod the psychomenc€-l PlâÐeË. These ir*,u" tniorve the crossee that one n,usËmeeü and overcoüË on- tlre way to Horni Z!on¡ih... one becones the brl_de sf theå*;"flåt::::îî *foääi"l" t¡en"'ute¿ into rhe rove ror rrre one lrenn

Tlrls way of the cross :lnvolved nuch tribulat{on and sufferlngrmosE of ç¡hlchÎraB Ðot allevlated by knouledge of TruËh, for rnany of these experLencee tookplace before self-coåecrous ¿ilurur¡ration of iruttr !¡Bs set up.

I'Ihen Truth dar+ned and the Kfngrlom of Heaveu, from whence coæth all eatlefa-tfon' l¡ae revealed es a realu of ðonsclon*."""-wÍthin, the l,lríter percel.ved theutt'er futÍl1ty of Looking fn the qtÍEhouË for happfneså, and strar.ghtr+ay her de-slre md lnaglnatlon legä to-ànter 1nËo the Truthe of tha chr{st Mrad. Â.s she.e¡¡tered aÊtentloo tswaid the wlth{l rrrrough ttrougilt, she wlrhdrew attentdonfron the wlthout througlr u "tr"og*

of aet, wt¿*t, oerhoe 1s'the keynote to splr*1tual adves'ce$enË, and Ètre uásie upon which unlty of splrft, soul, mrncl andbody a're establlshed- cod wa"-"onst'r,tly cledaräd to be tné lãver, rhe hueband,the father, rhe moilrÊr, the Ef-süer, the Lrother, Èhe chüd, Êhe friend, the corFa$*cn ùl the conecLouåneee Ì'hån.r¡nttrfluea yãarnf.oga for satiefaction la nor-Ëar Lor¡e *rose, ae they coatrrrue¿ Ëo arlse *iir rn*ïrii-orJl.rrrr* rdeaareuter-Ës{ned J-n ntnd, took ireeedent over Ëhe desr.res of the uortal nscure.?he ueetfng of the maËe of the eoul, on the peycho-nental- prane (soætfæereferred to by æÈaphyefc{ens Àe splrlruàl narrfagel " unlsn whictr rakes pl.acet'lLthl'n the l¡dtvidual conscLoo;ees, end never betneen ft¡o fndivr-duate), thecrisfg of the soTrl fflvorved cããr¡ard, r+as net åûd overcoue

"r*rã in the TruËh ¡and through the.actfon of cod, toth-eoul" p"""*a over ioÈ,o the r.¡nfvereal con -eeLou5ness, hawlng proved their absolute iilunlty from Ëhoughts of, desires of8etrÉe' sfnce &sn' as nLnd, r'¡as close to r¿ãas qf the chrfuð Þffud çhen Éepara -tl'or berween.the nrale and i*tJ" poles of cssselousneaË took plaee, lt folLor¡ethåt the uatfng of soule, ot *tioo of the ¡oaLe and uhe fe¡nale poles of, cotr -sciougsees' Ëakee place io ""t"r"r order afÈer one haa estebltsheri self con-sciot¡8 ldestlty r+flh the t¿easìt an. fir"i"t-¡fro¿. The "helpneet,, for çhlclrnan' 1n DorÈaL conscl-ousnessr eo ardenÈry yerrnÁ, fs che natä of the souJ., butth{e EaEe ¡+f11 ner¡er be fsrrná so long *- É;Ëã *o*n f rnction fn rhe sex Elnd.The exËer:nal naríng, fn Èhe irË"rt, oI "outr-attr¡¡¡e¿ as one in spfrrË, rs a6dleaetrous 'to attêjnnent of sonehipr as *"; ;h; eeparatÍon of the uale end fe-'naLe f¡ the begJanJng' The crisl-"-át "orr¿-""p"r"tron, aod eoul-naÈÍng fe Èhedlvtdlng une bett¡een uorrallËt-ång Lmo¡raliiy-wirettrer urar is evorvlng or in-volvlog' the separ€'tlon of thä uraLe and fenalä poles of conselouaness le¿ to

IIiE DIVINITT oF LOVE _ 6 _death' The rnf'on of the naLe end,fe,n¡le poles cf conscfouaneg* leade to r-r.fe¡buÈ tlrls r¡rfon mu't be con'uîïn'åted fn the reaiu of ntnd, and not in the realmof fleehly deelres' Lfke every other erçerren*e thaÊ presenÈs lteelfrexternarsoul-natlsc *ol: Ío: ?"" purpese - Èo force ûån rn80 ; c10e"i unlty wfrh Èhelndr+ellfng chr{st splrlt. -u"å

"t"unde fn sptrttual consclsugrreee only as hetrpeËs and overcome rlre pleaeurea and palna of the serf_ri}l nan.Cosnlc cou.scl,ou8neBs, or slltftual usrrlage, the t¡afon of r¡l.edoll (nale)andlove (fenale) wtthln, was the next BËep Ê,ctuaflze-d, though lts fdealizatfonhad takea place at the flrsi perceptlon of rruth. Teeãed

-a¡rd rried fn eheexÈerual' the Í^irlter proved uer royätfty to the prlnclple theÈ a1L aattEfactronend happfneee I's fron uhe creaËive- sourä" tor*rio. Truth long percelved rra'actuarly concelved, for at last eubslasee çree

-ire*¿ from at"'r.r,,a of eex aqdnaËetiaIlÈy' and a rleln expreesfoa of llfe *å iou. folrorEed ln natural order.Then began the dyfng p"o"å"".--r-had r"t"o up it* ""o"" *ã ii"r"ed rhe headof the serpent of sãnãe. r had go'na-ny-liiã i" orde¡ thar r uleht eer.f*con-sclouery toee fr f,or che chrieti";"Ë(ä; i¡ p"r.,"rpte), rr ApriJ., I9r9,r r¡ae clearlv rnrorued uv nre-i"::.;. q 'foill-

wlrhin, rhat the body or Jeeuachrl'st was to be for¡ed i¡ r" I tt" uoay ãi-oiwo" rdees. ï have proof coü _elr¡slve, detal].Ê of whfch I cannot give tn thf.e dLscouree, of defJ.nÍte Êrans_fornatfon taking Pfacl ln uny intenal orgaalsnr. rrf Êhe sp{rir .that reisedup Jesus from rhe dead dseli to yo.r, tre ãuen arso lur.ct ;-;;;; uorr,ar bodlee,by 'h{e Splrf'r rhar ¿oreUetC fo yoo,,,

A nouth later the ea1l to go lato the fleld eåsE, a¡rd r ¡¡ent forËh {nstLtrc-t{vely consclous that' r """ tã uÊet soogher tesË whfch wo*ld culqtnsÈe the,eoemlc' and usher ne f!'to Ghrlet cogscloustrêEa - the conseisuenees of DlvraeLove' r wes to preach the pure, r.¡oa.ulÈerated rruËt¡ grveo ue by God, throughJesu' ttrrlst' anà to appear-ir-:1" "pr"ii-ãi-iy audteace raÈher rhên to rheirEeasea. r rrae to knotl so otre after inì-ifã"nl,oo, ùo be pl.eaelng to be seenby ue8' r hed overcoDÊ' the eernslÍty of rove'ru Ëhe dqdt;1d;J-conseloua'esa,aod nms r nag Èo-or¡ercoæ

-thê tereorrà$.üy of l-ãve f-a Ëhe ¡¡ntver8al. A fer¡ ule-sedÊl¡e vfbratdons of aex thac ãù thc nagaeÈr,c leetures and rn{nlatereof'the world co¡esltusseee aad lhoughr. æ-"oiJ, but r was cold tn thê flesh 1notder that r rntghü becoæ raaien*y;"'br *r;t -ir,* ffres of chrlet Love, Ttrablesse¿ Larva of tffel - go"-itr"y r¡niord r" ñ;¡goisus o¡der when r¿e cea'e üoaüruggle aod let the¡¡ bear r¡e äoikardt r¡o"î*"Ët ro rear, J¡ christ f¡ the ¡¡rd-st of Èhe storo, for the etoË¡Es speut Èheogervee-Íu fury durgrg that yearof unü¡arsal test' Evety t"tãã"r'rrpre""roo-i"grsæred upon the paychrc ¡eelof coneclout¡rrega, rose up io aoma foå of æntJ fnage or uanl.fescatfon ln or_der to be bldden ro depait ¿"-irre nque of Jeeus 6hrfst.

Ï Has vagræly aware that r $as finlshlug uy karnlc enperiencerbut aoÈ with-ou¡ thst bleeeed utst ÈhEt forcea us {nto ircio=y for chrleË.oue day a Btudentof easËertr phLlosophíes caue Gio-tt" offtce, *¿ *rtrcut atry exehange of ideaspertalnlng to the subJeer, he eard, ''r h;;;-å ãe]'1ag rhar you arê derreloprngthe I'lord of God ccnseioueo."..- voú knowr" hà cãsthued, percelving rny intereat'tlhen the Eex force hes beeq trarrslutèd ãs tha¡ the trend of the energLee J.s nolonger douuward, the force" "iãlrgregaËed fn the throet, the Ëhyrold gland be-

THE ÐÎYTNITY OF TOVE . 7 -{ng the Beat of- the rlost l{orf r t or pc,wer of God.r Ee advLsed ne tha! the forcesascended over tlrê head, *ä-inår # ;;;;-.Jiru n"." ti"äIIi*"a, whleh was rheaeat of self-pf11 rn eáneelo,]"rru"", ånd uove ¿owar+arJ ,r-ä*"r'roar, ühe cyclewould be eomoleted'- end

"prüttor óo".=' tt" cur.r¿tnatr* oi-"** cransmuËed aqd,Lor¡e redees*d-wo'rlå u* "rãilà m"å-oi-ir,*'l1ay. rr il;; ã coraerdenÈe ro s¡-rewhs Lqrdersra¡rde tt sr ouiì"äã1 ry_ sup¡rlied rnder Dlvlne Law, and rhaË üan ie the'oenrrs wherebv God Paese" oo ll¿" i¡";:ïh"i î u*" ar rhe t1né paesfng rhrough theerqerience he pLctured 1u *oiãt' -i-ãåJää io ,"t th" roice-"'ÞârF che ¡¡i'r cenrêr:Håht:tffiå, that rewî"åï"¿ *." .r.p*rr;ä, a¡rd rr "", i.oo"r, onl.y arnong the


From ÈhaÈ.9?y' r began uore defLnltely to consecrate nyself to God and Èo aur-re!'de't eer'f-tf¡'ll'- "y

rtã* ät", ãrd tt* ioro"s passerr "r*å *" r had ber{eved.ssonthereefter re1$ks "l"rr-"i,tü* ,¡g -"r""tt* *:o.greêrer power.,, ,,ïour vofce reeo ehmgedr" were m"de to-æ, to r+hrch- r **fi*rg dr,raiar, Iãrp"qaÍvery. ,rrr {snoË I that speak, but ttr* r"iU"r rflthia, ne epeaketh througtr ùe;,, ord, ,,Vr¡ice

f.sof $pirlt. Itr* i,o oo i -

.' -''3i1 i' ï','ffHf;"} : i :""f. f iJl{ä"ï"ïff ;'#:i:t" f#, gã rn:splrf'Èual realltv, ttt*t ii i-fp"*t ro be taeÉ,tog r";;;ää-.u"poogfvenesç fr fsbecauee r ur¡ar rii"t s*"irãri" iãy"r.r-rã-äi;r, æioiã.il.L r" of reat servlceto æû. Át es:t; È"d" *i";T"":if":åi"f":"L;ïl ffJå::":liåf=;tä ;Jå p",.-ir,irñ*oI;oo,

After the errperfeuce heretofoE€ related ËvÊnr* no_ved råpid1y f,or æ. îruthdesce'ded end error esceoded nightfr.yi -i;-*""-* bartle tã" ""n*ü¿¡cy, ard r fertËhat rÈ ltês a batrle t" lnì-räi"rr, "ro Ãr*i,il,-Try;ï ä#å a clruex. r teLtÈhat r could -iÍï_.: "r *;ii ;tilg, though õ,,xrårary i ¡nae ".ir, porsed, porerfrrl_á¡ r eat æclftatfng uPon r¿eãá-oË-trurtl""ã"otr,succor acd ¡oiref frou rhe crucl-ffxfon' r lsst'rnysire'rtt ã-åï¿or,. t ¡váe euddeily, aå "*ãr;-ät "*"ue

ghrfer arrdeu angellc host._ Ttrey reaçfrããiut thefr fran¿l-to æ,, ård beckened re upward.I in_ttdËfvely feLt that ú o"t-üJ¿" claeped i *ro,rra ue í¿it*¿-ffi;; Ëheïeertr of ¡üo*a'eeÊfon a¿d reaeË+oq and "ãt--r.ä. _ such a ¡u""r.rr feelfag caûe oveÌ be . ttrat rregclred fo¡¡erd 1n deughit"r-ä.r*rp"ir*l;dn sornerhfuf prompted

',! Ëo loolc bsckaqd rhere r behetd " p"ã"r"ä"ir"* ;¡ ;h;,u;;;,-:*d üäfiãä peopre kneeltug ,

conecLous thar ry act DeÐt eornethrng ." it"¿"iålfare, i-iä; Ëoward the a¡gehchosr and reeus cú"irr'-il;ïäi-r,9!i ri-rv-rä"r. r'¿**r;;ãì" aEcend eod be ar

peace, bur unon.carching *re-à-etrr¡l...1ook-pi,tñà t"**" _;_il;;ople, r cr{ed our,"r choose to EÈayi r chãoeã-tä-"toy."--wü"i-r-"L ,o self-conicJ,ous'eee r vaskueelfng by the fu1"i",-äil;;;" 99r¡relne doro-qr crreeke, r-ti¿ ehoaen rhe ws,y ofËhe croee - the way óf ro"r"sä rue thät-ãerr"r" ¡¿teht fr¡rd rhe chrr,Er.

Tfren followeee 1r' r "ãilãä'l"i::.'f 'ãl*fr"ff3"à:ä"i.1;:ïi"å: Jii,T"'å:*f i:. "H.å.*"Hlend or¡erco*' buÊ-r recsg*i""it*r q'ickly rn ing er¡rerleoeos ãt othere who coae toi: tri'i*ä *ir.Ëî$i: ffl-i:"**s,!i"Ttri 5':îl* *.t:f.ft"i:ï.enpressÍon of Gh¡teÈ Love'

-lt,¿Ë-""" ¡eeärr'e i-iegtarere¿ ¡"eiiã Êo do eonethr.ngepectal for her, rhereby p**;;;.i;1"; _;;ïãoå io* t".. rrer daye on earrh lrere re_

IËE DIVffIlr 0r rovE

rliii:ri;rd$*lîx,"'ffi*"-,'ät*3 -'? so 'co

he'r' *:,":-'":^3r" " ;.r-;

Ëi"rtïHri,,î'.ï.ï=rii.#ffi {if .'d*i;+iii-þï'il*'"."ff :ï:;r¡r'.f "

t-!:":d." ã;:äËï3.Ë: #tr tr*':¡ä"ã"reæo"" "õ*oi ff'Íilli;ilf'; ,"ipreeeed * üi.ï'.H H:i:: .,'ff: *:r'Íi*Jffii_r:ËjË *l:n 5:. .Hjj:".*i

Ë:åÏ fi:Eî¡îFi*ïä, er¡r _ir*; ;Jili,!g i i.,-dïäJ, nooo, Go d, r, -i - ¡*.,"*å:"r'ff ïå*'*iliåi,riïïäif.lihtråili{*:iii#ffilq:;':tlru¡;eho¡,¡¡ rh.È r

"_,"ra "gI-.ü;;::h;i;t;;rï pp ii;;;*; Hlftîi*1.-v peopl'e for one¡ ttt"t uåiotå eoa, peË-ilä.ä¿ n,.r"i ;"i;;il*-hlpa do Êor csu',r.It was the

&ï1ih Ìi"iiffl triïd'å*:ffiåån.:n;"ïffi ïrå"þå;:"sï *t L,tiïtrt_::"e. t o. e urren¿i i rr"

- îä. ää.rË'ãi #,åä iË,iïf#_ gru1;. g" iX # r:Sl5 i:*:äå"i13ïr¡*i*:t-"::T*i#n ¡ ; r!ügeËã r*-ä,* lhe rea*zãrrooeq oì¡eïNhe1d.qs rä"á ii ;'ää"f suar,rry .*"#iou"*.ffTnjî pu p"""*ãË-*l"oblrth {n order-th"ï I äIn;Ë" bor¡ or äod. fu **et{c artre:f"-.tîit :tr:"tFq'r¡d rs uogt uarrce¿ ¡riñäi;*_îratronei{pl'ca*äJ ."cnJäi"¿. uorËq.,üy nnaaset up when the *?"1t' ot ""rt, aeasuar{geo ióve; as¿ rrrã Àvãiõouog of tlre LtËråg-tÍon of ¡oÊherhood G'd; iää'"*a of tåe o*io*r. Íhe ooi"orrog of ruortar rove8s resPeetltrs trÊÈ€rrar peràn¡;È-il;r.iirt"'Jiïcnrc cooiã".iä"", rhe eex n{qdranduaners one f¡¡¡s *re ¡rvi¡Étñ; I¡ove. one nuei æeÈ ead ovãi.oæ tue eaeny Êhatnekea for dearh .T rhg poi"i Jfrere-¿t

"arãr"-å--äto- conEelo*o*Ë, _and eo rhre noeÊ

reuder rersÈr.onsl¿f li [Ë; äl!=.ræñ;,ä;h".h;d;äää[ål ro" u," rhrfârrseahe (for ealre o!--Þ{"-Iõt*î r*troiJ-iuJ"opp*oe-"ioo*ä' n"rroo aad ÍwrÈ-alftv' evsr êa artachussü;ï wae the "oon""troi-enãt-i*ã-d-.""tt ad uo¡¡or{sr,.ä!1ïdþ::"å:iËro':itmli:lïl:äåiir"e,, Èhere ri-r",hE rce, ãÀ"ary,thé porde or

'oe ury;;;; ä rä"'åruu¿-- ;*"ap-o;f i:i:.tiF il"#;H;l"Hjæ, end bsteth ¡

;åi:ïil ffi 'H:$Ï#t'tff*

*i H: if"F:ffi t;,ff':rtffi ïn.ttNot even, oae that sslth Lord, Lord, ebarl eEüaE Èh¡ R{r¡¡-.he tbat doeth the. -'r .i ";;Ë ;;.¡,é Jü îrilorî,,:iïr'ffirffi ffiHrïnîîi rn

tlï0vgrconlng accomlr:ltf

iy.qt-äe fe* """i"Ëncedhg uy uothei'a paeelns,wês v€s-tly uore lqorÈant to both oiï, ar¡a .ro-rtrã ä;, tlren ionat

-corpanfonehrp f,or aii !:ä ;:tr u';ÍL*;n:':r; "î**r*i:tï,**"r,i*m'"fili"tii";L'"lltl:1""iË:JÍ;ïåi:lr;it ï;ä.äTl*, so'ermed by rbe chrrgr ui;d,

oEe who Judgeg -h "ps*atr8Ece' aod ueseûree Hf,1by death, nay wonder hor¡ thegresËêr love eor¡ld beoeär "h;-å" i";;-;; L _rr*-pr_q+o ãs r,í_", 6.cÈ1ss, Þur

TttE ÐI\rINIIy oF LOVE _ g _

msn fs conscLousnes8 ' and the seeds of eÈe]rtal charaecer rooËed iu the soLl 0fthe soul are the .*iitlee lÀ* coooec' ,*-"q"1" wfth God, a*d lead ro hfe$onshlp^ llv morher served

"uil, arrrl fuliiir*ã n"r o,o.rr*.rråof, ah.ough rhe ac-Ëfon of God' r'For th{s "uur* was r born, *d fo"--!h{e purpoae car* r r¡Êo Èheworld' Ëha' r utghÈ u""t "itneee of rhe iruth,,, w¿rr,-d;-'.;funaÈfon of rhigexperÍence' r thought the "r"1*. "i-"Àärriilåi "*. up when nên wenË lnro ûarer-falfÈv' was ended, a*d tuo'ri"t..troo

"år-J"""1 u"¡ t'r,.ä-i"îf"rtan s¡y phfloaophy.Lff,e reveaLed it to &e i" t"i".r *rç.rreo"e]'A f.* daya afier the reauzetlo;of the Dtvfnlty of Love fn f;; turri[ãã "rçr""*ron, I ]çüas shoçTr rhar r was rodf'e. r agreed wlth uy

"a"e.så.y_qutckLy, anã-anaorered, r,I dle dally rn theI'ord"' but r rçae lnpresaeil itr"t r was tå'gi* 1rg ry body. Frour childhood rhad etruggled to l1ve - --to-t"up eonecfous holit ou uy body, for Ít eeetrêd 8olnadequate to houee the treit; färces ;¡-,rdght. and reeung rhaE v¡our.d plerceue through like ewords. Uõ" i-wae_to vllllngiy loee Lt. -i-i"¿

no fearrno de_elre only tû do the Hf1I oi'-go¿. Truth traã-Ëãuehr me rhaÈ Godrs t.¡ill for Easle holi'ees end perfeeËfo"' ¡"a ft hetl arao r;veared thaE the wfne of the epfr-ft of lffe cannoi be porr*å tro the or¿ uouiiee of senBe; thar ff we r¡ould puÈou the ganne-at of rrghteo*nà"* ,ne ÐuaE ehed our,fcoat' of ekfne.rrr preeeuled uyeelf es a ll'vl-¡lg sacrif{ce aof-waa happily wllling to Loae uyllfe' l fo¡md uyself .:Àttù-"tesõs chrtat, rf rr eertres-shå cause of rhe Father1¡ any way for rE to dfe-anã Êo {nr.o.d;-;;.*, r aon wültng. r eeek norhlng f,oruyeelf''' A feellng of gtu"i ãepresefon cãæ over_bè,, as though ar1 uy forceeI{ete recedlng' leaving * rrghtheeded anã-iuru, r rhrerr rnysel.f on Ëhe bed a¡dreË go' tr-Illfng to dlã, ¡riïrir. rv raer .oo".ro* breath, i-*itrr*d fn porsedaod powerful tõoee' iir'"Ãïdii"-g !o die; bur rhr.e 'r knsÞr; r aE erê-oalry e11vef¡ chr{eÈ.'r r tl1i¡ed

"""y;-though *' *"rihetfe had been adnrnÍerered.For-ty-f,'ve u'{sutes later r opá""ã Ey Éyes, but it wae not r r¡ho sav. r had beconea neÌr creaturei a3 truly àe trrouitr i rrå¿ oo*-r"o,o uy motherrg womb. r hadbeen bo¡n of the epl.rit fn uoãrfy rorrq.- i-rruO-oo BeJ_f_conse{ousnege. r o,aÊGod-¡ffud thr'nkfng, end Ít "."*d'r^r"as-'ceie"î"-, .r."ro Ghriet and Reveratlone -- splrlt' sor:l and Body 3ornãa ae on". r was eo deeply

"r,toot,"¿ r¡rËhfn uyeerf,that it seetred thåN a irtã*Ëã hor¡ses,r*i* "t*It*d upon æ, and r wae htdden r¡n-dernearh.

out of the fnner depÈhs e volce spoke the wordsr 'a11 power ie glveo r:nto ueln hesven and rn earth.ñ i t.*uøle¿ itke *i"år bef,ore rte_ notghry vfbratfon,and self-cotlscfouaneeÊ returaed, and çLth tr, ih* {ueÐr ,rlJhat fs rhfe?,, rhe aû-'Ì¡¡ex

caræ llke a flash of ltght' ;iit*.""p;;i"-;""rea¿äi to Èhe D¡ of Èhe rerælatlsn floodeã ü conectoua'es', and r becsne conscrorrs of bodfryform' bu¡ r csuLd rrot Eove. --mìucti;-;;;-iüv

t cor¡1d troÈ nove forlo*ed in na-turar order' thle: "Ttre body iàpt"r"oas the o,¿il of the self-uan, Èhe actÍvr.Ëiesof ldeas, and couple." ",r*t"åd;;';;;î;;å'îrii'*ou1d neceeri.ãr" ceaearÍou ofactit¡ltiee ltr that plæe of coiicrou'nes'

"hi; ïêpreae't' per'onaL will,, Thisrevelatfou brouqht the rlq' "r irt" ¡frr.ouqh try organfan¡ End perfeer actr.ou fol*lowed' Ffrat, [ne rsr¿e"iiriÀa-spfrft t"ã roí"à upon fre negattve eerf , ]fsa,devord of eelf-r¡íll, whfch ;;;.t"ilor+ed uy tt*-ã*ligrrr or iuå---sou1, brlngfnsself*cotrsclot,e aetfon o¡ ruuå, iurqrrr"c¿ug rn perfect acrr-on af body,

fHE DIVINITT 0F IOVE _ r0 _The spfrlt of God mved Ygt]lttt upotr rp, ead, Èo such ãn exÈenr rbêr Ea¡ry ro

i:ËfËå:::i:id:l',:n l:::!rf;ä{ïïi .r God tu;;; nag3a *ày"r',,h"a rew or rnanv e'¿¿enóee -i-"Jiid-iirËi',,!ålir;il"ä:"¡.ffi5:å;f"T:*il ã," oorv

::':'i^i!-iöi"rlfflåi*å*:åft."'":iiïur:¡ reaa back in uv cher,r,and 11gÈeafelË eooe.rtue exËrsordh"ä n"¿iõ;ilä: ;i:l!i_î:i.?:J:ï.r;åî;':; :*åi:L-1ng of uvery toor¿ *ã-e"";i""' r iånrrnå¿ï "rrrtgtrt,-ulrigt¡r.posr.tron ttrrougr,;H":n.

r¡hote leerure, ;;ã;;", u*".*i*"rJ or the_riå*ã,r"å1r1oa rnctt iÈ rråg

_"-g ål îfrJiï":1""ïi',:iï::ï:il"*'ÍTï:"t had ever rÞard. _you were nor rheÞr1Êh prorour¡d earûesrueeã _ earnesrnêsc Èhar *]fijr.täfftlr_Ta nr.s1,i¡- äi"er¿

iT"*tliö;;"H"ffi :li:"i:*ã *äir"o å"åårÏ,,*'" ¿ ro *,,r ;;i'oî" ligl;. iir;:.r an wrftfng this tÕ Êsaure you that your æsõage caue acro's snd Eade s ûevêr-to-be-forgorren rupreeaton-ä*l ¿o¡yn iu üJ-"our oã *.-.-¡-ãËà1 Bure nsç¡, as trear:::i:.':Ill ääï:.r;y,"1*"-iui.,

-.ü;;;; ä"""ru, are or cod aod ¡esus *rriar,

'f'orh uv husbsnd afid t *.:_g1eg1¡ |ereseed l¡ith Èhe ¡¡orde thaÈ fell fronyour lfpe srndav yomrns, rn nec¿tai É¿î- ñãig ;.., rå¿ãå*.: æfl{r,rnq rhrough

whf ch t'o glve ven' to tËð tãoa igi rrL-Jir"äã'orr*, us aince 'tt.c hour. r{e ea,o-ffllirlä""äf.iäi. tt''- "rõiË¿"*". or tirat uour f,e'r *¿*,ï"re rhe de¡m or our

:T:.T: iï,-ï"1,:i:.Ëiï.*"iäîî:Jr'"u.ïJlï::gh vhlch a *uer a¡¡d betrer æB-

i:"ii îi,ö,iål lt;åî'åftt, *'=,o ã"r' r#-lliÏ,itr',1fl:;""Fn"' "*å;seekere ot riütn. '"

t :ged to pa€E Ír äo-r" ä." rrue a'd "=Ëi=:t'ç¡hêa I ffret cau¡, l¡rro the Truth that I ", :l .God, and thêË lt ts €od whouiiï:1"it.",:ïîi'i;iåHlÍ,tiÏi. r knew !r,*f r,r_tn"rro r rràä-io*ored peraona'rhar eh{nes Bo r.'r.e1,.1r-;;-n;;"íi,

Ëå'"yj:iËillËl1l"!ä*Ë; Í:i Håþ:"'i$ffiliË.lT iåH,'äã'tr.u"- *-¿iür.*iiol rhs ch8.ri""',ui,roh rs rhe Ëolv:::ne r o, r

", ",, Ti*:+i "i:ï::ïffif"& ruî¡jJi::,,:å"to,iï'ïii*

* "f;ii¡nnounced eo bra\¡erïr so

"orr""ã"ourty, må "o'rlraogly, your incrependeqce of ä11ffi 1, ff 'ål"åiiå ;",

t :1 "**f .Fj:* ;'¡pri tij {äi; . äï i"i: å ¿

"", ï" iä ;;".. ,ff""iili:*ît n*ss recelved fron a' vo.o's bov, who had been a 10yer. sÈÈendanr


-II*ttÏ dld rejo{ce to see you take, that srep whlch sec ïou free;..ànd wrapped you up in í"*".I"iray.ïou now nake, speai. tt e

"".à*äO sendeth you,Hhlch spohea, rnakertr di t;L;" o*".You are ûo fiÕre_by bonds or eontïÊ.cËs bound,To think and wstk

"p""-rt"-rJä orA ground.Tt_:":g rhoughr_e.nd

"*r uplfir*A you shall tre,Just l1ke Jeeus Chrlst "f of¿-fn Galflee. rr

The week forlorlag â, new chåpter r¡as wrj.Ët9n tn my ,,Book of Lifer¡r ï rra' eho'a¡¡har r åü ro tlo-f¡om;"; il;;foirh. r+rr*,,-ir-rs arl io t*-iJfilled, r knqr nor,r seek only to do the ";"k;;; Hin rhat

""or-r*¡ ,,olùr ïr ls enough ro know Ëhat€\ren ag ene Lürconsciously re"åtved tr,i-rrpr."lioo ot the ciãft "on"cfousuese uponËhe Í¡åÈers (ne'at{*") oi t¡*1""r, ¡ll;ïã;ñe acrfou of thã seryenË BeEsÊ, ûneuay' when purfffcatl'on hae ü*ur, *uú"buehäd,

-ãonecfously recefve iupressfone ofthe chr{et conscio*n""*'-t[tJ"eh rhe acgon of eod. tíil..-ã" shrrst r¡ae raleedfrou Èhe dead througt' thË eî"ä;r. rhe F;¡Ër, u? r+e- also nr.ghr .r¡alk 1n ûewnes'of lrre' For {f *oîr''r*-u;;; *rlred o¡ rhe: iir.;;;; of .h1s dearh, weiltl.Ë"å,,fråii,'ffi;ïi;;t_31*å"5Ë:idi.',

_sin*u-ä;;;";,Þerrences r grow

the uarrLage rv:lth the Lasb he1 t-ake¡ place, and Dlvfne Lor¡e relgns eupre¡ne ,a Loræ as ualfke the activliiÃt o¡ gtr" t¡urnan-iån"crousnese as day ie fron nJ.ghË.up throush rhe

¡rroeleses of s"o1l:l ;"-g;;*äi-ro.ee1f_dental; setf_dental Êo re-*rncLatlo¡li renr'c'ation io"iip""ronatrry; "*ír*nortt ,o coã_rrilll eelftsh.ese Ëoselflesenees¡ senrltude to *.""i'rp;-;;;íi.; io spirrruJiiyl uoudage to rreedora;death to l.ffe; tupersoi"riry-Ii rä"" ai"i"ã;,"o'"rr. ro ch=t"i conscíousness.a¡dskest last 6uü of t'ttã at""t-"iå"i'-or Èhe Adsn rd-¿oto rha Light of Trurh, whe¡e theouly desfre {s to Êerve eo¿ aå¿ *, Ilg ontj ruprelsr-oa - Berngr No rouger et¡fv-lng Ëo be' but being;

"o-iãnfrr* eoupellrag, irË'frrvftfne; oo,ioog*" seekfng to gêÈrbuÈ glvlng.

'â'e ooe by one.we steP çver the borderllne from huua¡¡ ts Ðfvtne cousslousness,tre eha1l behord the lor¡e ot efiriad*"-uo*oÇ;;"frg the earth, -,,ihe r¿fthout ae thewfËhln, the uale w1Èh att*-f"rä*¡ ¡lelther msle oor fernole, _ heavea on earth,Thenshell *æ hear "q:+ ttre enããiîåri*,

-"éroryï-al¿ r'. the hfgheer,r and ,r,uhoeoeverwiLJ., Iet h{n ¿irnt of Ureïlrãr" or ltfe f,reety.The schoor of Lfvesble chrl-atla,,lty ie noË an organr.zation, but repreeents thesplrdÊ of Jeaue chrtst ru tr¡e-ããrtn. it-iu pioiol.r"e trr" go"pål of, Jeeu. chrisr,f¡ fts prirrttlve purfty, and ali Lts ¡çork ¿"'iot_th*-purpn;å-ãi-*.rabr.fahfng thernfrre¡sar thurch ór cr,i.í"i: Ë;, cl'rhed rn godlfness and Trurh,Ît¡e ebove Teaehfngs are f¡ssfy g{ven to all lürnaolty, ln the Naíp ard by thepolrer of EoM, fne HoRö üÅDE ruEãHî ;;;,, ezor aÈituâffi1l îltti:r. zroru rr_ eoogs_-ãáãe