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VOL. VL NO. 33.adMrtistment.admiiscmcnts.cr.THE DAILY SUmfisenunts.


OF LIVERPOOL.Spruanco, Stanley & Co.,


CLAKKNCK W.A8HFORD. Importers and Jobbers of FineIS PUBLISHED


ADVOCATES, ETC.ftlO.OOO.OOO 410 Front St.. San Francisco.2 tf fcwL'Al'ITA It -

adjoining the Pos42dwtfOffice Honolulu Hale,

Office.UNLIMITED LIABILITY.Wm. O. Irwin.Claus Spreckels




Advkktiskk, oiiB yi-a- r S 00AovBK'fisKit, six months 3 00Advektimkk, three months 1 50Auvkkti.skk, per month 50

C Auvkhtiskk, one year 5 00




HAY AND OBAIXTelephone No. 175.


tionDaily 1.Daily 1. C

Daily I, tDaily l. (Wkkki.y I

Tlre Insurance oi all lccrlnv. ,.D.i at. Moderate Rutes of Prem


Attorney and Counsellor at Law Santa Cruz Lirne,F

H w 111 " - "urn. by the undersigned

& CQ1tf Managers for Haw. Islands

W. P. C. A. (including6 50

Hku Subscription,CLAUS SPK ECKELS & CO.,

We have on hand a onsignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces. -

Fo. four and five foot furnaces, complete withgrso bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof thin make are now in successful operation atSpietkelsville, Makee Sugar Company and otherplaii ations. Also, a consignment of

Filter Presses,Having all the latest improvements.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars apply to t

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,

Honolulu.Office No. 12, Spreckela Block,176 oct21tf

OF ENGLISH PORTLANDIMPORTERS FIRE BRICKH, FIREPayable Invariably in AdvanceCLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, bet. Clay and WashingtonUNION

and Marine Insurance Co. P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FRANCISCO.FireWOMAN ANT) HOME. ECIL BROWN, ATTOt NE AND0--

Notary Fublic, Campbell's Block, Merchantstreet 20BANKERS,





ATTORNEY -- AT-L AW,HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Aifeiil.iioxtn.ri.t' 2Mt EUEEIvA !

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL. : io.ooo.ooo

KMtablished an Affeney aHvinr for the Hawaiian Islands the

are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouseson favorable terms. Marine risks on cargojfreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

I.ose promptly adjuntea & payable.19-d- wtf WM. O. IltWIN fc CO.

12aud 14 Pme street, San irancisco, i-.-

Acents for Klrby's fcanta Cruz Tanneries. HoleBONE MEAL!! Harness and all other kinds of leather.And Solicitor in Chancery Otfice, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance onMerchant street. Honolulu, H. I. 44 tf

4 se8 lyKxcliunjie on the principal parts of theDraw

world. The undersigned are now prepared to receive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt J. WI. fiSONSARRAT,

We have received a consignment o the mostEconomical an J Valuable Feed for al!

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer m use.


ELLIS & MILLE RWholesale and Commission Dealers inATTORNEY AT LAWWill receive deposits on open account, make San Francieco;

The following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analys-

t81Water 8.10 per cent

collections and conduct a general banking andexchange business. ay, Grain and Feed

Kohala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors


. AND.


25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCO

Orders Solicited. 5dec2t-l- yeal Estate In any pari or ine l&iiig- -dom Bought. Sold and L.casea on commissionDeposits bearing interest received in their Sav

ings Department subject to published rules andregniatio.is. lTocitf

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

Organic Matter...Silicious Matter..LimeThosphoric Acid. .

Oxide of IronCarbonic Acid.Alka Salts




. .851.89.52


Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nuritive matter; this nearly 39 per cnt.

100 fis. o this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 Its. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lot to Suit.Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the bnst kinds o

flay, Oats, Wiieat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

No. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tf

WlKit IJitl in a Thousand IslandCottage The Wife's Pocket Money An

Honored Title Don't lllind the liable.Paragraphs, Etc.

Some one has wisely said: "The teachingsof childhood are the comer stones on w hichto build the foundations of character. Ifthese are laid in wisdom and faithfulness, wemay look to see the suixnstructure roundedand lmautitied by the ?esson of life's exige-nce. "

The training of children in good mannersmust be founded on respect and obedience.Uut authority should be enforced by parentswithout destroying the self-respe- ct of thechild. Every boy and girl has an innatesense of what is just, and cannot listen to un-

kind words without first being wounded andt hen hardened. Nothing has so much power,' ilh children as love. He kind and gentlewith t hem; let them know how dear they are,

I it will be an easy task to control them.Tli.-- should ahva3's Ik? governed mildly, yetilrmlv, thus retaining their respect and love;

children will learn ton-.- even very young.'.ivad their parents' displeasure through the

-- ir xf losing their affection.To speak the truth, to respect age, to pro-- t. t the weak, to beunsellish and forbearing

a i: h ..thers, to be ashamed of nothing except. . o - doing are the first lessons children

. : taught, and it will then be easy toi i them in good manners. It is not enough

simplv; tht re must be the example of; L!y life to enforce the lessons, and surely,K, .;i r'iVe can make so forcible an appeal to. ... ..iiivnts' heart in favor of self --discipline

I1 .t.ii for the welfare of their children.

Whittior, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of


Fancy drliikH of every Iescriitioua ieciilty.

EL. H, AVebb,50d&wly Proprietor.

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prompt


W tf21-2- 3 Front St., : t San Francisco

and Careful Attention.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,Aqents or the Hawaiian Islands.

21tfJ .3

A. 0.1 Cook & Son,OAK TANNED


House Carpenter & Builder.31 Alaken Street,

CLAUS SPKKCKKI.S TELEPHONE 55WM. G. IRWIN & Co., rpNTERPRISfP LEATHER JBELTING,FAt'TOiiSJlTAlt r;,, ,wl1c, psfimates and make contracts forand C'ommiNHion

M. I. tfHonoluluJ AO K NTS. any description of wood buildings.



Main & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importers of

Harness, Saddles, Ilridles, Wlilp,COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC.

Nos. 214, 21G, 218 and 220 Battery Hireet. SunFrancisco. Illustrate d catalogue sen t

on application 101 m ch2

I.ace Eeather ami '

Header Drapers,all kinds done, ami satisfactionJobbing of

MAOFAELANE & C0-- , guaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest. 57 tf 415 Market street. San FranciscoNo.Alaken, near Qa-ec- St.3S-- tf 442 jan25'88and LltJUOKhi.eral Jobbers in WlNIuts


St. E.ii. .!Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. News,Flat ami I,a!el Papers,

IStmlers' BarIs,Twines, Etc.


205 EeidesIrtr Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.


Manufacturing Jeweler,Xo. 12 Unnliumanii Street.

HONOHTLTT. 28-t- f

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,ant Wholesale Iealer inIiiiIH.rters Boots, Shoes, Hat-s- , Men's Furnish-

ing und Fancy Ooods. No. tl Kaahumanu StreetHonolulu, 11. I. 25tf-w- tf

ITo tlie Public.Honolulu, II. I. RESTOREDFoundation Timbers ! ! MANHOOD32 tfParticular attention paid to repairing.

is no soul so full of the graces of youth' h- - mother spirit that has gone through,.cT:md useful life wrapped in the love of

h v children.it is best, in rearing a large family of cb.il-- i

to give them as much liberty as is co-nsent with good management, and to make

s few rules of obedience as possible, and

then to enforce those given to the very letter.be administered in the

ofs should neverpresence of others, particularly to proud,sensitive children, as they do more harm than--ood by causing unnecessary humiliation.The child who is thus respected by its motheror father is very apt to preserve its self-re-rpe- et

through life, and avoid doing aughtthat would incur censure.

In training children in good manners,

mothers often mistake an overflow of "ts,a natural playfulness of healthy childhood,

i . or.,1 in sul Kluin2 and correcting

iriven toFurnished or Unfurnished, N B. Special AttentionEarsre Contract.s. The Pacific Transfer Co.,8 tf&WH. HAOKFELD & CO.,

KXEItAI, COMMISSION AUKXTS.G1 i6 tf jueen St., Honolulu, H.I.We have just received from Australia a few Iron

The reason that Thousands cannot et cured ofSEMINAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF MAN-

HOOD, andtheresultofabuse.diseane or excesses,

is owing to a complication called PROS TA TOR-RIIE- A.

DR. LIEBIG'S INVIOORATOR isthe ONL Ycurefor PROS TATORRIIEA. Price,$2.00 per package, 6 packages, glO.OO. Gaide toHealth and Self--Analyst sentfree. Address LI E-B- IQ

DISPENSA R 7for Diseaset of Men ,400 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal.

103-- tf

bark t ounaation unioers.Office with C. K. Miller. 42 Merchant street.Xlie nisdoriMutual Telephone 391Bell Telephone 377.Iron & Locomotive Works,


A furnished complete for housekeeping. I seof horse and carriage; VbSS.0

127-oct- 7tf Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.

SIZES 16x24 indies, 12 Feet jAtng.

And ltxlH inches, 16 Feet;. Long.Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,r orrER&KiTW. MAKKTKN8.F. EANM.VS. hauling or moving work, all of wnich I will i?uai- -PRAVCTSCO CALIFORNIA autee to execute faithfully.

36 ly S. F. GRAHAM. Proprietor. These timbers, as their name signifies, areED. EOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,A Commission Merchant.Importers Honolulu, H. I. 27-t- f

W. H. TAYLOR P'hVJOS. MOORE Superintendent nearly as sona ana auraui? an imu, uu. iufoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

Doilge, Sweeney & CoM

San Francisco, Cal.Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, andall kinds of provisions.

,trTT,ma rv stwaM IVfACHIiTER Y, IN8N.AVER SAL l all its branches; Steamboat, Steamship,r.. T.'o-;- nH Timiers. High Pressure or J". HI . SOPETNCompound. SOLE AGENTS FORSTEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete W. Gr. Irwin & Co.


Successor to

J. M. Oat, Jr.. & Co., Llbby, McXelH dfc Llbby'H t'aiineawith Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when Heats.


Opposite Wilder & Co. '81

M. J. SToIte, Propr. qttt a t t. Rurses and Steam Tugs

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 8 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, KIWH, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock funiiHhed to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 29

New riiotograph Rooms.

II. 5f. uiee' (Lagle Ilrand) ChicagoSTATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS,.AnairnifiiH vcith rpfprence to the trade in Hamswhich thiv ari to be employed. Speed, tonHawaiian Gazette Block. Henry Verbajre'i Canned Vienna andnage and draft of water guaranteed.

CTtfiT) mittm i'n KlTflAR-MAKIN- Q MA

ioi l uuui, "these seeming faults, rob the little ones ofwholesome exercise and a large share of thesunshine of their lives. There is a time forplaving. and even noisy out-doo- r sports, thatdevelop the young muscles and strengthenthe fast growing bodies, and children should

not be deprived of this privilege of theirchildhood. Th essential things to be taughtthem in plav is to respect each others rights,

to protect the weak, and to l fair even mshould be culti-

vatedMoraltheir sports. courage

in children by teaching them always tosay boldlv and do bravely what they believeis time and right, regardless of consequences--There is something knightly in the heart ofevery bov, something helpful and womanly

in the heart of every girl," and these quali-

ties should b3 developed. The sympathies ofaroused, and can bechildren are quickly

rihtlv directed to their great benefit.of pleasure toPets are a great source

children, and the possession of them awakens

and increases the chivalrous spirit which en-

large the heart and ennobles the character.lamb or goat trains a

The care of a dog, aImv in all that is manly; while the pet kitten

the little cirl a sense of respon- -

Ham Sausajje,AutkZ v mo.io oftpr the most approved Honolulu. ILL27 Merchant St., Metropolitan Marketplans. Also, ail Roller Iron Work conuected 41 tf And O. XV. Hume's "Flaar" UranU oftherewith.WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any

size, made in suitable lengths for connecting

JOSHUA HENDYtogether, or Sheets noiieu, r""Packed for shipment, ready to be nveted on KINO STREET,the ground.

Canned Salmon. 104 mch29 87

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery,

NICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREET,OVER the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Port-

raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranteed. 114ap2 T. A. GONSALVES. iivnp.in.in DivCTiNO. Boiler Work and Machine "WorksiViiicr Pinp made bv this establishment,




Gifza i and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy II1ES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will lind an Elegant

Riveted by Hvdraulic Riveting Machinery,that onaiiiv of work being far superior to PROPRIETORG.'J. WALLER,hand work.

ciriu u-nK-if Khn nii Steam Capstans, Steam 38 and 40 Market St Sau Francitteo.Winches. Air and Circulating Pumps, made

No. 35 to 51 Fremont Street.SAN FRANCISCO.

Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second-hand

Boiles. Engines and Machinery

after the most approved plans. Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactur- -

..o,:i?f -- ,.,! teaches her kindness to the help-- for the PaSOLE AGENTS and manufacturers

J". It. BROWN- -

Accountant, Land, Estate and

Labor Agent. Accounts Collected.CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, Merchant street.

cific Coast of the Heme gaiety-- i'UiLgss

x.hni' is more demoralising than quar Dirirta Mt.t t Min Pnm os. for Irrigation or CboireMt Meat from Finest IIerdvwith the celefxtrr vr.,,L-o-t nnmnsM. built

lng Company. niez-w-



Of Every Description.

Have constantly in stock New ano Second-han- dgm'SWICK l CO. S1LL1AEB

on the Premises.

brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS2 "1-vStn-0lU,n

Room No. 3, upstairs,( Agent for Hawaiian Islands )

9ae30-lyd-- w

HI. E. Mayhew,

and children should never be peril-


reling. but iftell to dispute among themselves;forbearance and ess

earlv taughtthey are with eaohcompanionshipin theirother, this breach of good manners w ill never

be the occasion of pain to the parents. Man-

ners acquired in childhood are usually re-

tained, becoming, as they do, a part of the, V 1, rmt, nsideat will, borne

Hon. A. S.Cleghorn, R. J. Cfcign- -References

16 to 22 Beale Ktreet, Kan FrancIco.mllles and shipping supplied on SHORTton, Esq.P. O. Box 409. tf Tne Pioprletor would be pleased to receive a call



i3-jy'- 7

from his Friends and the Public generallyteachersof their jSTOTICIE. Catalogues and price lists'forwarded upon appliparents fancy that it is the duty of

(1 forai the manners NOTICE and at theCOKTRACTOPw AND BUILDER, cat.ion. jit-i.--- iy

OF LEYl STRAUSS & CO.,14 and RJ Battery street, San Francisco Cal.

who may desire a


and leave the task to them ratherthan burden themselves with it, but all wise

should know that home is the bestfor correcting faults and acquiring the

80 Hotel Street, Honolnln,

(Opposite Fashion Stables). Lowest Market Pricesh is essential to elegance anu

t.o'.f-contr- ol v. hk' Importers of Foreign and Domestic DrygoodsHosierv. Ladies and Gent's Furnishing Goods.

T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OFA the Mutual Telephone Company, held

reduce the rent ofdecided tothis day, it wasto $5 per month in the districts of

Koolau, Ewa, Waianae and Vaialua.A. JAEGER,

Secretary Mutual Telephone Co.

nonolulu, January 6, 1887. 402-jan-- tf

. ole Proprietors and Manufacturers or tpe ceie-barte- d


rase of manner. .Few parent, however, ever anxious for the

welfare of their youn3 families, comprehend

N. F. BURGESS,8ft Kins: St., Honolulu.

T3 A. Gr G-- A. G-- EAND -


CURRY & BROTHER,For Waianae and Waialna.

the influence of companions lor goou or eui.children's associates should never

Th-- choice ofshould lie carefullyU'kft to accident, but

whose behavior isthoseselected from amongbecoming. Nothing will so

in every respectreadily injure the maimers of even the most

carefully reared children as the constant companionship

of the rude and Ul-bre- tor.,, tho influence of books,

All meats delivered, from this market are thorougly chilled immediately after killing by meansGENERAL EXPRESS.faithfully done. Plans anda Martin mlde. Jobbing in all details done

t?:otfce Good work and low charges to

AND DEALERS INIMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt WinchesterKennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Remington,,Sharps and Ballard Sporting Rifles. Agentsfor W. W. Greener, Colt, Parker and RemingtonBreech-loadin- g Doable Guns, Colt and Smith fe

of a Bell-Colem- an Patent Dry Air teirigeriAMeat so treated retains all its Jalcy properties.onri 'a OTTAniUTFF.B TO KBUr J '

11 lan'B 7


92 Fort Street,Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade


Watches, bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockcls, Clocks,

And ornaments of M kinds.

Silver and Gold Plato,Elesnut Solid Sliver Tea Set.

Suitable for Presentation.

AfTER DEl.tVKRY THAN FRESHLY- -my motto. Draying and steamer freight carefullyhandled.wesson Pistols. N. C URRY & IJRO., 113 San- -tlieir KILLED MEAT.tmlv of which are dangerous in

some street, San Francisco Cal. 16-l- y

views Oj.chili lren faL-- e

' WILL LtA''WAIMANALOrpiIE STEAMERand Thursday for abovehere every Monday

ports, returning Wednesday and Saturday.4:;9-fel- ,7 C. B0LTE, Agent.

Office Telephone 202. 'Residence 152,337dec3tf


Entn of Desiccated Cocoanu t. Bananas.flm Pin" Apples. Sicily Lemons. TahitiOranges aS cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Dates

anrKDrulf lor export a specialty. Longin shipping to China. Anstralu. Mex co,

clnwal America. Eastern tates. etc. TropH-a- l

Fruits imported direct by very fttnfr.

to lom.a.and cont-ibutin- g very greatlybecoming nor at-

tractiveneithermannei-- s waich are

in real life, thoug'i ticy may saem so

readers. But, while evil mayto the youthfulresult from indiscriminate reading, when care-

fully selected books may greatly aid a mother

in her efforts to cultivate pleasing mannersmher children.-M- rs. Eliza R-- Parker in GoodHousekeeping.

For Lease or Sale.THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAVPartnership Notice. JEWELRYNATIVEENGRAVINGat,d Job Printing ANDA c.

All accounts for Ail vertiaiii?at the IGATION C0MPTVV

nlt lt bunclien.' 1 vr Jitn-.l- t J1W iiir Mliim iwir "! COMPANY. TWi'. Brim;-1- )


'.E UOCHf; ,.NI LOT AT VTAIKIEI. ''iir-tr'- it oi '-- ij ied by O. D. .teeth. Ap j'


" t:20tf .uUifl' ii.

lii i:ye Ti.t.ivrs.rj 1.. I. p. . sJ.d-Ji- ; infTet r ' sit.' PtI : or. liiri'?, fi

.t s n.'.M.'ESML 1 1 Cty-- pa;v.-- ! -

lV iiiwuliers of tMs covartnersbi; uti ; .


lionul i'mI, .t.tauur . V r7. 4." , :t i

TV'e urt ct carrying umbreuas should be

tue t a? dancing, fencing and otherp dai :.nd rnanral- - accomplishments.--- p

w Or le art-- T imt-- i;;26 ly0:Y.ce; 412, 411 iu 1 erc a n stre-- t.

i3 feb23 67 fliAA Fi!AM"iM. so-tKi- eut ..f L Ail IKON.

SAdiFlU' ArVBUTlSBiV FjBfcBffAttY. 0, iSSt1


FOLLY TO BE WISE.united Italy in a wixHiin of tlu: most '

ler;ect defense. Sh'-n- Ihere be 'A ie- - j

conMruciion of frontiers in southern j

Europe it is ceitain that tb" Italian

By the wide open winddVSweet Nellie and IEFFECTS OF KNOWING TOO MUCH


Pacific Commercial Advertiser



Governtnent wih :Vjiua;:d 1 h- - cession otthe Italian Tyrol and the district of

Trieste from Austria. Indeed, it wasunderstood between the Berlin Govern-ment and that of Italy whenthe Austro- - Prussian war broke

Supreme Court.at Chambers before pkeston, j.

Ti esdav, February Sth.In equity, Charles II. Ptfeiffer vs.

John A. Spear, dissolution of partner-ship, injunction and appointment of re-

ceiver. The Court ordered that the part-

nership be dissolved and the Hon. W.F. Allen be appointed receiver under a$500 bond. S. B. Dole for plaintiff; W.A. Whiting for defendant.

In re estate of Conrad Menke. It wasordered that the accounts of F. J. Hack-fel- d,

administrator, be approved andthat he be discharged. L. A. Thurstonfor administrator.

The following is a statement :


Transfer of 40U shares in the Hu-muu- la

sjheep Station Companyto II. Hackfeld & Co., Honolulu,in accordance with agreementdated Bremen, Feb. 5, MM $20,803 25

out, that the Peninsular powershould be rewarded for its alliance by a"ift undr treaty of all the Italian prov THIS SPACE


vLRMi or srnscBii'Tiox'.P-- r Hiiiiutn 3 W

Six iuuiHli.4 3 0'Per month ZOi- -

Payable AIwwjmIiiAil VHiioc.

Cinmnui-tUion- s from all parts of the Kingdomwill always h very acceptable.

Persons residing in any part of the United statesfan remit the amount nf subscription Jne by PoaiOt'tce money ord.-r- .

Matter Intended for publication in the editorialcolumns should he addressed to

Editor Pacific Commkriiai. Auvkhtiskk.'tJnsiness communications and advertisement

should be addressed simply, ' P. C. Auvkhtiskk,

And not to individual- -

inces of Austria. The Austrian powercollapsed so su Idenly, however, thatthis understanding could not be fullyt arried out. The Italian provinces ofAustria prefer being ruled from the Quir-ina- l

instead of from Vienna, and in theevent of a general European war theirwish may be gratified.

Of course Turkey will be a point ofcontention in such a controversy of arms.The disappearance of the .Moslem powerfrom EurojN? would not be at all surpris-ing. This would admit of compensationto Austria for the loss of its great Adri

FOR THE NEW ANNOUNCEMENT OFexpenditures.Bill Hawaiian (iazette CoBill 'Kukoa" (newspaper). . . .

Bill L. A. ThurstonCosts of CourtFive per cent commission on

20,HJ3 25 to administrator

$4 004 no

35 0017 00

1,41)0 10

Paid to II. Hackfeld A: Co. per The Popular Millinery House,settling of their claim againstatic iort by an outlet to the j

2 ,253 X)the etate

Commercial Advertiser

Gulf of Salotiica. Whether England willbe drawn into the impending strugglewould depend greatly upon the attitudeof Russia. If Egypt or India are men-

aced England will tight ; but it wouldfight much more readily if either astrong Tory or a sfiotig Radical Govern

Honolulu.1G4 !Fort Streetow for sale Daily at theSOPER .

f 11. w Ii k 1'JhCf ;

...Mcrcnant street

$29.c03 25

In re. estate of Werner Lubben. TheCourt ordered that the accounts of J. F.Hackfeld, administrator, be approved,and that he be discharged. L. A. Thurs-

ton for administrator.The following is a statement of the ac-

counts :

receipts.Transfer of 300 shares in the

Hutnuula Sheep Station Coni-pan- v

to II. Hackfeld tt Co., inaccordance with agreement

ment were in power. The only British i

TAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetTH It CM Port streetS BOOTBLACK STAND Hotel street

Five Cents per 4'upy.jST. S. SACOJS, Ix-opi-ietoi- -.

DXKSDAY February Vth.

dated Bremen, lebruary$20,so: i5lssuWAR RUMORS FROM KUROPE.

Butter, Cheese aud Vinegar Coffee,

Sugar and Milk Water, Wine andBter And Even the Air We Breath

All Are Dangerously Fraudulent.More people derive pleasure from eating

and drinking than from any other source.Persons In all conditions of life think andtalk about th3."joya of the table." But ifa man wishes to thoroughly enjoy a goodmeal it is certainly "folly to' be wise." Ifhe knows anything about chemistry, ifhe has looked through a magnifying-glass- ,if he has studied the reports of the differ-ent boards of health, and is a reader ofthe various journals devoted to dieteticsand adulteration, the chances are that hewill have a very poor appetite for the mostcostly feast that can be prepared. Asfast as the various dishes are brought onhe falls to thinking of what he has readof their composition and preparation.

He knows, or at least he thinks heknows, that the substance on the butter-plat- e

is extracted from beef suet andcolored with an extract of anuotto. Heis suspicious that the cheese is a villain-ous compound of the curd of skimmedmilk and "doctored" lard. He isquite certain there is sulphuric acid andliving eels in the vinegar he puts on hislettuce, and is equally confident that theclive oil was extracted from cotton seed.He has good reasons for believing thatthe diminutive fnh known as sardinesare nothing bat "baby herrings," caughtby Mains fish mien, whoso honest indus-try Mr. Blaino is trying to protect. Hethinks the beverage known as coffee is adecoction o chicorj, that the sugar heputs in it is glucose, ami that the milkhe adds is largely made up of chalk andwater. This water he knows to be fear-fully impure, containing all manner oforganic and inorganic, living and dead,substances. lie is fearful that it con-tains the germs of typhoid fever or con-sumption. He has been informed thatthere are half a dozen poisons in everykind of sauce, that every kind of cannedvegetable is unwholesome, and that sev-eral death-producin- g varieties of fungusare attached to most fresh fruits. He hasalso read that all the dried frult3 broughtfrom countries on the Mediterranean seaare liable to contain cholera germs.

DANGER IN THE DRINKS.Of the wine, brandy, and beer on the.

table he lias still greater fear. He hasread that half the 'wines in the marketare made of rhubarb or unmarketableraisins, that the liquors are Clarified bymeans of fis!i-glu- e and colored with log-wood or cochineal. He has recently seenan account of how champagne Is made inXew York out of stale Jersey cider andcarbonate of soda at a cost of about 9cents per "quart bottle. Brandy he haslearned, is made from crude alcohol, dye-stuff- s,

and flavoring extracts. At onetime he wondered how France producedso much brandy every year when thegrape crop was a faih.r;? half the time;now he knows how i doae. LatePy hehas been "reading up'' about beer. Hehas learned that hops and barley malt donot necessarily enter into its composition,but that a pretty good article, es beergoes in this country, can be made ofglucose, licorice, glycerine, gelatine,aloes, salicylic or tartaric acid, bicarbon-ate of soda, ana" cucculus Indicuu. Ice-wat- er

he knows is harmful, so he de-

clines all manner of drinks and eats verysparingly, rejecting everj'thing but themost simple kinds of food. He derivesless pleasure from a banquet for whichthe charge is 10 per plate than the un-scientific rustic does from a meal ofbaked bestns, corn dodgers, aud hardcider. Pa short, as lie prepares to leavethe teible he take3 a glas of mineralwater with a view of preventing any evil


$1 001 On

35 o017 CO

Bill Hawaiian GazetteCom pa 113

Bill Kuokoa newspaperBill L. A.Thurston.Costs of CourtFive per cent commis-

sion on $20,503 25 toadministrator

Paid to Hackfeld it Co.in settlement of theclaim against the

Cabinet which would turn its cheek to thesmiter in such a contingency would leone composed of a pacific-blen- d of Whig-Liberal- s.

The Tories hold the honor of

England too dear to purchase jeaee byunworthy concessions, and the Radicalsrepresent the manhood of the Britishmasses who would as soon tight uon afair ground of qui.nel as keep the peace.

The incoming mail will probablythrow further light upon these interna-tional complications. Certain it is thatEuropo is to-da- y an armed camp, andthat the resources of the various nationsare being exhausted in warlike prepara-tions. I'nless these soldiers get some-

thing to do the taxpayers will most prob-

ably insist upon a general disarmament.This, however, would be fatal to thedynastic idea, and therefore we inferthat a cause of quarrel will be found. Itis the theory of modem kingcraft that a

1,010 i;

CIGARS10.703 00

Sat watching, at midnight ,nvjA-Th- e

stars in the sky. :

My love whispered lowAs she gave a fond kiss;

'Dear, there's naught in the skySo enchanting as this!"

But Nellie still held mePressed close in her arms,

And again her lip3 yieldedTheir ravishing charms.

aO, sweet Nellie!" I murmured,"In words old or new,

There is no constellationSo radiant as you!"

The stars and the planetsWent out with the day.

Though the3r ne'er shone so brightNot a word did they say.

But there came a low murmurAs I mused all alone

'Twas thy whisper, O, fond one,My darling, my own!

J. F. Morton in Chicago Tribune.Arch.'eological Find in Germany.

Some excavations lately carried out atFlonheim, near Worms, have brought tolight some most interesting specimens ofFrankish antiqu. In and around theold Roman-Gothi- c church Franconianchiefs and nobles had their burial places.The new church does not stand exactly onthe same ground as the old one, and so itwas possible to undertake explorationsthat would otherwise have been difficult.In one grave a necklace of fine pearlswas found around the neck of a femaleskeleton, with small gold plates adornedwith filigree work inserted as pendantsbetween each pair of pearls.' Tdiere wereheavily gilt silver ornaments, with filigreework, lying on the brea3t; beside theskeleton a piece of yellow topaz, a silverbuckle, and a comb of bone. In anotherwoman's grave there were similar orna-ments, and also some pieces of glass (un-usual in Frankish graves), and keys of aform hitherto unknown in Germany. Ina man's grave there were found a goldring of exquisite workmanship, whichcould have belonged only to a woman, apot of singular shape, arrows, a shield, aheavy javelin, a sword, a drinking cup, abeautiful buckle of gilt bronze, and apiece of chain of twisted wire. LondonTimes.

A Mexican Mule Train.Not many years ago a great deal of

freight was carried along this route, manytrains of pack-mule- s journeying regularlybetween Patzcuaro and Acapulco a dis-tance of 300 miles. Most of the freightnow goes northward, and consists chieflyof the. cotton that grows in the state ofGuerrero. It is put up in bales, eachweighing 150 pounds, and two of them areconsidered an ordinary load for a mule tocany all day upon his back. A "train" isusually' composed of forty or fiftv mules,accompanied by five or six men who act aspackers and cargadors carriers. The mengenerally ride horses and are alwaj'sarmed with knives and pistols of largestsize.

In this section, where severe mountainclimbing alternates with dense forestsand desert sands, sixteen miles is consid-ered a fair day's journey. Besides cotton,the cargadors frequently carry kegs ofrum or mescal, cases of wine and othersmall wares. On the return trip most ofthe animals are without a load, and there-fore the tourist if not too particular inregard to his company can easily securetransportation for himself and luggagebetween the seacoast and the interior ofMichoacan. Southern Mexico Cor. Bos-ton Transcript.

How Homes Are Destroyed.Thousands of farmers e very year leave

pleasant homes in the older settled statesand make long and tedious pilgrimages tonewer states and territories, not driven toit by necessity, but by a chronic restless-ness an idea that it is possible somewhereelse to get on a little faster in the world.In nine cases out of ten the man would bereally better off to stay where he is, buthe is never satisfied until he has made atleast one or two decided changes. Homesare destroyed in the most ruthless mannerin pursuit of this phantom of betteringone's self homes which can never reallybe resto'-e- d to the family, for home issomething more than the roof which shel-ters us. The associations of childhood,the friends of early days, the memories ofthe past, the ancestral graves upon thehillside are these nothing? It will takemore years than the most of us can affordto give to build a new home and get intoit the feeling with which we regard ourpresent one, be it ever so humble. HattieTyng Griswold.

Thirsty Cattle on the Plain.At about noon one of a group lifts his

head. If we could hear his remarks itwould probably be to th is effect: Come,cows, let's have a drinkl" For, a3 hestarts off, they all fall in and follow himin single file down to water, precisely afterthe fashion of the buffaloes who formerlyoccupied the ground. They remain at thewater for two or three hours, and thenmarch back in the same way, foUowingthe same trail day after day, and wearing

If you want a fine CIGAR, try souie of Strairon Sc Storm's, which have jintarrived at

HOLLISTER & C0.S.throne must rest upon bayonets, aud j

109 Tort Street,

that standing armies constitute the solebulwark of sovereign power. It is quitetrue that the strongest Government inthe world exists without a standingarmy, but then it is a Republic, in whichthe sovereign authority is in the peojile,and it is not menaced by dynastic neigh-

bors. The European Republics Franceand Switzerland are very respectablemilitary powers, the latter training itsentire male population to the use of armsfor the preservation of Helvetian


Total $20,803 25

In equity L. II. Anthon vs. ElizabethL. Anthon et al., petition for partition.Plaintiff is allowed two weeks to file ap-

plication to answer of the defendant filed

this date. His Excellency Antone Rosafor plaintiff, Cecil Brown for defendants.



Tpesdav, Februar' Sth.James McDonald, for drunkenness,

was fined $5 and $1 costs.Ah Lai, remanded for sentence from

the 7th for gaming, was lined $30.

Costs, $1.Hee Kee was brought upon remand

from the 7th for furious riding. This isthe man who ran over a woman at Pa-lam- a

a short time ago. After .hearingthe evidence, he was remanded to the9th for sentence.

A nolle pros, was entered-agains- t aboy named Kinikeaki for truancy.

Kamaka and Joe were remanded tothe 10th for assault and battery on Kai- -

kilani Cw)..

llnnaiiaii Y. M. C. A.

In the Y. M. C. A. columns of the Feb-

ruary number of the "Friend" appearsthe following :

For a long time some of our leadingmembers have felt a deep and increasinginterest in the native 3'oung men in ourcity. This interest has often found ex-

pression in word, but recently it has found

Mrs. Smitlier, Ladies' Nurse,RETURNED FROM THE COAST, ISHAVING to make a few engagements. Mrs.

Smither has had long experience as ladies' nurseand can furnish best of references, both in theUnited States and on the Islands. Cail or ad.dress, MRS. S. SMITHER, Fort betweenHotel and Beretania, Honolulu. 424fel7


STEAMER KINAU,L,o renzen. Commander),

leaves Honolulu as per following wbfduie,touching at Luliaiim, Maiilaea, Mnki tui. Tuluikona, Kaw aihae L.:i n'nrrtmi H-tr- a .:mi iin,u:

Commencing on AiOND A Y. Jiily 1C; Hr., uw011 every alternate Monday at 4 p. in., the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching lu mihou on Wednesday morning, where hordes nn.lcarriages are iu waiting to convey passengers inthe VOLCANU HOU8E(uve miles in the s.i.Mlfand nine miles by carriage).

Passengers by this rout will have two dav.aDd two nights at tlm VOLCANO HOL'SK.


The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu .sutidfivmornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, wiileave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return N:itiir.1itvmorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with UihKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at HonokaU undPaaunau on down trips from H Ho for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore

GrretncLOpening I

B la


Fort Street, above Hotel,"

Faturday NightDECEMBER lltli.

le European news, which was sutri- -'

. ized in the Advektisf.r yestenlay, is. disquieting character. There is anlent of uncertainty which in itself is

' gerous. The. (ireut Powers upnar-- y

distrust each other, and are arm-fo- r

a life and death struggle. Not ae, however, will dcend uion the re-o- f

the general elections in Germain'o the immediate future. If the tov-me- nt

party elects a working majoritypeace of Europe will be disturbed to

?rtainly, becau.se France will read inmenace on the part of the Germanic

ipire which is calculated to precipitateDnflict. On the other hand, shouldmarck and Von Moltke be defeatedth polls a like result may be brought)ut by over-confiden- ce on the part of

French people. The GovernmentsBerlin and Paris may honestly desireice, but hostilities may at any mo-;- nt

be provoked through an injudiciousjech or Press attacks on either side. Itnoteworthy that the latest scare re-rd- ed

was caused by the LondonDaily News' whiuh intimated thatar was imminent because of the mass-

if of French troops on the Germani.ontier, and that Bismarck was about to. take a peremptory demand for an ex-- ;

lunation from the French Government,lthouyh both the French and GermanI'lleial paper denied the truth of the

vtatement in the London paper, a feelingf uncertainty was created which had notasoed away at the latest date.

Austro-IIungar- y is arming to the-- eth in anticipation of a war with Hus-- a,

which appears to be the only Power: ntagonistic to it. Since it was thrust' ut of tho Germanic circle by Prussia,le A ustro-Hungaria- n monarchy has be-3m- e

a great Sclav power, with thisnomaly in its political system, namely,lat the Sclavs are held subservient toie two dominant races, Tueton andlagyar, although less numerous,

another general war in Europo in whichuistro-TIungar- y would participate w ouldrobably see these conditions mod-

eled. When the repartition takes! lace part of the Cisleithan; monarchy the old Duchy of Aus-ri- a

will probably be attached to theierman Empire, the Transleithan King-o- m

Hungary forming the nucleus offie new Empire, with extended territoryn south-easter- n Eurojie. In that case,lie Magyar iower would not overshadowhe .Sclavs as it does at present. TheMagyars do not exceed seven millionsuitof a total of seventeen millions inhe territory now included in the King-lor- n

of Hungary. The ancient Eohe-ma-n

Kingdom, Austrian Poland, etc., inhe present Cisleithan monarchy, united,jreatly exceed the Magyars in number!Willi Bosnia aud Herzegovina addedhere would be a million and a half

Sclavs additional, and as all branches ofhis race cordially detest the Magyars oriungarian.a, there would certainly le aitruggle for supremacy fatal in the Ion"

run to the latter.That Russia is preparing for war n a

;raml scale is undoubted, and as noSurojKiaii iower except Austro-IIungar- y

ias latel.y traversed its policy in theBalkan provinces, the expectation ishat this composite Empire will be theXint of attack. The minor Danubiaumd Balkan powers, however, must beaken into account. The Kingdoms of.toumania and Servia, and tho unitedprincipality of Bulgaria, are factors inhe case which neither Austria nor iiussia!.m afford to ignore. It is piobahle thaiervia would adhere to tho fortunes of

the Hapsburgs from motives of oliey,vhile Bulgaria would ally itself to Rus-

sia. King Charles of Roumania would

STEAMER LIKE LIKE.(Davis, Com manner;.

leaves Honolulu every Mondav at 5 i u forKKUnaKukai. Kahulni, Hue'lo. lianaKipanulu. every week: Keuii.-e- , Mokulan snd N1.11pvery other week. Returning, will step t,t iUahove ports, arriving hack Saturday mornings.For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOir,f Cameron, Commander,.

J"1,6" regularly for Lahalnu. pHauHfc.i, K'o- -

n l0,Hkala,JKukHia"' Hoi.ohina, UupHior-hoe- ,

and Onomeu

STEAMERLEHUA,(Clark, Commander)

noule4V6 regularly for Ran:e porisf as Kilam

Having refitted and remodeled the premises,the proprietors are prepared to furnish the best

"Wines, Xiaiiors,Ales, Cigars, Etc.,

Purchased-b- y MR. DODD on his late trip to theStates.

a more tangible expression in action. Asan initiary work in behalf of this import-ant class, the late "Queen Emma resi-

dence" has been rented, and will be fittedupas a V. M. C. A. Branch for the Ha-

waiian young men of Honolulu and vi-

cinity. The location is good, and the asso-

ciations connected with the place ought tomake it a very popular resort for the Ha-waiian- s.

The preparatory work will soonbe undertaken to put in condition for use.

Last evening a special meeting of theY. M. C. A. was held at the hall, withquite a good attendance. Mr. P.C. Jones read a report, whichstated that the Queen Emma res-

idence had been engaged for sixmonths as an experiment. At the ex-

piration of that time, if successful, theY". M. C. A. would take charge of it. Itwould be used for preaching and gospelmeetings. The Trustees of the Queen'sHospital had been consulted, and theywould make all necessary alterations,and would let the building after the sixmonths was up, for a term of years at arental of $50 per month. Enough moneyhas already been promised to pay therent for the six months and longer. Thefollowing committee was appointed, with.

The Road Supervisor has taken someaction in the way of street work, as pris-oners were employed shovelling blacksand from Government carts yester-day along Merchant and Fort streets.The covering was so light, however, asto do very little good. In other words,the work was scamped.1 The street brothwas only thickened somewhat. "What wasshovelled ujon Fort street will bewashed away lv the first shower, andthe wind will speedily dispose of theMerchant street addition to its mudpools when dry weather sets in. Stillsomething was done a beginning wasmade, for which we suppose th taxpay-ers should be thankful.

We cannot help saying, however, thatthe way this work has been done dis-

plays the utter incapacity or carelessnessof Mr. Alapai. It would be compara-tively easy to make .the streets passablefor a few months if the Road Siqervisorknew how, and it would cost very littlemone'. He need not go beyond thestreets themselves for nearly all the ma-terial to be usrd. Let him employ theprisoners on any given line of street, andclear out the gutters along each side,throwing the stuff into the middle of theroad to form a curved roadbed whichwould drain off the rainfall to the gutteron either side. Then top dress withblack sand and Use the steam roller.The result would not be a first-clas- s road,but it would be a great deal better thanthe present one in any given case.

This may be accomplished, as we havealready said, 'at comparative!' littlecost. Prison labor is available; thesteam-rolle- r belongs to the Government;so do the horses and mules to do thehauling which are eating their heads offin the Government yard. The onlything that must be procured from a dis-tance is black .and, and that the Gov-ernment has of its own.- - If we cannothave macadamized roads, which we ad-

mit is imjK)Ssible at present, let us makethe best possible use of the means atour disposal. We make these sugges-tions as an aid to the authorities, and inthe hope that some practical and intelli-gent man may be employed for a timeat least, to superintend work which it isvery evident the Road Supervisor doesnot understand how to set about. TheIeople would be easily satisfied now;but the attempt at street repairs whichwas made yesterday falls very far shortof the 'mark.

effects from the substances he has takeninto his stomach.

The person who "keeps abreast of theage" in regard to medical and scientificmatters, has learned that the air hebreathes is full of all manner of gaseous,vaporous, and solid substances that aredangerous if not fatal when taken intothe lungs. If he has read T3Tndall onatmospheric dust, Liebig on poisonousgases and vapors in the air, and Kochand Pasteur on the germ theory of dis-

eases, he shudders every time he takes along breath. He has no assurance thatthe air he has inhaled will assist in thepurification of his blood. Indeed, he hasgood reasons for believing that he hastaken into his system grit that will irri-tate the interior surface of his lungs,gases that will poison his blood, and thegerms of cholera, yellow fever and con-sumption. The folly of being wise, ifone wishes to be happy, is shown inalmost everything from which our simpleancestors derived the greatest pleasure.Chicago Times.

The Qualification of Doctors.People in large cities do not pay suffi-

cient attention to the qualifications of doc-tors. If a man be sick, the nearest physi-cian is called. That physician, we fear,from personal observation, sometimeskills his patient, because the neighborsare naturally kept from exercisng theirown common sense in the case. The doc-tor, having carried his course' of treat-ment to its logical conclusion, pronouueesthe patient beyond hope, and then onlyanother doctor, generally a good one, iscalled to attend the man in dying. Thislatter doctor will say no word concerningthe previous treat men.

Now, why? Is the business of doctoringmerel3 an experiment, wherein it is un-

safe to say a quack or an empiric hasmistreated hi3 man, and unsafe becausethe learned doctor may do the same thing

There is in most folks a de-

sire to put their own family ph3sician ontheir best friends. Probably this savesmany lives through holding off the be-

ginner in drugs. We would be pleased tothat would makesee a custom established

it p'jsible for a student doctor to accom-pany a physician of twenty years' experi-

ence in his rounds for about two years.An immense amount of money is paid todoctors. When a doctor knows all thereis to be known, the money is well spent.When the doctor is compelled to read hisbook at every case it is apt to be unluckymoney. The Current.

A Girt to Each Purchaser.All Xew Orleans grocers give to every

purchaser a lagniappe. If child or ser-

vant buys 5 cents' worth lagniappe is ex-

pected and given rigidly, as though so

nominated in the bond. It may be sugaror spice, or candy. If the pnrchaser de-

mand quartee (2j'pents' worth) rice andquartee beans two lagniappe are given.There are groceries in the French quarterwhare the chief business of the supple-mental small boy is the rolling of brown-pape- r

shees into cornucopias and thefilling of thee horns of plenty with lagn-.app- e.

Chicago Times.

Thanking our many friends for past patron-age, and cordially inviting them to call uponus in our new quarters, we are, respectfully,


JProprietors.354 decl0-t-f

STEAMER MOKOLIJ,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves for the following ports everv alternateMonday at 5 p. m.:Commencing August 2 To Lnna!. Kamsln.Lahalna. Olowalu. Retnrnlne ro Lnhnlim.

I ukoo, Kamalo, Lanai, arriving at Honolulu .Sa-turday morning.

Commencing August 9To Kaunakaki.f. Kama-lo. I ukoo, Halawa, Wailau, relekm.ii, KhImiippI'h.Leturning to Pukoo, Lai oir v. uln. l.al.;.lua.PukOo, Kamalo, Kaunakakal, arriving at Hono-lulu Saturday morning.

a deep path in the sou, just like the oldbuffalo trails. These paths are muchnarrower than if made by human foot-prints. They seldom go farther than fiveor six miles from the water in summer:but in winter they spread out more, oftengoing without drink for two or three days,and even eating snow instead. Cor. Chi-cago Tribune.

The Latest Trick Out."Here i3 the latest to beat us poor con-

ductors out of our fare," said one of thefraternity the other day. "While takingup the tickets, I reached a nicely dressedlady, who was looking apparently preoc-cupied, out of the open car window andtapping her pocketbook on the windowledge. I touched her shoulder to attraciher attention, when she jumped as thoughshot, and dropped her pocketbook outoithe car window. She began to cry, andwhat could I do? Pass her, of course 'which I did. I noted the place of the ac-cident, stopped for the pocketbook thenext trip, and found the contents to be apostage stamp and a card of hooks andeyes. I felt pretty cheap then." RailwayIteview.

HAVANA CIGARS!.We have just received a fine lot of

Havana Cicrars which we offer in quan-tities to suit.

HYMAN BROS.402 mar 2

-- The Company will not 'be resporiHible Mrany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Netresponsible for money or Jewelry unless pl-ve- d Inbnrge of the Purser.KAl1.pOS8ll,,e care wm be taken of Live stock, but

tne company will not assume any risk of accident.WAM'L (4. WILDER, PreHidelit-s- .

3. ROSE, Secretary.OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.

65-- 1 y MarFOR SVTE.TO LET.

full power to act as they think best :

Hon. A. F. Judd, Henry Waterhousc, P.C. Jones, Dr. C. M. Hyde and S. D. Ful-ler. It was agreed that this committeehold office for the six months, and if nec-essary until the end of the associationyear. The committee will leportmonthly."

Geo. W. DeLongr lot.On Thursday evening Mr. Richard T.

Booth will deliver a lecture on "Remin-iscences of the Civil War," at the Y. M.C. A. Hall, for the benefit of the relieffund of Geo. W. DeLong Post No. 45, G.A. R. This is a very worthy object, andthere should be a full house, as the ad-mission is only fifty cents. "

The Post hasno Treasury. Its members pay fiftycents dues each every month. Ofthis ten jer cent goes tothe Relief Fund, fifteen per cent to theDepartment headquarters and the bal-ance for rent and incidentals. The Posttakes care of all destitute soldiers whowere in the late war, and provides alsofor the widows and orphans. This rf


Sorrel Mare, six years old, havingbeen driven by a lady. One carriage phelonStudabaecker's manufacture; and also, one finesqttare Weber Piano, all in good order. Inq-- , fOf HYMAN BROS.


NOTICE.doubtless prefer neutrality, but as he

THMr rvTJ: fkmerly occrriF.n nvbath 7,,cker roolainlng fix rooms,

are iUn Iky P"1'. waada room. etc. TLtln rlV' caiT,aK bouse, servant's room.PaciflcBHI Afrly to E. R. IIF.NDKY.at

Co.'s Store, Fort at.240-jan2- 4tf



ALTER WALL WILL ATTEND TO Tttpcollecting of ICE RILLS until further no

Value of Punctuality.An eminent Philadelphia Jurist died theother day, and among other bequests gaveto his grand-so- n a gold watch with thisinstruction: "Whenever he looks at thewatch he will remember the necessity ofbeing a correct and punctual man." Thereis a lesson in this injunction which every-one may learn with profit. The man whois always punctual does more and does it

Kel-6Via- heTwh0 always late, alwaysme. Leaving duties to be per-

forate ntil the last moment and thenrushing them through makes a mess" ofany work. -- Xorristown Times.

Hubert O. Thompson Died Poor,J 7omPwn. the most power-TrLPiiS- 1

1leader ir New York, afterdeath, and for many years aST S fte a?d mnipal affairs, ap-Ceph- as

S. Thompson, making applicationfor appointment as aclministrator of thedead politician's estate, affirmed that hisson was possessed of persona?, propertyamountiuetoonlT.t2.000. Exchjaefc

tice. Wm. Rogers is no longer In our emrdovPEOPLE'S ICE & REFRIGERATING COVMelo JohnM. Sass, Manager.

Tenders "Wanted.

lolds the gate of tne Danube, that wouldoa nearly impossible, and the necessityof his position may cause him to takeddes with the. Czar.

In these contingencies Italy must notw left out of sight. Its War Minister

said the other da' that his Governmentcould mobolize half a million menvitliin a month, and the truth is thatItaly is to-da- y perhaps the most thor-oughly organized military power iniCuroj?, her politicians and peoplelgfor year.-- acted in concei t to place

V.. It. TJtoniHH Arrested.E. B. Thomas, the contractor, was

arrested yesterday on a warrant,and stands charged with malic-ious injury. . He gare bail forhis appearance in the Police Court thismorning. It appears that ho broke intosome premises on Queen street for whichthe Hon. F. II. Hayselden holds a lease,and deposited a large quantity of build-ing material which afterwards wasthrown out on to the sidewalk. Thomassays he has a lease of the same premises.

course relieves the charitable societies'The Lager Beer of; the above Brewery

Was Awarded the First PrizesAt the Exposition, of mr, aud 18HC.

A Triumph of Alliteration.O'li English alliterative triumph is ti:

following line, composed by a young lain the year 1800, on the occasion of a ;r.

tleman of the name of Lee planting a 1;

With lilacs:"Let lovely lilacs line Lee'a lonely lain which not only every word but

commenced with tlie same letThe Argonaut.

of their support in a very great measure.Our residents will be called upon, andit is to be hoped that everyone will pur-chase a ticket. The lecture is one ofMr. Booth's finest efforts.

nmB UNDERSIGNED WILL RECFIVE RTDJX at his office up to noon of MOXDtv tTThinstant, for printing volume T. HawalUnports. Particulars on application Ke:

WILLIAM FOSTER,Clerk Supreme CourtHonolulu, February 7, 1887. 480fe9

Freetli & Peacock,376 HONOLULU, AGENTi

1" cssplx lUpecteti from Foreign 1'orltt. i


Let Me Have a Milt



Tenders lVaul:!.Sealed tenders will be received at the Inttrior

Office uutil 'Ihuraday, February It), 1887, at 12o'clock noon, for far.dshiug t the Bureau cfRoads and Brilges,

Say 14 lar.;e mule-- , broken to single Larness.Say 10 mule carts.Say 20 sets harness for mules.The above to be delivered up8n approval,

within two months from the acceptance of ten-der.

All particulars will be furnished upon applica-tion to the Itoad Snprvior of Honolulu.

The Minister of ihe Interior des not bindhimself to accept the lowest or any bid.

Sd.) L. AHOLO,Minister of the Iuttrior.

Honolulu, February S, 1887.48; feblO

rw-H- A DOVE REQUEST IS HEARD DAILY IN1 cisfar stores, saloons and other places where

cigars are sold, for it is an undisputed fact thatmost smokers prefer a mild cigar, and that thosewho have for a long time smoked strong cigars,principally imported Manilas, will, after havingthoroughly injured the stomach and impaired thenervous system, surely want a mild cigar if theycould find the right kind.

How many thousands of smokers who sufferfrom loss of appetite, headache, nervous irrita-bility, asthma, etc., and who have tried all pos-sible remedies without success, might be curedif they knew that their sufferings were caused bythe intemperate use of strong cigars, and thatthey should only smoke mild au properly pre-pared ones.

It is a fact that not all mild cigars agree wellwith smokers, for in most cases there is a lackof care in the selection of the tobacco, and oftenthe necessary experience for it is wanting, yetthere is one brand which suits the most fastid-ious smoker, and that is


Brit bark Glcngaber, Rolleston, from Liver-pool, due Jan 15-3-1

Haw sclir General Slegel, Sanders, fromFrench Frigate Shoals, due Nov 20-3-0

Ger bark Hydra, from Hongkong, due January1-- 15

German bark Hercules, Schaefer, sailed fromLiverpool October 'Jth, due February 20-2- 8

Am wh bark Hunter, GeoWJenks, from theLine Islands, due March 10-3- 1

Haw bark Thos R Foster, F W Rugg, from Vic-toria, B C, due Dec 25-3- 1

Brit bark Martha Fisher, from Glasgow, dueJan 15-3- 0

Am bark Timour, Brewer, sailed from BostonDec 17, due "May 1--

Arn bktne S N Castle, H L Hubbard, from PortTownsend, due January 20-3- 0

Am bark Klikitat, It U Cutler, from Port Towns-en- d,

W T, due February 10-2- 8

Nor bark P C Paterseu, from Newcastle, N S W,due Feb 1--

Am tern C O Perkins, Ackerman, from tanFrancisco, due Jan 20-3- 1

Brit bark Cerates, from Liverpool, due May1--

Am tern J C Ford, T H Griffiths, from SauFrancisco, due Feb 5--

Am bark Forest Queen, J C M Winding, fromSan Francisco, due Feb 5

Brit bark Velocity, Bolster, from Hongkong,due Feb 10-1- 8

A'u bark Julia Foard, from Departure Bay, dueJanuary 10-3-

Am tern Dora Bluhm, Bluhm, from San Fran-cisc- o,

due at Hiio, Hawaii, January 27-- 31

Am wh bk Ohio, from New Bedford, due Feb10-2-8

Am wh bk Lancer, from New Bedford, due Feb10-2-8

Am wh bk Reindeer, from Sau dneFeb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Josephine, from Sau Francisco, dueFeb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Ohio, from Sau Francisco, due Feb10-- 28

Am wh bk Helen Mars, from San Francisco,due Feb lo-2- 8

Am wh bk Wanderer, from San Francisco, dueFeb 10-- 2 a

Am wh bk Francis Palmer, from Sau Francisco,due Feb 10-2-S

Am wh bk Fleetwiug, from San Francisco, dueFeb 10-2- 8

Am wh bk William Bayllies, from San Francis-co, due F-- b 10-- 28

Am wk bk Mary and Susan, from San Fraucis-c- o,

due 10-2- 8

Am wh bk Mars, from Sau Francisco, due Feb10-2- 8

Am wh bk Andrew Hicks, from San Francisco,due Feb lo-2- 8

Am missionary steam bktne Morning Star, UF Turner, from the South Sea Islands; due Feb20-2- 8

K M S S Mariposa (Am), Hayward, from SanFrancisco, en route to the Colonies, due Febru-ary 19

Haw SS Zealaudia, Oterendorp, from the Colo-nies, en route to Sau Francisco, due Feb 11


Mr. Justice Fornamler left for Maui yes-

terday by the W. O. Hall.Work will be resumed on the new St. An-

drew's Cathedral building this week.A butcher's wagon broke down with a

crash on Fort street yesterday afternoon.The large lanai in the Palace grounds is

being taken down. It will be packed awayfor future use.

The Oceanic Company's steamship Aus-

tralia is due to-da- y from San Franciscowith dates to the 2d instant.

The Governess of Hawaii has commis-sioned Hon. D. H. Nahinu as DistrictJudge for Swuth Kona. Hawaii.

California produce will be received bythe Australia to-da- y by H. E. Mclntyre itBros., corner of Fort and King street.".

The "Honolulu Almanac'and Directory"for lHST is now on sale at J.H. Sopers'snews depot and this office, l'rice, 50 cents.

The Woman's Church Aid Society willmeet at the old St. Andrew's Cathedralbuilding on Thursday afternoon at half-pa- st

2 o'clock.There will be the usual service at St. An-

drew's Cathedral this evening, conductedby the Rev. George Wallace. Choir prac-

tice will follow.By the Australia Lewis' & Co. will receive

their usual consignment of fresh Califor-nia fruits, fish and vegetables on ice. Leaveyour orders early.

The Hawaiian bark Lilian sails at 2

o'clock this afternoon for Hongkong. Amail will be forwarded by her, which c losesat 1 o'clock at the Post Office.

Do not forget that Davis & Wilder'sstore is the place to visit after the arrivalof the Australia to-da- y if you wish freshCalifornia fruits, fish and vegetables onice.

Hereafter the solemn benediction of theblessed sacrament at the Roman CatholicCathedral on Sundays will be at 4:30 p.

in., instead of at 4 p. m., this change beingmade because the day gets longer.

The Rev. J. A. Cruzan will conduct theusual prayer meeting at the vestry of theFort-stre- et Church thi evening. "Strengthout of weakness" will be the theme, and2 Corinthians, 12:1-1- 0, the Scripture lesson.All are invited.

Attorney (ieneraTs Deparliuent.Mr. Arthur P. Peterson has this day been ap-

pointed k to the Attorney General.A. ROSA,

Attorney General.Honoluli , Fehruaiy 7, 1887.

4H2ft;8 dl wl

Italy in forit.Of all the changes which hare taken

place in New York under the eyes of thepresent generation, none is more markedthan the tremendous growth of the Ital-ian element. This element was verysmall twenty years ago, and nearly all theItalians then here were of the better sort,speaking in a social sense. They inducedbusiness men, a number of musicians,some artists and a few doctors. It was nottill after the war that the multitude ofall sorts began to pour in. Now theyswarm all over the thickly populatedparts of the city. The Sixth and Four-teenth wards, once mostly Irish, arelargely Italian to-da- y. They have over-flowed into the Fourth ward too, and aregetting into the Tenth.

Their way of living, whether up-tow- n ordown-down- , often invites the attention ofthe health department, but it does not ap-pear that the mortality among them is...re.iter than among other people in thetenement sections. These children of-- j:i::y Italy, whether men or women, old

: young, can evidently stand a great deal.of dirt, foul air and decidedly bad food agoo. I deal of which comes out of the ash-buvrel-s.

But nearly all are industrious,and there's some compensation in that.Xew York Cor. Detroit Free Press.

WUen He AVas Most Thankful."What a delightful existence it is,

Farmer liobinson," said his city guest,"out here in the country. How crisp andbeautiful the air, and the fragrance of thenew-mow- n hay pervades all. I shouldthink you would feel like chanting paeansof praise to the Creator the year 'round.""It is sort o' nice miss, I grant. But Inever feel quite so much like thankingheaven as I do when I've scrimmagedabout an got money enoughto pay thetaxes." Chicago Tribune.

Kitty Vaa Provided, Also.A little girl was sitting at a table, oppo-

site a gentleman with a waxed mustache.After gazing at him for several momentsshe exclaimed: "My kitty has got smell-ers, tool"

Decorating: Nursery Walls.An ingenious way of decorating nursery

walls and which gave eminent satisfaction tothe children was devised by a thoughtfulmother. She made panels of unbleachod cot-ton a yard long by eighteen inches in width,and mounted them upon tailor's paper, finish-ing them upon round sticks at either end. Onthese panels she pasted colored pictures, orprints which she painted, and bordered thepanels with gold paper. These were hung upabout the room and changed from time totime. Whenever it was possible verses ordescriptive texts were appended. Thechildren were devoted to their panels andoften asked for a special selection to be hung.As there was a goodly number of these deco-rations, the changes could be made as fre-quently as desired. "E. C. W." in New YorkCommercial Advertiser.

The Fine Exhibit Made at the Fair by

the Fredericksburg Brewing Co.


"Sampler" Health Cigar,Which is made from mild, aromatic and particu-larly selected and prepared tubac-co- , and com-bines all the qualities which may be expectedfrom a health cigar. It causes no bad effect ofany kind, is agreeable to the taste, burns evenlyto the end and possesses a tine aroma. Nosmoker should fail to give

EngelbrccM's "Sampler Cigar

A fair trial, and benefit himself at the sametime. I0fmar29

-- :o:-

1 1 E A I Q t'ARTFKS, 1

AliJri'ANT (iEXEKAL's DEl'AHTMENT, JFebruary 4, 1H7. J

(General Order No. 3.)On the present melancholy occasion of the

death of Her late Royal Highness the PrincessLikelike, the Otlicers of the Forces will wear,when in uniform, black crape over the orna-mental part of the l.at or cap. over the swordknot and on the left ami, with black gloves, anda black crape scarf over the sash.

The drums are to b covered with Mack, andblack crape is to be Lung from the staff of theInfantry ami from the staiulaid of the Cavalry.

When ofticers appear at Court in their uni-forms, they will wear black crape over the orna-mental part of the l.at or cap, over the swordknot, and ou the left arm, with white gloves-an- d

a black crape scarf over the sash.The period of mourning specified by the Court

will be observed by the Forces.By order of the Commander-in-Chie- f,

CURTIS P. IAI KKA,Adjutant General.

One of tlie most novel and unique exhibits of the Mechanics' Fair was that of thFredericksburg Lager Brewing Co. It was in the form of a bower, thoroof being formedof hop vine, while around the sides were arranged the various packages of the famousFredericksburg beer. This company w9 the pioneer in the m inufacfure of lager on theCoast. After overcoming many obstacles they have succeeded in producing an export

Lager ISTot SurpassedBy any other made in the United States. A proot of this is seen in the fact that theirgoods are sold as far East as Chicago, despite Eastern competition. How can they dothis after paying freight over 3,000 miles of railroad, it may b acked. In the lirst placehops are better and cheaper here than in the East; again, California barley is the bestgrown in the United States; but the chief reason is the superior quality of the brew. Asthey use only the finest artesian water and the very best material, and have all the bestand latest machinery, they are able to produce an article that

defies coiiji:rrirnoisr.

Black Shawls,KIIUI1XC .NOTES.

BLACK CLOTH SUITSIn Prince Alberts and Sacks, of the very

best quality and style.

Black Cashmere and Merino,

;1 t!. ,C t

: l. i

v i


Their Export Lager is so perfect that it will keep any number of years inand is sold largely in Mexico, Australia, the Islands, South America,throughout the Western Hemisphere. In three years their output has quyear it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this year will exceed that amount.

Since writing the above we learn that the Fredericksburg Brewing Cfthe first prize, a silver medal, ' for the best Export Lager," also the firstsilverjmedal, for the " best Keg Lager Beer." Journal of Commerce, San

.as a . ;ir I

ize, atioihc--ifi JIVESBLACKLiV 1 LJKJ

fr"IIaving been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Island? ui ti.ij "bov-celebrat- ed

Brewing Company, we are now prepared to fill all order for : ha trad 1

family consumption at bedrock figures.


A Social loiuter.A London dispatch of January 23d

says : Four hundred Socialists attendedservices in Battersea Church to-da- y.

Canon Clarke was escorted to thechurch by policemen. In his sermon hedefended himself against the attacks of

the Socialists, After the service a So-

cialist named Burns made a speech out-

side the church in which he condemnedin strong terms the stand taken by Can-

on Clarke agaiust Socialism. He wasinterrupted by the clergyman himself,who threatened to throw him in a horsetrough. Canon Clark then retired amidthe jeers of the crowd. Burns' mentionof the Queen and royal family was thesignal for hisses.

In Cases of Poisoning.Mak3 your patient vomit by giving a tum-

bler of warm water with a teaspoonful ofmustard in it, and send for the doctor. Ifthe poison is acid give magnesia and water, orchalk and water, or soap and waer andplenty of warm water besides. If it is analkali like potash, give vinegar and water,lemon juice or some other safe acid. Alwaysremember the emetic first. If laudanum,strong coffee is a good thing to give until thedoctor comes. Keep the patient awake.Philadelphia Call.


Fine Black Straw Bonnets,

Feathers. E ittcn,Mourning Handkerchiefs..

All these goods have just arrived by the laststeamer and I will sell them at .

the very lowest figures.

23 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.3C9 dec23 d-w- tf J BOTH TELEPHONES S i. 10.P. O. BOX 504.

The Court "ill t;o into full mourniu? for Herlate Royal Highness the Princess Likelike fromthis date uutil the day after the funeral, andwill wear half mourning from that time untilthe expiration of t.to weeks from the day of thefuneral.

CURTIS P. IAUKEA,II. M.'s Chamberlain.

Ioluni Palace, February S, 1S87. i70 tf d w

Dejtartiuoiit ol interior.Saturday, the 12th day of February, being the

fourteenth (14th) anniversary of the accession ofHis Majesty to the throne, will be observed as aNational Holida3', and all Government officesthroughout the Kingdom will be closed.

L. ATIOLO,Mi lister of Interior.

Interior office, January 15, lt'87.

Tax 'oIleialurM Sotlvr.TLe Tax Collector will commence collecting

taxes in the disti.ct of liilo, Island of jiawaii, atthe following phu-.-s- :

From Kaiuaee to OokaJa, at the North liiloCourt House, Laupahocboe.

From Hakalau to Keakaha, at ti e Court Housein liilo Town.

On eugar plantations tuxes w ill be collected atthe office of each respective plantation. Noticewill be given beforehand to managers by theTax Collector, or by his order, what day heHltOuldall to collect taxes.

F. PAUIA,Tax Collector of Hiio, Hawaii.

- Hiio, December I, 188G.


The schooner Kulamanu has been hove downat the old Custom House wharf, to be cleaned.

The steamers Iwalaui and Kilauea Hou willboth leave at 8 o'clock this morning for Hama-

kua. Hawaii, and the steamer Lehua this after-noon.

The schooner Leahi arrived February 8th fromKeawaeli, Hawaii, being compelled to leave thatport owing to rough weather. She brought 545bags sugar.

The American barkentine Discovery will leavenext Tuesday for San Francisco.

The schooner Ehukai brought 205 bass sxigarfrom Waialua, Oahu, February 8th.

The schooner Waimalu will leave this morn-ing with 70 tons of coal for Kuau, Maui.

The bark Saranac, Captain D. B. Shaw, sailedFebruary 8th at 4:30 p. m. for San Francisco, hav-ing on board 31,203 bags sugar, valued at 8152,-83- 4


The schooner Rainbow arrived February 8thfrom Hanalei, Kauat, with 400 bags sugar, whichwere transferred to the barkentine John Smith.

The schooner Sarah and Eliza sailed February8th for Koolau, Oahu. While passing off Dia-

mond the little vessel was unable to make anyheadway, owing to the stress of weather. Thesteamer J. A. Cummins was seen In the distancemaking but very little progress. The Sarah andEliza put back to port.

The schooner Kulamanu sails to-d- ay for Ko-hol- a,

Hawaii, and the schooner Luka for Kukaiauand Koholalele, Hawaii.

The schooner Nettie Merrill will receive a newmainsail and also a new main-boo- m, to be sevenfeet longer than the old one.

The Hawaiian bark Lilian, Captain G. B. Hol- -

land, sails this afternoon for Hongkong, viaBaker's Island, Guano Group, to laud CaptainHolman and six of the crew of the late Britishsteamer Explorer (now the Hawaiian trainingship Kaimiloa), and also to land stores forMr. J. T. Arundel.

. The American barkentine Planter, CaptaiuPerriman, sailed February 8th at 2 p. m. for SanFrancisco, with 14,107 bags eucar, 1,740 bags riceand 250 barrels molasses, the cargo being valuedat $80,370. When she left the harbor strongtrades were blowing, which rut her at about a13-kn- ot rate, and before 4 o'clock she was out ofsight.

Honolulu Almanac and Directory.The Honolulu Almanac and Directory

for 1887 is now for sale at J. II. Super'snews depot and at this office. Price 50

cents. It contains complete statisticaland general information relating to theseIslands.


in Greatly Reduced Price!-- 1 i

liawaialiao C'anrcb.Last Sunday the Rev. II. II. Parker,

pastor of the Kawaiahao Church, gavenotice to his congregation that Mr.Booth would be pleased to meet the na-

tive llawaiians at that Church this even-

ing at 7:30 o'clock. At that hour Mr.Booth will deliver an address on temper-ance, which will be interpreted by theKev. II. II. Parker.

Leading Millinery House, j

AAh Stock Taking.

Tenders Wanted. Australian Mail Service.VOIVV OF HONOLULU, li. J.

J fhcYAL Po&oi? i

A It It I VALS.Tuesday, lebruary 8.

Schr Canute, put backSehr Mary, put backSchr Sarah and Eliza, put backSchr Leahi, from KobalaSchr Rainbow, from HanaleiSchr Ehukai, from Waialua, Oahu


The new and fine Al steed steamship

The Minister of the Interior advertisesfor tenders for furnishing" the Bureau of

Koads and Bridges with fourteen largemule3, ten mule carts, and twenty setsof harness for mules. Particulars canbe obtained from the Iload Supervisor.Tenders will be received until w'

at noon.

At the Lyeeunt.The usual weekly prayer and praise

meeting of the Bethel Union congrega-tion will be held this evening at 7:30o'clock at the Lyceum on Nuuanu street.The subject will be: "When thou artconverted, strengthen thy brethren."Luke 22 :32.


Tuesday, February 8.

Stmr Mikahala, Hall, for Nawiliwili, Waimea,Koloa, etc, Kauai, at 5 p m'

Stmr W G Hall, Bates, for Kona, Kau, Maa-lae- a.

Hawaii, and Lahalna. Maui, at 10 amStmr O U Uishop, Chaney, for Xawiliwili, lu

and Kapaa, via V.'aiauae.at 12 mStmr J A Cummins, Neilsen, for Waimanalo

and KoolauAm harfi Saranac, D H Shaw, for Sau FranciscoAm bktne Planter, W li Perriman, for San

Francisco, at 1 p m

Of tha Oceanic Steamship Company, w ill be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and AurKkuni

on or about

February 11, 1887,SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTES. Absolutely Pure.

DAVIS & WILDER, Grocers.ISTo. 52 Fort street,

A nnounce to their patrons and housekeepers generally that, Btarting out rn the r " . ur, t . b 1

have been redoubled with tb view of supplying the many wauts In their lin. from'im


Fresh. Stock of Goods.Importations of every article in their trade Is regulated by approximate dn .ni.l, 1 we tf.o

roint gained by every customer Is, any article purchased from tbeir stock 1.. i n. cii h ,


GROCERIES, both Staple and Fancy.In every variety of detail.

Teas of the" Highest Grades,Black, Green and Blended.

American and English table luxuries, Afuliriine of CROSSE & BLACKW f l I "j r i H rvspices and condiments always in slock, and an invoice to replenish now due. '

Sole Agents for

Fresno !N"o. 1 Family !Flo"u.iImmensely superior to Golden Gate and other In its parity, whiteness' an ! nU wf pro-- ,erties. UNEQUALLED for bread-makin- g, and preferred by all our customers. '

Our Buffalo Hams are SuperiorTo the Star, Dupee, or any other brought o this market. - ROLL BUTTER uYr? J 5 Mi ill

LOWEST MARKET RATES.Island orders for Families and Plantations filled wijh care aud satisfaction r r '-- '- - '

And will leave for the abve port with niai! andpassengers on or about that date. ,

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. GL Irwin & Co..AOKNTS.

Kheriir of Hawaii.The Governess of Hawaii has made

official announcement of her commis-sioning Hon. John T. Baker as Sheriff of

Hawaii. He commenced his duties onthe 22d of last month.

VeMnelN I.eavinsr Tu!)ay.Stmr Kilauea Hou, Cameron, for Hamakua,

at 8 a mStmr Iwalaui, Freeman, for .Hamakua, via La-bain- a,

at 8 a inStmr Lehua, Clark, for Hamakua, at 5 p mHaw bk Lilian, Iiolland. for HongkongS;hr Luka, for KukaiauSchr Waimalu, forKuauSchr Ehukai, from Waialua, OahuSchr Sarah and Eliza, for KoolauSchr Heeia, for KoolauSchr Kawailani, for Koolau. Oahu

Yuen Kee & Co. luive removed to Hotelstreet.

New goods to arrive per steamer Aus-

tralia for the Popular Milinery House.N. is. 8achs, proprietor.

Fine printed lawns, 32 inches wide, eightyards for $1 at Sachs' 104 Fort street.

A full assortment of Ladies' corsets atvery low prices, including nursing corset,at N S. Sachs', lOi Fort street.

Messrs. Wing On Wo fc Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the best qualit', for saieat moderate prices. "

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel steamship


For Every Summer Hotel.All the hotels have "reading rooms,"

which contain a few ragged and stainednewspapers, a few dirty spittoons and afew cane-buttone- d chairs. But one lookinto them is usually enough for anybodywho cares to read. What we are speak-ing of is a really cosy room, like that of agood club, with the best American andforeign periodicals, plenty of new booksand decent and orderly writing arrange-ments, and a wood fire in an old-fashion- ed

fire-plac- e, a clean floor, and deliverancefrom the brass band. Such a room in asummer hotel is really a civilizing agency,but, as we have remarked, we only knowof two which have such a thing, or inwhich it was probably ever thought of.New York Post.

Btrenpth ond vholcsoracness. More ectmorxn&l

than theordinary kiad. and cannot besold in tgm-petiti-oi

with the- nultituda of lwtot.Wight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onltm

IDS UaJi-g- V

cans. JiOYAb Baklnu Pcwm 'o.,N Y.fld wtt

R. T. BOOTH,, Will render hU popular Lecture,

Three Years in the Ranks!My Reminiscences of the

American Civil War" Beintr the Comic, Tragic and Pathetic sides

of a private soldier's life.Y. M. C. A. Hall, Thursday Evening,

At 7:30 o'elock, under the auspices of

Ceo. W. Herons Post, Xo. 45, Iept. ofCalifornia. Ci. A. It.

For the benefit of its Relief Fund.Post Commander R. W. Laine will preside.

Admission, 50 cents. 484 fehlO



Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wilt bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

71tf nodi Telei!t .itO. Box 505.i r m

id's.For Sau Francisco, per bark Saranac, February

8tu Ca,tle & Cooke, 11 ,3(51 bates sugar: Theo HDavies & Co, 8,78.) do; O Brewer & Co, 0,916 do;F A Sc.haefer & Co, 4,144 do. Total suar, 31,203bags; total tonnage, 1,822 tons; domestic value,


For Sau Francisco, per barkentine Planter,February 8th U Hackfeld & Co, 10,619 bagssusar; C Bolte, 730 do; J T Waterhouse, 333 do;M S Grinbaum & Co. 2.481 do and 1.74D ta?s rice:.1 H Bruns, Sr, 20 barrels molasses. Total sugar,14,167 bags; total tonnage, 'M0 tons; domesticvalue, S8O.370.


For Maui and Hawaii, per steamer W G Hall,February 8th Dr Rtymoud and wife, His HonorJustice A Fornander, wife and daughter. MissEdith Turton, MrHewitt, M D Monsarrat, wifeand 2 servants, Mr Drew, Mrs Kopeke and child,and 75 deck passengers.

For Kauai, per steamer Waialeale, February7lh R A Macne, Jr, and 12 deck passengers.

For San Francisco, per bark Saranac, Febtuary8th Mm J K Athertou.

For San Fancisco, per barkentine Planter, Feb-ruary M M Vouhan, W R Booth and wifeand Miss Kstelle Claris

For Kauai, per steamer Mikahala, February8th Rev U luenberg, K Cutton. J K Merrill, and30 deck passengers.

It')Uli Weather on Hawaii.The schooner Mary, Captain Charles

Smith, which left this port on the 2d forKeokea, Hawaii, returned to port yes-

terday, bein:; unable to land any freightat all, owing to the very rough weatherprevailing. While at anchor off Kohalathe sea was running high and the windblowing so fiercely that the Captain gave

February 19,-1887- .

And will have prompt dispatcn with malls andpassengers for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SUPKRIOR AC-COMMODATION'S, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,

LADIES' JSTURSEThe Fault Is Their Own.

The boy or the girl, of ordinary health,who under ordinary conditions pursuesthe course of study in the schools, shouldgraduate with a physical constitutionsound and vigorous. If they do not, thefault is rather their own, or that of theirparents, than of the schooL The highschools of the United States demand onlv

orders to hoist the anchor. While doing I A DIES WISHING A COMJ'ETENT NT'KSHJ can secure the services ot Mrs. Ci! M J'LATV

by inquiring at Mrs. Uoyt'a. 11') Kit..? U et,corner of Alakea street. AAGENTS

Geo. 0. Slireve & Co.,MANUFACTURING

JEWELERS,Aud Importers of

Diamonds, Watches, Silver and' Silver PlatedWare, Decorated China, Art Brasg Goods, Fans,Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna LeatherGoods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc.

Montgomery and gutter St..SAN FRANCISCO. 443ja25 '$8

thjs the windlass broke, and the anchorwith thirty fathoms of chain was lost.The schooner in returning to port cov-

ered nearly forty miles in three hoursand a half.

The schooner Canute, Captain Swin- -

TO LET.Pell Telephone 172. I O. Box 307.Mutual 372.


Campbell's Block, Merchant St.rrHE COTTAGE ON THE 1 LAINS LATf ; iA occupied by Captain toUi.i. It;iilr f Vr .


ton, which left here on the 5th for Hiio,was obliged to put back to port owing torough weather off Kohala. Her jib andmainsail were carried away. She cameback under reefed sails, and made therun from Kohala in thirteen hours.

TTNDER .INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE HON.U Board of Education, I shall sell at Public

Auction on Monday.the 7th day of March next.at

f noon at my Salesrooms, corner of Fort andQueen s'treets. Honolulu, that very desirabletract of laud situate at Knliu, Lileba street,known as the Lee Youman's property, compris-ing Kalo and Kula land of superior quality, wellwatered. "

Y frr 1 Containing an area of 11 andLUJ- - iML 00 acres, at an upset price

of 7,500.

1 IT Vrk O Adjoining1 the above on theLjlJ--

LlNU i", inauka side, and containing

an area of one are; upsetprice, 750.

TITLE PERFECT.TERMS CASH. Deeds at the expense of pur-

chasers. Further particulars may be learned byapplication at the office of the Board of Educa-tion, were plans and surveys of the land may

Cooks, Laborers, House Servants and all kindsof help furnished promptly, without charge toemployer, on application to

seven and one-quart- er hours' work a day;the Prussian gymnasiums require morethan nine, and the classical schools ofDenmark more than eleven. It is notoverwork in school, but overwork on thepiano, and overwork or overplay in soci-ety, which are the prevalent evils. FrankLeslie's Illustrated.

Willing to Compromise."Will you please give me a dime?" said

a tramp. "I'm blind.""You can see out of one eye a3 well as I

can," replied the gentleman importuned."You are only half blind." .

"Then give me half a dime," said thetramp. Harper's Bazar.Long Hallway in Australia.

Next year Is to witness the union of thecspinU of South Australia, Victoria,S.-ut- V. a- - i Qv.-e'isian- l, by a cor.-ti- 'i

-' A'1 . .a.lv?.-- ,

J.T-V- ..;lis -Cc 1 1 , . ' . .

Vessel in I"ort Irom JForeljrn Ports.Am bktne Discovery, J Lee, from Saa Fran-c- iscoHaw bark Star oi Devon, A Lovell, from Tan-

ning's Island -

Am bk C O Whitmore, T Thompson, trom PortTownsend.

Am bktne Katie l lickinger, oung, from SauFrancisco

Am bk Sonoma, Howes, from Newcastle.

bark Murston, from New-

castle.Brit Lady Lampoon,

N S WA,n bk Hope, D W B Penhallow, from Port

Townsend.Am bktne John Smith, from Newcastle, vowBrit" bark Zoila, McKay, trom Newcastle, N


472 feb5tf J. E. BROW.V fc CO. S. P. TAYLOR & CO.,

Paper Manufacturers,AND DEALERS IN

Iair IIf, Twine. Ft..

NOTICE. Partnership Notice.Mr. Day's Lecture.Mr. Osman Day's lecture at the Club

I louse last evening was well attended. Hev1--a for one hour and thirty minutes

- was fn tp.zcntiy



;:. f v.. , ,,. ir--- :

Y(".U lb - :"..: - m I' Tilv...(' l'l 'I 4U. !e.s -

ijWMrlM'iiinni'iPACIMC UOMMiiitUlAL ADYMflSEIL FEBRUARY 0, 18b".S&f53jiJivpgjijV;

ISPEAKER CARLISLE. riDtocttisciiums.KOBLEMEX AS BOXERS,States- -A Description of the Kentucky & J3r- -H. IE. Molntyre



Win. G. Irwin d Co s. Provisions arid Feed,Grroeerie .... irtVl! m'Kt,in,FOKT AuFVST tOKNEBnn, the KHtrn Htate ancl irope. .n-s- h , Vif,n,ik

received by every yi ftr-it-- i to, mimJ uoousunnncu iv jan m t u.New 0)ood8OFFER FOE SALE ry srramer. - -: ' satisfaction cuiir;w.. -

Produce by eveIslanu orun v p17city free of charge

Telephone J?o. vt--

Tbe Marquis of Waterford's Novel Fightwith a Cabman An Earl' Fight witha Band of "Sweeps" Knocking ThemDown Like Ninepins.

The late marquis of Waterford, amongnumerous accomplishments, excelled as aboxer, and of his aptitude in this art hewas justly proud. He never picked hismen; he used to fi?ht coal heavers, dust-men, hodmen, fellowship porters, andnth nf that ilk 'and then eive them a


NOW READY.1887.! Fourth Year of Publication. 1887



For the Year of Our Lord 1S87, Containing an

:o:- -



Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Hc-xe-

t'UBK -In Half Barrtis

And 25 pound Boxes.OWDKKK- D-

:ui-oii- Boxes.

OOUKN 0. COFFEEIn Half Barrel

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,Cwdabaib and l'laiu Annealed. Fence Win-Wate-r

Filters ami Coolers. Ainencan

man His Dress.Mr. Carlisle is a very close reasoner. nis

strength in congress, when he was on thefloor as a debater, consisted in his ability ;

to analyze questions and to make thor- - j


oughly clear, direct statements. He neveraffected any of the arts of the rhetorician, ;

nor has he ever attempted any impas- - j

Bioned style of delivery. He rarely usesgestures. He is a thoroughly courteousman, and never indulges in personalitiesHo thinks that arguments -- in behalf ofpublic measures are weakened by appealsto prejudices or the use of personalities.He treats his opponents with almost thesame courtesy that he extends to hi3friends. He is as unlike the averagesouthern type as one can well imagine.He i3 never embarrassed. I have neverseen him, in the most trying periods in thehouse, lose his. composure. He is a manin the neighborhood of six feet in height.His shoulders stoop slightly. Healways dresses in plain black, andhis dress is as neat as his habitsare precise. His head is large andvery evenly developed. His highforehead is made to seem more high fromthe fact that his hair is worn away at thecorners. He has a black wisp which comesdown, Napoleon-like- , upon his foreheadHis eyebrows are thick and bushy, andare so arched as to give a wide-ope- n ex-

pression to his eyes. His eyes are a cleargray and moderately full underneath thefong lids. His cheek-bone- s are high, withslight depressions at the base, on each sideof a strong, firmly-line- d, expressivemouth. Hi3 nose is large a cross be-

tween a Roman and a straight with full,wide nostrils. His jaw is heavy, indicat-ing great tenacity of purpose. His faceis smooth-shaven- . Ihe blue tint of hisshaven beard is almost the on'y color inhis pallid countenr-?e- . He can nearlyalways be found at s desk in his roomat the Riggs house, where he lives, whennot occupied at the house. He is not fondof going out into general society, but heis one of the most companionable of menamong his friends. He has a quaint hu

j Astronomical, Civil &Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r :o :- -

For tlie'I-Ioliclay- s:1 f l?. FOK Til K YE Alt AN- -

Official and Business Directory of HonoluluSoap.HI UK MOTH.K1'.

FAMILY I. if N Dl'. Y,

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,

Dillingham Jr'atent Plows- -

Ho.-s- . Lut.rloalii.B '!. c.Horse llors ami Cultivator., Harrow.



(LIMITED).Cases Corned Jieef.

H oiioluhiFort Street

Full Statistical and General InformationRjBIuATING TO THE KAWN ISLANDS,

Great pains and expei-s- e have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful ami comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men ol business, travelers aud tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Conn-trie- s.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Flour. cc,

Cs Medium ifread.

Bank of England plaster, and if he evervras caught napping and met a superiorbruiser great was his superior's reward.But sometimes an insolent jarvey ob-

tained all the thrashing? and no reward,as the following anecdote will fhow:

The marquis on one- - occasion hailed acab rather early in the morning, and di-

rected the cabman to drive him to St.James' Square, the residence of his uncle,the Archbishop of Armagh. When he ar-

rived at his destination he handed thecabman half a sovereign, but cabby, in themost insolent manner, demanded more."All right," said the marquis, and, slip-ping in the house by meansof a latch key, he quicklydonned his uncle's episcopal robes,and, returning to the door, quietly askedwhat the cabman required. The jarvey,not recognizing the marquis, and think-ing to frighten the clerical swell, gavehim some choice billingsgate, whereuponhis lordship in his new character knockedcabby down. Amused at the idea of hav-ing to fight with a parson, cabby sprangup and went for his man in good style;but the sham prelate foiled every blow,and returned his deliveries with suchvigor that at last the cabman, thoroughlybeaten, and believing that he had thedevil in lawn sleeves for an oppo-nent, jumped xip on his cab and was gladto "hook it."

The prince of Chatelherault is a bruiserof the Waterford stamp. Over and ovragain in the old days of Ilaymarket roy-sterin- g

he has been known to throw offhis coat and go for his man in true pugil-istic fashion, and many tales are told ofhi3 grace's excellence in the art.

With the exception, however, of one ortwo members of the Upper House, wcthought boxing an accomplishment longforgotten by the peerage, but the follow-ing anecdote will show otherwise: A fewdays'ago a noble earl, an apt pupil of aWest End professor of boxing, had beendining rather freely at one of the clubs,and as he passed along the strand in even-ing dress he came in collision with asweep just emerging from Drury court,who. to steady himself, placed his sootyr ands on his lordship's irreproachablywhite shirt front. To hit out at the sweepw s the nobleman's first impulse, and,landing on chumroy's nasal organ, thecarmine and black were soon mingling.

Nothing daunted, the sweep pulled him-s-'- f

together, and tried all he knew to getoil equal terms, but in a short time he was

: battered and bruised that his pals fromr'wo "lane," who had now musteredst ongly, came up, and it was a case of-- ' 3 down the other come on. Stimu-li ed, no doubt, by the bottle or two ofp. rt he had imbibed, his lordship knockedth-- i pride of Drury lane down one afterthy "iher like ninepins, calmly asking,Mq itzjames of Roderick Dhu's band,fu;-- one and all to. come on. We don't

how it might have fared with mylord had not a policeman arrived on thescne and dispersed the threateningcrowd; while his lordship, feeling that behad earned a drink, sauntered into a tav-ern close at hand and partook of a modest. - 'iicher. Pall Mall Gazette.




Scud in your orders for copies early.


Have completed and oHTer lor sale Use follow iiitf lioilers. vi.:

1 PAIK COMPOUND STEEL P0ILEPS SX:M1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 it. o in.

1 Combination Steei Poiier, 12 ft. x 1 ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ii.

Apply to Tie Honolulu Xrozi "Worlis Co.

Limy and Cement.

Galvanized Iron Hoofing,5, P, 7, 8, 9, 10-fo- lengths.

liiDGlNG- -

G. P. . W. C. PEAf'OCK.

P R teXTM. cfc 1 5 K A COO l ,

VlMJ'sa J;' Wine ttn-- Sj irit Merciiaiits

M. W. .McCHESNJSY & S0KXTonolnn, H. I.8 ISTimairu street-- :o:-Sugar Bags-size- s-

2'23;,20x.34, 'JOxIW.


Cordage.Manila and Sisal, Paoana Twine, Whalt? Line

.Sole agents for J. J. Melcher'a " ELEPHANT " GIN, Pellisson's unoolorel,unsweetened, pure old JUiANDY onlv tvo qualities shipped, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. Y. Smith & Co.'s

T1LIKTLEDEW WHISKY,We offer for sale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted stock of

ALES, BEERS. STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondor duty paid.

May Stli Per Mariposa, hi 51 Pactap,es ;

May 22d-P- er Alaixscdu. l,f22 lachz i

To Arrive Per Consueio, 322 Pao2Efs.3.

mor and appreciation of fun whicn nostranger would suspect from looking intohis serious, self-containe- d countenance.Cor. New York World.

Girls Who Uathed in Linen Wrappers.I heard of a strange thing the first day

I was at Ocean Grove. A bevy of rawcountry girls from somwbere in the pineforests came on an excursion. Theywanted to bathe, but they declared theywould not appear in the suits they saw allthe other women wearing. They wantedit understood that they would never dareto. look at their faces in a glass again itthey were ever seen In such immodest at-

tire. So, what in patience name do yousuppose they did? They went down thebeach to a shanty, with whose inmatesone of thorn was acquainted, andpresently reappeared clothed from headto feet in linen wrappers. Theythought it unnecessary to have anythingunder thoe garments. In that garb theytook the water. Fortunately for them, ithappened that there were not more thantwenty men and boys at that part of thebeach, but the whole twenty ran afterthem, laughing and hooting at them whenthey emerged from the water, with thosepaper-lik- e wrappers sticking to theirbodies like so many suits of adhesive plas-

ter. Some of them looked very muchlike artists' models, and some (those thatwore calico with a big pattern printed onit) looked more like tattooed sisters of thatGreek who travels with Barnum, andwhose body resembles an animated sec-

tion of a frescoed wall. Ocean Grove Let-ter to Albany Journal.

Wehwa. the Zuni Priestesa.Wehwa, the Zuni priestess, who passed

the win'er in Washington with Mrs. Ste-venson, has returned to her t -a thewest, as the climate of W- - ton hadbegun to seriously aTec ,alth. Before leaving this city v . went aroundto her friends to biu adieu and assurethem of her last remembrance. Nearlyevery one had some little gift for the simple-h-

earted Indian woman, who was par-ticularly pleased when anything in the na-

ture of bric-a-bra- c was given her. Indeedshe seemed to have imbibed the popularcraze for the collection of all kinds of oddchina ornaments, cup, plates and pitchers,of which she carried away a motly assort-ment. One of the last visits paid by Weh-wa was to President Cleveland, as shesaid she wished to see the great fatherhimself and none of the small men, inorder to tell him that the Zuni nationwished an American agent, and not aMexican, to treat with them in future.There is implanted in the Zuni breast anundying hatred of Mexicans whichneither time nor circumstances can elimi-at- e.

and Wehwa, in obedience to the in-

stincts of her race, made an earnest ap-peal to the great father to exercise hispower and come to their aid. Washing-ton Capitol.

Heed's Felt JSteam Pipeand Boiler Covering.

37: Telephone No. 246.I'. O. Box 50.

25 "A TENTH, (suitable for campingand surveying parties.)

22 J JEA..G3- - A TST & CO.Corner of Fort and ifelerchant Streets, WHICH

Fat Ronton Women.How many fat women one sees in Bns-i!- "

said a western gentleman the other

Will be Sold ni the Lowest Market I ttes.-- IMPORTERS OF- -PA C J F I ( '., with a note of admiration in his

voice, " and what complexions!" with thenote still more vibrant. "I had heard somuch of Boston 'intellectuality' and 'eye-glasses' that unconsciously I associatedih. m with attenuated or bony physiquexiid sallow skins that meant midnight

and indigestion. Instead I am con- -AivertiseiJilliiitl M. W. jMCcChesriey Son,

Jfen ami Hoys'' l'iiie;.'iitom-iuu(- e 4'1o(liii., Fnrii3liiii$ ttoorf.


TRUNKS ' VALISF.S, ETC. Island orde.s solicited and rrolnrtlj' attended to. Satisfaction guaran-red- .7(

lted bv clear, bright eyes behind the4a nnd 44 Qiippu Street, Sloitolnlii...sses and pink cheeks under them, with

rll-round- forms in irreproachable: i,pery. I do not see how they manageassimilate Greek translation and good1th. Boston Record.

" PARAGON 55 AND "KVU mw jt i

Cotton Knhher I.fnel


San Fraiteiseo, Cal.,

Manufactnrevs of all kinds of LAUNDRY nd TOILET

W. T. Y. SCI I EN CK,SOAPS 3fi t'alilornia street.

Voice of the Hornbills.; he voice of many specie of these birdsaid to be harsh and disagreeable. Areler says when a bird is wounded or.tured alive, the terrible noise it makes

i erhaps not surpassed in the animalId. It is something between the bray

m ass and the shriek of a locomotive,i is kept up continuously, so as to beoluteiy unbearable. When a female1 was captured on the nest, its shriek-wa- s

heard nearly a mile off a horri-nois- e

even at that distance. Cor.jntific American.

114 fel2.? 87; San Franrlfco. Cali!'.)8 febl9ftSTC.et cur quotations l.efore placing j our orders

1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1886.

BUILDER.LEWIS & CO.,Ill Fort .Street. Im potters aud Itealers in

Staple md Fancy Groceries. 75 and 77 Kinp-- Street,Bell Telephone No. 2?.

" IrJ oiioluhi,Mutual Telephone Xo. 65.


PRINTING OFFICErs pre finreii 10 di ail kinrli u

Commercial & Lega1 WorkHaving just Ke.vive.l a C.'mpiet and NewAssortment of

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest StvleB, from the most Celdbrated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experiencedani t'aHty Workmen, we ar

prepared (o turn out

I,etr IIa!.11 ill Heads.

Circular.Sftte IlendN.

Bills of i.adiMK.Contractu,Mortgage Blanks

I,eas,Kiiip;iiK- - Contrail,"(In Hawaiian & KiiKlbh

CalrnilarM.Klank CjckN.

Stock Or 1 1 ticaBnNiiiesM Cards.

Ioal CSiecli.lilk Tirkots,

Bank ChecksOrders,

Receipts.JIarrfasre Certltircu e.

Diplomat.Cut a lug; ii ,

Rlottiit"- - tntA.nd in fact everything winch a first-cla- ss

office can do.

FEESH GOODSRv every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

3?i?ovisions, TCtc- - Etc..r,l Satisfaction guaranteed. Tek.lj. ne No. 240. P. O. Box No. 59'.


LnmToer and Coal,Door,, Hash and Blinds. AM kinds of mmi-K- i ,,.CorrusatPd Iron, Portland Cement - KTFFf tvaii

A,K- - ,,ftl"t Mh, Olass. Jr. iili' D",,, ""P-rl- or to Iron, and .MM.MiH


New Ocean Telegraph Circuit.A new enterprise has just been organ-

ized in New York for the construction ofa direct cable from this port to Venezuelaand Brazil. It is called, in honor of theemperor, the Pedro Segundo AmericanTelegraph and Cable company, and startsout with a capital of 2,500,000. The im-perial government of Brazil and republicof Venezuela have both granted very fav-orable concessions to the new company.Its cable will be over 4,000 miles long, andis being constructed in England.

The cable will begin at Viseu, on thecoast of Brazil. It will touch at Cayenne,French Guiana, and will connect withthe land lines of Venezuela at the mouthof the Orinoco river. The cable will thenfollow the coast, connecting with Caracasand other important points. From Ven-ezuela it will be carried to Port au Prince,Hayti, now without cable connection, andthence directly to New York. ScientificAmerican.

liramling Cattle on the Plains.Some of the owners bunch their cows

and calves and drive them to their ranches,there to be branded after the round-u- p isover. If the number of grown cattle to bebranded is large, they are either drivenhome or branding-pen-s are built for thepurpose. In the latter case, instead of be-

ing lassoed and thrown down to bebranded, the cattle are driven through a"chute" a narrow passage between stout,high-planke- d fences, just wide enough forthem to pass. Here, as the steer or cow-goe- s

by i certain point, it is held fast for amoment, and a hot branding-iro- n ispressed against its side. The animal bel-

lows with pain, a slight smoke followsthe application of the iron, a scorchingsmell of singeing hair and eizzing skin isperceived, and the victim passes on thewajr, bearing the clean design of a freshbrand on its sides. Cor. Chicago Tribune.

The mercury stood at 119 degrees in theshade at Hopland, Mendocino county,California, July 17. Fruit exposed to thesun was burned black.

Honolulu Carriage Co. Steam Navigation Co.(LIMITKD.)

JOHN NTOTT,Stand Corner Fort ami Merchant St. STEADIER W. G. HALL,.(M4LULAXI,)

Not To He Outdone.uetn Victoria once being at an .in-stant ceremony in a north of England

it s, a paper was brought to her for her' .nature. Of course she inscribed it as

i-- "Victoria, R. et I." Then her fav- -

- rile daughter's signature was desired: : I was duly written, "Beatrice." Finally.e v.ife of the mayor was called to sign

'r.e paper, and not to be outdone by anyroyalties she unhesitatingly wron

lary."( Cleveland Eeader.

A SJindoo Woman's Heaven.on an average there are altogether

- out 120,000 hairs on one head. The H.n. s had a strange way of applying calcu-- ,

t ions of this kind. When a woman asnds the burning pile of her husband

va3 oftentimes said to be exalted totven, to enjqy as many years as there

hairs on the whole body of hyer d- -t

sed lord, roundly calculated at 35,000. . Exchange. '

Monuments That Grow Anew.Did you ever notice that little plat

th re?" remarked a railroader at thePittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago cross-ia- g

on Penn avenue the other day, as heminted to a small enclosure of ground ofabout twelve by fifteen feet, surrounded5 v a high fence which guards the littlecorner from desecrating hands.

"Can't say that I have," remarked thei ncil-shove- r.

-- Well," said tha railroader with a smile,i ere is a rather pretty story connected:'h it, and I've often wondered how lit--!

; is ever thought of it by passers by."' Why, what is it," asiced the reporter,;ecting to chronicle some dark deedit least unravel a pretty romance.

-- Well, young man," paid the gate-man- ,

r u may be disappointed fl's only de-- "

:ed U live lonely hills of corn, which,ougaslcan remember, have grown

and every autumn the corn iseked and given to the widows andIdren of two deceased railroad men

ho had met their death in the employ ofcompi-'i.v- .

The corn prU is right on Penn avenue,I the five tall, green stalks are notable

r thir striking contrast to the blackdingy hjk of freight cars and watclf-- i

ises all around it. A peculiar place to;:;ow corn, surely! Pittsburg Commer--

A Gazette. ..... .

BATES .t'ODimandeSlf you want a Flret-clas- s Carriage, v.ith goodhor&efl, rtlialile and po!er driern,

WUl run nunlar.y to ilarila-- a. Maul, and Konaand K'u, Uawul;.

Sl'EAMEH IWALAKL111 nfupi Telephone.


FREEMAN - t'omniHiideWill rnn regularly to Xaa iihvil!. KoIoji, Kleelfand Waimea, Kanai.

1 lUiiiiiii.'iiJ'CjpiPt 'WPiiiJLjPiijJiiiU'M'tf' '"j-'!,'t?- - isJ!!Lt2 iljte1STEAMEK C. R. BISHOP,MACAULEV Commauder


FRANK CERTZ, ! XU JTn reS"lirl.v to ITamoa. Maul, and Kukui- -nafie, nuuoKaxv ana Paaul.au. llawrJi.

Importer aui Hannfactnrer JfTurtles for New York.

From 5,000 to 8,000 green turtles are an-

nually brought to New York, and theyfell at an average of 15 cents per pound,gross weight. They come from Florida,the West Indies, and the shores of theSpanish main. Occasionally one is caughtas far north as Bong island. They arecaught in nets, aud also on the beachwhen they come up to lay their eggs.

Stores, Bangos and lloiisokccpiiig Goods.STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,WEIR.. ..CViramandftr

Will ran regularly to Kapaa. Kauai.

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESET Orders from the other Islands solicited.

Physician and Surgeon,Residence and Oflioe. 40 Kmiiia Street.

Exchange. No, 114 Fort St., Iloiioltiln,w BEIX TELEPHONE No. 42 405 janlu'&S

T. P.. FOSTER, President.J. Ena, Secretary. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wwl

