IGNOU B.ED ES-341 Free Solved \


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  • 7/28/2019 IGNOU B.ED ES-341 Free Solved \


    IGNOU B.ED ES-341 Free Solved Assignment 2011


    Assignments January 2011

    Answer the following questions in 1500 words total (each in 500 words).

    i) Discuss the nature of Science as a process and product. (500 words)

    Solution: The nature of Science is not a process that can solve all kinds of problems andquestions. The realm of science is limited strictly to solving problems about the natural world.

    Science is not properly equipped to handle the supernatural realm (as such), nor the realm ofvalues and ethics. It's not a process that can ignore rules. Science must follow certain rules;

    otherwise, it's not science (just as soccer is not soccer if its rules are not followed).

    The nature of Science is not a process that seeks the truth or facts. The goal of science is to comeas close as we can to understanding the cause-effect realities of the natural world. It's never

    "truth" or "facts". "Truth" and "facts" can mean different things to different people. It's not a

    process that attempts to prove things. The process of science, when properly applied, actuallyattempts to disprove ideas (tentative explanations)... a process called "testing", or "challenging".

    If the idea survives testing, then it is stronger, and more likely an accurate explanation. It's not a

    process that can produce any kind of explanation. Scientific explanations must be potentially

    disprovable. Therefore, supernatural explanations cannot be used, since they can never bedisproved (supernatural forces, by definition, do not predictably follow the laws of nature).

    Whatever results occur in any test can be attributed to those nebulous forces, effectively ending

    any further efforts to explain. It's not a process that is free from values, opinions or bias.Scientists are people, and although they follow certain rules and try to be as objective as

    possible, both in their observations and their interpretations, their biases are still there.

    Unconscious racial bias, gender bias, social status, source of funding, or political leanings canand do influence one's perceptions and interpretations. It's not a process in which the product

    (understanding) is based on faith or belief. The product of science (probable explanations for

    natural phenomena) are always based on observations carefully analyzed and tested. The high

    confidence we have in science comes from the many successful applications to real-life problems

    (e.g. in medicine, space exploration, chemistry and technology). It's not a process in which onesolution is as good as another, or is simply a matter of opinion. In science, there is a rigorous

    analysis and fair-test comparison of alternative explanations, using discriminate criteria, e.g.,

    confirmation by multiple independent lines of evidence, leading to one "best" solution

    The nature of Science is not a product that produces certainties, or absolute facts. Science is a

    process which can only produce "possible" to "highly probable" explanations for naturalphenomena; these are never certainties. With new information, tools, or approaches, earlier

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    findings (theories, or even facts) can be replaced by new findings. It's not a product that is

    always properly used. Unfortunately, science is not a product frequently misused. Because it

    works so well, there are those who apply the name of science to their efforts to "prove" theirfavorite cause, even if the rules of science were not followed. Such causes are properly labeled

    "pseudosciences". Also, some scientists have been known to do fraudulent work, in order to

    support their pet ideas. Such work is usually exposed sooner or later, due to the peer reviewsystem, and the work of other scientists The nature of Science is not a product that can always berelied upon due to its total objectivity and internal self-correction.Science can be done poorly,

    just like any other human endeavor. We are all fallible, some of us make fewer mistakes than

    others, some observe better than others, but we are still subjective in the end. Internal self-correction mechanisms in science merely increase the reliability of its product.



    ii) Explain concept, importance and procedure involved in developing remedial material in

    Science. (500 words)

    Solution: Concept involved in developing remedial material in Science.

    Materials science is an applied science concerned with the relationship between the structure and

    properties of materials. Chemists who work in the field study how different combinations ofmolecules and materials result in different properties. They use this knowledge to synthesize new

    materials with special properties. Eduardo Kamenetzky, a senior research scientist at Cytec

    Industries, explains, "The central concept of materials science is relating the microstructure of amaterial to the properties you want it to have. By working with the microstructure, you can tailor

    the central properties of that material." Materials scientists are generally employed by industry or

    in laboratories where the focus is on developing product-related technologies. But, not all ideas

    become products and, as a result, possessing the quality of persistence is helpful in this field."Persistence is important," says Bob Haddon at AT&T Bell Laboratories. "You have to have a

    high tolerance for frustration because 99% of your experiments do not work." Barry Speronello,

    an engineering fellow at Englehard Corporation, agrees, "There are a dozen bad ideas for eachfair idea, and a dozen fair ideas for each good idea. You sort out which ideas are worth pursuing.

    Most ideas break down when you look at the economics." But when an idea succeeds, it's very

    gratifying. This is often what materials scientists say they enjoy most about their work -- seeingan idea through from the basic microstructure research to the manufacture and commercialization

    of a product made of the developed material.

    Importance involved in developing remedial material in Science.The strong link of materials science to products in the marketplace means that more job

    opportunities are to be found in this area than in other areas of science, resulting in a positive

    future job outlook. Materials science's progress is pointing the way toward improved personal

    economic health and a better way of life. Applications for new materials and modifications ofexisting materials are expected to keep the demand for trained materials scientists growing. A

    materials scientist's background is varied. Although a materials science degree may open many

    doors, it may be safer for students to avoid early specialization in their course work. Materialsscientists indicate that students should learn the basic sciences. This broad base is often obtained

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    through degrees in physics, engineering, or chemistry. Once armed with a broad base of

    scientific knowledge, one can focus on more specific skills that are or will be in demand by


    Procedure involved in developing remedial material in Science.The materials science field is made up of people with various educational backgrounds. Somecompanies are more interested in hiring Ph.D. candidates. However, most projects in materials

    science are team efforts, and a team can include technicians, engineers, physicists, and materials

    scientists with B.S. or M.S. degrees, as well as Ph.D. chemists. Students are encouraged to givethoughtful consideration to the type of work they want to do and then investigate the level of

    education that is required. There are about 20 degree programs in materials science in the United

    States, but most materials scientists recommend training in a more specific discipline, such as

    inorganic synthesis and organic chemistry, or specific materials science such as ceramicengineering. They advise, however, against specializing too soon. In addition to their scientific

    training, materials scientists stress the importance of understanding, and the ability to apply basic

    statistical concepts.


    iii) List various deficiencies faced by you while working in Science Laboratory. How will you

    Improve this layout plan of Science Laboratory? (500 words)

    Solution: Well there are many deficiencies in our Laboratory but mostly I feel deficiencies while

    working in Science Laboratory is space provided to work in laboratory.Many schools andbusinesses employ safety, health, and environmental specialists, such as a Chemical Hygiene

    Officer (CHO) to develop, manage, and evaluate their CHP. Additionally, third party review isalso used to provide an objective "outside view" which provides a fresh look and spacious lab.

    The optimum lab size, given the above assumptions, is 1,600 to 1,800 net assignable square feet(NASF). Depending on the type of lab bench and the type of discussion area seating, the room

    size will vary. The larger room size allows the most flexibility and variety of layout. Bench types

    are island, both single-and double sided; peninsula; and island cluster. Types of seating are tabletarm chairs, chair desks, and tables with chairs. Seating arrangements can be in rows or in

    configurations that will encourage group interaction.

    Some combinations of discussion and lab will require less space, others more; the 1,800 squarefoot space will accommodate a wide selection of layouts which will allow teachers and schools

    to modify rooms to respond to changing curriculum, pedagogy, and technology.The dimensions

    of a lab are as important as the total area. For new construction, the optimum width is 32 feet

    the distance from wall surface to wall surface. This width provides the most support spaceproportional to the total net assignable square footage.

    Lesser widths create long, narrow spaces limiting easy movement of students and making controldifficult for the teacher. Greater widths require more space to make the various layouts work.

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    From a structural standpoint, the wider width requires more depth for the spanning beams or

    trusses, adding to the overall height of the building; and vibration, which can be important to

    science laboratory space, is more difficult to control.


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