Igor's Book.online




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I dedicate this book to my mom, dad, sisters, and my fish.

One dark winter morning, the sun has not yet come up. The sky is still gray. Arctic Fox is digging in his den to bury an arctic hare, so when he gets hungry in the winter he has something to eat. His fur is white so he can camouflage from his predators and not get eaten! Arctic Fox is so busy burying his prey, and he doesn’t see the polar bear coming.

Suddenly, the polar bear circles Arctic Fox. Arctic Fox uses his long bushy tail to escape from the polar bear. When the polar bear moves left, Arctic Fox turns his special tail to move right. The polar bear does not see where Arctic Fox goes. Arctic Fox is already far across the ice, under the swirly blue sky, safe from the jaws of the polar bear.

Arctic Fox camouflages himself from the polar bear. He blends in with the Arctic dirt. The polar bear is confused. Where is Arctic fox? Finally, the polar bear leaves, still hungry. As the day ends, and the sky darkens, and sparkles with stars, at last, Arctic Fox is able to go back and dig up his arctic hare dinner.

About the Author

Igor Dos Santos lives in Watertown, MA. He likes the Wii, PS2, and the PS3. He likes the PS3 the best. Igor has two sisters and no brothers. He wishes he had a brother. Igor had lots of fun making this book. He loves the Arctic Fox.

This is one of the many books that came to life while students in Mrs.

Mattson’s 3rd grade class explored the rich relationship between visual

imagery and the written word. This book was created as a part of Image-

Making Within the Writing Process, a dynamic art-and-literature-based

approach to writing developed by Beth Olshansky at the University of New

Hampshire. Image-Making uses hand-painted textured papers as the raw

materials for creating collage stories and poetry. Unlike a more traditional

writing process, within Image-Making the pictures always come first. This

offers students with diverse learning styles essential visual and kinesthetic

tools for rehearsing, drafting, and revising their ideas long before setting

pencil to paper. Image-Making was validated by the US Department of

Education as an “innovative and effective literacy program” in 1993. Today

children around the world use this process to create books in many


Spring, 2010
