Imagine That!



Imagine That!

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Why an American Sweetheart is an Imagine International

Executive Team Builder

Imagine International Co-FoundersTrent T. Daniel and Corinda Joanne Melton


Based in Houston, Texas, Imagine International is the result of ten years of software development, executive team-building, corporate vision and unexpected miracles. The co-founder, Trent T. Daniel has overcome major personal challenges, and is now a motivational speaker, personal development expert, business coach and successful entrepreneur.

Within the last few years, Trent and his partner, Corinda Joanne Melton, have created a specialty greeting card company, a magazine publishing firm and a TV/Video production company. Trent’s passion is to help those who are experiencing credit problems, but also to help others create their own businesses and enjoy success as entrepreneurs. Joanne Melton is the co-founder and president of Imagine International. After a 23-year career in banking, Joanne left JP Morgan Chase and her executive position in commercial loans to go into business with Trent. She believes in the vision of Imagine International, which is about helping others. Her gift for creating systems and teams to enhance operational efficiency was consistently recognized at JP Morgan Chase.

“It’s amazing to me,” says Joanne, “the amount of money and effort most people are willing to spend on clothing, cosmetics, cars and houses, all of which are about impressing the relatively small number of people around us. But many of these same people don’t even realize that the whole world has access to their credit records, and that they are routinely judged as to their character and commitment by people who will only see them as a credit score. What I love most about what we’re doing is the fact that we’re empowering people to manage their credit rating for themselves.”

Imagine International was founded with a vision to create a bright future full of success and achievement for so many deserving people.

Corinda Joanne MeltonCo-Founder

Imagine International

Trent T. Daniel Co-Founder

Imagine International

the wonderful world of Imagine International


Sarah “Diva” DanielImagine International

Leadership Development Director


WELCOME! As your Leadership Development Director, it is with sincere pleasure and excitement that I congratulate you on your

decision to become a part of the Imagine International Family. Get Excited! Imagine International is more than just a company, it’s a movement! I know what it means to want something so bad you can taste it! So I am here to let you know that YOU CAN HAVE “IT ALL”! I stand ready to support your desire to create a Bigger Life with a Better View!

I welcome you to a “New Way of Being” and to YOUR Personal Journey of Self-Discovery! Some of you probably have no idea how great you are, but get ready because you are about to find out.

I ask, “How Bad Do You Want It” because it instantly evokes a sense of imagination, passion, & a desire to win. Your new venture as a Business Owner with Imagine International will prove to be one of the most rewarding endeavors you will ever be a part of, provided you STAY CONNECTED and respect YOUR business like a business and not a hobby!!

As a company we continue to build fast and strong because we understand the importance of perfecting our craft! And the reason we keep getting better is because we attract quality people just like you!

Isn’t it great and exciting to know that you will be a part of creating something big? As we embark on a Nationwide Movement, we encourage you to DREAM BIG! To dream is FREE! To have no dream WILL COST YOU! How great can you stand your life to be?

In the following pages, you will be equipped with phenomenal training that I have prepared for the growth of your business! I have taken 13 years of knowledge and expertise in the network marketing industry and put it in black and white for your benefit. REMEMBER: Knowledge Is Not Power! APPLIED Knowledge Is Power! This is one of the most revolutionary businesses in existence. Take advantage of all the products, services, training & opportunities it has to offer. Be patient with yourself! Take the, “I gotta know everything before I work”, out of your mind. Instead adapt to the “On-The-Job Training” philosophy!

Thank you for saying “yes” to the opportunity and for saying “yes” to you! I truly look forward to getting to know you better and assisting you in your wonderful and exciting journey to success with Imagine International. I care about you and your success. Remember, “You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself”.

As a woman of much faith, and having to deal with an undiagnosed condition that mimic’s Multiple Sclerosis for over twelve years now, I know what it’s like to endure and overcome life’s greatest frustrations, doubts, fears, adversities and challenges. That’s why I am on a mission & very passionate about powerfully, committing & dedicating my life to empower & serve others.

Love, Miracles & Belief In All Of You!

training for success



____ 1. Start USING your software! YOU are your business. Begin the process to improve and build your own credit. Navigate through the demos of each product and take the fun, interactive quiz at the end. Start perfecting your craft! The testimony should begin with you! Each day study parts of your website! (During off-peak hours, i.e.; after 8pm)

____ 2. Order your business cards through the back office, of your Imagine International website; purchase a 5-Subject Notebook! This will be YOUR Blueprint For Success Manual. YOUR Vision Book! You will be trained and coached on how to use it!

____ 3. Using the 30 Networking Sources List, create your prospect list of 50-75 people and/or business owners who you believe would find value & benefit in the software. You don’t have to know them personally, i.e.: your kids’ teacher, the owner of the cleaners you go to, the hostess at your favorite restaurant, etc. ALWAYS ASK FOR REFERRALS!

Note: This Networking Sources list will help to jog your memory of different people to look for and where to find them.

____ 4. Choose your first clients (from your list) of Capital Credit XP and/or The Business Credit Blueprint! (Tell them how fabulous the product is & invite them to one of your C&C parties, a live event, a one-on-one interview with you or a 3-way call with your Enroller/Team Leader, so they can see for themselves how much they need it).

____ 5. Identify, from your list, your first 5-10 “Key People” who you want to become a part of your organization and who you feel have leadership ability. Call your enroller



even if failure is not an option ... quitting is


or Team Leader so they can help communicate your vision to them. Get them to one of you C&C parties, to the next event or on the phone with your enroller/team leader! (Go to your website for a calendar of events)

____ 6. REMEMBER: To maintain your “Active” status, you must generate $55 in production OR 6 Personal Sales Points each month. This will ensure that you receive all bonuses and overrides. Capital Credit XP = 2 Sales Point / Business Credit Blueprint = 2 Sales Points. (I recommend taking advantage of the autoship program.)

____ 7. Get Excited & DECIDE where you want to be by Month-End! Focus on 3 key areas: 1) How much money do you want to earn, from Retailing iPacs into Marketplace & Team Building 2) What Level Qualification do you want to achieve? i.e., Associate Advisor, Supervisor, Director, etc. 3) Where do you want to be in the Presidential Founder’s Program? This is important! Now you can plan your work & work your plan! Remember: A goal without a plan, is just a wish! LEARN & KNOW the Compensation Plan! This is your money!

8. Follow the 5-Steps To Immediate Growth!


____ 1. File a DBA (at local courthouse) and/or LLC (contact Registered Agents Unlimited, $149); 800-441-5940. Ask for Curtis or Carrie, referred by Trent Daniel) for your individual business within Imagine International (i.e., Daniel Consulting, Credit Worthy, Inc., etc.) As a Business Owner you can now establish a Dun & Bradstreet Profile, which will set you on the path to getting approved for Business Credit without the need for your social security number. But first you must have a legal business. DBA means “Doing Business As.” LLC means” Limited Liability Company”. (YOU MUST HAVE AN LLC TO OBTAIN BUSINESS CREDIT)

____ 2. Open up your “Business” Checking Account using your LLC. Get into the habit now of separating your business from your personal life. Don’t co-mingle your funds.

____ 3. GO TO EVERYTHING! Attend ALL events, webinars, and education trainings. No one knows everything, even those who created the company. Don’t forget - Those who show up; go up! The best way to grow & know is through repetition! If you had a challenging week, YOU need the event.. If you had a great week, THE EVENT needs you!

____ 4. Set your goals! Share them with your enroller or someone who will support your vision, and hold you

accountable for it! NEVER share your 11x14 goal with a 5x7 thinker!

Short Term. What do you want to accomplish •BY THE END of this month? Even if it is the last day of the month, you can still accomplish something. At the end of that time, assess where you are and reset them for the next month.

Mid Term. It is important to set high goals for yourself •and then break them down into bit-size pieces. Work with “Benchmarks” in mind: Month-end, 3 months, 6 months, the first Conference or Super Saturday Event! It’s all about “Showing Up Powerfully”!

Long Term. What do you want out of your business •for the first year? Discuss this with your enroller or your Team Leader. Where you want to be in a year will help determine what your daily, weekly, and monthly goals and activity will be.

Put goals in writing. Written goals work! Unwritten •goals don’t! NEVER be realistic! Stetch for your dreams & desires! If your goal makes you comfortable, it IS NOT set high enough! Your goals should make you uncomfortable! This creates a “Sense Of Urgency”, Enthusiasm, Passion, Anxiety & Focus! All of which are required to produce results! The only one who has control over you meeting your goals is you.

____ 5. Plan! Whether you’re spending one hour on your business or eight hours, have a plan. Write down what you want to accomplish, assign it a priority (1,2,3), ask yourself if what you’ve written down is going to make money. If it’s not - cross it off your list. It’s not important. Make sure you accomplish all your 1’s for the day. At the end of your Imagine day, review your plan and make your next day’s plan. This is simple, it works if you work it, and it makes you feel great!!!

Note: For just 90 days, give concentrated, focused energy to “Income Producing Activity” (IPA) in your business and watch your intiial, small investment turn into a $10,000+ Paycheck!

____ 6. Be consistent! Consistency is the key. Whatever you commit to – do it consistently! THEN, Follow-Up with “A Sense Of Urgency” within 24 hours.

CONSISTENTLY meet 10 new prospects daily!

People will disappoint you, but the numbers never will. To be effective, learn the “Relationship Marketing” Scripts provided in this magazine. Just 10 a day = 70 a week = 300 a month. I guarantee, you will never be frustrated as long as you have “New” blood to work with.


success is collection of overcome fears and failures


1. Think like a winner!

2. Consistently show enthusiasm for your career. If you blow hot and cold —one time you see a prospective business advisor you are so excited about the business and the next time you aren’t — you confuse them and send mixed messages. Be consistently enthusiastic and always LEAD BY EXAMPLE!

3. THOSE WHO SHOW UP, GO UP! Always be present at every event, whether you personally have guests or not. Leadership and success is about showing up even when you don’t feel like it and showing up in behalf of others. If you have guests, wouldn’t you want the room to be full of advisors with lots of energy? What you send out into the lives of others will come back into your own. If you had a great week…the event needs you. If you had a not so great week…you need the event!

4. Focus on obtaining a minimum of 3 Capital Credit xp Software and/or The Business Credit Blueprint clients each week, as well as, New Business Associates. When you meeting 5-15 new people CONSISTENTLY a day and FOLLOWING UP, this is called “Building Relationships” & you are constantly Breathing Life into YOUR Vision! It will then be a “piece of cake” to build a massive organization!

5. Tell every person you deal with about the opportunity. Don’t be afraid to ask. REMEMBER: EVERY PERSON IS A CUSTOMER and/or ADVISOR WITH IMAGINE INTERNATIONAL AS LONG AS THEY ARE BREATHING! (AND AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD OF COURSE).

6. Study & Practice presenting the opportunity, so you will know it like the back of your hand. The best way to exude confidence is to know and learn how to present the facts about the company. Be sure you know what is going on and be sure you

understand it. Develop your own unique style and rock your personality! People will relate to you, just as you are! NEVER WAIT to build though! EARN AS YOU LEARN:-)

7. Learn and know how to overcome common objections! There are people waiting to pounce on your lack of confidence. Repetition is the mother of skill. Practice on your family and friends until your responses come natural. ALWAYS BE PREPARED!

8. Take guests to every Imagine International function. This is simply a matter of mathematics. Network Marketing is just a numbers game! If you CONFIRM10 guests to an event or on a conference call, you will get 5 who will give you some sort of affirmative response. Of those 5, 2-3 may reschedule at the last minute. So you will be left with 2-3 guests. It is a matter of working the numbers. So always ask at least 10 to make sure you have 2-3.

9. Give your enroller/Team Leader a list of your top 5-10 prospects. They want to see you win and will gladly help you. You can lose prospective business associates because you didn’t follow up quickly enough and are not yet effective at closing.

10. Follow-Up within 24 hours after a prospect has attended an event to close! This is so important! Follow-Up is “The Key” to growing your organization.

11. Retail at least 3-5 iPacs and hold 5-7 team building interviews every week! The more you tell your story & communicate your vision, the better you will get.

12. Get over the fear of communicating to people about the opportunity. Take yourself out of the way. Get 100 yes’s as fast as you can, so that the process will get easier & easier!

Secrets of Success: Building Your Organization



Creating an I-Story with Charisma and Passion

Prospects will not become a part of the business because we earn 40% of our sales. They “step into your story” and have the feeling that, “if you can do it, they can do it!” You may say, “it comes easy for you Sarah because you’ve done it for so long.” Yes, but it wasn’t always like that. I had to learn very fast to get out of my own way, get out of myself and get into others. I am going to ask you questions, because your answers are what will create your passionate I-Story. You need to make people laugh and also have emotions of wanting more in life. They will become part of your organization because of the possibility of what their life can be!

• WhatwereyourthoughtsaboutImagineInternationalafterbecominginvolved with the products or company?

• Whenyouhearditwasagroundflooropportunity,whatdidyouthink?• Wheredoyoucurrentlywork?• Whatdoyouenjoybestaboutwhatyoudo?• Whatwouldyouchangeaboutwhatyoucurrentlydo,oryourpresent

circumstances?• Howdidyoumeetyouradvisor?• Howdidyourespondtothequalityoftheproducts?• Didyoureallyneedorwanttoimproveyourcredit?• Didyouvaluetheproducts?• Didyoubuyanything?• Wasmoneytightforyou?• Whatwereyourthoughtsandfeelingsabouttheopportunity

and what it could mean for your finanial future?• Whatpartoftheopportunityimpressedyou?• Whydiditimpressyou?• AreyouexcitedaboutthekindofmoneyyouwillmakewithImagine

International?• Whatdidyouseeinthecompanythatyouwanted?• Whenyoufilledoutyourpaperwork,wereyounervous,scared,etc.?• Whenyouwokeupthenextmorning,whatwereyourthoughts?• Werethereanynegativepeopleinyourlifethatwantedyoutonotbea

part of Imagine International?• Whatisyourpurpose?YOURWHY?• Whydidyoumakethedecision?• Whatareyourgoals?WhatisyouroverallVision?

Answer these questions and put together your I-Story!

Have fun creating your story with passion and charisma.

It is a choice to be great in life.

who are you?


Looking for a group of prospects to network from? Here are some networking suggestions to help get your business started. Each day communicate your vision, to at least 10 new people. 10 a day = 70 a week = 280 people a month. “Imagine” the potential for growth.

1. People You Pay Regularly

Make a list of the names of the persons to whom you pay money on a regular basis, such as every week or every month. As starters, list your grocer, cashiers of the electric, gas or telephone companies, hairdresser, etc. Start building relationships!

2. People You Pay Occasionally

Today talk to your pharmacist, jeweler, painter, decorator, clothing store owner, shoe store proprietor, furniture dealer, etc. Include anyone you buy from now and then.

3. Organizations You Belong To

What about the church you attend, and the clubs and associations whose meetings you attend? Make separate heading for each, and list the names of your friends & acquaintances among the members. Then of course, contact them.

4. Industries That Check Credit

Realtors, Banks, Auto Refinance Companies, Car Dealerships, Mortgage Loan Officers, Utility, Credit Card, Phone Companies, Insurance Agents, etc. These intities would love to offer their customers a way to improve their credit.

5. Professional People

Most of us deal with professional people frequently.

Doctors, dentists, attorneys, teachers. Talk to as many

professionals as possible. They usually have a huge circle of

influence. 6. Newlyweds

Visit your library or newspaper office to go through local newspapers, and list every couple who got married during the past month or brides who are looking for a way to earn extra income.

7. Apartment Complexes

Pay a visit to apartment complexes in your city. They deal with and turn people with credit problems away everyday! Offer to host a Cookies & Credit event for their clients.

8. Social Acquaintances

You mix with people socially, at your home or their homes or during evenings out. They are primary prospects. Also, don’t forget the neighbors - as many of them as possible. Hang brochures ontheir doors or slide them under.

9. School Alumni

What about the people with whom you went to school? Don’t forget the night schools, trade schools, professional schools or graduate schools. Call on at least 10 of these people today.

if it was easy to succeed, everyone would do it

The Best Networking Sources


10. Previous Jobs

From your previous job you had friends or acquaintances with whom you used to work. Also you must know people whom you used to think of as a competitor, or who were in a competing business… Go for it! 11. Relatives

How about your relatives (but don’t always count on them) and those of your husband. Approach them professionally at ALL times. Ask for their support. You really want to find out who they know:-)

12. Spouses Organizations

If your spouse belongs to a sports team, hunting club or a business association, he has a circle of acquaintances you will want to consider as possible prospects. Don’t pre-judge their needs or value. Call each one and see what happens.

13. New Business Owners

Go to your local County Clerks Office and ask for their current DBA publication listing new businesses. These companies could certainly benefit from the Business Credit Blueprint.

14. People Laid Off or Fired

There are thousands and thousands of people being laid off or fired in this country EVERYDAY! Go to your unemployment offices. Just FIND THEM!

15. Telephone Yellow Pages

Let your fingers do the walking. Make a list of all the names of owners given in display ads; then either call them for an appointment, or visit them in route order. More than likely if they are in business they run credit checks or need business credit.

16. Business Cards

Go through that collection of business cards you’ve been gathering from people over the years. Call each one and ask for the opportunity to talk about your products and amazing business opportunity. 17. Referrals

Call 25 friends/acquaintances, ask each one for the names of at least two people you can talk to today. For the best results, ask, who do you know with credit problems/or who could benefit from the software?.

18. Recreation Contacts

Do you have a hobby in which you are active? If so, you have met a number of people through this sport or hobby; and this source automatically supplies you with a list of names to contact today.

20. City Directory

Go to your local library, and obtain the City Directory. Take down the names and addresses of families near you, or in areas you wish to develop. Call and expose them or ask if you could get their opinion of the education and credit builder software. Keep track of your results to see how many numbers you had to dial to make a contact. Then the next time, increase your average.

21. New Homeowners

When people move into a new home, they sometimes face the fears of new, unexpected expenses. What a perfect opportunity for you to share the benefits of your product and/or opportunity. Check courthouse and tax records for names of area people who have recently purchased homes. Call on them today.

22. Prior Cancellations

Today, go back through your records and make a list of those people who had to cancel or postpone their appointment with you that you haven’t yet re-contacted. Call them today to reschedule. Become a master at FOLLOW-UP!

23. Night Shift Workers

Ever think about all those people who work the midnight shift? They rarely get contacted because they’re sleeping during the day! Reach out to them perhaps during mid-afternoon, i.e., nurses, factory workers, waitresses, etc. YOU WILL ONLY RECRUIT THOSE YOU REACH OUT TO!

24. Exchange Customer Lists

If you have been in the network marketing industry any length of time at all you have probably made contacts with other people with the same experience. Choose those whose products are not in competition with yours; get together today, and trade customer lists. This will give each of you new prospects to call on.

25. Job Fairs/Unemployment

Check your local newspapers for job fairs in your city. You will find a lot of people with challenged credit, who may have been turned down for employment because of their credit score; or either they are simply looking for a way out of the Corporate America game.


REMEMBER: Team Building/Networking/Relationship Marketing is an ATTITUDE! Believe and know that YOU are the one with something to offer! Make up a powerful conversation about who you are in this business…NOTE: CONVERSATION RULES THE NATION!

WARM CHATTER SAMPLE DIALOGUE (Capture Information: Name & #)

Excuse me. I couldn’t help but notice you when you walked in. (You’re pretty sharp OR I like your style, I am impressed with your presence or whatever is true for you) I am ___________, and you are?

Well, _______________, I am in partnership with the founder’s of a software company that teaches any individual how to get approved for credit without having to use their social security #, or put their personal credit at risk. Also our personal credit software is a guaranteed way to improve personal credit scores! I’m currently in the process of developing my core Leadership Team, in the Houston area (or whereever you are) as the company builds Nationwide.

I would love to sit with your for about 15-20 minutes so I can show you how to earn a high 4-5-figure income within 30 days, while improving and building your credit. Wouldn’t that be of benefit to you? (Wait for response. The first person that speaks loses!) When they say yes. Respond with: GREAT!

If I can show you a proven path to create wealth for yourself, could you commit to 20 minutes of your time to chat with me so that I can share with you who I am, what I do, and the possibilities for you?

I’ll tell you what ____________, I’m in a bit of a hurry right now, on my way to interview someone else, so let me go ahead and get your information. Do you have a card? (if yes, say: Great!) (If no, say: Ok let me write your information down in my datebook.) Here’s my card.

_____________, What’s a good time to meet with you? Which is best for you…the BEGINNING of the week or the END of the week?” Tuesday or Thursday? 6:00 or 7:00?


______________, What would be a good time for me to call you so you can know and understand what’s possible for you? Would before 5:00 or after 7:00 work for you?

(Always make sure you give them two positive choices (when you offer them chocolate or vanilla they will always buy 1 flavor of the ice cream) Set the appointment based on what you have open on your datebook. Ex: weeknight or weekend? Tuesday or Friday? 6pm or 8pm?)

Get accustomed to booking ON THE SPOT! Either a time to call or to meet.

If You Booked A Time & Location To Meet:

________________ it was good meeting you. Is it ok if I call you tonight @ 7:30 to confirm our meeting time & location. I promise to call you at___________ (fill in whatever time was the best time to reach them

This is not a Phone. It’s a Money Maker!

effective team building



___________, before I leave, I just want to encourage you to visit my website located on my business card. Familiarize yourself with the products and then pursue information about the business opportunity. Jot down whatever questions come to your mind and when we meet OR when I follow up with you I’ll look forward to answering your questions.

(Know when to cut the conversation short)

When you FOLLOW-UP (After booking a time & location to meet):

Hi _____________this is Sarah Daniel with Imagine International we met earlier, (or whatever the case may be) I promised I would call you @ 7:30 (or whatever time you set) to confirm our meeting time and location. I have you on my schedule for Tuesday, May 3 @ 2:00pm. Right? Great! I will meet you at the Starbucks on ____________, OR I will meet you in the Lobby of the Doubletree Hotel Post Oak (wherever you have chosen as your meeting place) @ 2:00pm SHARP! If for any reason you see where you will not make it, please give me a courtesy call. My datebook is full, my time is limited and I could schedule someone else in your place. Sound Fair? Great _________, I look forward to meeting with you on May 3 @ 2:00pm @ the Starbucks on ______________.

When you follow up (Just after getting name & #):

Hi _____________this is Sarah Daniel with Imagine International we met earlier, (or whatever the case may be) I promised I would call you @ 7:30 (or whatever time you set) and I’m really anxious to know your thoughts about the possibility to earn a high 4-5 figure income within 30 days, as well as your opinion of our credit building and improvement software. What impressed you the most about what you learned and do you have any questions?If their response is: I haven’t looked at it yet? Sound shocked and perplexed with a resounding…REALLY? Your response: Well, I’ve blocked out some time for you ___________, so let me go ahead and give you 10 minutes of the most valuable information you have ever received. (Go through presentation)

The object is to get it done NOW…remember: Sense of Urgency! (If they went through your website, have

them click on the product links asking): Do you know anyone who has suffered from poor credit due to a lack of education, etc? Keep it simple! Do you know any business owners who would like to get financing and credit for their business without using their personal finances, credit or social security #? Then…Get into the habit of asking “Positive Question Openers”. (see training on that in this guide)

Close the sale, asking Positive Questions: Do you see the benefit in being educated about the credit reporting industry and being in control of your credit report and score? What about building and establishing an organization so that you can begin to IMMEDIATELY earn 4-5 figures a month in income? So surely _________, you see the immediate need and value in and why we are all so excited about these products and the business opportunity attached to it.

Just in case you don’t close right then, sell the sizzle of the next event! There are many systems in place to support the growth of your organization: i.e.,

Cookies & Credit Showcase•One-on-one Interview with your Team Leader•3-way conference call with your Team Leader•Live Guest Event•Live Webinar •

If they “say” they are not interested, in the •product ask: What part of the education and improvement process do you not find value in? Or, what part are you not interested in, the education or the improvement?

If they “say” they are not interested, in the •opportunity ask: What part doesn’t interest you, the ground floor opportunity, owning your business, establishing business credit under that business or earning a six-figure income, or creating financial wealth?

__________, I understand you may have questions, so I would love to have you as my guest at our next event, I truly want you to “Experience The Magic” of Imagine International. Which is best for you…the BEGINNING of the week or the END of the week?” Tuesday or Thursday? 6:00 or 7:00? Or whatever days & times the events are scheduled. (Check the calendar of events on your website)

Rule of thumb: NEVER, EVER end a conversation if you are not empowered.



Always create a “Sense of Urgency” when building your team! Create a powerful conversation around your organization, i.e.:

We are the fastest growing area in all of Imagine International…

Everyone in our area is a Master Team Builder…

We are building the first Platinum Presidential Founders with Imagine International

I produce more leaders in my organization than any other advisor with Imagine International…


TeamBuilding for Results...




Always share your goals and VISION with everyone you meet and/or interview! If the leader has no vision, the people will parish. Create a vision large enough for others to fit into! People WILL support that which they help to create, so make it good!


Make it worth their while to listen to you! KNOW that you have something they need! Set Up a one-on-one interview. YOU CAN DO IT! Or invite them to a Cookies & Credit Showcase, a Live Event, have them view the “Experience The Magic” Promotional Video on “YOUR” website, or get them on a 3-way Conference Call with your Team Leader/Enroller. Always remember to “Sell The Event”, not the opportunity!

Share with them the reasons why people flock to become a part of “YOUR” Imagine International Organization and “sell” them on why they will want to work with you in business and experience the “MAGIC” of this amazing company!

Learn & Share:


MONEY! Presidential Founders can align themselves to earn $100 - $10,000+ a month, bonuses within first 30 days! $100 Training Bonuses for EVERY New Executive Team Builder they personally enroll. 40-65% profit when they retail iPacs into the marketplace! These are just 3 of the more than 10 ways to generate income! We show & teach others how to create wealth!

ADVANCEMENT/ADVANTAGES! Advancement possibilities are unlimited. You can go as fast and as far as you want to go. There are NO territories and always a higher level to achieve. Tax Advantages are endless when you own your own business. Ninety-nine percent of your life is a tax write-off. Tax Advantages are yet another avenue of income!

GROWTH! Would it be important to you to develop and grow personally? A healthy self-esteem is essential for any business owner to possess. Imagine International is the best personal development course there is! AND IT’S FREE & ONGOING!

INCENTIVES! Imagine International understands the importance of recognizing people for a job well done! The awards, incentives and recognition program encourages our advisors to perform. Would it be important for you to do the work and get the reward you deserve?

COMPANY MISSION! As a company, our mission is to educate and empower the American consumer to maximize on their financial opportunities through personal and business credit building and improvement. Would you be proud to represent a company with these beliefs? BEGINING AN INTERVIEW

Set the tone for the interview:

Since we are both short on time, this will only take 20-30 minutes. First of all____________, I am thrilled that I was able to carve out this time to meet with you. When I met you, I thought you were super sharp and because I keep selecting quality people like you, is the reason why my organization keeps getting bigger & better.

As I share the magic of this company & my passion to work it with everything I’ve got, you can determine whether or not this is something you can do & I will decide whether or not we are a good fit to work together.


Now you’re ready for the interview (using the Imagine International Power Point presentation: “Close The Sale!”


If he/she hesitates filling out paperwork say: For the sake of time so that we don’t need to get back together when you do decide to begin your business, why don’t you go ahead and fill this out so I will already have your information on file.” It’s just for my records, nothing happens unless we attach payment to it!”

expecting the best is not enough


Working with Your New Business Associate

Sometimes we worry over whether or not a new business associate will succeed, that we completely avoid it by not even asking or by not following up if we do ask!

A simple change of attitude can resolve this for you. Bring in new business associates with the following attitude & conversation.

1. Speak powerfully about your new “Business Associate” when speaking to them and when introducing them to others. I prefer to use them term “Business Associate” instead of recruit. For example: Sarah, this is my new Business Associate, Wendy Gambone and I believe that she will be one of this company’s top producers. She is a born leader and is ready to take this company by storm. I’m really looking forward to working with her, etc. Remember that people love recognition and will

generally live into your conversation about them.

2. I am offering you a wonderful opportunity!

3. Many of the people in this company are leading fulfilled and successful lives because of Imagine International. They have accepted the challenge and they love the thrill of achievement and the special pleasure that comes from helping others.

4. I selected you because I feel that you have the qualities of a leader and someone I would love to work with. I will believe in you, your integrity, drive and intelligence.

5. I will support and encourage you.

6. I will be your biggest supporter.

it’s only easy if you allow it to be


7. I will not smother you, cripple you or do anything you are capable of doing for yourself.

8. I will not hold you back if you move ahead faster than I do, and I will not enable you or destroy your confidence.

9. I will not take credit for your success and will not be responsible if you fail. As your enroller, I stand ready to guide and encourage you, but only if you meet me half way.


Speak with them immediately about their goals. Share your vision regarding your organization, but be careful not to project your individual goals onto them. You have to meet people where they are. The best way to do this is through the art of “asking” the right questions. When you ask questions, you take the guesswork out. Here are some examples:

1. How much money (per week/month) would it take to make you happy? Have them be specific. This way you will know how to help them set their weekly/monthly goals. Always ask: Where do you want to be by the end of the month? Associate Advisor, Supervisor, etc. Also where in the Presidential Founder’s Program do they want to achieve? Each one will put them “in position” to earn $10,000 a month income.

2. Do you find value and benefit in the Capital Credit xp Software? Who do you know that would also personally benefit from the software? Help them make a list. (Refer to the Networking Sources in this magazine. This will jog their memory of different people to look for and where to find them.) FOLLOW NEW ADVISOR CHECKLIST! ASK FOR REFERRALS!

3. Do you find value & benefit in the Business Credit Blueprint? What business owners do you know that would also benefit? Help them make a list. Also give them ideas of business/industries to target. FOLLOW NEW ADVISOR CHECKLIST!

4. Are you interested in a leadership position?

5. Would you like to eventually write a letter of resignation to your j.o.b.?

6. Would you like to be recognized for a job well done? Are you prize/recognition oriented? Get to know what makes your people tick!

DON’T OVERWHELM YOUR PEOPLE! Feel them out – ask questions - Keep the “I” out of it!!


People make individual decisions regarding how they want to operate their business. As their leader it is your responsibility to encourage them to start with 12-24 iPacs to open their store & then provide them with the ideas to move ‘em!

1. As your Business Advisor I “recommend” beginning as a Platinum Executive Team Builder, that way you will be educated on the products yourself, be prepared to open your store with 24 iPacs, be able to build business credit ,as well as immediately earn the $100 Training Bonus for EVERY Executive Team Builder you enroll & be able to participate in the Presidential Founder’s Program.

2. We have created a Distinction and Standard of Excellence in Team Destiny (or whatever your organizations name is), as a result 99.9% of the advisors in our organization are either Platinum, Gold or Silver Executive Team Builder’s because we all understand the importance of leading by example, etc.

3. The best advisors are those who are familiar with and using both products for themselves. As an Executive Team Builder you will get a copy of the Capital Credit xp Software & Access to the Business Credit Blueprint/BCB PLATINUM Service, and have a greater earning potential.



NEVER GET DISCOURAGED. You need every personality at every level to have a successful organization. Not everyone will be a leader. Most importantly “DETACH” from the outcome of what they will or will not do once they are part of your organization/team in order to maintain your sanity.


People will perform according to “their” beliefs. Release them and you go FREE!











1. An objection is not a “No”! It’s simply means at that moment the person needs more information.

2. Never be pushy, be professional. There is a professional way to handle things at all times. Don’t get emotional.

3. Main objections to appointments are time oriented. Keep it simple, short and to-the-point! Remember: EVERYONE is either an iPac client and/or is an Advisor with Imagine International as long as they are breathing! Share and move on!

4. When booking an appointment, holding an interview or inviting guests to an event know how to respond to common objections:

Most people imagine many obstacles in taking advantage of an opportunity like Imagine International because they are afraid of failure. That’s why you need to be positive! Let your prospects know that you have confidence in their abilities and that you will always be there to help them achieve success!

By anticipating objections, you put yourself in control of the team building interview. Here are some of the most typical objections with suggested responses to overcome them!


fear is an illusion


When faced with any objection and you get stuck, the most effective words are,

“That’s exactly why you need Imagine International!”

“I don’t know, but what I do know is”...

“I can’t sell.”

If you show someone value & benefit in a product and they buy it, is that selling? If I could teach you what I know and how to build a business with Imagine International, you could learn couldn’t you? We don’t want sales people; we want people like you to teach and empower others through knowledge and education to become credit worthy and business savvy. Capital Credit xp Software is the ONLY product of it’s kind on the market and the Imagine International opportunity is the best in the world. As people we are constantly sharing the benefits of a special hairdresser, a good movie or a huge sale. Doesn’t it make sense to share the benefits of a business with Imagine International. Everyone is going to be asking you about the software anyway, so you might as well share the benefits and get paid for it too!

“I don’t have the time.”

I can appreciate that because I choose to be a busy person, too. But how long do you plan on not having time? Busy people love to be busy & that’s why I selected you--busy people get the most done. Don’t you agree that if you weren’t busy you would find something to do? If I could show you how to turn 1-2 focused hours a day into $300-$400 extra each week, could you find that 1-2 hours? Would that extra cash come in handy?

“I already have a full-time job.”

Great! You will have a lot of contacts to work with. People are our business. How many breathing people over the age of 18 would you say you see on a daily basis? Make it a part of who you are and not what you do. Establish for yourself and your family a Plan B.

“I love my job.”

Great! But does your job love you? With all the uncertainties in Corporate America, just how safe is your job anyway? You owe it to yourself to at least educate yourself on all the facts so that you can make an informed, intelligent decision. Hear the possibilities first, then say no.

“I don’t have the money.”

That’s the best reason of all for choosing to work with me in business! By the way, just how long do you plan on not having any money? Would having extra money to secure your financial future be a benefit to you and your family? Could you get excited about earning a 4-5 figure income in your first 30 days?

My children are too small.”

Perfect! You will love the flexibility this career offers. You schedule the hours you want to work. Remember that excuses are lies and are based on fear. Use your kids as the reason and not your excuse.

“I can’t be like you.”

Good! When two people are alike one is unnecessary! You don’t want to be like me, but rather the best YOU, you can be. Always remember, you will relate to people like yourself.

“I have never sold anything or owned my own business.”

I disagree! You’re selling me right now on how you’ve never sold anything before, and I totally buy it:-) But what I found in this business, is when you teach someone value and benefit in the product, it sells itself. If I could teach you to do exactly what I do, do you think you could learn? And remember, I will work with you. You will be in business for yourself, but not by yourself.

“I need to think about it.”

Okay, I can appreciate that, but for the sake of time, I want to make sure that your “think time” will be productive, so what exactly will you be thinking about? You know, if Imagine International interests you, why not give it a try and satisfy your what if? If you don’t take a chance you have no chance. Besides you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Sitting on the fence of indecision is very uncomfortable, let me reserve your place in our training session next week and let’s work together to make this business work for you!

“The time just isn’t right for me now.”

The “right” time is NOW! There will never be a time when all the lights are green on the freeway, it’s called LIFE! Most people are either in the beginning of a crisis, in the middle of one, or at the end of one! But what I know for sure is, if you are in a crisis and you stop working, or never start, you now have two.


“I don’t want to impose on my friends.”

I can understand your feeling that way, but let me ask you, could YOUR credit stand to be improved? Do you find value and benefit in our products? If you can benefit, don’t you think you’ll be providing your friends and acquaintances with a valuable service, and they’ll appreciate it! Let’s make a list of people you know who would benefit from the Capital Credit xp Software and/or the Business Credit Blueprint.

“I think I will wait until....”

Just a thought on that: With all our product publicity, while you are waiting, many people will be needing a way to get approved for credit/financing without their SS#, to improve their personal credit, as well as, take advantage of the business opportunity with our company. They could be YOUR customers and business associates. Why wait until....? In 90 days you could be earning a minimum of $10,000 monthly income.

“I think I’m too shy.”

Are you really shy, or is that just a label someone put on you when you were young and now you’re just living into it? Do you like being shy? Would it benefit you to increase your self-esteem and confidence? Great! I’ll see you at our next event! Plus, it is inappropriate to be shy as an adult. When you hide out in life behind the conversation of being shy, wouldn’t you agree that you and no one will be able to benefit from the greatness that God has placed within you. Why give someone else permission to be shy by your example? Why not give them and yourself permission to be GREAT! You don’t have to be great to start, but you must start to be great!

“I am afraid of rejection.”

Why? Has a no ever killed anyone? DON’T TAKE REJECTION PERSONAL! Networking is the absolute best profession. The world is our office and no one is a stranger; they are only people we have not met yet. Get out of your own way and get over yourself…nobody cares. They never say no to you personally. People are conditioned to say no to anything unfamiliar. Besides, if you’re not hearing the word “NO”, you’re not working!

“My husband doesn’t want me to work.”

High Risk! I think it is great that your husband is showing an interest in your future. But how can he make a decision for you without knowing all the facts? He owes it to himself and to you to at least listen to the possibilities. I am sure when he

hears the marketing plan, he will be completely behind you and may choose to work it himself!

“I don’t need my credit improved.”

I think that’s wonderful. You are truly the exception in today’s society. You may be okay today, but tomorrow it could all change. Would it benefit you to have a software product that educates you about the credit industry and keeps you on top of your credit score? Even if not for you, how many people do you know who are not as fortunate?

“I’m a single parent & I need the security of a job.”

That’s exactly why I thought of you. In this career, your finances are not based on someone else’s opinion of you, but on your ability to make as much as you want. In this company, you can really determine your own security. Just how secure is your J.O.B. anyway?

“I really don’t know anyone.”

If I asked you how many people you know with poor credit and then told you that I would give you $100 for every person…could you think of some people then? Besides, this career will give you an opportunity to meet so many people. All you need to know is one person really. That’s how it all starts. One person tells another and so on and so on. There are over 50 states and hundreds of millions of people to choose from, could you just find 10+ a month who are at least 18 and breathing, so that you can begin to build financial wealth?

“Nobody knows about Imagine International.”

How lucky are you to be a part of making history with a ground floor opportunity? I would say the possibilities are endless. The only way anyone can become a part of the opportunity or purchase the products is through our Advisors. That’s what I call job security!





The Key To Your Success!Question: I’ve been meeting people and telling them about the opportunity but then I get stuck and don’t know how to get them to the next step. What do you suggest?

Answer: Create a “Sense-of-Urgency:” & Work From A Specific Follow-Up System!

1. Get a Tickler File Box/Recipe Box

2. Fill it with: January-December Tabs and 1-31 Tabs

3. Get Index Cards

Now that you have the tools, work the system!

1. Keep it with you at ALL times!

2. Once you capture someone’s information, either attach their business card to an index card or transfer their information from your datebook to an index card.

3. You can make special comments about the person or the conversation on the index card. i.e., met at networking event, just got laid off, excited...or single mom with 2 kids, wants to quit her job,

or meeting tomorrow at starbucks 2:00pm, etc. .4. Based on the time, date & location of the event you scheduled or the time to follow-up with a phone call; file their index card behind the perspective day & month to contact or meet with them.

5. Check your follow-up system EVERY MORNING & NIGHT so that NOONE falls through the cracks.

6. If they re-schedule, make note on the index card and then file behind appropriate day & month!

7. If you met someone & did not, for whatever reason, schedule a specific time, date or location to meet, then transfer their information to an index card and file them behind the day you met them or the following day! Make sure to ALWAYS Follow-Up within 24 Hours of the initial meeting! Strike while the iron is Hot! Never let a lead cool off!

THE MAKE OR BREAK IS THE FOLLOW-UP! You can get all the names you want, but if you don’t follow-up when the lead is hot, you loose!

Refer to Follow-Up Dialogue in the Effective Team Building - “This Is Not A Phone, It’s A Money Maker” Section of this Resource Guide!

Once “Your System” is in Place, you can woek it like a well-oiled machine!





The Road To Success

The road to success is not StraightThere is a curve called Failure

A loop called ConfusionSpeed bumps called FriendsRed lights called Enemies

Caution lights called Family

You will have flats called JobsBut, if you have a spare called Determination

An engine called PerseveranceInsurance called PatienceA driver called Faith

You WILL make it to a place called Success and forget the Rest!

Have Fun! Be Driven!
