Imaging in Primary Tuberculosis


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  • 7/29/2019 Imaging in Primary Tuberculosis


    Imaging in Primary Tuberculosis

    Primary tuberculosis is said to occur when clinically manifest infection follows the

    first exposure to the organism. Ultimately, the ability of MTb to cause human

    infection is related to the organism's ability to survive dormant within hostmacrophages for long periods of time, and to incite a T-cell-mediated, delayed

    hypersensitivity response by the infected host. Under normal circumstances, the host

    will sequester the MTb organism by forming granulomas. Usually, these granulomas

    show caseous necrosis, a pattern characteristically, but not exclusively, associated

    with tuberculous infection. The initial infection site has been termed the Ghon focus.

    Shortly after the infection occurs, organisms may spread through the lymphatics to

    hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes. Both sites usually heal with fibrosis and

    calcification. The combination of the lung parenchymal and lymph node MTb

    infection sites has been termed the Ranke or Ghon complex (figure 1).

    Figure 1.

    Ranke (Ghon)


    Frontal chest


    shows acalcified right

    lung nodule

    with associated

    calcified hilar

    lymph nodes.

    Organisms within the active Ghon focus often gain access to the bloodstream and may

    disseminate to extrathoracic organs; but, usually, host defenses are sufficient to

    prevent overt infection from developing in extrathoracic sites. It is important to

    remember that, although the pulmonary, lymphatic, and extrathoracic foci of infection

    are usually inactive at this point, organisms remain viable and may serve as the nidus

    for reactivation of disease when circumstances become favorable. Primary MTb

    infection in children is usually asymptomatic, and may be detected only with the

    conversion of skin tests. When symptoms occur, cough and fever are most common.

    In contrast, adults with primary MTb infection are usually symptomatic, and may

    present with weight loss, failure to thrive, fever, cough, and hemoptysis. Night sweatsmay also occur.

    Patients with primary MTb most often show no radiologic abnormalities. If overt

    infection occurs, the pattern is usually one of air-space consolidation (figure 2), often

    involving an entire lobe. The right lung is more commonly affected than the left,

    although no definite zonal predominance is seen. Cavitation in primary MTb is

    unusual, and miliary dissemination is similarly uncommon.

  • 7/29/2019 Imaging in Primary Tuberculosis


    Figure 2.

    Primary MTb

    Frontal chest


    shows left lower



    with a small left

    pleural effusion.

    MTb organisms

    were recoveredfrom sputum


    Atelectasis is often encountered in children with primary MTb (figure 3), and may be

    related to airway compression by enlarged lymph nodes. Less commonly, rupture of

    an infected lymph node into an adjacent bronchus may cause endobronchialdissemination of infection associated with atelectasis. Adults with primary MTb

    uncommonly present with pulmonary atelectasis.

    Figure 3. MTb





    Right upper lobe

    atelectasis in a

    child with right

    upper lobe



    due to MTb


    Radiographic abnormalities in primary MTb infections are often slow to resolve, even

    with the institution of prompt treatment. Air-space opacities may take more than 6

    months to clear, and lymphadenopathy may take even longer to resolve.

    Lymphadenopathy commonly occurs in children with primary MTb infection. Usually

    hilar lymph nodes are involved, and mediastinal lymph nodes, particularly in the right

    paratracheal region, may be enlarged, as well. Unilateral lymphadenopathy is more

    often seen than is bilateral disease, and occasionally lymph node enlargement may be

    the only radiographic finding present. Lymphadenopathy is uncommon in adults with

  • 7/29/2019 Imaging in Primary Tuberculosis


    primary MTb, unless they are immunocompromised (see later). Lymph nodes actively

    infected with MTb quite commonly show central low attenuation, representing

    necrosis, on contrast-enhanced CT. Pleural effusion may occur in patients with

    primary MTb infection. Often, when tuberculosis is discovered as the cause of pleural

    effusion, no parenchymal focus of disease is radiographically evident; this pattern is

    considered characteristic of primary MTb pleural infection. Usually such effusions are

    small and unilateral.

    Progressive Primary Tuberculosis

    Rarely, a parenchymal focus of primary MTb infection becomes rapidly progressive.

    Extensive consolidation and cavitation develop, either at the site of the initial

    pulmonary parenchymal focus of infection or in the apical and posterior segments of

    the upper lobes. Thus, progressive primary MTb infection may closely resembles

    postprimary MTb infection.

    References: To return to reference section after viewing abstract, clickhere before

    clicking on "abstract".

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