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As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Mahasaraswati Denpasar University













COVER .......................................................................................................... i

INSIDE COVER ........................................................................................... ii

PRE-REQUISITE TITLE ............................................................................. iii

APPROVAL SHEET 1 ................................................................................ iv

APPROVAL SHEET 2 .................................................................................. v

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY .......................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... vii

ABSTARCT ................................................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ xi

LIST OF GRAPH ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the study ................................................. 1

1.2 Research Problem ........................................................... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study .................................................... 4

1.4 Limitation of the Study ................................................... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ............................................... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Term .................................................. 5


2.1 Theoretical Review ......................................................... 7

2.1.1 The Conception of Reading Comprehension ...... 7

2.1.2 The importance of reading ................................. 11

2.1.3 KWL Strategy ................................................... 12

2.1.4 The Use of KWL Strategy in teaching reading . 13

2.1.5 Assessment of Reading Comprehension ........... 16

2.2 Empirical Review ......................................................... 17


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD .................................................... 19

3.1 Subject of the Study ..................................................... 19

3.2 Research Design ........................................................... 19

3.3 Research Procedure ...................................................... 20

3.3.1 Planning ............................................................ 20

3.3.2 Action ............................................................... 21

3.3.3 Observation ....................................................... 22

3.3.4 Reflection .......................................................... 23

3.4 Research Instrument ..................................................... 23

3.5 Data Collection ............................................................. 24

3.6 Data Analysis ............................................................... 25

3.7 Success Indicator .......................................................... 26

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 27

4.1 Finding .......................................................................... 27

4.1.1 Pre-Cycle ................................................................ 28

4.1.2 Cycle I .................................................................... 30

4.1.3 Cycle II ................................................................... 31

4.2 Discussion ...................................................................... 38

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 41

5.1 Conclusion...................................................................... 41

5.2 Suggestion ...................................................................... 42

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………44




Table 4.1 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects‟

pre-existing Reading Comprehension before the

Implementation of KWL strategy ...................................... 28

Table 4.2 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects‟ Progressing Scores

in Reading Comprehension after the Implementation

of KWL strategy in Cycle 1 ............................................... 30

Table 4.3 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects‟ Progressing Scores

in Reading Comprehension after the Implementation

of KWL strategy in Cycle II ............................................... 32

Table 4.4 Tabulating of Data Showing the Subject‟ changing

Motivation and Attitudes in Reading Comprehension

after the Implementation of KWL strategy ........................ 34

Table 4.5 Summary of the Research Finding Showing the Mean

of Each Session and the Grand Mean

of Cycle I and Cycle II ....................................................... 35



Graph 4.1 Depicting the Subjects‟ Progressing Achievement

in Reading Comprehension after the Implementation

of KWL strategy in Cycle I ................................................. 36

Graph 4.2 Depicting the Subjects‟ Progressing Achievement

in Reading Comprehension after the Implementation

of KWL strategy in Cycle II ................................................ 36

Graph 4.3 Depicting the Subjects‟ Progressing Achievement

in Reading Comprehension Skill

of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle I ........................................ 37



Appendix 1 List of Subjects ......................................................................... 46

Appendix 2 Pre-test ...................................................................................... 47

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan .............................................................................. 52

Appendix 4 Post-test ................................................................................... 72

Appendix 5 Answer Key .............................................................................. 80

Appendix 6 Kuesioner................................................................................... 81




1.1 Background of the Study

In learning language, one of the aspects that should be improved is reading.

In daily life, it is very important to get information from every reading passage,

especially in learning English. Reading is one of the basic skills in English which

is not simply translated word by word but need to be acquired during language

course. Therefore, when the students learn to read, they should be able to

comprehend the readings text during the process of reading. They are not only

expected to read the text in good pronunciation or to find the meaning of each

word within the text.

According to Teixeira (2012:1), reading is a key language skill that has a

significant place in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. This skill

allows students to have access to ideas that is communicated by people in

different locations and eras, give them the opportunity to broaden their horizons

and increase their knowledge. Reading in a foreign language is essential not only

for promoting the students‟ personal and cognitive development, but also for

improving their study and job prospects in a globalized society. Due to the

importance of reading, one of the priorities of language teaching should provide

students with the tools they need to tackle texts in variety of contexts and to

define purposes more intensively.

Based on Moats (2004:7), the most fundamental responsibility of school is

teaching students to read. Reading is the fundamental skill upon which all formal

education depends. Research now shows that a child who does not learn the


reading basics early is unlikely to learn them at all. Low reading achievement is

the problems which cause the performing of school is low, it is harm the students

and make the loss of public confidence in the school system.

The ability to comprehend something from reading materials for students

who learn a foreign language needs to be improved in order to make them easier

in reading process and to give them enough time in developing ability (Ernita,

2012: 2). Although reading is very important but students still have any

difficulties in mastering reading, in SMP N 1 Amlapura the researcher find that

students are lacking in reading English passage. Many techniques have been used,

but student still cannot read properly. In fact, the standard completeness in SMP N

1 Amlapura is 7, 7 but the students only reach 7, 2.

It is observed that the lack ability of eighth grade students in SMP N 1

Amlapura in reading English is influenced by several factors. First, students have

difficulty in understanding English word, phrase and sentence in English. Second,

the students have difficulty in finding the main idea of the text they read. Third,

students are not accustomed to practice reading in the classroom and everyday

life. Last teachers could not find the right method or technique to provide

materials for students to learn and quick understanding the material presented.

Based on factors that are mentioned above the biggest problem is how to choose

appropriate technique or method because student can easily get bored if teacher

presents material with traditional technique.

Based on the problem above it is necessary to apply the method or strategies

to solve students from reading problem in English in order students can read and

understand meaning of every reading passage. KWL Strategy is chosen to solve


this problem. Through a three-phase strategy (“Know”, “Want to know”

“Learnt”), students develop independent skills in comprehending, composing and

learning the text. KWL Strategy helps students engage with texts in deliberate and

purposeful (strategic) ways. In the first phase K (Know), students activate prior

knowledge. Then in the second phase they predict what additional information

they are likely to need W (Want to know), and develop a plan to gather that

information. In the final phase L (Learnt), students reflect on the new knowledge

generated or retrieved as the plan is implemented. (Paris, 1987:37).

Compare to traditional method which is usually monotone, the students only

read and review the entire text but that been improve in KWL strategy because

KWL strategy divided the main point of the text into three part; K, W and L. It

makes the students more clear about the information and elaborate with their own

knowledge. Traditional method also make the students have a less motivation to

be active questioners, read for specific purpose and reflect following reading

about whether the purpose was met. But KWL strategy can help the students to

increase their motivation, access what they know, decide what they want to learn

and whether it is likely to be in the passage, and decide what yet needs to be done

after reading. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on the application of KWL

strategy on English subjects in order to help Improve Reading Comprehension

Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Amlapura.

1.2 Research Problem


Based on what have been described on the background of study, students

still have difficulty in reading comprehension such as students have difficulties in

understanding English word, phrase and sentence in English. It need exchange

learning behavior in reading with KWL Strategy. Therefore the research question

can be formulated as follows: “to what extent can reading comprehensions of the

Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Amlapura in Academic Year 2013-2014 be

Improved Through KWL Strategy?”

1.3 Objective of the Study

To be able to give answer of providing question which is stated above the

objective of the study is to find the Improvement of the Reading Comprehension

Trough KWL Strategy of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Amlapura. The

other objectives of this study also to know the exchanging learning behavior of

student such as motivation, participation, and interest after the technique are


1.4 Limitation of the Study

In this study it is necessary to limit the present study because the problems

relate to teach reading at junior high school especially to the eighth grade A

students in SMP N 1 Amlapura is too broad and complex in single coverage of the

study. Therefore the discussion of the study must be restricted. This study will be

only limited on improving reading comprehension by descriptive text through

KWL strategy of eighth grade students at SMP N 1 Amlapura in academic year

2013/2014. In this study the researcher had taken class VIII A for the subject. This

class consists of 24 students.

1.5 Significance of the Study


This research is concerned with improving reading comprehension through

KWL strategy. The present study is expected to indicate significant theoretical

and practical information on the importance of implementing KWL strategy in

teaching reading. Related to the target of this research, research will be have two

significant, such as theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, this study can be used to give us evidence about

implementation theory based on problem that faced above that is improving

reading comprehension through KWL Strategy. Furthermore, the results of this

study are expected to enrich theories and can be a reference for future studies

related to KWL strategy in improving students reading comprehension at the

eighth grade students.

Practically, this study has benefit for the teachers, students and school. The

result will be help teachers especially for those who taught the eighth grade

student of SMP N 1 Amlapura in improving their reading comprehension. For the

students it will be useful for student get the opportunities to improve their

readings specify in understanding, developing, and explain main idea of the text.

The last is the beneficial for school, credibility of the school will be increase

because of efficacy of the teachers and students after applying KWL Strategy.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

The terms in this investigation is used to avoid the misunderstanding among

the readers. To make it quite clear in comprehension the study therefore there are

some key terms such implementation, KWL Strategy, reading comprehension, and

SMP N 1 Amlapura.

1. KWL Strategy


KWL charts assist teachers in activating students' prior knowledge of a

subject or topic and encourage inquisition, active reading, and research. KWL

charts are especially helpful as a rereading strategy when reading the text and

may also serve as an assessment of what students have learned during a unit

of study. The K, stands for what students know, the W, stands for what

students want to learn, and the L, stands for what the students learn as they

read or research. KWL helps students become better readers and helps

teachers to be more interactive in their teaching.

2. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting and

constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written

language. It consists of three elements: the reader, the text, and the activity or

purpose for reading. Reading comprehension involves the ability in finding

out main ideas, specific information, and word meaning.

3. SMP N 1 Amlapura

SMP N 1 Amlapura is the level of junior high school which in eighth

grade students are in interactive skill. There are 9 classes of eighth grade

students of SMP N 1 Amlapura but the study only concern on class A to do





2.1 Theoretical Review

A scientific study should be based on some theoretical background and

empirical evidences and should contribute practical significant the understanding

of the present study is based on the discussion of the following theoretical

framework: (1) The Conception of Reading Comprehension, (2) The Importance

of Reading, (3) KWL Strategy, (4) The use of KWL strategy in Teaching

Reading, (5) Assessment of Reading Comprehension.

2.1.1 The Conception of Reading Comprehension

Pang et al (2003:3) states reading is about understanding written texts. It is a

complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of

two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition

refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one‟s

spoken language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words,

sentences and connected text. Readers typically make use of background

knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other

strategies to help them understand written text. Snow (2002:3) states reading

comprehension as the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing

meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

Reading is a complex process made up of several interlocking skills and

processes (Tankersley in Wawryk 2003:32). These skills and strategies are


employed before, during, and after reading. Reading is a process by which the

reader makes personal connections with a text to construct meaning. Reading and

responding to a text are integral parts of language learning. Effective readers

employ a wide repertoire of meaning-making (comprehension) strategies that they

can deploy independently with a range of texts. Effective readers understand and

remember what they read. They can summarize and discuss the content and

demonstrate their comprehension of the text. They can analyze and evaluate what

they have read.

Another opinion, Klingner et al (2007:8) states that reading comprehension

involves much more than readers‟ responses to text. Reading comprehension is a

multicomponent, highly complex process that involves many interactions between

readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well

as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types).

Irwin in Klingner et al (2007:9) describes five basic comprehension

processes that work together simultaneously and complement one another:

microprocesses, integrative processes, macroprocesses, elaborative processes, and

metacognitive processes.

a. Microprocesses

Microprocessing refers to the reader‟s initial chunking of idea units within

individual sentences. “Chunking” involves grouping words into phrases or

clusters of words that carry meaning, and requires an understanding of syntax as

well as vocabulary. For example, consider the following sentence: Michelle put

the yellow roses in a vase.


The reader does not picture yellow and roses separately, but instead

immediately visualizes roses that are the color yellow. The good reader processes

yellow roses together. Selective recall is another aspect of microprocessing. The

reader must decide which chunks of text or which details are important to

remember. When reading only one sentence, it is relatively easy to recall details,

but remembering becomes more difficult after reading a long passage. For

example, the reader may or may not remember later that the roses were yellow. To

some extent, whether this detail is remembered will depend upon its significance

in the passage. In other words, does it matter in the story that the roses were

yellow, or is this just an unimportant detail.

b. Integrative Processes

As the reader progresses through individual sentences, he or she is

processing more than the individual meaning units within sentences. He or she is

also actively making connections across sentences. This process of understanding

and inferring the relationships among clauses is referred to as integrative

processing. Subskills involved in integrative processing include being able to

identify and understand pronoun referents and being able to infer causation or


c. Macroprocesses

Ideas are better understood and more easily remembered when the reader is

able to organize them in a coherent way. The reader does this by summarizing the

key ideas read. He or she may either automatically or deliberately (subconsciously

or consciously) select the most important information to remember and delete

relatively less important details. The skillful reader also uses a structure or


organizational pattern to help him or her organize these important ideas. More

proficient comprehended know to use the same organizational pattern provided by

the author to organize their ideas (a story map that includes characters and

setting/problem/solution in a narrative or a compare-and-contrast text structure for

an expository passage).

d. Elaborative Processes

When we read, we tap into our prior knowledge and make inferences

beyond points described explicitly in the text. We make inferences that may or

may not correspond with those intended by the author. For instance, in the two

sentences provided above about Michael, we do not know why he was afraid. But

we can predict that perhaps he was worried that someone had followed him home,

or maybe a storm was brewing and he was concerned about strong winds. When

making these inferences, we may draw upon information provided earlier in the

text or upon our own previous experiences (perhaps at some point the reader was

followed home and hurried inside and quickly shut and locked the door). This

process is called elaborative processing.

e. Metacognitive Processes

Much has been made of the importance of metacognition, that is, thinking

about thinking. Metacognition is the reader‟s conscious awareness or control of

cognitive processes. The metacognitive processes the reader uses are those

involved in monitoring understanding, selecting what to remember, and regulating

the strategies used when reading. The metacognitive strategies the reader uses

include rehearsing (repeating information to enhance recall), reviewing,

underlining important words or sections of a passage, note taking, and checking



2.1.2 The Importance of Reading

Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds

to the conversational skills of the reader, which enhances the knowledge acquired,

consistently. The habit of reading also helps students to receive new words and

phrases that they come across in everyday conversations. The habit can become an

ad to the information available on various topics. It helps students to stay in-touch

with contemporary writers as well as those from the days and makes students

aware to global issues.

According to Barth (2012:4) reading is both directly and indirectly

connected to later educational achievement and it is critically important to a

student‟s growth across all subject areas. Failure to achieve reading

comprehension has also been linked to other factors that have an impact on

academic success. The habit of reading can add to the information available on

various topics. It also helps the readers to stay in-touch with contemporary

information and makes them sensitive to global issues and helps them catch in

hand what is going on around them. Generally, reading texts are good sources and

wealth choices for self improvement and motivation. They have a great

contribution towards proficient achievement. In addition, they are informational

and reliable for what we may query for a long time without satisfactory answers.

Furthermore, Brath also states reading is essential to success in school,

work, and society. A student‟s ability to make sense of grade level texts can

ensure either success or failure in school, depending on the student‟s ability to

comprehend. Comprehension is a complex process, in which many factors play a

role, including the active process of the interaction between the reader and the


text, the understanding of the language and vocabulary in the text, and the

learning and use of specific strategies for comprehension.

2.1.3 KWL Strategy

K-W-L for the three basic cognitive steps required: accessing what I Know,

determining what I Want to learn, and recalling what I did Learn as a result of

reading. To facilitate both the group process and to instill in students the

concreteness of the steps, we developed a worksheet that each child uses during

the thinking reading process.

KWL charts help students to be active thinkers while they read (Carr &

Ogle, 1987), giving them specific things to look for and having them reflect on

what they learned when they are finished reading. When students set their own

purposes for reading, they are more motivated and active as readers. Each student

has a schema, or a framework for how they view the world. Accessing a student's

prior knowledge is the first step in integrating new concepts into their existing

schema. KWL charts help activate background knowledge and provide an

opportunity for students to set their own learning objectives.

According to Ogle (1986:565-566), the process of KWL in reading can be

explained as follow: Step K-What I know. This opening step has two levels of

accessing prior knowledge. The first is a straight forward brainstorming of what

the students knows about the topic for reading. During this step the teacher's role

is to record whatever the students know about the topic on the board or an

overhead projector. The critical component here is to select a key concept for the

brainstorming that is specific enough to generate the kinds of information that will

be pertinent to the reading. Step W-What do I want to learn? As students take time

to think about what they already know about the topic and the general categories


of information that should be anticipated. Not all students agree on the same

pieces of information; some information is conflicting; some of the categories

have had no particular information provided. All this pre-reading activity develop

the students' own reasons for reading, reading to find answers to questions that

will increase their reservoir of knowledge on this topic. Step L-What I learned.

After completing the text, direct the students to write down what they learned

from reading. Have them check their questions to determine if the text dealt with

their concerns. If not, suggest further reading to fulfill their desires to know.

2.1.4 The Use of KWL Strategy in Teaching Reading

KWL is an instructional scheme that develops active reading of expository

texts by activating learners‟ background knowledge (Ogle 1987: 570). It provides

a structure for recalling what learners know about a topic, noting what they want

to know, and finally listing what has been learned and is yet to be learned.

Learners begin by brainstorming everything they Know about the topic. The

relevant information is recorded in the K column of the KWL scheme (Table 1).

Learners then generate a list of questions about what they Want to know about the

topic. These questions are listed in the W column. During or after reading,

learners answer these questions. What they have learned is recorded in the L


Purpose of The KWL (Know, Want, Learn) strategy provides a structure for

activating and building prior knowledge, establishing a purpose for reading and

for summarizing what was learned. The strategy can help students reflect and


evaluate their learning experience, as well as serve as a useful assessment tool for


Table 1

KWL instructional scheme


(What I Know)


(What I Want to learn)


(What I Learned)

Students list everything

they think they know

about the topic of study.

Students tell what they

want to know about the


After students have

finished reading or

studying a topic, they list

what they have learned.

They can also check the

W column to see which

questions were answered

and which were left


According to Burke (2005:16) KWL guides students through their reading

material. Although the process begins as a before reading activity, its primary

purpose is to develop a framework which students can use as they read.

The Procedure of KWL strategies include three steps. First, provide students

with the opportunity to brainstorm and list the ideas in the K items and details that

they already know about a topic. Second, they review the topic again and consider

what they still want to know. They list these items in the W section of the chart.


Items should be listed as questions. Third, as they read or after they read, students

add details that they have learned while reading. They list these items in the L

section of the chart.

The activities of KWL strategy:

1. K (What I Know)

Prepare questions in advance to help students brainstorm their ideas. Prompt

students what they already know. Require that students explain their associations.

Explaining associations helps students provide specific details and requires them

to put some thought into their answers. Teacher might ask them, what they think

of that.

2. W (What I Want To Learn)

Explain that want is best defined as what they need to know or learn. Ask

alternate questions in order to prompt student responses. Questions may include:

what the student want to learn about the topic. Refer back to the K section of the

chart. The teacher asks students what the students want learn about the topic.

3. L (What I Learned)

Remind students that they should try to answer their W questions as they fill

in the L column. Encourage students to write any new and interesting information

that they learned. Suggest students search in other sources for the answers to

questions that were left unanswered in the text.

Successful learners link prior knowledge to new information, then

reorganize it to create own meaning and learning. KWL strategy helps students do

this; it provides a framework that students can use to construct meaning from new

material. It is a literacy strategy that teachers can easily modify to meet students‟

learning needs at any level and in any content area.


2.1.5 Assessment of Reading Comprehension

Assessing comprehension is fraught with challenges, because it can be

difficult to determine how much students really know and what they are actually

thinking (as we attempted to do in the preceding example). Traditional measures

tend to focus on straight recall or literal understandings, but there is much more to

comprehension than this. (Klingner et al, 2007: 13).

Klingner also confirms reading comprehension assessment has different

purposes. One of these is to compare students‟ comprehension levels to those of

students in a norming sample. Another is to find out if students have met

reestablished criteria for their grade level. A third purpose is to inform instruction

by determining when students understand what they read and how efficiently they

use which comprehension strategies. Similarly, an important purpose is

determining why a student may be struggling.

Understanding the purposes of assessment and approaching the process as a

teaching and learning tool can relieve some of this pressure. In line with current

trends toward authentic, formative assessment, we embrace the view that

appraising students‟ knowledge and skills is as elemental in the educational

process as delivering purposeful instruction. (Brown, 2004:7)

On the other hand Pang et al (2003: 18) states there are two forms of reading

assessment. The first is to find out how well children are reading in order to help

them improve (diagnosis). Diagnostic assessment is about giving feedback and

assistance to learners. The second is to measure how much progress has been

made. Both forms of assessment are needed for effective reading instruction. In


beginning reading, assessment is normally done by listening to students reading

aloud. Teachers assess word recognition and fluency in this way. Beyond this

stage, assessment should focus primarily on text comprehension.

Assessment is very important to know the ability of students, and also

measure their potential in study. To support this statement Cohen et al. (2007:418)

describe the purposes of a test are several, for example to diagnose a student‟s

strengths, weakness and difficulties, to measure achievement, to measure aptitude

and potential, to identify readiness for a program.

In this study, the researcher uses multiple-choice test to assess the student‟s

ability. The researcher thinks that multiple-choice test can be constructed to

measure most educational objectives; it is less difficult to construct a test fitting

the table of specification by using multiple-choice questions than any other type

of question. Furthermore, multiple-choice scoring is fast and can be done by

someone not familiar with the subject area.

2.2 Empirical Review

Research relevant to this study is research conducted by Iva Emaliana in the

thesis entitled “The Use Of KWL Plus Strategy To Improve Reading

Comprehension Of The Second Year Students Of SMP N 12 Pekanbaru”. Result

of this study showed this strategy can improve the ability of the students in

comprehending reading text. The aspects of reading evaluated were finding

factual information, main idea, supporting idea, reference, the meaning of


Another research relevant of this study is research conducted by Rini

Marina in the thesis “The Effectiveness of K-W-L (Know, Want to Learn,


Learned) Strategy in Teaching Narrative Text Comprehension of SMP Negeri 2

Kalitidu-Bojonegoro. Result of this study also showed that K-W-L technique can

improve on students‟ reading comprehension and also more effective in teaching

narrative text comprehension achievement. Group of students taught by K-W-L

strategy get higher achievement in teaching comprehension narrative text than

those taught by direct instructional method.

Both of this study teaching reading comprehension through KWL strategy is

able to improve the reading comprehension from lower score to highest score,

furthermore the result shown changing learner behavior from teacher centered into

students active process. Students indicate more active to learn reading because the

steps in KWL strategy guide them to access what they know, decide what they

want to learn, whether it is likely to be in the passage, and decide what yet needs

to be done after reading.




3.1 The Subject of the Study

The subject of this study was concentrated on SMP N 1 Amlapura

especially on eighth grade A, which has 24 students, is involving 14 females and

10 males in academic year of 2013/2014. Based on the observations and

experiences of the reseacher during the real teaching process at SMP N 1

Amlapura, it was found that most of the students ability in reading is still low.

The subject in this class had difficulties in comprehending text. Moreover, the

English teachers of SMP N 1 Amlapura that had been informally interviewed said

that the input of the students of SMP N 1 amlapura in academic year of 2013/2014

is still low.

3.2 Research Design

Ary et al (2010: 513) states that in education action research can be applied

to such areas as curriculum development, teaching strategies, and school reform.

Action research in schools is also called practitioner research, teacher inquiry, or

teacher research, although the process can certainly be used by other school

personnel besides teachers, including coaches, counselors, principals,

superintendents, librarians, technology specialists, and other education

professionals. The goal of action research in education is to create an inquiry

stance toward teaching where questioning one‟s own practice becomes part of the

work and of the teaching culture.

Hopkins in Cohen et al (2007: 297) suggests that the combination of action

and research renders that action a form of disciplined inquiry, in which a personal


attempt is made to understand, improve and reform practice. Ebbutt in Cohen et al

(2007: 298) too, regards action research as a systematic study that combines

action and reflection with the intention of improving practice.

This study applies Classroom Action Research design that involved two

cycles. Each cycle consists of two sessions. Each cycle apply systematic

procedures such as: planning, action, observation and reflection.

3.3 Research Procedure

The experiment was used in the present study a class action based on the

model presented by Kurt Lewin. The concept of class action tree Lewin study

consists of 4 components: planning, action, observation and reflection.

3.3.1 Planning

Planning would be one of important component in teaching learning

process. A good planning help archieve and learning process. In general, planning

means an activity in preparing the instruments needed in gathering the data.

Before implementing the KWL strategy, the researcher prepare number of

activities or requirements that would be describe as follow:

1. Designing four lesson plans that were also inserted some material about

descriptive text about animals. The lesson plans were made based on the topics

that were adopted from the syllabus of SMP N 1 Amlapura.

2. Constructing learning material, this case, material about descriptive text with

animals as the topic and preparing teaching aids such as reading text that were

used for cycle I and cycle II.


3. Constructing four post-tests that would be administered at the end of each

session. On each post-test, the researcher prepared 10 multiple choice tests

about animals every end of the season.

4. Constructing questionnaire to the subject under study. The questionnaire was

in form of multiple choices, it consisted of 10 items and it was written in

Bahasa Indonesia.

3.3.2 Action

Action referred to the activity that was done by researcher in classroom

related to improving reading comprehension through KWL strategy at the eighth

grade A in SMP N 1 Amlapura in Academic year 2013/2014. Based on lesson

plan during learning activities there were three main activities organized namely

pre-activity, whilst-activity, and post-activity. The general teaching scenarios in

the action of this study could be divided in the following terms:

The first stage of teaching and learning process was the pre-activity. The

main purpose of pre-activity to motivate and to activate the students‟ focus and

interest to the lesson that was given. In pre-activity, the first thing done by the

researcher in class was greeting and checking students‟ attendance. Then the

researcher telling the learning objectives which were going to be achieved and

also introduced the topic related to descriptive text. The pre-activity took for

about 10 minutes.

In whilst activity, t hese activities were the main learning process and

aimed at achieving the basic competency. There are three parts in whilst activities

namely: exploration, elaboration and confirmation. In exploration the researcher

introduced the topic by asking students question in order to know students‟ prior


knowledge. Furthermore the researcher explained generally about KWL strategy.

The second part was elaboration. In this part the researcher gave the subject

reading text and asked them to read the text. It will be continued by applying

KWL strategy which use KWL chart consisted of three column, the first column is

K (know) students write what they already know about the topic, the second

column is W (want) students write what they want to know about the topic, and

the third column is L (Learn) after read the text students write what the learn

about the topic. Moreover the last part is confirmation. In confirmation the teacher

did conclusion by asking some question about the materials that had been

discussed and the researcher gave post-test by answering provide question. These

activities were planned about 65 minutes.

In post activity, the researcher asked the subject if there was any question

related to the lesson. Furthermore, discussing what they had been learned

together. Finally, the researcher gave conclusion of the material. These activities

were planned for about 5 minutes.

3.3.3 Observation

During the action phase, the classroom activities should be observed in

order to know the result of the implementing of the chosen strategy observation

also used in order to now the effectiveness of teaching learning process whether or

not the strategy could improve the students achievement by the researcher. It was

also determined if there was any changes on the subjects‟ behavior and activity in

reading class and how far the action reached the target. In this phase, the post-test

was administered to measure the subject competency in reading comprehension. It

clearly showed the researcher whether the subjects reading comprehension could


be improved after the implementation of KWL strategy. The achievement of the

subjects in learning process, in this case, could be seen from the result of post-test

while the action and treatment give could be seen from the result of the


3.3.4 Reflection

This reflection activity is another thing to do after the planning, action and

observation, for considering the result of observation. In this phase, the researcher

attempted to analyze the implementation of the strategy including both the

strengths and weaknesses. The result of reflection showed whether the suggested

strategy in the teaching reading was satisfying or not in improving the

achievement of the subjects in reading comprehension especially in eighth grade

students. The finding in each meeting and the result of each test were considered

as the input in order to improve the result of the next cycle. The reflection was

administered at the end of each session.

3.4 Instrument

In order to collect the intended data, this study make use of the

following instrumentation; (1) Reading test (2) Questionnaire.

1. Reading test

There were two kinds of test to measure students‟ reading comprehension

namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test or initial reflection was intended to assess

the pre-existing reading comprehension of the subjects which was administered in

the first meeting before the researcher conducted the research by applying KWL

strategy in the classroom. The post-tests were administered in the end of each


session. The function of administering post test was to evaluate the effectiveness

of KWL strategy in teaching reading comprehension. Pres-test and Post-test were

in the form of multiple choice items which is consisted of 20 question of Pre-test

and 10 question of Post-test. The expected answer were A, B, C, and D. Each

correct answer had 1 point and incorrect answer got 0 point. The purpose of pre-

test conducted was to find out initial condition of subject in reading

comprehension. Meanwhile the post-test would reflect the effectiveness of KWL

strategy when it was applied in eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Amlapura in

academic year 2013/2014.

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was prepared to find out the changing behavior when the

students were taught reading comprehension through KWL strategy. The

questionnaire was given after the researcher finished cycle I and cycle II. The

questionnaire which was constructed in the form of multiple choice consisted of

10 items with options; A, B, C, and D. In order to avoid confusing and

misunderstanding to the students, the questionnaire was written in Bahasa

Indonesia. The answer of the questionnaire scored using the rating scale 3-0. The

scale 3 was considered for the answer A, the scale 2 was considered for the

answer B, the scale 1 was considered for the answer C, and the scale 0 was

considered for the answer D.

3.5 Data collection

Data collection in this study was taken from the eighth grade students of

SMP N 1 Amlapura, especially in the class eighth A. there were two kinds of data,

namely qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data was administered in

mean score. This qualitative data was gained through giving questionnaire and


doing observation during the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, the

quantitative data was collected by means of administering test, pre-test and post-

test. The data about the achievement of reading comprehension were gathered by

using multiple choice tests. The processes of the gathering of data are as follows;

firstly, the researcher gave pre-test to the subjects because the test was conducted

before the treatment carried out to know the subjects prior knowledge on reading

comprehension. From the result of the pre-test, the researcher could prepare the

material and also determine post-test. Before the researcher conducted the post-

test, the teaching of the material should have been completed. Finally, the

researcher administered questionnaire in the end of cycle II to quantify subjects‟

responses toward the treatment being implemented in the classroom.

3.6 Data analysis

The most valuable data required to answer the research question

understudy was to collect data from pre-test, post-test and additional questionnaire

data. The data is calculated through means that consisted of the average score of

students‟ achievement in reading tests, the sum of total score divided by the

number of students. Thus, there are considerably three kinds of raw scores

obtained for the present class action study, that is:

1. Scores indicating the subjects‟ pre-existing reading comprehension ability,

2. Scores showing the subjects‟ progress achievement in reading

comprehension; and

3. Scores showing the subjects‟ changing learning behaviours

The data then are analyzed in percentage as follows:


1. The average score of each student will be counted using this formula:

Mean: N


X = The average of the students achievement in reading test

∑X = The sum of total score

N = The total number of subject

2. The students changing behavior in percentage was as follow:

x100%itemschosen totalof sum The

itemschosen of sum The Percentage

3.7 Success Indicator

Based on Curriculum on SMP Negeri 1 Amlapura, standard

completeness in this school reached 7.7. This research depends on the condition of

student if they are able to reach standard completeness or not. So the success

indicator will be conducted based on this condition. Research is success if 80% or

more students of class VIII A of SMP N 1 Amlapura reach standard completeness,

which mean their score on reading test on cycle 1 get highest from pre-test.

Research is failed if less than 80% students of class VIII A of SMP N 1 Amlapura

reach standard completeness, which mean their score on reading test on cycle 1

get lower or cannot same as standard completeness.




In this chapter, the data of the present study was obtained and the

results of the data analysis were presented. The discussion of the findings

was also presented in this chapter. The findings of the study were obtained

through the process of collecting students reading comprehension as data.

The collected data which was in the form of multiple choice, showing the

improving of reading comprehension at the eighth grade students SMP N 1


4.1 Finding

The data of this research was collected from the eighth grade students of SMP N 1

Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014. In order to obtain reliable data for this research,

as stated in Chapter III there were some research instruments administered to the

subject under the study. Consequently, there were five raw data gathered for the

present study which consisted of pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire.

In this study, the data were collected could be distinguished into quantitative and

qualitative data. The quantitative data were shown by the students’ scores which were

collected by the administration of pre-test and post-tests. The pre-test was administered

to measure the problems that the students faced in reading comprehension skill.

Furthermore, the post-test was administered at the end of each session. The qualitative

findings were obtained from questionnaire carried out after cycle II was completed. It

showed the response of the subjects under study towards the implementation of KWL

strategy in improving reading comprehension.

4.1.1 Pre-Cycle


The pre-test in pre-cycle was administered to the subject under the

study in order to obtain the student‟s pre-existing reading comprehension

skill. In pre-test the subjects were asked to answer multiple-choice

questions which consisted of 20 questions by choosing the correct answer

in answer sheet which were given by the teacher. The reading passages

that using in pre-test is about descriptive text. The initial reflection scores

which can be tabulated as follows:

Table 4.1

Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ pre-existing Reading Comprehension before

the Implementation of KWL strategy

No Name IR

1 Andika Kristiadi I Made 55

2 Angga Darma Putra I Gede 45

3 Ari Meliana Sativa Sandi Ni Made 55

4 Astika Sari I Wayan 45

5 Aswin Nurcahya I Komang 60

6 A. Sri Yuliarti Ningsih Ni Komang 55

7 Dena Juliana I Nengah 50

8 Dewi Astiti Ni Kadek 50

9 Lestari Ida Ayu Putu 55

10 Melly Noviliana Ni kadek 50

11 Melyana Putri Ni Made 45

12 Mertayasa I Dewa Gede 50

13 Mona Monita Pratiwi Ni Made 65

14 Peby Melynia I Gusti Ayu Made 55


15 Reni Yuniantari Ni Putu 50

16 Sapna Wulandari Ni Putu 50

17 Sayuni Adiartini Ni Made 50

18 Septian Adi Wiguna I Gede 40

19 Sherlina Agasti Ni Kadek 40

20 Surya Prayoga 45

21 Untari Ni Putu 50

22 Windu Kumera I Nengah 60

23 Windy Julyanitha Ni Luh Putu 55

24 Gunawan I Nengah 50

Total 1225

Based on the tabulation of data that was presented in table 4.1, the

mean score of pre-test can be formulated as follows:

The X0 of IR score = ∑X

N =

4 = 51.04

The result of pre-test indicated that the students had some problems

in reading comprehension. The researcher then conducted cycle I to solve

the students‟ problem in reading comprehension. After the cycle I, the

researcher conducted cycle II to develop the students‟ high interest,

motivation, and good toward English. By using KWL strategy in the

teaching and learning activities were intended to improve the reading to

the eighth grade students at SMP N 1 Amlapura.


4.1.2 Cycle I

In this cycle, the teacher taught descriptive text and also

implemented KWL strategy in teaching learning process. The post-test or

reflection was administered for two times (S1 and S2). The topic of first

and second post test in this cycle was about animal by using one text in

each session, entitled “Owl” and “Komodo dragon”. As the result, there

were two sets of raw scores obtained for the present classroom action

study. The reflection scores which can be tabulated as follows:

Table 4.2

Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Scores in Reading

Comprehension After the Implementation of KWL strategy in Cycle 1


o Name

IR S1 S2

1 Andika Kristiadi I Made 55 60 90

2 Angga Darma Putra I Gede 45 60 80

3 Ari Meliana Sativa Sandi Ni Made 55 60 80

4 Astika Sari I Wayan 45 60 90

5 Aswin Nurcahya I Komang 60 70 80

6 A. Sri Yuliarti Ningsih Ni Komang 55 60 80

7 Dena Juliana I Nengah 50 60 80

8 Dewi Astiti Ni Kadek 50 60 80

9 Lestari Ida Ayu Putu 55 70 80


0 Melly Noviliana Ni kadek 50 60 70


1 Melyana Putri Ni Made 45 60 80


2 Mertayasa I Dewa Gede 50 70 90



3 Mona Monita Pratiwi Ni Made 65 60 80


4 Peby Melynia I Gusti Ayu Made 55 60 80


5 Reni Yuniantari Ni Putu 50 60 80


6 Sapna Wulandari Ni Putu 50 70 80


7 Sayuni Adiartini Ni Made 50 50 70


8 Septian Adi Wiguna I Gede 40 50 50


9 Sherlina Agasti Ni Kadek 40 70 80


0 Surya Prayoga 45 70 70


1 Untari Ni Putu 50 50 70


2 Windu Kumera I Nengah 60 60 70


3 Windy Julyanitha Ni Luh Putu 55 60 70


4 Gunawan I Nengah 50 60 70

Total 122






Based on the tabulation of data that was presented in table 4.2, the

mean score of post-test in each session in cycle I (X1, X2) can be

formulated as follows:

1. The X1 of S1 score = ∑X

N =


4 = 61.25

2. The X2 of S2 score = ∑X

N =

4 = 77.08

The grand mean (XI) of the post-test scores in cycle I was as



XI = X X

= . .


= 69.16

4.1.3 Cycle II

In this cycle, the teacher taught descriptive text and also

implemented KWL strategy in teaching learning process. The post-test or

reflection was administered for two times (S3 and S4). The topic of third

and fourth post-test in this cycle is also about animal by using one text in

each session, entitled “Elephant” and “Rabbit”. As the result, there were

two sets of raw scores obtained for the present classroom action study. The

reflection scores which can be tabulated as follows:

Table 4.3

Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Scores in Reading

Comprehension After the Implementation of KWL strategy in Cycle II


o Subjects



Cycle I Cycle II


1 S2


3 S4


Andika Kristiadi I Made 5




90 8




Angga Darma Putra I Gede 4




80 8




Ari Meliana Sativa Sandi Ni






80 9




Astika Sari I Wayan 4




90 9





Aswin Nurcahya I Komang 6




80 9





A. Sri Yuliarti Ningsih Ni






80 9




Dena Juliana I Nengah 5




80 9




Dewi Astiti Ni Kadek 5




80 8




Lestari Ida Ayu Putu 5




80 7





Melly Noviliana Ni kadek 5




70 6





Melyana Putri Ni Made 4




80 9






Mertayasa I Dewa Gede 5




90 9






Mona Monita Pratiwi Ni Made 6




80 8





Peby Melynia I Gusti Ayu






80 9





Reni Yuniantari Ni Putu 5




80 9





Sapna Wulandari Ni Putu 5




80 9



1Sayuni Adiartini Ni Made 5 5 70 9 90


7 0 0 0



Septian Adi Wiguna I Gede 4




50 7





Sherlina Agasti Ni Kadek 4




80 9





Surya Prayoga 4




70 9





Untari Ni Putu 5




70 7





Windu Kumera I Nengah 6




70 7






Windy Julyanitha Ni Luh Putu 5




70 6





Gunawan I Nengah 5




70 8






















Based on the tabulation of data that was presented in table 4.3, the

mean score of post test in each session in cycle II (X3, X4) can be

formulated as follows:

1. The X3 of S3 score = ∑X

N =

4 = 82.08


2. The X4 of S4 score = ∑X4

N =

4 = 88.33

The grand mean (XII) of the post-test scores in cycle II was as follows:

XII = X X4



= 85.20

To make this finding more significant, therefore further data required for the

present action study which were collected through administering questionnaire to the

subject under the study at the end of cycle II. The answers of the questionnaire were

quantitatively scored using the rating scale 0-3 (Score of option A = 3, B = 2, C = 1, and D

= 0). The scores gathered from administering questionnaire showed the subjects’

changing attitudes and motivation in reading comprehension through KWL strategy. The

obtained data showing the subjects’ total scores for items of the questionnaires are

tabulated as the following:

Table 4.4

Tabulating of Data Showing the Subject’ changing Motivation and Attitudes in Reading

Comprehension after the Implementation of KWL strategy

















) 1 21 4 1 -

2 12 12 - -

3 12 10 1 -

4 15 8 1 -

5 18 6 1 -

6 21 4 1 -

7 24 4 - -

8 18 8 - -

9 18 8 - -

10 24 2 1 -

11 24 4 - -

12 18 8 - -

13 18 6 1 -

14 21 4 1 -


15 18 6 1 -

16 6 14 1 -

17 21 4 1 -

18 9 10 2 -

19 6 12 2 -

20 6 12 2 -

21 18 6 1 -

22 6 12 2 -

23 6 12 2 -

24 24 2 1 -

Total 384 178 23 0

Total A+B+C+D 585

Based on the tabulation of data as presented above, there were five sets of raw

scores which showed the student’s progress in reading comprehension through KWL

strategy. The main score of each test was computed by calculating the student’s raw

scores and then divided by the total number of the subject under study.

Consequently, at the end of the research, there were five sets raw scores

obtained for this study which resulted from those test above. They were pre-test scores

in IR and post-test scores in reflection for all session (S1, S2, S3, and S4).

The results of the data analysis above which were considered as the

findings of the present action study could be summarized as follows:

Table 4.5

Summary of the Research Finding Showing the Mean of Each Session

and the Grand Mean of Cycle I and Cycle II

IR S0 X0 = 51.04 Grand Mean

Cycle I S1 X1 = 61.25

XI = 69.16 S2 X2 = 77.08

Cycle II S3 X3 = 82.08

XII = 85.20 S4 X4 = 88.33


The main findings of this study was derived from the comparison the

mean of pre-test scores and post-test scores that were obtained by subjects

under study for cycle I and cycle II which showed the raise of learning

achievement. To make it clear, the main findings of the present classroom

action study, that was, the rising comparative mean figures of the IR

scores and the post-test scores obtained by the eighth grade students of

SMP N 1 Amlapura for cycle I and cycle II can be graphically presented as

the following:

Graph 4.1: Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension after the Implementation of KWL strategy in

Cycle I.

In graph 4.1 showed the result of data analysis of the reflection scores in

cycle I (S1, S2) were 61.25 for S1 and the 77.08 for S2. Comparatively,

the score of cycle I was much higher than mean score of the Initial

Reflection (IR) of 51.04










IR S1 S2





Graph 4.2: Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension after the Implementation of KWL strategy in

Cycle II.

In graph 4.2 showed the result of data analysis of the reflection scores in

cycle I (S3, S4) were 82.08 for S3 and the 88.33 for S4. Comparatively,

the score of cycle I was much higher than mean score of the Initial

Reflection (IR) of 51.04

Graph 4.3: Depicting the subjects Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension Skill of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II

In graph 4.3 the grand mean of post-test in cycle II (85.20) also

much higher than the grand mean of post-test in cycle I (69.16). This data

showed that students‟ reading comprehension improved after the



IR S3 S4


82.08 88.33



IR Cycle I Cycle II





researcher applied KWL to students for teaching reading comprehension.

The differences point between mean scores of cycle I and cycle II was

24.02 point.

There was also the additional data that supported the main data

showed the students‟ score after answering the questionnaire which aimed

to know the subjects‟ changing motivation and attitudes in reading after

the implementation of KWL strategy. Scores of the items of the

questionnaires in which the subject‟s total answer for item A, B, C, and D

were shown as follow:

1. The percentage of item A = 585

384x 100 % = 65.64%

2. The percentage of item B = 585

178x 100 % = 30.43%

3. The percentage of item C = 585

23x 100 % = 3.93%

4. The percentage of item D = 585

0x 100 % = 0 %

The computation of the above result of the analysis of the questionnaire scores

showed the comparative percentage of 65.64%, 30.43%, 3.93% and 0% for the total

responses of the questionnaire items of option A was 65.64% (very absolutely agree or

definitely like the technique), B was 30.43% (they agree or the technique), C was 3.93%

(they are okay with the technique) and D was 0% (they do not like the strategy at all).

The findings undoubtedly supported the main findings of this study. Clearly, the

obtained comparative percentages of the items of the questionnaire indicated the

subjects’ positive changing attitude and motivation in learning reading comprehension

through KWL strategy. The findings also convincingly suggested the effectiveness of KWL

strategy in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade students.


4.2 Discussion

The data analysis which established the findings of this study

showed that the mean of the IR or pre-test score(X0) obtained by the

subjects under study in reading comprehension showed out the mean

figure of 51.04. This mean figure clearly showed that the ability of

subjects under study was low. It was really hard to know why the reading

comprehension of the students was relatively low since there were so

many factors affecting it such the techniques was used for the teacher was

not effective in taught reading comprehension.

The result of the data analysis of the reflection score in cycle I (S1 and S2)

showed the increasing means figure of 61.25 and 77.08. The main figure

obtained by the subjects under study for each session in cycle I was 69.16.

It was much higher than the mean figure of the IR scores. This grand mean

figure cycle I showed the obvious improvement of the students‟ ability in

reading comprehension through KWL strategy.

The results of the data analysis of the reflection or post-test scores

obtained by the subjects under study for cycle II (S3 and S4) showed the

increasing mean figure of 82.08 and 88.33. Compared with the mean

figure of IR scores, the mean figure obtained by the subjects for each

session was convincingly much higher than the IR mean figure. The

difference was 34.16 (85.20-51.04). The grand mean figure of the

reflection or post test scores obtained by the subjects under study in cycle I

was 69.16 and then in cycle II was 85.20. there was a significant


difference of the mean figure suggested than the teaching of reading

comprehension through KWL strategy in cycle II was more effective than

cycle I, this was due to the fact that cycle II was a revised version of cycle

I, the lesson plan in cycle II were accordingly revised by taking into

reflection score in cycle II was much higher than that in cycle I.

The comparative percentages of the figure or the total response of the

questionnaire for items A responded by 65.64%, items B was responded

by 30.43, items C was responded by 3.93%, and the last items D was

responded by 0%. The questionnaire which were actually intended to

measure the changing learning behavior of the subjects under study in

learning reading comprehension trough KWL strategy were administered

by the end of the cycle I. These percentages figures proved that the

subjects learning behavior changed positively, that was their attitudes and

motivation got heightened significantly. These finding also indicated that

teaching reading comprehension through KWL strategy could make the

subject under study more active in teaching and learning process.

The finding of this study was in line with the existing research findings,

which had revealed the effectiveness of KWL strategy in teaching reading

comprehension. The findings of this study could not be generalized to all

eighth grade students of the different class belonging to the same school,

in this case SMP N 1 Amlapura, however, based on the findings of this

study, it was suggested that the English teacher at SMP N 1 Amlapura

might apply KWL strategy in teaching reading comprehension.




The final discussion of the whole process of this study is

going to be discussed in this chapter. It is also described about how

effective and successful the KWL strategy can improve students reading

comprehension to the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Amlapura. The

findings of this study could really provide some benefit for the English

teacher and eighth grade students of SMP N 1 amlapura were also

recommended in this chapter.

5.1 Conclusion

This study was conducted to help students improve and

develop their ability in reading comprehension. The main data required for

this study were gathered through administering IR and reflection or post

tests to the subjects under study. Some data were collected by means of

administering questionnaires by the end of cycle II.

The mean score of IR (X0) was 51.04. The mean figure

clearly pointed that the reading comprehension ability of the eighth grade

students of SMP N 1 Amlapura was considered low. Every cycle consisted

of two sessions; the mean score in session 1 until session 4 were 61.25,

77.08, 82.08 and 88.33. Furthermore, the grand mean of the reflections in

cycle I was 69.16 and the grand mean of the reflections in cycle II was

85.20. The established mean figure for each session was much higher and

increased significantly. The findings of this study convincingly revealed

that teaching reading through KWL strategy could effectively improve and


increase the low ability in reading comprehension of the eighth grade

students of SMP N 1 Amlapura.

Another instrument conducted under study was a set of

questionnaire to measure their changing behavior such as motivation,

interest, and attitude toward reading comprehension trough KWL strategy.

The result of the analysis in questionnaire score clearly showed

comparatively figures of each item. Item A was positively responded by

65.64% of the students. Item B was 30.43%. Item C was chosen by 3.93%

but none of them chose item D.

These findings proved significantly that the subjects

behavior and weak motivation were recognized from their ignorance and

lack of attention turned into more enthusiastically positive mood. The

finding of questionnaire more positively increased learning motivation,

interest and attitude in improving their reading comprehension.

Those finding above could not be extended and

generalized to other groups of students in accordance with the objective

class action study, even though they belong to the same school because of

the fact that a action class study was mainly undertaken for helping

particular groups of students who faced problems in improving reading,

therefore the findings were predominantly valid and reliable for eighth

grade students of SMP N 1 Amlapura.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the result of the research finding and observation in this

study, the researcher would like to give some suggestion for the teacher,

the students, and also the other researcher, such as:


a. For the teacher

The English teacher of the eighth grade students of SMP N 1

amlapura was suggested to keep on motivating their students to improve

their reading comprehension. Give the students exercise in reading with

different kinds of reading text. In this way the students would be able to

develop and improve their reading skill in other kind of reading text.

Reflective through KWL strategy is expected to give contributions to the

students in term of motivation, interest, enjoyment, and achievement as

well. Practically, the English teachers of the eighth grade students of SMP

N 1 Amlapura are suggested to keep up this strategy practically for

improving reading.

b. For the students

The students are expected to focus their attention during teaching and

learning process so that they can get the point of learning. Furthermore,

the students may use the KWL strategy as means for practicing their

reading skill.

c. For the other researchers

The other researchers are suggested to attempt to hold the same kind of

research with different sample in the use of KWL strategy in order to

know whether this strategy can significantly helps to improve the students

reading comprehension but the researcher suggested to be more creative in

implementing those strategy in teaching reading comprehension,

especially in comprehending reading text. The researcher use of varied

techniques can greatly increase the motivation of the students in teaching

and learning process in reading activities.


Appendix 1





1 Andika Kristiadi I Made

2 Angga Darma Putra I Gede

3 Ari Meliana Sativa Sandi Ni


4 Astika Sari I Wayan

5 Aswin Nurcahya I Komang

6 Ayu Sri Yuliarti Ningsih Ni


7 Dena Juliana I Nengah

8 Dewi Astiti Ni Kadek

9 Lestari Ida Ayu Putu



Melly Noviliana Ni kadek



Melyana Putri Ni Made



Mertayasa I Dewa Gede



Mona Monita Pratiwi Ni Made



Peby Melynia I Gusti Ayu Made



Reni Yuniantari Ni Putu



Sapna Wulandari Ni Putu



Sayuni Adiartini Ni Made




Septian Adi Wiguna I Gede



Sherlina Agasti Ni Kadek



Surya Prayoga



Untari Ni Putu



Windu Kumera I Nengah



Windy Julyanitha Ni Luh Putu



Gunawan I Nengah


Appendix 2


I Have a Cat

Spot is a regular house cat. He is an adorable cat. He has orange …

(1)... with white and black spots. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels

soft. Every morning I give Spot milk. … (2)… do not like rice, so I give

him cat food. Spot is an active animal. He likes to run around the house.

He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels tired or … (3)…,

Spot usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the

table. (English in focus for grade VIII junior high school:2008)

Complete the text above with the correct answer!

1. A. Fur

B. Nail

C. Eyes

D. Ears

2. A. Jack

B. Hangki

C. Dora

D. Spot

3. A. Sleepy

B. Angry

C. Embraces

D. Hungry

This text is for questions 6-8

Giraffe was the tallest animal I saw in Gembira Loka Zoo. It is

male. It is about six meters tall. It has big brown eyes; it has brown spots

on its skin. It has also two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick


hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating grass and leaves of tree. (AKRAP

Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII)

4. The suitable title of the text above is…

A. Giraffe

B. The tall animal

C. Gembira Loka Zoo

D. Big Brown Animal

5. What is on the top nail?

A. Eyes

B. Horn

C. Hair

D. Head

. The word “male” means that the animal cannot…

A. Eat food

B. Give birth

C. Find food

D. Live alone

This text is for questions 9-14.


The Octopus is a sea animal with eight powerful feet which it uses

as hands. These are called tentacles. The word “Octopus” comes from two

greet words that mean “eight feet”.

The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish belong to the same

families that have no outside shells. Their bodies are covered entirely with

skin. Therefore the body of an octopus is soft. It looks like a big balloon.

A fully-grown octopus can be as large as 8, 5 meters from the tip of one

tentacle to the tip of another. It can weigh as much as 45 kilograms.


Besides using its tentacles to catch small sea plants, crab and

lobsters. The octopus also uses them against its enemies. The octopus

wraps its tentacles around the victim and squeezes it before eating it.

The octopus escapes from its enemies by giving out a thick dark

fluid to darken the water. It can also change the color of its body to match

its surroundings. It hides from its enemies by doing this. (English in focus for grade

VIII junior high school:2008)

7. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family?

A. Fish, octopus and crab

B. Squid, crab and octopus

C. Crab, cuttlefish and squid

D. Cuttlefish, octopus and squid

8. How much a fully-grown octopus can weigh?

A. 35 kilograms

B. 40 kilograms

C. 45 kilograms

D. 55 kilograms

9. How does the octopus hunt for food?

A. It uses colors

B. It uses its tentacles

C. It uses magic color

D. It uses its teeth

10. Before the octopus eats its victim it …

A. Changes the color of its body

B. Squeezes the victim

C. Plays with victim

D. Realizes a thick dark fluid


11. How large a fully-grown octopus can be from the tip of one tentacle to the tip

of another?

A. 6, 5 meters

B. 7, 5 meters

C. 8, 5 meters

D. 9, 5 meters

12. What does the word “octopus” mean in Greek?

A. Monster

B. Fish Egg

C. Dark water

D. Eight feet

13. The word them in paragraph 3 refers to the octopus‟s …

A. Tentacles

B. Enemies

C. Teeth

D. Lobsters

14. What does the octopus do to escape from its enemy?

A. It gives out a thick dark fluid to darken the water

B. It runs in the dark water and eats the enemy

C. It swims searching its enemy

D. It stings the enemies with its tooth

Read the text below and answer the questions by choosing the correct


Elizabeth II, born on 21 April 1926, is the eldest daughter of

George VI and Elizabeth Bowes Lyon. She married Philip Mounthbatten a

distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children. Charles, Anne,

Andrew, and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to


boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media.

She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current

situation and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humor rarely

exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal. (AKRAP Bahasa Inggris

Kelas VIII)

15. The text is about?

A. Charles

B. George VI

C. Elizabeth II

D. Philip Mountbatten

. Elizabeth has … children.

A. One

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

17. Elizabeth was … years old in .

A. 74

B. 84

C. 90

D. 94

. Anne is one of the … of George VI.

A. Sons

B. Daughters

C. Grandsons

D. Granddaughters

. Her knowledge of current situation and … is up to date.


A. Trends

B. Fashion

C. Cooking

D. Sports

20. “She possesses a sense of humor rarely exhibited…” The underlined word


A. Found

B. Hidden

C. Given

D. Showen

Appendix 3 (a)



School : SMP N 1 Amlapura

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Topic : Descriptive Text

Skill : Reading

Meeting : 1st

Time allotment : 2 x 40 Minutes


A. Standard Competence

Understanding the meaning of simple functional written text in the form of

descriptive text related to the close environment.

B. Basic Competence

Reading aloud words, phrases and sentence with a good pronunciation, stress and

intonation correctly and fluently related to the close environment.

C. Indicator

1. Identifying main idea of the text.

2. Identifying specific information of the text.

3. Finding out words meaning of the text.

D. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identifying main idea of the text.

2. Students are able to identifying specific information of the text.

3. Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

E. Learning Materials

Descriptive Text

Text or speech that is mean to describe an object, character, location, or event.


Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.

Dominant Generic Structure:

1. Identification (mention the special participant)

2. Description (mention the part, quality, and characteristics of subject being


Language Features:

1. Using Simple Present Tense

2. Using action verb

3. Using adverb

4. Using special technical terms


The Sea Eagle

There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparent’s house in

Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.

The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak.

Its claws are very sharp. Its hunts for fish in the sea but sometimes it hunt

chickens and small birds.

Eagles have many size, shapes, and colors, but the sea eagle is easy to recognize

because it has a strong a streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as a wing. This means that they are of little use for

anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and

strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers and for many other jobs that

non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.

F. Technique

KWL (Know,Want, Learn) strategy

G. Teaching and Learning Process

Activit Teacher Students Time


ies All








1. Greeting the students

1. Responding the

greeting 2’

2. Checking the students‟


2. Paying attention and

showing their

attendance by saying

„Present’, when the

teacher ask student‟s



3. Telling the learning

objectives which are going

to be achieved and also the

importance of learning

descriptive text.

3. Listening to the

teacher about the

material. 5’







4. Asking the students some

questions which relate to

the topic discussed.

4. Answering the

teacher question

based on prior




5. Proposing some elicited

question on what they have

known about descriptive


5. Answering the

question. 5’

6. Showing picture animal

“Owl” and ask student to

describe it in general.

6. Following the

instruction and

describe the picture.


7. Explaining about descriptive

text systematically based on

the definition and generic

7. Paying attention.




8. Guiding the students to fill

column K with what they

already know about the


8. Following the

instruction. 5’

9. Asking the students to ask

question about what the

thing they want to know

from the topic.

9. Discussing the

exercise. 5’

10. Guiding students to fill

column W with their


10. Following the

instruction. 5’

11. Giving the students text

about “Owl”.

11. Reading the text and

try to comprehend

the text.


12. Asking the students to

making a conclusion of

what they have learned

from the topic “Owl” in

column L.

12. Making conclusion.



13. Opening question and

answer session and asking

students difficulty.

13. Asking question to

the teacher. 10’





14. Concluding the materials

and giving positive


14. Paying attention.


H. Source and Teaching Media


a. Sources:

Wardiman. A., et al. (2008). English in Focus 2 for Grade VIII Junior High School

(SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan


b. Media: Picture and KWL chart.

I. Assessment

Indicator of Competence

Technique In form of


1. Identifying main idea of the text. 2. Identifying specific

information of the text.

3. Finding out words

meaning of the text.

Written test


test Written


Multiple choice





Read the text carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Scoring Guide

For multiple choice score 1 of each correct answer

Maximum score:


1. For multiple choice : 10

Total = 10

2. Score = Correct answer

Maximum score

Amlapura, 02 January 2014


A.A.A Putri Dian Purnami Karang


x 100


Appendix 3 (b)



School : SMP N 1 Amlapura

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Topic : Descriptive Text

Skill : Reading

Meeting : 2nd

Time allotment : 2 x 40 Minutes

A. Standard Competence

Understanding the meaning of simple functional written text in the form of

descriptive text related to the close environment.

B. Basic Competence

Reading aloud words, phrases and sentence with a good pronunciation, stress and

intonation correctly and fluently related to the close environment.

C. Indicator

1. Identifying main idea of the text.

2. Identifying specific information of the text.

3. Finding out words meaning of the text.


D. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identifying main idea of the text.

2. Students are able to identifying specific information of the text.

3. Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

E. Learning Materials

Descriptive Text

Text or speech that is mean to describe an object, character, location, or event.

Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.

Dominant Generic Structure:

1. Identification (mention the special participant)

2. Description (mention the part, quality, and characteristics of subject being


Language Features:

1. Using Simple Present Tense

2. Using action verb

3. Using adverb

4. Using special technical terms


The Sea Eagle

There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparent’s house in

Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.


The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak.

Its claws are very sharp. Its hunts for fish in the sea but sometimes it hunt

chickens and small birds.

Eagles have many size, shapes, and colors, but the sea eagle is easy to recognize

because it has a strong a streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as a wing. This means that they are of little use for

anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and

strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers and for many other jobs that

non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.

F. Technique

KWL (Know, Want, Learn) strategy

G. Teaching and Learning Process



Teacher Students Time





2. Greeting the students

5. Responding the

greeting 2’

6. Checking the students‟


3. Paying attention

and showing their

attendance by

saying „Present’,

when the teacher

ask student‟s



7. Telling the learning

objectives which are going

6. Listening to the

teacher about the 5’


to be achieved and also the

importance of learning

descriptive text.








8. Previewing last material by

asking the students some

questions which relate to

the topic discussed before.

7. Answering the

teacher question. 6’


13. Showing picture animal

“Komodo Dragon” and ask

student to describe it.

5. Following the

instruction and

describe the picture.


6. Guiding the students to fill

column K with what they

already know about the


6. Following the

instruction. 6’

7. Asking the students to ask

question about what the

thing they want to know

from the topic.

7. Discussing the

exercise. 5’

8. Guiding students to fill

column W with their


8. Following the

instruction. 6’

9. Giving the students text

about “Komodo Dragon”.

9. Reading the text

and try to

comprehend the



10. Asking the students to

making a conclusion of

what they have learned

from the topic “Komodo

10. Making

conclusion. 6’


Dragon” in column L.


11. Asking students to review

the text by answering the


11. Answering the

exercise. 20’





12. Concluding the materials

and giving positive


12. Paying

attention. 5’

H. Source and Teaching Media

a. Sources:

Wardiman. A., et al. (2008). English in Focus 2 for Grade VIII Junior High School

(SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan


b. Media: Picture and KWL chart.

I. Assessment

Indicator of Competence

Technique In form of


1. Identifying main idea of the text.

Written test

Multiple choi

Read the text carefully


2. Identifying specific

information of the text.

3. Finding out words

meaning of the text.


test Written


ce Multiple




and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Scoring Guide

For multiple choice score 1 of each correct answer

Maximum score:

3. For multiple choice : 10

Total = 10

4. Score = Correct answer

Maximum score

Amlapura, 03 January 2014


x 100


A.A.A Putri Dian Purnami Karang



Appendix 3 (c)



School : SMP N 1 Amlapura

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Topic : Descriptive Text

Skill : Reading

Meeting : 3rd

Time allotment : 2 x 40 Minutes

A. Standard Competence

Understanding the meaning of simple functional written text in the form of

descriptive text related to the close environment.

B. Basic Competence

Reading aloud words, phrases and sentence with a good pronunciation, stress and

intonation correctly and fluently related to the close environment.

C. Indicator

1. Identifying main idea of the text.

2. Identifying specific information of the text.

3. Finding out words meaning of the text.


D. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identifying main idea of the text.

2. Students are able to identifying specific information of the text.

3. Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

E. Learning Materials

Descriptive Text

Text or speech that is mean to describe an object, character, location, or event.

Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.

Dominant Generic Structure:

1. Identification (mention the special participant)

2. Description (mention the part, quality, and characteristics of subject being


Language Features:

1. Using Simple Present Tense

2. Using action verb

3. Using adverb

4. Using special technical terms


The Sea Eagle


There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparent’s house in

Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.

The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak.

Its claws are very sharp. Its hunts for fish in the sea but sometimes it hunt

chickens and small birds.

Eagles have many size, shapes, and colors, but the sea eagle is easy to recognize

because it has a strong a streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as a wing. This means that they are of little use for

anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and

strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers and for many other jobs that

non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.

F. Technique

KWL (Know, Want, Learn) strategy

G. Teaching and Learning Process



Teacher Students Time





3. Greeting the students

9. Responding the

greeting 2’

10. Checking the students‟


4. Paying attention

and showing their

attendance by



saying „Present’,

when the teacher

ask student‟s name

11. Telling the learning

objectives which are going

to be achieved and also the

importance of learning

descriptive text.

8. Listening to the

teacher about the

material. 5’







12. Previewing last material by

asking the students some

questions which relate to

the topic discussed before.

9. Answering the

teacher question. 6’


14. Showing picture animal

“Elephant” and ask student

to describe it.

5. Following the

instruction and

describe the



6. Guiding the students to fill

column K with what they

already know about the


6. Following the

instruction. 6’

7. Asking the students to ask

question about what the

thing they want to know

from the topic.

7. Discussing the

exercise. 5’

8. Guiding students to fill

column W with their


8. Following the

instruction. 6’

9. Giving the students text

about “Elephant”.

9. Reading the text and

try to comprehend

the text.



10. Asking the students to

making a conclusion of

what they have learned

from the topic

“Elephant” in column L.

10. Making




11. Asking students to review

the text by answering the


11. Answering the

exercise. 20’





12. Concluding the materials

and giving positive


12. Paying

attention. 5’

H. Source and Teaching Media

a. Sources:

Wardiman. A., et al. (2008). English in Focus 2 for Grade VIII Junior High School

(SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan


b. Media: Picture and KWL chart.


I. Assessment

Indicator of Competence

Technique In form of


1. Identifying main idea of the text. 2. Identifying

specific information of the text.

3. Finding out words

meaning of the text.

Written test


test Written


Multiple choice





Read the text carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Scoring Guide

For multiple choice score 1 of each correct answer

Maximum score:

5. For multiple choice : 10

Total = 10

6. Score = Correct answer

Maximum score x 100



08 January 2014


A.A.A Putri Dian Purnami Karang



Appendix 3 (d)



School : SMP N 1 Amlapura

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/2

Topic : Descriptive Text

Skill : Reading

Meeting : 4th

Time allotment : 2 x 40 Minutes

A. Standard Competence

Understanding the meaning of simple functional written text in the form of

descriptive text related to the close environment.

B. Basic Competence

Reading aloud words, phrases and sentence with a good pronunciation, stress and

intonation correctly and fluently related to the close environment.

C. Indicator

1. Identifying main idea of the text.

2. Identifying specific information of the text.

3. Finding out words meaning of the text.


D. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identifying main idea of the text.

2. Students are able to identifying specific information of the text.

3. Students are able to find out words meaning of the text.

E. Learning Materials

Descriptive Text

Text or speech that is mean to describe an object, character, location, or event.

Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.

Dominant Generic Structure:

1. Identification (mention the special participant)

2. Description (mention the part, quality, and characteristics of subject being


Language Features:

1. Using Simple Present Tense

2. Using action verb

3. Using adverb

4. Using special technical terms


The Sea Eagle

There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparent’s house in

Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.


The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak.

Its claws are very sharp. Its hunts for fish in the sea but sometimes it hunt

chickens and small birds.

Eagles have many size, shapes, and colors, but the sea eagle is easy to recognize

because it has a strong a streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as a wing. This means that they are of little use for

anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and

strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers and for many other jobs that

non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.

F. Technique

KWL (Know, Want, Learn) strategy

G. Teaching and Learning Process



Teacher Students Time





4. Greeting the students

13. Responding the

greeting 2’

14. Checking the students‟


5. Paying attention

and showing their

attendance by

saying „Present’,

when the teacher

ask student‟s name


15. Telling the learning

objectives which are going

to be achieved and also

the importance of learning

10. Listening to the

teacher about the

material. 5’


descriptive text.







16. Previewing last material

by asking the students

some questions which

relate to the topic

discussed before.

11. Answering the

teacher question. 5’


15. Showing picture animal

“Rabbit” and ask student

to describe it.

5. Following the

instruction and

describe the picture.


6. Guiding the students to fill

column K with what they

already know about the


6. Following the

instruction. 6’

7. Asking the students to ask

question about what the

thing they want to know

from the topic.

7. Discussing the

exercise. 6’

8. Guiding students to fill

column W with their


8. Following the

instruction. 6’

9. Giving the students text

about “Rabbit”.

9. Reading the text and

try to comprehend

the text.


10. Asking the students to

making a conclusion of

what they have learned

from the topic “Rabbit”

in column L.

10. Making





11. Asking students to review

the text by answering the


11. Answering the

exercise. 20’





12. Concluding the materials

and giving positive


12. Paying

attention. 5’

H. Source and Teaching Media

a. Sources:

Wardiman. A., et al. (2008). English in Focus 2 for Grade VIII Junior High School

(SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan


b. Media: Picture and KWL chart.

I. Assessment

Indicator of Competence

Technique In form of


1. Identifying main idea of the text. 2. Identifying


Written test


Multiple choice


Read the text carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d


information of the text.

3. Finding out words

meaning of the text.

test Written





Read the text carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Read the text

carefully and choose the right answer by crossing a, b ,c or d

Scoring Guide

For multiple choice score 1 of each correct answer

Maximum score:

7. For multiple choice : 10

Total = 10

8. Score = Correct answer

Maximum score

Amlapura, 9 January 2014


A.A.A Putri Dian Purnami Karang

x 100




Appendix 4 (a)


Read this text carefully!


Owl is the dangerous animals. Most are

solitary and nocturnal. They are found in all

regions of the Earth. Owl has brown or gray

color with patches of black and white.

Generally, the size is big. Owls have a Short

beak, big eyes, Smooth feathers, strong talons

and small ear. Owls‟ feathers are generally larger than the average birds‟

feathers. The owl kills their prey by using these talons to crush the skull

and knead the body. The beak's owl for gripping and tearing their prey.

Unlike birds, Owl must rest on the morning because they hunting prey on

the night.

The eye's owl can see in the dark. All owls are carnivore they hunt

mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds. Owls can rotate their

heads and necks as much as 180o. Sometimes they look very scary. But

you are so lucky if you can see them laugh or smile, so it looking so funny

and cute. And now, they are almost extinct because of poaching. Source:

Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answers!

1. What is the title of the text above?

A. Animals

B. Owl

C. Bird

D. Chicken

2. What is the topic of the text above?

A. Owl is dangerous animals

B. Owl is cute animals

C. Owl is a reptile

D. Owl is a small animals

3. Where we can found that animal?

A. Only in Indonesia

B. Mostly found in America


C. In the thick forest

D. In all regions of the Earth

4. How does the Owls eyes?

A. Small

B. Funny

C. Big

D. Large

. “Owls feathers are generally … than the average birds‟ feathers”

A. Smaller

B. Larger

C. Taller

D. Bigger

6. What does the Owl use to kills its prey?

A. Tooth

B. Feather

C. Talons

D. Tongue

7. When does the Owl must rest?

A. At night

B. In the evening

C. On the morning

D. In the afternoon

8. Why does the Owl must rest on the morning?

A. Because the Owl is sleepy on the morning

B. Because the Owl is very lazy animals


C. Because the Owl can‟t see in the dark

D. Because the Owl hunting prey on the night

. What is the word “prey” mean?

A. Friends

B. Enemies

C. Food

D. Reptile

. The word “they” in the last sentence refers to…

A. Owl

B. Mammals

C. Reptile

D. Prey


Appendix 4 (b)


Read this text carefully!

Komodo dragon

The Komodo dragon is the world‟s biggest

lizard. It is a reptile, a cold-blooded animal. It is

diurnal, most active during the day. The

Komodo dragon is a fast runner; it can run up to

11 mph (18 kph). It is also a good tree climber

and swimmer.

The Komodo dragon‟s scientific name is Varanus komodoensis. It is

in danger of extinction because of habitat lost. Its life span is about 20


Komodo Dragons live on islands in Indonesia, including the island of

Komodo. They live in hot, humid, grassy lowlands and in rainforests.

The Komodo dragon is about 9 feet (2.8 m) long, but can get up to 10

feet (3 m) long and weighs up to 300 pounds (135 kg). It has large jaws,

four short legs, and five toed feet with sharp claws. The tail is longer than

the body. It senses chemicals with a long, yellow, forked tongue. Source:


Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answers!

. The topic of the text above is …

A. Komodo dragon is cold blooded animal

B. Komodo dragon is a fast runner in the world

C. Komodo dragon is the World‟s biggest lizard

D. Komodo dragon is a good tree climber

.” It is a reptile, a cold-blooded animal”… the word “It” refers to….

A. Komodo dragon


B. Animal

C. Lizard

D. Dragon

3. What is the Komodo dragon‟s scientific name?

A. Varanus komodoensis

B. Varanus komonarsis

C. Komodensis varanis

D. Varanus komodenus

4. “Its life span is about … Years”

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. 40

5. According to the text above, Komodo dragon live in a … place.

A. cool

B. dry

C. sandy

D. humid

6. On what island does Komodo dragon live?

A. Komodo island

B. Varanus island

C. Danger island

D. Hot island

. “Komodo dragons is about … feet”

A. 6

B. 7


C. 8

D. 9

8. How much a fully grown Komodo dragon can weigh?

A. 300 pounds

B. 135 pounds

C. 200 pounds

D. 125 pounds

. The characteristic of Komodo dragons are…

A. It has large jaws, four short legs, and five toed feet with sharp claws

B. It has small jaws, eight short legs, and five toed feet with sharp claws

C. It has large jaws, two long legs, and seven toed feet with sharp claws

D. It has small jaws, four short legs, and five toed feet with sharp claws

. What does the word “claws” mean?

A. Tooth

B. Nail

C. Skin

D. Hair


Appendix 4 (c)


Read this text carefully!


One of the most interesting animals in the

zoo is the elephant. This animal may be 3 or 4

meters tall. The weight may be 5 or 6 tons.

The elephant of flesh is wrapped in a

wrinkled suit of rough gray skin. Its legs are like

pillars. Its huge ears flap gently back and front,

forth like wings. It may consume up to 200 kg of grass a day. It is fond of

banana plants, gingers, and leaves of various plants. Look at the long

trunk. When you throw some peanuts, the trunk picks up the peanuts with

the „fingers` at the tip of the trunk. Then, the elephant will put it into its

mouth and eat it happily. The elephant is also remarkable for its tusks.

Tusks are long teeth that continue to grow throughout its life. The number

of these animals, however, has decreased a lot. More and more of them are

killed for their tusks. Many die because trees in their forest have been cut

down. They cannot find food and protection in the forest anymore. If

people are not able to save them, these animals, sooner or later, may

vanish from the earth. Source:

Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answers the following questions!

1. What is kind of the text above?

A. Narrative text

B. Report text

C. Descriptive text

D. Procedure text

2. What is the generic structure of the text above?

A. Orientation – Events – Twist

B. Identification – Description


C. Orientation – Complication – Resolution

D. Identification – Events – Reorientation

3. What is the topic of the text above?

A. Animal

B. Elephant

C. Zoo

D. Tusk

4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Habitat of elephant

B. Types of elephant

C. Live way of elephant

D. Description of elephant

5. What is the elephant fond, except?

A. Leaves

B. Gingers

C. Grass

D. flesh

6. Why the number of elephant has decrease?

A. Because them are killer for their tusks

B. Because the elephant get enough food

C. Because the people take care of them

D. Because the elephant get protection

7. Which statement is true based on the text above?

A. The elephant may be 3 or 4 meters tall

B. The elephant consume up to 300 kg grass

C. The elephant weight may be 3 or 4 tons

D. The elephant is not remarkable for its tusks


8. Which statement is not true?

A. The elephant consume up to 200 kg grass

B. The elephant is most interesting animal

C. The elephant is remarkable for its tusks

D. The elephant weight may be 3 or 4 tons

. What does the word “decreased” mean?

A. Minus

B. More

C. Reduces

D. Down

. The synonym of the word “vanish” is?

A. Disappear

B. Lose

C. leave

D. avoid


Appendix 4 (d)


Read this text carefully!


A rabbit is a small mammal with a short tail

and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrows in the

ground. Each burrow is the home of a single

family. The first fossils which can be attributed to

this family came from North America but now they

are found in every part of the world. Compared to small body, rabbit has

large sized ears.

A rabbit is a weak and timid animal. It always surrounded by many

enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear.

The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the

air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its

enemies in time and run to safety zones. Source:

Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answers the following questions!

1. What is kind of the text above?

A. Descriptive text

B. Procedure text

C. Hortatory text

D. Report text

2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Physical description of rabbit

B. Habitat of rabbit

C. Types of rabbit

D. Description of rabbit

3. What is the generic structure of the text above?


A. Orientation – Events – Twist

B. Identification – Description

C. Orientation – Complication – Resolution

D. Identification – Events – Reorientation

4. What is described in the text above?

A. A small mammals

B. Rabbit enemies

C. A rabbit

D. Mammals

5. The following is characteristic of the rabbit…

A. Rabbit has short tail and pointed ears

B. Rabbit has small body and long tail

C. Rabbit has large body and large ear

D. Rabbit live in burrows in the ground

6. Where we can found the rabbit?

A. In America

B. In South Africa

C. In every part of the world

D. In the ground

7. Which Statement is true based on the text above?

A. Rabbit is a big mammal

B. Rabbit is not timid animal

C. Rabbit has a long tail

D. Rabbit is a weak animal

8. Which statement is not true?


A. Rabbit has small body

B. Rabbit has short tail

C. Rabbit is a weak animal

D. Rabbit has short ears

9. What is the function of the large area of the rabbits ear, except?

A. Catches almost every sound wave

B. Help them to hear every sound

C. Help rabbit to detect its enemies

D. Help rabbit to get some food

10. What does the word “enemies“mean?

A. Lover

B. Friend

C. Family

D. Hater


Appendix 5



1. A

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. C

9. B

10. B

11. C

12. D

13. A

14. A

15. C

16. C

17. B

18. D

19. A

20. D



































8.D 9.C










8.D 9.D



Appendix 6


Nama :

Kelas :

Petunjuk mengerjakan :

1. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam kuisioner dibawah ini dengan

memberikan tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang sesuai dengan kondisi anda.

2. Semua jawaban adalah benar, oleh karena itu jawablah dengan sejujur-


3. Terima kasih atas bantuan anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan kuisioner

dengan jujur.


1. Bagaimana menurut anda peranan reading dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?

A. Sangat penting

B. Cukup penting

C. Kurang penting

D. Tidak penting

2. Apa pendapat anda tentang belajar reading?

A. Sangat mudah

B. Mudah

C. Sulit

D. Sangat sulit

3. Apakah anda menyukai penerapan KWL strategy dengan pelajaran membaca


A. Sangat suka

B. Suka

C. Kurang ada

D. Tidak suka

4. Apakah penggunaan KWL strategy membantu anda dalam memahami isi

bacaan secara umum?

A. Sangat membantu

B. Membantu

C. Kurang membantu

D. Tidak membantu


5. Apakah penggunaan KWL strategy membantu anda dalam menemukan ide

pokok main idea?

A. Sangat membantu

B. Membantu

C. Kurang membantu

D. Tidak membantu

6. Apakah penggunaan KWL strategy membantu anda dalam membantu anda

dalam menemukan informasi khusus specific information?

A. Sangat membantu

B. Membantu

C. Kurang membantu

D. Tidak membantu

7. Apakah penggunaan KWL strategy membantu anda dalam menemukan arti

kata word meaning berdasarkan konteks?

A. Sangat membantu

B. Membantu

C. Kurang membantu

D. Tidak membantu

8. Apakah penggunaan KWL strategy memotivasi anda untuk membaca?

A. Memotivasi sekali

B. Memotivasi

C. Kurang memotivasi

D. Tidak memotivasi

9. Setujukah anda bila guru menerapkan KWL strategy dalam proses


A. Setuju sekali

B. Setuju

C. Kurang setuju

D. Tidak setuju

10. Apakah anda tertarik untuk menggunakan KWL strategy untuk kegiatan

membaca reading anda sehari-hari?

A. Sangat tertarik

B. Tertarik

C. Kurang tertarik

D. Tidak tertarik





Anak Agung Ayu Putri Dian Purnami Karang

was born on March 8th

1993 in Amlapura, Karangasem,

Bali. Her nick name is Gung ayu. She lives in Letda

Bajra Street, Karangasem district, and Karangasem

regency. She is Balinese, she grows up in Hindus‟s

family and her small family consists of her parents, two

sisters and herself. Her father‟s name is Anak Agung

Gede Putu Wijaya Kusuma and he is a civil servant. Her

mother‟s name is Ni Wayan Merta; she is a housewife.

Her first school started of a kindergarten that was in TK Tunas Harapan. Then in

1998, she went to elementary school and studied from class one until six in SDN 4

Karangasem. In 2004, she finished her study in elementary school and continued

to higher grade in SMP N 1 Amlapura. In 2007, she passed the junior high school

final examination to find her next grade in SMA N 1 Amlapura. Then in 2010, she

graduated from senior high school. After graduating, she continued her school in

Mahasaraswati University. She took English Department of the faculty of Teacher

Training and education because she wants to be a good English teacher for her

students later and she enjoyed learn English in Mahasaraswati University.
